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Abdomen—Cramps in the abdomen compelling him to scream out.

Magnesia phos.
Absent-minded or distracted while talking; knows not what he ought
to say; awkward in talking; makes mistakes easily. Natrum mur.
Ailments from grief or disappointed love—Calcarea phos.
Alone—Likes to be alone—Calcarea phos., Natrum mur.
Wishes to cry when left alone, although she knows not why.
Natrum mur.
Alternately sad and excessively merry (hysteria). Natrum mur.
Anger and indignation—Inclined to anger and indignation. Calcarea
Anger—Bad effects of anger. Natrum mur.
Jaundice after anger. Natrum sulph:
Anthropophobia. Natrum mur.
Anxiety of children—In the pit of the stomach, with belly ache; with
chest complaints; with palpitation. Calcarea phos. ■
Anxiety, dark forebodings; dread; looks on the dark side of things.
Kali phos., Natru/)i mur.
Anxiety about money matters. Calcarea fluor, Kali phos.
From pressure of the swelling of the throat on the wind pipe.
Natrum sulph.
Hurriedness and anxiety with fluttering at the heart. Natrum
Anxious, apprehensive, despondent. Natrum phos.
Anxious, timid, low-spirited, mind enfeebled. Natrum sulph.
Anxiousness with other complaints. Calcarea phos.
Apathetic, sad, chilliness in the evening. Kali mur.
Apathetic, indifferent. Silica. .
Appetite—Habitual loss of appetite (insanity). Kali mur.
Apprehensive, anxious, despondent. Natrum phos.
Fears something will happen. Kali phos., Natrum mm. Attention
—Confusion of- the mind, difficulty in fixing the attention. Silica.

Avoids company, taciturnity. Kali phos., Natnnn mur.

Awakens screaming. Calcarea sulph. •
Awkward, hasty, drops things from nervous weakness. Nat- rum mur.
Bed-clothes—Picking at the bed-clothes in delirium. Natrum mur.
Better from bleeding of the nose (frontal headaches). Fer- nmi phos.
Blushing—Shyness, excessive blushing from undue sensitive ness.
Kali phos.
Body cold; cold sweat on the face. Calcarea phos.
Body—Starting of the body in delirium, picking at the bed clothes.
Natrum mur.
Brainfag with sleeplessness; gloomy forebodings; exhaustion after
talking; embarrassment of the brain. Natrum mur.
Captious, indifferent. Kali phos. .
Carries things from one place to another and back again (Chorea).
Magnesia phos. ,
Cheerfulness, happy mood, after loose stools. Natrum mur.
Cheerfulness and sadness—Alternation of. Kali mur.
Child becomes obstinate, headstrong, cries when spoken to even
kindly. Silica.
Child cries from the slightest cause. Natrum mur.
Children—Anxiety of children in; the pit of the stomach, with
bellyache; with chest complaints; with palpitation. Calcarea
phos. ,
Children are peevish, fretful. Calcarea phos.
Children with open fontanelles. Calcarea phos.
Chilliness in the evening, sad, apathetic. Kali mur.
Cholera Infantum. Calcarea phos., Natrum phos.
Chorea from fright. Natrum mur. '
Chorea—Talks constantly to herself, or sits still in moody silence, or
carries things from one place to another and back again.
Magnesia phos.
Cold sweat on the face, the body being cold. Calcarea phos..
Comfort—Becomes enraged when any one tries to comfort him.
Natrum mur.
Compunctions ot conscience about trifles. Silica.
Confusion—Dull pressure in the forehead with confusion. Natrum
Conscience—Compunctions of conscience about trifles. Silica.
Consciousness—loss of consciousness. Calcarca sulph., Natrum mur., Silica.
Consequences of fright, anger, vexation, mortification. Natrum mur.
Consolation, worse from consolation. Natmm mur.
Control—Cannot control herself, makes mistakes easily. Silica.
Cramps in the abdomen compelling one to scream out. Magnesia
Cretinism, stupidity, indifference. Calcarca phos.
Cries and weeps continually (religious melancholy). Kali phos.
Cries—Child cries from the slightest cause. Natrum mur.
Crossed—When crossed has to restrain himself to keep from doing
violence. Silica.
Crying or screaming from undue sensitiveness. Kali phos.
Cry—Wishes to cry when left alone though she knows not why.
Natrum ))iur.
Damned—Thinks she is irretricvcably damned. Kali phos.
Dark forebodings, dread, anxiety, looks on the dark side of things.
Kali phos.
Dark side of things—Unusual tendency to look on the dark side of
things. Calcarca fluor.
Definiteness—Lack of definiteness or total loss of memory. Calcarca
Delirium—Quiet delirium. Kali phos.
Delirium tremens. Ferrum phos., Kali phos., Natrum mur.
Delirium with starting of the body, picking at the bed-clothes,
wandering and muttering. Natrum mur. •
Depressed after vexation, cannot work, walks as if lame, bowels
loose. Calcarca phos. .
Depressed spirits. Calcarca fluor.. Calcarca sulph., Kali phos., Natrum mur.
Depressed spirits, lassitude. Kali phos.
Depressed, tearful, lively music makes her sad. Natrum sulph.
Desire—No desire for cither mental or physical work. Natrum sulph.
Desires to be alone. Calcarca phos., Natrum mur.
Desires to do a thing, but on attempting to do it the desire is gone.
Calcarca sulph.
Despairing, hopeless feeling about the future. Natrum nmr.
Despondent, apprehensive, anxious. Kali phos., Natrum phos.

