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1004913: Setting Ring damage of slip type elevator - WISE Page 1 of 16

View Query Details

ID Product Line Category Date Last Update

1004913 Tubular Running GBU General 2019-12-03 2020-07-28 18:30

Services Technical 13:42

Reporter Tereshchenko, Assigned To Rials, Ross


Status closed

Summary 1004913: Setting Ring damage of slip type elevator

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Description During RIH tubing 3.5" JFE-HP1-13CR-110, the setting-ring of manual YT Elevator PN 55600Y
SN EL15946 was damaged. When transferring weight to the slip type elevator, the coupling
slipped through the setting-ring. Visual inspection revealed a crack. In the same way
second elevator have a crack on setting ring. Personnel tried to weld it, but it didn't help.

What we presently know:

1. PN of setting rings are correct (PN 27813).
2. Actual size of Setting Ring 1 ID = 93.26 mm
                              Setting Ring 2 ID = 93.10 mm
We checked another setting ring on location, so ID is 89.39 mm and 91.02 mm(Pipe OD
=88.9 so it is very small clearance)
3. PN of Dies is correct (PN GL-0308-0308-4) for Slip assembly PN 23108Y5 SN 76473
4. Pipe has a special bevel 20°, Coupling OD = 3.883"=98.63 mm, Bevel OD = 3.768"=95.71
5. NOV Wear criteria is Max. Setting ring ID= BOX OD - 0.25" according TWI. So if we have
BOX OD 98.63 - 0.25" (6.35) = 92.28 mm. Our setting rings was out of wear criteria. At the
same time NOV manual doesn't contain wear criteria for setting ring.

We sent a request to NOV about wear criteria, proper installation of setting ring, MPI for
setting ring and possibility of using YT elevator with special Bevel Coupling. Answer is
following (see attachment also):

1: there are no wear criteria defined for slip setting rings, other than a functional test.
2: The slip setting rings are designed to fit on the left hand side (with the handles and latch
pointing towards you). This is opposite from shown on the picture below.
3: as the slip setting rings are no primary load carrying component, no MPI criteria are
defined as per API-8C. It is up to the customer to decide to implement an MPI inspection as
it’s own good practice.
4:Due to the special bevel, the casing/tubing coupling did not rest on top of the slip setting
ring, but the bevel protruded into the inner diameter of the slip setting ring, causing a
spreading load on this slip setting ring.
The slip setting ring is not designed to take such a load. Therefore the spreading load
caused the slip setting ring to crack on its weakest section = right where it cracked.
Any weld repair or wear on this slip setting ring makes it only worse
As such we have to conclude that this elevator was not suited to run this particular pipe.
We would strongly recommend to use the BXS elevator for this type of special bevel (the
casing/tubing) coupling .
Regarding the life time: According to API-8C, we have to guarantee a fatigue life of 20
years. The actual service life highly depends on the frequency of usage, harshness of
usage, wear, maintenance and other operational parameters beyond the responsibility of
NOV. As such a number for service life can’t be advised."

At the same time, we don't have any restriction about using YT elevators with special Bevel.
Pipe manufacturer as VAM recommend using slip type elevator with special bevel coupling.
Please have a look attachment.
NOV don't pay attention to wear of setting ring in this situation. But we have it in TWI.

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Solution There was a lot of support provided for this one but the major points were as follows:

Setting ring wasn't inspected before this job but even if it was, the original wear life criteria
could fail even on a brand new setting ring because the collar OD is reduced. After
speaking with NOV with several points of contact, they said this could behave like slim-line
drill pipe (meaning it could wedge itself into the bore of the setting ring) which is currently
banned for YT usage but they were not going to impose a ban on this type of tubing. They
did make a recommendation that hydraulic setting tools be considered for this type of
pipe but it was not made mandatory. Weatherford will release a bulletin echoing that same
message. After going back and forth with them several times, new wear life criteria was
developed and is in the process of being added to the TWIs. That is being tracked in the
WISE query mentioned below. For this issue going forward, the TWIs must be carried out
accordingly and if the new wear life criteria is not met, a different type of tool needs to be
considered for the run.

