Browse The Book: First-Hand Knowledge

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First-hand knowledge.

Browse the Book

This sample chapter teaches you about predictive analytics in SAP Ana-
lytics Cloud. It covers both smart assist and smart predict, and then offers
examples of the functionality of each. A sample time series analysis will
be created throughout this chapter.

“Predictive Analytics”



The Author

Abassin Sidiq
SAP Analytics Cloud
446 Pages, 2020, $79.95
ISBN 978-1-4932-1934-6
Chapter 7
Predictive Analytics
While most analytics use cases focus on analyzing historical data,
predictive analytics aims to forecast potential future developments.
Therefore, various practices like machine learning are embedded in
SAP Analytics Cloud.

When analyzing historical data, you can often observe patterns that oc-
curred in the past or learn from decisions that were made. However, this
data can also be used to gain insights about future developments or rela-
tionships between data points that may not be visible at first.
SAP Analytics Cloud offers a dedicated predictive analytics component that Smart assist and
provides various functionalities to support users in performing these kinds smart predict

of analyses. Those functionalities are either automated (smart assist) or

require users to define explicit predictive scenarios (smart predict).
In this chapter, we’ll first learn more about both smart assist and smart pre-
dict, then offer examples of the functionality of each. Smart predict allows
users to create very complex scenarios that can’t be covered in detail in this
book. However, a sample time series analysis will be created throughout
this chapter. Section 7.3 contains information on how to access more infor-
mation about smart predict.

Requirements for This Chapter

All examples in this chapter are based on previously created stories and
datasets. If you want to follow the examples in this chapter, you first have
to create the dataset, model, and stories in these chapters:
쐍 Chapter 4, Section 4.2.1
쐍 Chapter 4, Section 4.3
쐍 Chapter 5

7 Predictive Analytics 7.1 What Is Predictive Analytics?

7.1 What Is Predictive Analytics?

This section will focus on predictive analytics and how it’s differentiated
from the classical analytics field. Because the area of data science is very big
and can be separated into a lot of different fields, it won’t be the focus here.
SAP Analytics Cloud supports users by providing easy access to machine
learning algorithms and tools. Machine learning algorithms are mathemati-
cal methods that can, for example, recognize patterns in data or relationships
among data points. Those algorithms are usually applied automatically 7
within SAP Analytics Cloud and can’t be influenced by the user. However, for
some cases, a special environment is available wherein extended analyses
can be created.
We’ll explore all functionalities that belong to predictive analytics and pro-
vide practical examples ahead.
Smart assist The term smart assist groups all functionalities that support users by auto-
matically applying algorithms and functions to enable the analysis of data
for patterns and highlights. Smart assist includes the following functional-
Figure 7.1 Smart Discovery
Smart discovery 쐍 Smart discovery
With smart discovery, you can create an automated analysis of a model
(see Figure 7.1), which can be used to determine key influencers for a spe-
cific dimension or measure.
The function will automatically generate a story that contains various
charts and tables showing highlights and relationships. On top of that,
all values will be shown that don’t fit the automatically recognized rela-
tionships (outliers). Finally, smart discovery also provides a simulation
model that allows you to change single dimensions and measure the
effect of the change.

Smart insights 쐍 Smart insights

This functionality can be activated for each chart in a story and provides
explanations for specific data points (see Figure 7.2). Once you click on a
data point in a chart (e.g., a bar in a bar/column chart), smart insights can
be launched to find out which influencers contribute to this data point.
Smart insights has to be activated for each chart or table manually.

Figure 7.2 Smart Insights

336 337
7 Predictive Analytics 7.1 What Is Predictive Analytics?

Search to insight Search to insight is another functionality to quickly access data and explore
relationships between data points. It can be launched from the home
screen or within the story. Afterwards, you can type in questions in natural
language (see Figure 7.3).

Figure 7.4 Sample R Visualization

R can only be used in SAP Analytics Cloud to create visualizations that aren’t Data transfor-
included in the standard portfolio of the story. However, this requires knowl- mations in R

edge of R. Data operations or transformations that are performed within the

R script can be executed, but the resulting data can’t be stored in a data
model. However, the result can be shown in a chart or table by using R.
When using a time series chart, you can activate the automatic forecast. It Automatic forecast
extends the time series chart by adding a forecast of how the values may
develop in the future (see Figure 7.5). The forecast parameters can only be
slightly adjusted.
Figure 7.3 Search to Insight

The feature uses various machine learning algorithms to determine which

data model you want to search and which information you request. The
generated chart can be copied into a story.
R visualizations Although R visualizations are part of the story and behave like charts, they’ll
be covered in this chapter because they also allow you to apply algorithms
to forecast data. An example R visualization is shown in Figure 7.4.

What Is R?
R is a programming language that’s commonly used in the area of statis-
tics. It’s provided as an open-source language and is maintained by a very
big community. The language allows extensive data operations and can be
extended by packages.
Figure 7.5 Time Series Chart with Forecast

338 339
7 Predictive Analytics 7.2 Smart Assist

Smart predict Next to the smart assist functionalities, SAP Analytics Cloud also offers an Create a new story and choose Run a Smart Discovery. Instructions on how
extended working environment for power users called smart predict. In to create a story can be found in Chapter 5, Section 5.2. Choose the Sales
general, users create predictive scenarios based on datasets and trained by Data model created in Chapter 4, Section 4.3 and Section 4.5.
using their contents (see Figure 7.6). You’ll now see the smart discovery sidebar, where you can further config- Configuring
Smart predict supports the following predictive scenarios: ure some parameters (see Figure 7.7). Here, you can determine which target smart discovery

쐍 Classification 쐍 Time series variable (measure or dimension) you want to know more about. Click on
Select a Measure/Dimension and select the Revenue measure.
쐍 Regression

Based on the use case, those scenarios can be used to answer various ques- 7
tions. These include, for example, the customer churn analysis, time series
forecasts, or future developments. A detailed description of these scenarios
can be found in Section 7.3.

Figure 7.6 Training Predictive Scenarios

7.2 Smart Assist

This section covers all functionalities of the smart assist area in detail.
Some of the examples may use models or stories that you created in previ-
ous chapters. Of course, you can also use the presented features with your
own data. Be aware that the demonstrations are based on fictional data
Figure 7.7 Setting Up Smart Discovery
from the demo data package, which may not always lead to useful results.

Leave the Version set to Actual and leave the Singular and Plural fields Advanced options

7.2.1 Smart Discovery empty. Those fields can be used to assign individual labels used later in the
automatically generated texts. You can also exclude measures and dimen-
We want to use smart discovery to determine what factors influence the
sions from the analysis. This is very helpful to remove key influencers that
Revenue measure in our Sales Data model the most.
are inherently obvious.

340 341
7 Predictive Analytics 7.2 Smart Assist

Remove all measures so that only Revenue remains. Then, remove the ID, In general, the overview page offers a high-level overview of the data and
Stores, and Street dimensions because they provide no value for our analy- how several factors contribute to the measure. Some of the charts are inter-
sis and are directly related to the revenue. Both ID and Street are dimen- active and allow you to generate further analyses.
sions with a very close relation to their respective data points. There is only On the Key Influencers page, you’ll find information about all prominent Key influencers
one value per ID and only a few values per street, which would result in a relationships that were found in your data, accompanied by automatically
very high mathematical influence on the revenue. However, this insight generated texts that provide explanations of the results of the analysis and
has no real-world value. Initiate the process by clicking on Run. their quality (see Figure 7.9).
Automatically Wait a few seconds until the automatic story generation is completed.
generated story Smart discovery will generate four pages in total: 7

쐍 Overview 쐍 Unexpected Values

쐍 Key Influencers 쐍 Simulation

If smart discovery is executed for a dimension instead of a measure, it will

only generate the first two pages.
Overview The Overview of Revenue page shows general information about the ana-
lyzed measure and generates overview charts and texts that outline strong
relationships within the data (see Figure 7.8).

