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To know more about the Capgemini E.L.I.T.E. program visit:
People matter, results count
Smart Manufacturing
Smart manufacturing is an array of collaborative manufacturing systems that
respond in real time to the dynamic demands and conditions in the factory,
supply network and customer expectations.
Some of the disruptive technologies/concepts being leveraged to digitize the
manufacturing process from shop floor to customer experience are stated
Extended reality – Industry is using this technology across Design and
Assembly, Immersive training, Inspection and Quality Assurance, and Repair
and Maintenance.
IOT – To collect data from existing equipment and new sensors
Digital Supply Chain - Optimizing operations across the entire supply chain by
enabling connectivity, data management, insights, and smart automation.
Digital Thread – “A communication framework that connects a manufacturing
company’s value chain together. It integrates design, manufacturing,
operations, quality and service into a seamless flow allowing program
managers to have real time information about the product and service
lifecycles on the go”.
Digital Twin – “A digital representation with the exact similar properties of its
corresponding physical asset. It is a tool that enables historical, real time and
futuristic analysis of the performance of the asset throughout its lifecycle by
simulating its actual physical conditions”.
Project Challenge:
Candidates need to propose an offering for which they may explore the
following and give their suggestions:
1. Identification of top 5 use cases that will transform CX by using disruptive
technologies in manufacturing
2. Identification of the geography to launch the offering in
3. Identification of key product partners for the same
4. GTM strategy for one of the five use cases (this should include industry
and market analysis)
1. For the case study, candidates are required and encouraged to use
external research e.g. industry reports, new technologies, proven use
cases etc.
2. Entries will be evaluated on the analysis of the case problem, solution
logic and presentation
3. Sources must be mentioned clearly as part of the submission
4. Candidates need not dive deep into the technologies involved, but their
business implications

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