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Mrs. Ana is 30 years old and is being treated in an internal medicine ward. Three days ago
Mrs. Ana was diagnosed with tuberculosis by a doctor. Nurse will provide health education to
patient and the patient's family related to tuberculosis.

Orientation Phase
Nurse Good Morning Mrs.Ana
Patient Good Morning Nurse
Nurse I would like to introduce my self, my name is Julia. I am a nurse on the
internal medicine ward. What would you like to be called ?
Patient Mrs. Ana, please
Nurse Okay Mrs, today I shift morning from 07.00 a.m until 02.00 p.m to take
care of you. I hope you could cooperate so that you can be healthy again
as before
Patient Okey nurse
Nurse In here, I work with other health profession such as physician,
physiotherapist, dietitian. You may ask anything about treatment,
particulary about something that you don’t understand
Patient Thank you nurse
Nurse I will discuss about your illness (TBC).
Discussion about your illness is very important so that you and your
family understand and can carry out optimal self-care at home.
Patient Okey nurse
Patient’s family Okey nurse
Nurse It will take about 10 minutes
Patient It’s okey nurse
Patient’s family Okey nurse
Nurse I will keep the confidentiality of some parts of this discussion if you fell
un comfortable, so would you please not hestitate to express your
Patient Okey, Thank you nurse
Working Phase
Nurse Is there anything you want to ask or to do before we start, Mrs ?
Patient Not, now
Nurse Could we start right now Mrs?
Patient Yes please
Nurse Mrs have you ever heard TBC?
Patient Sorry I don’t know exactly, nurse
Nurse What do you know about TBC, mam?
Do you know causes, sign and how to take care that?
Patient’s family I know tuberculosis is a respiratory disease. But I don't know how to care
for it, nurse
Nurse Right ma'am, tuberculosis is a respiratory disease. Well then we will
discuss what is the meaning of tuberculosis, causes of tuberculosis, signs
of tuberculosis, and how to treat it, are you and your family willing?
Patient It’s okey nurse
Patient’s family Okey nurse
Nurse Tuberculosis (TBC) is a direct infectious disease that is caused because
the TB germ is Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. The majority of TB germs
attack lung, but TB germs can also attack other organs of the body. The
source of transmission of Tuberculosis is smear tuberculosis sufferers
positive when coughing or sneezing. The entry point for germ
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is the respiratory tract, digestive tract and
open sores on the skin. The signs that a person has TB disease is cough-
cough for more than 3 weeks may be accompanied by blood.
Treatment that must be done : Keep an eye on patients taking
medicine,the most important role here is people the closest is family.
Sufficient for the balanced nutritional needs. Rest regularly for at least 8
hour a day. Remind sufferers to double-check phlegm in the second, fifth
month and six. Creating a home environment with good ventilation and
Is there anything that you want to know more about this disease?
Patient’s family Can TB disease be cured completely, nurse?
Nurse Able to follow the advice of health workers to take medication regularly.
Is there anything that you want to know more?
Patient No thank’s
Patient’s family No thank’s
Nurse Mrs Ana could you explain what is tuberculosis and the signs of
tuberculosis, please?
Patient Yes, TBC is a direct infectious disease that is caused because the TB
germ is Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. The source of transmission of
Tuberculosis is smear tuberculosis sufferers positive when coughing or
sneezing. The signs that a person has TB disease is cough-cough for
more than 3 weeks may be accompanied by blood.
Nurse Yes, good Mrs Ana.
Mam, could you explain how to take care of tuberculosis, please?
Patient’s family Yes, Treatment that must be done : Keep an eye on patients taking
medicine,the most important role here is people the closest is family.
Sufficient for the balanced nutritional needs. Rest regularly for at least 8
hour a day. Remind sufferers to double-check phlegm in the second, fifth
month and six. Creating a home environment with good ventilation and
Nurse Yes, good. So Mrs Ana and family already understand what I said earlier.
Termination Phase
Nurse Mrs Ana, from the discussion I can make a conclusion that you have
already known about TBC.
TBC is a direct infectious disease that is caused because the TB germ is
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. The source of transmission of
Tuberculosis is smear tuberculosis sufferers positive when coughing or
sneezing. The signs that a person has TB disease is cough-cough for
more than 3 weeks may be accompanied by blood. Treatment that must
be done : Able to follow the advice of health workers to take medication
regularly. Sufficient for the balanced nutritional needs. Rest regularly for
at least 8 hour a day. Remind sufferers to double-check phlegm in the
second, fifth month and six. Creating a home environment with good
ventilation and lighting.
Patient Thanks nurse
Patient’s family Thanks nurse
Nurse You were so active while we were discussing about this disease
Patient My pleasure
Nurse Mrs, I will write the result of this discussion on your status, Thanks for
your attention
Patient Your welcome
Nurse Good by now and see you later
Patient See you
Patient’s family See you, nurse

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