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VOLUME 22, No. 20

ew Parole Eff~r;' I' -'-~orld -r;~y of 28th E 11 i s C~llege

'1 b Sake
Head 'I'h 1\1 ~~r~ Pa;t~ T~da~erth
Fire i Dog Quarantine Established .

W~lll cLardM~a,r~:. In Lower Merion and Narberth

On the first Friday m Lent, Feb- u le.les 0 e. ar
I I •
oS Started by Claney: ruary 28, all Narberth Churches
. n A M to 5 P M In
Women s U C pe er Company WIll hold thelJr
at the home of Mrs. . . IIlIC"
l I] )e
open f 10m" . '
I response to the call for a world·wide I
Convicted Merion Title Official i day of prayer. The call for Nar- 'I Forties Not Dangerous for Peo-

. '
Windsor avenue, thIS FrIday after-
noon instead of Wednesday after-
A S Precautlon
· A·galnst Rales

Com letes Half of Min- 'I berth was issued specifically by the pie Who Keep Ideals, noon as f~rmerly announced. The - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.P S tence Women's Interdenominational Union I Dr. Look Says proceeds WIll be devoted to the ex- Bake Sale Tomorrow Temporary 'Pound to House
1111um en !of Philadelphia and vicinity. Alii penses of the annu~l fire~ens' ban- The ladies of the Narberth Meth-
STRAIN! Christian people, regardless of creed, SPOKE IN BORO TUESDAY to be. hel~ m Aprl]. More odist Episcopal Church will hold a 100 Dogs Provided
SUFFERS HEART II ,.tre urged to participate. All bor-I bndge partICs WIll follow bake sale this Saturday at White's. by Township
- Ib w t; ough churches, including All Saints, Dr. Arnold Look, president of Ellis S"'eet Shop on Haverford avenue, i
Murdoch P " C aney egan 1 I at ne F'd a -Ii Wynnewood; St. Margarets, B aptlst . , College in his lecture on "The Dan- N ee dl ewor GOldUl t0 k N" b th Th sale will open at I
• temllt to obtam ka dPatrl o e as I
That day mar 'e Ie comp e 10
t~'lnaoYf' I Church of the Evangel, Holy Trinity
E' I I
gerous 'Forties" at the Women's Com-
d M t ° LOR ar er. e .
m . .
10.00 A. M. There WIll be dehclOus

• one-half .0 f dt h M'
e nll11Jmum sen
e f Lutheran, MethodIst

PISCO,pa an< munity Club of Narberth Tues ay ee eglon 00 m cakes, buns and various home-made
0 ,
T'tl a d TI'USt Presbvtenan are co-operatmg. . . .
afternoon, dIVIded people mto three .
foods on sale. The committee in No Animals Are Permitted
the convlcte, . .enon id nt-one le year n of ' classes-fossl!s, , floppers an d fin d ers, Larger Quarters for Narberth charge of the sale is as follows: Mrs. to Run at Large,
C?mpan y 'Icc-pIes e
hIS two to four vear term.
Al o
"Fossils" said Dr. Look, "arc those
' . " Branch Found Necessary G. L. Steinford, chairman; Mrs.
" . h S who live withm themselves and theIr f S . T Ileo d ore H . K oup, M rs. R 0 b er t I Licensed or Not
A petition I see k mg
fil d a. re eanng
th the Court on BIOggest Threat to U. . own narrow circle of friends who will or eWln
Burns, Mrs. Henry A. 'rye, rs. . I F M V
the pal'O e was e WI not accept any changes in life, there- ---
io. Krauskop, Mrs. Harry Mosteller' A dog quarantine was established
'l by Claney's attorney, James H. Egan, fore they have nothing to look for- WILL FURNISH THE YARN: and Mrs. Ralph Cook. this week in Lower l\Ierion and Nar-
• of Bryn Mawr. Major Prentiss Cites Large ward to; the floppers arc those vacil- berth as a precautionary step against
Last September Attorney Egan filed Number on Relief Rolls lating people who take the middle The Narberth branch of the Needle-: Leads Scnior Class the spread of rabies.
a petition seeking a parole for Clancy, in D. A. R. Talk course in the political and everyday work Guild ,of Amel:ica .will hold .its I Hutchinson, of Narberth, a The Township Board of Health de-
who was sentenced to jail February, affairs of lifc, which makes them un- monthlv sewmg meetmg m the LegIOn se~~rM~t Haverford College, had an creed the quarantine at a special meet-
'" 15,1935. The Court conducted a hear-! HE URGES DEPORTATION satisfactory and unstable citizens; but Room ~f the Community Building on average scholastic grade of 93 per cent i ing Monday, while the ,Narbel:th
ing on the petition October 25 and o~ the finders arc those who have ideals WcdnesdaY, February 26, at 10.30 for the semester just closed. Hutch-; Health Roard followed sUIt at ItS
November 2 Judge Knight turne Aliens constitute the gravest threat and keep to them by constant and A. M. inson tied for his class lead with W. i regular meeting Tuesday night.
