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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

College of Nursing
School Year 2020-2021


Name:SANAANI, NUR-FATIMA, M. Date:11/10/2020
Level and Section:BSN-2H Learning Packet No:___#3___

Topic: DRUG CLASSES Semester: First

Learning Materials:
 Laptop, computer desktop or android phone
 Ballpen
 Paper
 Video clips
What is this about ?


What will you learn?


A. Drug-Drug Interactions
B. Drug Resistance
C. Treatment Staging
II. FDA Pregnancy Categories
III. Drug Classifications, Schedule I, II, III, IV, V
IV. Philippines Regulatory Classification

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Learning Competencies and Objectives

At the end of module 2 the student will be able to:

1. Identify the different classes of medicines based on World Health

Organization (WHO) multi-dimensional system.
2. Discuss the importance of meeting quality standards in order to be
placed on the National Formulary issued by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).
3. Verbalize understanding on the different categories/classes of medicines
and its therapeutic uses.

A. Can you do this?

Activity: Drug Classification

Directions: Look for medicine inserts or catalogue or common medications used in
your households and identify its classification
dominant methods of classifying Classification/s Drug

1. By their mechanism of action  leukotriene receptor Montelukast 

antagonists (LTRAs)

2. By their physiologic effect It works by blocking

the action of
substances in the
body that cause the
symptoms of asthma
and allergic rhinitis.
3. By their chemical structure C35H36ClNO3S

4. Multiple uses or actions used to prevent

wheezing, difficulty
breathing, chest
tightness, and
coughing caused by

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asthma in adults and
children 12 months of
age and
older. Montelukast is
also used to prevent
(breathing difficulties)
during exercise in
adults and children 6
years of age and

Don’t Forget Putting it All Together

A drug class is a term used to describe medications that are grouped together
because of their similarity.
• Based on these diverse classification methods, some drugs may be
grouped together under one system but not another. In other cases, a drug
may have multiple uses or actions
The classification of drugs will likely become even more diverse and distinct,
reflecting our ever-expanding knowledge about human biochemistry as a
Practice makes perfect
B. Let’s start!


Directions: Give examples of the different Drugs with different classification and indicate which drug
they are contraindicated to be administered with and situations wherein a drug may lose its potency.

Drug Classification Drug to drug Interaction Drug

CEPHALOSPORIN  beta-lactam Cephalosporines demonstate  Escherichia coli
antibiotics synergistic activity when isolates, 46 (73%)
S combined with aminoglycoside were resistant to 
to treat septicemias ceftriaxone
ALBUTEROLE bronchodilators  interact with albuterol (althoug N/A
h not as seriously as the ones
listed above) include: Tenormin
(atenolol) Trandate (labetalol)
Lopressor, Toprol XL

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PENICILLINE  beta-lactam Interaction with tetracycline, Staphylococcus
antibiotic  chloramphenicol, erythromycin aureus strains
were found to
resist the action
of penicillin

B.2 Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC)

Directions: Give an example of every classification that classify the active ingredient of a drug under a
strict hierarchy .

Leve Classification Drug

system the drug treats. AND HYDROCHORIDE)
2 Describes the drug's A10-DRUGS IN
therapeutic effect. DIABETES

3 Describes the A10B-BLOOD

mechanism/mode of GLUCOSE
action. LOWERING
4 Describes the general A10BA-
chemical properties of BIGUANIDES
the drug.

5 Describes the chemical METFORMINE

components that make
up the drug

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In 1976 the World Health Organization (WHO) created a multi-dimensional
system called the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC)

Think pair and share

Discuss your answer with your partner
( pre-determined classmate assigned to you)

C. Think about these

FDA Pregnancy Risk Categories Prior to 2015

Directions: Give examples of drugs that belong to former pregnancy
categories, which still may be found in some package inserts,
Category Description Drug
A Adequate and well- DOXYLAMINE
controlled studies in
pregnant women have
failed to demonstrate a
risk to the fetus in the
first trimester of
B Animal reproductive AMOXICILLINE
studies have failed to
demonstrate a risk to the
fetus, and there are no
adequate and well-
controlled studies in
pregnant women, or
animal reproductive
studies have shown
adverse effects, but well-

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controlled studies in
pregnancy women have
shown no adverse effects
to the fetus.
C Animals reproductive FLUCONAZOLE
studies have shown an
adverse effects on fetus,
or there are no animals
reproduction studies and
no well-controlled studies
in human
D Positive evidence of fetal LITHIUM
risk, but benefits may
outweigh risk
X Positive evidence of fetal METHOTREXATE
risk, and risk clearly
outweigh any possible

Controlled Substances Act (CSA) Schedule

Directions: Fill up the table with the different schedules according to their classification. And
give an example of each.

