Symmetrical Prabolic Summit Curve PDF

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Vertical Curves are used in highway and street vertical alignment to

provide gradual change between two adjacent grade lines

Gradeline = slope to which a highway or railway is built

Vertical Curves are the second of the two important transition

elements in geometric design for highways, the first being Horizontal
Curves. A vertical curve provides a transition between two sloped
roadways, allowing a vehicle to negotiate the elevation rate change at a
gradual rate rather than a sharp cut. The design of the curve is
dependent on the intended design speed for the roadway, as well as
other factors including drainage, slope, acceptable rate of change, and
friction. These curves are parabolic and are assigned stationing based
on a horizontal axis.
Vertical curves are used to provide gradual change between two adjacent vertical grade
lines. The curve used to connect the two adjacent grades is parabola. Parabola offers
smooth transition because its second derivative is constant. For a downward parabola
with vertex at the origin, the standard equation is

For parabola opening downward with vertex at the

origin, the equation is;

Recall from calculus that the first derivative is the
slope of the curve. the derivative is

Where is the slope of the curve at any point

The value of y' above is linear, thus the grade diagram (slope diagram) for a summit
curve is downward and linear as shown in the figure below. The second derivative is
obviously constant

which is interpreted as rate of change of slope. This characteristic made the

parabola the desirable curve because it offers constant rate of change of slope.

Elements of Vertical Curve

 PC = point of curvature, also known as BVC (beginning of vertical curve)
 PT = point of tangency, also known as EVC (end of vertical curve)
 PI = point of intersection of the tangents, also called PVI (point of vertical intersection)
 L = length of parabolic curve, it is the projection of the curve onto a horizontal surface
which corresponds to the plan distance.
 S1 = horizontal distance from PC to the highest (lowest) point of the summit (sag)
 S2 = horizontal distance from PT to the highest (lowest) point of the summit (sag)
 h1 = vertical distance between PC and the highest (lowest) point of the summit (sag)
 h2 = vertical distance between PT and the highest (lowest) point of the summit (sag)
 g1 = grade (in percent) of back tangent (tangent through PC)
 g2 = grade (in percent) of forward tangent (tangent through PT)
 A = change in grade from PC to PT ; A =
 a = vertical distance between PC and PI
 b = vertical distance between PT and PI
 H = vertical distance between PI and the curve : Vertical offset

Symmetrical Parabolic Curve

Symmetrical parabolic curve is a curve that is symmetrical at L/2, it simply means that
the curve is made up of single vertical parabolic curve. The figure shown below is a
vertical summit curve.

Properties of Parabolic Curve and its Grade Diagram

1. The length of parabolic curve L is the horizontal distance between PI and PT.
2. PI is midway between PC and PT.
3. The curve is midway between PI and the midpoint of the chord from PC to PT.
4. The vertical distance between any two points on the curve is equal to area under the
grade diagram. The vertical distance c = Area.
5. The grade of the curve at a specific point is equal to the offset distance in the grade
diagram under that point. The grade at point Q is equal to gQ.
Formulas for Symmetrical Parabolic Curve
The figure shown above illustrates the following geometric properties of parabolic curve.
Note that the principles and formulas can be applied to both summit and sag curves.

Slope = rise / run

Tan θ = rise /run
g = rise / run

where a= rise

The value of
From the left figure, the above triangle
has a rise of
And the lower triangle has a rise of
The sum

