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This question/matter/subject can be looked at from several points of view.

This problem should be considered in relation to ……
State a strong, firm opinion e.g.: There is no doubt that women are more intelligent than men …
I believe that by the year 2000, every home will have a computer …
Address the reader directly e.g.: Have you ever considered …?
Has it ever occurred to you that computers will one day organize your life?
Start with the problem that needs a solution e.g.:
More and more species are becoming extinct …
As time passes, our lives will be controlled by computers.
To list point:
The first reason is …. First of all,
The second reason is …… To start with,
The third reason is …….. Secondly,
The third and most important reason is ….. Thirdly,
Another reason is ….
On the other hand, ….
On the contrary,
The final reason is ……
One major advantage of, One major disadvantage of,
A further advantage One point of view in favor against
One point of view in favor of

In the first place

Last but not least
White it’s true to say that ….

To add more points to the same topic:

What is more Furthermore Also
In addition to Besides Apart from this
Apart from that
To make contrasting point
On the other hand However In spite of
While Nevertheless Despite
Even though Although It can be argued that
One can argue that Yet But

To sum up … To conclude…
On balance …… In conclusion
It seems that … In my view …
All in all… I believe …
All things considered, On the whole,
Taking everything into account, Above all,
As was previously stated


To list points To add more points to To make contrasting To conclude
the same topic: points:

one major advantage of what is more on the other hand to sum up

one major disadvantage of furthermore however all in all
a further advantage also in spite of all things considered
one point of view in favour of in addition to while in conclusion
in the first place besides nevertheless on the whole
first of all apart from this/that despite above all
to start with even though as previously stated
secondly taking everything
thirdly into account
last but not least

PRACTICE 1: –Transitions- Complete the composition by using the given transitions.

Some countries still have the death penalty …1… it no longer exists in
Britain. ……2……, after a particularly violent murder, British people sometimes call
for it to be brought back. …….3…….my opinion, the death penalty cannot be
defended for a number of reason.

………4…… and most important reason is that one can never be entirely
certain that the accused person is guilty. In the ………5…, people have been
sentenced to death and later it is discovered that they were completely innocent.

It is often ……6…… that the death penalty prevents crime and that the
risk of death acts as a deterrent. ……7…, many serious crimes are caused by a sudden and very powerful emotion. In
these cases, the individual is not thinking sensibly and does not stop to consider the risks.

One final ……8……… against the death penalty is that it sets a bad example. The laws of society should reflect
its values. If it is wrong for one individual to murder another …9…… it is also wrong for the state to execute an

………10…. believe the death penalty cannot defended. There are other ways of punishing criminals and these
ways should always be tried.

A. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word:

1- A and B despite C although D moreover

2- A In addition B also C Nevertheless D In contrast
3- A In B for C About D With
4- A Firstly B The first C The one D Initially
5- A future B present C beginning D past
6- A told B heard C spoken D suggested
7- A Therefore B However C Moreover D Despite
8- A Reason B view C argument D opinion
9- A then B as C and D too
10- A In contrast B To sum up C At last D Fourthly

B. Match paragraphs 1-5 with the following headings:

 Introduction
 Society should set an ex ample
 The death penalty does not prevent all crime
 Innocent people should never be killed
 Conclusion


PRACTICE 2: Contrast points in an argument

Look at the box below. Notice how we use the words in italics to contrast points in an argument.

In spite of the fact that life in the countryside is very peaceful, it can also be lonely.

Life in the countryside is very peaceful. On the other hand, it can also be lonely.
In spite of this,

Now complete the sentences:

1. Keeping animals in zoos can be cruel. In spite of this, ………………………………………………….

2. If you have a car you can get around easily. On the other hand, ………………………………………
3. Although learning a foreign language is hard work, ………………………………………………………
4. While camping holidays can be great fun, …………………………………………………………………

Write your own sentences using transitions:

1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________

What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, to tolerate ambiguity. In
the end, there are no certain answers. Martina Horner

PRACTICE 3: Read the model essay and:


1. Underline the transition words,

2. Try to replace them with other similar words which are given,
3. Make an outline.

Working Mothers have Positive Effects on the


Nowadays, more and more women work outside the home, which
affects many people positively or negatively. Germaine Greer, the
Australian feminist, said, “Most women still need a room of their own
and the only way to find it may be outside their own homes.” If it is
true, can it be done without having a negative effect on the family?