down the request. to the United States, declared Major steady striving both in business and This place of meeting is a new. in- B. Morgan, Jr., of Philadelphia. I The quarantine regulations, effective
The new petition for par?le s~ates Henry M. Prentiss, headmaster of in their home life." novation. Her~tofor: the meetmgs I i in township and borough, provide:
that the !s su~ermg ~om Valley Forge Military Academy.
heart stram, whIch IS causmg phYSIC~11 The charge was made in the course the latter group hfe never became on. aC,count of the in.crease in member- i UnlOr ° U
Dr. Arnold went ,on to say that to have been held m pnvate homes, but I J ° Cl b t
i That any dog, whether licenscd or
\ unlicensed, muzzled, immunized or
disability. It is also stated that hIS of an addr~ss on "National Defense" dangerous at forty or at any other shIp It was necessalY to secure larger i MUSicale and Playlet vaccinatcd, found running at large off
wife is in ill health. at the annual Washington's Birthday period. He also touched upon the quarters. , The gar~len,ts made at I the owner's property shall be
In addition to his jail sentence tea given by the Dr. Benjamin Rush I physical and mental life of the mid- these meetings are dIstrIbuted to the , picked up.
Claney was fined $500 and ordered to Chapter, D. A. R., Monday afternoon: dIe aged and stated that healthy, needy families in the borough and to Entertainment to be Held That such dog'S will be detained
pay the court costs for the trial. in the Legion Room of the Narberth i normal men and women should bc en- vari~u5 instit~tions and c~nters where Thursday, Feb. 27th, in at the expense of the owners; un-
In imposing sentence Judge Knight Community Building. ! joy~ng life at its utmost duri~g ~his chanty work IS so essentIal. Club Room licensed dogs for forty-eight hours
, intimated that a petition for a parole In support of his claim, Major Pren-, perIOd. The proper outlet at YlIS tlllle There will be ample sewing to keep and licensed dogs for a longer period;
• might receive favorable consideration. ti5s cited the large number of aliens! is a keen interest in th: affairs of the all occupied and yarn \vill be furnished BOOK CLUB IS MONDAY: dogs not claimed by theil' owners
The bank, whose funds Clancy was on relief rolls who do not believe in world or your commumty, wh~re e~ch for knitting and crocheting for those within these periods will be destroyed.
charged with misapplying, closed its thc ideals of the country, but yet arc and everyone can find sO,methmg blg- who do not care to sew or who wish h d --.- F b 'l7 That licensed dogs which have beeri
. d h tl I t tl k d I ., . h' On T urs ay evenlllg, 'e ruary ~ " ,
doors October 28, 1931. fed and clothed by \Vell-meanlllg an gert an lemse ves 0 lin' an wor, to do some extra kmttmg In t elr own t h e pu bl"IC IS we Icome t 0 a tt en d th e seized WIll be released " to theu' owners
patriotic citizens. a b ou t . homes. · 1 ' I d
muslca e an P ay e sponsore( I I t I by th e,' onlv after a specIal quarantme agree-
The speaker recommendc d deporting I' Dr. Arnold also gave a sketch 0 f :\t a recent
' . ' Nar crt 1 electIOn of officers, 1\ rs. b I J umor' C ommunl y 't CI b
U.' : ment has
, heell .' executed bv. the owner
Honle Economics is aliens wherever possible and use 0 f : the activities at Ellis College and out- C H. Woolmmgton was chosen ]lreSI- Th '" t C I T ' U] of and IllS vcterlllal'lan,
'f' , . h e ,~ew on oa 1"10, a gro 1 , b
the passport method of identJ ymg: lined the work ' among girls there, who dent, while Mrs. J. A. Caldwell, W 0 ta I ' d artls ' t s WI'11' gIve an h our' : That dogs suspected of ra ies
Featured at P. T. A. them when they enter the country. I 'are taught vocations as boys arc at has served long and faIthfully, was
, ente
should be reported at once to the local
Thl' soloist of the afternoon was Girard College. Ellis College is not retained as secretarv, and also Mrs. performa,n~e. I '11' Board of Health and not killed except
. h ' I • In additIOn a one-act pay WI Ino-
Domestic Science Teacher Mrs. C. Fredenck Kuebler, " Jr" w 0 III a reform school, but a school for Louis Sheneman, who has acted aS'd
d I I' h
VI e a Ig ter no e 0 I rama, ac e " t f I t d in an emergency. .
