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A Critter Sitters www stlouiscrittersitters com is an in

home pet #1154

a. Critter Sitters ( ) is an in-home pet care company based in St.
Louis, Missouri. Their Web site lists several services available to pet owners, including midday
dog walking, puppy care, and in-home dog training. Suppose Critter Sitters is considering three
general ledger packages for its accounting information system: ePeachtree, Quickbooks, and
Great Plains Dynamics. Use the Steps for Better Thinking to help the com-pany’s president
make a choice. b. According to its Web site ( ),
Harbour Credit Management “provides credit management services to families and individuals
experiencing financial stress.” Suppose the firm is searching for software that will help manage
spam on its information system. Point your Web browser to, and
investigate three different software packages that fulfill that purpose. Make a recommendation
to Harbour’s management using the Steps for Better Thinking to inform your decision. c. Katy is
the owner of Active Bodyworks and Wellness in Ontario, California. She has been taking
appointments, maintaining her accounting information system, and managing client information
using a paper-based system for the last several years but now wants to move to a more
computerized environment. She’s heard about voice recognition systems and comes to you for
a recommendation between three specific packages: Dragon Naturally Speaking, Realize Voice
Lite, and e-Speaking. Point your Web browser to, and investigate each
package. Use the Steps for Better Thinking to make a recommendation to Katy.Point your Web
browser once again to . Search for knowledge management software;
choose one example and prepare a short oral report for the class on its capabilities and
cost.View Solution:
A Critter Sitters www stlouiscrittersitters com is an in home pet


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