Despondency about pecuniary matters. Kali phos., Calcarea fluor.

Despondent, melancholy, tired of life. Silica.
Die—Feels as if she would die. Silica.
Difficulty in fixing the attention, confusion of the mind. Silica.
Difficulty in performing intellectual operations. Calcarea phos.
Difficulty in remembering things. Natrumphos.
Difficulty of thinking, dullness. Natrum mur.
Dislike to move after being seated. Kali phos.
Disposed to set a higher value on money than is natural. Calcarea
Distinguish—Cannot distinguish clearly. Calcarea phos. Distracted or
absent-minded while talking; knows not what to talk about,
awkward in talking, easily makes mistakes. Natrum mur.
Dizziness—Everything swims around him; muscles seemed so weak
he could hardly move about. Ferrum phos.
Head feels as if it were suddenly pushed forward. Ferrum phos.
When walking, with weakness and oppression from the head
and across the stomach. Calcarea sulpli.
Does not wish to do what he has to do. Calcarea phos.
Dread, dark forebodings, anxiety, looks on the dark side of things.
Kali phos., Natrum mur. ^
Drops things from nervous weakness. Natrum mur.
Drown—Wishes to drown herself. Silica.
Drunkards—Horrors of drunkards, fear, insomnia, restlessness^
suspicion, rambling talk; tries to grasp or avoid imaginary
visions. Kali phos.
Dullness, difficulty in thinking. Natrum mur.
Dullness of memory, difficult to remember. Nattum phos. Dullness
with every headache, worse from bodily exertion. Better from cold
washing, or mental application. Cadca- rea phos.
Effects of anger. Natrum mur.
Egotism—Affections from egotism. Silica.
Emissions—Melancholy, especially after emissions. Natrum phos. .
Enraged—Becomes enraged when anybody tries to comfort him.
Natrum mur.
Excited—Inclined to weep and be excited. Natrum mur.
Excitement—Unnatural excitement. Fcrmm phos.
Exhaustion after talking. Natrum mur.
Face—Cold sweat on the face, the body being cold. Calcarca phos.
Fatigue—Mental fatigue from reading or writing. Silica.
Fear—Inclined to fear, easily frightened. Kali phos., Natrum mur.
Fear of loss of reason. Natrum mur.
Fears he will come to want. Calcarca fluor.

Feeling as if she had been frightened. Calcarca phos.

