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Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 1 Regional Personnel and Human Resource Development Division ‘Camp 8Gen Oscar M Florendo arian, City of San Femando, La Union ‘reining MEMORANDUM FOR + AI PDs and FC, RMFB1 FROM : OIC, RPHRDD SUBJECT: Tracer re: Submission of Lessons Learned DATE March 28, 2018 1. References: a, Memorandum from TADHRDD dated January 11, 2018 with the same subject above; and b. Memorandum from this office dated January 29, 2018 with the same subject above. 2. Above references pertain to the submission of lesson leamed drawn from the different administrative and operative practices and performance, as well as, fiaws and lapses, which can be 2 source of new learnings, policies, or doctrines. Most intemational organizations take advantage of these experiences to come up with more effective policies and programs for the improvement of the general administration and operational function of the organization. 3. In this regard, be reminded that the submission of your respective lessons leamed (blunders or lapses and/or success of operations under remarkable difficult circumstances and even in administration) to this office for 1 Quarter is until March 30, 2018 4. Attached herewith is the format of lessons learned for your reference. 5. For prompt action. REYNALDO S OGAY JR Police Superintendent PROT: Hone of ho CzenFrionty Palcowan and Pretocer of Human Righis Wo Support PNP PARAL. Pha 050 (raed Oke ent rma toto he oe Lu ‘racerroSuomacon Lesson Loned Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 1 Regional Personnel and Human Resource Development Division ‘Camp 8Gen Oscar M Florendo arian, City of San Femando, La Union ‘raining MEMORANDUM FOR : All PDs and FC, RMFB1 From — ©\G, RPHROD SUBJECT: Tracer re: Submission of Lessons Learned DATE danuary 29,2018 Mav 9 WwW) F 1. References: a. Memorandum from TXDHRDD dated January 11, 2018 with the same ‘subject above; and b, Memorandum from this office dated January 29, 2018 with the same subject above. 2, Above references pertain to the submission of lesson leamed drawn from the different administrative and operative practices and performance, as well as, fiaws and lapses, which can be a source of new learnings, policies, or doctrines Most international organizations take advantage of these experiences to come up with more effective policies and programs for the improvement of the general administration and operational function of the organization. 3. In this regard, be reminded thet the submission of your respective lessons learned (blunders or lapses and/or success of operations under remarkable difficult circumstances and even in administration) to this office for 1" Quarter is until March 30, 2048. 4, Attached herewith is the format of lessons learned for your reference. 5. For prompt action, REYNALDO S OGAY JR Police Superintendent PROT: Home of the clizewFrendiy Paiceman and Protector of Fuma Wo Support PNP PATROL Plan 2030 Peace aad Order Aged or Franslornatie nl uphold of he Rok Qt Law): "PM: Tree Submision of Lessons Leamed Hoading and Loge ofthe Reporting Offico/Unit MEMORAMDUG FOR CChair, Lesson Learned Board FROM SUBJECT Lessons Learned Repot re ose . 4. REFERENCE(S) + Cito reforerice() roel othe Lessons Leemed 2. DRFINITION OF TERE 1» Meacing or concopt of erninelogyie) used in his report ery 2. BACKGROUND Information on the involved PNP Offie/Uni, participating friendly foes {ff any). enemy ‘nd area af the ncident 4 CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS: Naraio oftho incdariovet 5, RESULTS: > Outcome ofthe incident as to the PNP unit, otter participating friendly units. enemy and thers > inpact or resus of the inctietavent 0 the poses and order, poltical, soo. cults economic, technologie, Jagat, crvitonmenial, anclor ether coneitions in the respective AOR. ary 6. IDENTFIED PROBLEMS, > Problems) cr lapse dontiod 7. LESSONS LEARNED, > Lessons Learned ideniifod, Signature Name Rank Acachments: Incident Report ‘Aftor Operations Report Investigation Ropor * Memoranda Video alps Note: ‘Reporte shall be pnnied in an AA paper anc ring-binded. Margins shal! all be at *° excop the left margin whieh shall boat 5 This should bo signed by the Regianal Doctor Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMIESION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp Grama, Queron City (@HRo0) STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES WO, 2016- GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LESSONS LEARNED 4. REFERENCES: 9. PNP Fundamental Doctrine, 1994, PNPM-D-0-t-94 (DHRDD), b. PNP Morr Circular No, 2013-012 “Revised Numerical Designation of PNP Manuals’; and c. Staff Memorandum No. DHRDD-001-94 dated June 27, 1994 with subject "Doctrine on BNP tesuances" 2, BACKGROUND ‘The various operations and administrative performance being undertaken by the PNP can ba a eource of new iesming, policias, or doctrines. Most international organizations take advantage of these experiences to come up with more effective policies and programs for the improvement of the genera! administration and ‘operational function of the organization With this trend in policy development, the PNP gives recognition on the importance of lessons learned to asgist its policy formulation processes and eventually enhance the overall management of police affairs, either operational or administrative in nature. J.essone leermed, though negatively viewed as blunders or lepses in ‘operations, can ba taken in a positive context by learning from these experiences to void repetition