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1.1 Background of the study

The current study is an effort to study the status of fish production business in Nepalgunj
of Banke district. Broad objective of the study is to examine the functioning of fish
production business and level of success in Nepalgunj. To know economic status of fish
farming peoples background information has been collected along with the financial
information such as working capital required for the business, yearly turnover, profitability
of the business and challenges faced by the people in the Nepalgunj. At the same time
information is collected from customers also to know the preferences of customer and
spending of the customer. Overall study concluded that fish production business has
become a broad earner and economic growth source. And it is set to flourish in the coming
days as the interest of the people towards fish farming business.

Fish farming is an establishment to produces and sell verities of fish (Silver carp, Rohu,
Common carp, Grass carp, Naini, Big head carp) to full fill market demand of fish. The
demand for fresh fish is increasing day by day due to increased consciousness of people
towards their health and nutrition. Meeting the fish demand through capture fisheries and
importing may not be sustainable; therefore promoting and management of pond
aquaculture could be the only one alternative for the sustainability of this enterprise in
Banke district.
There is a great important of fish farming from an economic and a nutrition point of view.
Fish is the major source of animal protein for the people. The rapidly increasing the market
demand of fish & it's product it is important to study about fish farming for fulfill or led
market demand. According to fishery association of Nepal around 20 percent in domestic
& 65 percent in major cities import fish from outside of Nepal. In Nepal fish farming has
been gradually increasing but productivity is low due to various reason .That why we
should essential to conduct a research study about the fish production and its market value.
Fish farming is becoming one of the major sources of livelihood in Banke district.
According to the District Agricultural Development office, 695 farmers have taken to the
fish-farming business and 175 hectares of watershed area is being used for the purpose.
Though Banke has a 255-hectare watershed area for fish farming, only half of the land has

been brought into use due to lack of irrigation facility. Bhawanipur, Raniyapur, Purani,
Kohalpur, Mahadevpuri, Radhapur, chisapani, Naubasta, Bagheshwori, Farmers of these
areas have formed local-level groups to get into commercial fish farming. Major fish
breeds being cultivated in the district are Silver carp, Rohu, Naini, Common carp, Big
head carp, Bhakur etc. Along with local market, currently, fish produced in the district is
marketed to Banke, Bardiya, Dang, Surkhet districts of the country.

Financial consideration

The business will be started worth Rs 3000000 |- Where as the total cost of
production was calculated by summing total variable cost (TVC) and total fixed cost
(TFC) incurred in the production process. The cost incurred for fingerlings, feed, energy
cum fuel, manure cum fertilizers, labor, Maintenance cost and other cost were considered
as variable cost. Whereas expenses on land rent, interest payment and depreciation of farm
tools and machineries were included under fixed cost.

Similarly, Net profit was calculated by deducting by total cost (TC) of production from
gross return
I.e. Net profit (Rs.) = Gross return (Rs.) – Total cost (Rs.)
TC (Rs.) = TFC (Rs.) + TVC (Rs.)
Gross return (Rs.) = QTY * Price per kg

About researcher plan on fish farming location is nearly in kohalpur city which is centre
heart of bank district.

1.2 Statement of problem

 To know about consumer perception towards fish farming by conducting

Consumer behavior.
 Analyzing the market condition of fish farming by conducting survey.
 To know about technical knowledge that used in fish farming.
 To know about the raw material & resources that used in initial phase
Of business.
 To know the strategy to increase productivity.

1.3 Statement of the objective

 To know the customer demand of fish in market.

 To study the feasibility study of fish business.
 To improving quality in sizes, freshness, test of fish.
 To study the challenges & hurdle faced by fish businesses.

1.4 Significance of the study

 The study will be helpful to those who will interest in fish farming.
 The result gives accurate data & information about fish farming.
 This study will use full to make plan, policy, & structural frame work under
Aquacultures sectors
 The result will be helpful to analysis market system of fish farming.
 The result of this study will be useful to the whole fish farming sectors in Nepal

1.5 Literature review

1.5.1 Theoretical framework

It shows the relationship between dependent and independent variables.

Dependent variable: - Fish Farming

Independent variable: - technical knowledge, price, quality, location,








A literature review is a text of a scholarly paper, which includes the current knowledge
including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a
particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and do not report new or
original experimental books. For preparing this field work report, the researcher uses
different books, journals and ideas which help to present clear objectives of the study.

1.5.2Conceptual review / review from book

A detailed business plan consists of ten sections:

 Executive Summary:

It describes the venture, market opportunities, target customers, operations,

financial needs, technology, project management and projected profit. It gives a
brief overview of various elements in the business plan.

