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Nama : Monica Aulia Savira

No bp: 1910003530274
Kelas: 2m2
Tugas : bahasa Inggris

• Tulislah satu surat lamaran untuk mengisi

jabatan manajer di suatu perusahaan.

Padang, July 1 2020

Dear :
Director of CV Rizano,
Jl bypass aia pacah km 11 padang

Subject: Job Application

Attachments: Six (6) files


The undersigned below :

Name: Monica Aulia Savira, SE

Place, Date of Birth: Padang, January 23, 2000

Address: Padang Besi Rt 003 / RW 002

No. Tel / Mobile: 082284512006
Last Education: S1 economic management

I hereby want to apply for a job application in the

company that Mr / Mrs lead to fill the vacancy formation
as a manager in the company Mr / Mrs.

I have web and graphic design skills and office skills like
Excel. Ms. Word, PowerPoint, Outlock, Access, and
computer skills in the field of programming. Besides that, I
also have English skills both oral and written. I have
integrity and loyalty and high morale.

For your consideration, I also attach the following files:

1. 1 x 4 Color Photographs
2. Photocopy of the Last Diploma as much as 1 sheet
3. Copy of KTP
4. Curriculum Vitae
5. Photocopy of Computer Course Certificate
6. Photocopy of TOEFL English Proficiency Certificate

Thus I submit this application for a job application. I hope

that the ladies and gentlemen can consider my request to
be accepted at the company that you lead. Thank you for
your attention.

Best regards,

Monica Aulia Savira

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