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Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876


The effectiveness of interventions for reducing subjective

and objective social isolation among people with mental health
problems: a systematic review
Ruimin Ma1 · Farhana Mann1 · Jingyi Wang1 · Brynmor Lloyd‑Evans1 · James Terhune1 · Ahmed Al‑Shihabi2 ·
Sonia Johnson1,3 

Received: 13 November 2018 / Accepted: 17 October 2019 / Published online: 19 November 2019
© The Author(s) 2019

Purpose  Subjective and objective social isolation are important factors contributing to both physical and mental health
problems, including premature mortality and depression. This systematic review evaluated the current evidence for the
effectiveness of interventions to improve subjective and/or objective social isolation for people with mental health problems.
Primary outcomes of interest included loneliness, perceived social support, and objective social isolation.
Methods  Three databases were searched for relevant randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Studies were included if they
evaluated interventions for people with mental health problems and had objective and/or subjective social isolation (includ-
ing loneliness) as their primary outcome, or as one of a number of outcomes with none identified as primary.
Results  In total, 30 RCTs met the review’s inclusion criteria: 15 included subjective social isolation as an outcome and 11
included objective social isolation. The remaining four evaluated both outcomes. There was considerable variability between
trials in types of intervention and participants’ characteristics. Significant results were reported in a minority of trials, but
methodological limitations, such as small sample size, restricted conclusions from many studies.
Conclusion  The evidence is not yet strong enough to make specific recommendations for practice. Preliminary evidence
suggests that promising interventions may include cognitive modification for subjective social isolation, and interventions
with mixed strategies and supported socialisation for objective social isolation. We highlight the need for more thorough,
theory-driven intervention development and for well-designed and adequately powered RCTs.

Keywords  Loneliness · Perceived social support · Objective social isolation · Mental health · Systematic review ·


Subjective social isolation and objective social isolation are

conceptually distinct [1] and often only moderately corre-
This article is part of the focused issue ‘Loneliness: contemporary lated [2]. The terms loneliness and perceived social support
insights on causes, correlates, and consequences’.
both refer to people’s subjective perception of their social
* Sonia Johnson world (i.e. subjective social isolation) [1, 3]. Loneliness is defined as the unpleasant experience that occurs when
there is a subjective discrepancy between desired and per-
Division of Psychiatry, University College London, ceived availability and quality of social interactions [4].
6th Floor, Maple House, 149 Tottenham Court Road,
London W1T 7NF, England, UK Perceived social support is the self-rated adequacy of the
2 social resources available to a person [5]. Well-established
UCL Medical School, University College London, 74
Huntley Street, London WC1E 6BT, England, UK and widely used measures of loneliness are available, such
3 as the UCLA Loneliness Scale [6]. Objective social isola-
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, St. Pancras
Hospital, 4 St. Pancras Way, London NW1 0PE, tion, meanwhile, involves having little social contact with
England, UK other people [7] and can be objectively defined based on


840 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

quantitative measures of social network size or the frequency subjective and/or objective social isolation among people
of social contacts with others [8]. A summary table of com- with a mental health diagnosis.
monly used measures of subjective and objective social iso- Masi’s meta-analysis in 2011 [34] has been considered
lation is provided in Appendix 1. one of the most comprehensive reviews to date examining
In a UK survey, approximately one in five of the general interventions for loneliness, identifying four main types
population reported being lonely in the preceding 2 weeks of intervention. However, Masi’s review included only 20
[9]. For people with mental health problems, the odds of RCTs and included all populations, not only people with
being lonely were eight times greater than for the general mental health problems. Thus, our paper adds to knowledge
population, and the odds were increased 20-fold for those from Masi’s review by providing an up-to-date synthesis
with two or three diagnoses (e.g. depression and schizo- of interventions for loneliness in people with mental health
phrenia), compared to those without any diagnosis [10]. problems, using a typology of interventions targeting lone-
Objective social isolation, including having fewer friends liness and related constructs recently developed by Mann
[11] and being less likely to date [12], is also more com- and her team [39]. This typology distinguishes among the
mon among people with mental health problems than in the following: (1) interventions involving changing maladaptive
general population. Loneliness has adverse health effects, cognitions about others (e.g. cognitive-behavioural therapy
such as an impaired immune system [13], elevated blood or reframing); (2) social skills training and psychoeduca-
pressure [14], depression [15], and cognitive decline [16]. tion programmes (e.g. family psychoeducation therapy);
Moreover, loneliness is associated with poorer quality of (3) supported socialisation (e.g. peer support groups, social
life [17] and personal recovery [18], and with more severe recreation groups); and (4) wider community approaches
mental health symptoms [19]. Similarly, a number of nega- (e.g. social prescribing and asset-based community develop-
tive health outcomes have been found to be associated with ment approaches). These community approaches maximise
objective social isolation, for example, increased all-cause individuals’ engagement with social resources and/or aim to
mortality rate [20], poor physical health outcomes [21, develop social resources at the level of whole communities.
22], worse psychotic symptoms [23, 24], depressive symp-
toms [24], and higher risk of dementia [25]. Conversely,
social support that is perceived as sufficient is associated Methods
with less severe psychiatric symptoms, higher functioning,
better personal recovery, greater self-esteem and empower- We conducted the current systematic review to evaluate the
ment, and improved quality of life [26]. These associations evidence for the effectiveness of interventions designed to
between subjective and objective social isolation and poorer alleviate subjective social isolation (including loneliness and
outcomes [27–30] make interventions designed to alleviate perceived social support) and/or objective social isolation
social isolation of high interest. Subjective social isolation among people with mental health problems.
has recently been increasingly recognised as a treatment
priority for people with serious mental illness [31]. By Inclusion criteria
targeting both subjective and objective social isolation as
main outcomes in the current review, we aimed to establish Types of study
the extent of the current evidence base for interventions for
each of these potential treatment targets and to understand Only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were included,
the similarities or differences between the characteristics with no restrictions on publication dates, the country of ori-
of interventions that work for subjective and for objective gin or language.
social isolation.
Some authors have previously systematically reviewed Participants
interventions for subjective social isolation [30, 32–35]
and objective social isolation [36–38] (Appendix 2). The People primarily diagnosed with mental health conditions
most recent systematic review focused on subjective social were included, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic
isolation among people with mental health problems was disorder, psychosis/schizophrenia or bipolar disorders. Any
published in 2005 [35]. Three more recent systematic method of identifying or diagnosing people as mentally ill
reviews focused on aspects of objective social isolation: one was acceptable. There was no restriction on the age of the
reviewed interventions to increase network size in psycho- participants. However, studies where the samples were peo-
sis [37] and the other two examined interventions targeting ple with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability, autistic
social participation in people with mental health problems spectrum disorders, dementia, any other organic illnesses,
[36, 38]. Thus, there is no up-to-date systematic review substance misuse or physical health problems were excluded,
of evidence for a full range of interventions to alleviate even if some had comorbid mental health diagnoses.

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876 841

Interventions the screening process. The final list of included papers was
confirmed only when RM, FM, and AA agreed on all papers.
This review included interventions which were designed Any differences were resolved in consultation with a further
to alleviate subjective or/and objective social isolation for independent reviewer (SJ). Data were extracted by RM and
people with mental health problems. Papers were included FM by using a standardised form developed for the review,
if subjective or objective social isolation was a primary out- including items related to publication year and country,
come and excluded if they were secondary outcomes, with study design, experimental settings, participants, the nature
another clearly specified primary outcome. Trials were also of the intervention, follow-up details, primary and secondary
included if a clear distinction was not made between primary outcomes, any exclusions of participants, and the reasons for
and secondary outcomes, with subjective and/or objective these, confounders, and risk of bias.
social isolation as one of a number of main outcomes.
Quality assessment
The Cochrane Risk of Bias tool [40] was used for the qual-
We included trials where the control group received treat- ity assessment. Each included paper was assessed by two
ment-as-usual, however defined, no treatment or a waiting- reviewers (RM and FM/JT) regarding the following domains:
list control. We also included trials which compared differ- sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding of
ent active treatment groups. participants, personnel and outcome assessors, incomplete
outcome data, selective outcome reporting and other sources
Outcomes of bias. For each paper, a final decision for each domain was
made only if both assessors agreed. If there was disagree-
The primary outcomes were subjective social isolation ment, a third independent assessor (SJ) was consulted.
(including  loneliness and perceived social support) and
objective social isolation. End-of-treatment outcomes, Synthesis plan
medium-term outcomes (i.e. up to one year beyond the end-
of-treatment time point) and longer-term follow-up out- A narrative synthesis was conducted for this systematic
comes (i.e. more than one year beyond the end-of-treatment review based on the principles from the ESRC’s Guid-
time point) were reported separately. The following second- ance on the Conduct of Narrative Synthesis in Systematic
ary outcomes were also examined: health status, quality of Reviews [41]. The included trials were grouped into three
life, and service use. categories: (1) trials that included subjective social isola-
tion as an outcome (primary or one of several, with none
Search strategy specified as primary); (2) trials that included objective social
isolation as an outcome; and (3) trials that included both
Three databases were systematically searched for relevant outcomes. Due to the expected heterogeneity in samples and
literature: Medline, Web of Science and PsycINFO. Three intervention types from this broad review, meta-analysis was
groups of search terms were combined: (1) subjective and judged to be inappropriate.
objective social isolation (e.g. loneliness); (2) mental disor-
ders (e.g. psychosis, depression, post-traumatic stress dis-
order) and (3) trials (e.g. RCT). For detailed search terms, Results
please see Appendix 3. Reference lists from included stud-
ies, relevant systematic reviews, and meta-analyses were The initial literature search retrieved 5220 papers in total,
hand-searched. Grey literature was searched through Open- of which 30 were found to be eligible for inclusion. The
Grey by using keywords ‘loneliness’, ‘perceived social sup- PRISMA flow diagram (Fig. 1) shows details of the screen-
port’ and ‘social isolation’. ing process.
The 30 trials involved 3080 participants in total, with
Data extraction individual trial sample sizes ranging from 21 to 357. Nine-
teen trials had fewer than 100 participants. The median
RM and FM reviewed all titles and abstracts, AA screened number was 88, and the interquartile range (IQR) was 104.
half of the papers we retrieved, and final decisions regarding Authors from nine trials specified sample size calculations.
whether a paper should be included or not were made by all The search was conducted in July 2017 and all trials were
three independent reviewers. The primary reviewer (RM) published between 1976 and 2016. Thirteen trials were
reviewed all full-text papers retrieved, and inter-rater reli- conducted in the US, 11 in Europe, 3 in Israel, 2 in China,
ability was also evaluated as good between reviewers during and 1 in Canada. Thirteen interventions were conducted


842 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

Fig. 1  PRISMA diagram for

literature search

individually, nine interventions were delivered in groups, to 36 months beyond the end of treatment. The Multidimen-
four involved individual and group support, and four were sional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and UCLA
implemented online. Ten trials compared different active Loneliness Scale were frequently administered. The measures
treatments, four of which had no control group. The remain- used in 14 trials have been shown to have good validity and
ing 20 trials compared intervention groups with a control reliability, but one trial [44] did not use a well-established scale.
group: 13 involved treatment-as-usual groups, 5 involved Nine trials involved people with common mental illnesses (e.g.
waiting-list controls, and 2 involved no-treatment controls. depression), three involved people with severe mental illnesses
(e.g. schizophrenia), and three included people with a variety
Interventions to reduce subjective social isolation of mental health diagnoses. The majority of the trials had small
sample sizes (< 100); only four trials had more than 200 partici-
Fifteen trials included subjective social isolation as pri- pants. Five trials included a sample size calculation.
mary outcome, or as one of several outcomes with none Three trials involved online interventions, one trial com-
specified as primary (Table 1). bined online intervention and telephone support, four tri-
Two trials included only end-of-treatment outcomes [42, 43]. als implemented face-to-face group intervention, five used
The follow-up period of the other 13 trials ranged from 1 week face-to-face individual therapy, and the remaining two

Table 1  Trials that included subjective social isolation as outcome
Main author, sample and Intervention categorisation Intervention name and dura- Follow-up Social isolation and other Subjective social isolation
setting tion outcome measures outcomes