Country Russia

Geozone Russia, China & Kazakhstan

WCN Not Set


WCN Priority Urgent (within 24 hours – possibility of loss of job or contract)

WCN Query Troubleshooting 

 

Follow-up Notes

Kalganov, Aleksey New input. Another option to avoid setting ring damage is using Forum-BV
2020-05-22 13:15 elevators with remote slip set.
~~~0644722  670720-Y-RSS-D Rev 004 - B+V Manual - Addon RSS for BVC 75-150.pdf
(929,775 bytes)

Tereshchenko, Ok, thanks Ross.

2020-05-21 04:19

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Rials, Ross I agree its a more complicated requirement but I think this is NOV's way of
2020-05-20 12:17 addressing the issue we found with this investigation where taking the box OD
wise manager alone is not enough for these reduced collar ODs. So rather than say "you
~~~0644396 cannot run this type of connection", they have us measuring it and checking
that we have proper support. My guess is that some connections will work out
and some won't. For the ones that don't, we will have to look for other running
tools since we now have a way of saying support is inadequate.

With that being said, we have not started writing the TWI step yet for these new
requirements. If you can think of a best practice that will make these
measurements easier to obtain, feel free to submit them in the other query so
we can include them in the TWI.

I'm going to close this query out if you are good with that.

Tereshchenko, Great news, Ross!

2020-05-20 11:03 I only have worries about size C (minimum area) - To check this criteria we have
reporter to calculate it: C=(Bevel OD - Chamfer ID) / 2.
~~~0644376 In our case Bevel OD is 3.768". Usually this size don't show in Pipe Data sheet,
only Coupling OD. We got it from pipe manufacturer. And we will do request it
every time to check. So it look a little bit complicated.
Chamfer ID of setting ring - I don't know this, because it is required
measurements on real tool. Besides, as discussed , measurement of it is not
precise method due to change greatly depending on where you measure
(human factor).

Rials, Ross Sergey,

2020-05-19 16:31
wise manager NOV finally responded. They are going to address the issue with new
~~~0644293 requirements that more clearly show you where you need to measure and what
values are acceptable per a chart. They also added an additional check though
where you have to measure the ID of the top of the taper, compare that to the
OD of the collar you plan on running, and then make sure you meet minimum
support requirements. They confirmed that this will be included in the next
manual revision but I have submitted WISE 1007763 to Aleksey so that we can
update the TWIs per the email they sent. How we inject this measurement into
TWIs will be reviewed in that query.

Let me know if this covers all actions for this query so we can close it out if we
are ready. We will track the TWI update separately in the other query.

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Rials, Ross The ID of the setting ring is what the wear life criteria is based on. Not the
2020-05-18 11:53 chamfer ID since that can change greatly depending on where you measure. It
wise manager may be easier to flip the plate over so you can measure from the bottom side
~~~0643823 where there is no chamfer but you should be able to get a set of calipers across
the throat of the ID across the center of the diameter. According to the
fabrication drawing you provided, it seems like the opening in the setting plate
runs tangent off the ID so the throat and the ID at center should be the same
dimensions but that may not be the case on all sizes so taking the ID
measurement at the center of the hole would be the best spot.

Tereshchenko, Ross,
2020-05-18 04:36 It is just examples of measures for different rings. The question is what is
reporter correct measuring for ring ID (chamfer ID or just ID)? As we can see difference
~~~0643767 of these ID is pretty big and it will influence to Wear Criteria.

Rials, Ross I also don't quite understand what you are showing in the second image with
2020-05-15 15:59 dimensions? Are the measurements 120.5mm/117.5mm or 77.5mm/75.5mm?
wise manager

Rials, Ross We have reminded them a few times and they keep telling us they are still
2020-05-15 15:55 reviewing it but have not provided an answer yet. Responses may be delayed
wise manager with COVID and industry slow down measures occurring at NOV. I will forward
~~~0643644 this over to them as well in my next reminder.

Tereshchenko, Ross,
2020-05-15 12:16 Do we have news from NOV? I would to share picture of Setting ring BJ Varco
reporter installation. We can see, that Setting ring has chamfer on upper part, which only
~~~0643608 exacerbate the situation. And what is correct measuring of setting ring ID in TWI
for this case?

Rials, Ross For that query, Cyrus provided some input to your questions about lift subs.
2020-04-07 12:24
wise manager

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 Tereshchenko, We have another WISE 1006436 regard to this.

 2020-04-07 08:46 We have to perform service operations with this tubing, so issue is pretty actual.
reporter 

 Tereshchenko, Ross,
 2020-04-07 08:42 Thank for keep us update.
reporter 

 Rials, Ross Just providing an update. NOV is still discussing how they want to proceed with
 2020-04-06 18:04 this issue. They have not provided their input though which is the only thing we
wise manager  are waiting on for this bulletin so we can echo what they want done.

