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National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
A compilation of Central sector,
Centrally sponsored & State schemes
for convergence under
Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana


Department of Rural Development

Ministry of Rural Development
Government of India
National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
बीरेन्द्र िसहं ग्रामीण िवकास, पं चायती राज और
Birender Singh पेयजल एवं स्वच्छता मं त्री
भारत सरकार


As you know, Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 11th October, 2014.
SAGY has to be implemented through convergence of Central sector, Centrally sponsored and State schemes. In line with
the SAGY guidelines, we have to ensure convergence amongst different relevant schemes in such a manner that this
programme emerges as an example of innovations in Convergence.
My Ministry has taken the lead to undertake a detailed mapping exercise on the Central sector, Centrally sponsored and
State schemes and has prepared a compilation – ‘SAMANVAY’.
I am sure, this compilation will act as an important resource material for MPs, PRI members and other development practitioners to understand
the various ongoing development schemes and programmes at the Gram Panchayat level.
With information readily available on Government schemes, I am sure that my colleagues will lead and add value to the various
developmental initiatives in their respective constituencies. It will be particularly useful for better coordination, synergy and
convergence across all Government line departments, PRls, civil society actors and Ministers.
I wish all success to my collegues in their endeavour towards development of model villages.

(Birender Singh)
Room No. 48, (G-Wing), Ground floor , Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi -110001
Tel: 011-23782373, 23782327 Fax: 011-23385876
Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) Guidelines speak of the need to identify the resource envelope.
The resources can be of various types ranging from funds available under different Central sector, Centrally
sponsored and State schemes, purely untied resources of the Gram Panchayats like its own revenue, Central
and State Finance Commission grants, etc., resources which can be mobilised locally in cash, kind and labour
and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds. It is desirable that these various categories of resources are
used in convergent and integrated manner to generate maximum synergy. This mapping of resources has
to be done carefully and intelligently at the district level in order to achieve the expected outcome as laid
down in the Village Development Plan (VDP).

The SAGY Division of the Ministry of Rural Development has carried out a mapping exercise of all
relevant Central sector, Centrally sponsored and State schemes in line with SAGY Guidelines. The entire
exercise was carried out with the help of Prime Minister’s Rural Development Fellows (PMRDFs) from
different States and further vetted by the State Nodal Officers of respective States. This bringing in together
of all relevant schemes as far as possible, is intended to ease the efforts of various implementers of the
programme towards identifying and finalising the resource envelope. The Ministry acknowledges the
support received from the SAGY Division, PMRDFs and States in this regard.
Mapping of various Central sector, Centrally sponsored and State Government schemes and programmes
has been prepared to cater to the needs of the Hon’ble Members of Parliament for general information purposes
only in reference to SAGY guidelines. This document may however be used by others for appropriate planning
activities under SAGY.
The sources of information are Government websites, planning documents and State Governments. State
schemes so mapped were requested for validation by each State Government. Many schemes covered under the
document are mapped based on relevance to SAGY Guidelines only, therefore, they may not be comprehensive
and / or complete.
We endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, however, we make no representations or
warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability
with respect to the content, websites, the information, services, or related graphics contained on the website for
any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore, strictly at your own risk.
In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential
loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection
with, the use of this document.
Through this document you are able to link to other Ministries / State Government and websites which
are not under the control of this Ministry. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those
The SAGY cell, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India expressly disclaims liability for any errors
on information and content of Government schemes in this compilation. We urge you to consult the concerned
Ministries / State Government officials / Government websites for updated and authentic information on the
various Government schemes and programmes.








Relevant Central and State Sector schemes for SAGY in the State of Assam

Sl. No Sector Central State No. of Schemes

1 Personal Development 6 – 6

2 Human Development 58 16 74

3 Social Development 36 1 37

4 Economic Development 87 14 101

5 Environmental Development 13 1 14

6 Basic Amenities and Services 23 2 25

7 Social Security 9 3 12

8 Good Governance 18 1 19

Unique Schemes 223 38 261

Personal Development
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 3
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
1 Inculcating National Rural Central Ministry of Health & The scheme provides financial assistance up to 90% of the project cost for running
hygienic behaviour Health Mission Family Welfare and maintenance of day care centre, old age home, mobile medicare unit, etc.
and practices (NRHM) Besides increase in amount of financial assistance, several new projects have been
added to the scheme like maintenance of Respite Care Homes and Continuous Care
Homes, Running of Multi-Service Centre for Older Persons, Running of Day Care

Personal Development
Centres for Alzheimer Disease/Dementia Patients, Physiotherapy Clinics for Older
Persons, Disability and hearing aids for older persons, Helplines and Counselling
Centre for older persons, etc.
2 Inculcating Swachh Bharat Central Ministry of Drinking This campaign aims to accomplish the vision of a ‘Clean India’. For inculcating
hygienic behaviour Mission Water & Sanitation hygienic behaviour and practices, the following components of Swachh Bharat
and practices Mission can be leveraged:
I. Construction of individual sanitary toilets (mostly pit latrines) for households
below the poverty line with subsidy where demand exists.
II. Conversion of dry latrines (pit latrines without a water seal) into low-cost
sanitary latrines.
III. Construction of exclusive village sanitary complexes for women providing
facilities for hand pumping, bathing, sanitation and washing on a selective basis
where there is not adequate land or space within houses and where village
panchayats are willing to maintain the facilities.
IV. Setting up of sanitary marts.
V. Total sanitation of villages through the construction of drains, soakage pits,
solid and liquid waste disposal.
VI. Intensive campaign for awareness generation and health education to create a
felt need for personal, household and environmental sanitation facilities.
3 Fostering healthy Rajiv Gandhi Khel Central Ministry of Youth This scheme provides financial assistance for the creation of basic sports facilities
habits including Abhiyaan (RGKA) Affairs & Sports at the village and block panchayat level. Apart from this, the scheme also provides
daily exercise and financial assistance for holding of competitions at the district, State and national
games level and for acquisition of sports equipment.
4 Fostering healthy Promotion of Central Ministry of Youth Provision meant for promotion of sports among disabled by way of conducting
habits including Sports Amongst Affairs & Sports sports camps, national events and exposure visits.
daily exercise and Disabled
5 Fostering healthy Mahatma Gandhi Central Ministry of Rural Playground can be constructed under MGNREGA.
habits including National Rural Development
daily exercise and Employment
games Guarantee Act
4 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
6 Reducing risk Assistance for Central Ministry of The scheme is being implemented for identification, counselling, treatment and
behaviour- Prevention of Social Justice & rehabilitation of addicts through voluntary organisations. Under the scheme,
alcoholism, Alcoholism and Empowerment financial assistance of 90% of the approved expenditure is given. In case of North
smoking, Substance (Drugs) Eastern States, Sikkim and Jammu & Kashmir, the quantum of assistance is 95% of
substance abuse, Abuse the total admissible expenditure.
Personal Development

Human Development
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 7
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
7 Universal access to basic National Rural Central Ministry of Health & Activities which are taken up under NRHM are listed below:
health facilities consisting Health Mission Family Welfare 1. Acredited Social Health Activists for establishing a link between the
of health card, medical (NRHM) community and the health system.
examination 2. Rogi Kalyan Samiti (Patient Welfare Committee)/Hospital
Management Society to manage the affairs of the hospital.
3. Improved efficacy of Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) in the field

Human Development
that can now undertake better antenatal care and other health care
4. Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committees (VHSNC)
have used untied grants to increase their involvement in their
local communities to address the needs of poor households and
5. Health care contractors in under-served areas. Janani Suraksha
Yojana (JSY) for promoting institutional delivery. National Mobile
Medical Units (NMMUs).
6. National Ambulance Services; Emergency response services and
patient transport system.
7. Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) to provide free to
and fro transport, free drugs, free diagnostic, free blood, free
diet to pregnant women who come for delivery in public health
institutions and sick infants up to one year.
8. Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) to screen diseases specific
to childhood, developmental delays, disabilities, birth defects and
9. Mother and Child Health Wings (MCH Wings) in high case load
district hospitals and CHCs which would create additional beds for
mothers and children.
10. Free Drugs and Free Diagnostic Service to provide Free Drugs
Service and Free Diagnostic Service with a motive to lower the out-
of-pocket expenditure on health.
11. District Hospital and Knowledge Centre (DHKC) to provide multi-
specialty health care including dialysis care, intensive cardiac care,
cancer treatment, mental illness, emergency medical and trauma
care, etc.
12. National Iron+ Initiative to look at Iron Deficiency Anaemia in
which beneficiaries will receive iron and folic acid supplementation
irrespective of their Iron/Hb status.
8 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
8 Universal access to basic National AIDS Central Ministry of Health & (A) Under the programme, following activities are carried out:
health facilities consisting and STD Control Family Welfare (i) Preventive measures,
of health card, medical Programme (ii) Targeted Intervention among High Risk Groups,
examination (iii) Information, Education and Communication activities in States
and UTs,
(iv) Treatment of sexually transmitted infections,
Human Development

(v) Blood safety and quality assurance,

(vi) Integrated Counselling & Testing facilities including prevention
of Parent to Child Transmission,
(vii) Rural outreach through Link Worker Scheme,
(B) Activities for providing Care, Support & Treatment to People living
with HIV / AIDS,
(C) Capacity Building, and
(D) Strategic Information Management.
9 Universal access to basic National AYUSH Central Ministry of Under the mission activities, it is aimed to provide AYUSH services at
health facilities consisting Mission (NAM) Ayurveda, Yoga health centres and promotion of farming of medicinal plants.
of health card, medical and Naturopathy,
examination Unani, Siddha and
Homeopathy (AYUSH)
10 Universal access to basic Supply of Central Ministry of Health & Under the scheme, following activities can be taken up; Supply of
health facilities consisting Contraceptives Family Welfare condoms to consumers free of cost, Condom Social Marketing and
of health card, medical publicity campaign.
11 Universal access to basic Assistance Central Ministry of Grant support to NGOs/ voluntary organisations for service activities
health facilities consisting to Voluntary Social Justice & such as medical centres, dispensaries.
of health card, medical Organisations for Empowerment
examination Welfare of SCs
12 Universal access to basic Morom State Health & Family The scheme extends financial support to patients admitted in general
health facilities consisting Welfare wards of Government health institutions as compensation for wage loss
of health card, medical during hospitalisation and post-hospital expenses.
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 9
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
13 Universal access to basic Sneha Sparsha State Health & Family “Sneha Sparsha”, literally meaning the touch of love, is aimed at
health facilities consisting Welfare extending financial assistance for specialised treatment of children
of health card, medical below 12 years of age afflicted with some serious ailments such as
examination 1. Thalessemia requiring Bone Marrow Transplant,
2. Kidney Transplant,
3. Liver Transplant,

Human Development
4. Cochlear Implant,
5. Limb deformities requiring artificial and motorised limb,
6. Neurological anomaly like Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida,
7. Specialised eye surgery,
8. Blood cancer requiring chemo therapy, and
9. Various solid tumors.
Target group- Children below 12 years of age from families with annual
income less than ₹ 2.50 lakh while priority given to children belonging
to BPL families.
14 Universal access to basic Sanjeevani - Village State Health & Family Sanjeevani is being introduced throughout the State with 80 Mobile
health facilities consisting Health Outreach Welfare Health Units (MHU). The service aims in early identification, screening,
of health card, medical Programme referral, follow-up and free medicines for effective Chronic disease
examination management. Based on the screening done in VHOP, the beneficiaries
are referred to the nearest PHC for confirmation, prescription and
commencement of treatment. Each MHU have a pre-defined calendar
and route plan for delivering the services covering 2 villages and a
population of 3000 each day on an average and 48 villages in a monthly
cycle of 24 days.
15 Universal access to basic Sushrusha State Health & Family Under “Sushrusha” scheme, an amount of ₹ 1 lakh is granted as financial
health facilities consisting Welfare assistance to people who have undergone kidney transplantation.
of health card, medical The person who is a resident of Assam and whose income or guardian
examination income doesn't exceed ₹ 3.00 lakh per year shall be eligible for the
16 Universal access to basic Operation Smile State Health & Family Joint intervention of Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt.of
health facilities consisting Welfare Assam, NHM and Operation Smile- Free Surgery for children having
of health card, medical cleft palate and cleft lip.
examination For fulfilling the vision of a “Cleft Free Assam”, Comprehensive Cleft
and Child Care Centre was set up at the Mohendra Mohan Choudhury
Hospital, Guwahati.
10 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
17 Universal access to basic Assam Arogya Nidhi State Health & Family It provides financial assistance up to ₹ 1,50,000 to BPL families and
health facilities consisting (AAN) Welfare families having a monthly income of less than ₹ 10,000 for general
of health card, medical and specialised treatment of (i) life threatening diseases, (ii) of injuries
examination caused by natural and man-made disasters, such as industrial/farm/
road/rail accidents, bomb blasts, etc. Life threatening diseases include
Heart Diseases and Heart Surgery, Cancer, Kidney and Uninary Diseases,
Human Development

Orthopedic, Thallassemia, Bone Marrow Transplant, AIDS, and Chronic

Mental Illness with Surgical Treatment. Beneficiaries are selected by
a Selection Committee that has been notified by the Government of
18 Universal access to basic Free Operation for State Health & Family Government of Assam has initiated a scheme for free treatment of
health facilities consisting Children Having Welfare children with congenital heart defects in Narayana Hrudyalaya Hospital,
of health card, medical Congenital Heart Bengaluru/Kolkata for the patient and a guardian, all medical expenses
examination Disease incurred at Narayana Hrudayalaya, Bengaluru and Kolkata and food and
lodging expenses during treatment for the patient and a guardian. It
is a Govt. of Assam sponsored scheme. The scheme is effective from
1st July, 2010. Guardian should be permanent resident of Assam and
Annual Income should not exceed ₹ 6 lakh per annum. The children
between age group of 0-14 years are eligible for the scheme.
19 Total Immunisation Integrated Child Central Ministry of Women & Under ICDS, children of age group 0-6 are immunised.
Development Child Development
Services (ICDS)
20 Total Immunisation Mamoni State Health & Family Mamoni Scheme will encourage the pregnant women to undergo
Welfare 3 ante-natal check-ups. The pregnant women receive an amount of
1000 rupees in the second and third ante-natal check-ups for expenses
related to nutritional food and supplements.
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 11
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
21 Balancing the sex-ratio Beti Bachao Beti Central Ministry of Women & This initiative of Government aims to address the issue of declining
Padhao Child Development Child Sex Ratio (CSR) through a mass campaign across the country and
focussed intervention and multi-sectoral action in 100 selected districts
low on Child Sex Ratio. The overall goal of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
(BBBP) programme is to celebrate the birth of girl child and enable her
education. The specific objectives of the scheme are:

Human Development
i. Prevention of gender based sex selection
ii. Ensure survival of girl child
iii. Protection of the girl child and
iv. Ensure education of the girl child.
The programme is a joint initiative of Ministry of Women and Child
Development, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of
Human Resource Development.
22 Balancing the sex-ratio Majoni State Health & Family Majoni scheme pays pregnant mothers ₹ 1,000 for two health check
Welfare ups (₹ 500 each) and also provides a fixed deposit of ₹ 5000 for a new
born girl child. The fixed deposit of ₹ 5,000 can be encased by the girl
herself when she turns 18.
23 100% institutional delivery Janani Suraksha Central Ministry of Health & Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is one of the schemes under NRHM. Under
Yojana (JSY) Family Welfare this programme, cash incentive is provided to mothers delivering
in hospital. In this scheme, the States where there is a low rate of
Institutional deliveries is classified as ‘Low Performing States (LPS)’ (the
States of Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Assam, Rajasthan, Odisha and Jammu and Kashmir),
whereas the remaining States are termed as High Performing States
(HPS). Cash benefits to them are as under:
Low Performing State: Mothers’ package (₹1400), ASHA Package (₹ 600)
totalling ₹ 2000.
High Performing States: Mothers’ package (₹ 700), ASHA Package
(₹ 600) totalling ₹ 1300. These costs are applicable to rural areas only.
24 100% institutional delivery Mamata State Health & Family It seeks to reduce IMR and MMR by insisting on a post-delivery hospital
Welfare stay of 48 hours of the mother and the new born. During discharge
from hospital, the mother receives a gift hamper called the ‘Mamata’ kit.
This kit contains essential products for the baby viz. baby powder, baby
oil, a mosquito net, a flannel cloth, etc.
12 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
25 Improving nutrition status Rajiv Gandhi Central Ministry of Women & The scheme has special focus on adolescent girls of the age group, 11 to
for all, with special focus Scheme for Child Development 18 years. The scheme has two major components namely, nutrition and
on children, adolescent Empowerment of non-nutrition component.
girls, pregnant women, Adolescent Girls
Nutrition is being given in the form of Take Home Ration or Hot Cooked
and lactating mothers (RGSEAG) - SABLA
Meal to out-of-school girls of age group 11-14 years and to all adolescent
girls of age group 14-18.
Human Development

In the non-nutrition component, the out-of-school adolescent girls

of age group 11 to18 years are being provided IFA supplementation,
Health check-up and Referral services, Nutrition and Health Education,
Counselling and guidance on family welfare, Adolescent Reproductive
Sexual Health (ARSH), child care practices, Life Skill Education and
vocational training.
26 Improving nutrition status Integrated Child Central Ministry of Women & Under ICDS, six different kinds of services are provided to women
for all, with special focus Development Child Development and children through the anganwadi centres. Following services are
on children, adolescent Services (ICDS) sponsored under ICDS:
girls, pregnant women, 1. Immunisation of 0-6 age group children
and lactating mothers 2. Supplementary nutrition to children, pregnant women and
lactating mothers
3. Health check-up of children, pregnant women and lactating
4. Referral services
5. Pre-school non-formal education to children
6. Nutrition and Health information to women.
27 Improving nutrition status National Nutrition Central Ministry of Women & Basic activities under National Nutrition Mission:
for all, with special focus Mission Child Development (i) Strengthen and restructure the ICDS scheme,
on children, adolescent (ii) Introduce a multi-sectoral programme to address maternal and
girls, pregnant women, child malnutrition in selected 200 high-burden districts,
and lactating mothers (iii) Introducing a nation-wide Information, Education and
Communication campaign against malnutrition and
(iv) Making nutrition a focus in the programmes and schemes of line
This scheme is now a sub-scheme under Integrated Child Development
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 13
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
28 Improving nutrition status Indira Gandhi Central Ministry of Women & Cash assistance directly to pregnant and lactating women (P & L
for all, with special focus Matritva Sahyog Child Development Women) from the end of 2nd trimester of pregnancy up to 6 months
on children, adolescent Yojana (IGMSY) after delivery. ₹ 6000 provided to the pregnant and lactating women
girls, pregnant women, in response to fulfilling specific conditions related to health and
and lactating mothers nutrition of mother and child. The scheme would address short-term
income support objectives with long-term objective of behaviour and

Human Development
attitudinal change. The scheme attempts to partly compensate for
wage loss to pregnant and lactating women both prior to and after
delivery of the child.
29 Improving nutrition status Aajeevika - National Central Ministry of Rural Under NRLM, Food Security Risk fund is provided to SHG/ volunteer
for all, with special focus Livelihood Mission Development organisations, cluster level SHG federation. In addition, activities such
on children, adolescent as IEC on education and nutrition are conducted in VO / SHG meetings.
girls, pregnant women,
and lactating mothers
30 Strong focus on the special MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Under MGNREGA, tasks are defined for labourers with different forms
needs of Persons With Development of disability.
Disability (PWD), especially
children and women
31 Strong focus on the special National Institutes Central Ministry of In consonance with the policy for providing a comprehensive package
needs of Persons With for Blind, Deaf, Social Justice & of welfare services and also in order to effectively deal with multi-
Disability (PWD), especially Mentally Retarded Empowerment dimensional problems of persons with disabilities, seven institutes
children and women and Orthopedically are working in their respective areas of specialisation. They provide
Handicapped professional training courses with a view to developing trained
manpower in the disability sector and also providing various other
rehabilitation services.
32 Strong focus on the special Rajiv Gandhi Central Ministry of The provision is for providing financial assistance to students with
needs of Persons With National Fellowship Social Justice & disability (SWD) for pursuing research studies leading to M.Phil, Ph.D
Disability (PWD), especially for PWD Empowerment and equivalent research degree in universities, institutions and scientific
children and women institutions.
33 Strong focus on the special Assistance Central Ministry of The scheme provides financial assistance up to 90% of the project cost
needs of Persons With to Voluntary Social Justice & for running and maintenance of day care centre, old age home, mobile
Disability (PWD), especially Organisations for Empowerment medicare unit, etc. Besides increase in amount of financial assistance,
children and women Old Age Homes several new projects have been added to the scheme like maintenance
of Respite Care Homes and Continuous Care Homes, Running of Multi-
Service Centre for Older Persons, Running of Day Care Centres for
Alzheimer Disease/Dementia Patients, Physiotherapy Clinics for Older
Persons, Disability and hearing aids for older persons, Helplines and
Counselling Centre for older persons, etc.
14 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
34 Strong focus on the special National Central Ministry of Under the scheme, it is aimed to implement the PWD act with due
needs of Persons With Programme for Social Justice & letter and spirit. Activities such as construction of hostels for PWDs,
Disability (PWD), especially Persons with Empowerment community based rehabilitation programmes, etc., can be taken up.
children and women Disabilities
35 Strong focus on the special Aids and Central Ministry of The objective of the scheme is to provide Grants-in-aid to various
needs of Persons With Appliances for the Social Justice & implementing agencies to assist the needy disabled persons in
Human Development

Disability (PWD), especially Handicapped Empowerment procuring durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured,
children and women modern, standard aids and appliances that can promote their physical,
social and psychological rehabilitation. PWDs can get the aids and
36 Strong focus on the special Artificial Limbs Central Ministry of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and restoration of their
needs of Persons With Manufacturing Social Justice & dignity by way of manufacturing and supplying durable, sophisticated,
Disability (PWD), especially Corporation Empowerment scientifically manufactured modern and ISI standard quality assistive
children and women aids. The aids are supplied to PWDs.
37 Strong focus on the special National Social Central Ministry of Rural Various Pensions - comprising Old Age Pension Scheme, Widow Pension
needs of Persons With Assistance Development Scheme, Disability Pension Scheme, National Family Benefit Scheme
Disability (PWD), especially Programme (NFBS) and Annapurna are provided under NSAP.
children and women
38 Strong focus on the special MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Training to carry out specially defined tasks for disabled (by using 6 %
needs of Persons With Development contingency).
Disability (PWD), especially
children and women
39 Strong focus on the special Promotion of Sports Central Ministry of Youth Sports facility for persons with disability is provided under the scheme.
needs of Persons With Amongst Disabled Affairs & Sports
Disability (PWD), especially
children and women
40 Strong focus on the special Unemployment State Social Welfare Disabled persons who are registered in employment exchange, get ₹ 50
needs of Persons With Allowance to p.m. as unemployment allowance.
Disability (PWD), especially The Person With
children and women Disability
41 Strong focus on the special Scholarship to State Social Welfare Physically handicapped students who are pursuing studies in the
needs of Persons With The Physically special institutions of the Dept., institutions run by N.G.O's and also
Disability (PWD), especially Handicapped general schools and colleges, are offered stipend @ ₹ 200 p.m. each.
children and women Student
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 15
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
42 Universal access to basic Integrated Child Central Ministry of Women & Pre-school non-formal education is provided to children through
health facilities consisting Development Child Development anganwadi centres.
of health card, medical Services (ICDS)
43 Universal access to Scheme for the Central Ministry of Women & The scheme is intended to bring working children into mainstream
education facilities up to Welfare of Working Child Development education, and also provide vocational training to working children for

Human Development
class X and retention Children and self-employment in addition to health care and nutrition.
Children in Need of
Care and Protection
44 Universal access to Strengthening Central Ministry of Tribal Grants-in Aid to State Tribal Development Societies for running
education facilities up to Education among Affairs educational complex for the development of literacy among ST girls
class X and retention Girls in Low Literacy in identified low literacy pockets in tribal areas. ST Girls and PVTG girl
Pockets children in identified Low Literacy Pockets can be enrolled in these
schools. Residential education facility is provided in these schools.
The scheme is implemented by voluntary organisations/civil society
organisations and State Tribal Education Societies.
45 Universal access to Umbrella Schemes Central Ministry of Tribal Under the scheme, grant is provided for construction of residential
education facilities up to for Education Affairs school infrastructure for ST children in Tribal Sub-Plan areas. Students
class X and retention of ST Children: belonging to ST category can be enrolled in these schools.
Establishment of
Ashram Schools
46 Universal access to Eklavya Model Central Ministry of Tribal Setting up and running of Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS)
education facilities up to Residential Schools Affairs for providing quality education to ST children. These are high quality
class X and retention (EMRS): Proviso residential schools run in the pattern of JNV/KVs. Children are enrolled
under Art 275(1) of at Std-VI and continue their study till Std XII in these schools. The
Constitution schools are established in TSP areas under the grant under First proviso
to Article 275(1) of Constitution of India.
47 Universal access to Common Central Ministry of The provision covers for scheme of Free Coaching for SCs and OBC
education facilities up to Programmes for Social Justice & students. The scheme has been designed to cater to the needs of
class X and retention SCs and Other Empowerment the prospective job seekers belonging to SCs and OBCs by way of
Backward Classes providing special pre-examination coaching in order to enable them to
compete with general category students. The scheme is implemented
through reputed institutions/centres/UT Administrations, Universities
and Private Sector Organisations. Under the scheme, 100% Central
assistance is provided to run the coaching programmes. Only students
belonging to SCs and OBCs community having family income up to ₹
3.00 lakh per annum are eligible under the scheme.
16 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
48 Universal access to Free Coaching & Central Ministry of Minority The objective of the scheme is to assist economically weaker section
education facilities up to Allied Scheme Affairs candidates belonging to minority communities by providing them
class X and retention opportunities for enhancing their knowledge, skills and capabilities
for employment in government/private sector through competitive
examinations/process of selection, and for admission in reputed
Human Development

49 Universal access to Other Programmes Central Ministry of Tribal Fellowship to ST students for higher education such as M. Phil / Ph. D
education facilities up to for Welfare of Affairs under Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships for ST students.
class X and retention Scheduled Tribes
50 Universal access to Support for Central Ministry of Minority Under this scheme, coaching and tutoring support is provided to
education facilities up to Students Clearing Affairs students who have cleared Prelims conducted by UPSC, SSC and State
class X and retention Prelims Conducted Public Service Commissions.
by UPSC, SSC and
State Public Service
51 Universal access to Pre-Matric Central Ministry of Under this scheme, scholarship is provided to the poor OBC students
education facilities up to Scholarship for Social Justice & studying in high schools.
class X and retention Other Backward Empowerment
52 Universal access to Maulana Azad Central Ministry of Minority Under the scheme, fellowship is provided in the form of financial
education facilities up to National Fellowship Affairs assistance to students belonging to Minority Communities to pursue
class X and retention for Minority higher studies at M. Phil and Ph.D level.
53 Universal access to Scholarship for Central MHRD Department of Under the scheme, scholarship is provided to students for pursuing
education facilities up to College and Higher Education higher studies in colleges and university system. The scholarship
class X and retention University Students amount is disbursed directly to the beneficiaries through e-banking.
54 Universal access to Merit-cum-means Central Ministry of Minority Financial assistance is given to minority students to pursue degree
education facilities up to Scholarships for Affairs and or post-graduate level technical and professional courses from
class X and retention Professional & recognised institutions. The scholarship is provided to students from
Technical Courses minority communities belonging to a family with annual income of ₹
of Undergraduate & 2.5 lakh or less.
Post-graduate Level
55 Universal access to Rajiv Gandhi Central Ministry of Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided to SC students for
education facilities up to National Fellowship Social Justice & pursuing higher study leading to M.Phil/Ph.D and equivalent research
class X and retention for Scheduled Caste Empowerment degree in universities, research institutions and scientific institutions.
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 17
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
56 Universal access to Rajiv Gandhi Central Ministry of Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided to OBC/ SEBC
education facilities up to National Fellowship Social Justice & students for pursuing higher study leading to M.Phil/Ph.D and
class X and retention for Other Backward Empowerment equivalent research degree in universities, research institutions and
Classes and scientific institutions.
Backward Classes