Group-based intervention
 Hasson-Ohayon [42]—210 Psychoeducation, social skills Illness Management and End-of-treatment follow-up Subjective social isolation No significant changes in
adults with severe mental training Recovery Programme vs. (8 months) outcome: the Multidimen- perceived social support for
illness treatment-as-usual control sional Scale of Perceived either group. p > 0.05a
Psychiatric community reha- group Social Support (MSPSS)
bilitation centre in Israel Duration: 8 months [57]
(secondary care setting) Other outcome: personal
 Silverman [43]—96 adults Psychoeducation Live educational music ther- End-of-treatment follow-up Subjective social isolation No significant between-group
with varied Axis I diag- apy (condition A), recorded (24 weeks) outcome: the MSPSS [57] difference in total perceived
noses educational music therapy social support for condition
Acute care psychiatric unit (condition B), education A vs. B, condition A and B
in a University hospital, without music (condi- vs. condition C, as well as for
the Midwestern region in tion C), recreational music condition A and B vs. D (all
the US (secondary care therapy without education p > 0.05)
setting) (condition D) (F (3.87) = 1.50, p = 0.22)
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

Duration: 24 weeks Partial effect size = 0.028 for

support from significant
other, 0.015 for support from
family, 0.094 for support
from friends, and 0.049 for
total support
Only a significant between-
group difference between
condition A vs. D on a friend
subscale, 95% CI (0.47,
10.40), adjusted p = 0.02,
mean difference = 5.34
 Boevink [44] - 163 adults Supported socialisation Toward Recovery, Empow- 1 medium-term follow-up: Subjective social isolation No between-group difference in
with mental illness erment and Experiential 12 months (post-baseline) outcome: the De Jong- loneliness, 95% CI (− 0.31,
Mental health care organisa- Expertise (TREE) + care-as- 1 long-term follow-up: Gierveld Loneliness Scale 0.30) (effect size linear
tions (community treat- usual vs. care-as-usual con- 24 months (post-baseline) [58] tread B = − 0.053, p = 0.98),
ment team and sheltered trol group Other outcomes: quality of standardised effect size was
housing organisations) in Duration: 104 weeks for Life; psychiatric symptoms − 0.001 for each year of expo-
the Netherlands (second- early starters and 52 weeks sure to TREE programme
ary care setting) for late starters


Table 1  (continued)

Main author, sample and Intervention categorisation Intervention name and dura- Follow-up Social isolation and other Subjective social isolation
setting tion outcome measures outcomes

 Eggert [45]—105 high Supported socialisation, Assessment protocol plus 2 medium-term follow-ups: Subjective social isolation All 3 groups showed increased
school students with poor social skills training 1-semester Personal 5 and 10 months (post- outcomes: perceived social network social support F lin-
grades (moderate or severe and wider community Growth Class (PGCI) vs. baseline) support was measured by ear (1,100) = 32.08, p < 0.001
depression) approaches Assessment protocol plus a calculating average ratings No significant between-group
5 urban high schools in the 2-semester Personal Growth across 6 network support difference between all groups
US (general population Class (PGCII) vs. an assess- sources. Instrumental and F linear (1,100) = 1.98,
setting) ment protocol-only expressive support provided p = 0.143
Duration: 5 months or 90 by each network support
class days in length for source (e.g. family, friends)
PGCI, and 10 months or was also rated on a scale
190 class days in length Other outcome: depressive
for PGCII symptoms
Individual-based intervention
 Zang [46]—30 adults aged Changing cognitions Narrative Exposure Therapy End-of-treatment follow-up Subjective social isolation Both NET and NET-R showed
28–80 with post-traumatic (NET) vs. Narrative (2 weeks for NET, 1 week outcome: the MSPSS [57] effects on perceived social
stress disorder (PTSD) Exposure Therapy Revised for NET-R) Other outcomes: anxiety and support after treatment, but
Beichuan County in China (NET-R) vs. waiting-list 2 medium-term follow-ups: depressive symptoms; PTSD no significant between-group
(general population set- control group 1 week (for NET) or 2 symptoms difference between the two
ting) Duration: 2 weeks for NET weeks (for NET-R), and 3 groups (F (2,26) = 0.14,
and 1 week for NET-R months p > 0.05)
group No significant between-group
difference between either
treatment group (NET and
NET-R) and the waiting-list
control in perceived social
support (both p > 0.05)
 Zang [47]—22 adults aged Changing cognitions NET intervention vs. waiting- End-of-treatment follow-up Subjective social isolation No significant between-group
37–75 with PTSD list control group (2 weeks) outcome: the MSPSS [57] difference in perceived social
Beichuan Country in China Duration: 2 weeks 2 medium-term follow-ups: Other outcomes: subjective support (F (1,19) = 4.25,
(general population set- 2 weeks, and 2 months level of distress; depressive p = 0.05, d = 0.33)
ting) symptoms
 Gawrysiak [48]—30 adults Psychoeducation, social skills Behavioural Activation 1 medium-term follow-up: Subjective social isolation No significant between-group
aged ≥ 18 with depression training and supported Treatment for Depression 2 weeks outcome: the MSPSS [57] difference in perceived social
A public Southeastern Uni- socialisation (BATD) vs. no-treatment Other outcomes: depres- support (F (1,28) = 3.11,
versity in the US (general control group sive symptoms; anxiety p = 0.08, d = 0.70)
population setting) Duration: single session lasted symptoms
90 min
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876
Table 1  (continued)
Main author, sample and Intervention categorisation Intervention name and dura- Follow-up Social isolation and other Subjective social isolation
setting tion outcome measures outcomes

 Conoley [49]—57 female Changing cognitions Reframing vs. self-control vs. End-of-treatment follow-up Subjective social isolation No significant treatment effect
psychology undergraduate waiting-list control group (2 weeks) outcome: the Revised was found (F (2,108) = 0.60,
students with moderate Duration: 2 weeks 1 medium-term follow-up: University of California Los p > 0.05b)
depression 2 weeks Angeles (UCLA) Loneli-
University Psychology ness Scale [59]; The Causal
department in the US (gen- Dimension Scale [60]
eral population setting) Other outcome: depressive
 Bjorkman [50]—77 adults Social skills training The case management service 2 long-term follow-ups: 18 Subjective social isolation No significant between-group
aged 19–51 with severe vs. standard care and 36 months outcome: the abbreviated difference between two
mental illness Duration: unclear version of the Interview groups in social outcomes
Case management service in Schedule for Social Interac- (p > 0.05)c
Sweden (secondary care tion (ISSI) [61]
setting) Other outcomes: psychiatric
symptoms; quality of life;
use of psychiatric services
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

Mixed-format (group- and individual-based)

 Mendelson [51]—78 Changing cognitions Standard home visiting End-of-treatment follow-up Subjective social isolation No significant between-group
depressed women aged services + The Mother (6 weeks) outcome: the Interpersonal difference in perceived social
14–41 who were either and Babies (MB) course 2 medium-term follow-ups: 3 Support Evaluation List support, β = 6.67, SE = 0.03,
pregnant or had a child vs. standard home visiting and 6 months (ISEL) [62] p < 0.10d
less than 6 months old services + information on
Home visiting programme perinatal depression
in Baltimore City in the Duration: 6 weeks
US (general population
 Masia-Warner [52]—35 Psychoeducation/social Skills for Social and Aca- End-of-treatment follow-up Subjective social isolation No significant treatment effect,
high school students with skills training, supported demic Success vs. waiting- (3 months) outcome: Loneliness Scale effect size = 0.20e, p > 0.05
social anxiety disorder socialisation and changing list control group 1 medium-term follow-up: [63]
2 parochial high schools in cognitions Duration: 3 months 9 months Other outcomes: anxiety
New York, US (general symptoms; social phobic
population setting) symptoms; depressive
Online intervention
 Kaplan [53]—300 adults Supported socialisation Experimental peer support 2 medium-term follow-ups: Subjective social isolation No significant between-
with schizophrenia spec- listserv vs. experimental 4 and 12 months (post- outcome: the Medical Out- group difference on MOS
trum or affective disorder peer support bulletin board baseline) comes Study (MOS) Social (F (1,298) = 0.08, p = 0.93),
Online in the US (general vs. waiting-list control group Support Survey [64] also not significant when two
population setting) Duration: 12 months Other outcomes: personal experimental groups com-
recovery; quality of life; pared to the control group
psychiatric symptoms separately (p > 0.05)


Table 1  (continued)

Main author, sample and Intervention categorisation Intervention name and dura- Follow-up Social isolation and other Subjective social isolation
setting tion outcome measures outcomes

 Rotondi [54]—30 patients Psychoeducation Telehealth intervention vs. 2 medium-term follow-ups: Subjective social isolation No significant between-group
aged ≥ 14 with schizo- usual care group 3 and 6 months (post- outcome: the informational difference on perceived social
phrenia or schizoaffective Duration: unclear baseline) support and emotional sup- support (F (1,27) = 3.79,
disorder port subscales of the instru- p = 0.062)
In- and out-patient psychiat- ment that was developed by
ric care units and psychi- Krause and Markides [65]
atric rehabilitation centres
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
(secondary care setting)
 O’Mahen [55]—83 women Psychoeducation and sup- Netmums Helping with End-of-treatment follow-up Subjective social isolation No significant between-group
aged > 18 with major ported socialisation Depression (HWD) vs. (unclear) outcome: the Social Provi- difference in perceived sup-
depressive disorder treatment-as-usual control 1 medium-term follow-up: sion Scale [66] port between the intervention
(MDD) group 6 months Other outcomes: depres- and control group (95% CI
Online in the UK (general Duration: unclear sive symptoms; anxiety 1.02, − 0.02), medium effect
population setting) symptoms size = 0.50 (p = 0.27)
 Interian [56]—103 veterans Psychoeducation and chang- The Family of Heroes 1 medium-term follow-up: Subjective social isolation Intervention group reported
with PTSD ing cognitions intervention vs. no-treat- 2 months (post-baseline) outcome: the family sub- a higher chance of having a
Online in the US (primary ment control group scale of the MSPSS [57] decreased perceived family
care setting) Duration: unclear support over time than the
control group (p = 0.04)f
 Effect size, confidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
 Confidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
 Effect size, confidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
 Effect size and confidence interval not available in the paper
 Confidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
 Effect size not available in the paper
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876 847

combined both group and individual formats. Interventions Interventions to reduce objective social isolation
in two trials involved supported socialisation, four trials
evaluated psychoeducation/social skills training, four had Eleven trials included objective social isolation as pri-
cognition modification elements, and five trials mixed dif- mary outcome, or as one of several outcomes with none
ferent intervention types. The duration of the interventions identified as primary (Table 2).
ranged from 1 week to 104 weeks, while such information Of 11 trials, one trial [67] only included end-of-treatment
was missing in four trials and one trial involved only a single outcomes. The follow-up period of the other ten trials ranged
intervention session (Appendices 4 and 5). from 4 weeks to 2 years beyond the end-of-treatment. In eight
Regarding quality assessment, method of randomisation trials, validated objective social isolation scales were used.
was mentioned in half of the trials. Information on alloca- In one trial, objective social isolation was measured by sum-
tion concealment, missing data, and blinding were not suf- marising the number, frequency, and type of social connec-
ficiently described in most trials. For detailed quality assess- tions [73], one trial combined both methods [70], and we
ments, please see Appendix 6. could not establish the validity of the measure used in another
Of the ten trials that compared an active intervention trial because too little detail was provided [71]. Three trials
with a control group [42, 44, 47, 48, 50–52, 54–56], none included people with common mental health problems, six
of the authors reported a significant between-group differ- trials involved people with severe mental illnesses, and two
ence. In the five trials comparing at least two different active trials included diagnostically mixed populations. Most trials
interventions [43, 45, 46, 49, 53], only Silverman and col- involved fewer than 100 participants, and only two had more
leagues [43] found significant between-group differences, than 200. Three trials included a sample size calculation.
reporting a greater improvement in perceived social support Seven trials were implemented in an individual format,
from friends (measured by MSPSS friend subscale) in an three were group-based interventions, and one involved both
intervention group involving both music therapy and psych- group and individual sessions, plus telephone support. Two
oeducation than in other treatment groups (e.g. music alone). trials involved a psychoeducation component/social skills
However, differences were not found in other outcomes and training, one included supported socialisation opportuni-
this trial did not involve a waiting-list or treatment-as-usual ties, the intervention type of another trial was unclear, and
control. As most trials had small samples and lacked sample the other seven trials involved interventions with multiple
size calculations, clear conclusions cannot be drawn from components. The duration of the interventions ranged from
negative results. 12 weeks to 2 years where this was specified, but such infor-
Eleven out of 15 trials included measures of other rel- mation was not given in four trials (Appendices 4 and 5).
evant outcomes [42, 44–50, 52, 53, 55]. Of these 11 trials, A description of the randomisation process was only
positive outcomes were reported by authors of seven trials. included in three trials. Allocation concealment detail
Improved depressive symptoms were reported in trials of was described in five trials. Authors of seven trials did not
interventions with mixed strategies with the following par- report how they dealt with missing data. For detailed quality
ticipant groups: adults in the community [48], urban high assessments, please see Appendix 6.
schoolers [45], and women with major depressive disorders Of the six trials that compared an active treatment group
[55]. Another mixed intervention had an effect on social with a control group [67–69, 71, 73, 76], findings of four
avoidance and social phobia among high school students trials suggested superior outcomes for their intervention
[52]. A diagnostically mixed participant group exhibited groups over their control groups on objective social isola-
improved progress towards personal recovery and personal tion measures: a psychoeducation programme for adults with
goals with psychoeducation/social skills training [42], and schizophrenia [67], a social network intervention for people
a mixed sample who received supported socialisation [44] diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders [73], a
also reported an improvement in quality of life. However, preventive senior centre group for seniors with mild depres-
results on some outcomes in some of the trials did not show sion [69], and Social Cognition and Interaction Training
significant differences: an intervention with positive results (SCIT) for patients with various diagnoses [68]. One trial
for depression did not improve anxiety [48]; a case manage- involving social education for people with schizophrenia and
ment service was not associated with any change in quality one trial involving home assessment teams for people with
of life [50]; an online intervention for people with schizo- mood disorders did not lead to any improvements in objec-
phrenia did not lead to any differences in quality of life or tive social isolation [71, 76].
symptoms [53]. Of the five trials that compared different active interven-
tions [70, 72, 74, 75, 77], positive findings were reported in
two trials. One trial included systematic desensitisation and
social skills training interventions: both were found to be
superior to the control group for increasing social contacts in


