The Era of General Zia

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The Era of General Zia-ul-Haq from 1977-1988

From 1977 to 1988 that was the era of general Zia-ul-Haq. He was the 6 th president of Pakistan
and also the 6th chief Martial Administered and the chief of army staff. He applied the Martial
law on 5h July 1977. And also implement the islamization movement. His islamization was the
most famous in Pakistan.

Martial law:-
On 1 March 1976 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto mad Zia as a Chief of Army staff. Before the election of 1977
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto arrested in the charge of murder but he won the election. The opponent party (NAP)
refused to accept the result of the elections they dined the victory of Bhutto. General Zia-ul-haq
imposed Martial law on 5th July 1977 and also he promised for the election in 90 days but later he
refused his promised.

At that time America supported Zia’s Martial law and Pakistan called “Frontline” ally against
communism. On Oct 1977 Zia announced to start accountability in politician in which he rid of those
politician who were not supported him in his Martial law and chose those Politian who was in the favor
of Zia’s Martial law. After he held election among them.

Zia was a chief of Martial administrator till 16 Sep 1978. Nusrat behgum the wife of zulfiqar ali Bhutto
challenged Zia’s Martial law in supreme court but the court gave the decision on Martial law’s favor on
the basis of “Doctrine of necessity” (in which if someone break a law he is not punished because he
needs to break a law in that time to save the country) .

On March 1978 Bhutto was hanged in a murder case. As a CMLA Zia-ul-haq pressured Fazal ilahi who
was the president of Pakistan at that time that he appointed Shaikh Anwarul haq as a chief justice of
Pakistan and removed yaqoob Ali who was the chief justice at that time.

ZIA-UL-HAQ as a President:-
Zia become a president of Pakistan on 16 Sep 1978 after the resignation of Fazal ilahi. He was an
unelected president for 6th year after he held referendum in 1984 in which he elected himself as a
president of Pakistan. In 1981 he formed Majils-e-shoora or consultative council. It is an Islamic concept
in which the state run on the basis of Islamic rules. The president had rights to nominate the member of
majlis-e-shoora. Most of the members were scholars, ullama and professors.

Referendum of 1984 and the Election of 1985:-

On 19 December 1984 Zia held referendum in which 95% vote in fever of Zia-ul-haq. Basically
the questions that was asked in referendum was “Do you want to implement the Islamic
system?” than you vote Zia-ul-haq. Vote against Zia means Vote against all the
Muslims voted Zia.
On February 1985 he held Nationwide Election with non-party system. In which he appoint
Mohammad khan junojo as a prime minister of Pakistan. Later he dismiss the assembly on the
basis eight amendment using 58(2) b in which president has the rights to dissolve national
assembly as his own choice. So he used eight amendment to dissolve junojo government.

Because of islamization the people of Pakistan criticize him and also appreciate him. Zia’s islamization is
very famous in Pakistan.

Hudood ordinance:-
In 1979 he implemented the Hudood ordinance in which he decided the punishment for theft and for

Punishment For theft:-

If someone steals, his right hand will be cut off. And if someone commits the robbery his right leg will
cut off additionally.

Punishment For zina:-

The punishment decided for unmarried 100 lashed, stoning to death for married.

Prohibition order:-
In 1977 Zia implemented prohibition order in which alcohol was prohibited. If a drinker was caught he
would be punished to six month in prison plus gave 5000 rupees. The punishment was later reduce to 80
lashes. But non-Muslim were free from this punishment.

Sharia court:-
In 1978 Zia established shariat group in which he ordered to the judge that they gave their decision
according to Quran and Sunnah. This shariat bench replaced by Federal shariat court (FSC) in 1980.

Zakat and ushr ordinance:-

This ordinance implemented in 20 June 1980 in which bank will cut 25% in the money of the people’s
bank account. And that money was transferred to central Zakat fund (CZF). And for ushr 10% of
agriculture production.

In Riba concept sood removed and establish interest free economy based system on profit and loss
sharing (PSL).

On 17 August 1988 Zia-ul-haq plane crashed in which he died along with 31 other famous peoples.

1st link….. 2ND ASSIGNMENT


IN 1970 General Yahya khan held election in the east and the west of Pakistan. Two parties
Mujeebur rehman from Awami league (AWL) and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto for Pakistan people’s party
(PPP) were elected .But in 1971 Bangladesh liberation war started in which Bangladesh was
separated from the Pakistan and became a new country. So in 20 December 1971 Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto became the president of Pakistan as a president he was also the first Civilian Chief Of
Martial Law Administrator.

Shimla Agreement:-
In 1971 Pakistan not just losses Bangladesh but half its navy, one third of its army and the
quarter of its force. India occupied 5,000 square miles of West Pakistani territory. That was the
issues faced by zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to solve that problem in July 1972 Bhutto met INDIRA
GANDHI at Shimla and signed an agreement. The result of Shimla agreement was INDIA
released the 1500 km area of Pakistan and 93000 army officers. This was the biggest
achievement to save the 9300 soldiers that was only possible because of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. On
that meeting both countries will hold direct talks for a peaceful settlement of all disputes and
problems. The agreement converted the cease fire line into the line of control (COL).

Constitution given by zulfiqar Ali Bhutto:-

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto gave the constitution of 1973.In 10 April 1973 the constitution was approved
by parliament of Pakistan and implemented on 14 August 1973 at that time Bhutto was the first
democratically elected prime minister.

The Rebels of Baluchistan:-

PPP won with more votes in Punjab and Sindh. While in Baluchistan and KPK (AWP) Awami national
party and GUI (gamit-e-ulama) were elected. NAP decided to appoint sardarAttaullah khan as chief
minister of Baluchistan and Mr. Ghaus buksh bizenjo as a governor of Baluchistan. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
signed an agreement to the Baluchistan to improve relation with Baluchistan. In Feb 1973 the weapon
were found the in the Iraqi embassy in Islamabad which was captured by Bhutto’s military operation.

The rebellion tikka khan led that operation which was supported by Iraq. But Bhutto failed that
operation and save Pakistan from the terrorism.

Bhutto’s Reforms on the basis of socialism:-

Land Reforms:-
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto fix landholding. He fixed limit to the richest land formers (150 irrigated land and 300
unirrigated land).No one had right to exceeded this limitation.

Agriculture Reforms:-
In agriculture reforms he facilitated the farmers in which he gave loan to the poor farmers and also gave
fertilizers, tractors on the basis of support policy.

Industrial reforms:-
In January 1972 he adopted nationalization in which nationalize the private sector of industries. He gave
biggest industries control to the government including Sugar, cotton, Vegetable oil industries, banking
and insurance companies.

Banking Reforms:-
In banking reforms he nationalize all the private bank and their control gave to state bank of Pakistan.

Education Reforms:-
More than 400 private educational institute were nationalized.

Health Reforms:-
He introduce more than number of health center in urban areas. Also he had setup a training center for
doctors and nurses. In 1972 he passed a rule that the country did not get any drugs from the foreigner

Law Reforms:-
In which the judiciary was separated from executive. Means judiciary work separately from the
executive sector.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the great leader and the Hero of the Muslim world. Also he was a brave leader of
Pakistan he was the founder of nuclear program. History will never forget Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and his
efforts toward the Pakistan.

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