Human Development
57 Universal access to Top Class Education Central Ministry of Under this scheme, a short list of Institutes of excellence has been
education facilities up to for Meritorious Social Justice & notified and SC students who secure admission in any of these institutes
class X and retention Students Empowerment are awarded a larger scholarship that meets the requirements of tuition
fees, living expenses, books and a computer. The parental annual
income ceiling is ₹ 4.50 lakh to become eligible under the scheme.
58 Universal access to Post-Matric Central Ministry of Under the scheme, post-matric scholarship is provided to the SC
education facilities up to Scholarship Social Justice & students pursuing post-matriculation or post-secondary stage to
class X and retention Scheme for SC Empowerment enable them to complete their education.
59 Universal access to Pre-Matric Central Ministry of Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided to children of the
education facilities up to Scholarship for Social Justice & following target groups -
class X and retention Children of Those Empowerment (i) Scavengers
Engaged in Unclean (ii) Sweepers
Occupations (iii) Tanners
(iv) Flayers
(v) Manhole and open drain cleaners and
(vi) Rat pickers.
60 Universal access to Pre-Matric Central Ministry of The scholarship is provided to students studying in standard IX and X
education facilities up to Scholarship for SC Social Justice & so that the incidents of drop-out, especially in the transition from the
class X and retention Students Empowerment elementary to the secondary stage is minimised. For being eligible
under this scheme, the student should belong to scheduled caste
and her/his parent, guardian’s income should not exceed ₹ 2 lakh per
61 Universal access to National Overseas Central Ministry of Under this scheme, scholarship is provided to persons with disability to
education facilities up to Scholarships for Social Justice & pursue higher education.
class X and retention Persons With Empowerment
Disabilities (PWD)
62 Universal access to Rajiv Gandhi Central Ministry of The provision is for providing financial assistance to students with
education facilities up to National Fellowship Social Justice & disability (SWD) for pursuing research studies leading to M.Phil, Ph.D
class X and retention for PWD Empowerment and equivalent research degree in universities, institutions and scientific
18 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
63 Universal access to National Overseas Central Ministry of The scholarship is awarded for higher studies abroad in specified field
education facilities up to Scholarship for SCs Social Justice & of Engineering, Technology & Science and covers cost of fees, etc.,
class X and retention and Passage Grants Empowerment and other educational expenses including maintenance, contingency
allowance, and travel expenses, etc., for various courses at Masters’ and
Ph.D level only.
For the passage grant, only those candidates are eligible who possess
Human Development

a masters’ or equivalent degree in technical, engineering and science

disciplines and are in receipt of merit scholarship for post-graduate
studies, research or training abroad (excluding attending seminars,
workshops, conferences from a foreign government/organisation or
under any other scheme where the cost of passage is not provided).
64 Universal access to Post-Matric Central Ministry of Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided to students with
education facilities up to Scholarship for Social Justice & disabilities studying at post-matriculation or post-secondary stage to
class X and retention Students with Empowerment enable them to pursue higher education.
65 Universal access to Post-Matric Central Ministry of Minority Post-matric scholarship is provided to students from minority
education facilities up to Scholarship for Affairs communities who fulfil merit and means criteria for studies in class XI &
class X and retention Minorities XII levels including technical and vocational courses and to such eligible
minority students for general courses at undergraduate, post-graduate
levels up to Ph.D level, in schools/colleges/institutes/universities
recognised by an appropriate authority.
66 Universal access to Pre and Post-Matric Central Ministry of Tribal Financial assistance is provided to ST students studying in elementary,
education facilities up to Scholarship to ST Affairs primary, high school, higher secondary school, college and university
class X and retention Children level. Pre-matric scholarship and post-matric scholarship to students
belonging to ST community.
67 Universal access to National Overseas Central Ministry of Tribal Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to meritorious ST
education facilities up to Scholarship Scheme Affairs students for pursuing higher studies in foreign university in specified
class X and retention - for ST Students fields of Master Level Courses, Ph.D and Post-Doctoral research
programmes, in the field of Engineering, Technology and Science.
68 Universal access to Beti Bachao Beti Central Ministry of Women & Enrolment of Girl Child in schools. The programme is a joint effort of
education facilities up to Padhao Child Development MHRD and MW&CD. Following efforts are made under BBBP Abhiyan:
class X and retention 1. Activate School Management Committees (SMCs) to ensure
universal enrolment of girls.
2. Create Forums to encourage participation of girls through Balika
3. Construction of girls’ toilets and efforts to make dysfunctional
toilets functional.
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 19
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
69 Universal access to Sarva Shiksha Central MHRD Department of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a flagship programme of Government
education facilities up to Abhiyan (SSA) School Education & of India being implemented in partnership with the States/UT
class X and retention Literacy Governments for universalisation of elementary education in the
country. Under SSA, following activities are carried out:
i. Construction of elementary school with adequate school

Human Development
ii. Provision of free books and uniforms to children
iii. Supply of teaching aid to schools
iv. Engagement of teachers in the elementary school
v. Enrolment of children and retention of children in schools
vi. Quality improvement in elementary education.
70 Universal access to Grants-in-aid Central Ministry of Minority Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF) is a voluntary, non-
education facilities up to to Maulana Affairs political, non-profit making, social service organisation established to
class X and retention Azad Education promote education among the educationally backward minorities.
71 Universal access to Kendriya Vidyalayas Central MHRD Department of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan was set up in 1965, as a registered body,
education facilities up to School Education & wholly financed by Government to establish, control and manage
class X and retention Literacy Kendriya Vidyalayas, the main objective of which is to meet the
educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government
72 Universal access to Navodaya Vidyalaya Central MHRD Department of The JNVs are established in every district and are run by an autonomous
education facilities up to Samiti (NVS) School Education & organisation, the Navodaya Vidyalayas Samiti (NVS). Students from rural
class X and retention Literacy area can attempt for admission into Navodaya Vidyalayas. The entry
level for NVS is Std-VI. For getting enrolled in the JNVs, the students
have to clear the JNV admission test.
73 Universal access to Rashtriya Central MHRD Department of Under RMSA, the thrust is on middle and secondary school education.
education facilities up to Madhyamik Shiksha School Education & Under RMSA, model schools are established in the Educationally
class X and retention Abhiyan (RMSA) Literacy Backward Blocks. Students can take admission in these schools. School
classes range from Std. VI-XII.
74 Universal access to Scheme for Central MHRD Department of The scheme seeks to bring about quality improvement in Madrassa to
education facilities up to Providing Education School Education & enable Muslim children to attain standards of the National Education
class X and retention to Madrassas/ Literacy System in formal Education Subject. Students belonging to Muslim
Minorities community can take admission in these schools.
75 Universal access to School Quality Central MHRD Department of Performance assessment of schools can be taken up and suggestions to
education facilities up to Assessment School Education & improve the standard of education, school functioning, etc., are carried
class X and retention Programme Literacy out.
20 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
76 Universal access to Schemes of Top Central Ministry of Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided to persons with
education facilities up to Class Education for Social Justice & Special Needs to pursue their higher education.
class X and retention PWDs Empowerment
77 Universal access to Anundoram State Education All students scoring 60%+ are given a laptop. Those scoring between
education facilities up to Borooah Award 50-60% are given a tablet.
class X and retention Scheme
Human Development

78 Universal access to Bicycle to BPL State Education All BPL female students are given cycles to minimise female drop-outs.
education facilities up to Female Students
class X and retention Scheme
79 Universal access to Gyanjyoti State Planning and Students from class VIII - X are selected from rural areas and are taken
education facilities up to Development to exposure visit to various institutions like IIT, Cotton College, Zoo,
class X and retention Museum, Planetarium, Balaji Mandir, ISBT, Guwahati University, etc.,
located in Guwahati.
80 Universal access to Scholarship to BPL State Education ₹ 1800 to class IX and X students, and ₹ 2400 to class XI and class XII are
education facilities up to Students given to meritorious students belonging to BPL families.
class X and retention
81 Conversion of schools National Mission in Central MHRD Department of The scheme has the objective to develop a system of identification and
into ‘smart schools’. Education through Higher Education nurturing the talent of human resources of the country and for their life-
Smart schools will have ICT long learning through learning modules to address the personalised
IT enabled classrooms, needs of the learners. The scheme also envisages for effective
e-libraries, web based utilisation of intellectual resources, certification of the knowledge
teaching and will make acquired by the learners either through formal or non-formal system
all students e-literate as also systematically building a database of capabilities, capacities and
required for providing human resource talent of the country. Special focus is laid on e-Learning
quality education modules for all kinds of persons in various languages.
82 Conversion of schools Sarva Shiksha Central MHRD Department of Under the scheme, there is provision for creation of computer lab, use
into ‘smart schools’. Abhiyan School Education & of multimedia content, etc., in school education.
Smart schools will have Literacy
IT enabled classrooms,
e-libraries, web based
teaching and will make
all students e-literate
required for providing
quality education
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 21
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
83 Conversion of schools Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority This is a special area development programme. The objective of the
into ‘smart schools’. Development Affairs multi-sectoral development programme is to address the development
Smart schools will have Programme (MSDP) deficits in the selected minority concentration blocks/towns/clusters of
IT enabled classrooms, villages having a substantial minority population which are relatively
e-libraries, web based backward. Activities such as construction of new school and hostel,
teaching and will make setting up of computer lab, renovation and school infrastructure

Human Development
all students e-literate upgradation, ICT integration, etc., can be taken up under the scheme.
required for providing
quality education
84 Adult Literacy Rajiv Gandhi Central Ministry of Women & The scheme has special focus on adolescent girls of the age group, 11
Scheme for Child Development to 18 years. Nutrition and Health Education, Counselling and guidance
Empowerment of on family welfare, Adolescent Reproductive Sexual Health (ARSH), child
Adolescent Girls care practices, Life Skill Education and vocational training, etc., are
(RGSEAG) - SABLA provided.
85 Adult Literacy National AIDS Central Ministry of Health & Under the programme; information, education & communication
and STD Control Family Welfare activities, integrated counselling, capacity building work, etc., are
Programme carried out.
86 Adult Literacy Aajeevika - National Central Ministry of Rural Under NRLM, training and capacity building programmes are organised
Livelihood Mission Development for SHGs on basic literacy and financial literacy.
87 Adult Literacy Rashtriya Uchchatar Central MHRD Department of This is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme aimed at providing strategic
Shiksha Abhiyan Higher Education funding to State higher and technical institutions. Funding is linked
(RUSA) to academic, administrative and financial reforms of State higher
education. Activities such as establishment and functioning of new
colleges, improvement of quality of education in colleges, career
counselling, etc., can be taken up under RUSA.
88 E-literacy Digital India Central Department Provision is majorly for programme on ‘Digital India’. Other initiatives
Programme of Electronics include ensuring availability of trained human resources for electronic
and Manpower & Information and IT industry. Provision includes amount of ‘IT for Masses’. The grant
Development for Technology allocation includes provision for ‘e-Panchayats’ as part of Digital India
Skill in IT and IT for Programme, Programme on Cyber Security, e-Governance, etc. National
Masses Knowledge network and other related programmes are under this
umbrella programme.
Social Development
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 25
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
89 Activities for promotion National Service Central Ministry of Youth Shramdaan (selfless volunteer work) for community by NSS volunteer
of voluntarism like Bharat Scheme (NSS) Affairs & Sports students from nearby schools and colleges.
Nirman Volunteers
90 Activities for promotion Aajeevika - National Central Ministry of Rural Formation of SHGs, Village Organisations (VO’s), Cluster Level
of voluntarism like Bharat Livelihood Mission Development Federations, etc.
Nirman Volunteers
91 Activities for promotion Rajiv Gandhi Scheme Central Ministry of Formation of Kishori Samooh (KS). The KS will have Sakhi and Saheli,

Social Development
of voluntarism like Bharat for Empowerment Women & Child which will help the AWC in providing pre‐school education and
Nirman Volunteers of Adolescent Girls Development supplementary nutrition, etc.
92 Activities for promotion Agricultural Technology Central Ministry of Formation and strengthening of Farmer Interest Groups under ATMA.
of voluntarism like Bharat Management Agency Agriculture and
Nirman Volunteers (ATMA) Cooperation
93 Activities for promotion Nehru Yuva Kendra Central Ministry of Youth Youth Club Development Programme, Training on Youth Leadership
of voluntarism like Bharat Sangathan Affairs & Sports and Community Development (TYLCD).
Nirman Volunteers
94 Building the capacity of the National Programme for Central Ministry of Youth The scheme focuses on Youth Leadership and Personality
people to fully participate Youth and Adolescent Affairs & Sports Development Training. Activities such as Life Skills Education,
and contribute to local Development (NPYAD) Counselling, Career Guidance, Residential Camps, etc., can be
development organised under the scheme.
95 Building the capacity of the World Bank Assisted Central Ministry of Activities such as capacity building of CBOs for engagement in ICDS
people to fully participate ICDS Systems Women & Child can be taken up with aim to strengthen and improve service delivery
and contribute to local Strengthening and Development by providing technical and managerial support.
development Nutrition Improvement
96 Building the capacity of the Technical Assistance Central Ministry of Scheme facilitates capacity building of Govt. officials and youth for
people to fully participate and Capacity Building Development of better project planning, implementation and governance.
and contribute to local of North Eastern Region North Eastern
development Youth Region
97 Building the capacity of the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme Central Ministry of For Kishoris - Life Skills Education and Accessing Public Services,
people to fully participate for Empowerment Women & Child Guidance on Family Welfare, Adolescent Reproductive & Sexual
and contribute to local of Adolescent Girls Development Health (ARSH), Child Care Practices and Home Management.
development (RGSEAG) - SABLA
26 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
98 Building the capacity of the National Youth Corps Central Ministry of Youth Scheme provides opportunities to youth to involve themselves on
people to fully participate Affairs & Sports a voluntary basis, in nation building activities for a specific period,
and contribute to local on a full time basis. The volunteers can act as points of contact for
development dissemination of information in the communities. Volunteers can be
paid stipend, boarding and lodging and TA expenses.
99 Building the capacity of the Strengthening of Public Central Department of This provision is for capacity building of people through training,
people to fully participate Distribution System and Food and Public curbing of leakages/diversion of foodgrains meant for Targeted Public
Social Development

and contribute to local Capacity Building Distribution Distribution System (TPDS) and Generating Awareness amongst the
development TPDS beneficiaries.
100 Building the capacity of the National Water Mission Central Ministry of Water The mission provides thrust on promotion of traditional system of
people to fully participate Resources, River water conservation, improving water use efficiency and ecological
and contribute to local Development sanitation-capacity building and awareness generation including
development and Ganga those for Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs).
101 Building the capacity of the Field Publicity on Central Ministry of District level field units, engaged in inter-personal, developmental
people to fully participate Relevant Issues Information & communication through film shows, live media programmes,
and contribute to local Broadcasting photo displays and seminars. IEC (Information, Education and
development Communication) material propagation, showing documentaries, etc.,
can be done by district field publicity units.
102 Building the capacity of the Environmental Central Ministry of Dissemination of information on environment related issues across
people to fully participate Education Training Environment, all age groups through exhibition and training programme.
and contribute to local Scheme Forests & Climate
development Change
103 Building the capacity of the National AIDS and STD Central Ministry of Health & To create awareness and effect behavioural change for adoption
people to fully participate Control Programme Family Welfare of safe sexual practices, generate demand for services, reduce
and contribute to local stigma and discrimination and create an enabling and empowering
development environment.
104 Building the capacity of the National Rural Health Central Ministry of Health & Sensitisation on all health related issues. The ASHA and ANM workers
people to fully participate Mission (NRHM) Family Welfare can organise sensitisation and awareness programmes on health
and contribute to local issues by conducting household visits, community interaction, etc.
105 Building the capacity of the Song and Drama Central Ministry of Provision under this head is for the Song and Drama Division which
people to fully participate Division Information & utilises live entertainment media for creating awareness amongst the
and contribute to local Broadcasting masses, particularly in rural areas, about various activities of national
development development through units spread all over the country.
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 27
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
106 Building the capacity of the Prasar Bharti - Kisaan Central Ministry of Documentary movies on agriculture and thematic video documents
people to fully participate Channel Information & for sensitisation of farmers.
and contribute to local Broadcasting
107 Building the capacity of the Scheme for Leadership Central Ministry of Minority To ensure that the benefits of growth reach deprived women, women
people to fully participate Development of Affairs are being provided with leadership training and skill development so
and contribute to local Minority Women that they are emboldened to move out of the confines of their homes

Social Development
development and community and begin to assume a leadership role in accessing
services, skills and opportunities available to them under various
programmes and schemes.
108 Building the capacity of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Central Ministry of Local media campaigns & Local outreach activities, Training & capacity
people to fully participate Women & Child building / sensitisation programme for District Officers / Religious
and contribute to local Development leaders / PRI / Judiciary, frontline workers / VHSNC members / Youth
development groups, SHGs, NGOs, Innovative practices (such as celebration of girl
child day).
109 Activities for honouring Swatantrata Sainik Central Ministry of Home Provision of Pension to Freedom Fighters and their dependents.
village elders, local role Samman Pension Affairs
models especially women, Scheme
freedom fighters and
110 Activities for violence and Integrated Child Central Ministry of To strengthen child protection at family and community level, create
crime-free villages such as: Protection Scheme Women & Child and promote preventive measures to protect children from situations
a) Setting up Citizen (ICPS) Development of vulnerability, risk and abuse; to also create awareness.
b) Sensitisation, especially
of youth
28 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
111 Activities for violence and National Consumer Central Department of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Consumer
crime-free villages such as: Disputes Redressal Consumer Affairs Protection Cell. The objective of the cell is to promote and protect the
a) Setting up Citizen Commission, Consumer rights of the consumers such as:
Committees Protection Cell 1. The right to be protected against the marketing of goods and
b) Sensitisation, especially services which are hazardous to life and property.
of youth 2. The right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency,
purity, standard and price of goods or services, as the case may
Social Development

be so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.