her usual and charmlllg manner sang normal girls, the speaker ma e c car, treasurer for a number of years. I I Ib b' f tl ' Enforcement of the quarantme
Speaks and Pupils Present , . I I d "Y , I " coac led am stage( v mem el SOle " , d b h
four songs. 'I he groupmc UI e es- Another speaker was Mrs. Tyer, Mrs. \V. A. Fox WIll act as chau'man , C b TI ' t ' I I 1\x 'regulatIOns wdl be carrIe out y t e
Three Skits ""N b 1 I{ . f 1 S I " JUnior lu, le cas mc uc es 'Irs. '1 ' b I I' .
terday and T O(Iay, 0 oc y nows who spoke in behalf 0 t Ie a vahcn of hospitahty. ' M R b t T bLower Mel'lon anI );ar crt I po ICC In
. S " '''''h C k " f f I f Edward CorrIgan rs. 0 er a or, " . 11th
' DAY the Trouble I've een, I e uc 00 Army and made a plea 01' support 0 Box luncheons arc suggestel or F' 1\1' B tt B' co-operatIOn WIth the I'l'Spectl\'(' lea
, b G I "I\x' . , 'I IMrs. Eleanor 'oote, ISS e y IU- . R ld d
OBSERVE FOUNDERS and "In a Luxcm urg I an en. IISS
___ , ' t the campaIgn for funds. . , f 'Vednesday. ' The hostesses wI!" serve n e e l an d 1\'1'ISS Cece I'1U L'm. k 1\1'IS.' officers, MarVIn ,
E. eyno s an
· g of the' Margaret Sl1UJPr was tIe accompams·1 Mrs. John J. Martin, chaIrman 0 tea and coffee. Keep the last \. ednes- 1 CI] I 1\1 S . Georgc B. Suplee.
The regu I ar mon tIl 1 v mec t III I x C 'tt: ' , Ellswort 1 ar, am Irs. pencel ' I f C .
'I' '1 A 'ation The ,VaYs UlIl I\Il'anS onUlll ee, the Motion Picture CommIttee, gave a day of each month open III the future' . I I. g d' Lower Mel'lon Roarl 0 onunls-
Narberth pardent- l'ac ,lCr . StSh :N'ar at the tea table, included Mrs. Frank- \ resume of the pictures to be shown fo;' these meetings and put a red Smith. com.pnse t le cotac u1\n1 an I' sioners took stel" :\Iollday night to
was held Mon av evel1lng III e 1 , - , h . M R A ' ' k I stage-dll"ectmg llepartmen s. 1 en alll , , f l' Ith
. I I 'd" Th Rev lin R. Lmdsay, c airman; rs. . . I at the Narberth Theatre thIS wee circle around the 26th on your ca - 'I I ' d ' II co-operute WIth the Boarll 0 'lea
berth sc 100 au ItorlUm. e " F 1\1' , women of tIe comlllullIty arc cor la y , , I
, " I th' catl'on l\llzner, l\Irs. C. Arley 'armer, 1 rS' 1and next and recommended as faml!y ellllar. I. , d I' . f in enfOl'cm" tIll' dog quarantnll' am
Rohert helg lton. g"ave A d e Invo ,
I (I the Verna R. 'VOOl COC i:, j rs. I I 1\1 E '. B ., pictures "The LIttlest Rehel,' w1th " . Come out and enjoy a day of f e l - I , mVlted to atten I' I t liB evclllnp; 0 en-
'II b h I I' tl to provide adequate temporary aCl- f 'Ii
and Scout S ~ oIII a' 1\1' n erson E ' e \lThit- Ho;:kll1s, , Mrs, John L. l\'I'll I er, 1M"IS. Continued on Page Two lowship with your fnends . and nelgh-; 'tertamment' w. lIC I WI f eel th I'b 111 Ie tics where stra~' dogs may 1)(' IlOUSe<. I
S. ~, ."-. '.
, to t I1(' fl ago
I I I' 1 I . 'l06 m'm- Joseph II. MIller an t Ie regen, ' d I t 1\1'
IS. , .
bor5 and at the same tnne )(' P a ' I I clubroom
,,' cast wmg , 0 e
830 .. 1 rary,
R A eonlmltt('(' con;:l~tll1g'" t lC 0 -
. " f I f I
1I1g" reporte( t wt tdHl\'lle weG'1 c.: II C ~I 1 John C. "'ash. ; Registrv Assessors to Sit worthy cause. Even'hody we]conll', 'BUlldmp;, con~melncll1g adt .,. e- rowing members of the Board of Com-
her~ at pre~ent an ,rs, el a l l l -
, 1 r .:t' I' 'rnl'ln gm'e a brief
"11 '
Thi" comnllttee WI give a coverel -
I "
at Polls Next Wedncsday
I" ' i '
fre~hments WIll le serve .