Fidgety, restless, starts at the least noise. Kali phos., Silica.
Fluttering—Hurriedness with anxiety and fluttering at the heart.
Natrum mur.
Forebodings, sadness, gloominess. Natrum mur.
Forgetfulness, can remember things only a short time. Calcarca phos.
Fretfulncss, quarrelsomeness; gets into a passion about trifles;
passionate vehemence. Natrum mur.
Fretful, peevish children. Calcarca phos.
Fretful, whining disposition. Kali phos.
Fright—Chorea from fright. Natrum mur.
Frightened easily, inclined to fear. Kali phos., Natrum mur.
Frightened—She feels as if she had been frightened. Calcarca phos.
Future—Despairing, hopeless feeling about the future. Natrum mur.
Gloomy thoughts. Natrum mur.
Grasping with the hands and screaming. Calcarca phos.
Grief—Ailments from grief or disappointed love. Calcarea phos.
Hands—Grasping with the hands and screaming. Calcarca phos.
Hastiness and impatience. Natrum mur.
Hasty, awkward. Natrum mur.
Hateful, vindictive natures. Natrum mur.
Haunted with thoughts that something unpleasant will happen.
Natrum mur.
Headstrong—Child becomes obstinate, headstrong; cries when
spoken to, even kindly. Silica.
H eart—Hurriedness with anxiety and fluttering at the heart.
Natrum mur.
Hiccoughing—Complains all the time about the pain, with
hiccoughing. Magnesia phos.
Hilarious, talkative, unnatural excitement. Ferrum phos.
Homesickness, morbid activity of the memory; haunted by visions
of the past. Kali phos.
Horrors of drunkards, rambling talk, suspicious, restless; grasps at
or tries to avoid imaginary visions. Kali phos.
Hurriedness with anxiety and fluttering at the heart. Natrnm ?nur.
Hypochondriacal. Kali phos., Natrnm mnr.
Spirits depressed, tires of life but fears death, suspicious,
weeping. Kali phos.
Hysteria. Kali phos., Natrnm mnr., Silica.
Ill-humored in the morning. Natrnm mnr., Natrum sulph.
Illusions of the senses, sobbing. Magnesia phos.
Imagines every one who looks at him pities him on account of his
misfortunes. Natrum mur.
Imagines she is in two different places at one and the same time.
Impatience and hastiness. Natrum mur.
Inability to think. Natrum phos.
Inclined to anger and indignation. Calcarea phos.
Inclined to weep; dislikes to be talked to; morose; depres sion;
everything is too much. Kali phos.
Inclined to weep and be excited. Natrum mur.
Increase of the moon —Worse during. Silica.
Indecision. Calcarea fluor.
Indifference, cretinism, stupidity. Calcarea phos.
Indifferent, captious. Kali phos.' '
Indifferent, apathetic. Silica.
Indifferent, joyless, taciturn. Natrum mur. '
Indignation and anger—Inclined to indignation and anger. Calcarea
Injury to the head—Chronic effects after injury to the head. Natrum
Intellect—Dullness of the intellect after attacks of headaches.
Magnesia phos.
Involuntary sighing. Kali phos., Calcarea phos.
Irritability, restlessness, vexation. Kali phos.
Irritable—Child is cross and irritable when spoken to; cries from
the slightest cause. Natrum mur.
Irritable, low-spirited, peevish. Silica.

Irritable, nervous, \ excel at trifles. Natrum phos.