3. The right to be assured, wherever possible, access to a variety of
goods and services at competitive prices.
4. The right to be heard and to be assured that consumer’s interests
will receive due consideration at appropriate forums.
5. The right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or
restrictive trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation of
6. The right to consumer education.
7. The right against consumer exploitation.
112 Activities for violence and SAAHAS - Women’s Central Ministry of Pan-India toll free number with backend legal and counselling
crime-free villages such as: Help-line Women & Child assistance.
a) Setting up Citizen Development
b) Sensitisation, especially
of youth
113 Activities for violence and Swadhar Greh Central Ministry of Recognising the need for a project based approach to address the
crime-free villages such as: Women & Child requirements of women in difficult circumstances. Scheme aims to
a) Setting up Citizen Development comprehensively rehabilitate widows, victims of trafficking, victims
Committees of natural calamities, mentally challenged and destitute women.
The scheme provides for support like food and shelter, counselling,
b) Sensitisation, especially
medical facilities and vocational training to women. The Swadhar
of youth
scheme and the ‘Short Stay Homes’ schemes have been brought
together as a new ‘Swadhar Greh’ as a sub‑component of the Centrally
Sponsored Umbrella Scheme for Protection and Development of
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 29
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
114 Activities for violence and Scheme on Women Central Ministry of Road Scheme on Women Safety on Public Road Transport from Nirbhaya
crime-free villages such as: Safety on Public Transportation & Fund.
a) Setting up Citizen Road Transport from Highways
Committees Nirbhaya Fund
b) Sensitisation, especially
of youth

Social Development
115 Activities for violence and National Commission Central Ministry of Tribal The Commission performs following major activities:
crime-free villages such as: for Scheduled Tribes Affairs 1. Investigate and monitor all matters relating to the safeguards
a) Setting up Citizen provided for the Scheduled Tribes under the Constitution or
Committees under any other law for the time being in force or under any
b) Sensitisation, especially order of the Government and to evaluate the working of such
of youth safeguards.
2. Inquire into specific complaints with respect to the deprivation
of rights and safeguards of the Scheduled Tribes.
3. Participate and advise on the planning process of socio-
economic development of the Scheduled Tribes and to evaluate
the progress of their development under the Union and any
4. Present to the President, annually and at such other times as the
Commission may deem fit, reports upon the working of those
5. Make in such reports recommendations as to the measures
that should be taken by the Union or any State for the effective
implementation of those safeguards and other measures for the
protection, welfare and socio-economic development of the
Scheduled Tribes.
6. Discharge such other functions in relation to the protection,
welfare and development and advancement of the Scheduled
Tribes as the President may, subject to the provisions of any law
made by Parliament, by rule, In case any ST person becomes
a victim of atrocity or injustice or suffers from any form of
deprivation from his rights, the Commission can be approached.
30 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
116 Activities for violence and National Commission Central Ministry of The Commission oversees and monitors implementation of following
crime-free villages such as: for Safai Karmacharis Social Justice & welfare schemes meant for families engaged in unclean occupation:
a) Setting up Citizen Empowerment 1. National Scheme of Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers
Committees and their Dependents
b) Sensitisation, especially 2. Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship for
of youth Children of those engaged in unclean occupation
3. Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme
Social Development

4. Valmiki Malin Basti Awaas Yojana (VAMBAY). In addition to this,

Safai Karmacharis who are victims of atrocity can approach the
Commission for justice.
117 Activities for violence and National Commission Central Ministry of The Commission considers inclusions in and exclusions from the lists of
crime-free villages such as: for Backward Classes Social Justice & communities notified as backward for the purpose of job reservations
a) Setting up Citizen Empowerment and tenders the needful advice to the Central Government as per
Committees Section 9(1) of the NCBC Act, 1993. Similarly, the States have also
constituted commissions for BCs. Both the National Commission for
b) Sensitisation, especially
Backward Classes and National Commission for Scheduled Castes
of youth
have the same powers as a Civil Court. OBC community can approach
the Commission for justice.
118 Activities for violence and National Commission Central Ministry of To investigate and monitor all matters relating to the safeguards
crime-free villages such as: for SCs Social Justice & provided for the Scheduled Castes under this Constitution or under
a) Setting up Citizen Empowerment any other law for the time being in force or under any order of the
Committees Government and to evaluate the working of such safeguards;
b) Sensitisation, especially 1. To inquire into specific complaints with respect to the deprivation
of youth of rights and safeguards of the Scheduled Castes;
2. To participate and advise on the planning process of socio-
economic development of the Scheduled Castes and to evaluate
the progress of their development under the Union and any
3. To present to the President, annually and at such other times
as the Commission may deem fit, reports upon the working of
those safeguards;
4. To make in such reports recommendations as to the measures
that should be taken by the Union or any State for the effective
implementation of those safeguards and other measures for the
protection, welfare and socio-economic development of the
Scheduled Castes; and
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 31
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
5. To discharge such other functions in relation to the protection,
welfare and development and advancement of the Scheduled
Castes as the President may, subject to the provisions of any law
made by Parliament, by rule specify.
119 Activities for violence and PCR Act 1955 and Central Ministry of Assistance is provided for functioning and strengthening of SCs
crime-free villages such as: Prevention of Atrocities Social Justice & and STs Protection Cell and Special Police Stations. Setting up and
a) Setting up Citizen Act 1989 Empowerment functioning of exclusive Special Courts, incentives for inter-caste

Social Development
Committees marriage, relief and rehabilitation of atrocity victims and awareness
b) Sensitisation, especially
of youth
120 Activities for violence and National Commission Central Ministry of Minority To safeguard the constitutional and legal rights of Minorities - 1800
crime-free villages such as: for Minorities Affairs 11 00 88 toll free number.
a) Setting up Citizen
b) Sensitisation, especially
of youth
121 Activities for violence and National Commission Central Ministry of It has the mandate to investigate and examine all matters relating to
crime-free villages such as: for Women Women & Child the safeguards provided for women under the Constitution and other
a) Setting up Citizen Development laws. It looks into complaints and takes suo motu notice of matters
Committees relating to deprivation of women’s rights, etc.
b) Sensitisation, especially
of youth
122 Activities for violence and Comprehensive Central Ministry of 1. Formation and functioning of Community Vigilance Groups
crime-free villages such as: Scheme for Combating Women & Child 2. Formation and functioning of Balika (adolescent girls)/Balala
a) Setting up Citizen Trafficking (Ujjawala) Development (adolescent children) Sanghas
Committees 3. Sensitisation Workshops/Seminars
b) Sensitisation, especially 4. Awareness generation through mass media including kalajathas,
of youth street plays, pupettery or through any other art forms, preferably
5. Development and printing of awareness generation material
such as pamphlets, leaflets and posters (in local language).
32 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
123 Activities for violence and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Central Ministry of Effective implementation of Protection of Children from Sexual
crime-free villages such as: Women & Child Offences (POCSO) Act 2012.
a) Setting up Citizen Development
b) Sensitisation, especially
of youth
Social Development

124 Village sports and folk arts Financial Assistance for Central Ministry of Culture Under this scheme, support is provided to Dance, Drama and
festivals Promotion of Art and Theatre Ensembles, Financial Assistance to Cultural Organisations
Culture with National Presence, Financial Assistance for Promotion &
Dissemination of Tribal/Folk Art, Cultural Function Grants Scheme,
Financial Assistance for Preservation and Development of Cultural
Heritage of Himalayas.
125 Celebrating ‘Village Day’ Financial Assistance for Central Ministry of Culture Under this scheme, support is provided to Dance, Drama and
Promotion of Art and Theatre Ensembles, Financial Assistance to Cultural Organisations
Culture with National Presence, Financial Assistance for Promotion &
Dissemination of Tribal/Folk Art, Cultural Function Grants Scheme,
Financial Assistance for Preservation and Development of Cultural
Heritage of Himalayas.
126 Pro-active steps for National Service Central Ministry of Youth Undertake National Integration Camps (i.e. initiatives that involve all
inclusion and integration of Scheme Affairs & Sports sections of society).
socially excluded groups,
especially Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes
127 Pro-active steps for Rajiv Gandhi National Central Ministry of The scheme provides day care services for children in the age group
inclusion and integration of Creche Scheme for the Women & Child of 0 to 6 years, belonging to economically weaker sections of society,
socially excluded groups, Children of Working Development whose family income does not exceed ₹ 12,000 per month and
especially Scheduled Castes Mothers mothers are working.
and Scheduled Tribes
128 Pro-active steps for National Programme for Central Ministry of Youth National Integration Camp, Inter-State Youth Exchange Programme.
inclusion and integration of Youth and Adolescent Affairs & Sports
socially excluded groups, Development (NPYAD)
especially Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 33
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
129 Pro-active steps for Nehru Yuva Kendra Central Ministry of Youth Youth Club Development Programme - with representation from all
inclusion and integration of Sangathan Affairs & Sports sections of society.
socially excluded groups,
especially Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes
130 Proactive steps for inclusion Financial Incentives for State Welfare of Plain ₹ 5,000 is provided to a couple going for inter-caste marriage.
and integration of socially Inter-caste Marriage Tribes & Backward

Social Development
excluded groups, especially Classes
Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes.
Economic Development
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 37
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
131 Promoting diversified MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Permissible works include water conservation and water
agricultural and allied Development harvesting; drought proofing including afforestation; irrigation
livelihoods, including livestock works; restoration of traditional water bodies; land development;
and horticulture flood control; rural connectivity; and works notified by the
Government. Horticulture development in private and public

Economic Development
land can be taken up. Inland fisheries, development of pond,
etc., can also be taken up.
132 Promoting diversified National Mission on Central Ministry of Restructuring and strengthening of agricultural extension
agricultural and allied Agricultural Extension Agriculture and to enable delivery of appropriate technology and improved
livelihoods, including livestock and Technology Cooperation agronomic practices to farmers. Scheme supports extensive
and horticulture physical outreach and interactive methods of information
dissemination, use of ICT, popularisation of modern and
appropriate technologies, capacity building and institution
strengthening to promote mechanisation, availability of quality
seeds, plant protection, etc. Formation of Farmers Interest
Groups (FIGs), Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs), etc., can
be taken up under the scheme.
The mission (NMAET) consists of 4 sub-missions
1. Sub-Mission on Agricultural Extension (SMAE)
2. Sub-Mission on Seed and Planting Material (SMSP)
3. Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation (SMAM)
4. Sub-Mission on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine
133 Promoting diversified Special Central Assistance Central Ministry of The scheme supports development programmes relevant for
agricultural and allied to Scheduled Castes Sub- Social Justice & economic development of Scheduled Castes living below the
livelihoods, including livestock Plan Empowerment poverty line. Interventions such as agriculture, horticulture,
and horticulture livestock programmes, development of infrastructure incidental
to income generation, formation of farmers’ group, capacity
building of farmers, etc., are taken up. The scheme is applicable
for development of SC families only and the infrastructure
component to be used in areas with higher SC concentration.
38 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
134 Promoting diversified Special Central Assistance Central Ministry of Tribal SCA is primarily meant for income generating family oriented
agricultural and allied to Scheduled Castes Sub- Affairs schemes and infrastructure incidental thereto. All activities
livelihoods, including livestock Plan pertaining to livelihoods development can be taken up under
and horticulture SCA to TSP. Following are the categories of projects that can be
taken up in SCA.
Economic Development

1. Assistance to SHG for Livelihood Enhancement projects

including Micro Enterprise Promotion
2. Skill Development Training including PLET
3. Land Based Activities including Horticulture, Wadi,
Vegetable cultivation, Rubber cultivation, Agricultural
interventions, etc.
4. Animal Husbandry Projects viz, Poultry, Goatery Promotion
of Product cluster (NTFP)
5. Development of Water Resources (LI/ Deep Borewell)
Connectivity works
6. Farm Mechanisation
7. Construction of Rural Haat and Marketing infrastructure
8. Production cum Processing Units, drying yard,etc.
9. Cool chamber and Refrigerated van, etc.
135 Promoting diversified Weather-based Crop Central Ministry of Supports Weather-based Crop Insurance Scheme.
agricultural and allied Insurance Scheme Agriculture and
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation
and horticulture
136 Promoting diversified Pradhan Mantri Krishi Central Ministry of Objective is to provide end-to-end solutions in irrigation supply
agricultural and allied Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) Agriculture and chain, viz. water sources, distribution network and farm level
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation application. PMKSY has three components viz. PMKSY (per drop
and horticulture more crop), watershed management (as part of land resources)
and AIBFMP (as part of Ministry of Water Resources, River
Development and Ganga Rejuvenation).
137 Promoting diversified Integrated Scheme on Central Ministry of Provides assistance towards marketing of various agricultural
agricultural and allied Agricultural Marketing Agriculture and products.
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation
and horticulture
138 Promoting diversified Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Central Ministry of It is designed as a programme for achieving high growth in
agricultural and allied Yojana Agriculture and agricultural sector and for integrated development by focussing
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation on food security, sustainable agriculture, production of oilseeds,
and horticulture oil palm through agricultural extension, as a part of Krishonnati
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 39
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
139 Promoting diversified Mission for Integrated Central Ministry of The scheme integrates the ongoing schemes of National
agricultural and allied Development of Agriculture and Horticulture Mission, Horticulture Mission for North East
livelihoods, including livestock Horticulture Cooperation & Himalayan States, National Bamboo Mission, National
and horticulture Horticulture Board, Coconut Development Board and Central
Institute for Horticulture, Nagaland. Following are the major