'd' , F ,I' . ')4 tI Bo k llIissioners was a]J]Jomte:
' d J I
0 m
lan, pu 1 Icl ~ (' lUI " . di..:h luncheon und card ]Jarty on I \ "Th \1'11 C I ' .• ' b : On Mon a~, e 11 ual y ~, Ie , a J cfferies Jr chairman; William G.
~ext Wednesday Fehruan' ZG. 1S
report nn the P.-T, A. booklet. whIch • , .) , ' 1.1 ' --- ,e I age lOU to e ,Club will hold an interestinf' meetmg , . , . " ." . .
k I ' f . I I as to till' l\lurch 2,) at the of l\l1s. J. . G' T e day Evening I I f 1\1' K tl y I 1 Frankenfiehl. H, \, B, (J,dl,lghel, Dl.
'el'ps l.neJm le]'s III 01 ~1 el Baker, Z!lO Haverford avenue. th:' I:l,t lhv fo]' ~'~lter;: to e'nroll IJ\' lven on u s 1 a.t t Ie lome 0 ISS a ll\r n R'O~lg 1- Frank P. K, Barkl'r alH! C. Brooke
work of t 1(' orgutllzatlOn. ?II" '" I, I' ' s 'Iected 'm 'llter- i ,. ,• , . '\ --- i1n on Chestnut avenue. 1lrs. UI ey, I
;\Ir' We'!<'v P Dunnington, the . lSI' I OOtC eltlc 't\l\a l)e \ 1" CI)'11Vell ,party so :J~ to hl' eilgIllle to vote at "The Villagl' Choir" will Ill' gl\'l'n'l a memhl'r of the Hathaway Shake- .Jon!'B. 1 t' f th b I'd
.. " '. . nate (. (' l'~a e n 1C ..... '\..' -I tl ~le .tion :\Jll'il 'J~ 1 ]. . ., At the l·egu ar l11ce 111g 0 e oa
prl';:idl'I1t, who presided, reported that lion to he' held in 'Vushington ill April. 1e IJl,lm'lI ~ l C 'Ion Tuesday, Fchruary Z;l. at ~ a ~ ~c, I spcare Club, of Philadelphl3, wl!l gIve \\". I " l' , " I t :\11' Jl'fl'c'ri('s report-
I ," •• ' - l '

. -, ,
honol"lhle nll'ntion h'lll hel'n g;iven hy ,. 1 "11" \IT. ,I' I RegIstry assessors of Lowl'r l\1<'rlOn in the social room of Holy TrIluty a program hasl'd on till' CU1'J'ent New l ( IJ( Sl ,I~ IlIg 1 . . ' I '1
• ' , ' 1 hl' c 13pter \\ 1 give ,I ",IS llI1g- , . I .'11 " I'" '., 'J . I" , , cd that a temporal'\' ]I0UIl', \I'lt 1 ac-
the . 1\1 lI1tgoml'l'\'
l ,
CouncIl for the Nar- , "1
ton" BIltllav ploglall1,\I ' '" . t tl ' N'
Ie 1 a l , '_ and ?'>1alhl'lt
II' 1 1\\1
f tIC
10 t i tles]lec- Lutlwran ' Church, ?,:,lIhelt
..., 1 th I ,\Ill York pluv .' "TIll' CllIldren's Hour.' , .
('nll1n1()(latlOn~ fnl' 100 dnQ~. \\.IS ' . . 'III
berth P .-'I', .:\. hook compiled by ;\lrs, b ('rt II >'C!OO \ I t'J liS " F" 'I IlI,.I~, ,\, t 1 P . 'l\I. I tn,'C
I' po , lIlg ]I,ace>' . J. rom' " t '0 "' ,,' ..O.I \\'olll!hlllP
a\,enue>" ,,~ar' . WI'
tl I l\Iember>', of the Rook Club . numbenng ' process of con>,trudlOn " t at lw",~I'll I
Kl'nlll,th '\'il~on, ~he also announced. ~,,11'>', , ".~us II annOUnle( ' I tl 1,1. t tl Ie' c1'1] 1, I_:I 1st',ne\\ name~ 0] 01 tJc 1.1nge 1',11 11~ I Ill.. l>'-j' I ! ~I~q,UIeI
:'IIlss :\Iarg'aret S IS 1<'" mu-, 'tl I twentv-nllle and an adlhtlOnal ten·I Creek , .
