Weekly Assignment - 6: MBA FT-7601 Managing E-Business

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supplier exchanges is the business-to-business

or business-to-consumer or business-to-
government purchase and sale of supplies,
work and services through the Internet as well
as other information and networking systems,
such as electronic data interchange, electronic
payment systems, electronic workflow systems
and enterprise resource planning.
E-procurement systems are applications
MBA FT- 7601 designed to allow businesses use the Internet in
order to acquire the necessary goods and
Managing E-Business services. The term itself is quite broad and
actually includes several varieties of
applications. Part of a successful
implementation involves choosing the
Weekly appropriate application. In general, there are
three main categories of e-procurement

Assignment - 6 systems.
a. One type focuses on improving the
transactions and the decision-making
capabilities of the company. Businesses
Submitted By:
may deal with hundreds of transactions
Aayush Goyal weekly, but these applications simplify
the process and help foster stronger
F19-166 relationships between buyers and
Contents b. The second category of e-procurement
Weekly Assignment - 6 ..................................... 1 systems involves managing assets.
Systems in this category provide
E-Procurement and E-Procurement System
inventory management, maintenance
....................................................................... 1
scheduling, in-house product
Drivers of E-Procurement System ............... 1 availability, as well as other similar
E-Procurement Value Grid .......................... 2 services. These applications are useful
for businesses that need to keep a close
idea on the quality of their direct
E-Procurement and E- materials in stock.
c. The third category includes systems
Procurement System designed to optimize a company's
E-procurement is the electronic integration production operations.
and management of all procurement activities
including purchase request, authorization,
ordering, delivery and payment between a
purchaser and a supplier. It is also known as

Drivers of E-Procurement costs; this can help accelerate
System c. Inbound: This is the focus of e-
a. Control: improving compliance, procurement with efficiency gains
achieving centralization, raising from paperless transactions and more
standards, optimizing sourcing strategy cost- effective sourcing possible
and improving auditing of data. through hubs or marketplace. A
Enhanced budgetary control is strategic benefit is vendor managed
achieved through rule-based systems inventory (VMI) where supply chain
that limit spending and improve partners will manage the replenishment
reporting system. of parts or items for sale.
b. Cost: improved buying leverage d. Production: The integration of
through increased supplier systems managing manufacture with
competition, monitoring saving targets the procurement systems used to
and transactional cost reduction. ensure that manufacturing is not
c. Process: rationalization and limited by poor availability of parts.
standardization of e-procurement e. Outbound: This is management of
process giving reduces cycle-time, fulfilment of products to customers. It
improved visibility of process for is not usually managed by the e-
management efficiency. procurement system, but demand must
d. Individual performance: knowledge be evaluated by linking through these
sharing, value-added productivity and systems to achieve efficient consumer
productivity improvements. response (ECR).
e. Supplier management: reduced
supplier number, supplier management
and selection integration.

E-Procurement Value Grid

This framework is used for evaluating the
benefits of e-procurement. This can also be
used to review strategy since it highlights
potential benefits in terms of process efficiency
and effectiveness and strategic benefits to the
company. Main dimensions of value
highlighted by the approach include:
a. Planning: This shows the potential for
an e-procurement system to increase
the quality and dissemination of
management information about e-
b. Development: e-procurement
systems can potentially be
incorporated early in new product
development to identify manufacturing

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