Economic Development
schemes brought in the fold of National Mission on Horticulture:
1. NHM: Horticulture Mission for North East & Himalayan
States (HMNEH) is one of the sub-schemes of Mission for
Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) which is
being implemented by State Horticulture Missions (SHM) in
the North Eastern States and Himalayan States. For availing
of benefits and assistance under the scheme, farmers /
beneficiaries should contact the Horticulture Officer of
concerned district.
2. National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is one of the sub-schemes
of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture
(MIDH) which is being implemented by State Bamboo
Development Agencies (BDA)/ Forest Development Agency
(FDA) in all the States and UTs. For availing of benefits and
assistance under the scheme, farmers / beneficiaries should
contact the officer of BDA/FDA in the concerned district.
3. National Horticulture Board (NHB) is implementing various
schemes under Mission for Integrated Development of
Horticulture (MIDH) in all States and UTs. For availing of
benefits and assistance under NHB scheme, farmers /
beneficiaries should contact the Regional Office of NHB or
NHB Headquarters.
4. Coconut Development Board (CDB) is implementing various
schemes under Mission for Integrated Development of
Horticulture (MIDH) in all coconut growing States in the
country. For availing of benefits and assistance under CDB,
farmers / beneficiaries should contact the Regional Office of
CDB or CDB Headquarters.
140 Promoting diversified National Programme on Central Department of National Programme on Bovine Breeding and Indigenous
agricultural and allied Bovine Breeding and Animal Husbandry, Breeds supports extension of the Field Artificial Insemination
livelihoods, including livestock Indigenous Breeds Dairying and (Al) Network, monitoring of Al programme, development
and horticulture Fisheries and conservation of indigenous breeds and establishment of
breeders’ associations and societies to encourage conservation
and development of recognised indigenous breeds.
40 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
141 Promoting diversified Livestock Health Central Department of The scheme supports livestock health which includes the
agricultural and allied and Disease Control Animal Husbandry, scheme of Assistance to States for Control of Animal Disease,
livelihoods, including livestock Programme Dairying and Foot & Mouth Disease Control Programme, Establishment &
and horticulture Fisheries Strengthening of Existing Veterinary Hospitals & Dispensaries,
National Project on Rinderpest Eradication, Professional
Economic Development

Efficiency Development, National Control Programme of Pests,

National Animal Disease Reporting System, and Directorate of
Animal Health, which includes Animal Quarantine Certification,
Central Disease Diagnostic Laboratories, National Institute
of Veterinary Biological Products Quality Control Centre. The
budget provision is also for scheme of Classical Swine Fever
Control Programme.
142 Promoting diversified National Livestock Central Department of Supports National Livestock Mission in which schemes of Fodder
agricultural and allied Mission Animal Husbandry, Development, Livestock Insurance, Piggery Development,
livelihoods, including livestock Dairying and Different schemes of Poultry Development are covered.
and horticulture Fisheries
143 Promoting diversified National Programme for Central Department of Provision is for National Programme for Dairy Development
agricultural and allied Dairy Development Animal Husbandry, in which scheme to support Dairy Development Programme
livelihoods, including livestock Dairying and including Clean Milk and Assistance to Cooperative is covered.
and horticulture Fisheries
144 Promoting diversified Development of Marine Central Department of Development of marine fisheries, infrastructure & post-harvest
agricultural and allied Fisheries, Infrastructure & Animal Husbandry, operation and welfare of fishermen.
livelihoods, including livestock Post-Harvest Operation Dairying and
and horticulture and Welfare of Fishermen Fisheries
145 Promoting diversified Blue Revolution - Inland Central Department of Provision has been made for Development of Inland Aquaculture
agricultural and allied Fisheries Animal Husbandry, & Fisheries, Strengthening of Database & Information Networking
livelihoods, including livestock Dairying and under one Scheme Blue Revolution-Inland Fisheries.
and horticulture Fisheries
146 Promoting diversified Indian Council of Central Ministry of Lab to Land initiative is supported.
agricultural and allied Agricultural Research Agriculture and
livelihoods, including livestock (ICAR) Cooperation
and horticulture
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 41
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
147 Promoting diversified Soil Health Cards Central Ministry of Under the scheme, soil cards are issued to farmers which will carry
agricultural and allied Agriculture and crop-wise recommendations of nutrients and fertilisers required
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation for the individual farms to help farmers improve productivity
and horticulture through judicious use of inputs. Under the programme, all soil
samples are being tested in various soil testing labs across the

Economic Development
country. Thereafter the experts analyse the strengthes and
weaknesses (micro-nutrients deficiency) of the soil and suggest
measures to deal with it. The result and suggestion are displayed
in the cards. Farmers can avail of this service.
148 Promoting diversified National Food Security Central Ministry of National Food Security Mission to enhance production of Rice,
agricultural and allied Mission Agriculture and Wheat, Pulse, Coarse Cereals and Commercial Crops to make the
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation country self-sufficient in foodgrains.
and horticulture
149 Promoting diversified National Mission on Central Ministry of For addressing issues like climate change, water conservation,
agricultural and allied Sustainable Agriculture Agriculture and water management and water efficiency, soil fertility and
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation sustainability of natural resources use and rainfed agricultural
and horticulture issues in a holistic manner, including programme of drip and
sprinklers presently under Micro Irrigation Scheme.
150 Promoting diversified Oilseeds Development Central Ministry of Assistance towards cultivation, production and processing of
agricultural and allied Agriculture and edible oilseeds.
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation
and horticulture
151 Promoting diversified Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Central Ministry of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (Traditional Farming
agricultural and allied Yojana Agriculture and Improvement Programme) has been launched by Government
livelihoods, including livestock Cooperation of India to support and promote organic farming and thereby
and horticulture improving soil health. This will encourage farmers to adopt eco-
friendly concept of cultivation and reduce their dependence
on fertilisers and agricultural chemicals to improve yields.
Preservation of soil health by employing natural resources like
farm manure, poultry manure, urban compost, biogas slurry,
etc., are the main thrust areas under the scheme.
42 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
152 Promoting diversified National Fisheries Central Department of Following activities are performed by the NFDB, for which
agricultural and allied Development Board Animal Husbandry, financial assistance is being provided:
livelihoods, including livestock Dairying and 1. Intensive Aquaculture in Ponds and Tanks
and horticulture Fisheries 2. Fisheries Development in Reservoirs
3. Coastal Aquaculture
Economic Development

4. Mariculture
5. Seaweed Cultivation
6. Infrastructure: Fishing Harbours and Landing Centres
7. Fish Dressing Centres and Solar Drying of Fish
8. Domestic Marketing
9. Technology Upgradation
10. Deep Sea Fishing and Tuna Processing.
153 Promoting diversified Dairy Entrepreneurship Central Department of The scheme supports
agricultural and allied Development Scheme Animal Husbandry, 1. Setting up modern dairy farms for production of clean milk
livelihoods, including livestock Dairying and
2. Encourage heifer calf rearing for conservation and
and horticulture Fisheries
development of good breeding stock
3. Bring structural changes in unorganised sector so that initial
processing of milk can be taken up at village level
4. Upgradation of traditional technology to handle milk on
commercial scale
5. Generate self-employment and provide infrastructure
mainly for unorganised dairy sector.
Pattern of Assistance: Entrepreneur contribution (Margin)-10%
of the outlay (Minimum) Back-ended capital subsidy - 25% of
the outlay – general category (33.33% for SC/ST farmers)
Effective Bank Loan - Balance portion/Minimum of 40% of the
outlay. Government of India will provide 25% back-ended
capital subsidy to General category and 33.33% for SC/ST
farmers of the cost of project subject to its component-wise
ceiling which will be adjusted against the last few instalments of
repayment of bank loan.
Implementing Agencies: National Bank for Agriculture & Rural
Development (NABARD) is the Nodal Agency for implementation
of the scheme. Commercial Banks, Co-operative Banks and
Regional Rural and Urban Banks are implementing the scheme.
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 43
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
The scheme is open to organised as well as unorganised sector.
Target group/beneficiaries: Agricultural farmers, individual
entrepreneurs and groups of unorganised and organised sector.
Groups of organised sector, includes self-help groups, dairy

Economic Development
cooperative societies, milk unions, milk federation, etc. This
scheme shall also help in employment generation at village
level as well as Dairy Cooperative Society level.
154 Promoting diversified National AYUSH Mission Central Ministry of Supports cultivation of medicinal plants by adopting Good
agricultural and allied (NAM) Ayurveda, Yoga Agricultural Practices (GAPs) so as to provide sustained supply
livelihoods, including livestock and Naturopathy, of quality raw-materials and supports certification mechanism
and horticulture Unani, Siddha for quality standards, Good Agricultural/Collection/Storage
and Homeopathy Practices and supporting setting up of clusters through
(AYUSH) convergence of cultivation, warehousing, value addition and
marketing and development of infrastructure for entrepreneurs.
155 Promoting diversified National Medicinal Plants Central Ministry of Supports cultivation of medicinal plants on farmers’ land with
agricultural and allied Board Ayurveda, Yoga backward & forward linkages, an important component under
livelihoods, including livestock and Naturopathy, the National AYUSH Mission.
and horticulture Unani, Siddha
and Homeopathy
156 Promoting diversified Organic Farming in North Central Ministry of Supports Organic Farming in NE States.
agricultural and allied East Region Development of
livelihoods, including livestock North Eastern
and horticulture Region
157 Promoting diversified Aajeevika - National Central Ministry of Rural Supports women for kitchen gardening or even farming in
agricultural and allied Livelihood Mission Development groups / setting up producer companies, etc. / piloting of new
livelihoods, including livestock good practices / training.
and horticulture
158 Promoting diversified Biodiversity Conservation Central Ministry of A World Bank assisted Project for conservation of biodiversity in
agricultural and allied and Rural Livelihood Environment, selected landscapes while improving rural livelihoods through
livelihoods, including livestock Improvement Project Forests & Climate participatory approaches.
and horticulture Change
159 Promoting diversified Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority Capacity building of farmers can be taken up under the
agricultural and allied Development Programme Affairs programme.
livelihoods, including livestock (MSDP)
and horticulture
44 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
160 Promoting diversified Marketing Assistance of Central Ministry of Tribal Supports retail marketing development activity of tribal
agricultural and allied NTFP and MFP Products Affairs products, Research and Development (R&D), training, skill
livelihoods, including livestock upgradation, capacity building of Scheduled Tribes artisans &
and horticulture Minor Forest Produce gatherers and creation of corpus fund.
Economic Development

161 Promoting diversified Interest Subvention for Central Ministry of Finance Interest Subvention scheme for providing short-term credit to
agricultural and allied Providing Short-Term Farmers.
livelihoods, including livestock Credit to Farmers (via
and horticulture Banks)
162 Promoting diversified Assam Agricultural State Agriculture The Agricultural Engg. Dept. provided STW Pumpsets to the
agricultural and allied Competitiveness Project willing farmers’ group @ 50 % subsidy.
livelihoods, including livestock
and horticulture
163 Promoting diversified Intensive Cattle State Veterinary & Animal It is a livestock development scheme in the field of artificial
agricultural and allied Development Project Husbandry Insemination of cattle.
livelihoods, including livestock
and horticulture
164 Promoting diversified Haifer Rearing Package State Veterinary & Animal To augment the production of milk in the State.
agricultural and allied Scheme ( Distribution of Husbandry
livelihoods, including livestock Jersey Cross Bred Milk
and horticulture Cows)
165 Promoting diversified Employment Generation State Fisheries To promote entrepreneurship.
agricultural and allied Scheme Through Self
livelihoods, including livestock Help Group/ Matsya Mitra
and horticulture / Ornamental Fish Culture
166 Promoting diversified Mukhya Mantrir Matsya State Fisheries Construction of new pond for fishery purpose (individual and
agricultural and allied Bikash Achoni community).
livelihoods, including livestock
and horticulture
167 Promoting diversified Development of Beel / State Fisheries Development of beel / dead river course for fishery purpose.
agricultural and allied Dead River Course
livelihoods, including livestock
and horticulture
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 45
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
168 Promoting diversified Mechanism for Marketing Central Ministry of Tribal The objective of the scheme is to establish a system to
agricultural and allied of Minor Forest Produce Affairs ensure fair monetary returns for NTFP gatherers for their
livelihoods, including livestock (MFP) through Minimum efforts in collection, primary processing, storage, packaging,
and horticulture Support Price (MSP) and transportation, etc. It also seeks to get them a share of revenue
Development of Value from the sales proceeds. It also aims to address other issues for

Economic Development
Chain for MFP sustainability of process.
169 Rural industrialisation MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Under the provisions of the scheme, support is available for
Development construction & maintenance of cattle shed, goat shed, night
shelter for poultry birds, etc.
170 Rural industrialisation North Eastern Region Central Ministry of Supports employment, income and natural resource
Livelihood Project Development of sustainability in the North Eastern Region.
(NERLP) North Eastern
171 Rural industrialisation Packages for Special Central Department of Provides for financing various schemes contained in the
Category States of Jammu Industrial Policy and Industrial Policy for the States of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal
and Kashmir, Himachal Promotion Pradesh & Uttarakhand.
Pradesh and Uttarakhand
172 Rural industrialisation Industrial Infrastructure Central Department of To enhance competitiveness of industry by providing quality
Upgradation Scheme Industrial Policy and infrastructure to promote industrial growth. Infrastructure
Promotion Development in the selected functional clusters will be done
through implementing agencies of the State Government.
173 Rural industrialisation Scheme for Investment Central Department of A global promotional campaign to project India as an
Promotion / Make in India Industrial Policy and investment destination and manufacturing hub. The initiative
Promotion aims to promote India as an investment destination and to
establish India as a manufacturing hub by attracting the global
investors to India to make their products in India as the country
has a huge potential of workforce, infrastructure, raw material
and other facilities.
46 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
174 Rural industrialisation North East Industrial Central Department of Provides incentives for all industrial units, new as well as existing
Investment Promotion Industrial Policy and units on their substantial expansion located anywhere in the
Policy, 2007 Promotion North East such as:
1. Industrial Excise Duty Exemption
2. 100% Income Tax Exemption
Economic Development

3. Capital Investment Subsidy on Plant and Machinery @ 30%

without any upper limit of investment
4. Transport Subsidy Scheme: 90% on raw materials coming
from outside and 50% on finished goods inside the State
5. Interest subsidy @ 3% on working capital loan for a maximum
period of 10 years from the date of commencement of
6. Comprehensive Insurance reimbursement of 100%
insurance premium
7. Incentive package also available for the service sector like
hotels, nursing homes, vocational training institutes, etc.
175 Rural industrialisation Transport Subsidy to Central Department of To develop industrialisation in the remote, hilly and inaccessible
Industrial Units Industrial Policy and areas by providing for subsidy in the transportation cost incurred
Promotion by the industrial unit so that they could stand competition with
other similar industries, which are geographically located in
better areas. Subsidy to all eligible units ranging between 50%
and 90% of the transport cost for transportation of raw material
and finished goods to and from the location of the unit and the
designated rail-head is given for a maximum period of five years
from the date of commencement of commercial production.
For North East States, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttarakhand,
the subsidy is 90%. For Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
and Darjeeling districts of West Bengal, the subsidy is 75%. For
movement of goods within NER, the subsidy is 50%.
176 Rural industrialisation Indian Leather Central Department of Supports modernisation and technology upgradation of leather
Development Programme Industrial Policy and units, addresses environmental concerns, human resource
Promotion development, supports traditional leather artisans, addresses
infrastructure constraints and establishes institutional facilities.
177 Rural industrialisation Godown and Warehouse Central Department of Provides support for building godowns, shops, etc., through FCI.
Creation Food and Public
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 47
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
178 Rural industrialisation Decentralised Central Department of Subsidy to State Govt. who are procuring foodgrains for Central
Procurement of Food and Public pool under decentralised procurement of foodgrains scheme.
Foodgrains Scheme Distribution
179 Rural industrialisation North Eastern Handicrafts Central Ministry of Provides loan to North Eastern Handicrafts and Handloom

