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Computer Application

Class: X
Attempt any 10 questions from questions 1 to 13. Each carries
one mark.
Q1. Expand the term FTP.
Q2. Mention the suitable HTML tag and the attribute to insert
an image named globe.jpg in the background of a web page.
Q3. Which tag is used to insert a heading of third level on a web
Q4.The term Hypertext was launched by __________.
Q5. An HTML element consists of a ________ tag and ________
Q6. <Body> tag is a ________tag.
Q7.<B></B> tag is used to _______ the text on a web page.
Q8. _______had a high capacity and greater speed than CSNET.
Q9. What is the use of the bordercolor property is CSS?
Q10. What type of language is an HTML?
Q11. Why do we use a web browser?
Q12. How would you display text in the title bar of a web
Q13. What are nested HTML elements?
Attempt all questions. Each one carries two marks.
Q1.Write short note on ‘Protocol’.
Q2.Discuss four advantages of the Internet.
Q3. Mention any two type of plagiarism.
Q3. What do you understand by ‘digital divide’?
Q4. Write two important features of CSS.
Q5.What are HTML editors? Name any two such editors.

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