 Business Description Element:

It provides the name and nature of the venture. Current status and future trends in
the industry are presented. Intellectual property rights are described. The product is
described. Goals and potential of business are described.

 Marketing Element:

It emphasizes that market exists, sales projections can be achieved, competition can
be faced, customer loyalty can be won and retained. It covers customer need and
their location, market size and trend, market mix strategy, price, place, promotion

 Production Element:

It describes how product will be manufactured. And it cover location of new
venture, Appropriateness, Technology, proximity to suppliers, labor supply & cost,
transportation costs etc.

 Financial Element:

It demonstrates the financial viability of the venture. Projected cash flow statement,
income statement and balance sheet are presented. Break even analysis is also
done. Key financial ratios are presented. Cost controls and budgeting plans are

 Management Element:

It identifies key persons in the management team with their positions,

responsibilities and authority in the organization structure. The experience and role
of entrepreneur is outlined.

 Critical Risk Element:

Effects of potential risks are assessed. They can be price cutting, unfavorable
industry trend, greater innovation costs, new advances in technology, higher
production cost and lead times in procurement.

 Harvest Strategy Element:

It provides insights into plan about orderly transition of the venture. It deals with
management succession and investor exit strategies. Change management is also
considered in case the ownership of the venture changes.

 Milestone Schedule:

It provides realistic timetable for various key activities to be accomplished.
Deadlines are set for timely implementation of the venture.

 Appendix:

It is provided at the end to give detailed back up information about the above

1.5.3Review from previous studies/book

Good review papers on integrated aquaculture have been provided by Delmendo (1980)
and by Jhingran & Sharma (1980) (for India); they are added to this report as Annexes B
and C.

In China, aquaculture is integrated with livestock (pigs, ducks and chicken) and
agriculture, under their integrated rural development programmed. In this system,
pigs/ducks/chicken are raised on or near the ponds and the excreta are washed into the
ponds. The pond dikes are planted with groundnuts, vegetables, colza, sugarcane and/or
mulberry and the slopes of the ponds with maize and/or elephant grass. It was estimated
that integration resulted in a 30 to 40 percent increase in profits (ADCP, 1979). Figure 1
gives a schematic picture of the system.

Figure 1 - Schematic picture of integration of aquaculture/agriculture /livestock
farming in China

(14) In duck-cum-fish culture experiments conducted in India with 100 ducks per hectare,
a fish yield of 4,523 kg/ha/year was obtained without the use of any supplementary fish
feeds or fertilization of the pond with inorganic fertilizers. This production is higher than
the yield of 4,290 kg/ha/year obtained in polyculture experiments with supplementary
feeding and fertilization (Jhingran & Sharma, 1978). The authors opined that 100 ducks
produce approximately 10,000 kg of (wet) manure over a 12 month period and concluded
that 100 to 150 ducks can give adequate fertilization of one hectare of water.

Wolforth (1978) reported a daily yield of 32 kg/ha (7.6t/ ha/240 days) of fish in ponds
receiving only duck droppings. Supplementary addition of chicken droppings (under
conditions of intensive fish culture, including aeration and pest control) increased the fish
yield by another 21 % and decreased the feed conversion rate by 0-4 units (Rappaport &
Sarig, 1978).

1.6 Limitation of the study

 This study is mainly concerned with fish farming. Thus it doesn't provide
Information about other aquacultures species.

 This study conduct in only specific area so it doesn't covered over all fish farm of
 The present study covers only the specific document. In outside & inside of Nepal.

1.7 Research methodology

The first step in preparation of this report is to design the framework of the research. The
task begins with the collection of necessary data and information concerning the study.
The data and information collected has been studied carefully and presented them
systematically and get them analyzed so as to meet the objective of the report. All data
provided has been thoroughly studied and them search design was planned.

1.7.1 Research design

Research design is a conceptual; framework structure/structure within which research is

conducted. It constitutes blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of the data.
Research mythology may be defined as a systematic process that is adopted by the
researcher in studying problem with certain objective in view. It describes the methods and
process applied in the entire aspect of the study focus of the date gathering instrument and
procedure, data tabulating and processing and methods of analysis. In this report, a

survey and case study were used and took both a quantitative and a qualitative

 Descriptive research design

The goal of the descriptive study is to describe the relevant aspect of the
factor of interest to the research from an individual, organization or other

1.7.2 Source of data

 Primary source: - various person; owner of farm,

Employee, experts, manager etc.

Various institutions; aquaculture

Institution, farm etc

 Secondary source: - research report, various website,

Different document, books, bulletins etc

1.7.3 Data collection tool

The data had collected from: -

 Questionnaire through face-to-face.