Economic Development
and Handlooms Development of Development Corporation (NEHHDC) to cover its cash losses
Development North Eastern while undertaking the promotional activities like participation
Corporation (NEHHDC) Region in exhibitions, etc.
180 Rural industrialisation Advertising and Publicity, Central Ministry of The activities of showcasing of NER and its mainstreaming with
Marketing of Products Development of other parts of the country through Trade Expos, Seminars, etc.,
North Eastern in collaboration with trade bodies and other agencies to harness
Region the immense potential of the region are undertaken through
the scheme of Advertising & Publicity.
181 Rural industrialisation North Eastern Central Ministry of Identifying, financing and nurturing eco-friendly and
Development Finance Development of commercially viable industrial, infrastructure and agro-
Corporation Limited North Eastern horticultural projects in the North Eastern Region. The provision
(NEDFi) Region is for extending long-term soft loan to NEDFi.
182 Rural industrialisation North Eastern Regional Central Ministry of Working capital by the NERAM Corporation for carrying out its
Agricultural Marketing Development of business activities.
Corporation Limited North Eastern
(NERAMAC) Region
183 Rural industrialisation Infrastructure Central Ministry of Small & Association of women entrepreneurs will be assisted under the
Development & Capacity Medium Enterprises Cluster Development Programme in establishing exhibition
Building - MSME Cluster central places for display and sale of products made by women
Development Programme owned MSEs.
184 Rural industrialisation Aajeevika - National Central Ministry of Rural Subsidy to groups for setting up rural industrial units, training
Livelihood Mission Development and other management support, also linkages.
185 Rural industrialisation Village Entrepreneurship Central Ministry of Rural To provide incubation services to village entrepreneurs.
Start-up Programme Development
186 Rural industrialisation Promoting Innovations in Central Ministry of Science Supports innovative proposals of MSMEs, Individuals and Start-
Individuals, Start-ups and & Technology up companies.
187 Rural industrialisation Building Industrial Central Ministry of Science Research and Development (R&D) in Industry to be encouraged
Research and & Technology and supported besides creation of Common Research Facilities
Development (R&D) for Small and Micro Industries.
and Common Research
Facilities (BIRD)
48 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
188 Rural industrialisation S&T Programme Central Ministry of Science Helps in demonstrating technology packages and enhancing
for Socio-Economic & Technology livelihood opportunities for SC population by covering
Development several sectors in association with S&T based field groups and
S&T institutions. The beneficiaries under this scheme are SC
community only.
Economic Development

189 Rural industrialisation Supporting Schemes by Central Ministry of Finance Capital Support to NABARD, RRBs.
190 Rural industrialisation Special Industry Initiative Central Ministry of Home The provision is for providing special industry initiative to
for Jammu & Kashmir Affairs Jammu and Kashmir.
191 Rural industrialisation India Inclusive Innovation Central Ministry of Micro, The fund under plan scheme supports innovation for growth of
Fund Small & Medium MSME sector.
192 Rural industrialisation Marketing Assistance Central Ministry of Micro, MSMEs are provided support to market their products in the
Scheme by National Small Small & Medium domestic as well as international markets by way of organising/
Industries Corporation Enterprises participating in various domestic & international exhibitions/
Limited trade fairs, buyer seller meets, intensive-campaigns and other
marketing events.
193 Rural industrialisation India Innovation, Central Ministry of Micro, Financial provision is made for establishing Technology
Entrepreneurship and Small & Medium Centre Network to promote Innovation, Entrepreneurship and
Agro-Industry Fund Enterprises Agro-Industry. Accordingly, a scheme is being formulated on
Technology Centres for promoting Innovation, Entrepreneurship
and Agro-Industry. This will also include the Business Accelerator
& Start ups Programme (BASP), as a sub-scheme, which will
provide mentoring to identify, support and expand the role of
competitive Indian MSMEs in a global economy.
194 Rural industrialisation National Small Industries Central Ministry of Micro, Credit support to MSMEs.
Corporation Limited Small & Medium
195 Rural industrialisation Prime Minister’s Central Ministry of Micro, Support for setting up of new self-employment ventures/
Employment Generation Small & Medium projects/micro-enterprises.
Programme (PMEGP) Enterprises
196 Rural industrialisation Khadi Reform and Central Ministry of Micro, Revitalise the khadi sector with enhanced sustainability of khadi,
Development Programme Small & Medium increased incomes and employment for spinners and weavers,
(ADB Assistance) Enterprises increased artisans’ welfare and to achieve synergy with village
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 49
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
197 Rural industrialisation Food, Storage & Central Ministry of Food Food, Storage & Warehousing support.
Warehousing Processing
198 Rural industrialisation Scheme of Fund Central Ministry of Micro, Provides support for the clusters of artisans by providing them

Economic Development
for Regeneration of Small & Medium with improved equipment, common facilities centres, business
Traditional Industries Enterprises development services, training, capacity building and design
(SFURTI) and marketing support, etc.
199 Rural industrialisation Workshed Scheme for Central Ministry of Micro, Under this scheme, financial assistance for construction of
Khadi Artisans Small & Medium worksheds is provided to khadi artisans belonging to BPL
Enterprises category through the khadi institutions with which the khadi
artisans are associated.
Assistance for construction of worksheds is for ₹ 60,000 in case
of construction of individual workshed and ₹ 40,000 in case of
construction of group workshed.
200 Rural industrialisation Promotional Services Central Ministry of Micro, Assistance is provided for economic empowerment of women
Institutions and Small & Medium through development of their entrepreneurial skills in non-
Programme - Trade Enterprises farming activities.
Related Entrepreneurship
Assistance and
Development (TREAD)
Scheme for Women
201 Rural industrialisation USTTAD (Upgrading the Central Ministry of Minority To conserve traditional arts/crafts of our country and for building
Skills and Training in Affairs capacity of traditional artisans and craftsmen belonging to
Traditional Arts/Crafts for minority communities.
202 Rural industrialisation Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority Supports construction of livelihood worksheds through MSDP.
Development Programme Affairs
203 Rural industrialisation Mukhyamantri Karma State Industries Under this scheme, various advanced/modern tools/machineries
Jyoti Asoni & yarn is distributed to the traditional artisans / trained personnel
/ SHGs as grants for self-employment and economic upliftment.
204 Rural industrialisation Distribution of Power State Welfare of Plain Distribution of subsidised power tiller to SC and ST beneficiaries
Tiller to SC and ST under Tribes & Backward with bank linkage.
FOIG Classes
205 Rural industrialisation Distribution of Sewing State Welfare of Plain Distribution of subsidised sewing machines to SC & ST
Machines to SC and ST Tribes & Backward beneficiaries.
Under FOIG Classes
50 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
206 Skill Development of all eligible Hostels for Working Central Ministry of Supports hostels for working women, who may be single,
youth for self-employment Women Women & Child widowed, divorced, separated, married but whose husband or
and placement, also Providing Development immediate family does not reside in the same city/area. Particular
Support to Rural People working preference may be given to women from disadvantaged
in Large Cities sections of the society. Also, women who are under ‘Training’ of
Economic Development

any of the Skill Development Programmes.

207 Skill Development of all eligible Digital India Programme Central Department Provisions for ‘e-Panchayats’ as part of Digital India Programme.
youth for self-employment and Manpower of Electronics
and placement, also Providing Development for Skill in & Information
Support to Rural People working IT and IT for Masses Technology
in Large Cities
208 Skill Development of all eligible National Institute Central Department It is a registered scientific society of the Department, which
youth for self-employment of Electronics and of Electronics accredits institutes/organisations for conducting courses
and placement, also Providing Information Technology & Information particularly in the non-formal sector of IT Education and
Support to Rural People working (NIELIT) Technology Training. It is also engaged in the development of industry
in Large Cities oriented quality education and training in the state-of-the-art-
areas, establish standards to be the country’s premier institution
for examination and certification in the field of ICT.
209 Skill Development of all eligible Employment Central Ministry of Labour Supports employment market information programme,
youth for self-employment & Employment vocational guidance and employment counselling, employment
and placement, also Providing assistance to certain selected categories through Coaching-
Support to Rural People working cum-Guidance Centres, Vocation Rehabilitation Centres for
in Large Cities handicapped and also research and training in employment
210 Skill Development of all eligible Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Central Ministry of Rural Enable Poor and Marginalised to Access Benefits to Demand led
youth for self-employment Gram Kaushalya Yojana Development skill training at no cost to the rural poor. Includes mandatory
and placement, also Providing (DDU GKY) coverage of socially disadvantaged groups (SC/ST 50%; Minority
Support to Rural People working 15%; Women 33%).
in Large Cities
211 Skill Development of all eligible Setting up Virtual Central MHRD Department Virtual classrooms and MOOCs for higher and vocational
youth for self-employment Classrooms and Massive of Higher Education education.
and placement, also Providing Open Online Courses
Support to Rural People working (MOOCs)
in Large Cities
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 51
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
212 Skill Development of all eligible Swarna Pravas Yojana Central Ministry of Overseas Provides training and certification for employable youth for
youth for self-employment Indian Affairs working abroad.
and placement, also Providing
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities

Economic Development
213 Skill Development of all eligible Apprenticeship Training Central MHRD Department Provides opportunities for practical training to graduates,
youth for self-employment of Higher Education engineers, diploma holders (Technicians) and 10 plus 2
and placement, also Providing vocational passouts in industrial establishments/ organisations.
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
214 Skill Development of all eligible National Scheme of Central MHRD Department Provides apprenticeship opportunities through four Regional
youth for self-employment Apprenticeship Training of Higher Education Boards of Apprenticeship/Practical Training located at Chennai,
and placement, also Providing Kanpur, Kolkata and Mumbai.
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
215 Skill Development of all eligible Support for Skill-based Central MHRD Department Provides for the programmes in higher education through
youth for self-employment Higher Education of Higher Education Community Colleges which will serve multiple needs.
and placement, also Providing Including Community Community Colleges would be located to afford easy access to
Support to Rural People working Colleges underprivileged students.
in Large Cities
216 Skill Development of all eligible Training, Upgradation Central Ministry of Labour Programmes for
youth for self-employment and Support & Employment (i) Upgradation of DGET Training Institutions (a) This provides
and placement, also Providing for training of industrial workforce in new technologies and
Support to Rural People working training of trainers (b) There is a component for expansion
in Large Cities and strengthening of Central Training Institutions for
(ii) Apprentice Protsahan Yojana which supports Enterprises
for engaging Apprentices.
(iii) To provide training to unorganised workforce and to out-of-
school youth, etc., for improving their employability.
217 Skill Development of all eligible Welfare of SC/ST Central Ministry of Labour The scheme includes Coaching-cum-Guidance Centres for SC/
youth for self-employment & Employment ST to provide confidence building training programmes and
and placement, also Providing vocational guidance for candidates belonging to that category.
Support to Rural People working These Coaching-cum-Guidance Centres have been involved in
in Large Cities pre- recruitment training courses for various nationalised banks
and agencies.
52 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
218 Skill Development of all eligible Self-Employment Scheme Central Ministry of Rehabilitation of people remaining to be freed of manual
youth for self-employment for Rehabilitation of Social Justice & scavenging and their dependents in a time-bound manner.
and placement, also Providing Scavengers Empowerment Under the scheme, loan, subsidy and training are provided to
Support to Rural People working the beneficiaries for gainful self/wage employment. A provision
in Large Cities of one time cash assistance of ₹ 40,000 to the manual scavengers
Economic Development

has also been made.

219 Skill Development of all eligible Assistance to Voluntary Central Ministry of To utilise the services of capable and reliable voluntary
youth for self-employment Organisations for Welfare Social Justice & organisations towards socio-economic development of
and placement, also Providing of SCs Empowerment Scheduled Castes. Under this scheme, Grants-in-aid are given by
Support to Rural People working the Government of India to the voluntary organisations to the
in Large Cities extent of 90% of each project cost for activities, such as running
of facilities for general/technical/vocational education/income
generating activities such as technical training in a variety of
commercial trades.
220 Skill Development of all eligible Skill Development Central Ministry of Minority To allow urban and rural livelihoods to improve for inclusive
youth for self-employment Initiatives Scheme Affairs growth by providing skill to the minority communities who do
and placement, also Providing not possess any. For those who already possess skills, it provides
Support to Rural People working avenues for upgrading the same to enhance their employment
in Large Cities opportunities and also provides credentials to allow such
persons to gain access to credit to help them expand their
221 Skill Development of all eligible National Finance Central Ministry of Grant provision for training to youth and capacity building of
youth for self-employment and Development Social Justice & SHGs.
and placement, also Providing Corporations for Weaker Empowerment
Support to Rural People working Sections
in Large Cities
222 Skill Development of all eligible National Safai Central Ministry of Grant for development of Safai Karmacharis for skill training,
youth for self-employment Karmacharis Finance Social Justice & loan for setting up of micro-enterprises, etc.
and placement, also Providing and Development Empowerment
Support to Rural People working Corporation
in Large Cities
223 Skill Development of all eligible National Backward Central Ministry of Grant for development of OBCs for skill training, loan for setting
youth for self-employment Classes Finance Social Justice & up of micro-enterprise, support for higher studies, etc.
and placement, also Providing and Development Empowerment
Support to Rural People working Corporation
in Large Cities
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 53
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
224 Skill Development of all eligible Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Central Ministry of Skill Skill training of youth.
youth for self-employment Vikas Yojana Development &
and placement, also Providing Entrepreneurship
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities

Economic Development
225 Skill Development of all eligible State Scheduled Central Ministry of Grant for development of SCs for skill training, loan for setting
youth for self-employment Caste Development Social Justice & up of micro-enterprise, working men and women hostels in
and placement, also Providing Corporations Empowerment cities, etc.
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
226 Skill Development of all eligible National/State Central Ministry of Tribal Grant for development of STs for skill training, loan for setting up
youth for self-employment Scheduled Tribes Affairs of micro-enterprise, etc.
and placement, also Providing Finance & Development
Support to Rural People working Corporations
in Large Cities
227 Skill Development of all eligible National Minorities Central Ministry of Minority Training/Subsidy/Loans/Equity for Entrepreneurship for
youth for self-employment Development & Finance Affairs Minorities.
and placement, also Providing Corporation (NMDFC)
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
228 Skill Development of all eligible Comprehensive Scheme Central Ministry of Provides for setting up of Protective and Rehabilitative homes,
youth for self-employment for Combating Trafficking Women & Child basic amenities, medical care, legal aid as well as education and
and placement, also Providing (Ujjawala) Development vocational training for the victims of trafficking.
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
229 Skill Development of all eligible Support to Training & Central Ministry of The scheme has the provisions
youth for self-employment Employment Women & Child a) To provide skills that give employability to women.
and placement, also Providing Development b) To provide competencies and skills that enable women to
Support to Rural People working become self-employed/entrepreneurs.
in Large Cities Assistance under the STEP scheme will be available in any
sector for imparting skills related to employability and
entrepreneurship, including but not limited to the following:
Agriculture, Horticulture, Food Processing, Handlooms,
Tailoring, Stitching, Embroidery, Handicrafts, Computer &
IT enabled services along with soft skills and skills for the
workplace such as spoken English, Gems & Jewellery, Travel &
Tourism, Hospitality. Training, food and travel cost is provided in
the training programme.
54 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
230 Skill Development of all eligible Interest Subsidy on Central Ministry of Minority Provides interest subsidy on educational loans to students of
youth for self-employment Educational Loans for Affairs Minority Communities selected for pursuing higher studies
and placement, also Providing Overseas Studies abroad.
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
Economic Development