Figure 7.9 Key Influencers

Based on the results of the analysis, this page may show additional charts,
Figure 7.8 Excerpt of Overview Page which focus on one or more key influencers. Every single chart allows you

342 343
7 Predictive Analytics 7.2 Smart Assist

to add more key influencers to manually adjust them. Click on the bulb The last page, Simulation, provides a very powerful tool. Here, you can Simulation
icon to see a list of all key influencers. adjust single influencers and directly measure their influence on the mea-
Unexpected Values Smart discovery generates a model in the background, which it uses to sure. For each influencer, you can change the dimension member and the
measure the relations in the data and the influence of each dimension. That revenue will change based on your decision (see Figure 7.11). On top of that,
model is just an approximation of reality, which means that it can’t explain the simulation page directly shows how big the impact of a dimension is.
all values that occur in the dataset. The Unexpected Values page shows a list Change the parameters by using the input controls of one of the dimen- Simulating a change
of all values that don’t fit the model (see Figure 7.10). All values are shown in sions to start the simulation (see Figure 7.12). Choose another product, for
the table and in more detail in charts. If you click on a value, the charts will example, and click on Simulate to see the effects of the change.
automatically adjust. 7

Figure 7.11 Simulation

Figure 7.12 Adjusting Simulations

Figure 7.10 Unexpected Values

344 345
7 Predictive Analytics 7.2 Smart Assist

7.2.2 Smart Insights

While smart discovery analyzes a measure or dimension in general, smart
insights can be used to find out more about a specific data point. In general,
smart insights can be activated for every chart built on a supported data
source. If the amount of data is insufficient or the context is too detailed, it
may happen that smart insights can’t produce any results.
Open the Sales Analysis 2019 story created in Chapter 5, Section 5.9 and
switch to edit mode. Click on the Revenue (Variance) chart and open the
action bar by clicking on the icon with three dots. Click on Add Smart
Insights (see Figure 7.13).

Figure 7.13 Adding Smart Insights

Accessing smart Smart insights are automatically added as text below the chart showing the
insights most prominent finding (see Figure 7.14). You can either access the smart Figure 7.15 Smart Insights Sidebar
insights by right-clicking on the chart or by clicking on View more… at the
end of the text.
7.2.3 Search to Insight
Smart assist functionalities are designed to provide easy and intuitive Explore data
access to data. While the data exploration mode already eases this process
(see Chapter 5, Section 5.2.2), search to insight allows you to use natural lan-
guage to analyze data.
Search to insight is directly called from the home screen (see Chapter 3, Sec- Opening the search
tion 3.1) Navigate to your home screen, click on Ask a Question, and select
Figure 7.14 Chart with Smart Insights the Go to Search to Insight entry (see Figure 7.16). You can also access the
search within a story by clicking the Search button at the top.
After you open smart insights, a sidebar will be shown on the right side of
your screen (see Figure 7.15). This sidebar contains details about all findings
that lead to the data point. You can click on each finding to see more details
and related charts.

346 347
7 Predictive Analytics 7.2 Smart Assist

SAP Analytics Cloud automatically indexes all models so that search to Searching for data
insight can search through them. Enter the question “Show Revenue by
Supermarket” and press the (Enter) key. You will see automatic propos-
als while entering the question. Especially when you have many models
in the system, these proposals are very helpful to find the right model.
Once you’ve submitted the search query, a chart will be generated (see
Figure 7.16 Opening Search to Insight Figure 7.18).

After you open search to insight, the search screen appears (see Figure 7.17). 7
You can directly enter your question in the bottom, but the interface also
offers some proposals for searches and actions to perform.

Figure 7.18 Generated Chart

You can extend the search by adding filter criteria (e.g., “for last year”) or Filter criteria
using the buttons below a chart to submit a proposed question. If you want
to use the chart within a story, you can directly copy it from here by clicking
on the Copy button and selecting Copy.

Figure 7.17 Search to Insight

348 349
7 Predictive Analytics 7.2 Smart Assist

7.2.4 R Visualizations 쐍 R Project

If you’re missing a chart in the standard portfolio or you want to perform
individual statistical transformations before visualizing a specific context, You will find general information about R here. You can also download
R visualizations can be used to overcome this challenge. By using the open- R for your own desktop computer here. This is not required to use R in
source programming language R, you can create individual charts. R servers SAP Analytics Cloud.
provide packages that include predefined charts and functions to manipu- 쐍 R for Beginners
late and visualize data.
Scope In general, R can be used to transform data and implement data science sce- This tutorial supports you in learning R and performing your first steps.
narios. Because R can be used to generate charts and graphical elements, it
also can be used within a story. The R component in the story also can be The following example will demonstrate how to create R visualizations. R visualizations
used to manipulate and transform data, but the results can only be visual- We’ll use a very simple script to get familiar with R in SAP Analytics Cloud
ized and not stored in a data model. and the working environment. To start, create a new story and add a canvas
page to it. Click on the + button in the top bar and select R Visualization (see
Differences from R visualizations are also not interactive. Although R allows the creation of
standard charts Figure 7.19).
interactive charts, this has to be performed completely in the R script and
isn’t compatible with other charts in the story. It’s also not possible to use
the builder or formatting options in R visualizations (see Chapter 5, Section
5.3). R visualizations are created in their own builder, which is only available
for this scenario.

R Server
R scripts have to be processed by an R server. SAP Analytics Cloud pro-
vides an R landscape by default that allows you to create R visualizations
without hosting your own R server. If you want to use your own server,
though (e.g., when the SAP landscape is missing the required packages),
you have to set it up beforehand. More information can be found in Chap-
ter 3, Section 3.3.4.

Requirements Because R is a statistical programming language, it requires some knowl-

edge to be used properly. SAP Analytics Cloud only provides a very limited
number of examples, which can’t be applied easily to your own data.
Figure 7.19 Adding R Visualizations
More Information about R
There is a builder for R visualizations that will be shown in the right sidebar Builder
The following links provide more information about R and resources to
of the story (see Figure 7.20).
learn the language:

350 351
7 Predictive Analytics 7.2 Smart Assist

The script environment is separated into four main parts: Script environment

쐍 Editor
All R scripts are entered into this field. You can also access code snippets
here or search through the code.
쐍 Environment
This area lists all available datasets. By clicking on the three dots next to
each entry, you can see a preview of the included data.
쐍 Console
Because R can also return console entries (e.g., error messages), those are
shown here.
쐍 Preview
This section previews the visualization that will later be added to the
Figure 7.20 Builder for R Visualizations story.

