04-Outer Head

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Air—Constricted feeling of the scalp worse in the open air.

Anterior fontanelles—Burning, sore feeling on a place on the
anterior fontanelles. Calcarca sidph.
Axillae—Scabs on the scalp and in the axillae. Natnun mur.
Back of the head and neck—Light crusts form on the back part of the
head and neck at the edge of the hair; irreg ular, resembling
peach gum. Natnun mur.
Back part of the head—Burning and itching, worse while un dressing
and after getting warm in bed. Silica.
Backward—Moving the head backwards or from side to side causes
pain. Kali sulph.
Baldness and dryness of the scalp. Kaliphos.
Baldness, the hair falls out easily when combed. Baldness of the
head and beard. Calcarca sulph.
Better from wrapping up warmly. Silica.
Better in summer; worse in winter—Scaly eruption on the scalp.
Better when sitting or lying—Constricted feeling of the scalp. Natnun
Bone—A flat swelling growing on the parietal bone of new born
children. Calcarea fluor.
Bones—Enlargement or swelling on the parietal bones of new born
children. Calcarea fluor.
Non-union of the bones of the skull after fracture, especially in
the aged. Calcarca phos.
Bones of the skull—Pains in the bones of the skull, mostly along the
sutures; especially between the frontal and parietal bones and
around the temporal bones. Calcarca phos.
Bony structures—Affections of the bony structures of the skull.
Calcarca phos.
Brushing or combing the hair causes violent attacks of sneez ing.
Burning on top of the head. Natnun sulph.
Burning and itching on the back part of the head; worse while
undressing and after getting warm in bed. Silica.
Burning, sore spot on the anterior fontanelles. Calcarea sulph.
Catarrh of the frontal cavities, tumors. Kali mur.
Catarrh and loss of smell. Natrwn mur.
Cephalaematoma. Calcarea fluor., Silica.
Chorea—Jerking of the head in chorea. Natrum imir.
Chronic effects of injuries to the skull. Natrum sulph.
Cold—Head feels cold and is cold to the touch; headache. Calcarea
Cold in the head—Liability to take cold in the head. Natrum mur.,
Cold sensation on the vertex; scalp sensitive; spasm of the eyelids.
Natrum mur.
Cold—Top of the head is sensitive to cold, noise or any jar. Ferrum
Coldness on the vertex on a line with the forepart of the ears. Silica.
Combing or brushing the hair causes violent attacks of sneez ing.
Constricted feeling 'of the scalp worse when talking, and in the
open air. Better when sitting or lying. Natrum mur.
Coronal suture —Tenderness of the scalp in the region of the
coronal suture. Silica.
Crawls run over the top of the head as if ice were lying on.the
occiput. Calcarea phos.'
Cranio-tabes. Calcarea phos., Calcarea sulph.
Creeping in the scalp of the vertex. Natrum S2ilph.
Crusta lactea or scald head of children. Calcarea sulph., Kali ?mir.
Crusts form on the back part of the head, and on the neck at the
edge of the hair. Irregular in form; resemble peach gum.
Natrum ?mir.
Dandruff—Marked increase of dandruff, it falls in white scales over
the coat collar. Natrum mur.
Yellow dandruff on the scalp. Kali S2ilph.
Depression on the occipital bone. Calcarea phos.
Eczema capitis. Silica.
Eczema—Raw eczema exuding a corroding fluid destroying the hair.
Natrum 7mir.
Encephalocele. Calcarea phos.
Enchondrosis. Silica.
Enlargement or swelling on the parietal bones of new-born children.
Calc arc a jluor.
Eruption glutinous—Thin, gummy scabs. Natmm mur.
Eruption on the head, humid, gluey discharge, matting the hair.
Natmm mur.
Eruption on the scalp; thin, furfuraceous scales. Silica.
Face—Pains in the face and head, with hawking up of white mucus.
Kali mur.
Falling out of the hair, scalp sensitive. Face shiny, oily as if it had
been greased. Natmm mur.
