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Name :

1. Pramudita Budiarti
2. Prisilia Rahma Saputri
3. Putri Purnamasari


Translate into communicative English.

1. Pak, sekarang saya mau mengukur tekanan darah bapak.

Sir, now i want to measure your blood pressure.
2. Silahkan berbaring di tempat tidur itu.
Please lie flat on the bed
3. Silahkan lengan bajunya digulung ke atas.
Please roll your sleeve up
4. Sekarang saya mau memasukkan thermometer ini ke ketiak ibu.
Now i would you insert this thermometer into your armpit
5. Silahkan buka bajunya, saya mau mengecek pernafasan bapak.
Please sleep up your top things, i want to check your respiration
6. Tarik nafa dalam-dalam, lepaskan nafas ……… tarik nafas ………. lepaskan.
Take a deep breath, breath out .....breath in......breath out.


Medical staff : Good morning, Mr. / Mrs. Natsu (patient’s name)tsu

Patient : Good morning, Nurse Lucy (nurse’s name)
Medical staff : I just want to check your blood pressure.
Patient : Sure.
Medical staff : Did you sleep well last night?
Patient : Not really because I still got a problem with my headache.
Medical staff : You got a problem with your headache? OK, I will report this
to your doctor. Now please roll your sleeve up.
Patient : Sure.
Medical staff : (checking the blood pressure)
Now, can I have your left hand? I need to check your pulse.
Patient : What is my blood pressure, nurse?
Medical staff : It is still in the normal range.

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