 Rials, Ross I've sent all this to NOV. The last piece of the bulletin we are waiting on is what
 2020-03-11 12:02 NOV wants us to use for setting ring wear life for these connections knowing
wise manager  that the current equation doesn't work when dealing with a reduced OD. As
~~~0070597 soon as they confirm, we will finalize the bulletin and send out.

 Tereshchenko, Gents,
 2020-03-11 06:27 Last respond from JFE in attachment. Maybe it will useful for TB preparation.
~~~0070581  RE_ _EXTERNAL_ RE_ RIH 3-1_2 tubing Russia-2.msg (1,056,256 bytes)

 Tereshchenko, Ross,
 2020-03-06 14:15 You could include information from JFE rep about coupling size: JFE shows that
reporter coupling is standard in their data sheets.
~~~0070365 And some info from API 5CT related to non-upset tubing coupling. JFE don't
agree with us that JFE BEAR is similar to semi-flash.

 RE_ _EXTERNAL_ RE_ RIH 3-1_2 tubing Russia.msg (1,093,632 bytes)

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 Tereshchenko, Ross,
 2020-02-28 08:25 CPAR 4028507
reporter 

 Rials, Ross Sergey,

 2020-02-27 15:14
wise manager  So it can be referenced in the bulletin, do you have the CPAR number available
~~~0069902 for this issue? I tried looking through the WISE query and didn't see it
mentioned anywhere.

 Rials, Ross Sergey,

 2020-01-30 16:13
wise manager  After a lot of back and forth both with NOV and internally within GBU, we are
~~~0067906 basically going to send out a bulletin to warn everyone about this potential. We
are going to echo NOV's response that while it is not banned from use with
beveled connections and semi-flush pipe, it is recommended to switch to
hydraulic elevators when possible. We are going to send out a bulletin stating
this and the fact that if setting ring creates a good bite with the slips, there
should be no issues but if the pipe does slip due to rig conditions, die
conditions, etc, you can expect a repeat of this damage. This should at least
encourage the use of hydraulic tools where possible without killing current

For the TWI change, I suggest you open a new TWI Change request to Aleksey
and reference this WISE query so that we can track that progress separately.
Within that query, make suggestions on what you would like changed and
where you would like to see it.

How to handle the current wear life calculation when applying it to bevel
connections and semi-flush will be discussed as we review the bulletin. My
current thought is that as long as the major OD of the connection (not the bevel
OD) is above a certain amount than the ID of the setting ring, you will not slip
through the setting ring and it should do its job. If we run into semi-flush
connections where the major OD is small enough to fit through the setting ring,
then this will probably be a hard stop in being able to use YT elevators and force
us into using hydraulic tools for those connections.

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 Tereshchenko, Hello everyone,

 2020-01-22 04:41 Is there any new information? We can only say that measuring this ring is not an
reporter  easy process, because usually employees measure this ring in incorrect position
~~~0067278 (red arrows). We see it in others TWIs and during checking other rings. So
documentation change is requred, maybe add Hold Point or move this step to
NDT sheet...

 Tereshchenko, Ross,
 2019-12-13 11:27 Condition of dies is not perfect. But most of them could be used in future. You
reporter  can have a look in attachment condition after job, if you have any
~~~0065293 recommendation let us know. Anyway we want to order a new one.

During RIH operation dies cleaned every 10-15 joints, clogging had place a little
bit in upper dies of slips. PN of dies is GL-0308-0308-4, where last number 4
means 25-30 mesh (pretty aggressive).

 Rials, Ross Sergey,

 2019-12-11 15:13
wise manager  Were the conditions of the dies a concern with this since dealing with chrome?
~~~0065146 From the pictures, it looks like we were using grit face dies. Were they worn
down or clogged up at the time of the incident?

 Tereshchenko, I see what you mean about Coupling OD. It is true, that this pipe like a semi-
Sergey flush pipe. JFE data sheet misleads us because it contains word "standard" (have
 2019-12-11 15:02 a look attachment), but actually OD smaller than for standard. As I can see all
reporter JFE Coupling have OD=3.883".
Regarding upside down position of setting ring for YT elevator - as I can see on
photo it is impossible to set setting ring in upside down for this NOV model. For
others models it could be possible.