Falls forward—Spinal disease, the head falls forward. Silica.
Falls out—The hair falls out, premature baldness. Silica.
Feeling at 4 p. m. as if he had his hat on. Calcarca sulph.
Feeling as if the head were falling off. Silica.
Fontanelles—Open fontanelles. Calcarca. phos., Silica.
Fontanclles remain open too long, or close and re-open. Calcarca
Forehead—Phagadenic ulcer on the forehead; painful; dis charges
offensive pus. Silica.
Fracture of the skull—Non-union of the bones after a fracture of the
skull, especially in the aged. Calcarca. phos.
Frontal and parietal bones—Sore pain, drawing, rending, tear ing
along the sutures between the frontal and parietal bones.
Calcarca phos.
Frontal bone—Painful distension on the frontal bone; perio stitis.
Frontal cavities—Catarrh of the frontal cavities. Kali mur.
Gluey discharge from the eruption on the head, matting the hair.
Natmm mur.
Glutinous eruption on the scalp and behind the cars; thin, gummy
scabs. Natmm mur.
Hair—Combing or brushing the hair causes violent attacks of
sneezing. Silica.
Falls out if touched, worse in the forepart of the head, temples
and beard; scalp sensitive; face oily as if greased. Natmm
Losing the hair. Calcarca phos., Silica.
Poor crop of hair. Calcarca phos.
Scalp painful on combing the hair. Natmm sulph. Smarting at
the roots of the hair, the head is hot. Calcarca phos.
Hat—Feeling as if he had his hat on at 4 p. m. Calcarca sulph.
Head and face —Pains in the head and face with vomiting of white
phlegm. Kali ?nur.
Head—Burning on top of the head. Nalrmn sulph.
Cannot uncover the head for fear of taking cold. Silica. Cannot hold
the head up, moves it from place to place.
The head totters. Calcarea phos.
Falls forward in spinal disease. Silica.
Feeling as if he had his hat on at 4 p. m. Calcarea sulph. Feels as if
too large. Silica.
Feels as if falling off, causing straining pains at the back of the neck
as if the head were hanging by a piece of skin at the nape of the
neck. Silica.
Feels cold and is cold to the touch; headache. Calcarea phos.
Is hot, with smarting at the roots of the hair. Calcarea phos.
Itching on the head and nape of the neck. Natrum ?nur., Silica.
Head—Itching spots on the head; soreness after scratching. Silica.
Jerking of the head in chorea. Natrum ?nur.
Liability to take cold in the head. Natrum ?nur., Silica. Lumps rise on
the head; the hair falls out; scalp is sensitive; tearing pains. Silica.
Nods forward involuntarily from weakness. Natrum mur. Pain on
moving the head from side to side or backwards;
can move it forward without pain. Kali sulph.
Rolling of the head from side to side. Silica.
Scabs on the head and in the axillae. Silica.
Scrofulous ulcers on top of the head.* Calcarea phos.
Sore to the touch externally. Silica. '
Surface of the head raw as if scalded. Natrum mur.
Sweat on the head, the body being dry or nearly so. Silica. Too large,
the rest of the body being emaciated; face pale; abdomen bloated, hot.
Top of the head is sensitive to noise, cold or any jar. Ferrum phos.
Totters, cannot hold it up. Calcarea phos.
Headaches after injuries to the head; better from sweat. Natrum mur.
Hot—The head is hot; smarting at the roots of the hair. Calcarea phos.
Ice—Crawls run over the top of the head as if ice were lying on the
occiput. Calc area phos.
Impetigo on the scalp. Calcarca phos., Natnun mar., Silica. Injuries to
the skull—Chronic effects after injuries to the skull. Natnun sulph.
Injury to the head—Headache after injury to the head. Nat- nun mur.
Itching, black surfs. Calcareaphos.
Intense itching on the scalp; worse in the morning on waking; Kali
Itching on the head and on the nape of the neck. Natnun mar., Silica.
Itching on the occiput. Silica.
Itching on the scalp. Kali phos., Silica.