Table 2  Trials that included objective social isolation as outcome


Main author, sample and Intervention catego- Intervention name and dura- Follow-up Objective social isolation and Objective social isolation outcome
setting risation tion other outcome measures

Group-based intervention
 Atkinson [67]—146 Psychoeducation The education group vs. End-of-treatment follow- Objective social isolation outcome: Significant between-group difference in
registered patients with waiting-list control group up (20 weeks) a modified Social Network the total number of contacts after the
schizophrenia Duration: 20 weeks 1 medium-term follow- Schedule (SNS) [78] intervention (t = 4.4, p < 0.001) and at
Community clinic in south up: 3 months Other outcomes: quality of life; follow-up (t = 3.6, p < 0.001).
Glasgow, UK (secondary psychiatric symptoms; overall Significant between-group difference
care setting) functioning in the number of confidants after the
intervention (t = 3, p = 0.004) and at
follow-up (t = 2.8, p = 0.006)
Significant between-group difference
over time from post-group (t = 2.8,
p = 0.007) to follow-up (t = 2.5,
p = 0.02)
 Hasson-Ohayon [68]—55 Wider community Social Cognition and 1 medium-term follow- Objective social isolation outcome: Experimental group showed sig-
adults aged 21–62 with approaches, psych- Interaction Training up: 6 months the socio-engagement and nificantly more improvement in
various mental illness oeducation/social (SCIT) + social mentoring interpersonal-communication social engagement than the con-
3 psychiatric rehabilitation skills training and vs. social mentoring only subscales of the Social Function- trols (F (1,53) = 28.9, p < 0.001,
agencies and the Univer- changing cognitions Duration: unclear ing Scale (SFS) [79] effect size = 0.35), but no signifi-
sity Community Clinic in cant between-group difference for
Bar-Ilan University, Israel the interpersonal communication
(secondary care setting) subscale (F (1,53) = 0.55, p = 0.464,
effect size = 0.01)
 Bøen [69]—138 seniors Supported socialisa- A preventive senior centre End-of-treatment follow- Objective social isolation outcome: Both groups had an increased level of
with mild depression tion and wider com- group programme vs. up (1 year) the Oslo-3 Social Support Scale social support, but greater improve-
2 Municipal districts in munity approaches waiting-list control [80]a ment in the intervention group than
eastern and western Oslo, Duration: 1 year Other outcomes: depressive symp- the control group, d = 0.12, 95% CI
Norway (general popula- toms; life satisfaction (− 0.47, 0.81).
tion setting)
Individual-based intervention
 Solomon [70]—96 adults Supported socialisa- Consumer management team 2 medium-term follow- Objective social isolation out- No significant between-group differ-
with schizophrenia or tion and wider com- vs. non-consumer manage- ups: 1 month and 1 year comes: family and social con- ence in social networks (p > 0.05)b
major affective disorders munity approaches ment team (post-baseline) tacts; Pattison’s Social Network On average, participants identified 2.72
A community mental health Duration: unclear Scale [81] persons in their social network, 1.55
centre in the US (second- Other outcomes: use of services; positive network members and 1.60
ary care setting) quality of life; psychiatric family members
 Aberg-Wistedt [71]—40 Psychoeducation/ The intensive case manage- One long-term follow-up: Objective social isolation outcome: Social network of the experimental
adults with schizophrenia social skills training ment programme vs. stand- 2 years (post-baseline) the number of people in partici- group increased, while it decreased
or long-term psychotic ard services pants’ social life was measured for the control group, but no sig-
disorder Duration: 2 years by a standardised procedure nificant between-group difference
The Kungsholmen sector in developed from work with child (p > 0.004)c
Stockholm, Sweden (sec- psychiatric patients [82]
ondary care setting) Other outcomes: quality of life;
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

service use
Table 2  (continued)
Main author, sample and Intervention catego- Intervention name and dura- Follow-up Objective social isolation and Objective social isolation outcome
setting risation tion other outcome measures

 Stravynski [72]—22 adults Social skills training Social skills training vs. End-of-treatment follow- Objective social isolation out- No significant between-group differ-
aged 22–57 with diffuse and changing cogni- Social skill training + cogni- up (14 weeks) come: objective social isolation ence in social isolation, all groups
social phobia and avoidant tions tive modification 1 medium-term follow- subscale of the Structured and reported less experience of social
personality disorder Duration: 14 weeks up: 6 months Scaled Interview to Assess Mal- isolation over time p > 0.05d
The Maudsley hospital in adjustment (SSIAM) [83]
London, UK (secondary Other outcome: depressive symp-
care setting) toms
 Terzian [73]—357 adults Supported socialisa- Social network interven- 1 medium-term follow-up: Objective social isolation outcome: In this paper, a social network
aged < 45 diagnosed as tion and wider com- tion + usual treatments vs. 1 year (post-baseline) social networks measured by improvement was defined as
on the schizophrenia spec- munity approaches usual treatments 1 long-term follow-up: different parameters of relation- an increase in the number, frequency,
trum by the ICD-10th Duration: 3–6 months 2 years (post-baseline) ships were assessed, all were importance or closeness of relation-
47 community mental health summarised into a score ships, and an overall social network
services (SPT) in Italy Other outcomes: psychiatric symp- improvement was definied as an
(secondary care setting) toms; hospitalisation over the improvement in intimate or working
follow-up year relationships. Significant between-
group differences in the improvement
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

of social network and overall social

network improvement were found
An improvement in social network was
found at year 1 in 25% of patients in
control group and 39.9% of patients
in the experimental group (OR 2.0,
95% CI 1.3–3.1; AOR 2.4, 95% CI
At year 1, an overall social network
improvement was reported for 30.8%
of the routine group and 44.5% of the
experimental group (OR 1.8, 95% CI
1.2–2.8; AOR 2.1, 95% 1.3–3.4)
These differences remained significant
at year 2 for social network improve-
ment (31.5% in the control group and
45.5% in the experimental group, OR
1.8, 95% CI 1.1–2.8; AOR 2.1, 95%
CI 1.3–3.5) and for overall social net-
work improvement (33.3% for routine
group, 47.9% for the experimental
group, OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.2–2.9; AOR
2.2, 95% CI 1.3–3.5)


Table 2  (continued)

Main author, sample and Intervention catego- Intervention name and dura- Follow-up Objective social isolation and Objective social isolation outcome
setting risation tion other outcome measures

 Solomon [74]—96 adults Supported socialisa- Consumer case management 2 medium-term follow- Objective social isolation outcome: No significant between-group dif-
with schizophrenia or tion and wider com- team vs. nonconsumer ups: 1 month and 1 year Pattison’s Social Network [81] ference in social outcome; also no
major affective disorders munity approaches management team (post-baseline) Other outcomes: quality of life; significant time and condition effect
A community mental health Duration: 2 years 1 long-term follow-up: psychiatric symptoms (F (12,78) = 1.19, p > 0.05e)
centre in the US (second- 2 years (post-baseline)
ary care setting)
 Marzillier [75]—21 adults Social skills training Systematic Desensitisation End-of-treatment follow- Objective social isolation outcome: No between-group difference between
aged 17–43 with a diagno- and changing cogni- (SD) vs. Social Skills Train- up (3.5 months) Revised-Social Diary and Stand- SST and SD in social activities and
sis of personality disorder tions ing (SST) vs. waiting-list 1 medium-term follow- ardised interview Schedule [75] social contacts (p > 0.05)
or neurosis control up: 6 months Other outcomes: anxiety disorders; SST had a greater improvement in
The Maudsley Hospital in Duration: 3.5 months mental state; personality assess- the range of social activities (F
London, UK (secondary ment (1,18) = 7.56, p < 0.025) and social
care setting) contacts (F (1,18) = 9.47, p < 0.0.01)
than the waiting-list group
SD had a greater increase in social
contacts than the waiting-list group
(F (1,18) = 12.46, p < 0.001)
 Cole [76]—32 adults with Nonspecific Home assessment group vs. 3 medium-term follow- Objective social isolation outcome: No significant between-group differ-
major depression, dys- type (intervention clinic assessment group ups: 4, 8 and 12 weeks Social Resources (SR) subscale ences in social resources (p > 0.05)f
thymic disorder or other group received a (treatment-as-usual) (post-baseline) from The Older Americans
affective disorder psychaitric assess- Duration: unclear Research and Service Centre
St. Mary’s Hospital in ment at home, Instrument (OARS) [84]
Montreal, Canada (primary compared to a Other outcomes: mental state;
care setting) standard treatment psychiatric symptoms
group who received
an assessment at
Mixed format (group- and individual-based)
 Rivera [77]—203 adults Supported socialisa- Peer-assisted care vs. 2 medium-term follow- Objective social isolation outcome: Only peer-assisted group showed an
with a psychotic or mood tion Nonconsumer assisted vs. ups: 6 and 12 months a modification of the Pattison increase in social contacts from
disorder on axis I standard care vs. clinic- (post-baseline) Network Inventory [85] baseline to 12-month follow-up
An inpatient unit in a city based care Other outcomes: quality of life; (F (2, 118) = 7.25, p < 0.01, effect
hospital in New York, US Duration: unclear psychiatric symptoms size = 0.11)
(secondary care setting) No significant between-group dif-
ference in other network measures
(p > 0.05)
 Due to the fact that the Oslo-3 scale focuses primarily on the practical aspects of social support, Bøen’s study was considered as a study only of objective social isolation
 Effect size, confidence intervals, and actual p value not available in the paper
 Effect size, confidence intervals, and actual p value not available in the paper; the significant level used in this study was p < 0.004
 Effect size not available in the paper
 Effect size, confidence interval, and actual p value not available in the paper
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

