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Tugas Kelompok :

- Aulia Rahma N
- Hardyanti Marshafira
- Nur Aisyah

TASK 2. Expression
Give the right expressions.
1. Ask patient whether the patient has taken any self-medication.
Did you take any medicine for your pain?
2. Ask patient how many he / she has taken for self-medication.
How many do you take ?
3. Ask patient if he / she gets better or worse after medication.
How is he doing ? is getting better or worse

TASK 3. Translation
Translate into communicative English using the word given.
1. Sakitnya di sekitar dada saya.
The pain around my chest
2. Sakitnya di sekitar perut sebelah kiri atas menyebar (radiate) sampai ke
perut sebelah kanan.
The pain around the upper left stomach radiates to the right side of the
3. Sakitnya di sekitar lambung, menjalar ke punggung sebelah kiri.
The pain around the stomach, radiating to the left back
4. Saya merasa mau muntah, dan perut saya perih.
I feel like throwing up, and my stomach hurts
5. Saya merasa sesak nafas dan tenggorokan terasa tersumbat.
I feel short of breath and a blocked throat

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