We first want to find out which packages are installed on the R server. Enter List all packages
Adding input data Because R can only work with data in flat tables, we have to first select a set
the following script into the editor and click on Execute:
of data that then will be made available for the R script. Click on Add Input
Data in the builder to start the data selection process. Select the Sales Data installed.packages(lib.loc = NULL, priority = NULL,
model and all dimensions for the rows. Confirm the selection by clicking on noCache = FALSE, fields = NULL,
OK. subarch = .Platform$r_arch)

Then click on Add Script to start the script editor. Go into full screen mode This code shows a list of all installed packages on the R server and will be
by clicking on the Expand button at the top right of the builder. The returned in the console. By going through that list, you can find out if the
screen should now match Figure 7.21. necessary R packages are available to solve your challenge. If you are miss-
ing a package, you have to install it first. However, this is only possible on
your R servers. To use a dataset in an R script, you have to first attach it.
Enter the following code and execute it:


From now on, you can directly reference dimensions and measures by sim-
ply writing their names.
Remove all code from the script editor and paste in the code shown in List- Creating a
ing 7.1. word cloud

# This code loads the required libraries.

Figure 7.21 Script Environment library(tm)

352 353
7 Predictive Analytics 7.2 Smart Assist

# Attaches the dataset. forecast for the chart and show projected values (see Figure 7.5). On top of
attach(Verkaufsdaten) that, you can change the forecast method (Advanced Options).
# Creates the word cloud.
wordcloud(Supermarkt, rot.per=0.6, use.r.layout=FALSE)

Listing 7.1 Example R Script

This script will create a word cloud for the Supermarket dimension. A word
cloud visualizes the words in a dimension in the shape of a cloud and can
use a measure to determine which words occur most of the time. You can 7
ignore all lines in the code that start with a hash (#); those are just com-
ments, which won’t be processed by the R server.
After clicking on Execute, the chart will be previewed (see Figure 7.22). To
use the chart in a story, click on the Apply button.
Figure 7.23 Adding Automatic Forecasts

The projected forecast will be added to the end of the time series automati-
cally (see Figure 7.24). The forecast will be shown in a blue area, which indi-
cates the upper and lower bounds of possible developments. The projected
values are shown in the middle of that area on a dotted line.

Figure 7.22 Word Cloud

Script execution R scripts will always be re-executed when opening a story. If the script con-
tains random functions (like in our example), those may produce different
outcomes each time the story is opened. In our case, the word cloud func-
tion randomly defines the final layout.

7.2.5 Automatic Forecasts for Time Series

Creating a time When using a time series chart, you can extend it by activating the auto- Figure 7.24 Time Series with Forecast
series forecast mated forecast. Create a new story with a new canvas page and add a new
chart of the type Time Series. Use the Sales Data model. Add the Date
dimension and the Revenue measure. You can also use the time series chart 7.2.6 Smart Grouping
you created in Chapter 5, Section 5.3.1. When using the bubble diagram or scatterplot chart type, you can activate Supported
an additional function to group values. An algorithm is executed in the chart types
Open the action bar of the chart and click on Add 폷 Forecast 폷 Automatic
Forecast (see Figure 7.23). This will immediately activate the time series background to check which data points are similar to each other and groups

354 355
7 Predictive Analytics 7.3 Smart Predict: Predictive Scenarios

them automatically by assigning them different colors. You can compare 7.3 Smart Predict: Predictive Scenarios
this procedure to the K-means algorithm. This algorithm works in a similar
way as it searches through a dataset for values that are similar to each other Smart predict can be used to create extended predictive scenarios, which
and can be put in groups. can become very complex. We’ll create an example time series forecast in
this section. For that, we’ll use the Sales Data dataset uploaded in Chapter 4,
Enabling smart You can activate smart grouping in the builder of a chart and configure it
grouping Section 4.2.1.
there as well. You can determine the number of groups and custom labels
and include tooltip measures (see Figure 7.25). Then we’ll quickly elaborate on the regression and classification scenarios.
However, the focus will be more on use cases and requirements. In general,
it’s recommended to consult the product help when creating predictive 7
scenarios. It contains extensive information about using smart predict and
creating scenarios.

7.3.1 Time Series

While the automatic time series forecast (Section 7.2.5) can’t be modified,
the predictive scenario can be used to create extended forecasts. These allow
you to set your own variables and return statistical evaluation criteria.
Now, create a new predictive scenario. Open the main menu and click on Creating a
Figure 7.25 Smart Grouping Create 폷 Predictive Scenario. This will open the page to Select a Predictive predictive scenario

Scenario. Choose the Time Series option (see Figure 7.27). Enter the name
The algorithm then automatically calculates groups of data points and col- “Revenue Forecast” and click on Save.
ors the data points in the chart accordingly. On top of that, a legend will be
shown as in Figure 7.26.

Figure 7.27 Selecting Predictive Scenarios

Figure 7.26 Scatterplot with Smart Grouping

356 357
7 Predictive Analytics 7.3 Smart Predict: Predictive Scenarios

Selecting a dataset You’ll see text that asks you to configure the predictive model before train-
ing it. This can be done on the sidebar in the right. Click on the Name field
to open the dataset selection dialog. Now select the Sales Data dataset. This
will enhance the sidebar to show additional settings (see Figure 7.28).
The Variable Roles section is used to determine the roles of each column in
the dataset. The Signal Variable field should contain the measure for which
you want to have projected values for the future. Select the Revenue mea-
sure here.
Select Date in the Date Variable field. The Segmented By field determines
by which column the measure should be aggregated later. Select City in this

Figure 7.29 Training and Forecast

The model training can take some time and may need several minutes to
finish. However, it will be processed in the background. Specifically, a new
predictive model will be generated for the time series forecast.
During the training process, you can view the list of Predictive Models at
the bottom of the page. This list shows all predictive models and errors if
they occur. You’ll also see all other predictive models here that are part of
the predictive scenario (see Figure 7.30).

Figure 7.28 Dataset Selection and Configuration

Training the model In the Training & Forecast section, you can exclude variables and change
further parameters (see Figure 7.29). Leave the standard settings in place
Figure 7.30 List of Predictive Models
and start the model training by clicking on Train.

358 359
7 Predictive Analytics 7.3 Smart Predict: Predictive Scenarios

MAPE value After the model training is completed, you’ll see the results which can be By looking into the Top Segments and Bottom Segments, you can see for
used to evaluate the prediction (see Figure 7.31). The overview focuses on which cities the model created a good or bad forecast. In general, the MAPE
the Mean MAPE value. The mean absolute percentage error (or MAPE) value of 2.3% indicates a high model quality.
value indicates how high the probability of an erroneous forecast is. The To evaluate the model in detail, you can analyze each segment (in this case, Detailed analysis
lower it is, the lower the probability of an error is if the model is used to each city) separately. You can either click on a city in the Top Segments and
forecast values. Bottom Segments list or scroll down and see a table of all segments and
their MAPE values.
Select the city Salinas in this example. As you can see in Figure 7.32, the Forecast versus
actual 7
interface will now provide a chart to compare the forecasted values with the
actual data. The chart will also show the calculated value for the future (in
this case, January 2021).

Figure 7.31 Model Evaluation

MAPE Value
The MAPE value provides a good indication of the forecast quality. Al-
though a low MAPE value usually means that the model is good, you
should still check the results and see if they are realistic. This should be
done by analyzing the segments in detail. Figure 7.32 Detailed Analysis of Salinas
If you run the training on your own system, the results may not exactly
match the example in this book. The Forecasts area on the same page shows the exact values that were cal- Forecasts
culated (see Figure 7.33). Next to the Forecast column, it also shows an
upper and lower bound of potential developments (Error Max and Error

360 361
7 Predictive Analytics 7.3 Smart Predict: Predictive Scenarios

Min). Based on historic developments, SAP Analytics Cloud estimates the

revenue in Salinas to range somewhere between these values.

Figure 7.35 Model Status

Open the dataset you just created. During the model application process, Dataset
Figure 7.33 Forecasts for Salinas
three new columns were added to the original dataset (see Figure 7.36). The
Forecast column shows the forecasted value for each data point as gener-
Signal analysis The Signal Analysis tab provides more statistical information about the
ated by the model. Each segment (here, each city) was extended by one
analysis of each segment. The Signal Decomposition graph shows how the
additional line for the date January 1, 2021. This line contains the forecasted
values develop over time and is especially interesting when using multiple
value and a lower and upper bound.
forecasts. The Signal Statistics show statistical key figures that were calcu-
lated during the model training (see Figure 7.34).