 Effect size, confidence interval, and actual p value not available in the paper
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876 851

a sample with personality or mood disorders, although there 100 participants and only one had more than 200. A sample
was no between-group difference between the two active size calculation was included in one trial.
treatment groups [75]. Rivera and colleagues [77] reported One trial involved an individual intervention, two trials
an increased contact with staff for participants receiving a involved group interventions, and one trial combined indi-
consumer-provided programme, compared to non-consumer vidual, group and phone elements. The length of interven-
support. However, Solomon and colleagues [70, 74] also tions ranged from 3 to 8 months. One trial was of a supported
compared consumer versus non-consumer provided men- socialisation intervention, two of cognitive modification, and
tal health care in their two studies and found no significant another used a mixture of strategies (Appendices 4 and 5).
differences between the groups, or compared to a control Two trials were judged as at low risk of bias for sequence
group, in social network size or clinical outcomes. Stravy- generation, two trials were at low risk for allocation conceal-
nski and colleagues examined whether adding a cognitive ment, and only one trial included a strategy for missing data.
modification component to social skills training for people All trials were at high risk of bias for their blinding process
with social phobia and/or avoidant personality disorders and other sources of bias, but all were at low risk for selec-
improved its effectiveness [72], but found no significant tive outcome reporting (Appendix 6).
difference between groups. Therefore, the overall evidence In all four trials, an intervention group was compared to
regarding the effectiveness of consumer-provided intensive either a waiting-list or a treatment-as-usual control group.
case management for objective social isolation is unclear. Significant between-group differences in subjective social
Other relevant outcomes were included in 10 out of 11 isolation were demonstrated in three out of four trials: a peer
trials [67, 69–77]. Of these ten trials, positive findings were support group for adults with psychosis [86], a group-based
reported in four trials: improved mental state was reported intervention involving showing humorous movies for adults
by Rivera and his team, who evaluated a supported sociali- with schizophrenia [87], and in-home cognitive behavioural
sation intervention for adults with schizophrenia, other psy- therapy for women with major depressive disorders [88].
chotic disorders or mood disorders [77]; reduced depression Of the three trials in which a significant effect on subjective
and social avoidance were reported by Stravynski and col- isolation was reported, significant effects on objective social
leagues, who evaluated a mixture of strategies for people isolation were also reported in two trials [86, 87]. Schene
with social phobia and/or avoidant personality disorder [72]. and colleagues [89] did not find any significant between-
Atkinson and colleagues also reported a greater quality of group differences for either outcome in a diagnostically
life when psychoeducation/social skills training was offered mixed sample receiving psychiatric day treatment, compared
to people with schizophrenia [67], and fewer emergency vis- to standard inpatient care.
its were also reported for a cohort of people with schizo- In terms of other relevant outcomes, reduction in symp-
phrenia and psychotic symptoms receiving psychoeducation/ toms were reported by authors in three out of four trials: by
social skills training [71]. However, Solomon and her team Schene and colleagues who examined a mixture of strategies
found no differences in psychiatric symptoms or service use for people with a range of diagnoses [89], by Ammerman
for participants who received consumer-led case manage- and his team who evaluated an intervention with a cognitive
ment [70, 74], and no clinical differences were reported by modification component for women with depression [88],
Terzian and colleagues in a social network intervention for and by Castelein and colleagues, who evaluated a supported
people with schizophrenia [73]. socialisation intervention for people with schizophrenia [86].
Castelein and colleagues also reported additional benefits
Interventions targeting both subjective for quality of life.
and objective social isolation
Overall results
Four trials included both subjective and objective social iso-
lation as outcomes (Table 3). Table 4 summarises the results for each type of intervention
One trial [86] only included end-of-treatment outcomes. for subjective and objective social isolation, including the
The follow-up period was between 2 weeks and 6 months ones targeting both subjective and objective social isolation.
in the other three trials [87–89]. Measures with established Of all the trials that included a subjective social isolation
reliability and validity were used in three trials, but the measure (i.e. combining 15 trials including only a subjec-
measure in one trial [86] was developed by the team and not tive social isolation measure and the four trials targeting
clearly described. One trial included people with common both subjective and objective social isolation—19 trials in
mental health problems, two included people with severe total), positive results were reported in two out of the six
mental illness, and one included people with a variety of trials that examined interventions with a cognition modifi-
different mental health diagnoses. Two trials had fewer than cation component, one out of the three trials of supported
socialisation, and one out of the four trials of social skills


852 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

training/psychoeducation programmes. Authors who evalu- Discussion

ated mixed intervention strategies found no significant posi-
tive results. None of the trials evaluated wider community With growing interest in tackling subjective and objective
approaches alone. social isolation due to the negative health impact of both
Regarding all the trials which included an objective social issues, we conducted the current systematic review to sum-
isolation measure (i.e. 15 trials), findings from one out of marise evidence from RCTs for interventions with subjec-
the two trials that involved changing cognitions, one out tive and/or objective social isolation as main outcome(s) in
of the two trials that examined social skills training and people with mental health problems. Given the quality and
psychoeducation, three out of the eight trials with a mixed sample size of many included studies, conclusions need to
intervention strategy, as well as all trials (i.e. two trials) that be cautious. The strategies found were extremely diverse. A
provided supported socialisation, suggested improvements tendency not to clearly specify primary outcomes in earlier
in objective social isolation. No included trials for objec- trials meant that some of the trials meeting our criteria were
tive social isolation involved wider community approaches broad socially oriented programmes in which social isola-
alone. Small samples and lack of sample size calculations tion measures were among a number of outcomes. The great
need to be borne in mind throughout. diversity of interventions and low quality of reporting in
In many of the included trials, subjective and/or objective some trials made meta-analysis inappropriate.
social isolation was one of several outcomes (with no clearly A small number of mainly small trials (in a mixture of
specified primary outcome), and for some trials, strategies to populations) provided some evidence that perceived social
reduce social isolation were part of an often much broader support may be increased by interventions that involve cog-
service improvement approach (e.g. [70, 74, 76, 89]). Just nitive modification (e.g. [88]), although there were also
six trials [43, 72, 73, 75, 86, 87] had a measure of social some trials, generally with short follow-ups in which an
isolation as the clearly stated primary outcome. Four out of effect was not found (e.g. [46, 47]). Small sample sizes and
these six trials included either a waiting-list or a treatment- lack of sample size calculations make it difficult to draw firm
as-usual control group [73, 75, 86, 87], and findings from conclusions from the negative studies. In terms of psychoe-
all of these indicated a superior effect of their intervention ducation/social skills training programmes (e.g. [42, 43]),
compared to the control condition on the trials’ objective no clear supporting evidence was found for subjective social
social isolation outcomes. In these trials, one intervention isolation, although an evaluation of one educational inter-
involved mixed strategies for adults with schizophrenia [73]; vention found positive results on one subscale [43]. Again,
one involved supported socialisation for adults with schizo- the lack of large well-powered trials with clearly focused
phrenia/psychosis [86]; one compared two treatment groups interventions makes definitive conclusions hard to draw.
(i.e. systematic desensitisation and social skills training) to There is also evidence supporting some of the interven-
a waiting-list control in a sample of people with personality tions targeting objective social isolation (e.g. [67–69]). How-
disorders or neurosis [75]; and another trial investigated an ever, studies included a wide range of types of intervention,
intervention with a cognitive modification component for none of which can be identified as clearly more effective
adults with schizophrenia [87]. Similar to Marzillier’s trial than others. Group-based interventions and interventions
[75], Stravynski and colleagues [72] also offered cognitive involving supported socialisation appeared to have more
modification and social skills training to a comparable sam- evidence supporting their effectiveness in reducing objec-
ple. Stravynksi’s trial involved a very small sample and the tive social isolation than they do for subjective social isola-
authors failed to find any additional improvement when a tion. All objective social isolation interventions delivered
cognitive modification element was added to their social in a group format demonstrated effectiveness, compared to
skills training. In one trial of four active conditions with- only two out of eight individual-based interventions, though
out a control group, for people with varied Axis I mental again, lack of power and of clear theory-driven methods for
health diagnoses (e.g. depression, bipolar disorders) [43], alleviating isolation diminish our confidence in making
the authors reported a positive effect of its psychoeduca- firm negative conclusions. For people with mental health
tion component over other intervention groups (e.g. music problems (especially people with psychosis), initiating and
alone), though only on one outcome: perceived social sup- maintaining good social relationships can be disrupted by
port from friends. In most trials in which subjective or objec- several difficulties, including self-stigma, psychiatric symp-
tive social isolation was specifically targeted as the primary toms, and societal discrimination [94]. Therefore, group-
outcome, and interventions were tailored accordingly, posi- based interventions may offer a pathway to initiating social
tive results were reported: this specific focus may be impor- contacts and practising social skills in a relatively safe envi-
tant for intervention effectiveness. ronment. It is of note that a good quality multicentre trial
of peer support groups from the Netherlands, in which the

Table 3  Trials that included both subjective and objective social isolation as outcomes
Main authors,  sam- Intervention categorisa- Intervention name Follow-up Subjective/objective Subjective social isola- Objective social isolation
ple and setting tion social isolation and other tion outcomes outcomes
outcome measures

Group-based intervention
 Castelein [86]—106 Supported socialisation Care as usual + Guided End-of-treatment follow- Subjective social isola- Experimental group had Experimental group had
adults aged ≥ 18 Peer Support Group up (8 months) tion outcome: the a significantly greater a significantly greater
with schizophrenia (GPSG) vs. a waiting- Social Support List increase in esteem improvement in social
or related psychotic list (WL) condition (SSL) [90] support (p = 0.02), contacts with peers after
disorders Duration: 8 months Objective social isolation compared to W ­ La the sessions (p = 0.03),
4 mental health centres outcome: Personal compared to WL
in the Netherlands Network Questionnaire
(secondary care set- (PNQ) [86]
ting) Other outcomes: quality
of life; screening for
 Gelkopf [87]—34 Changing cognitions Video projection of 1 medium-term follow- Subjective social isola- A significantly greater A significantly greater
adults with chronic humorous movies up: 2 weeks tion outcome: the improvement in improvement in the
schizophrenics by vs. treatment-as-usual Social Support Ques- the experimental group experimental group than
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

DSM-III-R control group tionnaire 6 (SSQ6) [91] than the control group, the control group in the
7 chronic schizophrenia Duration: 3 months Objective social isolation in perceived amount number of supporters
wards in Israel (sec- outcomes: 2 measures of support from staff (F = 4.87, p < 0.05)
ondary care setting) of social network (F = 7.90, p < 0.01),
sum up the size and emotional support
dispersion; 4 measures (F = 4.80, p < 0.05), and
assess the source of the instrumental support,
support (F = 4.94, p < 0.05)
No significant results in
satisfaction towards
the support (F = 1.90,
p > 0.05b)
Individual-based intervention
 Ammerman [88]—93 Changiing cognitions In-Home Cognitive End-of-treatment follow- Subjective social IH-CBT group reported No significant between-
females aged from Behavioural Therapy up (5 months) isolation outcome: a greater increase group difference in
16–37 with MDD (IH-CBT) + home visit- 1 medium-term follow- Interpersonal Support in social support network size (F = 1.88,
A community-based ing vs. home visit alone up: 3 months Evaluation List (ISEL) (p < 0.001) than SHV. p > 0.05), network diver-
home visiting pro- Duration: about 5 months [62] Small effect size for sity (F = 0.63, p > 0.05),
gramme in South- Objective social isolation social support (0.38) and embedded networks
western Ohio and outcome: Social Net- at post-treatment, and (F = 2.23, p > 0.05)c
Northern Kentucky work Index (SNI) [92] moderate effect size
in the US (general Other outcome: psychiat- (0.65) at follow-up
population setting) ric symptoms


854 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

supported socialisation intervention led to increased social

network scope (F = 0.05,

Objective social isolation contact, did not improve subjective social isolation [8]. The

No significant between-

p > 0.05) and network

supported socialisation interventions in our review did not

group difference in

contacts (F = 0.02,
have clear effects on subjective social isolation either. It thus
seems possible that supported socialisation is more effec-

p > 0.05)
tive in reducing objective than subjective social isolation.