Irritable, worse in the morning, does not wish to be spoken to nor to
speak. Natvum sulph. ^
Irritation of the brain after lesions of the head. Natrum sulph.
Jaundice after attacks of anger. Natrum sulph.
Joyless, indifferent, taciturn. Natrum nun.
Lack of definiteness, or total loss of memory. Calcarca plios. Laments
all the time about the pain, with hiccough. Magnesia phos.
Lassitude, depressed spirits. Kali phos.
Laughter—Immoderate laughter. Natrum mar.
Lethargy, indisposition to meet or talk to people. Kali phos. Life—
Weary of life yet fears death; suspicious, weeping mood. Kali phos.
Lightest labor seems a heavy task. Kali phos.
Liveliness suddenly changing to grief and melancholy. Calcarca sulph.
Look on the dark side of things—Unusual tendency to. Cal- carea
Looseness of the bowels after vexation. Calcarca phos.
Loss of appetite—Habitual loss of appetite (insanity). Kali mar.
Loss of memory. Calcarca phos., Calcarea sulph., Kali phos., Natrum
Loss of memory and power of thought suddenly after lunch. Calcarea
Loss of memory or weak memory. Kali phos.
Loss of reason—Fear of loss of reason. Natrum mar.
Love—Ailments from grief or disappointed love. Calcarca phos. Low-
spirited, over-anxious about himself. Silica. ' Low-spirited, peevish,
irritable. Silica.
Mania—Melancholy with periodical attacks of mania. Natrum sulph.
When accompanied by paralytic debility. Natrum mur.
Melancholy, despondent, tired of life. Silica.
Especially after emissions. Natrum phos.
From overstrain of the mind. Kali phos.
Religious melancholy. Kali phos.
Without cause. Natrum mar., Silica.
Y\ ith periodical attacks of mania. Natrum sulph.
Memory—Loss of memory. Calcarca phos., Calcarca sulph., Kali
phos.. Natrum mur.
Loss of memory and power of thought suddenly after lunch.
Calcarea sulph.
Morbid activity of the memory. Kaliphos.
Weak memory or loss of the memory. Natram mur. Menses—
Excessive sadness during the menses. Natrum mur. Palpitation and
morning headache during the menses. Natriim mur.
Mental dullness, difficulty of remembering. Natrum phos. Mental
labor is very difficult. Silica.
Mental troubles from injury to the head. Natrum sulph. Mistakes—
Makes mistakes easily, is unable to control herself.
Silica. ,
Moaning and sighing, even during sleep. Kali phos.
Money—Anxiety about money matters. Calcarea fluor., Kali phos.
Moon—Screams during the increase of the moon (Somnambulism).
Worse during the increase of the moon (Hysteria). Silica.
Morning—Ill-humored in the morning. Natrum mur., Natrum sulph.
Music—Lively music makes her feel sad. Natrum sulph. Natures—
Hateful, vindictive natures. Natrimi mur.
Nervous, irritable, vexed at trifles. Natrum phos.
Noise—Dread of noise; over-sensitive to noise, or light. Kali „ phos. x

Fidgety, restless; starts at the least noise. Kali phos., Silica.

