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S ir Cho c k Enc abo

Le c ture fo r 3 rd Yr AS S tude nt
Indo -Euro pe an Mig ratio ns :
4 m -2 m BCE

The Middle Eas t: “The Cro s s ro ads o f Thre e

The Anc ie nt Fe rtile Cre s c e nt
Are a

The Middle Eas t: “The Cradle o f Civilizatio n”

S ume rian
Civilizatio n
•The first Sumerian cities emerged in
southern Mesopotamia around
3200 B.C.

•Nomadic herders settled in the

Southern part of Mesopotamia and
gradually changed the farming way of

•They built dams and dikes to keep

the rivers from flooding their fields.

•The farming villages emerged along

the river and grew into 12 city-states
S ume rian Re lig io n -
the belief in many gods
Anthro po moPo
rphiclythe is tic
Go ds •Enki - the god of rain
•Marduk - principal god of Babylon
• Ashur - god of the Assyrian
• Gula (in Sumerian) or Shamash
(in Akkadian) - sun god and god

of justice
•Ishtar - goddess of war
•Ereshkigal- goddess of the
•Nabu- god of writing
•Ninurta- Sumerian god of war and
god of heroes
Enki •Iškur- god of storms
•Pazuzu - an evil god who brought
diseases which had no known cure
City-states with hereditary Each state had distinct Worshiped many gods.
rulers. social hierarchy, or
system of ranks. Believed gods controlled
Ruler led army in war and every aspect of life.
enforced laws. Most people were peasant
farmers. Saw afterlife as a grim
Complex government with place. Everybody would go
scribes to collect taxes Women had legal rights; into darkness and eat dust.
and keep records. some engaged in trade
and owned property. To keep the gods happy,
each city built a
ziggurat, or pyramid
Me s o po tamian Trade

“The Cune ifo rm

Wo rld”
Cune ifo rm : “We dg e -S hape d”
•The Sumerians used a system of
record-keeping that used baked
•These tablets are invaluable
record of history of the Sumerian
and of later peoples of
Cune ifo rm Writing
De c iphe ring Cune ifo rm
Schools were established:

• Only few people (particularly the boys)

were trained to write cuneiform
• They were sons of upper-class
professionals (priest, temple and palce
officials, army officers, sea captains and
other scribes)
• The students who learned the art could
work as scribes for the temple, the royal
court or wealthy merchants
S ume rian S c ribe s

“Table t Ho us e ”
Sumer falls to conquerors
• They did not form a strong and unified
• War between city-states
• Sargon the Great was the ruler of the kingdom
of Akkad who invaded the city-states
• He established the world’s first empire
• His empire stretched from the Persian Gulf to
the Mediterranean Sea
• The empire lasted for only about 100 years
The Anc ie nt Fe rtile Cre s c e nt
Are a

The Middle Eas t: “The Cradle o f Civilizatio n”

Sumer falls to conquerors

• Ur was the city-state that was able to

regain power and ruled both Summer and
• Hammurabi was the ruler from Babylonia
who conquered and united the whole
Mesopotamian Peninsula
S ume rian Cylinde r S e als
Gilg ame s h
•The Mesopotamians
believed that the dead
descended to a
gloomy underworld
•Epic of Gilgamesh
was one of the
earliest literary works.
Gilg ame s h Epic Table t:
Flo o d S to ry
Zig g urat at Ur
 Te mple
 “Mo untain
the Go ds ”
The Ro yal S tandard o f
Me s o po tamian Harp
Bo ard Game Fro m Ur
S o phis tic ate d Me tallurg y
S kills
at Ur
S arg o n o f Akkad :
The Wo rld ’s Firs t Empire
[Akkadians ]
The Babylo nian Empire s
Hammurabi’s [r. 1792-1750 B. C. E.]
Co de
Hammurabi, the Judg e
Babylo nian Math

•They drew up
multiplication and division
tables and making
calculations using
Babylo nian Numbe rs
Mesopotamian Trade System

• The two rivers provided a way to ship

• The wheel and the sail improved
transportation system
• Marketplace were present in
Mesopotamian cities
Clay Tablets : History

• Discoveries of clay tablets in the Near East

shown trade contracts, lists of rulers, maps,
poems, legends, prayers and laws (not
interpreted until the 19th Century)
• Henry Rawilson (1840) discovered the key to
the cuneiform writing.
– Tree types of writing on a huge cliff, known as the
Behistun rock.

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