There are two possible explanations: first, a lack of social

relationships may not be the only factor contributing to sub-
jective social isolation: social cognitions may also play a
(F = 0.20, p > 0.05), and
Subjective and objective No significant between-

significant role [95]; second, organised groups may simply

Subjective social isola-

no change over time

(F = 1.25, p > 0.05)d
not be an effective way to help lonely people initiate mean-
in social support
group difference

ingful friendships, start intimate relationships, or maintain

tion outcomes

or improve current relationships. However, most included

studies were small and not informed by power calculations,
so few definite conclusions can be drawn.
Some (e.g. [68, 69]), but not all (e.g. [70, 72]), interven-
state; psychiatric symp-

tions with multiple components appeared to have substantial

social isolation and other

comes: Social Network

Other outcomes: mental

Questionnaire (SNSS)

toms; social dysfunc-

social isolation out-

impacts on improving objective social isolation. Solomon

and Social Support

outcome measures

and her colleagues [70, 74] failed to find any significant

between-group difference in their two trials, which dem-
onstrated comparable effectiveness of consumer-provided
and non-consumer provided support in terms of clinical


and psychosocial outcomes. However, it must be noted that

multi-component interventions often had multiple outcomes
for inpatient treatment)
Duration: on average 37.6 treatment, 24.9 weeks
follow-up (on average

1 medium-term follow-

and multiple aims extending beyond alleviating social isola-

37.6 weeks for day

tion: they met our inclusion criteria because social isolation

Psychiatric day treatment End-of-treatment

was among a number of outcomes, with no specified pri-

up: 6 months

mary outcome. Psychoeducation programmes/social skills


training were evaluated in only two trials [67, 71]: only

Atkinson found a significant change on their social isola-
tion outcome, so the effectiveness of this type of intervention
remains unclear. It is possible that, as suggested by Mann
 Effect size, confidence interval and the actual p value not available in the paper
for inpatient treatment
vs. inpatient treatment

ment, and 24.9 weeks

and colleagues [39], social skills training is more suitable for

weeks for day treat-

 Effect size, confidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
 Effect size, confidence interval and actual p value not available in the paper
Intervention name

client groups who are preparing to attend wider community

groups, or that it works best when combined with other types
of interventions (e.g. [68]).
Cognitive modification has not been shown to be effec-
 Effect size and confidence interval not available in the paper

tive for objective social isolation: of the two trials using

this technique to target objective social isolation [87, 88],
skills training, and sup-
Intervention categorisa-

significant changes were only observed in one trial [87] with


ported socialisation

a short follow-up period and a small sample size. In another

Mixed format (group- and individual-based)

trial [72], cognitive modification showed no additional ben-

efits when added to social skills training, but the sample was
very small and firm conclusions could not be drawn.
We did not find any relevant trial on interventions focus-

ing on the wider community  approaches  alone, such as

the social prescribing and community asset-development
Academic Hospital in

lands (secondary care

Utrecht, the Nether-
with various mental

approaches described by Mann and her team [39]. It is possi-

atric Clinic of the
Table 3  (continued)
Main authors,  sam-

 Schene [89]—222
adults aged > 60

University Psychi-

ble that interventions where the focus is at community-level

ple and setting

are difficult to evaluate via individually randomised trials,



but such trials are potentially feasible for individual-level

approaches such as social prescribing.


Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876 855

Table 4  Summary of different types of intervention and results: objective and subjective social isolation
Type of intervention Comparison Outcomes for subjective isolation Outcomes for objective isolation

Changing cognitions Intervention versus TAU or no 2/4 studies found significant posi- 1/2 studies found significant
treatment tive results positive results
two or more active treatments 0/2 studies found significant N/A
positive results for one form of
intervention over others
Social skills training and/or psych- Intervention versus TAU or no 0/3 studies found significant posi- 1/2 studies found significant
oeducation treatment tive results positive results
Two or more active treatments 1/1 studies found significant N/A
positive results for one form of
intervention over others
Supported socialisation Intervention versus TAU or no 1/2 studies found significant posi- 1/1 studies found significant
treatment tive results positive results
Two or more active treatments 0/1 studies found significant 1/1 studies found significant
positive results for one form of positive results for one form of
intervention over others intervention over others
Wider community approaches Intervention versus TAU or no N/A N/A
Two or more active treatments N/A N/A
Mixed approaches (interventions Intervention versus TAU or no 0/5 studies found significant posi- 3/4 studies found significant
with mixed components) treatment tive results positive results
2 or more active treatments 0/1 studies found significant 0/4 studies found significant
positive results for one form of positive results for one form of
intervention over others intervention over others

Limitations active interventions. As expected, variations between stud-

ies regarding interventions, study participants and outcomes
To the best of our knowledge, this systematic review is measurement methods precluded meta-analysis. Addition-
the first to provide an overall synthesis of evidence on the ally, four trials did not include a well-established outcome
effectiveness of interventions for subjective and/or objective measure (e.g. [45, 73]). Last, although there were no restric-
social isolation across a range of mental health diagnoses. tions on the language of the included trials and no filter of
But it has important limitations. First, we included trials language was used during the literature search, no eligible
in which subjective and/or objective social isolation was trials in other languages were retrieved. Great efforts were
either a primary outcome or one of a list of outcomes with made to retrieve all relevant papers, but some trials in other
none specified as primary. This means that we have excluded languages may have been missed.
some trials which might offer relevant evidence based on
secondary outcomes, and we have included trials where Research implications
social isolation is one of a list of outcomes, but may not have
been clearly the principal target of the intervention. Few of Compared with objective social isolation and social support,
the included trials involved theory-driven interventions for the concept of loneliness has only recently been subjected
which social isolation was the clear main target. Second, the to scientific research. This review identified few trials that
conclusions we have drawn are limited by the heterogeneity included loneliness as their main outcome, and none yielded
of the intervention types and patient groups, and the low positive results. Recently published pilot trials have estab-
methodological quality of many included trials. Each type lished that loneliness is a feasible target for intervention in
of intervention was only evaluated in a small number of tri- severe mental illness, either through face-to-face or digital
als and the content of programmes varied greatly. Factors programmes [31, 96]. However, there is still a pressing need
such as lack of information on randomisation processes and to evaluate interventions for loneliness scientifically in large-
allocation concealment resulted in high ratings for risk of scale RCTs, given growing enthusiasm for these approaches.
bias in many of the studies. Many studies were essentially We have thus identified an important gap in the literature.
feasibility or pilot trials, with small sample sizes and no Some trials focusing on objective social isolation and
underpinning power calculations: thus no clear conclusions perceived social support were retrieved, but some advances
could be drawn from either positive or negative results from need to be made to develop a substantial body of evidence
these studies, including several trials comparing two or more in this area. First, most trials were vague in articulating


856 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

a theoretical basis. The development of a clear theory of Currently, a full trial utilising a single-blind RCT design
change is now regarded as an important step in the devel- to evaluate the effectiveness of this intervention over an
opment of complex health interventions [97, 98]. Develop- 18-month follow-up period is taking place for young peo-
ing such theoretical models could helpfully be informed ple with FEP [107]. In another recent feasibility trial [96],
by a richer understanding of experiences of subjective and authors developed a digital smartphone application (app)
objective social isolation among people with mental health named +Connect, which sought to utilise a positive psychol-
problems and their views about what may alleviate these. ogy intervention (PPI) for young adults with early psychosis.
Thus a co-produced approach to intervention development The programme was found to be effective in reducing loneli-
may result in interventions with a more robust theoretical ness from baseline to 3-month post-intervention follow-up.
basis and a closer fit to recipients’ needs. Second, greater Programme users also highlighted the benefits in their social
advances are likely to be made in this area if future trials lives of positive reinforcement provided by the app. Thus,
can specify interventions in greater detail, and if future sys- although digital interventions have been insufficiently tested
tematic reviews use clear systems, such as those applied in in substantial RCTs to date, it is feasible to implement such
this review, to categorise interventions. We found that the interventions for people with severe mental health problems
descriptions of most interventions were typically vague, in order to reduce loneliness, and there is a need for future
and most involved several components and delivery meth- research to develop and further examine digital interven-
ods. Thus the main components of each intervention were tions on a larger scale. Additionally, the successful imple-
often unclear, and exactly which elements contributed to any mentation of interventions involving positive psychology in
positive outcomes was difficult to determine. However, this the two pilot trials from Lim and her colleagues [31, 96]
should not limit the development of future interventions with supports the idea that subjective social isolation is increas-
multiple components (e.g. interventions combining cognitive ingly recognised as a primary treatment outcome for people
modification with addressing social/environmental barriers with psychosis in the mental health field, and future research
to social participation and developing social relationships). should also focus on the development and examination of
Cacioppo and colleagues [99] proposed that loneliness is new types of intervention that target loneliness directly for
a multi-dimensional concept, and there is a clear distinc- people with mental health problems.
tion between intimate, relational, and collective loneliness. Other forms of intervention that are so far untested but
Thus, as a complex multi-faceted phenomenon, loneliness with potential to have effects on loneliness and social isola-
may well need to be addressed through multiple means. tion include “friends interventions”, which involve patients’
Computer/mobile technology has become a popular for- friends in treatment with the aim of strengthening relation-
mat for the implementation of interventions in the medi- ships [108] and other interventions aimed at reinvigorating
cal field. Online interventions, including online support or restoring existing relationships [109]. By focusing on
groups or chatrooms, may potentially be an effective way existing social networks, this type of intervention has poten-
to provide social support [100]. However, only four trials tial to improve the quality of social relationships already
targeting online interventions were retrieved in the current established prior to mental health diagnosis. Beyond the
review and none has shown positive effects. Authors from individual level, there is also potential for the development
existing systematic reviews [101, 102] conclude that there and robust evaluation of the impact on people with mental
is great future potential for the development and utilisation health problems of interventions on a larger scale, for exam-
of mobile apps in the mental health field. Meta-analyses ple, aimed at developing social connections within groups,
have also demonstrated the use of online interventions as communities or neighbourhoods, or at maximising the use
an acceptable and practical method to deliver healthcare for of existing community assets [39]. Interventions involving
people with depression and anxiety [103, 104]. Another sys- wider communities have been seen as crucial in providing
tematic review examined the feasibility of web- and phone- social opportunities for people with mental health problems
based interventions for people with psychosis: authors sup- to engage with their local communities and increase their
ported the feasibility of such interventions, and reported a sense of belonging and self-confidence [39]. Indirect inter-
range of positive outcomes in some of the studies included, ventions targeting upstream factors that contribute to social
including improved social connectedness and socialisation isolation [110–113] are potentially effective, such as pro-
[105]. However, only few trials included in this review were grammes to improve housing and reduce poverty.
RCTs and social isolation was not generally a primary out-
come so that studies were not eligible for inclusion in the Clinical implications
current review. One pilot trial has also investigated a novel
online intervention called HORYZONS for young people There is substantial evidence demonstrating the signifi-
with First Episode Psychosis (FEP), and participants became cant impact of objective and subjective social isolation on
more socially connected after using HORYZONS [106]. health. However, lack of empirical evidence on the efficacy

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876 857

of targeted interventions means that we cannot yet make Acknowledgements  SJ and BLE are partly supported by the NIHR
clear recommendations for interventions. As argued in a Mental Health Policy Research Unit the UKRI Loneliness and Social
Isolation in Mental Health Cross-Disciplinary Network, the UCLH
recent Lancet editorial [114], there is a need for life science NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and the NIHR Collaboration for
funding prioritising under-researched social, behavioural, Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) North
and environmental determinants of health. Subjective and Thames. FM is a Wellcome Clinical Research Training Fellow.
objective social isolation are among the social determinants
of health that have received insufficient attention. Some of Author contributions  SJ, BLE and RM conceived the review. SJ
and BLE commented on search strategy and review protocol, JW
the research we report does provide a starting point for fur- recommended search terms. RM developed the search strategy and
ther work: in a few studies there is some evidence of effec- created review protocol, conducted the literature search, wrote and
tiveness, while other studies with small samples have at least co-ordinated the drafts. RM, FM and AA independently contributed
demonstrated that interventions are feasible and acceptable. to the screening process. RM and FM extracted data. RM, FM and JT
independently assessed the methodological quality of each included
To conclude, based on this systematic review, current paper. RM screened reference lists of included studies and relevant
evidence does not yet clearly support scaled-up implemen- systematic reviews and meta-analyses. SJ involved in any disagree-
tation of any types of intervention for subjective or objec- ment between reviewers in the screening process. SJ, BLE, FM and
tive social isolation in mental health services. Even though JW contributed comments to the drafts. All authors read and approved
the final manuscript.
cognitive modification shows some promise for subjective
social isolation, and interventions with mixed approaches
Compliance with ethical standards 
and supported socialisation have also demonstrated their
effectiveness for objective social isolation, quality of these Conflict of interest  The authors state that they have no conflicts of in-
trials limited our confidence in publicising their effective- terest.
ness. Therefore, innovation in intervention development
and more high-quality research is needed. We also note that Open Access  This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-
there is much innovative and interesting practice in this field tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat​iveco​
mmons​.org/licen​ses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribu-
that is not currently underpinned by research, especially in tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate
the voluntary sector: defining, establishing the theoretical credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
premises for and evaluating existing models may thus be a Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
promising direction.

