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In order to be a successful Then, decide what you need to get
student, you have to develop m ny done right away and what can wait
different types of study skills. From unil later. One final tip to keep you
organized is to use separate
studying, taking notes and tests, notebooks and folders for each
managing your time, or sim ly getting differet subject you are studying.
organized, It is important to develop
these skills early in your academic Once you determine what needs to
career, be done now and what can waiuntil
later, plan ahead and commit to a
When studying, you should first schedule. Do not put off things to the
find a quiet place where yu can
concentrate on your homework, Sit in last minute. Decide wha you want to
a comfortable chair and avoid accomplish and how long you will
distractions like thtelevision or spend on each subject or assignment.
telephone. If you study with a group So that you don t become
of friends, compare notes and ask overwhelmed you may find it helpful
each other questios. To help you to break your workload down into
remember information easily, relate
manageable chun s,
what you are studying to things you
alreay know. Plan to spend more time Finally, to better manage your stress,
on subjects that are harder for you, don't sweat the small stuff. P ioritize
and get into the habit of studyingvery your activities and focus on the most
important ones. To take your mind
To help you organize and learn new off things that are bot ering you, go
material, use outline, charts, for a walk or hit the gym. Aside from
oflashcards. Try creating a planner to all of your studies, take care of
keep track of homework assignments,
tests, and projects, and get ito the yourself. Don't for et about eating
habit of writing in your planner every right and getting enough sleep.
day. Besides a planner, keep a "To Do" Neglecting this will negatively impact
list to write dwn tings you need to do. you both in an out of the classroom,

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