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The Theresian Military Academy

Proseminar paper

Created for the Advanced Military English I course

In Wiener Neustadt - Austria


Fhr Emir Kazazić

Student of The Theresian Military Academy


Wiener Neustadt, March 2020

In this paper you can find all the answers to questions related to The Theresian Military
Academy. Although it is not difficult to find all this information today thanks to the Internet,
the author, as a student of this military academy, will try to bring this topic closer to all
readers in the best possible way. From history itself to the teaching process itself from the
perspective of a student at this military academy. The importance and tradition of this military
academy, to all who are familiar with it, is already quite clear and the author will also try to
bring it closer to his readers, who may be meeting this topic for the first time.

The Theresian Military Academy


Wiener Neustadt

Officer cadets
KAZAZIĆ, Fhr Proseminar paper for AME I

1. Table of contents

1. Table of contents 2
2. Preface 3
3. Introduction 4
4. Current state of research 5
5. Research gap 5
6. Research question(s)..............................................................................................6
7. Methodology 6
8. Research and results of research 7
8.1 History of The Theresian Military Academy..................................................7
8.2 The significance of The Theresian Military Academy today.........................9
9. Discussion of results and personal conclusions 9
10. Annexes 11
10.1 List of literature

11. Affidavit 12

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2. Preface
I am currently a student at The Theresian Military Academy, which is a great honor and
responsibility for me. It is very important for me that through this work all the readers
are properly introduced to the military academy and so that I can re-show its
importance. Today, wars are history in our region, but in order to remain so in the
future, it is necessary for us to have a highly educated military and political staff, which
will strive to improve peace and stability. The Theresian Military Academy is exactly
the kind of educational institution that builds its cadets, both militarily and politically,
that will certainly contribute to the development of peace and stability in their countries
and in Europe in the future. This is best illustrated by the assignment given by Empress
Maria Theresia when establishing the military academy. Maria Theresa's brief, clear and
unambiguous command to the first commander, General Feldzeugmeister Leopold
Count Daun, is still valid today: "Make them good officers and honest men!" This is
still the guideline today for all commanders, teachers and trainers working at the

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3. Introduction
In this paper, as mentioned earlier, you can find answers to all questions about The
Theresian Military Academy. The author tried in chronological order to cover all
significant things and events related to this institution. This military academy is today
the only military academy in the Republic of Austria. Throughout history, it has
changed its function many times, just like its superiors.

It is also important to emphasize that this is also the oldest military academy in the
world. It was founded in 1752 by the order of Empress Maria Theresia.

The current training model for career officers of the Austrian Armed Forces represents a
sensible combination of academic studies and intensive military training lasting six

This is the reason for the reputation of the Theresian Military Academy not only as the
oldest, but also as the best officer training facility, which never had to fear a comparison
with foreign military academies.

Also, in this paper, the author will talk about the organization of the military academy
today and its work. For sure, this is one of the military academies that provides the
highest quality training and education for future officers.

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4. Current state of research

Given that everything is known about The Theresian Military Academy today, there are
indeed many documents and literature that testify to the importance and rich history of
this institution. It was not difficult for the author to find the data and facts he used in
this paper. It is possible to find almost all the information about the military academy on
the Internet today, so there was no need for any special researches. The very fact that
the author himself is a student at this academy has helped him to learn many things
firsthand and to convey them through this work.

5. Research gap
Considering the fact that the topic is quite simple, but also that there is a great deal of
information on not so important events throughout history, the author tried to present
only the most relevant and interesting to his readers in this work. And what is even
more important is to present these things in the right way, that is, as they actually are.

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6. Research question(s)
 How important is The Theresian Military Academy today?

7. Methodology
The first step in this paper is to outline the historical development, foundation, and all
purposes of the military academy throughout the history. The author has learned all the
information about this by reading various websites, as well as from various brochures
on the history and foundation of the military academy. All the other information and
data that the author will provide in this paper, he learned firsthand as a student of this
military academy. Of course attention and emphasis will be placed on those relevant
things that tell us about the importance of this institution, and why it is still so

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8. Research and results of research

As mentioned above, the author has made every effort to order all the information and
information he has obtained in chronological order, and to provide as clear a picture as
possible to his readers on this subject. But also to answer his research question in this

