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From what you have read and understood of with regard to the perspectives of Recto,
Laurel and De la Costa,  who do you think of these three embodies most nationalism and
why? Support your answer.

After reading the perspectives of Sen. Claro M. Recto, Sen. Jose P. Laurel, and Fr. Horacio
de la Costa S.J., only Claro M. Recto proved that he is undoubtedly justifiable as Champion
of Filipino Nationalism because of the fact that he fearlessly fought for approval of Rizal Law
which asserts Rizal's eminent prior exertions to set our nation free. He also explained how
ignorance can destroy our nation, he identified the characters of Rizal’s work and relates it in
the reality, and he saw Rizal and his works as a framework in educating the Filipinos toward
attaining the liberal ideas of the people that a country can stand from its own fall. I think he
embodies most nationalism by not just spreading the works of Rizal or influencing the youth
to be well-aware of the injustices but he pushed this to become a Law, he went beyond
suggesting it. He even authored a bill that turned out into law after the tedious legislation and
now, it is still an Act that is included in the curricula of all Public and Private Schools,
Colleges, and Universities Courses On the Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal,
particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Felibustirismo, authorizing the printing and
distribution thereof, and for other purposes. Lastly, he described Rizal as a realist that, “Rizal
never put anything into action without a possible victory. He based his decisions on facts and
he never drives into some conclusions without considering the possible outcome of such an
action.” Truly, patently Recto's writings and speeches spoke as a nationalist thinker and
leader which is the same as that of Rizal's. They both desire to preserve and foster our
nation's traditional cultures, and cultural revivals. Besides, Recto's courageous attempt to
flee from the colonial condition was itself a considerably vast solitary effort which help
achieve today’s relative enlightenment. That is why I personally think that Claro M. Recto
deserved the title that was given to him.

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