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Name :

1. Pramudita Budiarti
2. Prisilia Rahma Saputri


Translate this into communicative English.

1. Siapakah nama anda?

 What’s your name?
2. Apakah anda sudah menikah?
 Are you married?
3. Dimana alamat anda?
 What’s your address?
4. Apakah anda membawa surat rujukan dari dokter umum?
 Do you bring a referral letter from a general practitioner?
5. Pekerjaan anda?
 What’s your occupation?
6. Siapa kerabat dekat yang bisa kami hubungi?
 Who’s your nearest relative to contact?
7. Tanggal lahir anda?
 Your date of birth?

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