Itching pustules on the hairy scalp and on the neck. Silica. Itching
pustules on the neck and scalp very sensitive; better from wrapping
the head up warmly. Silica.
Itching spots on the head; soreness after scratching. Silica. Jar—Top
of the head is sensitive to noise, motion or any jar. Fcrnun phos.
Jerking of the head in chorea. Natnun mur.
Keloid on the temporal region; frontal headache. Silica. Large—The
head feels as if too large. Silica.
Left side—A flat swelling growing on the bone on the left side of the
head. Calcarca flnor.
Liability to take cold in the head. Natnun mur., Silica.
Lumps rise on the head. Silica.
Mastoid process—Sharp pain in the left mastoid process; worse by
motion and in the open air. Kali phos.
Severe neuralgic pain in the left mastoid process; worse by
motion and in the open air. Kali phos.
Moist eruption on the occiput. Silica.
Moving the head from side to side or backwards causes pain. Kali
Neck—Itching on the head and on the nape of the neck. Natnun mar.,
Itching pustules on the head and neck very sensitive; better from
wrapping up warmly. Silica.
Night—Tearing in the scalp worse at night. Silica.
Nods—The head nods forward involuntarily. Natnun ntur. Noise—The
top of the head is sensitive to noise, motion or any jar. Ferrum phos.
Non-union of the bones after fracture of the skull. Calcarea phos.
Occipital bone —Depression on the occipital bone. Calcarea phos.
Occiput —Crawls over the occiput as if ice were lying there. Calcarea
Itching on the occiput. Silica.
Moist eruption on the occiput. Silica.
Open fontanelles. Calcarea phos., Silica.
Head too large, the rest of the body being emaciated. Face pale.
Abdomen bloated and hot. Silica.
Painful pimples on the scalp leave a yellow scab. Calcarea sulph.
Pains in the face and head. Hawking up of white phlegm. Kali mur.
Papulae on the scalp, the scalp being very sensitive. Silica. Parietal bones of
new-born infants—Enlargement or swelling on the parietal bones of new-
born infants. Calcarea fliior. Parietal bones—Pains along the sutures of the
skull, especially between the frontal and parietal bones. Calcarea phos.
Periostitis—Painful distension of the frontal bone; periostitis. Silica.
Phagadenic ulcer on the forehead, painful, discharges offensive pus. Silica.
Pimples—Painful pimples on the scalp leave a yellow scab.
Calcarea snlph. '
Premature baldness. Silica.
Pressure—Tearing in the scalp worse from pressure. Silica. Pricking on the
scalp. Silica.
Pustules—Itching pustules on the hairy scalp and neck. Silica. Itching
pustules on the scalp and neck very sensitive; better from wrapping up
warmly. Silica.
Raw as if scalded—The surface of the head is raw as if scalded. Natrum
Rolling of the head from side to side. Silica.
Scabs on the head and in the axillae. Silica.
Scald-head in children. Calcarea sulph., Kali mur.
Scalded —The surface of the head looks raw as if scalded. Natmm mur.
Scaling of the scalp copious. Kali sulph.
Scalp— Copious scaling of the scalp. Kali sulph.
Feels constricted, worse from talking and in the open air;
better when sitting or lying. Natnim mur.
Impetigo on the scalp. Calcarca phos.
Itching and soreness of the scalp; baldness and dryness of the
scalp. Kali phos.
Itching of the scalp. Kali phos., Silica.
Itching pustules on the scalp and neck very sensitive;
better from wrapping up warmly. Silica.
Of the forehead—Tied feeling or tension in the scalp of the
forehead. Calcarca.phos.
Of the vertex—Creeping in the scalp of the vertex. Nat- rum
Painful pimples on the scalp leave a yellow scab. Calcarca sulph.
Papulae on the scalp making the scalp very sensitive- Silica.
Scaling—Copious scaling of the scalp. Kali sulph.
Scaly eruption on the scalp better in summer but worse on the
approach of winter. Silica.