Appendix 1: Measures and scales for subjective and objective social isolation

Measures Description For which populations

Subjective social The University of California A unidimensional scale to assess the General population (e.g. elderly, lonely stu-
isolation at Los Angeles (UCLA) frequency and intensity of one’s lonely dents, immigrants)
Loneliness Scale [115] experiences, 20 items People with mental health problems (e.g. psy-
chiatric inpatients, people with depression)
UCLS-8 [6] A short-form of UCLA Loneliness General population (e.g. university students,
Scale, 8 items adolescents, elderly sample)
People with mental health problems (e.g.
people with depression, mixed sample with
various diagnoses)
The De Jong-Gierveld Loneli- A 11-item scale measures the feeling of General population (e.g. national survey sam-
ness Scale [116] severe loneliness, contains 5 positive ples from several countries, elderly Chinese)
and 6 negative items People with mental health problems (e.g.
A short-form contains 6 items of the mixed samples with various diagnoses)
original De Jong-Gierveld Loneliness
Scale (3 items for emotional loneliness
and 3 items for social loneliness)
Multidimensional Scale of A 12-item scale to measure perceived General population (e.g. Chinese university
Perceived Social Support overall amount of social support and students, young adults, adults with physical
(MSPSS) [57] support from significant other/friends/ disabilities)
family People with mental health problems (e.g.
people with post-traumatic stress disorder,
women with severe depressive symptoms)


858 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

Measures Description For which populations

Objective social Social Network Index (SNI) A 12-item scale, measures the number General population (e.g. women with breast
isolation [92] of people one has regular contact with cancer, people with severe traumatic brain
injury, African-Americans in urban area)
People with mental health problems (e.g. old
adults with depressive symptoms, people
with post-traumatic stress disorder)
The Pattison Psychosocial Measures the number of people and rela- General population (e.g. dysfunctional fami-
Kinship Inventory (PPKI) tionships one considers as important lies)
[117] People with mental health problems (e.g.
adults with schizophrenia, people with
Measures focus on Lubben Social Network Scale A revised version, contains 6 items, General population (e.g. community-dwelling
both domains (LSNS-6) evaluates the quantity and quality of elderly, Korean American caregivers)
one’s relationship with family and People with mental health problems (e.g.
friends mixed samples with different diagnoses,
depressed immigrants)
Social Network Schedule A 6-item scale, measures both quan- People with mental health problems (e.g.
(SNS) [78] titative (i.e. the size of one’s social people with non-organic psychosis, people
network, the frequency of social with intellectual disability)
communication and the time one spent
on socialisation) and qualitative (i.e.
quality and intimacy of one’s social
relationships, the intensity of social
interactions) aspects of one’s social
Medical Outcomes Study A 19-item survey measures dimensions General population (people with heart failure
(MOS) Social Support Scale of social support: emotional/infor- in Hong Kong, mothers with children in
[64] mational, tangible, affectionate and treatment)
positive social interactions People with mental health problems (e.g.
adults with schizophrenia spectrum or affec-
tive disorder)
Interview Schedule for Social 50 items, measures the availability and General population (e.g. patients with rheuma-
interaction (ISSI) [61] perceived adequacy of attachment and toid arthritis, people from Canberra suburbs)
social integration People with mental health problems (e.g.
outpatients with schizophrenia, inpatient
male offenders)

Appendix 2: Existing systematic reviews and meta‑analyses

Authors (pub- Published years of Review Included partici- How interventions were Number of Types of study
lished years) included studies method pants categorised studies included

Subjective social isolation interventions

 Findlay [30] 1982–2002 Systematic Older people (1) Increase social support 17 RCTs, non-randomised
review (2) Psychoeducation/social comparison studies
skills training
 Cattan et al. [32] 1970–2002 Systematic Older people (1) Social skills training 30 RCTs, non-randomised
review (2) Provide social support comparison studies
(3) Psychoeducation/social
skills training
 Dickens et al. 1976–2009 Systematic Older people (1) Increase social opportuni- 32 RCTs, non-randomised
[33] review ties comparison studies
(2) Provide social support
(3) Psychoeducation/social
skills training
(4) Address maladaptive social

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876 859

Authors (pub- Published years of Review Included partici- How interventions were Number of Types of study
lished years) included studies method pants categorised studies included

 Masi et al. [34] 1970–2009 Meta- Adults, ado- (1) Increase social opportuni- 50 RCTs, non-randomised
analysis lescents and ties comparison studies
children (2) Provide social support
(3) Address maladaptive social
(4) Provide social skill train-
 Perese and Wolf Unclear Narrative People with Social network interventions: 36 Unclear
[35] synthesis mental health include support groups,
problems psychosocial clubs, self-help
groups, mutual help groups
and volunteer groups
Objective social isolation interventions
 Newlin et al. [36] Up to September Systematic People with All types of psychosocial 16 RCTs, non-randomised
2014 Review mental health interventions comparison stud-
and problems ies and qualitative
modified studies
 Anderson et al. 2008–2014 Systematic People with psy- All types of social network 5 RCTs
[37] review chosis interventions
 Webber and 2002–2016 Narrative People with Social participation interven- 19 RCTs, non-randomised
Fendt-Newlin synthesis mental health tions: include social skills comparison stud-
[38] problems training, supported com- ies, and qualitative
munity engagement, group- studies
based community activities,
employment interventions
and peer support interven-

Appendix 3: Search terms in Medline and PsycINFO

Same terms were used for the search in Web of Science with minor changes.

# Search term

1 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol sup-
plementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
2 or Loneliness/
3 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
4 (social support adj5 (subjective or personal or perceived or quality)).mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word,
subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique
5 Confiding relationship*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word,
protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
6 Social or Social Isolation/
7 Social network*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol
supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
8 socially [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol
supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
9 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8
10 Mental Disorders/
11 Alcoholism/or Middle Aged/or Child Behaviour Disorders/or Child/or Adolescent/or Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/or Adult/or
Depression/or Mental Disorders/or mental health or Substance-Related Disorders/


860 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

# Search term

12 Bipolar Disorder/or Psychotic Disorders/or Aged/or Stress, Psychological/or Middle Aged/or Community Mental Health Services/or
Adult/or Mental Disorders/or mental or Schizophrenia/
13 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
14 Psychiatr*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol sup-
plementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
15 Schizo*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
16 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol sup-
plementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
17 Depress*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol sup-
plementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
18 Suicid*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
19 Mania*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
20 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
21 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
22 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
23 Personality disorder*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word,
protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
24 Eating disorder*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol
supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
25 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol sup-
plementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
26 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
27 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supple-
mentary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
28 Post-traumatic stress disorder*.mp. [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading
word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
29 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28
30 9 and 29
31 Clinical [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol sup-
plementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
32 Controlled [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol
supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
33 Randomized controlled [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading
word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
34 Randomised controlled [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading
word, protocol supplementary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
35 [mp = title, abstract, original title, name of substance word, subject heading word, keyword heading word, protocol supplemen-
tary concept word, rare disease supplementary concept word, unique identifier]
36 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35
37 30 and 36

Appendix 4: Characteristics of included trials

Main author Setting Participants Follow-up Social isolation outcomes Other outcomes Intervention type

Subjective social isolation trials

 Kaplan [53] Online intervention, US 300 adults with a diagno- 2 medium-term follow- The Medical Outcomes (1) Personal recovery Supported socialisation
sis of a schizophrenia ups: 4 and 12 months Study (MOS) Social (2) Quality of Life
spectrum or an affective (post-baseline) Support Survey [64] (3) Psychiatric symptoms
 Hasson-Ohayon [42] Psychiatric community 210 adults with severe End-of-treatment follow- Multidimensional Scale Personal recovery Psychoeducation/social
rehabilitation centre, mental illness up of Perceived Social skills training
Israel Support [57]
 Rotondi [54] In- and outpatient psy- 30 patients aged ≥ 14 2 medium-term follow- The informational sup- N/A Psychoeducation
chiatric care units and with schizophrenia or ups: 3 and 6 months port and emotional
psychiatric rehabilita- schizoaffective disorder (post-baseline) support subscales of
tion centres, Pittsburgh, the instrument that was
Pennsylvania developed by Krause
and Markides [65]
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

 Silverman [43] Acute care psychiatric 96 adults with varied End-of-treatment follow- The Multidimensional N/A Psychoeducation
unit, a university hos- Axis I diagnoses up Scale of Perceived
pital, the Midwestern Social Support
region, US (MSPSS) [57]
 Boevink [44] Mental health care 163 adults with var- 1 medium-term follow- The De Jong-Gierveld (1) Quality of Life Supported socialisation
organisations, the ied mental illness up: 12 months (post- Loneliness Scale [58] (2) Psychiatric symptoms
Netherlands baseline)
One long-term follow-up:
24 months (post-
 Zang [46] Beichuan County, China 30 aged 28–80 with End-of-treatment follow- The Multidimensional (1) Anxiety and depres- Changing cognitions
PTSD up Scale of Perceived sive symptoms
2 medium-term follow- Social Support (2) PTSD symptoms
ups: 1 week or 2 weeks, (MSPSS) [57]
and 3 months
 Zang [47] Beichuan County, China 22 aged 37–75 with End-of-treatment follow- The Multidimensional (1) Subjective level of Changing cognitions
PTSD up Scale of Perceived distress
2 medium-term follow- Social Support (2) Depressive symptoms
ups: 2 weeks and (MSPSS) [57]
2 months
 Gawrysiak [48] A public Southeastern 30 aged ≥ 18 with depres- 1 medium-term follow- The Multidimensional (1) Depressive symptoms Psychoeducation/social
university, US sion up: 2 weeks Scale of Perceived (2) Anxiety symptoms skills training and sup-
Social Support ported socialisation
(MSPSS) [57]



Main author Setting Participants Follow-up Social isolation outcomes Other outcomes Intervention type

 Bjorkman [50] Case management ser- 77 adults aged 19–51 2 long-term follow-ups: The abbreviated version (1) Psychiatric symptoms Social skills training

vice, Sweden with severe mental 18 and 36 months of the Interview Sched- (2) Quality of life
illness ule for Social Interac-
tion (ISSI) [61]
 Mendelson [51] Baltimore City, US 78 depressed women aged End-of-treatment follow- The Interpersonal Sup- N/A Changing cognitions
14–41 who either were up port Evaluation List
pregnant or had a child 2 medium-term follow- (ISEL) [62]
less than 6 months old ups: 3 and 6 months
 O’Mahen [55] Online intervention, UK 83 women aged > 18 End-of-treatment follow- The Social Provision (1) Depressive symptoms Psychoeducation and sup-
with MDD up Scale [66] (2) Anxiety symptoms ported socialisation
1 medium-term follow-
up: 6 months
 Conoley [49] Psychology Department, 57 female psychology End-of-treatment follow- The Revised UCLA Depressive symptoms Changing cognitions
US undergraduate students up Loneliness Scale [59]
with moderate depres- 1 medium-term follow- The Causal Dimension
sion up: 2 weeks Scale [60]
 Eggert [45] 5 urban high schools, US 105 high school students 2 medium-term follow- Perceived social support: Depressive symptoms Supported socialisation,
with poor grades (mod- ups: 5 and 10 months measured by calculat- social skills training,
erate or severe depres- (post-baseline) ing average ratings and wider commu-
sion) across six network nity approaches
support sources.
The instrumental and
expressive support  pro-
vided by each support
source was also rated
 Masia-Warner [52] Two parochial high 35 high school students End-of-treatment follow- Loneliness Scale [63] (1) Anxiety symptoms Psychoeducation/social
schools, New York with social anxiety up (2) Social phobic symp- skills training, supported
city, US disorder 1 medium-term follow- toms socialisation and chang-
up: 9 months (3) Depressive symptoms ing cognitions
 Interian [56] Online intervention, US 103 veterans with PTSD 1 medium-term follow- The family subscale of N/A Psychoeducation
up: 2 months (post- the Multidimensional and changing cognitions
baseline) Scale for Perceived
Social Support [57]
Objective social isolation trials
 Solomon [70] A community mental 96 adults with schizo- 2 medium-term follow- (1) Family and social (1) Use of services Supported socialisation
health centre, US phrenia or major affec- ups: 1 month and 1 year contacts (2) Quality of Life and wider community
tive disorders (post-baseline) (2) Pattison’s Social (3) Psychiatric symptoms approaches
Network scale [81]
 Aberg-Wistedt [71] The Kungsholmen sector, 40 adults with schizo- 1 long-term follow-up: The number of people (1) Quality of life Psychoeducation/social
Stockholm, Sweden phrenia or long-term 2 years (post-baseline) in participants’ social (2) Service use skills training
psychotic disorder, life was measured by a
diagnosed by DSM- standardised procedure
III-R schizophrenic developed from work
disorders with child psychiatric
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

patients [82]
Main author Setting Participants Follow-up Social isolation outcomes Other outcomes Intervention type