 Formal and Informal group discussion.
 Individual interview with customers and owner of fish farming to determine their
personal perception.

1.7.4 Sampling procedure

 Sample size:-

Under this project research 50 sample size is taken.

 Selection of respondent: -

On the basis of age, occupation, literacy, expert, Work in farm, Owner.

Selection of farmer

1.7.5 Statistical tool

 Mean

 Bar Diagram

1.7.6 Presentation and analysis data

The data obtained were presented in the master chart form. Secondly, tabulation of the data
& simple calculation of percentage were done according to the types of information
needed for the study. The table was designed for the sample. Lastly, contextual
interpretation of the obtained result was made.



2.1 Data presentation

2.1.1 Cost of fish production per ha of the pound per year

TABLE 1: Cost of fish production per ha of the pond per year

Cost particulars Cost (Rs) Frequency

Variable cost items
Labor 450000 20.45
Feed 600000 27.27
Fingerling 150000 6.82
Limestone 80000 3.64
Manure and fertilizer 180000 8.18
Fuel and Energy 75000 3.41

Maintenance 140000 6.36
Miscellaneous 65000 2.95

TVC 1740000 79.08

Fixed cost items
Land rent 350000 15.91
Interest 65000 2.95
Depreciation 45000 2.04

TFC 460000 20.92

Total cost 2200000 100

According to this table of the total cost, feed cost is found to be the largest cost item. It
incurs about 27 percent of the total cost. Feed cost is followed by the labor cost which is
20 percent of the total cost. The cost for the purchase of fingerlings was about 7 percent of
the total cost. Cost for maintenance, manure cum fertilizers, fuel cum energy, limestone
and others respectively occupy about 6, 3, 8, 4 and 2 percent of the total cost. The total
fixed costs of fish production per ha of pond area is Rs.460000 which is about 21 percent
of the total cost. The major headings under fixed costs are rental value of land, interest on
term loan and depreciation of tools which incur about 16, 3, 2 percent of the total cost,

FIGURE 1: Cost of fish production per ha of the pond per year












2.1.2 Break even analysis

TABLE 2: Break even analysis

Year Gross Return Total cost Net profit

Year 1 3000000 2200000 800000
Year 2 3500000 2500000 1000000
Year 3 4000000 2800000 1200000

Among three year break even analysis, the net profit in year 1 st was found to be Rs 800000
where as the gross return & total cost realized were Rs 3000000 & Rs 2200000
respectively. And similarly in year 2nd & 3rd maintain approximately RS 1000000 & Rs
1200000 profit respectively.

FIGURE 2: Break even analysis





Gross return
Total cost
Net profit



Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

2.1.3 Construction of Fish Pond

FIGURE 3: construction of fish pond

Fish pond design (Pic source wiring Library).

2.2 Data analysis


Respondent -customer

Sample size – 50

2.2.1 Ideal Location for Fish Farming

TABLE 3: Ideal location for a fish farming

Location No of Percentage
Kohalpur 14 28 %
Nepalgunj 18 36%
Chisapani 11 22%
Naubasta 7 14%
Total 50 100%
(source: Field survey 2019)

In this table most of the respondents choose Nepalgunj location for fish farming which is
36% out of 50 respondennts .Similarly Kohalur, chisapani, & Naubasta are choosen 28%,
22%, & 14% out of 50 respondents, Respectively.

FIGURE 4: Ideal location for fish farming





KOhalpur Nepalgunj Chisapani Naubasta

2.2.2 Fish People Mostly Consume.

TABLE 4: Fish people mostly consume.

Verities No of percentage
Silver carp 8 16%
Rohu 10 20%
Grass Carp 12 24%
Common 6 12%
Big head 5 10%
Naini 9 18%
Total 50 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

Field survey shows that most of the people like to consume Common carp fish. Out of 50
respondent 12 respondents rapidly consume Common carp And similarly decreasingly
Rohu, Silver carp, Naini, and Big head carp fishes are consume people, respectively

.FIGURE 5: Fish People Mostly Consume




Series 3

2.2.3 Willing to Pay For Fish (Per K.G)

TABLE 5: Willing to pay for fish (per k.g)

PRICE Respondent Percentage

Rs 300 13 26%
Rs 350 25 50%
Rs 400 7 14%
Rs 450 5 10%
Total 50 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

In survey most of the people willing to pay Rs 350 per k.g for fish in retail market. And
almost 50 percent people affordable this price. Similarly Rs 300, Rs 400 and Rs 450 are 26
percent, 7 percent, and 5 percent people are willing to pay, respectively.

