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Energy presents in the form of pressure, velocity, and elevation in fluids with no

energy exchange due to viscous dissipation, heat transfer, or shaft work (pump or some

other device). The relationship among these three forms of energy was first stated by

Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), based upon the conservation of energy principle.

Bernoulli’s theorem pertaining to a flow streamline is based on three assumptions:

steady flow, incompressible fluid, and no losses from the fluid friction. The validity of

Bernoulli’s equation will be examined in this experiment.

Bernoulli’s principle tells us

that windows tend to explode
rather than implode when
hurricanes. During the
hurricanes, a very high speed of
air outside the window leading
to low
air pressure compare to inside,
which the air is still. The
differences of forces causing the
windows push outward and
explode. That it is why to better
open all windows during the
Another example of Bernoulli’s
principle application is to
determine the flow speed of
a fluid. The devices such as
venturi meter or an orifice plate
is used and can be placed into a
pipeline to reduce the diameter
of the flow. The reduction in
diameter will cause an increase
in the fluid flow speed, thus
according to Bernoulli’s there
must be decrease in pressure.
In his book, Daniel Bernoulli
states that “as the speed of a
moving fluid (liquid or gas)
increases, the pressure within
the fluid decreases. He comes
up this principle and published
his book Hydrodynamica in
1738. The book describes the
theory of water flowing through
tube and water flowing from a
hole in a container which
explained the hydronomic
In order to demonstrate the
Bernoulli’s principle, model:
FM 24 – Bernoulli’s
Theorem Demonstration
apparatus is used. The apparatus
consist of a classical Venturi
of clear acrylic. A series of wall
tapping allow measurement of
the static pressure distribution
along the converging duct,
while a total head tube is
provided to transverse along the
line of the test section. These
tapings are connected to a
piezometer bank incorporating a
manifold with air bleed valve.
Pressurization of the
piezometers is facilitated by a
hand pump.
This unit has been designed to
be used with Hydraulics Bench
for students to study the
characteristics of flow
through both converging
and diverging sections.
During the
experiment, water is fed
through a hose connector and
students may control the flow
rate of
the water by adjusting a flow
regulator valve at the outlet of
the test section.
Bernoulli’s principle tells us
that windows tend to explode
rather than implode when
hurricanes. During the
hurricanes, a very high speed of
air outside the window leading
to low
air pressure compare to inside,
which the air is still. The
differences of forces causing the
windows push outward and
explode. That it is why to better
open all windows during the
Another example of Bernoulli’s
principle application is to
determine the flow speed of
a fluid. The devices such as
venturi meter or an orifice plate
is used and can be placed into a
pipeline to reduce the diameter
of the flow. The reduction in
diameter will cause an increase
in the fluid flow speed, thus
according to Bernoulli’s there
must be decrease in pressure.
In his book, Daniel Bernoulli
states that “as the speed of a
moving fluid (liquid or gas)
increases, the pressure within
the fluid decreases. He comes
up this principle and published
his book Hydrodynamica in
1738. The book describes the
theory of water flowing through
tube and water flowing from a
hole in a container which
explained the hydronomic
In order to demonstrate the
Bernoulli’s principle, model:
FM 24 – Bernoulli’s
Theorem Demonstration
apparatus is used. The apparatus
consist of a classical Venturi
of clear acrylic. A series of wall
tapping allow measurement of
the static pressure distribution
along the converging duct,
while a total head tube is
provided to transverse along the
line of the test section. These
tapings are connected to a
piezometer bank incorporating a
manifold with air bleed valve.
Pressurization of the
piezometers is facilitated by a
hand pump.
This unit has been designed to
be used with Hydraulics Bench
for students to study the
characteristics of flow
through both converging
and diverging sections.
During the
experiment, water is fed
through a hose connector and
students may control the flow
rate of
the water by adjusting a flow
regulator valve at the outlet of
the test section.
Bernoulli’s principle tells us
that windows tend to explode
rather than implode when
hurricanes. During the
hurricanes, a very high speed of
air outside the window leading
to low
air pressure compare to inside,
which the air is still. The
differences of forces causing the
windows push outward and
explode. That it is why to better
open all windows during the
Another example of Bernoulli’s
principle application is to
determine the flow speed of
a fluid. The devices such as
venturi meter or an orifice plate
is used and can be placed into a
pipeline to reduce the diameter
of the flow. The reduction in
diameter will cause an increase
in the fluid flow speed, thus
according to Bernoulli’s there
must be decrease in pressure.
In his book, Daniel Bernoulli
states that “as the speed of a
moving fluid (liquid or gas)
increases, the pressure within
the fluid decreases. He comes
up this principle and published
his book Hydrodynamica in
1738. The book describes the
theory of water flowing through
tube and water flowing from a
hole in a container which
explained the hydronomic
In order to demonstrate the
Bernoulli’s principle, model:
FM 24 – Bernoulli’s
Theorem Demonstration
apparatus is used. The apparatus
consist of a classical Venturi
of clear acrylic. A series of wall
tapping allow measurement of
the static pressure distribution
along the converging duct,
while a total head tube is
provided to transverse along the
line of the test section. These
tapings are connected to a
piezometer bank incorporating a
manifold with air bleed valve.
Pressurization of the
piezometers is facilitated by a
hand pump.
This unit has been designed to
be used with Hydraulics Bench
for students to study the
characteristics of flow
through both converging
and diverging sections.
During the
experiment, water is fed
through a hose connector and
students may control the flow
rate of
the water by adjusting a flow
regulator valve at the outlet of
the test section.
Bernoulli’s principle tells us that windows tend to explode rather than implode