 Stravynski [72] Maudsley Hospital, 22 adults aged 22–57 End-of-treatment follow- Structured and Scaled Depressive symptoms Social skills training and
London, UK with diffuse social pho- up Interview to Assess changing cognitions
bia and/or avoidant per- 1 medium-term follow- Maladjustment
sonality disorder up: 6 months (SSIAM) [83]
 Atkinson [67] Community clinic, South 146 registered patients End-of-treatment follow- A modified Social Net- (1) Quality of life Psychoeducation
Glasgow, UK with schizophrenia up work Schedule (SNS) (2) Psychiatric symptoms
1 medium-term follow- [78] (3) Overall functioning
up: 3 months
 Terzian [73] 47 community mental 357 adults aged < 45 1 medium-term follow- Social network: different (1) Psychiatric symptoms Supported socialisation
health services (SPT), diagnosed as schizo- up: 1 year (post-base- parameters of relation- (2) Hospitalisation over and wider community
Italy phrenia spectrum disor- line) ships were assessed, all the follow-up year approaches
der by the ICD-10th 1 long-term follow-up: were summarized into
2 years (post-baseline) a score
 Hasson-Ohayon [68] 3 psychiatric rehabilita- 55 adults aged 21–62 1 medium-term follow- Social Functioning Scale N/A Wider community 
tion agencies and the with various seri- up: 6 months (SFS) [79] approaches, psychoe-
University Community ous mental illness ducation/social skills
Clinic, Bar-Ilan Univer- training and changing
sity, Israel cognitions
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

 Rivera [77] A city hospital, New 203 adults with a psy- 2 medium-term follow- A modification of the (1) Quality of life Supported socialisation
York, US chotic or mood disorder ups: 6 and 12 months Pattison Network (2) Psychiatric symptoms
on axis I (post-baseline) Inventory [85]
 Solomon [74] A community mental 96 adults with schizo- 2 medium-term follow- Pattison’s Social Network (1) Quality of Life Supported socialisation
health centre, US phrenia or major affec- ups: 1 month and 1 year [81] (2) Psychiatric symptoms and wider community
tive disorders (post-baseline) approaches
1 long-term follow-up:
2 years (post-baseline)
 Marzillier [75] The Maudsley Hospital, 21 adults aged 17–43 End of treatment follow- Revised-Social Diary and (1) Anxiety disorders Social skills training
UK with a diagnosis of up Standardised Interview (2) Mental state and changing cognitions
personality disorder or 1 medium-term follow- Schedule [75] (3) Personality assess-
neurosis up: 6 months ment
 Bøen [69] 2 municipal districts, 138 seniors with End-of-treatment follow- The Oslo-3 Social Sup- (1) Depressive symptoms Supported socialisation
eastern and western mild depression up port Scale [80] (2) Life satisfaction and wider community
Oslo, Norway approaches
 Cole [76] St. Mary’s hospital, 32 adults with major 3 medium-term follow- The Older Americans (1) Mental state N/A
Montreal, Canada depression, dysthymic ups: 4, 8 and 12 weeks Research and Service (2) Symptoms
disorder or other affec- (post-baseline) Centre Instrument
tive disorder (OARS) [84]



Main author Setting Participants Follow-up Social isolation outcomes Other outcomes Intervention type

Trials for both subjective and objective social isolation

 Schene [89] University Psychiatric 222 adults aged > 60 End-of-treatment follow- Subjective social isola- (1) Mental state Psychoeducation/social
Clinic of the Academic with various mental up tion outcome: Social (2) Psychiatric symptoms skills training, and sup-
Hospital, Utrecht, the disorders 1 medium-term follow- Network and Social (3) Social dysfunction ported socialisation
Netherlands up: 6 months Support Questionnaire
(SNSS) [93]
Objective social isola-
tion outcome: Social
Network and Social
Support questionnaire
(SNSS) [93]
 Castelein [86] 4 mental health centres, 106 adults aged ≥ 18 with End-of-treatment follow- Subjective social isola- (1) Quality of Life Supported socialisation
the Netherlands schizophrenia or related up tion outcome: The (2) Screening for psy-
psychotic disorders Social Support List chosis
Objective social isolation
outcome: Personal
Network Questionnaire
(PNQ) [86]
 Gelkopf [87] 7 chronic schizophrenic 34 adults with a diagno- 1 medium-term follow- Subjective social isola- N/A Changing cognitions
wards, Israel sis of chronic schizo- up: 2 weeks tion outcome: The
phrenia, based on Social Support Ques-
DSM-III-R tionnaire 6 (SSQ6) [91]
Objective social isolation
(1) 2 measures of social
network sum up the
size and dispersion
(2) 4 measures assess the
source of the support
 Ammerman [88] Southwestern Ohio and 93 females aged from 16 End-of-treatment follow- Subjective social Psychiatric symptoms Changing cognitions
Northern Kentucky, US to 37 with MDD up isolation outcome:
1 medium-term follow- Interpersonal Support
up: 3 months Evaluation List (ISEL)
Objective social isolation
outcome: Social Net-
work Index (SNI) [92]
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876
Appendix 5: Characteristics of interventions

Main author Intervention and control group Mode of delivery Number of sessions + dura- Intervention descriptions Characteristics of intervention providers
tion of each session + dura-
tion of intervention

Subjective social isolation

 Kaplan [53] Experimental peer support Online Unclear, overall duration of Experimental peer support listserv: The online communication of both listserv
listserv vs. experimental peer the study was 12 months participants communicated anony- and bulletin board group were solely
support bulletin board vs. mously with each other via a group peer directed, but technical support was
waiting-list control group distribution email list provided via phone or email
Experimental peer support bulletin
board: participants were instructed
on how to create account and log in
to board
 Hasson-Ohayon Illness Management and Recov- Face-to-face ses- Weekly sessions, an hour Intervention group: Illness Manage- Interventions were led by two clinicians,
[42] ery Programme vs. treatment- sions (group) each session ment and Recovery Programme one of whom had weekly training
as-usual Duration of the intervention is a standarised curriculum-based sessions. For the first 8 months of
was 8 months programme, which provides essential intervention, clinicians attended monthly
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

information and skills to people with supervision sessions

severe mental illness. The information
and skills provided are designed to
help patients manage their illness and
work towards their personal recov-
ery goals. In this study, educational
handouts in Hebrew were provided
to participants, focused primarily on
self-management, personal goals,
social support, medication use, relapse
prevention, and coping with psychiat-
ric symptoms
 Rotondi [54] Telehealth intervention vs. usual Online Unclear Intervention group: including online The 3 therapy groups were facilitated by
care group therapy groups, ask questions and master of social work and PhD clini-
receive answers, a library of previous cians, they were all trained in the moni-
questions, activities in the community, toring and management of web-based
news items, and educational reading interventions



Main author Intervention and control group Mode of delivery Number of sessions + dura- Intervention descriptions Characteristics of intervention providers
tion of each session + dura-
tion of intervention

 Silverman [43] Live educational music therapy Face-to-face ses- 24 weekly sessions, 45 min Condition A: live music, a scripted A certified music therapist with more than
(Condition A) vs. recorded sions (group) per session educational lyric analysis session 12 years of clinical psychiatric experi-
educational music therapy Duration of intervention: using song lyrics that focused on ence conducted therapy sessions
(Condition B) vs. education 24 weeks social support
without music (Condition C) Condition B: recorded music, a scripted
vs. recreational music therapy educational lyric analysis session
without education (Condition about lyrics that focused on social
D) support
Condition C: Without music, a scripted
educational session without music
concerning support and coping
Condition D: investigator led the group
in playing rock and roll bingo, no
scripted educational session
 Boevink [44] TREE + CAU vs. CAU (waiting- Face-to-face ses- The early starters: each ses- TREE model: The recovery self-help working groups
list control) sions (group) sion lasted 2 h, met every (1) Training course ‘start with recovery’ were facilitated by two senior peer work-
two weeks (2) Developing strength ers, and two mental health care manag-
Duration of the intervention: (3) A one-day recovery training course ers facilitated the training course
104 weeks
The Late starters: each ses-
sion lasted 2 h, met every
two weeks;
Duration of the intervention:
52 weeks
 Zang [46] NET vs. NET-R vs. waiting-list Face-to-face NET group: ≥ 4 sessions, For both groups, the narrative was All treatments were carried out by the first
control sessions (indi- 60–90 min per session, recorded and corrected in subsequent author and one female psychological
vidual) twice weekly reading sessions counsellor; they both speak Chinese and
Duration of intervention: NET group: created a detailed biog- have the Chinese national psychologi-
2 weeks raphy that focused on traumatic cal counsellor certificate (master) and
NET-R group: ≥ 3 sessions, experiences also were trained in the use of NET and
60–120 min per session, NET-R group: a modified version of NET-R
and each session was NET; the participants first constructed Weekly case and personal supervisions
1–2 days apart; an earthquake narrative and then an were conducted; the counsellors were
Duration of intervention: autobiography also supervised before they have contact
1 week with participants
 Zang [47] NET vs. waiting-list control Face-to-face NET group: 4 sessions, NET group: created a chronological The team was led by the first author, con-
group sessions (indi- 60–90 min per session report of biography with a focus on sisted of 3 female therapists, and they all
vidual) Duration of intervention: traumatic experiences. A written speak Chinese, and all have the Chinese
2 weeks report of their biography was provided national psychological counsellor certifi-
in the last session cate (Master)
Therapists were trained for NET and they
were tutored under supervision before they
work with participants. Weekly case and
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

personal supervisions were also carried out

Main author Intervention and control group Mode of delivery Number of sessions + dura- Intervention descriptions Characteristics of intervention providers
tion of each session + dura-
tion of intervention

 Gawrysiak [48] BATD vs. no treatment control Face-to-face Single session lasted 90 min BA intervention: education, assessments One male doctoral students in clinical
session (indi- of values and goals, construct an psychology was trained in BATD and
vidual) activity hierarchy, selection of value- conducted the individualised interview
based behaviours, establish structured
behavioural goals, and behavioural
checkout form
 Bjorkman [50] The case management service Face-to-face 1.45 per week during the first The case management service: moder- All staff had experiences in working in
vs. standard care sessions (indi- 18 months, and the case ately focused on skills training, strong social services, psychiatric services or
vidual) manager spent on aver- emphasis on consumer input vocational rehabilitation. The team con-
age 1.9 h in client contacts sisted of two registered nurses and two
every week social workers. Supervision was done by
Duration of intervention: a psychiatrist and a psychologist
 Mendelson [51] Standard home visiting ser- Face-to-face 6 weekly sessions, 2 h each Intervention group: Sessions cover A licensed clinical social worker or clini-
vices + MB course vs. standard sessions (group session core cognitive behavioural concepts, cal psychologist
home visiting services + infor- and individual) Duration of intervention: including pleasant activities, thoughts,
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

mation on perinatal depression 6 weeks and contact with others

 O’Mahen [55] NetmumsHWD vs. treatment- Online and tel- 12-session treatment online NetmumsHWD: including a core Mental health supporters with under-
as-usual ephone support course, weekly telephone behavioural activation (BA) model, a graduate degrees and 1 year of clinical
support sessions of relapse prevention session, plus two qualification in psychological therapies
20–30 min optional modules. Also a chat room Peer supporters had previous training
Duration of each session and that was moderated by peer support- in low-intensity BA, received 5 days
intervention: unclear ers, and weekly supported phone call of training in high-intensity perinatal-
from mental health workers specific BA approach
 Conoley [49] Reframing vs. self-control vs. Face-to-face 2 sessions with 1 week apart, Intervention groups: aimed to increase Two male doctoral students with 3-year
waiting list sessions (indi- each session 30 min understanding in loneliness. First half counselling experience, received train-
vidual) Duration of intervention: of the session consisted of loneliness ing in both interventions
2 weeks and reflective responses, the second
half included either 3–5 positive
reframing directives for reframing
subjects, and self-control directives
for self-control subjects



Main author Intervention and control group Mode of delivery Number of sessions + dura- Intervention descriptions Characteristics of intervention providers
tion of each session + dura-
tion of intervention