Figure 7.34 Signal Statistics

Publishing After you’ve finished evaluating the model, you can publish the results into
the model a new dataset, which can be also visualized in a story. Click on the Apply Pre-
dictive Model button at the top. A new dialog will open wherein you Figure 7.36 Extended Dataset
enter the name “Sales Data (Forecast)” and click on OK to confirm the data-
set creation. The model will now be applied and published as a dataset. The dataset can be used in a story as a data source and visualized. More
Because the process can take some time, you won’t receive direct feedback. information about creating stories can be found in Chapter 5, Section 5.2.
However, you can again track the status of the model. Once it’s completed,
it will show the Applied status (see Figure 7.35).

362 363
7 Predictive Analytics

7.3.2 Regressions and Classifications

Which predictive You can also use smart predict to classify datasets or create regressions. For
scenario? that, the following two scenarios are available:
쐍 The classification scenario can be used to ask business-related questions
that have a binary response set (e.g., yes and no). You can, for example,
create forecasts that indicate if your customer will order with you within
the next three months or not.
쐍 If you want to analyze how a measure is influenced by single factors and
find out more about their impact, you can use the regression scenario.
You can, for example, analyze which factors mainly influence your reve-
nue and if their impact is positive or negative.

This book will not cover these scenarios in detail. In general, they follow the
same procedure as that shown in the previous section. Most of the steps are
very similar or identical. After you select the dataset, you choose the target
variable to be analyzed and exclude obvious influencers up front. After the
model training, smart predict will automatically generate an overview to
evaluate the model. If you want to use the results from the model, you can
export them into a dataset, which can be visualized in a story.

7.4 Summary
SAP Analytics Cloud offers various functionalities to provide business users
with easy access to machine learning methods. While smart assist tools do
most of their work automatically, the smart predict interface can be used to
create advanced predictive scenarios.
Smart assist functionality is tightly integrated into the product and can be
launched either in a story or from the home screen. For smart predict, users
will work in a dedicated environment focused primarily on advanced users
or experts.
You’ve seen the third pillar of SAP Analytics Cloud in this chapter. The next
chapter will cover another pillar: the analytics designer. Similar to smart
predict, it targets more advanced users and allows them to create extended
reports and dashboards.

Preface ............................................................................................................................... 13

1 Introduction 19

1.1 What Is Analytics? ......................................................................................... 19

1.2 SAP’s Analytics Strategy ............................................................................. 21

1.2.1 Core Pillars of SAP’s Analytics Strategy ................................... 21
1.2.2 Comparing Cloud-Based and On-Premise Solutions .......... 22
1.3 Overview of SAP Analytics Cloud ........................................................... 24
1.3.1 Functional Areas ............................................................................. 25
1.3.2 User Interface and Core Functionality ..................................... 27
1.4 Architecture ...................................................................................................... 49

1.5 Summary ........................................................................................................... 50

2 Data Integration 51

2.1 Data Sources Supported by SAP Analytics Cloud ............................ 51

2.1.1 Data Sources for Live Connections ........................................... 52
2.1.2 Data Sources for Import Connections ..................................... 58
2.2 Connection Types .......................................................................................... 62
2.2.1 Live Connection ............................................................................... 63
2.2.2 Import Connection ......................................................................... 68
2.2.3 Choosing a Connection Type ...................................................... 72
2.3 Integration Scenarios for Live Connections ....................................... 72
2.3.1 Direct Connection via CORS ........................................................ 73
2.3.2 Connection via Reverse Proxy ..................................................... 78

Contents Contents

2.4 Integration Scenarios for Import Connections ................................. 80 4.3 Creating Models by Importing Data ...................................................... 141
2.4.1 Connections to On-Premise Data Sources ............................. 81 4.3.1 Create a Model ................................................................................ 143
2.4.2 Import Connections to Cloud Data Sources .......................... 83 4.3.2 Edit Columns .................................................................................... 148
2.5 Summary ........................................................................................................... 85 4.3.3 Executing Transformations ......................................................... 157
4.3.4 Generating and Saving the Model ............................................ 160
4.4 Creating Models from Live Data Sources ............................................ 161

3 Navigation and Administration 87 4.5 Editing Models in the Modeler ................................................................ 170
4.5.1 Areas of the Modeler ..................................................................... 172
4.5.2 Editing Models ................................................................................. 175
3.1 Navigating the Home Screen and Main Menu ................................. 88
4.6 Summary ........................................................................................................... 181
3.2 First Steps for Administrators .................................................................. 92
3.2.1 Users and Single Sign-On ............................................................. 92
3.2.2 Data Sources and Structures ...................................................... 94
3.2.3 Operational Concept ..................................................................... 95 5 Business Intelligence: Visualizations
3.2.4 System Landscape .......................................................................... 96
and Dashboards 183
3.3 Administration Tools ................................................................................... 100
3.3.1 Security .............................................................................................. 101 5.1 What Are Stories? .......................................................................................... 184
3.3.2 Deployment ...................................................................................... 110
5.2 Creating Stories .............................................................................................. 186
3.3.3 System ................................................................................................ 114
5.2.1 Pages ................................................................................................... 188
3.3.4 Administration ................................................................................ 116
5.2.2 Data Exploration and First Charts ............................................. 191
3.3.5 Files and Folder Structure ............................................................ 120
5.2.3 Story Interface ................................................................................. 197
3.3.6 Content Network ............................................................................ 123
5.3 Creating, Editing, and Formatting Charts ........................................... 201
3.4 Create Connections ....................................................................................... 124
5.3.1 Creating a New Chart .................................................................... 201
3.5 Summary ........................................................................................................... 128 5.3.2 Adding More Charts ....................................................................... 207
5.3.3 Conditional Formatting ................................................................ 208
5.3.4 Showing Variances ......................................................................... 210
5.3.5 Other Chart Functionality ............................................................ 214
4 Data Modeling 129
5.3.6 Defining Colors ................................................................................ 219
5.3.7 Formatting Charts .......................................................................... 220
4.1 Why Use Data Models? ............................................................................... 130
5.3.8 Hierarchies ........................................................................................ 222
4.2 Types of Data Models .................................................................................. 133
5.4 Creating, Editing, and Formatting Tables ........................................... 222
4.2.1 Datasets ............................................................................................. 134
4.2.2 Analytical Models ........................................................................... 137 5.5 Geo Maps ........................................................................................................... 229
4.2.3 Planning Models ............................................................................. 140 5.6 Texts, RSS Readers, and Other Elements ............................................ 232
4.2.4 Embedded Models ......................................................................... 141

8 9
Contents Contents

5.7 How Viewers Interact with Stories ........................................................ 235 6.3.3 Allocations ........................................................................................ 316
5.7.1 Filters .................................................................................................. 236 6.3.4 Grid Pages ......................................................................................... 322
5.7.2 Dimension and Measure Input Controls ................................ 246 6.3.5 Value Driver Tree ............................................................................ 324
5.7.3 Chart Interactions .......................................................................... 248 6.3.6 Data Actions ..................................................................................... 328
6.3.7 Calendar ............................................................................................. 330
5.8 Calculations ...................................................................................................... 253
5.8.1 Calculated Measures ..................................................................... 254 6.4 Summary ........................................................................................................... 334
5.8.2 Calculated Dimensions ................................................................. 259
5.9 Story Design ..................................................................................................... 260

