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 Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple NUMARUL 1

1. I can’t find my diary. Where you (put) it? I (put) it in the drawer last night.
2. Gary (not be) to work since he (win) that money.
3. I (eat) never octopus but I (eat) snakes last year.
4. How many times (you visit) him this year? I (visit) him twice in March but I (not visit) him since then.
5. I (learn) to speak a little French when I was at school.
6. We (look) for a silk shirt but we (not find) any yet. (you try) this shop already? They (have) one 3 days ago.
7. When he (pass) his exam?
8. They (not speak) English lately.
9. A bomb (explode) in the station at ten o’clock.
10. He is a good chef. He (win) several competitions last year and now he just (open) a new restaurant.
11. Things (change) a lot lately. When we (start) some years ago, we only (have) a few people here.
12. (you ever) see a monster?
13. She (leave) on Sunday but she (not call) us so far.
 Translate into English
1. Nu a mai nins in orasul meu de 2 ani.
2. Nu am vazut-o de cand s-a casatorit.
3. Mama nu s-a dus la magazin pana acum.
4. Ai prins vreodata un fluture?
5. Ieri m-a sunat dar azi nu m-a vizitat.
6. Ea nu a baut bere recent.
7. De cat timp o cunosti?
8. La ce ora a venit?

 Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple NUMARUL 2

1. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) ten very creative stories last year and now he just (finish) a tragedy.
2. I (not have) so much fun since I (go) to that party.
3. She (leave) on Sunday but she (not call) us so far.
4. Things (change) a lot lately. When we first (start) five years ago, we only (have) ten employees.
5. She never (drink) beer but she (drink) wine last year.
6. When (the bomb, explode)?
7. I (try) everywhere to find a nanny. You (try) the agency next here? I (employ) one from there 3 years ago.
8. (you ever see) a ghost?
9. (you, meet) him this morning? It’s almost 9a.m. and he (not contact) me yet.
10. I (learn) to speak a little Spanish when I was at school.
11. How many times (you, be) to the cinema this year? I (go) twice in January but I (not go) since then.
12. I can’t find my book. Where (you, put) it? I (put) it on the shelf, last night.
13. They (not speak) French lately.
 Translate into English:
1. Ieri m-a vizitat dar azi nu m-a sunat.
2. De cat timp il cunosti?
3. Tata nu a vorbit cu directorul pana acum.
4. Ai omarat vreodata un tanatar?
5. Eu nu am mancat pizza recent.
6. La ce ora a plecat?
7. Ea nu a sunat de cand ai plecat.
8. Nu a mai plouat in orasul meu de 3 luni.

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