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 Rials, Ross NOV is probably taking into consideration the fact that most collars are going to
 2019-12-10 15:58 be much larger than what you are dealing with. I'm not sure if these smaller
wise manager  tubing sizes are like the larger pipe sizes but typical collars are 1" over pipe size.
~~~0065044 With a pipe OD of 3.5" and a collar OD of 3.883", you can pretty much treat this
as semi-flush pipe. Then you factor in the bevel on the connection and you have
even less to deal with. With larger collar sizes, the wear equation probably
works just fine.

Can you confirm if we were running with the setting ring turned right side up? In
talking with our Global NOV contacts, they pointed out that the setting rings
have an up and down side. Running it upside down will make the spreading
forces worse because of the sharp edge on the bottom vs the machined angle
on the top side of the ID.

However, in any case, the fact that we did not complete our TWIs properly, we
really aren't going to have a leg to stand on here. I see your point that even a
brand new ring from NOV could come in larger than the wear equation allows
when dealing with these small collar ODs but had we have caught it during the
MIR, these questions could have been raised before we had an incident. I will
discuss more with Aleksey and Cyrus on how to proceed with the wear equation
but please let me know about the setting ring orientation.

 Tereshchenko, Thank you Lance.

 2019-12-10 15:30 Ross,
reporter Some updated information from our side:
1. Measurements of this ring wasn't completed during service. For some reason
employee ignored this point in TWI, mechanic didn't check.
2. Size of new Setting ring is 3.640” - 3.625”= 92.456мм - 92.075мм according
NOV drawing (I requested from NOV rep.)
At the same time STANDART coupling has OD= 98.63 mm
As we discussed Wear Criteria: Max. Setting ring ID= BOX OD - 0.25"= 98.63 mm
- 0.25" (6.35mm) = 92.28 mm. HOW IT CAN BE? I already sent request NOV
about it.

 Rials, Ross What was our pre-job measurements on the setting ring from the MIR? We are
 2019-12-05 14:29 showing measurements in the query and saying we are out of tolerance but this
wise manager  is after the setting ring has cracked and spread open. What was our
~~~0064800 measurements before the job to say if we were out of tolerance to begin with or

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 Duvall, Lance I have updated the Rev number that you specified below.
 2019-12-05 13:21
wise engineer 

 Rials, Ross I've added Lance to look into the manual revision issue you pointed out below.
 2019-12-05 12:46
wise manager  Cyrus has reached out to global NOV support for additional input and they did
~~~0064781 raise questions about the conditions of the slips and inserts. We are still
evaluating the effect of the worn out setting ring and what to do about it going
forward, but they are asking why the slips never took the load of the pipe. Even
if the bevel forced itself into the ID of the setting ring and started spreading it, it
still should have pushed the slips down and the string weight should have been
transferred to the inserts preventing further spreading. Can you describe in
more details the conditions of the inserts and slips and if that could have
contributed to the slipping on pipe? Worn dies, worn slips, worn elevator body,

 Tereshchenko, Thank you Ross. As we can see, NOV said there no wear criteria for Setting Ring,
Sergey because they had sent and used old revision of manual (Rev-C), Rev C don't
 2019-12-05 08:22 contain wear criteria! I will send them e-mail about this in same conversation
~~~0064764 According our TRS manual matrix I have found small mistake - column Rev
shows K revision, but in fact, after downloading Manual Elevator, it has rev P.
Please check.

And last remark...Wear criteria showed on Drill Pipe, but we already know, it is
not possible to use slip type elevator for drill pipe according NOV BULLETIN NO.

 Kalganov, Aleksey Ross,

 2019-12-05 07:55
reporter The easiest way here is to update TWI with sentence if the coupling has a
~~~0064762 special bevel, the criteria is Bevel OD - 0.25", but I am not sure that it is correct,
because at this case 95.71 - 6.35 = 89.36, and pipe OD 88.9mm, difference is
only 0.46mm

 Rials, Ross Forgot to attach the picture.

 2019-12-04 14:32
wise manager 

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 Rials, Ross For clarity, NOV and Forum do have requirements for setting ring wear and our
 2019-12-04 14:25 TWIs are based on that. See attached picture for NOV requirement from their
wise manager  manual. You are correct though that they do not have MPI requirements. But as
~~~0064683 they stated, the owner of the tool (Weatherford in this case) can add MPI
requirements based on running conditions and frequency of use if they feel it is

The larger ID on the setting ring definitely played a factor in this issue but I'm
not sure if a properly sized setting ring would have prevented it completely. I
can see NOV's point that if the pipe gets pushed to one side before setting, the
bevel could engage the ID and start to spread it. But like you said, we run this all
the time without issue. I would assume this is why NOV is not taking a hard
stance on adding beveled pipe to the list of "banned" pipes for setting rings.