5.10 Sharing and Publishing Stories ................................................................ 263 7 Predictive Analytics 335
5.10.1 Sharing, Exporting, and Publishing Stories ............................ 263
5.10.2 Publishing to Mobile Devices ..................................................... 267 7.1 What Is Predictive Analytics? ................................................................... 336
5.11 Additional Story Functionalities ............................................................. 273 7.2 Smart Assist ...................................................................................................... 340
5.11.1 Creating an Embedded Model within a Story ....................... 273 7.2.1 Smart Discovery .............................................................................. 340
5.11.2 Story Templates .............................................................................. 274 7.2.2 Smart Insights .................................................................................. 346
5.11.3 Blending ............................................................................................. 275 7.2.3 Search to Insight ............................................................................. 347
5.11.4 Comments ........................................................................................ 278 7.2.4 R Visualizations ............................................................................... 350
5.11.5 Bookmarks ........................................................................................ 279 7.2.5 Automatic Forecasts for Time Series ....................................... 354
5.12 Summary ........................................................................................................... 280 7.2.6 Smart Grouping ............................................................................... 355
7.3 Smart Predict: Predictive Scenarios ....................................................... 357
7.3.1 Time Series ........................................................................................ 357
7.3.2 Regressions and Classifications ................................................. 364
6 Planning 281
7.4 Summary ........................................................................................................... 364

6.1 Planning in SAP Analytics Cloud ............................................................. 282

6.1.1 Data Entry and Version Management ..................................... 282
6.1.2 Planning within Stories ................................................................ 285 8 Analytics Designer 365
6.1.3 Planning Tools ................................................................................. 287
6.2 Creating and Setting Up a Planning Model ....................................... 290 8.1 Differences between Stories and Applications ................................ 366
6.2.1 Creating a Currency Conversion Table .................................... 292
8.2 Creating Applications .................................................................................. 368
6.2.2 Creating a Master Data Model ................................................... 294
8.2.1 Development Environment ......................................................... 369
6.2.3 Uploading Transactional Data to the Model ......................... 300
8.2.2 Creating New Application Elements ........................................ 373
6.2.4 Setting Up a Planning Model ...................................................... 306
8.3 Summary ........................................................................................................... 388
6.3 Planning-Specific Functionality .............................................................. 308
6.3.1 Versions and Data Entry ............................................................... 309
6.3.2 Allocating Values ............................................................................ 313

10 11

9 SAP Digital Boardroom 391

9.1 What Is SAP Digital Boardroom? ............................................................ 392

9.2 Creating Boardrooms ................................................................................... 397

9.2.1 Boardroom Types ............................................................................ 397
9.2.2 Using Charts in a Boardroom ..................................................... 400
9.2.3 Creating an Agenda ....................................................................... 401
9.2.4 Creating a Dashboard ................................................................... 407
9.3 Hardware Recommendations .................................................................. 413

9.4 Summary ........................................................................................................... 414

10 SAP Analytics Hub and SAP Analytics

Catalog 415

10.1 What Is SAP Analytics Hub? ...................................................................... 416

10.2 Setup and Content Creation ..................................................................... 419

10.2.1 SAP Analytics Hub Cockpit .......................................................... 419
10.2.2 Edit Mode and Content Management .................................... 427
10.3 SAP Analytics Catalog .................................................................................. 429
10.3.1 Adding Content to SAP Analytics Catalog .............................. 429
10.3.2 Browsing SAP Analytics Catalog ................................................ 432
10.4 Summary ........................................................................................................... 432

The Author ....................................................................................................................... 435

Index .................................................................................................................................. 437


A Analytics .......................................................... 19
cloud vs. on-premise .............................. 22
Access ............................................................ 253 core pillars .................................................. 21
Account-based models .............................. 40 on-premise solutions ............................. 23
Action bar ............................................ 121, 354 SAP's strategy ............................................ 21
Active Directory ................................. 93, 103 software-as-a-service ............................. 23
Actual data ................................................... 301 Analytics designer ...................... 26, 48, 365
Administration ............................................. 87 development environment ............... 366
datasource configuration ................. 117 further resources ................................... 388
deployment ............................................ 110 limitations ............................................... 367
files ............................................................. 120 Apache Tomcat ...................................... 54, 79
folder concepts ...................................... 121 API Reference .............................................. 369
interface ................................................... 116 APOS Live Data Gateway ........................... 55
object sharing ........................................ 122 Application programming interfaces
SAP Analytics Hub ............................... 419 (APIs) .................................................. 84, 119
system ....................................................... 114 Application switch ....................................... 89
tools ........................................................... 100 Applications ....................................... 185, 366
Agenda builder .......................................... 402 create ......................................................... 368
Agendas ........................................................ 398 create elements ..................................... 373
create ........................................................ 401 device selection ..................................... 370
elements .......................................... 403–404 execution ................................................. 367
library ....................................................... 402 launch ....................................................... 371
structure .................................................. 402 outline ....................................................... 370
topic filters .............................................. 405 reference list ........................................... 370
topics ......................................................... 403 scope .......................................................... 366
Aggregation calculation ......................... 257 Asset management ................................... 428
Aggregation dimensions ....................... 257 Assigning interface .......................... 286, 315
Aggregation types .................................... 167 Audit data ..................................................... 113
Aggregations .................................................. 66 Audit log ....................................................... 427
Allocating values ....................................... 313 Authorizations ................... 66, 95, 104, 180
Allocation action ....................................... 329 roles ............................................................ 108
Allocations ............................................ 41, 316 Automated forecast ................................. 354
confirm scope ........................................ 320 Automatic forecast ................................... 339
confirm step ........................................... 318
create ........................................................ 316 B
execute ..................................................... 318
rules ........................................................... 318 Blending ............................................... 186, 275
steps ........................................................... 317 settings ..................................................... 277
Ambiguous relations ............................... 398 Boardrooms ................................................. 392
Analytical models ............................ 137, 147 agenda ...................................................... 398
components ............................................ 138 charts ......................................................... 400
live connection ...................................... 139 context menu ......................................... 395
model-wide settings ............................ 139 create ......................................................... 397
structure .................................................. 138 design ........................................................ 396