]llUnplllg' '
..:ta\lnn. \\'I"
leI e.l d e-
,y, sical director anl ., r>', . pe,ncer ~Im 11 g;uests' will COll1prise the audience on'
' o ' •
that tbe n('xt meeting nf the P,-T, A, 1 I ',' f tl \ ," 1 ' tratwn.
tel' la( ost 011(' 0 Ie melll Ie I S )~ I . ' '" ' n ,Y t tJlOse ,l'nro 1'(
' . . , "', ' t ' , . I ., ., , , I ' , . "
. " ','
tent IOn buIllh ng' j nr SIX (ogs was a -
, I', I
h'lll hel'II110s t poned from ;\Iarch 16 to 1 I 'I'" ~I' ,tl, S'J. 1,1 ,1),),lt, c,m \ote,a le PIIIl1.11~ . .,lX IS dll'('ctll1g' tle st.lgc p,lIb, 'l\londav when 1\1Iss Bal1ey wl11 P;IVl' ,.
M'll"ch 0)0)
«'at 1, .' IS" "'.I1 1,1. lac ( . ,: \ \. .. dnesday ' ISI t Ie on Iy opportulIl't y t 0 SolOIsts " II1clnde :\Il's. ~en ' f t, SO-II readillgs . ,
from all the acts, l\liss Ells-, re'ulv ' . III eXIstence ' ,.. ., , 'I I
, _,), ' f . ' ..t' ' , I' l ' I" I ' , , ' ' Thl' townslup>, facilIties \\'1 I )e
~I' , 'I' 'l ' t'a Jler of dOIl1<'stic make sure 0 leg;ls latlOn, prano; O\\'('n Sehmll t, larltone; ,US-, worth Clark chaIrman, wl1l presll!e.1 " 1 1 '
"ISS a~ 01, l, C Consumcr's Council Speakcr ' madp availahlp to ~al' )(·rt 1. ,~com-
, tl N"I .th schoo] g'1 \'{' spll Ba>'elev, tellOI'. i l " f
sCience at H ' , ,11 ) e l , " ' S to Addl'css lV 1\ 'Ie.'I·oll Leaguc·
~ SC()llts" Bakc Sale _')9th Th(' ]l!'eSll " I f I co • L ., mittel' from the horoup; I conslstlllg 0
a short ta II , on \\' Jwt I10Ille pconOll1lC, •
' ent 0 tIe "C'l1Ior ' f l'ague,J F ayctte PI um b S ucccc d s 'DI' C'eorge A Sll1'\n president of the
I rf SJ . I A cakl' and bake sale will be given HOllald Howell takes tJll' part 0 tIe S H d . J , .•" ,
n1<'an5. to 100ne I I'. • Ie alll mem-
. , I I '.' ,],'t'
'1']11'~'., 1"1'1'011
~ 111",111CJl llf tIle Leag'ue
b\' tile B lV' Scouts of Alnel'l'ca ""rOO]l
director" alld
e en
Evans as Boy cout ca BO'l\'d of Health, Burgess John R.
. ' , SU]I!ce health of-
bel'S nl Ill'r class pI ('scntel t llCl s ,I s.: . '(.' .... , I ... '" , b I I Hall 'l11d Georo'e B.
I I ! "J' f 1\1' 'V J of "'omen Voters will meet on l'>o. 2, at 'Vhite's Sweet Shop on portrays the UbIqUItous VIllage e -I " ,... " .
