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Working Together for School Success

January 2021

Harding Academy
Melissa Canterbury, School Counselor

Think like a
Organized for a new year
Does your child understand the differ- It’s no surprise that students who
ence between an observation (what she are organized tend to do better in
sees) and an inference (what she con- school. Could your youngster
cludes from the evidence)? Help her use some help in this depart-
by pointing out things you observe ment? Share these strategies for
and what she can infer. (“There are overcoming common pitfalls
footprints in the mud, so someone and starting 2021 off on the
probably walked there after it rained.”) right foot.
Car safety Problem: “I forgot to do my
Keep your youngster safe in the car by assignment.”
making sure his lap belt lies across his Solution: Lists and calendars
upper thighs and the shoulder belt fits Encourage your child to
across his chest. If his seat belt doesn’t end each day by making a to-do
fit right, he still needs a booster seat. list for tomorrow. He can add to it subject—each with a subfolder just for
Most kids “graduate” from a booster as he gets new assignments. He’ll be homework. Also, have him back up files
when they’re 4 feet 9 inches tall, typi- less apt to forget anything, and he’ll regularly to a thumb drive or a school-
cally between the ages of 8 and 12. find it satisfying to cross out com- approved cloud app.
Dealing with swearing pleted tasks. Also, he could keep a
Problem: “My book is here …
Youngsters sometimes experiment calendar for upcoming tests, presenta-
with curse words to impress friends tions, and projects.
Solution: The five-minute rule
or express anger. Consider making a Problem: “I lost my homework.” Let your child in on a little secret:
“nice language” rule that applies to Solution: A filing system The time he spends staying organized
children and adults, since your child Suggest that your youngster keep will actually save him time in the long
will follow your example. And let her his backpack nearby while he does run. This is where the five-minute rule
know what the consequence will be homework. After he finishes each comes in. Before he begins working
for swearing. assignment, he can put it directly into each day, have him set a timer for five
Worth quoting his backpack. Learning online? Help minutes and organize supplies, papers,
“Reading is important, because if you him create a computer folder for each and books until the timer goes off.♥
can read, you can learn anything
about everything and everything
about anything.” Tomie dePaola What did you learn today?
Expressing interest in school lets your child
know her learning is important to you. Consider
these tips:
Q: Why do you need a ● Ask your youngster to demonstrate something
dictionary when you she did in school. She might teach you the steps
talk to giants? in long division or a song she sang in music. If
A: They use big words!
she’s learning remotely, ask her to show you what
apps she uses and how she submits assignments.
● Weave a conversation about school into your evening routine. For example, while
you make dinner, invite your youngster to tell you all the cool facts she learned about
ancient Egypt during today’s history lesson.♥

© 2020 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated

Home & School CONNECTION ®
January 2021 • Page 2

Mindfulness for kids Thought balloons. Have your

youngster sit quietly with her eyes
Mindfulness is the practice of slow- closed. She should focus on breath-
ing down and focusing on the moment ing in slowly for a count of four
as a way to relax. Suggest that your and holding her breath for four
youngster try these strategies to seconds. Next, she can exhale all
reduce stress. the air slowly, pretending she’s
Five senses. Encourage your child blowing any worries into a giant
to notice something different with balloon. Then, she could imag-
each of her five senses. She might see ine the balloon—and her wor-
snow falling, hear the dog snoring, ries—floating away.
touch her cozy sweatshirt, smell the fire Limp noodles. Ask your child
burning in the fireplace, and taste an orange. to lie on the floor and pretend
she’s an uncooked noodle by stiff-
ening all her muscles. Now have her loosen her toes, feet,
ankles, legs, and the rest of her body until she’s a completely
limp (and relaxed) noodle!♥

At-home field trips Paper engineering

My son Carson loves school field trips,
but he hasn’t been able to go on any since Why do so many buildings
the pandemic began. So we’ve been tak- have cylinder-shaped columns? Let your child
ing virtual field trips—and they’re inspir- experiment to find out.
ing real-life learning! Materials: three sheets of construction paper,
This past fall, we “toured” national tape, hardback books
parks online to see fall foliage in different Have your child make three paper columns like this:
parts of the country. Then, we walked
1. Roll paper lengthwise into a cylinder, and secure with tape.
around our neighborhood, and Carson rectangular col-
sketched the colorful trees he saw. 2. Fold paper into fourths lengthwise. Unfold, and shape into a
umn. Tape the edges together.
3. Fold paper into thirds lengthwise. Tape into a triangular column
Now it’s time to test the columns. Your youngster can stand them up and care-
fully stack books, one at a time, on top.
What happens? The cylinder supports multiple books, while a single book
instantly crushes the other two columns. Can your child figure out why?
Another time, we “rode” roller coast- in the rectangular and triangular
cylinder’s shape distributes weight evenly. The folds
ers on theme-park websites. This led Car- columns create points of weakness.)♥
son to experiment with building a roller
coaster for his toy cars out of cardboard
While our virtual trips aren’t the same Talking about drugs
as going to real places, Carson is learning Q: My daughter is in third grade. her over-the-counter medicine, ask her to
a lot from them, both online and with his Is it too soon to talk about drugs? help you carefully read the label and dou-
projects afterward. And we’re having A: Actually, children are never too young ble-check the dosage. Explain that it’s
fun exploring the world as a family — to start learning about drugs. At this age, dangerous to take more than the recom-
from home. your daughter is more likely to be open mended amount. Or let a TV commercial
Find more virtual field trip ideas at about her questions and opinions— about addiction spark a discussion about♥ and to listen to yours. what addiction means (being depen-
O U R P U R P O S E Watch for teachable moments dent on drugs).
To provide busy parents with practical ideas in everyday life. If her doc- Note: Stay up to
that promote school success, parent involvement,
tor prescribes medicine, date on the latest
and more effective parenting.
you could use the oppor- information about
Resources for Educators,
a division of CCH Incorporated tunity to talk about why children and drugs
128 N. Royal Avenue • Front Royal, VA 22630
she’s not allowed to take by visiting websites
800-394-5052 • medicine that wasn’t pre- like or
ISSN 1540-5621 scribed for her. If you give♥
© 2020 Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated

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