FIGURE 6: Willing to pay for fish (per k.g)






Rs 300 Rs 350 Rs 400 Rs 450

2.2.4 Ethnicity Mostly Consume fish.

TABLE 6: Ethnicity mostly consumes fish.

Ethnicity No of Respondent Percentage

Brahmin/Chettri 9 18%
Janajati/Dalit 26 52%

Others 15 30%
Total 50 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

Field survey shows that janjati/dalit mostly consume fish. This is almost 52 percent out of
50 respondents. And similarly others and Brahmin/chettri consume 30 percent and 18
percent out of 50 respondent, respectively.

FIGURE 7: Ethnicity mostly consume fish




15 Column2


Brahmin/Chettri Janajati/Dalit Others

2.2.5 People like to purchase from

TABLE 7: People like to purchase from

Location No of percentage
Shop 21 42%
Street 29 58%

Total 50 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

Most of the people like to purchase fish from street. In survey 58 percent people purchases
fish from roadside where as 42% people purchases from shop, respectively.

FIGURE 8: People like to purchase from




Series 3



Shop Street

PART – 2

Respondents – Farmer, Labor, Expert

Sample size – 10

2.2.6 per katthas number of ponds

TABLE 8: No of pound per kattha

No of ponds No of percentage
1 3 30%
2 5 50%
3 2 20%
Total 10 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

From survey shows that at most 2 ponds per katthas are effective for fish production.
Whereas similarly 3 and 2 respondent says that 1 pond and 2 pounds per kattha are
effective for fish farming, respectively.

FIGURE 9: No of ponds per Kattha

Series 3

1 pond 2 ponds 3 ponds

2.2.7 Relevance of water temperature in ponds

TABLE 9: Relevance of water temperature in ponds

Temperature (degrees-C) No of percentage
10-15 2 20%
16-20 5 50%
21-25 3 30%
Above 26 0 0%
Total 10 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

According to this figure 50% of the respondents say that relevance of water temperature
in ponds must be 16-20 degree-c. Similarly 20% & 30% of respondents says 10-15 & 21-25
degree-c is relevance of water temperature in pond, respectively.

FIGURE 10: Relevance of water temperature in ponds

4 Column2

15-Oct 16-20 21-25 Above 26

2.2.8 Effective marketing and promotion strategy

TABLE 10: Effective marketing and promotion strategy

Marketing & No of percentage

promotion respondents

Internet 4 40%
TV 3 30%
News paper 3 30%
Total 10 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

Field survey shows that a 40% respondent says internet is effective marketing strategy.
Similarly 30% & 30% respondents says TV & news paper is effective marketing strategy,

FIGURE 11: Effective marketing & Promotion strategy



Internet TV News paper

2.2.9 Technical knowledge about fish is necessary in fish farming.

TABLE 11: Technical knowledge about fish is necessary in fish farming.

Technical No of percentage
Knowledge respondents
Strongly agree 2 20%
Agree 3 30%

Neutral 4 40%
Disagree 1 10%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 10 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

Field survey shows that most of the respondents neutral 40% for Technical knowledge
about fish are necessary in fish farming. Similarly 20%, 30% & 10% respondents strongly
agree, agree and disagree for question. Respectively.

FIGURE 12: Technical knowledge about fish is necessary in fish farming






Strongly agree Agree Nutral Disagree Strongly agree

2.2.10 Daily food nutrition & supplements affect the size, quality and test of

TABLE 12: Daily food nutrition & supplements affect the size, quality and test of fish

Food & Supplements No of percentage

affect respondent
Strongly agree 6 60%
Agree 3 30%
Neutral 1 10%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 10 100%
(Source: Field survey 2019)

Survey shows that 60% people strongly agree for the question. Whereas 30% & 10%
respondents are agree & neutral for the question, respectively.

FIGURE 13: Daily food nutrition & supplements affect the size, quality & test of fish.

4 Column2

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree strongly disagree

2.3Main finding & Discussion

 Many people consume & willing to pay for the fish & fisheries product.
 Janjati and dalit mostly consume the fish in market.
 Quality, price and Environment are the most important factor for the customer to
lead the customer towards the fish farm.
 Above data analysis shows that the customers are agreeable thought most effective
promotion tools are Internet, TV and News paper.
 The majority 40% of people neutral for technical knowledge is necessary in fish

 The majority of the respondent clearly shown that the food nutrition & supplement
affect the size, quality and test of fish.
 The majority of the respondent shown that Nepalgunj is ideal location for fish
 Most of the people willing to consume grass carp fish in market.
 The majority of the respondent shown that pond size, water condition, structure and
geographical location are major factor in fish farming.



