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Electric guns (Taser guns, Stun guns) have been developed as less-lethal devices that law
enforcement officers can use to control potentially violent subject, as an alternative to use
firearms. These devices apply the use of high voltage, low amperage and pulsatile electric
to the subject, which causes involuntary skeletal muscle contractions and renders the subject
unable to further resist. In the field use of these devices, the electric shock is generally done by
placing the gun in contact with the subject (Stun gun) or the subject can be shot within the
distance of 25 feet (Taser gun). There will be no danger to the life of the subject but, the subject
will be in the state of unconsciousness and there will be a time lapse left for the person to run
from the subject to acquire safety. Tasers may provide a safety benefit to police officers.
Tasers have a greater deployment range than batons, pepper sprays or empty hand techniques.
This allows police to maintain a greater distance. A study of use-of-force incidents by the
Calgary Police Service conducted by the Canadian Police Research Centre found that the use
Tasers resulted in fewer injuries than the use of batons or empty hand techniques. The study
found that only pepper spray was a safer intervention option.
Some Taser models, particularly those used by police departments, also have a "Drive Stun"
capability, where the Taser is held against the target without firing the projectiles, and is
intended to cause pain without incapacitating the target. "Drive Stun" is the process of using the
EMD (Electro Muscular Disruption) weapon [Taser] as a pain compliance technique. This is
done by activating the Taser and placing it against an individual's body. This can be done
without an air cartridge in place or after an air cartridge has been deployed.


For this self safety, electric guns like stun guns and Taser guns must be build and introduced.
These guns are made of battery and can be made very portable. Stun gun is a weapon
designed to
stun or immobilize (as by electric shock) rather than kill or injure the one affected. A Taser is a
handheld weapon that fires two small dart-like electrodes which remain connected to the main
unit by conductors. It delivers electric current to disrupt voluntary control of muscles resulting in
pain and broad "neuromuscular incapacitation".


To stop the unauthenticated access of burglars, we embedded a finger print sensor which will
allow only the valid users which also has tracking system. In our device we used two methods
constructively to ensure the security.
We embedded a finger print sensor which will basically access the finger print and checks
whether the finger print belongs to the valid user or not.
In case of any access that does not belong to the authenticated user the person cannot unless
it matches. We also kept a tracking system which is based on the signal generation and it tracks
the signal and sends it.
In fingerprint we use four modules – one to enroll, second to search, third to delete and finally to
empty all the fingerprints.
In GPS tracker we use the modules one to detect, second to the location, third to send and four
store. We followed waterfall model to construct the device which works under agile
methodology. We use arduino uno which has been attached to nodemcu which contains wifi
module inside it.


In future we can use these devices and further advancements can be done to this device by
attaching this finger print and GPS tracker software with a web application and also a database
for a secured transfer and also to stop the thefts, rapes etc...
For safety of women, the basic object or device that makes a victim to attack on the offender is
an electric gun. These guns bring the courage and urge to any women or victim to first react and
then escape. These guns will be in the shape of a torch or a small box.
These devices are portable to carry and very simple with least expenses. Can help anyone to
react to any kind of physical abuse. Not dangerous to attacker (no death conspiracies) but can
Cause muscle contractions with pain. Victim can attack without any fear and can get some time
to escape from the clutches of attacker. Can be carried anywhere and anybody can use this


In present system we have these kind of devices but we don’t have finger print sensor and
GPS Tracker so it can only gives shock which is because of battery and also due to the
attachment plug in wires inside the device.


• Database - MySQL
• Processor – intel Pentium core i5
• OS – Windows 10
• Language – Python


• Arduino
• Battery
• Transformer
• Nails
• Fingerprint sensor
• GPS Tracker
• Jumper wires
• Power supply.

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