8.1 History of The Theresian Military Academy

The cost of building the castle was paid by Richard The Lionheart, and it was built in
1193-1194. It was then located on the north-eastern edge of the city. Throughout history
it has suffered many wars and devastation, and is first mentioned in 1260 in documents.
In 1348 it was almost completely destroyed in the midst of an earthquake, but in 1378
Leopold III rebuilt the castle and built an even larger and more stable castle. During the
time of Maximilian, the castle lost its permanent residence status and was only
occasionally the residence of a ruler. it is interesting to mention that the Ottomans failed
to conquer the castle on 2 occasions during the attack on Vienna. The castle has also
historically served as a prison. After repeated defeats by Frederick II, Empress Maria
Theresia learned a very important lesson. She realized that her officers needed much
better training so that they could be equal in combat with the Prussian. This led to her
visionary move, and on December 14, 1751, she issued an order to form a military
academy at the old Babenberg Castle in Wiener Neustadt. The first commander of the
military academy was Field Marshal Leopold Joseph von Daun. Also interesting is that
she changed her approach to her soldiers in a positive way. Some of the penalties that
had existed in the Austrian army up to that point were forbidden, and attempts were
made to provide soldiers with the best possible conditions. The first generation, which
began training at the Military Academy on November 11, 1752, consisted of 191 cadets.
They graduated in 1755. In 1768 the academy was destroyed again in the midst of a
severe earthquake. The damage was huge, so the cadets had to be evacuated and slept in
tents for a period of time in a park near the castle. Shortly thereafter, they were
transferred to Winter Riding School. Maria Theresia ordered the reconstruction of the
castle as well as an increase in its capacity so that more cadets could attend the military
academy. In 1769 the castle was rebuilt and the cadets could continue their training as
they had done before. In 1771, the Military Academy was officially named "K. K.
Theresianische Militär-Akademie" or Imperial-Royal Theresian Military Academy.
from 1777 to 1945 constant efforts were made to improve the castle. Until the
dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, the castle served as a training center for
infantry and cavalry officers. The last such generation of cadets graduated on August
17, 1918. In 1919, the castle was taken over by the Ministry of Education of the First

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Republic and used as a secondary school for gifted young men, regardless of their social
background. From January 12, 1922, officer training was relocated to Enns, Upper
Austria. The commander at the time was Colonel Buzek. It is very important to mention
"Alt-Neustadt", the Alumni Association of The Theresian Military Academy, which was
formed on October 23, 1919, and fought for the return of officer training to the castle at
Wiener Neustadt, i. to the "Alma Mater Theresiana". It was not until September 1933
that the Minister of Education granted the Association's request for the return of the
military academy to the castle at Viner Neustadt. On August 29, 1934, the Cadet
Battalion marched into the castle, which again gained its original function, again under
the name The Theresian Academy. On March 12, 1938, the German Wehrmacht forced
Austria to annex. Major-General Moyses then assumed command of the academy and
ordered the third class cadets to be promoted to the German Wehrmacht on April 3,
1938. During World War II, the academy served as the so-called Kriegsschule. The new
commander of that school was none other than Erwin Rommel, who had lectured in
Potsdam. With his arrival as Commander of the so-called Kriegsschule, Erwin Rommel
paid much attention to infrastructure development. A swimming pool, gym, married
officers quaters, as well as another school (today's Daun Barracks) were built. At that
time, the Academy Park was not open to the public, and was used solely for military
purposes. In October 1939, the Kriegsschule closed its doors. The castle of the academy
was then converted into several training facilities of the German Wehrmacht. Thus from
1940 to 1942 the castle served as the Heeres-Unteroffiziers-Vorschule für den
Wehrkreis, which was a kind of preparatory school for the NCOs. On January 23, 1944,
the Kriegsschule II was formed again, which was essentially a war school for NCOs
infantry. At the end of World War II, Wiener Neustadt was badly destroyed by the
bombing. This city was a particular target for Allied forces, as it was the seat of the
WNF 1 and WNF 2 aviation factories. The castle and park of the academy are a total of
262 bombs, and by 1 April 1945, 52,000 bombs had been dropped on the entire city of
Wiener Neustadt. the consequence was that the castle was completely destroyed in the
last days of World War II. One reason for this was the fire that broke out on April 3,
1945, where the castle had been on fire for almost 8 days. The fire caused a total
destruction of the interior, which had not been completely destroyed by then. After the
end of World War II, huge efforts were made to restore the castle from 1946 to 1958.
Castle and St. The George´s Cathedral have been rebuilt as authentically as they used
to. Extra walls and ceilings in the castle were also added to make the most of the space.
On December 14, 1958, on the occasions of the Foundation Day, the castle was returned
to the hands of the Austrian army and finally the Military Academy regained its home
and was able to continue training cadets. By 1956, officer training had been relocated to

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Enns, Upper Austria. In 1967, the Academy received its original name Theresian
Military Academy, by order of the Ministry.