Schedule Description Drug

N Is not subject to the
Controlled Substances Act.
1 It Include The Drugs That Have A CANNABIS
High Potential For Abuse, That Have
No Currently Accepted Medical Use In
Treatment, And That There Is A Lack
Of Accepted Safety For Use Of The
Drugs Under Medical Supervision
2 It Include The Drugs That Have A AMPHETAMINE
High Potential For Abuse, HAVE
currently accepted medical use in
treatment or currently accepted
medical use with sever restriction, and
the abuse of may lead to severe
psychological or physical dependence
3 Include drugs that have a potential ANABOLIC STEROIDS
for abuse less that the drugs or
other substance in schedule I and
II, have a currently accepted

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medical use in treatment, and the
abuse of may lead to moderate or
low physical dependence or high
psychological dependence.
4 It includes drugs that have a BENZODIAZEPINES
low potential for abuse
relative to the drugs or other
substance in schedule III, have
a currently accepted medical
use in treatment, and that the
abuse of may lead to limited
physical dependence or
psychological dependence
relative to the drugs or other
substance in schedule III
5 It include drugs that have a low LACOSAMIDE
potential for abuse relative to the
drugs or other substance in
schedule IV, have a currently
accepted medical use in treatment,
and that the abuse of may lead to
limited physical dependence or
high psychological dependence
relative to the drugs or other
substance in schedule IV

Now , let’s check how you are doing so far in the Think, Pair and Share activity
4- Outstanding
3- Very Satisfactory
2- Satisfactory
1- Unsatisfactory
D. Do you know?

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Supplements and drugs that represent drugs that could be
on some of the dangerous drug classification schedules drug
classification chart showing different levels of drug addiction
The DEA’s drug schedule organizes drugs into groups based
on risk of abuse or harm.
Those drugs with high risk and no counterbalancing benefit
are banned from medical practice and are Schedule I drugs.
Conversely, those considered to have the lowest risk would be in
Schedule V (5).
A drug or chemical can be treated as a Schedule 1 substance
for criminal prosecution even if it is not a controlled substance.
Controlled drugs that are considered to have virtually no risk for
addiction, abuse or harm are not scheduled. Examples of those
would be insulin, blood pressure and cholesterol medicines.
In 1970 the FDA released the following drug classifications,
or drug schedules, under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA).

3-2-1 Reflect

3- What was the most important

or useful piece of information you
learned from these activities?

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2- What two questions do you still
have in your mind?

1-What would you like to know

more about?


In this time of pandemic there many people who are exposed to sickness.
The government has made rules in order to avoid the further spread of these
virus. There are many rules that has been formulated to bring this chaos into
order. In our new normal daily lives when we deal with others in our family,
our friends and people in the social media we are limited to do things we are
used to do before. But we are obliged to follow the new normal activities.

Guide Questions:

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Why do you think it is important to follow these rule?
Why do you think Medicine are classified according to these rules?
What are the important things that we need put in mind when we we
administer these medications?

Activity: Thought shapes

Directions: Write down inside each shape: what you learned, what you enjoyed,
what you felt and what were your thoughts .

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The most important thing I have learned… What I enjoyed most……….

How I feel about using the skills and The thoughts still going around
ideas I have learned… in my head are …


I. Identify what level of drug classification under the Anatomical

Therapeutic Classification.

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4 1. Describes the general chemical properties of the drug.
1 2. Describes the organ system the drug treats.
5 3. Describes the chemical components that make up the drug
(essentially the chemical name of the drug, such as finasteride or ibuprofen).
2 4. Describes the drug's therapeutic effect.
3 5. Describes the mechanism/mode of action.

II. Identify the drugs according to Pregnancy Risk Categories.

A 1. Thyroxine
A 2. Paracetamol
C 3. Atropine
C 4. Morphine
X 5. Methotrexate

You are done! Congratulations for actively participating and

answering all the activities in the learning packet, see you on your next

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Do you have questions? Concerns?

Do you need help about the topic?

I am available at our e-class chat room or I am just a text away.


1. file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/Study%20Guide%20for%20Pharmacology


2. w

3. Pharmacology for Nurses: Basic Principles: Jean Nicholas; Jones & Bartlett



6. three-


Prepared By:

Cathleen Marie G. Carpio, Edwin Abu ,Maria Rosario M. Romero

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College of Nursing, Clinical Instructor, Level 2 Sy2020-2021
Ateneo de Zamboanga University

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