of the same end to further enhance planning and policy formulation in the organtzetion, 3. PURPOSE: ‘This SOP is crafted to provide guidelines in the Identification and collation of teasons Leatned Reports of the different PNP offices and units, 4. OBJECTIVES: a. To identify the lapse(s) committed by PP offices/units and determine necessary interventions; b. To provide datsiled quidelines in the preparation of Lesson Learned Reports, ¢. To ensure that the Doctrine of Completed Staff Work (CSW) is folowed in the process of craffing and preparing Lessons Learned reports; end 6. To come up with a compendium of all jassons leamed in the PNP operations and administrative performance, PRPTSIRSTUs 1) Responsibis in the teaching and #issemingtion to all PNP training units through the incorporation in the Program of instruction of relaled treining program and in the conduct of Police information and Continuing Education {PICE) down to station tevel; and 2) Pertorm other related functions as directed 8, RESCISSION: Ait existing PNP issuances in conflict with this SOP are deomed repesiad, amandad or raecindsd accordingly. & ESPECTIrY: ‘This SOP shal seka effact upon spproval. RICARDO C MARQUEZ Police Director Genaral Chief, PNP. Atashmant Fonnat for PNP Lessons Learned Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 1 Regional Personne! and Human Resource Development Division Camp BGen Oscar M Florendo arian, City of San Femando, La Union MEMORANDUM FOR : AI PDs and FC, RMFB1 FROM C, RPHRDD SUBJECT : Submission of Lessons Learned DATE January 29, 2018 4. Reference: Memorandum from TADHRDD dated January 11, 2018 with the same subject above, 2. Above reference pertains to the lessons leamed drawn from the different administrative and operative practices and performance, as well as, flaws and lapses, which can be a source of new leamings, policies, or doctrines. Most international organizations take advantage of these experiences to come up with more effective policies and programs for the improvement of the general administration and operational function of the organization. 3. In this regard, request submit your respective lessons leamed (blunders or lapses and/or success of operations under remarkable difficult circumstances and even in administration) to this office following the schedule below: DURATION TARGET DATE OF SUBMISSION January = March 2018 March 23, 2018 (Friday) April - June 2018 —__ | June 22, 2018 (Friday) _ July = September 2078 _| September 21; 2018 (Friday) | October = December 2018 December 21, 2019 (Frida I 4. Said lessons learned shall be collated accordingly, cascaded and communicated to concemed offices, particularly, to top echelon of the PNP for eventual transiation into policies or program, which will enhance the overall management of police affairs. 5. For strict compliance. cee Dee Police Senior Superintendent, o PROT “Home othe CtzenFrendy Pokceran an Protect of Human Fight 1 emdiled Dfagpm fon 97, Cle | Rapublc ofthe Pilppinas NATIORAL POLICE COMMISEION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIBCINE NATIONAL ROLICE DIREC TORATS FOR HUUAN RESOURCE AND DOCTRINE DEVELOPRENT Camo 3Gan Rafael T Cram, Quezon Cy ore. QUo~ OF HEMORANDUM FOR AN -Staft, PROS and NSIS FROM TABHROD SUBJECT: —_Subatlesion of Leasons Learned DATE Jaevay 14, 2018 4. Reference: STANDARD Operating Procedure No. 2016-001 eniitied “Quidalnes for the Dooumaniziion of Lessons Learnec’. 2. This pertains ta the lesgora ieerned drawa trem the diferent administrative and operative praceces and periownance, a wil! a8, flaws and lepeee, which can be 2 source of naw feamings, policies, or docisines. Most international a:genizations take advaniaga of these experiences 'o coms us with mote effevtive pokoles and programs for (he imarovement of the generel aciriiswration and operational funcéon of the crganizaiton. 3. ta this cégued, plewse subst your reaneciiva laasons learned (blunders or japges and/or svoneas of aperatone ence ramarkuble difficult circumstances and even In administration) to this Directorate fokowing the schadute below: ATE OT SBMISSION |] September 2013 ___ (Detobsr- December 2078 4, $id Jensare famed shal be collated scondingiy, cascaded a7 commnicated to concomed ofices, panicuimly, io tep achelon of the PNP everival tracsialion Wie pcliciag OF program, “which wilt enkanse the overat management of police affairs epee sf ‘Saperinterdant 5, Fer strict compliance. Heading and Loge of te Revoriog Offoahsnt faeioaanous FoR ‘Chat; Leeton Leamed Board FROM SUBIECT - Lessons Lewmed Repotre_ 1 REFERENGEISy > Cin esconee rnin oth Leone Lawmed 2. EFINITION OF TERE 2 ttasrng concept of erinologyas snd in rpon. eo 3 aaciGeouno: > tnfermaten on the inalved PAP Oficatuni, parsing enly fre (if any), enemy fn area of inion 5. CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS: > Nera ef nitvert 5 RESULTS > Outcome oft incident as fe tho PRP oars. 1 oer partonaing friendly unis, oneny ano > inpsct or rsuie of he ietenvert fo he pases and or, pslisl, socil, euture fecenomie, tesmneiogiea egal, aruronrisat, anor other condilans it Ey respec AOR, tay & DalmleD ARELENS: 7 rooney iris 7 LESSONSLEATED Lessons Leas sianted 8. SugevedReamerded Afratve Opin > Aijamatve Option Signaivre ad Rank Ticker! Report ‘Aor Operetons Repos Inveeigatan Report Menorands, Nesspapercipoings Otho 38 ry be appropriate z ree ag, ow. Reports she! ve printed n an Ad paper ond ring Binded. Marging shat i bo al 1 excop he ia sein ‘hrc shal oe el 1.5 Thi should be signed hy the Rapional Brector

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