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First Terminal Examination

Class:2 Subject: Social

1. Match the following.(5)

a. Doctor. Can not speak
b. Dumb. Grow crops
c. Farmer. Treat sick people
d. Deaf. Can not see
e. Blind. Can not hear
2. Fill in the blanks.(5)
a. I ______ my parents. (respect, disrespect)
b. We use ______ to brush teeth.(book, tooth brush)
c. We should be ______ to the helpless.(kind, rude)
d. Co-operation make us______.(easy/hard)
e. Temple is a ______ property. (public/private)
3. Choose the correct answer. (5×1=5)
a. Hearing impaired person can be helped with.
I. Spectacles
II. Hearing art
III. Crutches
b. A ______ person can not speak.
I. Dumb
II. Blind
III. Lame
c. The festival of tihar is celebrated for ______ days.
I. 7
II. 10
III. 5

d. A ______ is used for taking photos.

I. Net
II. Camera
III. Knife
e. A ______ is public property.
I. House
II. Watch
III. Forest
4. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false(5×1=5)
a. We should never help a neighbor. ______
b. Patis and powwas are for religious people only. ______
c. Temples are private property. ______
d. Disabled need our help. ______
e. Forest is useful for all. ______
5. Write the name of public property. List any five. (5)
6. Write what they are used for:
a. Toothbrush
b. Book
c. Toys
d. Comb
e. Pencil
7. What does following people do: (5)
a. Doctor
b. Typist
c. Farmer
d. Carpenter
e. Shopkeeper
8. Answer the following questions. (8×2.5= 15)
a. Who is neighbour?
b. Where do you keep your books?
c. What is public property?
d. Who wash and iron your clothes?
e. Why are neighbours important?
f. Name any three festivals that you celebrate.

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