I will discuss with Aleksey Panchenko a bit more how to proceed and we will
probably discuss more with NOV to get a more definitive response.

 Tereshchenko, We want to get your recommendation about the incident because we have to
Sergey know main reason of it. After that we can take actions to prevent similar
 2019-12-04 04:43 incident in future. Maybe your discussion with the manufacturer from our end
reporter  will add clarity. Presently, JFE don't have any restriction for this type of coupling,
~~~0064658 VAM recommend to use slip type elevators for bevel pipe, NOV recommend to
buy hydraulic elevators. At the same time TWI contains information about
setting ring wear criteria, but NOV don't. How it can be? Now we have conflicting
answers. Our setting ring is out of criteria - it was a fault. If reason is only in
weared setting ring, we will replace it to new one and add MPI requirements to
TWI. At the same time NOV isn't ready to add MPI or wear requirements to this

Pipe with special bevel have used in this project since 2017, previously
everything was good. So just order another type of elevators (hydraulic) lead to
large financial costs, so the project will no longer be of interest to us.

 Rials, Ross Sergey,

 2019-12-03 15:04
wise manager  Thanks for the detail summary but I guess for clarity, what do you want to
~~~0064611 achieve with this query? Are you looking for our opinion on the issue, do you
want us to further this conversation with NOV from our end or are you looking
to expand our TWIs to add the missing restriction on using YT elevators with
beveled pipe since it behaves similar to drill pipe? NOV seems to be eluding to it
not being recommended but they aren't out right banning it either unless they
plan on adding to that bulletin.

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 Tereshchenko,  1. Pipe DATA JFEBEAR 3.5 9.2 JFE-HP1-13CR-110 Standard.pdf (138,560 bytes)
Sergey  NOV Bulln-108.pdf (104,471 bytes)
 2019-12-03 13:42  NOV answer.msg (2,122,240 bytes)

 Users monitoring this query 

User List Duvall, Lance, Kalganov, Aleksey, Kostin, Ivan, Mozgalev, Denis, Panchenko, Aleksey,
Pyatibratov, Andrey, Salmanov, Renat, Sivewright, Scott, Sloane, Cyrus S, Walker, Richard A

 Query History 
Date Modified Username Field Change

2020-07-28 Rials, Ross Status solution posted =>

18:30 closed

2020-05-22 Kalganov, Aleksey Note Added: 0644722


2020-05-22 Kalganov, Aleksey File Added: 670720-Y-RSS-D Rev 004 - B+V Manual - Addon RSS for
13:15 BVC 75-150.pdf

2020-05-21 Rials, Ross WCN Escalation Group => Not Set


2020-05-21 Rials, Ross Solution Updated View Revisions


2020-05-21 Rials, Ross Description Updated View Revisions


2020-05-21 Rials, Ross Status active => solution

11:43 posted

2020-05-21 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0644546

04:19 Sergey

2020-05-20 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0644396


2020-05-20 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0644376

11:03 Sergey

2020-05-20 Tereshchenko, File Added: Size C.jpg

11:03 Sergey

2020-05-19 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0644293


2020-05-18 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0643823


2020-05-18 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0643767

04:36 Sergey

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Date Modified Username Field Change

2020-05-15 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0643646


2020-05-15 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0643644


2020-05-15 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0643608

12:16 Sergey

2020-05-15 Tereshchenko, File Added: setting ring PN 39214-2.jpg

12:16 Sergey

2020-05-15 Tereshchenko, File Added: IMG_20200416_191732.jpg

12:16 Sergey

2020-04-07 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0072357


2020-04-07 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0072339

08:46 Sergey

2020-04-07 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0072338

08:42 Sergey

2020-04-06 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0072280


2020-03-11 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0070597


2020-03-11 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0070581

06:27 Sergey

2020-03-11 Tereshchenko, File Added: RE_ _EXTERNAL_ RE_ RIH 3-1_2 tubing Russia-2.msg
06:27 Sergey

2020-03-06 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0070365

14:15 Sergey

2020-03-06 Tereshchenko, File Added: 7F204065.PNG

14:15 Sergey

2020-03-06 Tereshchenko, File Added: RE_ _EXTERNAL_ RE_ RIH 3-1_2 tubing Russia.msg
14:15 Sergey