Index Index

Boardrooms (Cont.) Charts ............................................................. 193 Context menu ................................... 395, 405 Data models (Cont.)
edit mode ................................................. 396 action bar ................................................. 214 jumps ........................................................ 411 draft data ................................................. 144
featured topics ....................................... 396 adding ....................................................... 207 Conversion rates ....................................... 293 edit columns ........................................... 148
filters .......................................................... 401 adjust size ................................................ 206 Copy action ................................................. 329 editing ....................................................... 175
multiple screens .................................... 393 axis label .................................................. 221 Correlation chart ....................................... 204 export ........................................................ 111
navigation ............................................... 394 colors ......................................................... 219 Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) . 72 expose data ................................................ 97
overview pages ...................................... 392 copy to story ........................................... 196 configuration ............................................ 74 finalize ...................................................... 160
predictive analytics ............................. 401 create ............................................... 194, 201 Currency conversion ...................... 295, 310 import ....................................... 71, 131, 141
save and launch .................................... 406 custom color palettes .......................... 220 Currency conversion table .................... 292 justification ............................................ 130
types ........................................................... 397 dimensions .............................................. 205 layout ........................................................ 148
Bookmarks ................................................... 279 display options ...................................... 195 D live data sources ................................... 161
Branding ....................................................... 426 formatting ............................................... 220 requirements .......................................... 147
Bubble layer ................................................. 230 granularity .............................................. 206 Dashboards ................ 20, 27, 183–184, 398 sample data ............................................ 141
Builder ................................................. 202, 223 IBCS ............................................................. 212 create ........................................................ 407 saving ............................................... 160, 169
create filters ............................................ 237 interactions ............................................. 248 jumps ........................................................ 411 scheduling ............................................... 132
create tooltip .......................................... 217 legend ........................................................ 221 launching ................................................ 412 transporting .............................................. 98
geo maps .................................................. 229 moving ...................................................... 207 library ....................................................... 407 types ................................................. 131, 133
properties ................................................. 206 ranking ...................................................... 218 topic filters .............................................. 412 verify .......................................................... 159
Business analytics ....................................... 20 reference line .......................................... 216 topics ................................................ 398, 407 Data source node ...................................... 326
Business intelligence .......... 20, 26, 30, 183 select type ................................................ 195 Data access control ............... 178, 180, 307 Data sources .............................. 51, 74, 84, 94
workflow .................................................... 38 sorting ....................................................... 215 Data acquisition ........................................... 30 change ...................................................... 202
Buttons .......................................................... 382 time series ................................................ 205 Data actions ......................................... 42, 328 connections ............................................ 124
create ......................................................... 382 type selection .......................................... 202 create ........................................................ 328 import connections ......................... 58, 61
label ............................................................ 382 types ........................................................... 204 types .......................................................... 329 import on-premise ............................... 117
script .......................................................... 383 Checkbox groups ....................................... 377 use .............................................................. 330 live .............................................................. 161
add values ................................................ 378 Data audit ..................................................... 307 live connections ................................ 52, 56
C create ......................................................... 378 Data changes ............................................... 110 non-SAP ....................................................... 61
script .......................................................... 379 Data cleansing ............................................ 149 select ................................................. 143, 192
Calculated dimensions ................. 253, 259 Choropleth/drill layer .............................. 230 Data distribution ...................................... 149 Data transfer .................................................. 65
Calculated measures ...................... 254, 277 Classification scenario ............................. 364 Data entry ................................. 282, 309, 312 Data wrangling 30, 32, 131, 138, 141, 146
Calculation rules ........................................ 288 Cloud connector .......................... 69, 81, 117 Data exploration ................................... 34–35 formulas ...................................................... 31
Calculation types ....................................... 254 Cluster properties ...................................... 231 Data exploration mode ................. 191, 193 screen areas ............................................ 146
Calculations ................................................. 253 Code libraries ................................................ 63 access ........................................................ 196 Datasets ......................................................... 134
Calendar ....................................... 44, 290, 330 Columns ........................................................ 148 Data import jobs ....................................... 302 creation .................................................... 134
events ........................................................ 331 hide ............................................................. 154 Data integration .................................... 24, 51 from SAP S/4HANA .............................. 136
reminders ................................................. 333 Company network ............................... 66, 69 connection types ..................................... 72 import ....................................................... 134
task owners ............................................. 333 Comparison chart ...................................... 204 Data locking ................................................ 307 name/location ....................................... 136
task settings ............................................ 331 Conditional formatting ................. 208, 220 Data management ........................... 174, 300 source ........................................................ 134
Canvas ........................................... 36, 229, 354 rules ............................................................ 209 Data mapping ............................................. 302 Date columns .............................................. 165
Canvas pages ..................................... 188, 275 Connections ................................................. 124 finalize ...................................................... 304 prerequisites ........................................... 165
Card view ...................................................... 148 create ......................................................... 125 Data models ....................................... 129–130 Date format ................................................. 151
Catalogs ........................................................... 91 interface .................................................... 125 authorizations ....................................... 169 Date hierarchy ............................................ 166
CDS views ....................................................... 54 Content network ........................................ 123 blank ......................................................... 144 Demo files .................................................... 129
Cell references ............................................ 322 transport .................................................. 124 create ............................................... 143, 161 Development environment .................. 365
Chart filters ........................................ 236, 239 Content search .............................................. 89 data sample ............................................ 145 applications ............................................ 369
data source ............................................. 161 areas .......................................................... 369

438 439
Index Index

Dimensions ....................... 34, 139, 203, 294 F H K

add account ............................................ 295
change ....................................................... 150 Facets .............................................................. 424 Heatmap ....................................................... 230 Key influencers .......................................... 343
convert to measure .............................. 258 Feature layer ................................................ 230 Hierarchy .................................. 222, 298, 314
create ......................................................... 154 Files ................................................................. 120 tables ......................................................... 228 L
data access .............................................. 181 Filter line ....................................................... 383 Hierarchy management ......................... 178
details ........................................................ 177 create ......................................................... 384 drag and drop ........................................ 179 Lanes ..................................................... 189, 268
distribute .................................................. 314 set up .......................................................... 384 interface ................................................... 178 adjust size ................................................ 268
duplicates ................................................ 247 use ............................................................... 385 moving members ................................. 179 create ............................................... 269–271
fill ................................................................ 315 Filters ....................... 195, 203, 216, 236, 320 Hybrid solutions .......................................... 21 formatting ............................................... 268
formula help ........................................... 382 advanced controls ................................ 245 Hyperlinks .......................................... 219, 250 Level-based hierarchies .......................... 151
generic ....................................................... 298 criteria ....................................................... 349 pages ......................................................... 251 Library .............................. 403–404, 407, 410
group ............................................... 169, 173 nested ........................................................ 245 types .......................................................... 250 Licenses ......................................................... 106
input controls ......................................... 246 Fiscal year settings .................................... 308 in use ......................................................... 114
modify ....................................................... 168 Fixed date dimension filter ................... 242
Fixed time filter .......................................... 243
I Lifecycle content management ........... 428
overview ......................................... 172, 297 Link dimensions ........................................ 276
required .................................................... 168 Flat files ...................................... 134–135, 143 Identity provider ......................... 76–77, 118 Linked analysis .................................. 215, 248
search ........................................................ 179 Flat tables ...................................................... 352 requirements ............................................. 93 Live connections ................................... 63, 96
Distribution ................................................. 285 Flow layer ...................................................... 230 Import connections .................................... 68 advantages ................................................ 66
Distribution chart ..................................... 204 Folder structures ....................... 95, 120–121 cloud ............................................................. 83 analytical models ................................. 139
Dropdowns .................................................. 374 sharing ...................................................... 122 credentials ............................................... 127 authorizations .......................................... 94
add values ............................................... 375 Forecasts ....................................................... 361
data sources .............................................. 58 cloud ............................................................. 77
create ......................................................... 374 copy ............................................................ 310
integration scenarios ............................ 80 credentials ............................................... 127
script .......................................................... 376 data ............................................................ 305
on-premise ................................................. 81 data models ............................................ 132
version ....................................................... 305
Dynamic date filters ................................. 242 scenario ....................................................... 69 data sources .............................................. 52
vs. actual .................................................. 361
Dynamic text .............................................. 234 setup ...................................................... 81, 84 direct connection ..................................... 73
Formula editor ............................................ 176
Import jobs .................................................. 114 example ............................................. 64, 126
Formulas ............................................. 158, 323
E actions ....................................................... 159
In-cell charts ............................................... 227 integration scenarios ............................. 72
Indicator chart ........................................... 204 limitations .................................................. 67
create ......................................................... 254
Elements ............................................. 232, 373 Info panel ..................................................... 370 measures .................................................. 167
help .......................................... 255, 372, 381
button ....................................................... 382 InfoSet queries .............................................. 59 multiple instances ................................... 97
input control ........................................... 255
checkbox group ..................................... 377 Input controls ......................... 240–241, 247 on-premise ................................................. 74
create ......................................................... 374 data dimensions ................................... 242 recommended scenarios ....................... 68
dropdown ................................................ 374 G measures ................................................. 243 reverse proxy ............................................. 78
filter line ................................................... 383 Input field .................................................... 385 SAP HANA views ................................... 165
Gantt view .................................................... 331
other .......................................................... 385 International Business Communication Logos .............................................................. 426
Geo maps ...................................................... 229
radio button ........................................... 379 Standards (IBCS) ................ 212–213, 226
content layers ......................................... 229
Embedded models .................................... 141 M
create layers ............................................ 229
Error bar ........................................................ 218 J
zoom .......................................................... 232
Esri ArcGIS server ...................................... 230 Machine learning ...................................... 336
Geographical enrichment ...................... 153
Exception aggregation ............................ 168 JavaScript ..................................................... 369 algorithms ............................................... 338
Geographical hierarchy ........................... 152
Explorer ...................................... 204, 252, 401 Geolocations ...................................... 153, 164 JDBC drivers ................................................... 60 Maintenance mode .................................. 421
enable ........................................................ 252 live data sources .................................... 164 Joins ................................................................ 275 Master data .................................................. 138
use ............................................................... 253 Global dimensions .................................... 139 Jumps .................................................... 395, 411 Master data model .................................... 294
Export jobs ................................................... 111 Grid pages ........................... 40, 188, 191, 322 page to page ........................................... 411 Mean absolute percentage error
create ......................................................... 111 tables ......................................................... 322 to chart ..................................................... 412 (MAPE) ...................................................... 360
trigger ........................................................ 113 Grid view ............................................. 149, 298

