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Public Speaking - Persuasive Speech Text

Names & Matric No: 1) MUHAMMAD NURSHAH BIN KAMARUDIN 1192071 BL : 3


Topic: Gender-separated schools

1) Introduction: Background Information, Context & Thesis Statement (Persuasive Claim)

From time immemorial we have been told the importance of early and secondary education to children, as a
humanitarian figure Nelson Mandela said: "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change
the world". Yes, it is true that the expression he said but does the existing education system, separated by
gender education work to form the next generation that can communicate well to everyone and not
discriminate against another gender? First of all, let's find out what gender-separated schools are. Gender-
separated schools, the tradition of carrying out schooling with male and female students attending different
classes, possibly in separate buildings or schools, is also known as single-gender education and gender-
isolated education.

2) Body Paragraphs:
Main Point #1 + Elaboration + Justification & Link to Claim

When they enter the modern world, the school setting is a place where students experience what life will be
like. Then there is the development of false aspirations for life afterwards if you segregate classes by
gender. The typical office in opposite corners does not allow men and women to operate. For everyone,
there is an expectation to work together. Schools providing a classroom layout of the same gender do not
allow students the chance to focus on this important social ability. Students who come from a single-sex
college background, face an adjustment period, because of this drawback, they begin their vocation.
Accordingly, unconstitutional segregation between genders could not be tolerated in schools as well.
Gender-separated schools are often claimed to facilitate gender stereotyping. The possibility for boys and
girls to work together is often diminished by single-sex schooling. Men and women are expected to work
together in the working world, so boys and girls must learn how to work in school together at a young age.

Main Point #2 + Elaboration + Justification + Link to Claim

Next, gender-separated schools are old fashioned and preaching narrow minded stigma. The idea of
separating genders in school or classrooms were practised by our great grandfather a few years ago. This
was because only male is allowed to go to school while women are forced to do household chores or getting
married. Nowadays, we live in a multiracial society which is the concept of certain things cannot be done
by he or she are not existed anymore. We can see that the relationship between men and women cannot be
bordered since both genders are actively involving in many job sectors. From this fact, it is crystal clear that
one-gender school does not teach students to face reality but giving them additional culture shock in real
life that they will face after school.

3) Closing: Restatement of Claim & Closing Remarks

In conclusion, many people claim one-gender school is the best for their children’s education but we
must think about other perspective regarding preparing our kids to the today’s reality that men and women
cannot be separated anymore. If separating the genders is the best then why universities do not practise the

4) References: (Please provide 2 sources that you used in researching your topic)
1. Bank, B. J. (2003). Contradictions in women's education: Traditionalism, careerism, and community at a
single-sex college. Teachers College Press.
2. Adams, P. (2020, November 8). What can data tell us about single-sex education for girls? The Sydney
Morning Herald.

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