One point in favour of mothers working is that their children often learn to be independent
from an early age, which can only be help them in the future. Also, in many families, the man’s
salary alone is not enough to cover all household expenses. Thus, the need for extra income arises,
and the woman has to work. Moreover, working outside the home gives a woman a sense of her own
personal identity and self-confidence. A woman who stays at home will always be known as “John’s
wife” and not as a person in her own right.

On the other hand, child care is expensive. Therefore, a large proportion of the money a
working mother earns will be sent on childcare. What is more, if both parents are out working all day,
they only see their children for a few hours in the evening. This can have a negative effect, as
children may start to see their parents as strangers. Finally, working mother usually has to look after
both the children and home in her spare time, so she is actually doing two jobs instead of one, which
can be very tiring. She may also miss out on important events in her children’s lives, such as their
first words.

To sum up, there are many arguments both for and against mothers working. Every family is
different and what is good for one family may not necessarily be good for another. Taking everything
into account, it should be left to the individual mother to decide whether working or not is something
that she wants to do.
(333 words)


List down the pros and cons of being a working mother:


Do you agree that mothers should not work outside the home? Give two reasons to justify your opinion.
Write out your thoughts and justify your ideas in the space below.




PRACTICE: Persuasive / Argumentative

Student Essay:

Patty Crespo came to the United States from Ecuador in 1983 to study at Hunter College of the City University of
New York. She wrote this composition in 50 minutes to pass the final examination of an ESL writing course. At
the time she wrote it, Crespo could not decide if she wanted to stay in the United States or return to Ecuador.

Private Language2

The United States of America is one of the biggest countries in the world. It’s famous because of its freedom and rights of
liberty. It is well-known because its population comes from all over the world. The immigrants can learn the United States’
language, English, to keep this country united, but it is unfair to change their culture for an American way of life.

I believe that recent immigrants should learn English in order to live in this country. They should learn the “public
language” to make a better this country. If they don’t learn English, they won’t be able to communicate and do what they want. For
example, my mother’s friend came here from Ecuador three years ago. She does not speak English. One day her daughter, Anita,
couldn’t breath. She didn’t know what was going on, but she told her mother to call an ambulance. When her mother called the
hospital, she couldn’t talk. The operator couldn’t understand what Anita’s mother was saying Thank God; her sister arrived and
called the ambulance. The doctor told her sister that if she hadn’t arrived at the hospital on time, Anita could have died. A pill had
gotten stuck in her throat.

Immigrants should learn English to speak with the public, but they should also keep their language at home. The children
of immigrants should learn how to speak their parents’ language. It is very important to communicate with our relatives and family,
in general. If we learn English only and forget our “private language,” we won’t be able to communicate with our parents. For
example, Florence, my co-worker, speaks English only. Her mother didn’t teach her Spanish (her mother language). Nowadays,
Florence can’t communicate with her grandparents or other relatives in Puerto Rico. She has lost her mother’s language, tradition
and culture.

Immigrants may replace their language with English, but it’s unfair to give up their culture. They grow up with a way of
living and it is difficult to their language. They grow up with a way of living and it is difficult to change it because they are in
another country. They have the right to keep their culture and values. We immigrants have the right to know where we come from
and what our family’s culture is. In this way, we can transmit it to our future generation. After all, one amendment* of the
constitution of this country gives us the right. It is freedom of religion, culture and speech.

In conclusion, immigrants should learn English in order to communicate with the public and to keep the country united,
but they shouldn’t exchange their culture for an American way of life. They have the right to keep it.

1. Write the writer’s main idea.




2. Make a list of the reasons or examples she uses to support main idea.

3. Is Crespo arguing in favor of immigrants’ keeping two languages, or is she arguing in favor of immigrant’s
keeping two cultures?

 If the paragraph is about keeping two languages, write “language” in the margin.
 If it is about keeping two cultures, write, “culture.”

4. Write a composition about the same topic Patty Crespo did. Persuade your readers, starting with a
generalization and using reasons and examples, as Crespo did. Notice how Crespo gives reasons and
specific examples to support her argument.





Read the question carefully. Make sure you write about the title you are given, not one you
would have preferred!
To write a clear, well-argued opinion, which does not confuse the reader, it is essential to
organize your thoughts before you start. Brainstorm as many ideas/arguments as you can in
favour of your opinion on a scrap of paper. Remember you will need to say why you believe
in these ideas, too. Then plan out your paragraphs.
You should mention opposing views, but only briefly and in a short, separate paragraph.
Make sure your side of the argument stands out to your reader.
Remember to use the opinion language
Use the words you have practiced to list points in an argument.