440 441
Index Index

Measure-based dimensions .................. 260 P Predictive analytics ............. 20, 26, 45, 335 Reverse proxy ........................................ 78–79
Measures .................................... 155, 203, 224 boardroom .............................................. 401 Roles ........................................................ 95, 105
attributes ................................................. 167 Package transportation ........................... 123 overview ................................................... 336 assign ........................................................ 109
calculated ................................................ 167 Page filters .................................................... 239 Predictive model authorizations ....................................... 108
create ............................................... 166, 176 create ......................................................... 239 configure ................................................. 358 create ......................................................... 106
deviation over time ............................. 257 member selection ................................. 239 dataset ...................................................... 363 custom ...................................................... 107
edit .............................................................. 175 Pages ..................................................... 185, 188 evaluate ................................................... 361 full data access ...................................... 109
hide ............................................................. 175 background color .................................. 261 list ............................................................... 359 licenses ...................................................... 105
input controls ............................... 246, 248 comments ................................................ 279 publish ...................................................... 362 overview ................................................... 105
select .......................................................... 224 formatting ............................................... 261 status ........................................................ 362 permissions ............................................. 107
smart discovery ..................................... 342 types ........................................................... 188 train ........................................................... 358 requests .................................................... 109
variance .................................................... 212 Parent-child hierarchies ............... 151, 298 Predictive scenario ................................... 357 standard ................................................... 106
Metadata ................... 64, 118, 140, 388, 417 create ......................................................... 151 Private dimensions .................................. 139 Root topics ......................................... 407–408
Modeler ........................................ 30, 162, 170 Pareto principle .......................................... 129 Private forecast .......................................... 318 RSS reader ..................................................... 235
action bar ...................................... 163, 172 PATH ................................................................. 78 Private versions ......................................... 284
areas .......................................................... 172 Permissions ................................................. 107 Product help .................................................. 29 S
authorizations ....................................... 180 Planning ................................... 20, 26, 39, 281 Profile settings .............................................. 89
data source ............................................. 163 calendar .................................................... 289 Public dimensions .................................... 297 SAML 2.0 ................................................... 76, 93
editing models ....................................... 175 edit models ................................................ 40 Public versions ........................................... 283 SAP Analytics Catalog .............. 27, 415, 429
measures .................................................. 167 functionality ........................................... 308 adding content ...................................... 429
open ........................................................... 171 integrations ............................................... 39 Q authorizations ....................................... 430
overview ................................................... 171 licensing .................................................... 281 browsing .................................................. 432
rebuild ....................................................... 172 models ......................................................... 39 Quarterly release cycle .............................. 24 external content ................................... 430
sidebar ...................................................... 173 multistep .................................................... 44 Queries .......................................................... 132 filters .......................................................... 432
validation ................................................ 172 tools ............................................................ 287 licensing ................................................... 429
within stories .......................................... 285 R publishing content ............................... 430
N workflows ................................................... 39 text search ............................................... 432
Planning model .......................................... 140 R programming language ............ 338, 350 SAP Analytics Cloud
Navigation ...................................................... 87 access and privacy ................................ 306 R servers .............................................. 119, 350 architecture ............................................... 49
home screen .............................................. 88 actual data .............................................. 301 packages .................................................. 353 data integration ...................................... 50
main menu ................................................ 90 append data ............................................ 305 R visualizations .......................... 45, 338, 350 functional areas ....................................... 25
Nodes ................................................... 229, 325 comments ................................................ 279 builder ....................................................... 351 home screen ............................................... 28
create ......................................................... 327 create ......................................................... 290 create ........................................................ 351 initial activites plan ............................... 92
types ........................................................... 326 data ............................................................ 283 dataset ...................................................... 353 overview ...................................................... 24
Notifications ................................. 29, 89, 120 data import method ............................ 302 Radio button groups ................................ 379 user interface ............................................ 27
NVARCHAR .................................................. 165 data mapping ......................................... 302 add values ............................................... 380 SAP Analytics Cloud agent ................ 70, 81
data privacy ............................................ 307 create ........................................................ 380 setup .......................................................... 117
O demo data ................................................ 291 script .......................................................... 381 SAP Analytics Cloud Agent Simple
fiscal time ................................................. 308 Range slider ................................................. 386 Deployment Kit ....................................... 82
OData ............................................................... 60 forecasted data ...................................... 305 Reference lines ........................................... 215 SAP Analytics Cloud User and Team
OData services ............................................ 385 preferences .................................... 295, 299 Regression scenario ................................. 364 Provisioning API ................................... 103
create ......................................................... 386 set up .......................................................... 306 Reports .......................................... 36, 184, 416 SAP Analytics Hub ............................. 27, 415
Operational concept .................................. 95 upload transactional data ................ 300 links ........................................................... 418 adding sections ..................................... 423
Organizational structures ........................ 94 user data ................................................... 140 Responsive pages ...................................... 189 authorizations ....................................... 418
writing data ............................................ 181 Restricted export ...................................... 307 branding .................................................. 426
Point of interest ......................................... 230 Restricted measures ................................ 256 cockpit ...................................................... 419