Sensitive scalp; hair painful on combing it. Natnim sulph. Sore,
creeping, numbness, or cold crawls. Calcarca phos. Suppurating
wound of the scalp. Silica. '
Swellings in the scalp at the edge of the hair, bleeding when
scratched. Calcarca sulph.
Tearing in the scalp worse at night and from pressure. Silica. -
Tenderness of the scalp in the region of the coronal suture.
Yellow^ scales on the scalp, dandruff. Kali sulph.
Scaly eruption on the scalp is better in summer but worse on the
approach of winter. Silica.
Scrofulous ulcers on top of the head. Calcarca phos.
Scurf—White scurf on the scalp. Dandruff alternating with catarrh
and loss of smell. Natnim mur.
Scurfs—Itching, black scurfs on the head. Calcarca phos.
Sensitive—The top of the head is sensitive to noise, cold air, or any
jar. Fcrrum phos.
Sensitiveness of the scalp; the hair is painful on combing'it. Natnim
Side to side—Moving the head from side to side or backwards causes
pain. Kali sulph.
Sitting or lying —Constricted feeling of the scalp is better when lying or
sitting. Natrum mur.
Skull—Affections of the bony structure of the skull. Calcarea phos.
Chronic effects of injuries to the skull. Natrum sulph.
Is thin; cracks like paper when pressed on. Calcarea phos. Non-union
of the bones of the skull after fracture. Calcarea phos.
Pains along the sutures of the skull. Calcarea phos. Smarting at the
roots of the hair; the head is hot. Calcarea phos.
Soreness of the scalp, cannot bear to have the hair combed.
Ferrum phos.
Soreness in the vertex; general soreness of the scalp; cannot bear to have
the hair touched. Ferrum phos.
Soreness of the head to external touch. Silica.
Soreness of the scalp. Calcarea phos., Ferrum phos., Silica.
Sore pain, tearing, drawing, rending in the bones of the skull, mostly along
the sutures of the skull, especially between the frontal and parietal bones, or
around the temporal bone. Calcarea phos.
Sour sweat on the head. Silica.
Suppurating wound of the scalp. Silica.
Sutures—Pains along the sutures of the skull. Calcarea phos. Sweat on the
head, the body being dry or nearly so. Silica. Sweat of the head profuse,
body dry. Wants to be wrapped up.
Sweat of the head during the first sleep. Silica.
Sweat on the head sour. Silica.
Swelling growing on the left side of the bone. Calcarea fluor. Swelling in
the scalp at the edge of the hair; bleeds when scratched. Calcarea sulph.
Swellings or enlargement on the parietal bones of new-born infants.
Calcarea fluor.
Talking aggravates the constricted feeling of the scalp. Natrum mur.
Tearing in the scalp is worse from pressure and at night. Silica.
Temporal region—Keloid on the temporal region; frontal headache.
Tenderness of the scalp in the region of the coronal suture. Silica. ■
Tension—Tied feeling or tension in the scalp of the forehead. Calcarca phos.
Thin, dry, exfoliated patches on the scalp; furfuraccous scales. Silica.
Tied feeling or tension in the scalp of the forehead. Calcarca phos.
Ulcer—Painful phagadenic ulcer on the forehead, discharging offensive pus. Silica.
Vertex—Coldness across the vertex. Silica.
Cold sensation on the vertex. Nafrurn mur.
Creeping in the scalp of the vertex. NaXrum mur. Soreness in the vertex;
general soreness of the scalp. Ferrum phos.
Wants to be wrapped up warmly. Silica.
White scurf on the scalp, dandruff; alternating with catarrh and loss of smell.
Natrum mur.
Worse after scratching (itching on the head). Silica.
After scratching—Swelling in the scalp at the edge of the hair. Calc are a sulph.
At night—Tearing in the scalp. Silica.
From pressure—Tearing in the scalp. Silica.
In winter—Scaly eruption on the scalp. Silica.
When walking—Constricted feeling of the scalp. Natrum mur.
Wrapped up—W T ants to be. Silica.
Yellow scales—Dandruff with yellow scales. Kali sulph.

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