Noises—Sensitiveness to noises, and anxiety therefrom. Silica.
Obstinate—Child becomes obstinate, headstrong, cries when spoken
to, even kindly. Silica.
Obtuse intellect. Calcarea phos.
Over-anxious about himself, low-spirited, weeps every evening
Over-sensitive to noise or light. Kali phos.
Over-strain of the mind causes melancholy. Kali phos. Palpitation
during the menses. Natrum mur.
Paralysis after fits of passion. Natrum 7 nur.
Passion—Paralysis after fits of passion. Natrum 7nur.
Pecuniary matters, despondency about. Kali phos., Calcarea fluor.
Peevish, fretful children. Calcarea phos.
Picking at the bed-clothes, delirium, wandering and muttering.
Natrum mur.
Places—Imagines she is in two different places at one and the same
time. Silica.
Pressure of the swelling of the throat on the windpipe causes
anxiety. Natrum su/p/i.
Quarrelsome fretfulness; gets into a passion about trifles; pas -
sionate vehemence. Natrum mur.
Quiet delirium. Kaliphos. •
Reading or writing is fatigueing, cannot bear to think. Silica. Reason
—Fear of loss of reason. Natrum mur.
Recall—Tries to recall past unpleasant events in order to brood over
them. Natrum mur.
Religious melancholy. Kali phos.
Remembering—Difficulty in remembering, dullness of memory.
Natrum phos.
Restless, fidgety, starts at the least noise. Kali phos., Silica.
Restlessness, irritability, vexation. Kali phos.
Sad, apathetic, chilliness in the evening. Kali mur.
Sadness and cheerfulness—Alternation of sadness and cheer fulness,
better from nosebleed. Kali mur.
Sadness—Excessive sadness during the menses. Natrum mur.
Sadness and weeping without cause. Natrum mur.
Satiety of life, can hardly keep from shooting himself. Natrum sulph.
Screaming, and grasping with the hands. Calcarcaphos. Screaming—
Awakens screaming. Calcarca sulph.
Screaming or crying from undue sensitiveness. Kali phos. Screams
during the increase of the moon (Somnambulism).
Sensitive weeping mood. Silica.
Sensitive to noise, and anxiety therefrom. Silica.
Sensitiveness—Screaming from undue sensitiveness. Kali phos.
Shooting—Sa'tiety of life, can hardly keep from shooting him self.
Natrum sulph.
Shyness from undue sensitiveness. Kali phos.
Sighing and moaning even during sleep. Kali phos.
Sighing—Involuntary sighing. Calcarca phos., Kali phos.
Sits still in moody silence (Chorea). Magnesia phos. Sleeplessness
with brainfag, gloomy forebodings, exhaustion after talking. Natrum
Sobbing, illusions of the senses. Magnesia phos.
Spirits—Depressed spirits. Calcarea fluor., Calcarea siilph., Kali phos.,
Natrum mur., Silica.
Low-spirited, timorous, anxious. Natrum sulph., Silica. Stagger
—Old people stagger on getting up from sitting Cla- carea phos.
Starts at the least noise, restless, fidgety. Silica.
Stools—Cheerfulness, happy mood after loose stools. Natrum sulph.
Stupidity, indifference, cretinism. Calcarea phos.
Suspicious, weeping mood, satiety of life but fear of death. Kali
Sweat on the face cold, the body being cold. Calcarea phos.
Taciturn, indifferent, joyless. Natrum mur.
Taciturnity—Offended by every word; spleen; avoids com pany.
Natrum mur.
Talkative, hilarious, unnatural excitement. Ferrum phos. Talking—
Absent-minded or distracted while talking. Natrum mur.
Exhausted after talking. Natrum mur.
Talks constantly to herself or sits in moody silence (Chorea).
Magnesia phos.
Tearful, depressed, lively music makes her sad. Natrum sulph.
Think—Inability to think. Natrum sulph.
Thinking—Dullness, difficulty in thinking, Natrum mur. Thinks she
is in two different places at one and the same time.
Silica. t

Thinks she is irretrievably damned. Kali phos.

Thinks something unpleasant will happen. Natrum mur. Thought—
Loss of memory and power of thought suddenly after lunch.
Calcarea sulph.
Timid, anxious, low-spirited. Natrum sulph. ' ■ ■
Tries to recall past unpleasant events in order to brood over them.
Natrum mur.
Trifles—Vexed at trifles. Natrum phos.
Unpleasant—Thinks something unpleasant will happen. Natrum
Tries to recall past unpleasant events in order to brood over
them. Natrum mur.
Vexation—Depressed after vexation. Calcarea phos.
Vexation, restlessness, irritability. Kali phos.
Vexed at trifles. Natrum phos.
Vindictive, hateful natures. Natrum mur.
Violence—When crossed has to restrain himself to prevent doing violence. Silica.
Walks as if lame after being vexed. Calcarca p/ios.
Wanders from place to place. Calcdrca phos.
Want—Fears he will come to want. Calcarca fluor.
Weak memory or loss of memory. Kali phos., Natnun inur.
V eak will. A a tram mur.
Weep—Inclined to veep and be excited. Kat rum wur. Weeping—\\ eeping and
sadness without cause. Natnun mar. Weeping, sensitive mood. Silica.
Weeps and cries continually (Religious melancholy). Kali phos.
Whining, fretful disposition. Kali phos.
W ill weak. Natnun mur.
W ishes to go home, and when at home to go out. Calcarca phos. '
W orsc—Complaints are worse when thinking about them. Calcarca phos.
From consolation. Natnun mur.
Writes wrong words or same words twice. Calcarca phos. Writing and reading are
fatiguing, cannot bear to think. Silica.
Yellow conjunctiva. Calcarca sulph.
Yielding, faint-hearted, anxious mood. Silica.

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