442 443
Index Index

SAP Analytics Hub (Cont.) SAP Java Connector ..................................... 70 Spreading .................................. 285, 313, 315 Story (Cont.)
content management ......................... 428 SAP Lumira, designer edition .......... 22, 48 Statistical key figures .............................. 362 templates ................................................. 274
data ............................................................ 427 SAP Predictive Analytics ........................... 22 Storage consumption ............................. 114 text box .................................................... 232
edit mode ................................................. 427 SAP S/4HANA ................................ 54, 59, 136 Story ........................................................ 32, 184 text element ............................................ 233
facets ......................................................... 424 SAP S/4HANA Cloud ................................... 77 add charts ............................................... 196 tools ........................................................... 199
favorites ................................................... 417 SAP SuccessFactors ..................................... 59 back export ............................................. 266 top bar ...................................................... 198
fields ........................................................... 423 SAP Web Dispatcher ................................... 79 boardroom view ................................... 401 URL ............................................................. 264
home page ............................................... 426 Scheduling ...................................................... 71 catalog ...................................................... 267 viewer interactions .............................. 235
language .................................................. 422 Script editor . 352, 371, 375, 379, 381–382 collaboration ............................................ 37 viewers ...................................................... 185
launching ................................................. 419 environment ........................................... 353 comments ............................................... 278 Subtopics ...................................................... 409
layout ........................................................ 423 formula help ........................................... 372 convert ..................................................... 268 Syntax check ............................................... 256
licensing ................................................... 415 syntax check ........................................... 371 create ........................................................ 186 System configuration .............................. 116
list of values ............................................ 424 Search to insight ................ 45, 89, 338, 347 creators .................................................... 185 System landscape ............................... 96, 100
maintenance .......................................... 421 automatic proposals ........................... 349 data ........................................................... 199 multiple systems ...................................... 96
overview ................................................... 416 open ............................................................ 347 design ........................................................ 260 System monitor ......................................... 114
setup .......................................................... 419 search screen .......................................... 348 device preview ....................................... 190 System usage .............................................. 114
SAP BEx Query Designer .......................... 53 Security ................................................ 101, 118 dynamic text .......................................... 234
SAP BPC, version for SAP data changes .......................................... 109 elements ................................................... 233 T
BW/4HANA ............................................... 59 Segments ...................................................... 361 embedded ................................................ 264
SAP BPC, version for the Microsoft Self-service BI ................................................ 25 embedded model .................................. 273 Tables ............................................................. 222
platform ..................................................... 59 Semantics ........................................... 130–132 environment .......................................... 366 action bar ................................................ 225
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation additional ................................................ 132 example ................................................... 261 create ......................................................... 223
(SAP BPC) ...................................... 22, 54, 82 Signal analysis ............................................ 362 export ............................................... 111, 264 drilldown .................................................. 225
SAP Business Suite ...................................... 54 Simple calculation node ......................... 326 file section ............................................... 198 expand ...................................................... 224
SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) ..... 52, Simulation .......................................... 288, 345 filters ......................................................... 246 formatting ............................................... 226
97, 130, 133 Single sign-on (SSO) ..... 66, 76, 92, 95, 101, import into library ...................... 402, 407 freeze ......................................................... 225
connectors ................................................. 55 118 initiate ...................................................... 187 hierarchies ............................................... 228
data source ............................................... 81 Slider ............................................................... 386 insert section .......................................... 198 in-cell charts ........................................... 226
queries .................................................. 53, 58 Smart assist ....................... 45, 335–336, 340 interface ................................................... 197 mass data entry .................................... 226
SAP BusinessObjects BI platform ... 22, 54 Smart discovery ............... 45, 187, 336, 340 linking .......................................................... 38 measures .................................................. 224
SAP BW/4HANA ........................................... 53 advanced options ................................. 341 live data ...................................................... 64 predefined calculations ..................... 227
SAP Cloud Platform Identity charts ......................................................... 343 main area ................................................ 198 sidebar ...................................................... 226
Authentication ........................................ 93 configure .................................................. 341 models ......................................................... 98 view ............................................................ 154
SAP Data Warehouse Cloud .................... 55 overview ................................................... 342 overview page ....................................... 404 Target dimension ...................................... 315
SAP Digital Boardroom .................... 27, 391 pages .......................................................... 342 pages ............................................................ 33 Teams ............................................................. 103
example .................................................... 393 simulation ............................................... 345 planning .................................................. 285 assign via SSO ........................................ 104
hardware recommendations ........... 413 unexpected values ................................ 344 preferences .............................................. 261 create ......................................................... 103
navigation ............................................... 394 Smart grouping .......................................... 355 publish to mobile ................................. 267 Templates ............................................ 187, 274
overview ................................................... 392 activate ..................................................... 356 publishing .................................................. 37 Text operations .......................................... 259
responsive pages ................................... 393 scatterplot ............................................... 356 responsive page .................................... 269 Threshold-based coloring ...................... 208
SAP ERP ........................................................... 59 Smart insights ............................ 45, 336, 346 SAP Digital Boardroom ..................... 400 Time dimensions ...................................... 165
SAP HANA ............................................. 52, 161 accessing .................................................. 346 save ............................................................ 200 Time series chart ....................................... 205
SAP HANA Info Access .............................. 52 add to story ............................................. 346 schedule publication ........................... 266 Time series forecast ........................ 354, 357
SAP HANA Live ............................................. 54 sidebar ....................................................... 346 scope .......................................................... 366 activate ..................................................... 355
SAP HANA smart data integration ....... 55, Smart predict ..................... 45, 335, 340, 357 screen adjustments ............................. 190 example .................................................... 355
118 scenarios .................................................... 46 share .......................................................... 263 Tooltips ......................................................... 217
SAP HANA views .............................. 162, 164 Software development kit (SDK) ......... 388

444 445

Topics ............................................................. 403 V

add content ............................................. 404
additional settings ............................... 405 Value driver trees ..................... 42, 287, 324
create ......................................................... 410 calculation rules .................................... 288
details ........................................................ 406 create ......................................................... 325
filters .......................................................... 405 generation ............................................... 327
moving ...................................................... 408 nodes .......................................................... 325
relationships ........................................... 408 simulation ............................................... 288
Tracing ........................................................... 116 use ............................................................... 328
Transactional data .................................... 300 versions ..................................................... 326
Transform log ...................................... 31, 159 Value lock management ......................... 199
Transformations ................................. 31, 146 Variances ....................................................... 210
create ......................................................... 158 color-coding ............................................ 212
execution ................................................. 157 types ........................................................... 211
history ....................................................... 159 Version management .......... 282–283, 309
R programming language ................ 339 interface .................................................... 309
Translation ................................................... 422 Versions ......................................................... 155
Tree structure ................................... 396, 410 add to table ............................................. 310
Trellis .............................................................. 218 filter ............................................................ 318
Trend chart .................................................. 204 mapping ...................... 156, 163, 303, 305
publishing ................................................ 310
U verifying .................................................... 156
Virtual private network (VPN) ................ 74
Unexpected values ................................... 344 Visualization layers .................................. 391
Union node .................................................. 326 Visualizations ....................................... 32, 183
Universes ........................................................ 54
Usage statistics ........................................... 421 W
Users ................................................................. 92
attributes ................................................. 102 Weights ................................................ 285, 314
create ......................................................... 102 Widget ............................................................ 220
delete ......................................................... 102 Widgets ....................................... 249, 384, 411
import list ................................................ 103 custom ....................................................... 388
management ................................ 101, 419 requirements .......................................... 388
select .......................................................... 412
Word cloud ................................................... 354
Workflows ..................................................... 368

Year-on-year node ..................................... 326

First-hand knowledge.

Abassin Sidiq is a product manager of analytics at SAP.

He has worked at SAP since 2012 and has been a part of
product management for various analytics solutions since
2015. He has been part of SAP Analytics Cloud develop-
ment since the product‘s inception.

Abassin regularly represents SAP at conferences such as

the DSAG Annual Congress, DSAG Technology Days, and
SAP TechEd, where he hosts sessions about analytics and associated topics. He
studied economics and business informatics at the Universität Mannheim and
the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt. Before working in product manage-
ment, he was a part of marketing and sales teams.

Abassin Sidiq
SAP Analytics Cloud
446 Pages, 2020, $79.95 We hope you have enjoyed this reading sample. You may recommend
ISBN 978-1-4932-1934-6 or pass it on to others, but only in its entirety, including all pages. This
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