when hurricanes. During the hurricanes, a very high speed of air outside the window

leading to low air pressure compare to inside, which the air is still. The differences of

forces causing the windows push outward and explode. That it is why to better open all

windows during the hurricane.

Another example of Bernoulli’s principle application is to determine the flow

speed of a fluid. The devices such as venturi meter or an orifice plate is used and can

be placed into a pipeline to reduce the diameter of the flow. The reduction in diameter

will cause an increase in the fluid flow speed, thus according to Bernoulli’s there must

be decrease in pressure.

In his book, Daniel Bernoulli states that “as the speed of a moving fluid (liquid or

gas) increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases. He comes up this principle and

published in his book Hydrodynamica in 1738. The book describes the theory of water

flowing through a tube and water flowing from a hole in a container which explained the

hydronomic pressure.

In order to demonstrate the Bernoulli’s principle, Bernoulli’s Theorem

Demonstration apparatus is used. The apparatus consist of a classical Venturi made of

clear acrylic. A series of wall tapping allow measurement of the static pressure

distribution along the converging duct, while a total head tube is provided to transverse

along the centre line of the test section. These tapings are connected to a piezometer

bank incorporating a manifold with air bleed valve. Pressurization of the piezometers is

facilitated by a hand pump.

This unit has been designed to be used with Hydraulics Bench for students to

study the characteristics of flow through both converging and diverging sections. During

the experiment, water is fed through a hose connector and students may control the

flow rate of the water by adjusting a flow regulator valve at the outlet of the test section.
In this experiment, the validity of Bernoulli’s equation will be verified with the use

of a tapered duct (venturi system) connected with manometers to measure the pressure

head and total head at known points along the flow. Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration

apparatus consists of a classical Venturi made of clear acrylic. A series of wall tappings

allow measurement of the static pressure distribution along the converging duct, while a

total head tube is provided to traverse along the centre line of the test section. These

tappings are connected to a manometer bank incorporating a manifold with air bleed

valve. Pressurization of the manometers is facilitated by a hand pump.


The aim of this experiment is to verify Bernoulli Equation by using a venturi meter

to observe fluid elevation through the tube with different flow rates and research the

reasons of different between theory and practice.


We had demonstrated the Bernoulli’s Theorem and from the result we had

calculated that when the diameter of the cross section smaller, there were increasing in

velocities along the distribution tube. The smallest cross section (which is cross section

C) gave huge pressure difference and had the highest velocities. The results had shown

that larger pressure difference gave out the most speed of fluid flow. Furthermore

through the experiment, we had observed as fluid flow through the venturi meter, the

head is higher at the narrower tube and vice versa. The narrower tube leads to high

velocities and low pressure.

The volumetric flow rates are calculated for each trial. The speed of water was

controlled by using valve and times taken are recorded as the volumetric tank reached

3L. Every trial had different volumetric flow rate as to manipulate the result of the

velocities and the calculated volumetric flow rates were substituted into the continuity

equation to determine the velocities. From the calculation, the highest volumetric flow

rates gave the highest velocities.

In order to determine the velocities of each cross section, two different equation

were used; by using Bernoulli’s Equation (ViB) and by using continuity equation (ViC).
From the calculations we observed that all of calculated ViB had highest value

compared to ViC . The continuity equation is the conservation of mass on a steady flow

process through a control volume. With uniform density of water, the velocity is equal to

volumetric flow rate over area. ViC took area of cross section into consideration, which

when area increase velocity decrease. ViC is directly proportional to area.

