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Table of Contents

Resource Card 1: Combatting Perfectionism--------------------------------------------------------2

Use and Purpose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Materials Needed -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Resource Card 2: Color Changing Coke and Mentos ---------------------------------------------4

Use and Purpose ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Materials Needed -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Resource Card 3: Oxidation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Use and Purpose ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Materials Needed -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Resource Card 4: Indicator Activity ------------------------------------------------------------------8

Use and Purpose -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Materials Needed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Resource Card 5: Stoichiometry Firework ------------------------------------------------------9

Use and Purpose -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Materials Needed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Resource Card 1: Combatting Perfectionism
Source (Journal)

RSC Education. 2020. How To Combat Perfectionism In Your Students. [online] Available at:


[Accessed 7 October 2020].

Perfectionism is always available in the classroom and specially in Chemistry classroom, it is

shared between the student and the teacher. It is available in numerous ways and is presented in

three forms in which the it can be self-orientated, other-orientated and socially prescribed.

Students usually desire perfection and specially the Teenagers in which many of them try to

experience perfection through having the ideal looks, social status and circle of friends. But there

is a dark side of perfectionism in which many students can reach high levels of stress and anxiety

when seeking perfection.

Use and Purpose

- Foster Understanding: in which student should be educated more about perfectionism and

its consequences by teaching them that not everything is related to being perfect in Life.

- Strive for excellence: Support the student to acquire perfection through working hard and

acquire perfection through achieving excellent result through studying hard and being

helpful in the community.

Materials Needed

- No Physical Materials needed but there is a need to develop skills like:

- Social Intelligence

- Communication

- Building Trust and self-esteem.

Resource Card 2: Color Changing Coke and Mentos

Source (Journal)

 Kuntzleman, T. S.; Davenport, L. S.;  Cothran, V. I.; Kuntzleman, J. T.; Campbell, D. J. New

Demonstrations and New Insights on the Mechanism of the Candy-Cola Soda Geyser J. Chem.

Educ. 2017, 94, 569–576.

All Student love Coke and Mentos, although many of them try to mix them up together to seek

the chemical reaction that take place between them but only few understand why this kind of

chemical reaction take place and why there is a change in the color. Since Coke contain a high

amount of dissolved CO2 while the Mentos let these CO2 to be released as Bubbles. When the

Mentos interact with the Coke it starts releasing the gas bubbles and push them out of the bottle

The reaction between Coke and Mentos is: CO2(aq) + H2O(l) ß à H2CO3(aq)

Use and Purpose:

In general, the Coke is made up of CO2 as main component and in order to push them out the

Mentos is added to the Coke, and the CO2 are pushed out and then there will be a color change,

but in order to do so in the experiment there should be an addition to another beverage which

will show the color change and thus the additional beverage should be colorless that is why there

should be a use of H2O or water.

Materials Needed:

 Nine 2-liter bottles of Diet Coke

 30 Mentos candy pieces
 1 index card
 60 cm measuring stick
 3 poster boards
 Tape
 Sharpie pen
 and a Good attitude

Resource Card 3: Oxidation


Chemical Education Xchange. 2020. Oxidation Argumentation Activity. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 8 October


Oxidation is the loss of electrons during a reaction by a molecule, atom or ion.

Oxidation occurs when the oxidation state of a molecule, atom or ion is increased. The opposite

process is called reduction, which occurs when there is a gain of electrons or the oxidation state

of an atom, molecule, or ion decreases.

The reaction between Oxidation can be as:

H2 + F2 → 2 HF

In this reaction, hydrogen is being oxidized and fluorine is being reduced. The reaction may be
better understood if it is written in terms of two half-reactions.

H2 → 2 H+ + 2 e-
F2 + 2 e- → 2 F-

Use and Purpose:

The teacher will ask the student to put four nails on a wall in order to check the chemical
reaction and their oxidizing On the wall and then the students will check all the reactions of the
nails and comments using A, B, C letters based on the below.

A. Metal can be oxidized

B. Oxidation is the loss of electrons
C. Oxygen is required for oxidation to occurs

Later on students will gather to provide their remarks based on the reaction they are seeing.

Materials needed:

- copper (II) chloride

- aluminum foil
- Post-It notes (three colors)
- white boards
- markers
- large letters labeled a, b and c 

Resource Card 4: Indicator Activity


Chemical Education Xchange. 2020. Indicator Activity - Assigning Roles For Students In The
Laboratory. [online] Available at: <
assigning-roles-students-laboratory> [Accessed 8 October 2020].

The Lab is set to help student to figure out the PH level in the items. One way we can determine
the pH of an aqueous solution is to add an indicator to the solution. Different indicators change
color at different pH ranges. 
With the additional of the indicators when solution will change in color, depending on the PH
Use and Purpose
In order to determine the pH of a solution the teacher will ask the student to add an indicator to
the solution. Different indicators change color at different pH ranges. For example, the methyl
orange will change from red to yellow in the pH range of 3.1 to 4.4. if the solution PH level is
3.1 is will be red while if it is higher than 4.4 it will be yellow
This lab activity is designed to allow you to study and gain a better understanding of pH and its
relationship to acids and bases as well as its effect on indicator dyes.


- Different PH from 1, 3,5 ,7, 13 and other

- Universal indicator
- Methyl orange
- pH paper

Resource Card 5: Stoichiometry Firework

Chemical Education Xchange. 2020. Stoichiometry Fireworks Lab Quiz. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 8 October



Stoichiometry is used by the students in order to find the ideal amount needed from the second

reagent to create a purple firework. The teacher will ignite the fireworks to see the ideal mixture

which main will create little or no ash. In this criteria the student will use balance and mix the

ingredients and see the reaction when the teacher ignites them.
Use and Purpose:

The Student will be split to two groups and each will have 100 ML and 250 reagent vials and a

balance. The student will mix the ingredients and prepare the items to be ignited. Ideally, there

are purple flames and sparks and very little white "ash." An excess of sugar results in production

of carbon "worms." And excess of potassium chlorate does not burn well and is difficult to



 1 - 100 mL beaker       

 1 - 250 mL beaker
 Vial of potassium chlorate (KClO3)
 Vial of sugar (C12H22O11)
 Stirring rod
 Wax pencil
 Centigram balance (ideally one for each lab table).
 Goggles

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