If is negative

The Value of H

From the figure above, we have two similar triangles

By ratio and proportion


Thus H=
Location of Highest point S1

From the equation of the parabola

The derivative is

Taking the left side of the figure and x =

eq’n 1

Taking the right side of the figure and x =


) eq’n 2

Divide eq’n 1 by eq’n 2

If is negative

and will be

Using the slope diagram

There are two similar triangles and by ratio and proportion

Vertical distance = area under the grade diagram

Where is the vertical distance of highest point from PC

And is the vertical distance of highest point from PT

Other formulas


When x = L/2 y=H

Elevation of curve at any pointEE

Elevation of PC = Elev PI – a

= Elev PI – ½

Elevation of PT = Elev PI – b

= Elev PI – ½

Elev at x from PC = Elev PC + -


Elev at X from PT = Elev PT + -


Highest Elevation at From PC

Elev of Higest Point = Elev PC +

= Elev PC +

Highest Elevation at From PT

Elev of Higest Point = Elev PT +

= Elev PT +
Example 1
A grade of 8 % grade intersects a grade of -14.0% at Station 11 +100 of elevations 113
meters. These two center gradelines are to be connected by a 200 meter vertical
parabolic curve.
a. What is the distance of highest point from PC?
b. What is the elevation of highest point?
c. What is the Elevation at x= 80 m from PC
d. What is the Elevation of PT
e. What is the elevation at x = 160 m from PC

a. Distance of Highest point from PC

= 72.73 m

b. Elevation of Highest point

HP = Elev PC +

HP = 105 + 2.91 = 107.91 m

Alternate Solution
H= =

Elev of highest point = 105 +5.82 – 2.91 = 107.91 m

c. the Elevation at x= 80 m from PC


= 0.08 (80) = 6.40 m

Elev at X80 = 105+6.4-3.52 = 107.88 m answer

d. What is the Elevation of PT

Elev PT = Elev PI – b

Elev PT = 113 – 14 = 99 m
e. the elevation at x = 160 m from PC

= 0.08 (160) = 12.80 m

Elev at X80 = 105+12.80 -14.08 = 103.72 m answer

------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A symmetrical vertical summit curve has tangent of 4% and -2%, the allowable rate
of change is 0.3% per meter station. Stationing and elevation of PT is at 10+020 and
196.63 m. respectively.

1.) Compute the length of curve

2.) Compute the distance of the highest point from P.C.
3.) Compute the elevation of the highest point of the curve

1.) Length of Curve

Rate of change =

0.3% =

n= = 20 stations

length of curve = 20(20) = 400m

2.) Station of the highest point

S1 = =

S1 = 266.67 m. from PC

S2 = =

S2 = 133.33 m. from PT

Elev of Highest Point = Elev PT + b


Elev of Highest Point = 196.63 + 1.33 = 197.96 m


Alternate Solution

From PT

= 2.66

Elev of Highest point = Elev PT +

Elev of Highest point = 196.63+2.66-1.33 = 197.96

Other Solution for Elevation of Curve at any point from PC

Slope Diagram
The change in height is the area of the shear diagram

At distance x the net area is taken from the figure that is


From figure

h= and


A = Δh =

Elev = Elev PC + Δh Elevation of curve at distance x from PC

By ratio and proportion

If is negative

Δh =

Δh = Change in elevation at distance x from PC


Δh = Change in elevation at distance x from PT

Elev = Elev PT + Δh Elevation of curve at distance x from PT

Check elevation of highest point From PT using Formula x= 133.33

Δh = = 1.33 at distance from PT

Elev = Elev PT + Δh Elevation of curve at distance x from PT

Elev = 196.63+ 1.33

Elev = 197.96 m Elevation of highest point at distance 133.33 m from PT


A vertical summit parabolic curve has a vertical offset of 0.375 m. from the curve to
the grade tangent at 10+050. The curve has a slope of 4% and -2% grades
intersecting at PI the offset distance of the curve from PI is equal to 1.5 m. if the
stationing of the PC is at 10+000.

1.) Compute the required length of curve.

2.) Compute the horizontal distance of the vertical curve turning point from the
point of intersection of grades.
3.) Compute the elevation of the vertical curve turning point if the elevation of PT is
86.42 m.
a. Length of curve

200 m

b. Vertical curve turning point or highest point

S1 = =

S2 = =

c. Elevation of Highest point from PT

Elev of Highest point = Elev PT + b

Elev of Highest point = 86.42 + 0.67 = 87.09 m

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