2020-02-28 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0069931

08:25 Sergey

2020-02-27 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0069902


2020-01-30 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0067906


2020-01-22 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0067278

04:41 Sergey

2020-01-22 Tereshchenko, File Added: 22-01-2020 8-28-27.jpg

04:41 Sergey

2019-12-13 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0065293

11:27 Sergey

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Date Modified Username Field Change

2019-12-13 Tereshchenko, File Added: Grit face dies classification.png

11:27 Sergey

2019-12-13 Tereshchenko, File Added: Dies PN GL-0308-0308-4-2.jpg

11:27 Sergey

2019-12-13 Tereshchenko, File Added: Dies (3).jpg

11:27 Sergey

2019-12-13 Tereshchenko, File Added: Dies (2).jpg

11:27 Sergey

2019-12-13 Tereshchenko, File Added: Dies.jpg

11:27 Sergey

2019-12-11 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0065146


2019-12-11 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0065144

15:02 Sergey

2019-12-11 Tereshchenko, File Added: Position of Setting Ring on NOV YT Elevator.jpg

15:02 Sergey

2019-12-11 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring NOV YT elevator.jpg

15:02 Sergey

2019-12-11 Tereshchenko, File Added: JFE Data sheet.jpg

15:02 Sergey

2019-12-10 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0065044


2019-12-10 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0065041

15:30 Sergey

2019-12-10 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring ID.png

15:30 Sergey

2019-12-10 Tereshchenko, File Added: TWI EL15946.jpg

15:30 Sergey

2019-12-05 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0064800


2019-12-05 Duvall, Lance Note Added: 0064786


2019-12-05 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0064781


2019-12-05 Rials, Ross Query Monitored: Duvall, Lance


2019-12-05 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0064764

08:22 Sergey

2019-12-05 Tereshchenko, File Added: TRS Manual Matrix - elevators.jpg

08:22 Sergey

2019-12-05 Kalganov, Aleksey Note Added: 0064762


http://wise2/view.php?id=1004913 1/17/2021
1004913: Setting Ring damage of slip type elevator - WISE Page 15 of 16

Date Modified Username Field Change

2019-12-04 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0064686


2019-12-04 Rials, Ross File Added: 36127DB6.PNG


2019-12-04 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0064683


2019-12-04 Tereshchenko, Query Monitored: Sivewright, Scott

06:09 Sergey

2019-12-04 Tereshchenko, Note Added: 0064658

04:43 Sergey

2019-12-04 Tereshchenko, File Added: TWI requirements.jpg

04:43 Sergey

2019-12-04 Tereshchenko, Query Monitored: Sloane, Cyrus S

04:06 Sergey

2019-12-03 Rials, Ross Status new => active


2019-12-03 Rials, Ross Note Added: 0064611


2019-12-03 Rials, Ross Query Monitored: Panchenko, Aleksey


2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, Query Monitored: Mozgalev, Denis

13:48 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, Query Monitored: Kostin, Ivan

13:48 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, Query Monitored: Pyatibratov, Andrey

13:48 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, Query Monitored: Salmanov, Renat

13:48 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, Query Monitored: Walker, Richard A

13:48 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, Query Monitored: Kalganov, Aleksey

13:48 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: NOV answer.msg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: NOV Bulln-108.pdf

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Dies PN GL-0308-0308-4.jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Another setting ring (89.39 mm).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Another setting ring (91.02 mm).jpg

13:42 Sergey

http://wise2/view.php?id=1004913 1/17/2021
1004913: Setting Ring damage of slip type elevator - WISE Page 16 of 16

Date Modified Username Field Change

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 2.jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 2 (4).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 2 (3).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 2 (2).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 1 EL15946 (5).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 1 EL15946 (4).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 1 EL15946 (3).JPG

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 1 EL15946 (2).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Setting Ring 1 EL15946.jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Pipe on a field (4).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Pipe on a field (3).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Pipe on a field (2).jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: Pipe on a field.jpg

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, File Added: 1. Pipe DATA JFEBEAR 3.5 9.2 JFE-HP1-13CR-110
13:42 Sergey Standard.pdf

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, Assigned To => Rials, Ross

13:42 Sergey

2019-12-03 Tereshchenko, New Query

13:42 Sergey

http://wise2/view.php?id=1004913 1/17/2021

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