UncleI' tIe eUI PI S llP 0 , IS, , • \\'c'(llll'~da\' aftel'noon at :3 o'clock at . I Favette R. Plumb, of Gladwylle, was licel', attended the comnllSSlon meet-
D renllPII, tl Ie P ,-, 'I' A Cl
, ,10, rus sane!" ,. ' ' f' i\I F 1 C <, 'tl 01 I Satnrclay morning, February 2(), dame . , I '
, I I I' elected Ilresident 0 tIe P aware am in'" in Ardmore \Vednesdav night an d
f 1 D I I
,' th" hOlllc' 0 1 rs, 'ran, . ~ml 1, l Contribution:" will be accepted by ApproxlInatel\, twenty arc II1C U( el I " .... • ." •
two numhcls. '(,'\11,,11 I'o"ll 11",'11'
'.: 'Il1llt!!'0111el".' a\,enue, Mrs, .John ,J. Schembs, of Grayling 'Il1 the , cast and' c J101'\1:'. 1" IC I',e t"san' Montgolllel'Y ., Counties Boy Scout J'('(luested ' the tn\lTlshlP'S all! III en-
• u " 0 > "
In celehrlltion of FOUllder s Day, ."',ll'\ll'I'tll. ,~ and \Vindsor avenuel;, :"arberth, :!;)- cent:"" alH I re f I'l'S JIn\('n t's WI'II 1JC' Coullcil , ' last
. . Fndav, ' . lIe sn,ccpl.'ds fnl'ci1J'" ... the llUal'illltin ', It , was
, read-
Mrs, ~amuel .J. l\IcCartlll'y rl'a<l a TIl" ,C',]le."]ce'I' \\'1']1 be '11'55 Vlc'anor d John LeWIS ]<.vans, of Havprtol'<I, who ilv gTanted bv the C'on1l111SSI0ners.
, ~, u , ".. l" chairman of the committee. "(,1'\'1' • '
paper on till' founding of the P,-T, A., Da\'is. chairman of the Consumer's S • held the post for fourtpen YI':Jrs, The resolution passed by the Nar-
which tnok place in this country in Council of Philadelphia. Her topic Vice-presidents elected include John hel'th Health RnaI'd I'stahli~hing' the
QUl,:,tiollnaire in rcgard to the P.-T. nol the Cost of Foods." Miss Davis
will be "How Housekeepers Can Con- ReVlewer Attrl°b Utes Succes5 01
° :: w, Townsend, Jr., of Bryn Mawr; quaralltiJw follow~:
Ha1'l'Y R. Keen, of Rala-Cynwyd; W. "Due to the exi:'tence of rabies in
A. work and ollicl'rs was gi\'en out to is the niece of Morris Llewelyn Cook,
the members, who were ~iv·en. live: who was city engineer in the Blanken-
minute,- to answer hy the pre~lc!Pnt. burg administration in PhiladeJphia.
unty P u Iis the S'trlngs " to
~~B P. Cochran, of \Vayne; J. Hansell Philadelphia and the sUlToUlllling
French, of Collegeville, and Walton suburban districts. the Board of
Forstall, of Rosemont. HalTY C, Health in reg'ular meeting' ussembled
These qUl'stion~ applied to tIll' na-
tional and State organizations.
:'111':'. H. B. I\Iaxwell, chairman of
transportation, would like members
Work 01Committees, Fine Acting Miller, of Sharon Hill, wa~ chosl'n sec- unanimously agreed that as a precau-
retary, and Howard Longs~l'l:th, (~f tionary measul'l' til l're\'en~ po.ssible
A social hour followed, when re- who will have automobiles available Haverford, as treasurer. Wdham K. existence and ~l'reall of thIS (hsease
freshments w('re sen·ed. A birthday' for this occasion to notify her as to By "FIRST NIGHTER" "Mother, why can't we go home now'! Holman, of !than, was namcd assist- from within or from without the bor-
cal,e was on the IlCautl'f u II Y ll ecora td e ; how l11anv they can accommodate, and .'\s
' one sat und watched the Nar- TI Ie t h'1)'(I act IS ' th e same as tlIe IiIrs; t ant secretary, anII 1\1'1'. F'renc JI, scou t ough, to its citizens, and to ItS ' d ogs;
table in cell'bration of Foundcr's Day,: also tho;e who wish transportation. berth Players score another smashing it says so on the program." commissioner. that proper enforcemcnt of the dog
Her telephone number is Merion 1145. h it in "Bunt\.' Pulls the Strings" last I t IS ' t h e seconlI ac t w h'IC 11 lOCI II' \' I R epresentatlves ' e Iec te~i t 0'th e N a- law by enforcing I a cog t quaran 'me IS .
I~ar b crt' I S C100 I I N CWS Fridav. and Saturda,.' nig'hts, one could t h e genIUs . 0 f th 'e~e comml'tt ees.•'"~e vel. tiona I R oyS cou t Councl I are \" I VW .. ContllllH"! Oil Page Two
' t bIt d S not help but wondel' when this chain beflll'" h',I\'e the Narberth Pla\.·ers ]lre- BOlII'ne, llf' \T I'II',1110\'a', 1\11'. Keen, Mr.