231 Skill Development of all eligible Distribution of Taxi Cab to State Welfare of Plain Distribution of subsidised taxi cab to SC and ST beneficiaries
youth for self-employment SC and ST under FOIG Tribes & Backward with bank linkage.
and placement, also Providing Classes
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
232 Skill Development of all eligible Kalpataru Scheme State Industries To provide financial support for employment generation in
youth for self-employment Agriculture, SSI and Service Sector to the people belonging to
and placement, also Providing the BPL category. The subsidy component is 40% along with a
Support to Rural People working 40% bank loan. Beneficiaries’ contribution is 20%.
in Large Cities
233 Skill Development of all eligible Chief Minister’s Jeevan State Panchayat & Rural Providing self-employment to the educated unemployed youth
youth for self-employment Jyoti Swaniojan Yojana Development of Assam by enabling them to take up productive activities for
and placement, also Providing income generation through institutional credit is extended
Support to Rural People working by nationalised banks/any other financial institutions or
in Large Cities organisations.
234 Skill Development of all eligible Mukhya Mantri Mohila State Handloom & Textile Under the scheme, capacity building training is provided to the
youth for self-employment Samridhi Achoni women SHGs/Producers group so as to adopt modern weaving
and placement, also Providing techniques.
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
235 Skill Development of all eligible Craftsman Training State Labour & Under the scheme, craftsmanship training is being provided to
youth for self-employment Schemes Employment interested artisans.
and placement, also Providing
Support to Rural People working
in Large Cities
Environmental Development
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 57
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
236 Activities for a clean and green MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Under MGNREGA, Individual Toilets, Community Toilets can be

Environmental Development
village consisting of: Development constructed. The implementation/management of the scheme of
a) Providing toilets in each IHHL under MGNREGA shall be done at district level by the District
household and in all public Collector/CEO, in consultation with district officer in charge of
institutions and ensuring their MGNREGA and SBM.
proper use
b) Appropriate solid and liquid
waste management
237 Activities for a clean and green Clean Technology Central Ministry of Identification of priority areas and development of appropriate
village consisting of: & Waste Environment, Forests economically viable clean technologies as well as waste
a) Providing toilets in each Minimisation & Climate Change minimisation strategies for small and medium scale industries
household and in all public Strategies through interface and setting up of Research and Development
institutions and ensuring their (R&D) and academic institutes can be done. Promotion and
proper use adoption of clean technologies and waste minimisation strategies
through industrial clusters via setting up of pilot/demo projects on
b) Appropriate solid and liquid
prototype development can be done.
waste management
238 Activities for a clean and green Swachh Bharat Central Ministry of Drinking Construction of Individual Toilets, Community Toilets, and Solid
village consisting of: Mission Water & Sanitation Liquid Waste Management works can be done.
a) Providing toilets in each
household and in all public
institutions and ensuring their
proper use
b) Appropriate solid and liquid
waste management
239 Activities for a clean and green Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority Toilet blocks can be constructed in various categories of schools.
village consisting of: Development Affairs
a) Providing toilets in each Programme
household and in all public (MSDP)
institutions and ensuring their
proper use
b) Appropriate solid and liquid
waste management
58 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
240 Activities for a clean and green Mukhyamantri State Panchayat & Rural Translated literally, it means Chief Minister’s Clean and Green Assam
Environmental Development
village consisting of: Axom Nirmal Aru Development Mission. Under this mission, the Government wishes not only to rid
a) Providing toilets in each Seuj Abhiyan the State from garbage alone but at the same time add the green
household and in all public (MANASA) canopy cover.
institutions and ensuring their
proper use
b) Appropriate solid and liquid
waste management
241 Tree Plantation in accordance with Intensification Central Ministry of The state and quality of existing forests can be improved and can
local preference in homestead, of Forest Environment, Forests protect them against various threats and drivers of degradation.
schools and public institutions Management & Climate Change
242 Tree Plantation in accordance with National Service Central Ministry of Youth NSS volunteers’ assistance can be taken for plantation of trees.
local preference in homestead, Scheme Affairs & Sports
schools and public institutions
243 Tree Plantation in accordance with Mission on Climate Central Ministry of The Adaptation fund under the scheme provides financial support
local preference in homestead, Change and Environment, Forests to States to address the adverse effects of climate change.
schools and public institutions Adaptation & Climate Change
244 Tree Plantation in accordance with MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Social Forestry work can be taken up under MGNREGA.
local preference in homestead, Development
schools and public institutions
245 Watershed management Pradhan Mantri Central Ministry of Water Programme supports works related to watershed management,
especially renovation and revival Krishi Sinchai Resources, River minor and micro-irrigation, rejuvenation of traditional water bodies,
of traditional water bodies; Yojana Development and special initiative on “per drop more crop”, etc.
Improving access to Irrigation, etc. Ganga Rejuvenation
Drainages, Traditional drainages,
flood protection, etc.
246 Watershed management Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority Works related to watershed management, minor and micro-
especially renovation and revival Development Affairs irrigation support, rejuvenation of traditional water bodies can be
of traditional water bodies; Programme taken up.
Improving access to Irrigation, etc. (MSDP)
Drainages, Traditional drainages,
flood protection, etc.
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 59
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
247 Watershed management MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Works related to land development, creation of water bodies,

Environmental Development
especially renovation and revival Development construction of water harvesting structures, etc., can be taken up
of traditional water bodies; under MGNREGA.
Improving access to Irrigation, etc.
Drainages, Traditional drainages,
flood protection, etc.
248 Watershed management Ghat Works & Central Ministry of Water The provision is for River front development and beautification of
especially renovation and revival Beautification of Resources, River their Ghats.
of traditional water bodies; River Front Development and
Improving access to Irrigation, etc. Ganga Rejuvenation
Drainages, Traditional drainages,
flood protection, etc.
249 Watershed management Accelerated Central Ministry of Water The scheme supports major, medium and minor irrigation projects
especially renovation and revival Irrigation Resources, River of the States and also provides for national projects, Command Area
of traditional water bodies; Benefit & Flood Development and development and management, flood management and Repair,
Improving access to Irrigation, etc. Management Ganga Rejuvenation Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies.
Drainages, Traditional drainages, Programme
flood protection, etc.
250 Rain Water Harvesting- roof top as MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Water harvesting structures in watershed areas, creation of pond,
well as others Development water bodies, etc., can be taken up under MGNREGA.
251 Reducing local pollution of air, National Ganga Central Ministry of Water Programme for cleaning of Ganga.
water and land Plan Resources, River
Development and
Ganga Rejuvenation
252 Prepare for disaster management Disaster Central Ministry of Home The provision is for expenditure on National Disaster Management
Management Affairs Programmes (both natural disasters and man-made disasters).
Training to communities and staff on disaster management can
be provided. Ex-gratia assistance to victims of disasters, relief for
earthquake victims will be given under this scheme.
253 Prepare for disaster management Health Sector Central Ministry of Health & Health Sector Disaster Preparedness & Management including
Disaster Family Welfare Emergency Medical Relief can be given for emergency medical
Preparedness relief in case of natural calamity.
& Management
Medical Relief
60 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
254 Prepare for disaster management National Service Central Ministry of Youth The NSS volunteers’ support can be taken for training community
Environmental Development
Scheme Affairs & Sports in disaster preparedness and also for evacuation work during and
Basic Amenities and Services
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ State 63
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State Nodal Dept.
255 Pucca houses for all Assistance to Voluntary Central Ministry of Social The scheme provides financial assistance up to 90% of the project

Basic Amenities and Services

houseless poor/poor Organisations for Old Age Justice & Empowerment cost for running and maintenance of day care centre, old age
living in kuccha houses; Homes home, mobile medicare unit, etc. Besides increase in amount of
Land Rights; Land financial assistance, several new projects have been added to the
Records transparency scheme like maintenance of Respite Care Homes and Continuous
Care Homes, Running of Multi-Service Centre for Older Persons,
Running of Day Care Centres for Alzheimer Disease/Dementia
Patients, Physiotherapy Clinics for Older Persons, Disability and
hearing aids for older persons, Helplines and Counselling Centre
for older persons, etc.
256 Pucca houses for all Indira Awaas Yojana Central Ministry of Rural Under the scheme, financial assistance worth ₹ 70,000 in plain
houseless poor/poor Development areas and ₹ 75,000 in difficult areas (high land area) is provided for
living in kuccha houses; construction of houses. The houses are allotted in the name of the
Land Rights; Land woman or jointly between husband and wife. The construction
Records transparency of the houses is the sole responsibility of the beneficiary and
engagement of contractors is strictly prohibited. Sanitary latrine
and smokeless chullah are required to be constructed along with
each IAY house. The houses are allotted to BPL families.
257 Pucca houses for all Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority Under this scheme, financial support is provided to minority
houseless poor/poor Development Programme Affairs community for construction of houses.
living in kuccha houses; (MSDP)
Land Rights; Land
Records transparency
258 Pucca houses for all Janata Housing for State Housing Board ₹ 30000 subsidy is provided with a bank loan of ₹ 20000, which
houseless poor/poor Economically Weaker has to be paid back at ₹ 234 month for 20 years.
living in kuccha houses; Section
Land Rights; Land
Records transparency
259 Drinking water, National Rural Drinking Central Ministry of Drinking Under the scheme, drinking water facility is provided to unserved,
preferably treated piped Water Programme Water & Sanitation partially served and slipped back villages, public places including
water with household (NRDWP) school, anganwadi, public building, PRI office, community halls,
taps markets, temples, religious institutions, market places, mela
ground, cremation ground, etc.
260 Drinking water, Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority Handpumps, drinking water supply scheme, ring wells for drinking
preferably treated piped Development Programme Affairs water.
water with household (MSDP)
64 S. Central/ Central Ministry/ State
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State Nodal Dept.
261 Internal all-weather Pradhan Mantri Gram Central Ministry of Rural Under PMGSY, all-weather road connectivity is provided to
Basic Amenities and Services
roads with covered Sadak Yojana Development unconnected rural habitations so as to enable access to the
drains nearest market centre. Habitations having a population of 250 or
more are eligible for support from the scheme.
There is also provision for upgradation of existing rural roads to
the prescribed standards in those districts where all habitations
of the designated population size have been provided all-weather
Support is also extended for rural road network.
262 Internal all-weather NE Roads Corporation Central Ministry of The provision is for meeting expenditure of NE Roads Corporation
roads with covered Development of North for development of roads in North Eastern Region.
drains Eastern Region
263 Internal all-weather Construction/ Central Ministry of This is carried out in the North Eastern Region through the Border
roads with covered Improvement of Roads of Development of North Roads Organisation (BRO), which undertakes construction and
drains Economic Importance Eastern Region also focuses on completing on-going road schemes.
264 Internal all-weather MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Under the provisions of the scheme, work on construction and
roads with covered Development maintenance of roads can be taken up.
265 Internal all-weather Pradhan Mantri Gram Central Ministry of Rural Under PMGSY, all-weather road connectivity is provided to
roads with covered Sadak Yojana Development unconnected rural habitations so as to enable access to the
drains nearest market centre. Habitations having a population of 250 or
more are eligible for support from the scheme.
There is also provision for upgradation of existing rural roads to
the prescribed standards in those districts where all habitations
of the designated population size have been provided all-weather
Support is also extended for rural road network.
266 All-weather road NE Roads Corporation Central Ministry of The provision is for meeting expenditure of NE Roads Corporation
connectivity to the main Development of North for development of roads in North Eastern Region.
road-network Eastern Region
267 All-weather road Construction/ Central Ministry of This is carried out in the North Eastern Region through the Border
connectivity to the main Improvement of Roads of Development of North Roads Organisation (BRO), which undertakes construction and
road-network Economic Importance Eastern Region also focuses on completing on-going road schemes.
268 All-weather road MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Under the provisions of the scheme, work on construction and
connectivity to the main Development maintenance of roads can be taken up.
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ State 65
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State Nodal Dept.
269 All-weather road ASTC Rural Bus Service State Transport Bus transportation is provided from rural areas to district

Basic Amenities and Services

connectivity to the main headquarters.
270 Electricity connection Grid-Interactive and Central Ministry of New & Supports Grid interactive power capacity addition from
to all households and Distributed Renewable Renewable Energy renewables – wind, small hydel, biomass, urban & industrial waste
street-lights including Power and solar as well as off-grid/distributed power systems.
from alternative sources
of energy, especially
271 Electricity connection Indian Renewable Energy Central Ministry of New & Supports renewable energy projects such as installation of micro,
to all households and Development Agency Renewable Energy mini and mega off-grid solar based power generation systems.
street-lights including
from alternative sources
of energy, especially
272 Electricity connection Strengthening of Central Ministry of Power A comprehensive scheme for strengthening of transmission, sub-
to all households and Transmission System in transmission and distribution system in the entire NER including
street-lights including the States of Arunachal Sikkim.
from alternative sources Pradesh & Sikkim
of energy, especially
273 Electricity connection Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Central Ministry of Power Under DDUGJY, following activities are taken up:
to all households and Gram Jyoti Yojana Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB): Creation of REDB
street-lights including (DDUGJY) with at least one 33/11 kV (or 66/11 kV) sub-station in each block.
from alternative sources
Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI): Creation of VEI with at
of energy, especially
least one distribution transformer in each village / habitation. It
also consists of LT Lines / LT AB Cables Household connections.
Free of cost service connection to all families Below Poverty Line.
Decentralised distribution-cum-generation (DDG): Creation of
DDG systems in villages where grid supply is not feasible or not
cost-effective from conventional or renewable resource.
274 Electricity connection Integrated Power Central Ministry of Power Scheme facilitates for 24x7 power supply for consumers, reduction
to all households and Development Scheme of AT&C losses and providing access to all households, metering
street-lights including and IT enablement in power distribution, etc.
from alternative sources
of energy, especially
66 S. Central/ Central Ministry/ State
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State Nodal Dept.
275 Electricity connection Renewable Energy for Central Ministry of New & The provision is used for promotion of family type biogas plants,
Basic Amenities and Services
to all households and Rural Applications Renewable Energy improved cook stoves and solar cookers.
street-lights including
from alternative sources
of energy, especially
276 Electricity connection Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority Solar lanterns for girls studying in high schools for BPL families,
to all households and Development Programme Affairs installation of solar street lights.
street-lights including (MSDP)
from alternative sources
of energy, especially
277 Electricity connection Grant under Article 275(1) Central Ministry of Tribal Affairs Under this grant, work on village electrification, solar street
to all households and of Constitution lighting, solar lighting in schools and hostels, etc., can be taken
street-lights including up in TSP areas.
from alternative sources
of energy, especially
278 Pucca infrastructure Boys and Girls Hostel for Central Ministry of Social The scheme provides financial support for construction of hostels
for public institutions- Other Backward Classes Justice & Empowerment for Other Backward Class students studying in colleges and higher
anganwadis, schools, (OBCs) secondary institutions.
health institutions, Gram
Panchayat Office and
279 Pucca infrastructure Establishment of Hostels Central Ministry of Tribal Affairs The scheme provides financial support towards construction of
for public institutions- for ST Boys and Girls boys and girls hostels for ST students studying in schools, colleges
anganwadis, schools, and universities.
health institutions, Gram
Panchayat Office and
280 Pucca infrastructure Boys Hostels (SC) Central Ministry of Social 100% Central assistance is provided to UT Administrations and
for public institutions- Justice & Empowerment 90% to the Central Universities and 45% to other Universities for
anganwadis, schools, construction of hostel building for SC boys who are studying in
health institutions, Gram these institutions.
Panchayat Office and
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ State 67
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State Nodal Dept.
281 Pucca infrastructure Girls Hostels (SC) Central Ministry of Social 100% Central Assistance is provided for fresh construction and