8.2 The significance of The Theresian Military Academy today

The Theresian Military Academy is the training facility for officers of the Austrian
Armed Forces. The officer training includes the university of applied sciences
bachelor's degree course "Military Leadership" and the practical training in the form of
the troop officer course. It concludes with the professional title "Lieutenant" and the
academic degree "Bachelor". The Theresian Military Academy thus provides the
Austrian Armed Forces with highly trained officers to fulfil their tasks in peacetime and
in operations. In the Institute for Officers' Further Training, the level- and application-
specific further education and training of the professional and militia officers already
serving in the troops takes place according to the principle of life-long learning. For this
purpose, there is a wide range of courses and seminars that go beyond the "classic"
military tasks and above all cover the area of personal development and management
training. The university of applied sciences course "Military Leadership" is also open to
civilian students and offers a sound basis for a career in leading positions in NGOs,
operational organizations and companies active in the security sector.

The duration of study is six semesters, including twelve weeks of work experience (six
weeks of which are spent abroad). At the beginning of their studies, students can choose
from sixteen professional specializations, such as tank, military pilot, infantry, artillery,
air surveillance, engineer and so on. In the fourth semester, choose students from 4
areas of specialisation (political science, educational science, business administration
and computer science).

The Theresian Military Academy is organizationally divided into several departments.

Those are: Command and Staff Department, Institute for Officer Training 1 and 2,
Development Department, School Battalion.

Command and Staff Department: The command, headed by the Academy Commander,
is the leading element of the Theresian Military Academy. In addition to the Chief of
Staff and the military parish, it includes the Staff Department with the Academy Staff

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and the elements serving the daily operations (e.g. motor vehicle service, repair and

Institute for Officer Training 1: In institute 1 the training as a professional officer takes
place, the:

-from the six-semester Bachelor's degree course "Military Leadership", as a

scientifically sound, practice-oriented training at university level, and

-consists of the course for military officers, which as a practical military leadership
training primarily provides the qualification for the first use in the respective branch of
the armed forces as an officer in the armed forces.

The battalion of academics provides the organisational framework for the

implementation of the training of military officers. At the end of their training, career
officer candidates graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree and are promoted to

Institute for Officer Training 2: In Institute 2, according to the principle of lifelong

learning, the application-specific further education and training of professional and
militia officers takes place up to the level of the small association. There is a wide range
of training courses and seminars that go beyond the "classic" military tasks and, above
all, also cover the area of personal development and management training.

Development Department: The development department is the recognized research and

development element of the Theresian Military Academy. It is future-oriented and
internationally oriented and has a high level of competence in the areas of simulation,
remote training, knowledge management and project management. Furthermore, the
development department is the coordination platform for the research and development
work within the Theresian Military Academy.

School Battalion: The school battalion at the Theresianische Militarakademie offers at

the Militarrealgymnasium a Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium with military-guided
Internet. Here the students are guided to the Matura and receive a versatile, experience-
oriented education.

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9. Discussion of results and personal conclusions

Through all the facts and information already outlined, it is not difficult to conclude that
The Theresian Military Academy has a very important role to play in creating a quality
staff for the future. It is not difficult to conclude that this institution is one of the oldest
high education institutions and that it is of great importance for the whole Republic of
Austria. This impression is best gained by entering the academy itself. From the interior
itself to the people in charge of training young future officers. You can feel some
special peculiarities in the air, and only then can you conclude what this academy really

10. Annexes

10.1 List of literature

1. Fitzal, Karl-Heinz: 250 Jahre Offiziersausbildung, Wr. Neustadt, Theresian

Militärakadie, 2002
2., Februar, 2009
3.  Allmayer-Beck, Johann Christoph: Militärakademie, Kriegsschule,
Fahnenjunkerschule, Wiener Neustadt 1938 – 1945. Bundesministerium für
Landesverteidigung, 2006
4., Februar, 2009

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11. Affidavit
I hereby declare on my word of honour that I wrote the present seminar paper
independently and carried out the work directly connected with it myself. The literature
used for the seminar paper as well as the extent of the support given to me throughout
the entire work process are stated without exception. The thesis has not yet been
submitted to any other examination authority and does not infringe the rights of third
parties in any way. The paper version of the seminar paper is identical with the digital

I am aware of the consequences of the infringement. Among other things, if the

scientific rules are not observed, the seminar paper can be cancelled, the student can be
excluded from obtaining a positive course certificate and there can be legal
consequences. These measures can also be applied if it only becomes apparent that the
seminar paper is a plagiarism after acceptance and positive evaluation.


(KAZAZIĆ Emir, Fhr)

Wiener Neustadt, March 2020

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