3.1 Summary of the finding

Fish farming is a aquaculture business start-up fish production and fulfill market demand.
Fish farm establishment will locate in Nepalgunj. It is conducted to produce variety of fish
to catch the people interest on aquaculture sector and fulfill the market demand of fish.

The main plan of the business is to build a strong market position in the city, get
experience and build competitive climate in the area.

Fish production in Banke district seems to be a profitable business as indicated by the

profit. This business started with worth Rs 3000000|- , where as TVC is Rs 1740000|- and
TFC is Rs 460000|-. In TVC included labor, maintenance, energy, feeds, fingerling,
limestone, manure and miscellaneous expenses and In TFC included land, interest and
depreciation expenses. And the profit ratio is rapidly increasing every year.

The farm intends provides freshly and variety of fish to market. The main aim of the farm
is to produce quality fish and grape people attention in fish farming. Now a day there is
highly increasing fish demand so fulfill the market demand is very challenges so trying to
meet the market demand is one of the major aim of the business.

Field survey shows that janajati/dalit are the people who consume more fish in market so
communicate and grape the attention of janajati/dalit community is marketing strategy.
And majority shown that most of the people willing to purchase fish from street so
maintain healthy relationship with them.

In fish farming there was needed well technical knowledge about fish, highly performing
equipment and labor so hire well recourses to increase more productivity to meet the
market demand.

3.2 Conclusion

Being a country of sufficient water resources with diverse agro-climatic zones and species
diversity, Nepal has great opportunity of growing different fish species from terai to hilly
region. The study was conducted among 10 fish farmers and 50 customers who were
randomly selected from different place of banke for conduct research.

With the increasing demand for food fish, the decline in capture fisheries production, and
the exhaustion of mangrove areas available for fishpond expansion, aquaculture in the
banke district is heading towards intensification and the utilization of coastal waters for
fish farming. This shift from low density to high density culture is consequently leading to
an unprecedented rise in the demand for feeds more than that of fertilizers.

At present the supply of the majority of locally available feedstuffs is already limited and
the seasonal availability and occurrence of natural calamities compound this problem. This
situation is likely to worsen with the rapid growth of the poultry and livestock farming
sectors. Unless production of local feedstuffs is increased and its utilization made more
efficient, the growth of fish culture, as well as that of land-based animal farming, are
bound to be more and more dependent upon the use of imported raw materials.
Aquaculture specifically requires high protein feed ingredients, such as fish meal and
soybean oil meal, which have very little domestic production. The aquaculture industry
must work towards ways and means of efficiently managing and utilizing local feedstuff
resources, such as by improving processing methods, increasing digestibility and
nutritional value, extending shelf life and freshness, and by developing formulations
specific for each species, culture system, and culture environment.

In conclusion, it is hoped that the information presented in this research will promote the
greater and more effective use of locally available raw materials for feeds and fertilizers,
and at the same time reduce dependence on imported feedstuffs. It is also hoped that the
discussions will help provide insights to farmers in their adoption of technologies for
increasing productivity and profitability. This manuscript is a first step towards the
enormous task of rationalizing the use of the country’s limiting and abundant resources for
aquaculture development and food production. The author encourages the reader for
feedback and suggestions on how to improve future editions of this Atlas.


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Sample size- 50

Respondents- customers

 Where is the ideal location for fish farming?

[] Npalgunj [] Kohalpur [] Chisapani [] Naubasta

 Whish fish do you like to consume mostly ?

[] Silver carp [] Rohu [] Grass carp [] Common carp
[] Big head carp [] Naini

 Price willing to pay for fish ( per K.G)

[] 300 [] 350 [] 400 [] 450

 From which ethnicity belonging you. ( if u eat fish than only attain this)
[] Brahmin/ chettri [] Janajati/dalit [] Others

 From where does u like to purchase fish?

[] Shop [] Street


Sample size-10

Respondent- Farmer, Expert And labor

 How many ponds are relevance in the per kattha?

[] 1pond [] 2ponds [] 3ponds

 The relevance water temperature in ponds.
[] 10-15 degree-C [] 16-20 degree-C [] 21-25 degree-C [] above 26
 Effective marketing & promotion strategy for increasing sales.
[] Internet [] TV [] Newspaper

 Technical knowledge about fish is necessary in fish farming.

[] Strongly agree [] Agree [] Neutral
[] Disagree [] strongly disagree

 Daily food nutrition & supplements affect the size, Quality & Test of fish.
[] Strongly agree [] Agree [] Neutral
[] Disagree [] strongly disagree


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