Expressing / giving opinions


I. Introduction: State your opinion clearly without using too many personal opinion words.
Main body:
Give the first point supporting your opinion.
Give the second point supporting your opinion.
Give the last point supporting your opinion.
Conclusion: Re – state your opinion, using different word.


Read the following model and:

1. Circle the linking words

2. Underline the examples given to support each point raised

SUBJECT: Experiments on animals should be banned. Do you agree?

Animal Testing Should Not be Banned

Each year about five million dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, monkeys, and other animals die in deadly dose tests which
are performed in the U.S. The subject of animal testing is very open to question. In my opinion, animal testing
should not be banned for a number of reasons.

The first reason for supporting animal testing is that many products must be tested on animals to ensure * that
they are safe for use by humans. For example, diabetics would not be able to inject insulin to control their diabetes
if it had not been developed by testing it on animals.

Moreover, the effects of certain chemicals such as insecticides can be observed on animals and their offspring
and results are achieved faster since animals have shorter life duration than humans and the ability to multiply

The final and most important point in favor * of animal testing is that it is aimed at finding cures for diseases
such as cancer. Most of these tests cannot be done in any other way. Forty years ago polio was a common tragedy
amongst children. Animal testing led to the discovery of a vaccine and now this disease is very rare in developed
countries. While some animals undoubtedly suffer, the end justifies * the means.


Contrary to popular belief, laboratory animals are not ill-treated and their suffering is kept to a minimum. As
already stated, I am in favor of * animal testing, provided that is conducted under strict conditions and that there is
no alternative.
(231 words)
* Means: way, measure, process, method Justify: give good reason for
Ensure: make sure, guarantee, offspring: children
point in favour: point for
in favour of: in support of, for, supporting


Read the following article and answer the questions.

Genetic Science 1 (TV star Pat Kennedy gives her opinion)

Scientists have made amazing discoveries over the last twenty years, especially in the field of genetics.
Already they can create strange new species of plants and animals. They may soon be able to design new kinds of
human beings Do scientists really know what they are doing, and should we let them go on?

I think genetic engineering should be very carefully controlled. To begin with, life on our planet has
evolved slowly, over thousands of years. If we change that process too quickly by tampering* with genes, which are
the building blocks of nature, we may cause terrible damage. I worry, furthermore, where scientist will stop if we
allow them to ‘play God’ with our world, and whether they will be able to control the changes they are
unleashing*. Lastly, we should consider how some governments could use genetics. They might try to create ‘the
perfect baby’ or design a ‘master-race’. This is a nightmare scenario, of course, but it could happen.

It is true that genetic engineering can be used for the good, to detect or even cure disease. Biotechnology
can be commercially profitable, too, in farming and in agriculture. To my mind, however, these factors still do not
outweigh the dangers.

In the wrong hands, genetic engineering can be used as a way of playing with nature. Nobody knows what
the effects will be if we allow this to go on without strict controls. I think all of us should stop and think before we
allow scientists to develop these techniques any further – our survival could depend on it!

* Evolve: develop, be developed Tampering: influence Unleashing: release, let loose

1. Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph.
2. Which paragraph in the model essay:
- gives the writer’s opinion and reasons for it?
- restates the problem and the writer’s opinion?


- sets out the problem in general and states why it is controversial (=debatable, discussible)?
- gives the other side of the argument and the reasons why the writer isn’t convinced by them?


1. Read the article below, which gives a different opinion. It is
only in draft from, and there are grammatical errors. Correct

2. Does the writer put forward a logical argument for

his opinion? What is it? Which opinion do you agree
with most?

Genetic Science
Some of the most exciting progress in the science has happen in field of genetics. It is now possible to
grow plants who do not get diseases, and to breed cows which produce more milk. The scientists can even
create new types of animals.

In my opinion, these development are very good news. In the first place, doctors will soon be able to use the
genetic engineering to help fighting disease. They can tell you if there is a medical problem in your family which it
could be passed on to your children. Hopefully, he may then be able to alter the genes and cure disease. This is
particularly important on poor countries where people starve if the harvest will be bad. Finally, farmers can breed
animals who produce more food, and are therefore more profitably.

People sometimes argues that genetic engineering should be stop. They think scientific advance is ‘unnatural’.
However, I believe that scientists and doctors can trusted to use this knowledge responsibly. After all, peoples
protested about things like transplant surgery at the past but most people are in favour now. I feel sure that, in the
future, genetic engineering is of enormous benefit to us of all.

Breed; raise; bring up; produce

Write your opinions about the two topics in the spaces provided below:

1. Should animal testing be banned?




2. Is genetic science diverting from what religion teaches us to believe in?



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