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“When I graduated from the accounting school, I prepared for the CPA examinations,took the CPA
examinations, then joined thebiggest auditing firm in the country. It was a very challenging job but it
brought me to the limits of physical endurance, having to work practically twenty-four hours a day
during thepeak season. Armed with this experience, I moved to the field of academe. I found out, this
was an equally challenging job. Simultaneous with my teaching, I did external auditing work. They
compliment each other very well. 1 did try to be an in-house accountant two times but I had to go back
to my being a teacher and external auditor because I can't stand a place of so much talking and
dilly dallying”


Match qualities of the accountant and jobrequirements. What could be the qualities ofthis CPA that
makes her more suited to to the job?


Match Qualities:

1. Excellent organization. Accountants must keep up with all figures, data, and paperwork in their
daily jobs. They need a system for quickly finding information they need. Accountants should be
able to organize their work to maximize productivity and allow time for undisturbed research
and analysis.
2. Killer time management skills. Today, accountants are playing an increasingly important role in
contributing to strategic decision-making, so their schedules are full to the brim. They need to
take care of many tasks beyond financial management and should be able to prioritize them to
make the most from their time at work.
3. Attention to detail. These traits are obviously key in the daily reality of accountants who need to
make sure that numbers work and are correct. An eye for details and due diligence for accuracy
should be part of their modus operandi, not something they need to be reminded of.
4. Focus on the client. Being an accountant means not only dealing with numbers, but with clients
as well. That's why accountants should have a strong orientation toward meeting client
requirements – they need to understand the industry, sector, and client in detail. Only this helps
them to decide which accounting rules or economic measures could fit the business. An
accountant's advice is always of value and knowing their way around a sector is the best way to
make it more relevant and actionable.
5. Creativity. That's right – great accountants have creative minds as well. They're the ones who
practice out-of-the-box thinking to come up with fresh solutions – some client problems aren't
textbook cases and require special attention and a degree of creativity.
6. Commitment to the sector. Accountants should commit themselves to a particular industry and
be passionate about it. This is what makes them attractive hires – companies are looking for
individuals for long-term employment and stop at nothing to motivate such talented
accountants to join in. That's probably because replacing an accountant costs a lot of time and
effort, seriously affecting the productivity of employees during the dreadful transition period.
7. Extreme trustworthiness. The kind of information accountants deal with every day is very
confidential in nature. One of the most important features of great accountants is that they're
professional and never impart any knowledge to third parties. This is the ethical way to conduct
an accounting business, and having a reputation for trustworthiness can only help in scoring
great jobs.
8. Great communication skills. Needless to say, accountants must be able to communicate and
collaborate with colleagues from different departments. They should also be able to
communicate key insights to nonfinance staff – accountants can use various data visualizations
form to aid their communication effort and ensure that their insights are properly understood.
Communication is also key to developing successful relationships with clients.
9. Collaboration. This is something not many professionals expect. We've all cherished the idea of
a lonesome accountant busy number-crunching in a small cubicle – but this image is completely
inaccurate. In fact, accountants work in teams and provide support to different departments –
that's why they should be able to efficiently impart their expertise to clients and decision-
makers. They should feel what others need to know and support the goals of the team, working
with different kinds of professionals and personalities.
10. Flexibility. Accountants who are able to embrace challenges and effectively respond to changes
in working environments make up for very valuable members of any organization. In the digital
age, offices change at an accelerated pace and accountants must be able to adapt and take
advantage of those alterations. A high degree of agility is also necessary for responding to
regulatory changes in the industry – only then they can provide quality service.

The qualities ofthis CPA that makes her more suited to to the job are,Great communication, attention
detail Accountants can’t be loners they have to develop the ability to work in a team. In the initial years
of a new job, he/she will probably be a member of an accounting or auditing team. In these
environments, you will need to work closely with your colleagues and ensure that you complete share of
work in a reliable and competent manner.he/she must work with full of effort and need to commit to
the job he/she choose. Also Time management skills he/she need to organize their task and planning to
divide the time between specific activities or job to lessen the pressure and stress in the workplace

Creativity the knowledge and experience that he/she gain when performing an audit at a particular
client can be used to improve the quality of your work on a subsequent assignment. This form of out-of-
the-box thinking will help you become an invaluable asset at any company.

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