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State University of Moldova

Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative



On the topic : Public Administation and


Conducted : Gadjieva Farida

Grup 101 AP/FR AN 1
Teacher: Boliev Veaceslav .
Public Administation and demography.
The socio-demographic situation in Moldova has changed at different times
under the influence of various factors, but in general it should be noted
that there is a downward trend in all demographic indicators. Thus, the
analysis of the socio-demographic situation in the last 50 years proves a
decline in natural population growth. Such changes were observed in 1960-
1980, which were associated with an increase in the rate of internal
migration of the rural population to urban areas.
After the declaration of independence in 1991, the demographic situation
in the country only worsened. In subsequent years, the natural growth of
the population declines, the number of emigration abroad, of educated
professional people of working age increases. The decisive factor in the
decline in population growth is the increase in mortality rates associated
with natural populations. In general, the decline in the Republic of Moldova
has an average annual rate of 0.5%.

In 2000, compared to 1990, the population of the republic decreased by

about 100,000 inhabitants. A slight increase and stabilization was recorded
in 1992-1994 with 4.353 million citizens. The next six years saw a decrease
in population from 4 341 thousand. (1995), up to 4,264 thousand (2001).
Between the two censuses of 1989 and 2004, the population of Moldova
decreased by 350 thousand people, including those declared as having
gone abroad for more than a year. The decline in the population in the
republic takes place in a number of cases, the main of which is a sharp
drop in the birth rate over the past 10 years and an increase in mortality.
Other reasons for the decline in the population include the consequences
of the armed conflict in 1992 in Transnistria, after the massive migration of
the rural population of Russian origin, and the unprecedented drop in the
standard of living of people in the last 10 years, affecting both fertility and

According to state statistics, the number of the Moldovan population as

of January 1, 2001 was 4,264,300 people, of which 1,933,900 people
(45.4%) were urban and 2,330,400 people (54.6%) were rural. On the
territory of the left bank 14.9% of the total population of the Republic of
Moldova or 630,000 inhabitants are registered.

It was recorded that 259,554 people (7.7%) are outside Moldova. Of

these, 144,822 are men, 114,732 are women. 89% of those who left left
the country in search of work, 11% left to study abroad or for other
reasons. The female gender continues to be the predominant 51.9% of the
total population. The number of women registered in the 2004 census was
1,755,643, 128,000 more than men. Thus, per 1000 women compared to
927 men.

The working age population (men 16-61 years old, women 16-56 years
old) registered 63.9% of the total population in the country, increased by
8.8% in 2004 compared to 1989.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the title

“Moldovan” does not refer to all citizens, but only to those who speak the
Daka-Romanian language, which is called Moldovan here in the country.
Those who declared themselves Romanian are counted separately.

In the period from 5 to 12 October 2004, the first independent population

census was carried out in Moldova. So, according to the census, the
population was calculated separately in the territory controlled by the
government of Moldova in Transnistria:

Note: Transnistrian authorities published only the percentage of ethnic

groups, the corresponding number of persons was calculated based on
these percentages. The number or percentage of people in Transnistria
who called themselves "Romanian" was not published, these people were
included in the "others" section.
About 380,000 Moldovans declared Russian as their mother tongue, more
than 500,000 people said they speak Russian despite their nationality. It is
important to note that compared to the 1989 census, the daily use of the
Russian language has declined significantly, due to the partial or complete
absence of a Russification policy.
The largest city in the country with more than 780,000 inhabitants is
Chisinau (about 20% of the population of Moldova), among other cities
with a population of about 150,000 inhabitants are the cities of Balti,
Tiraspol and Bender. The vast majority of other cities in the country are
designated urban typology with more than 50 thousand inhabitants.
It can also be noted that, despite the relatively small area (33 800 km ²),
the population density of Moldova is 126.2 people per km ², thus. Moldova
is considered one of the European countries with a high score in this
regard. Compared to other countries of the former USSR, the rural areas in
the Republic of Moldova are quite large in terms of the number of
inhabitants, and some of them are among the largest in Europe (with a
population of 15-20 thousand people).
• in 2006, 37.6 thousand children were born in the Republic of Moldova,
which is 8 thousand less than in 1997, and the birth rate decreased from
12.5 to 10.5 live births per 1000 inhabitants, which is lower than the 1990
birth rate - when 18 children were born per 1000 inhabitants in Moldova
• On January 1, 2007, a stable population of 3.95 million was registered in
the Republic of Moldova.
• the mortality rate has decreased, amounting to 1.1% per 1000
• On January 1, 2008, the population of Moldova was 2,573,700 people
(excluding the Transnistrian region and the municipality of Bender).
• In 2009, about 120,000 Moldovan citizens were registered with Romanian
• For more than 15 years there have been no population censuses in
• Moldova ranks 14th on the planet in terms of the number of elderly
citizens in the country in relation to the total population.
The demographic situation in the country is very sad and, unfortunately,
the authorities, including the administration, are not doing anything to
improve the situation. Administrative services promise conciliatory money,
but their amount is very small in order to interest young violence to have
children, they also promise clothes for newborns, but nothing more to
Unfortunately, this is a big problem.
Unfortunately, there is no stable job in the country with a good income or
earnings that would be enough to provide for the whole family, but the
situation that Moldovans have now is bad, the country's violence is
decreasing not only due to poor birth rates, but due to the fact that young
people go abroad and settle where they start a family and continue to live
without realizing that they are destroying Moldova, because there are only
pinseoneers who cannot move the line in front.
The administrative system is trying to improve the situation, but
unfortunately, this is not enough for young people, only because there is
no stability and the condition that at least stay in this country.

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