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CMN 312: Sound Theory

Final Project - Stage 2: Writing the Treatment

Anika Rahman

Working Title

A television commercial of a delivery service that delivers over-the-counter contraceptives

within 15 minutes to a couple who needs the product immediately.

There are three main characters in this commercial; a girl, a boy and the delivery man. The girl,
Mayisha, is a 24 year old University student. The boy, Riasat, is of the same age and her close

Mayisha and her friends are hanging out with Riasat at his house. It’s around 5 pm. They’re
taking turns playing darts. As more time is passing Riasat and Mayisha are giving each other
secretive looks.
Riasat signals Mayisha to see him in a more secluded corner. Mayisha walks over to him. They
start talking inaudibly and their body language is showing that they’re interested in each other.
They walk into a room together.
The door closes and two flowers are shown moving. The flowers represent the two characters
being intimate. Suddenly, the flowers stop moving and Riasat is shown opening his bedside
drawer. The drawer seems to be empty. Riasat turns to Mayisha and indicates that the drawer is
empty by shrugging. He looks sorry while she looks annoyed.
Mayisha takes her phone in her hand. She opens the delivery service app and picks out the
condom option. The order gets placed and the app notifies her that the delivery will be in 15
Mayisha tosses her phone on the bed and the flowers come back to the screen. After 15 minutes
pass, the doorbell rings. Riasat opens the door to a delivery man holding a package. The delivery
man gives him a funny look. Riasat looks embarrassed but grateful.
The name and logo of the delivery service appears on the screen.

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