Basic Amenities and Services

for public institutions- Justice & Empowerment expansion of existing hostel building to UT Administrations and
anganwadis, schools, the Central and State Universities / institutions. Non-Governmental
health institutions, Gram Organisations and deemed universities in the private sector are
Panchayat Office and provided Central assistance to the extent of 90% of the estimated
libraries cost for expansion of their existing hostels.
282 Pucca infrastructure Multi-Sectoral Central Ministry of Minority Under the scheme, grant is provided for construction of schools/
for public institutions- Development Programme Affairs classrooms, ITIs, schools, hostels, anganwadis, PHCs and other
anganwadis, schools, (MSDP) public infrastructure in the minority concentrated pockets.
health institutions, Gram
Panchayat Office and
283 Civic infrastructure MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Construction and maintenance of different Civic Infrastructure eg.
including community Development Gramin Haat, playground, panchayat infrastructure, etc., can be
halls, buildings for SHG taken up.
federations, playgrounds
and burial grounds/
284 Village markets MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Construction & maintenance of Gramin Haat.
285 Infrastructure for PDS Private Entrepreneurs Central Department of Food Under the PEG scheme, godowns are constructed in PPP mode
outlets Guarantee (PEG) Scheme and Public Distribution through private parties, as well as various agencies in public-
sector for guaranteed hiring by FCI.
286 Infrastructure for PDS MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Construction and maintenance of modern and scientific Food
outlets Development Grain Storage facility can be created using MGNREGA grant.
287 Micro mini banks / Private & Public Sector Central Private & Public Sector The bank branches may be approached for opening of new ATM
post offices/ATMs Banks centres/ new bank branches, etc.
and Opening of Bank
288 Broadband connectivity National Optical Fibre Central Department of The project provides internet access using existing optical fiber
and Common Service Network Electronics & and extending it to the Gram Panchayats.
Centres Information Technology
289 Telecom connectivity Universal Service Central Department of To provide telecommunications connectivity in all parts of India -
Obligation Fund Telecommunications including the remotest of locations/villages.
Social Security
S. Central/ Central Ministry/ 71
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
290 Pensions for all Pension and Other Central Ministry of Home Pension and other benefits to Freedom Fighters.
eligible families-old Benefits for Freedom Affairs
age, disability and Fighters
291 Pensions for all Atal Pension Yojana Central Ministry of Finance Pension planning during young age and benefits in old age.
eligible families-old
age, disability and
292 Pensions for all Swavalamban Scheme Central Ministry of Finance Swavalamban Scheme to encourage people from unorganised sector to
eligible families-old - National Pension join National Pension System (NPS). The scheme is aimed at encouraging

Social Security
age, disability and Scheme for Unorganised people from unorganised sector to voluntarily save for their retirement by
widow Sector enrolling themselves under the National Pension System (NPS).
293 Pensions for all National Social Central Ministry of Rural Various Pensions–comprising Old Age Pension Scheme, Widow Pension
eligible families-old Assistance Programme Development Scheme, Disability Pension Scheme, National Family Benefit Scheme
age, disability and (NFBS) and Annapurna.
294 Pensions for all Labour Welfare Schemes Central Ministry of Labour & Welfare of Beedi Workers, labour working in Mica Mines, Iron, Chrome,
eligible families-old Employment Manganese Ore Mines (excluding coal mines workers), Limestone and
age, disability and Dolomite Mines Workers and Cine Workers.
295 Insurance schemes Mukhya Mantri Jibon State Social Welfare The eligible persons shall be able to claim financial assistance both for
like Aam Aadmi Bima Jyoti Achoni medical treatment and in case of injury caused due to accidents as per
Yojana the prescribed norms under this scheme.
296 Insurance schemes Social Security for Central Ministry of Labour & Beneficiaries under RSBY are entitled to hospitalisation coverage up to
like Aam Aadmi Bima Unorganised Sector Employment ₹ 30,000 for most of the diseases that require hospitalisation.
Yojana Workers – RSBY
(Rashtriya Swastha Bima
297 Insurance schemes Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana Central Ministry of Finance The provision is to provide Government’s contribution to Social
like Aam Aadmi Bima - Social Security Fund Security Fund and Scholarship Fund under Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana.
Yojana and Scholarship Fund
The head of the family or one earning member in the family of such a
household is covered under the scheme. The premium of ₹ 200 per
person per annum is shared equally by the Central Government and the
State Government. The member to be covered should be aged between
18 and 59 years.
72 S. Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Scheme/ Institutions Relevant Components/Description
No. State State Nodal Dept.
298 Insurance schemes Accident Insurance Central Ministry of Finance The provision is to provide an accident insurance cover to the RuPay
like Aam Aadmi Bima Cover to RuPay Debit Debit Card Holder under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana so as to provide
Yojana Card Holder security to families from economically weaker sections who cannot afford
direct purchase of such insurance.
299 Insurance schemes Healthcare of Aged State Social Welfare Beneficiary group- above 70 years of age.
like Aam Aadmi Bima Scheme
300 Financial Assistance National Food Security Central Department of Food PDS for Households.
is provided to aged Act and Public Distribution
people to enable
Social Security

them to purchase
medicine. One time
grant of Rs. 700/- is
given to eligible aged
301 PDS- universal Randhanjyoti Scheme State Food, Civil Supplies The scheme provides free LPG connection to selected women BPL
access to all eligible and Consumer Affairs beneficiaries.
Good Governance
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 75
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
302 Strengthening of local democracy National Food Central Ministry of Food PDS Committee will be formed to monitor the service delivery.
through strong and accountable Gram Security Mission Processing
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Industries
303 Strengthening of local democracy ICDS Central Ministry of Health & Anganwadi Committee and Village Health Sanitation and
through strong and accountable Gram Family Welfare Nutrition Committee can be formed to monitor the service
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas delivery.
304 Strengthening of local democracy SSA Central MHRD Department Formation of School Management Committee, Parent Teacher
through strong and accountable Gram of School Education Association for bringing quality and maintaining transparency in

Good Governance
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas & Literacy school education.
305 Strengthening of local democracy NRHM Central Ministry of Health & Rogi Kalyan Samiti (Patient Welfare Committee)/Hospital
through strong and accountable Gram Family Welfare Management Committee will be formed under this provision
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas to facilitate and streamline the developmental activities with an
objective to provide sustainable quality care with accountability
and people’s participation along with total transparency in
utilisation of funds placed at its disposal.
306 Strengthening of local democracy MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural MGNREGA Vigilance and Monitoring Committee (VMC),
through strong and accountable Gram Development MGNREGA Labour Group can be formed to provide a platform to
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas workers for articulating the collective voice and demand of the
wage seekers.
307 Strengthening of local democracy Aajeevika Central Ministry of Rural Under this provision, Village Organisations, NRLM, Cluster level
through strong and accountable Gram - National Development federation can be formed. The broad functions of the committee
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Livelihood Mission are as given below:
•• Collective Problem Solving.
•• Collective management of certain community services.
Collective lobbying for access to programme funds. Creating
a platform for sharing of experiences, by holding monthly or
quarterly meeting of group representatives at cluster level
for comparing notes on the working of groups in respect of
recoveries, loans, use of idle funds, etc.
•• Collective knowledge building.
•• Collective business activities e.g. purchases of agricultural
•• Provision of social security schemes eg. Life assurance, cattle
insurance, health care schemes, economic security schemes
for women.
•• Inter-group assistance (both financial and other support
especially in identifying and strengthening the weaker
76 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
308 Strengthening of local democracy PACS Central Ministry of The PACS/LAMPS/FSCS which are the bottom-tier of the Short
through strong and accountable Gram Agriculture and Term Cooperative Credit Structure functioning at the grassroots
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Cooperation (Gram Panchayat) level can be formed under this provision.
These are Primary Societies owned by farmers, rural artisans,
etc., and intended to promote thrift and mutual help among
the members; cater to their credit requirements and provide
credit-linked services like input supply, storage and marketing of
agricultural produce, etc. These Cooperative Credit Institutions
with their wide out-reach in the rural areas and accessibility
Good Governance

to the small and marginal farmers and the other marginalised

populations have been playing a vital role in dispensation of
agricultural credit.
309 Strengthening of local democracy National Rural Central Ministry of Drinking Under this provision, Village Water & Sanitation Committees
through strong and accountable Gram Drinking Water Water & Sanitation (VWSC) will be formed with 50% women & proportionate
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Programme representation for SC, ST & Minorities as a standing committee
(NRDWP) of the Gram Panchayat for all villages in the district to plan and
implement the scheme.
310 Strengthening of local democracy Joint Forest Central Ministry of Joint Forest Management Committee which is often touted as
through strong and accountable Gram Management Environment, a “participatory” success and a revolutionary scheme that has
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Forests & Climate decentralised India’s forest management can be formed under
Change this provision to assist in:
(i) Preparation of micro-plans.
(ii) Choice of species to be planted.
(iii) Suggesting physical and financial targets.
(iv) To propose entry point activities.
(v) Awareness programmes and usufruct sharing mechanisms.
(vi) Fund Creation Activities.
311 Strengthening of local democracy Forest Rights Act Central Ministry of Forest Rights Village Level Committees can be formed under this
through strong and accountable Gram Environment, provision where each village is to elect a committee of 10 - 15
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Forests & Climate people from its own residents as a “Forest Rights Committee”,
Change which will do the initial verification of rights and place its
recommendations before the Gram Sabha.
312 Strengthening of local democracy Nehru Yuva Central Ministry of Youth Nehru Yuva Kendra committee will be formed under this
through strong and accountable Gram Kendra Affairs & Sports provision which will help to identify areas of harnessing youth
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas power for development by forming Youth Clubs, which are
village level voluntary action groups of youth at the grassroots
level to involve them in nation building activities.
S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/ 77
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
313 Strengthening of local democracy SCA-TSP and Central Ministry of Tribal Project Level Committee under TSP can be formed under this
through strong and accountable Gram Article 275(1) of Affairs provision to review the programme periodically.
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Constitution
314 Strengthening of local democracy SSA Central MHRD Department Parent-Teachers Associations which work for the improvement
through strong and accountable Gram of School Education of the schools and the benefit of the students can be formed
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas & Literacy under this scheme to ensure the effective teaching method.
315 Strengthening of local democracy Dairy Society Central Ministry of Dairy Societies, Dairy Cooperatives can be formed under this
through strong and accountable Gram Agriculture and provision which will provide services either free of charge or

Good Governance
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Cooperation at a reasonable cost to its members. In addition, cooperative
ownership emphasises participation and control by member
producers. Individual members can influence policy and
management matters through registered membership bodies
that are regulated by laws or rules of a community or State.
316 Strengthening of local democracy National Mission Central Ministry of ATMA Governing Board / ATMA Management Committee, Farmer
through strong and accountable Gram on Agriculture Agriculture and Advisory Committee.
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Extension and Cooperation
317 Strengthening of local democracy Integrated Central Ministry of Village/Panchayat Child Protection Committee.
through strong and accountable Gram Child Protection Women & Child
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas Scheme (ICPS) Development
318 Strengthening of local democracy MGNREGA Central Ministry of Rural Under this scheme, the following meetings can be organised to
through strong and accountable Gram Development ensure the effective implementation of the scheme:
Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas •• Mahila Gram Sabhas can be held before every Gram Sabha
•• Holding of a Gram Sabha at least four times a year
•• Holding of Bal Sabhas every quarter
•• Half-yearly Social Audit of the programme implementation
by the Gram Sabha facilitated by the Social Audit Units set
up under MGNREGA
•• Ensuring regular and punctual attendance of government
and panchayat staff.
319 Provision of UIDAI cards to all Unique ID Central Ministry of The role that the Authority envisions is to issue a unique
Authority of India Planning identification number (UIDAI) that can be verified and
authenticated in an online, cost-effective manner, which is
robust enough to eliminate duplicate and fake identities.
320 Provision of UIDAI cards to all Issuance of Photo Central Ministry of Law & The provision is for reimbursement of Central Government’s
Identity Cards to Justice share to State/UT Governments on issuance of Photo Identity
Voters Cards to voters.
78 S. Scheme/ Central/ Central Ministry/
Activity Relevant Components/Description
No. Institutions State State Nodal Dept.
321 Timely redressal of grievances filed by National Mission Central Ministry of Law & The National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms,
people, such that: for Justice Justice has decided in June 2011 to operationalise the same to ensure
1. Grievances of all nature to be Delivery and Legal a well coordinated response of the executive and the judiciary
submitted to the Gram Panchayat Reforms for speeding up delivery of justice in the country and reduce the
/ Charge Officer and dated receipt delay in the disposal of cases by the courts.
to be given
2. Grievances to be redressed within
three weeks along with written
Good Governance

3. Institutionalisation of regular open

platforms for airing of grievances
and their redressal, coordinated
by the Gram Panchayat
322 Timely redressal of grievances filed by Rajyor Padulit State Panchayat & Rural To redress the grievances of the people at their doorsteps,
people, such that: Rajyor Sarkar Development creation of public awareness about Govt. programmes, assess
1. Grievances of all nature to be the local needs, identify the deficiency in service delivery system.
submitted to the Gram Panchayat
/ Charge Officer and dated receipt
to be given
2. Grievances to be redressed within
three weeks along with written
3. Institutionalisation of regular open
platforms for airing of grievances
and their redressal, coordinated
by the Gram Panchayat
Department of Rural Development
Ministry of Rural Development
Government of India, Krishi Bhavan
New Delhi-110001. India,
National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
ISBN: 978-93-84503-17-8
©MoRD, October 2015

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