New 0 ffiIcers h ave JUS· ' eenh'se CI ec eb i Plan Little Garden Day all' of continuous successes is going' to be selltell~ a more attractive sccne. E\','IIIS, Isaac C, Sutton, N, H. Gel- Mergerites' Attorney Protests
for the Gol"d en R u IV' e CItlzens t IP 'd u. t i ..\ t an enthusiastic meeting with broken. For live years this valuable Ch,'Hles J. Clark outdid himself in le'l·t ',llllI 1\11'. Plumb. Against Costs and Court Fees
They are \. arren mce.n, pres.1 en ;: her assistants Mrs. H. Wilson Moor- community organization has gone on his portnn,'al of the Scotch country-
d t
Barbara \Voo d roW, Vlce-preSI en ;,I :, houl;e, chairman, made plans for und on without one single fUl'1 ure, an d sl'de ~o that one felt that hl' could
Jane Donnelly, secretary; Ed 'waru the 1'ith annual Little Garden Day this play, which was their nineteenth walk - right dOW'1 the road from the •Rufus ones to pea at
J S k Exceptions to every item of ex-
penses and several items of costs con-
Gorman, treasurer. Sale for the benefit of the Main .J 'h Merion Meeting on Sunday
The Golden Rule Citizenship Club production, dcserves to be rankeu WIt kirk yard. The entrance to the kirk tracted by the Narberth Home Rule
, . . , N b h Line Federation of Churches. The "Dover Road" "Arms and the Man" anll the StllllC \"all and "'ate were so One of the series of foul' forum lec- Committee, which opposed the merger
IS a new organizatIOn m ar · crt. I salc WI'11 b'e IIe Id on Th urs d ay and ' and all the rest. ' , that - ...
school this Year. Its mem b ers h Ip IS
composed or' fourth and fifth graders. Fl'ida Y Ma)~. ~:,th ~n t~ t . h'ld IS
d 5 h Th' I "The Tavern" l'eal the au(II'ence fOI'got that I't tures will he given at 8 o'clock Sun- of the ,borouf'h with Lower Merion
First Ilrize in this production should was a snowy, slushy night in Narberth day evening', February 2:3, at the Township, have been filed by Franklin
The 5-1 branch of this league pre- yeal' tIe ac IVI Ie.s or i e c I ren i go to the ScenelT Committee, the and felt that they too were mingling Merion Meeting House on Montgom- L. Wright, attorney for the group
.. are to be espeCially developed as Prollert" Committee and the Costume \"I'tll the kl'I']'-gllel's Sabbatll ery avenue, Narberth. sponsoring the movement.
sentell a citIzenshIp program on well as the sa Ie 0 f pian t s, I owersi '
ConUllittee. The first act was in the . > ' • on a
Tuesday built around the lives of morning in Scotland. T e costumes The speaker will be Dr. Rufus 1\'1. Total costs and expenses filed by
Lincoln and Washington. and food. parlor of Tammas Biggers, and the throughout the play were accurate Jones, of Haverford College, whose Roland Fleer, attorney for the
On Thursday and Friday evenings, setting was most faithfully and ac- and charming and added much to the topic will be "That Quali:er Outreach." Home Rule Committee, amounted to
March 19 and 20, the Narberth Jun- Bible Class Meeting cura teIyd one. Th e thOIr d a ct was the success of the production. It might This forum is being sponsored by $1076.96.
ior High School will present "Chon- The Women's Bible Class of the same as the first, and thereby hangs be an excellent idea sometime if after four of the Friends' Meetings,
ita" a gypsy romance with music Narberth Presbyterian Church will a tale. A small boy was sitting with the last curtain call for the actors namely Merion Meeting, Old Haver- next session of Argument Court for
I The matter will come before the

based upon. the themes of Franz hold a business meeting and social his mother near this writer and he there would be another curtain call ford Friends' Meeting at Oakmont, a hearing, probably the third week in
Liszt. It will be presented in the program on Tuesday evening, Feb- seemed to be rather sleepy. At the for E/uch wOl'kers as Bob Sigel, Roger Radnor and Haverford. March,
rium. ruary ,2,5~h, ate~gbt .o·clock ., end of the second act he wearily said: Continued on Page Two
February 21, 1936 •
'-.~'~~~========-=====~~~~~~~-~==--' I I ~~~=::--'=--:::====::~=-=-~~
OUR l"'"JIlO~\{
JL \ 'W..l ~
Co'operative Community :Newspaper
Eocal . .7J1ovies I & I ---
Reviewer Attributes Success
of "Bunty Pulls the Strings"
to Committees' Work Acting
Ellis College Head
Women's Club Speaker
to carry over until Spring is now in order
founded in 1914 by the :Narberth Civic Contlnu"'l from Pa~e One Have this comfort and convenience at a small cost
Association, and published every Friday Shirley Temple, "Big Broad. Continued fl'om Page One Shirley Tel}lple, and "So Red the SUZANNE JORET GILL
h Pa,
"'T b ert,
at _"ar t " an d "D angerous " t 0
cas, II Burns, George Werner, Myrt Ie H arn- I Rose. " I 216 Dudley Avenue--Narberth 2324

I ---
be Shown at the Narberth den, Blanche Hongler, Phil Pitcher, I
Mrs, E, A. Jamieson, chairman ofli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Philip MooreLlvln~ston,
Robel't Atlee Publisher I' Ann Darville and the many other I1 the Literature Groull, announced that
Cameron, Edl tor
Anne Morgan Roberts, Social Editor I
"The Littlest Rebel," staning that faithful members who do their work the next meeting would be held on
vivacious youngster, Shirley Temple, unseen and unsung.
