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Applied Differential Equations: 5CCM211A

Problem Sheet 1
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1. In each of the following problems, determine the order of the differential equation:
(a) t2 ddt2y + t dy
+ 2y = sin t
(b) dt
+ ty 3 = 0
dy 3
(c) dt3
+ t dy
+ (sin2 t)y = t3

2. In each of the following problems, verify that each given function is a solution of the differential
d2 y
(a) dt2
− y = 0; y1 = et
(b) t dy
− y = t2 ; y = 3t + t2
dy 2 Rt 2 2
(c) dt
− 2ty = 1; y = et 0 e−s ds + et

3. Which of the following ODEs are first order linear ODEs?

(a) y 0 + cos ty = et
(b) yy 0 = 2t + 1
(c) y 0 + t cos y = 0
(d) t2 y 0 − y = sin t

4. Find the integrating factor and general solution of the following first order linear initial value prob-

(a) y 0 − 2y = e−t , y(0) = 1

t2 +t
(b) y 0 − 2ty = e , y(0) = 0

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