 Eggert [45] PGCI vs. PGCII vs. an assess- Face-to-face ses- PGCI: met daily, 55 min per Both PGCI and PGCII: small group The interventions were delivered by
ment protocol-only sions (group) meeting work focused on social support; trained school staff who functioned as
Duration of intervention: weekly monitoring of activities; and group leaders
5 months or 90 class days life skills training
in length PGCI: emphasised bonding to PGC
PGCII: met daily, 55 min per group, included training to give and
meeting receive social support; focused on
Duration of intervention: motivating to change and acquire
10 months or 180 class essential skills, and rehearsing real-
days in length life issues in the group setting with a
main focus on problems with friends,
teachers and parents
PGCII: emphasised broader school
bonding, included training to transfer
skills to real life situations, providing
and seeking social support, and devel-
oping health-promoting social activi-
ties to reduce the negative impacts of
suicidal thoughts and behaviours,
anger and/or depression, and drug
 Masia-Warner Skills for Social and Academic Face-to-face 12 weekly group school ses- 12 group sessions: 1 psychoeducational A behaviourally trained clinical psycholo-
[52] Success vs. waiting-list group sessions (group sions (40 min); 2 brief indi- session, 1 realistic thinking session, 4 gist and a clinical psychology graduate
and individual) vidual meetings (15 min); social skills training sessions, 5 expo- student co-led all groups
2 monthly group booster sure sessions, and 1 relapse prevention Peer assistants: nominated by teachers and
sessions; and 4 weekend session administrators, help with exposures and
social events (90 min) Individual meetings: met with group skill practice
Duration of intervention: leaders at least twice, aim to identify
3 months individual treatment goals and prob-
lem solving
Social events: met and practiced
programme skills with peers in their
 Interian [56] The Family of Heroes interven- Online 1 h online intervention The Family of Heroes Intervention: N/A
tion vs. control group Duration of intervention: provided psychoeducation and
unclear stimulated conversations regarding
post-deployment stress and mental
health treatment; and three conversa-
tion scenarios
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876
Main author Intervention and control group Mode of delivery Number of sessions + dura- Intervention descriptions Characteristics of intervention providers
tion of each session + dura-
tion of intervention

Objective social isolation trials

 Solomon [70] Consumer management team vs. Face-to-face Unclear Both consumer and non-consumer man- Requirements for consumer manage-
non-consumer management sessions (indi- agement team followed an assertive ment team: have major mental health
team vidual) community treatment model problems, ≥ 1 previous psychiatric
(1) Provided activities: housing, reha- hospitalisation, a minimum of 14 days
bilitation and social activities of psychiatric hospitalisation, or at least
(2) Case managers provided assistance 5 psychiatric emergency service contacts
and supported clients, supervised by within a year
consumer supervisor Requirements for non-consumer case
management team: consisted of mental
health professionals and recent college
 Aberg-Wistedt The intensive case manage- Face-to-face 1 h individual meeting every Intervention group: The team consisted of a psychologist/
[71] ment programme vs. standard sessions (indi- other week; psychiatric (1) The team provided assertive out- psychiatrist, a psychiatric social worker,
services vidual) nurse/nurse assistant met reach; patients received skill training a social service officer, and a psychiatric
with patients at least 4 h and instruction in critical life task nurse/nurse assistant
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

per week. Crisis interven- (2) Specific services also provided

tion services were available based on individual needs and assess-
24 h every day and 7 days ments
a week. (3) Family psychoeducation and support
Duration of intervention:
2 years
 Stravynski [72] Social skills training vs. Social Face-to-face 12 sessions, 90 min per Social skills training: focused on indi- Provided by one psychiatrist
skill training + cognitive sessions (indi- session vidual needs by discussing specific
modification vidual) Duration of intervention: social targets; techniques included
14 weeks instructions, modelling, role-rehearsal,
feedback, self-monitoring, and home-
Social skill training + cognitive modifi-
cation: previously described elements
for social skills training. For cognitive
modification, participants analysed
a distressing event in five steps: (1)
activating event with descriptions;
(2) irrational beliefs; (3) emotional
consequences; (4) dispute; (5) plan for
new actions
 Atkinson [67] The education group vs. waiting- Face-to-face ses- 1.5 h per session The education group: sessions generally Led by community psychiatric nurses,
list control sions (group) Duration of intervention: covered schizophrenia topics, and occupational therapists and registrars.
20 weeks alternated between an information ses- Trainings were also provided
sion and a problem-solving session



Main author Intervention and control group Mode of delivery Number of sessions + dura- Intervention descriptions Characteristics of intervention providers
tion of each session + dura-
tion of intervention

 Terzian [73] Social network interven- Face-to-face Unclear information regard- Social network intervention: partici- Provided by a staff member or natural
tion + usual treatments vs. (individual) ing intervention sessions pants were helped to identify their facilitators such as families, neighbours,
usual treatments Duration of intervention: possible areas of interest, and social or volunteers
3–6 months activities were suggested
 Hasson-Ohayon Social Cognition and Interac- Face-to-face ses- SCIT intervention: 1 h Participants received social, leisure, Social mentors were staff of psychiatric
[68] tion Training (SCIT) + social sions (group) weekly session support, and employment services, as rehabilitation agencies
mentoring vs. social mentoring Social mentoring service: 3 well as standard services Lead clinicians received training and
only weekly meetings SCIT intervention group: besides ongoing supervision. All clinicians had
Duration of intervention: intervention, they also received educa- experiences in providing psychiatric
unclear tional handouts, videos, and slides rehabilitation services and completed a
All received the same social mentor- SCIT workshop
ing services to support practical steps
toward achieving personally meaning-
ful goals
 Rivera [77] Peer-assisted care vs. Noncon- Face-to-face ses- Unclear information regard- Peer assisted care group: profession- All professionals were licensed clinical
sumer assisted vs. standard sions (group & ing intervention sessions als provided conventional crisis social workers, also received training
care vs. clinic-based care individual), and and duration management, therapeutic services and and supervisions
phone calls But telephone coverage is concrete services; paraprofessional Consumers had a history of multiple
24 h consumers facilitated social networks hospitalisations for mood or psychotic
and provided social support through disorders, were eligible for disability
activities, home visits and phone calls benefits, relied on medication, but had
Clinic based care group: only provided 3–8 years of sobriety and stability. They
office-based services had the same trainings as professional,
and were supervised by social worker
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876
Main author Intervention and control group Mode of delivery Number of sessions + dura- Intervention descriptions Characteristics of intervention providers
tion of each session + dura-
tion of intervention

 Solomon [74] Consumer case management Face-to-face The consumer team: Three Case managers offered individualised Requirements for consumer case manag-
team vs. nonconsumer man- sessions (indi- times per week social support for community living, ers: have a major mental health disorder;
agement team vidual) The nonconsumer team: met activities included goals related to at least one prior psychiatric hospi-
biweekly income, living situation, social and talisation and a minimum of 14 days of
Duration of the intervention: family relations, and psychiatric treat- psychiatric hospitalisation, or at least 5
2 years ment psychiatric emergency service contacts
over a 1-year period; regular contact in
community mental health services, psy-
chosocial services, or other outpatient
Consumer team: 3 consumer manag-
ers and 1 nonconsumer case manager
initially, later, the nonconsumer member
was replaced by a consumer, and a clini-
cal director and a psychiatrist started
involved. Consumer mangers received
supervisions and support
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876

Nonconsumer team: all nonconsumer

managers, two specialists started
involved at the second year. Managers
received supervisions and support
The interviewer: a trained professional
research worker independent of service
providers. Intensive, experiential
training was provided in both the Brief
Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and
Addiction Severity Index (ASI)
 Marzillier [75] Systematic Desensitisation (SD) Face-to-face 15 45-min sessions, once a Systematic desensitisation: included Assessments were done by 2 independent
vs. Social Skills Training sessions (indi- week, occasionally twice relaxation training and hierarchy con- assessors; one was a trained psy-
(SST) vs. waiting-list control vidual) a week struction, practice in both imagination chologist, and the other was a senior
Duration of intervention: 3 and reality psychiatrist
and half months Social skills training: combined ele- The therapist was a trained clinical psy-
ments of both assertive and social chologist with experience in behavioural
skills training, included role playing, treatments
modelling, and practice in real-life
and with volunteers
 Bøen [69] A preventive senior centre group Face-to-face ses- Weekly group meetings, 3 h The experimental group: included group The team consisted of volunteers; all
programme vs. control sions (group) per meeting, about 35–38 meeting, physical training programme, completed a training course and were
times totally; and a self-help group. Transportation supervised by a registered nurse and an
Duration of intervention: and warm meals were also provided experienced senior centre leader
1 year
 Cole [76] Home assessment group vs. Face-to-face Unclear Unclear Study psychiatrists (MC or DR) assessed
clinic assessment group sessions (indi- participants



Main author Intervention and control group Mode of delivery Number of sessions + dura- Intervention descriptions Characteristics of intervention providers
tion of each session + dura-
tion of intervention

Trials for both subjective and objective social isolation
 Schene [89] Psychiatric day treatment vs. Varied: mostly Day treatment: length of Nine main groups of treatment Social psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists,
inpatient treatment face-to-face programme varied programmes: (1) individual psycho- and psychologists
sessions or Average duration of interven- therapy or supportive therapy; (2)
phone interview tion: 37.6 weeks individual counselling; (3) group
(group and Inpatient treatment: length of psychotherapy; (4) sociotherapy; (5)
individual) programmes varied family counselling; (6) occupational
Average duration of interven- therapy; (7) psychomotor therapy; (8)
tion: 24.9 weeks drama therapy; (9) secondary environ-
mental activities
Extra care for day clinic participants
after office hours, such as phone call
or face-to-face talks with resident on
duty in the clinic, or use of clinical
 Castelein [86] Care as usual + GPSG vs. a wait- Face-to-face ses- 90 min per session, 16 Peer support group: included about Nurses guided the peer groups with mini-
ing- list condition sions (group) biweekly sessions 10 patients, patients decided the topic mal involvement
Duration of intervention: of each session, discussing daily life
8 months experiences in pairs and groups
 Gelkopf [87] Video projection of humorous Face-to-face ses- The experimental group: four The experimental group: exposed exclu- A psychology student was involved
movies vs. control group sions (group) times daily (5 days a week) sively to comedies to answer questions during experimental
Duration of intervention: The control group: 15% of the films testing
3 months were comedies; others are different
types of films
 Ammerman [88] IH-CBT + home visiting vs. Face-to-face 15 weekly sessions, 60 min IH-CBT: primarily targeted depression 2 licensed master level social workers,
home visit alone sessions (indi- per session with a booster reduction, consisted of behavioural received weekly supervision, a review
vidual) session 1 month after treat- activation, identification of auto- of audiotaped sessions and a self-report
ment matic thoughts and schemas, thought checklist
Duration of intervention: restructuration, and relapse prevention
about 5 months
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (2020) 55:839–876 873

Appendix 6: Quality assessment

First author (pub- Sequence genera- Allocation con- Blinding Incomplete out- Selective outcome Other sources of
lication year) tion cealment come data reporting bias

Kaplan [53] Low risk Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk Low risk
Hasson-Ohayon Low risk Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Rotondi [54] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Silverman [43] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk Low risk
Boevink [44] Low risk Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk Low risk
Zang [46] Low risk Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Zang [47] Low risk Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Gawrysiak [48] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk Low risk
Bjorkman [50] Low risk Low risk High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Mendelson [51] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
O’Mahen [55] Low risk Low risk High risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Conoley [49] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Eggert [45] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Masia-Warner [52] Unclear Unclear High risk Low risk Low risk High risk
Interian [56] Low risk Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Solomon [70] Unclear Unclear High risk Low risk Low risk High risk
Aberg-Wistedt Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Atkinson [67] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Terzian [73] Unclear Low risk High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Hasson-Ohayon Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Rivera [77] Unclear Low risk High risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
Solomon [74] Unclear Unclear High risk Low risk Low risk High risk
Marzillier [75] Low risk Low risk High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Stravynski [72] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Bøen [69] Low risk Low risk High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Cole [76] Low risk Low risk High risk Low risk Low risk High risk
Schene [89] Unclear Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Castelein [86] Low Risk Low risk High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Gelkopf [87] Low risk Unclear High risk Unclear Low risk High risk
Ammerman [88] Unclear Low risk High risk Low risk Low risk High risk

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