Whereas the Bernoulli’s equation is when an increment in the speed of the fluid

simultaneously with a drop in pressure and the pressure increases when the pipe opens

out and the fluid stagnate. Thus, pressure would decreases when the velocity

increases. This equation took pressure difference into consideration. As we discussed

about both equations, both equations were suitable to be used to calculate the

velocities. However, there some parameters needed to be considered like pressure

difference and area.

We also had calculated the difference between ViB and ViC (ViB - ViC ), to show

that the value of ViB are greater than ViC. As we calculated, there was one negative

value which was should not happen. This may be because of parallax error during

taking the reading and air bubble trapped inside the tube.

As Bernoulli state high velocity of fluid flow result in low pressure and based on

continuity equation, smaller area result in high velocity. Thus, the result proved both

equation could be used to determine the velocity of fluid flow in piezometer. Even the

value is not exactly the same, but the pattern of increasing and decreasing at the

converging and diverging portion is same. So that, as the velocity increases, the total

head pressure also increases for both convergent and divergent flow.

Bernoulli’s theorem provides a mathematical means to understanding the

mechanics of fluids. It has many real-world applications, ranging from understanding the

aerodynamics of an airplane; calculating wind load on buildings; designing water supply

and sewer networks; measuring flow using devices such as weirs, Parshall flumes, and

venturimeters; and estimating seepage through soil, etc. Although the expression for

Bernoulli’s theorem is simple, the principle involved in the equation plays vital roles in

the technological advancements designed to improve the quality of human life.

A number of everyday objects use Bernoulli's principle to draw fluids upward, and

though in terms of their purposes, they might seem very different—for instance, a

perfume atomizer vs. a chimney—they are closely related in their application of

pressure differences. In fact, the idea behind an atomizer for a perfume spray bottle can

also be found in certain garden-hose attachments, such as those used to provide a

high-pres-sure car wash.

The air inside the perfume bottle is moving relatively slowly; therefore, according

to Bernoulli's principle, its pressure is relatively high, and it exerts a strong downward

force on the perfume itself. In an atomizer there is a narrow tube running from near the

bottom of the bottle to the top. At the top of the perfume bottle, it opens inside another

tube, this one perpendicular to the first tube. At one end of the horizontal tube is a

simple squeeze-pump which causes air to flow quickly through it. As a result, the
pressure toward the top of the bottle is reduced, and the perfume flows upward along

the vertical tube, drawn from the area of higher pressure at the bottom. Once it is in the

upper tube, the squeeze-pump helps to eject it from the spray nozzle.

A carburetor works on a similar principle, though in that case the lower pressure

at the top draws air rather than liquid. Likewise a chimney draws air upward, and this

explains why a windy day outside makes for a better fire inside. With wind blowing over

the top of the chimney, the air pressure at the top is reduced, and tends to draw higher-

pressure air from down below.

The upward pull of air according to the Bernoulli principle can also be illustrated

by what is sometimes called the "Hoover bugle"—a name perhaps dating from the

Great Depression, when anything cheap or contrived bore the appellation "Hoover" as a

reflection of popular dissatisfaction with President Herbert Hoover. In any case, the

Hoover bugle is simply a long corrugated tube that, when swung overhead, produces

musical notes.

You can create a Hoover bugle using any sort of corrugated tube, such as

vacuum-cleaner hose or swimming-pool drain hose, about 1.8 in (4 cm) in diameter and

6 ft (1.8 m) in length. To operate it, you should simply hold the tube in both hands, with

extra length in the leading hand—that is, the right hand, for most people. This is the

hand with which to swing the tube over your head, first slowly and then faster, observing

the changes in tone that occur as you change the pace.

The vacuum hose of a Hoover tube can also be returned to a version of its

original purpose in an illustration of Bernoulli's principle. If a piece of paper is torn into

pieces and placed on a table, with one end of the tube just above the paper and the

other end spinning in the air, the paper tends to rise. It is drawn upward as though by a

vacuum cleaner—but in fact, what makes it happen is the pressure difference created

by the movement of air.

In both cases, reduced pressure draws air from the slow-moving region at the

bottom of the tube. In the case of the Hoover bugle, the corrugations produce

oscillations of a certain frequency. Slower speeds result in slower oscillations and hence

lower frequency, which produces a lower tone. At higher speeds, the opposite is true.

There is little variation in tones on a Hoover bugle: increasing the velocity results in a

frequency twice that of the original, but it is difficult to create enough speed to generate

a third tone.

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