Office - 258 Haverford Ave., Narberth is at the Narberth Theatre this Fri-
Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 at the home
The amount of talent available in of Mrs. C. Arley Farmer, on Woodbine Narberth Hand Laundry
Telephone-Narberth 2545; If no answer, day and Saturday. the Narberth Players is remarlmble. avenue. Mrs. Ann Darville will re-
Ardmore 3100 Monday and Tuesday the attraction Out of the ten principals there were view "Edna, His Wife," by Margaret
8ubscrlptlon price, $2 per year In advance is "Big Broadcast of 1836," with a only three that have taken part in a Rarnes. I
Entered as second-class matter cto'l
bel' 13, 1911, at the POSI Office at Nar· of gifts is made Tuesdays at fl.
dazzling array of stars. Distributionlma,iol' production before. And out of The Fellowship Committee Mrs. J.I
a tota~ of t~\·entY.-five who appeared H. Speck, chairman, held a luncheon I!
20 pieces of
Flat Work $1
berth. Pa,. under the Act of March 3, N"ext \Vednesday and Thursday at varIOus tlllles 1lJ the play, twenty I and card party at the home of Mrs.I'
1879. I
comes "Dangerous," the vehicle star-j of them had never been in a three-,.James B. Smith, on Avon road, on I (12 pieces
ring Bette Davis and Franchot Tone. act play produ~ed. by this, organization. I Thursday. There were twenty pres-,
Friday, February 21, 1936 It is an exciting film, I All of the. !l~'mclpals dl~ well. T~e ent. I for 75c)
The third amateur radio audition all\'erse crltlcl~ms that nllght be Wl'lt-
I Mrs. Ralph C. Heath, president of I
' D
T ,Ie og Quaral1tmc- . wiII be held Wednesday at fl P. M,I ten are so mmor that they may as the club made a short address about
.' I, I . i f h d'f '
, . I 1 Last week's winners were Frank \\ ell lC onlltte(, One 0 t e most I - the fifteenth anniversarv of the found-
Thl' do'" qU;lI'al11l1w 111vO ,{'( . f' It t" I' ft·' ttl ' . J I

.~. . Byrne, of Olney, baritone. first; Fred ICU uS ,S 0 an ac 01 IS 0 ac e UI- ing of the Narberth Public Library. WE CALL
tillS W('I'I\ III LOWI'I' :\lcl'lOn Hud Reynolds, of Ridley Park, tenor, sec- ing- laug'hter by the audience and at Three club members on the Library
:\'al'hl'l'lh is a sll'i('tl~' pl'ce<ll1tiol1' ond; with Jean Gladden, of Merion, the same time not say anything, A Board of Trustees are Mrs. E. H.
al,'~' sl('p, ()III,\' two a('(l1al eas,'cs a vocalist, an~ Emidi~ Ro~si, accord~onl fe.w. :imes. the speaker's .~\'o,rds \\::re Cockrill, Mrs. H. A. Jacobs and Mrs.
of I'ahil's ha Vt' O('('uIT('(l in llJ(' player, of PhIladelpllla, tied for third nlls~ed because of ,talkm g dUllng- Clifl'ord W. Bates. 107 Narberth Avenue
phce laughs. Once or tWice an entrance
10wIIship hut IOl"l I hral1h authol'-
,. ' . .' .,
' . I
I t' I
was a cane on one 0
f tl . Mrs. Heath also anllounced that
lese occasIOns there had been changes in the meet-
Illrs han' d('('1(h'd to CII 011 lhc' "T 1 f T C't' " those on the stage turned and looked, f h 1\ - d '
. .,
slllp of ('a111 loll. (o.oprl'atIOI1 of
. , a e 0
If" d
"C' & toward the door.
ThiS writer felt that
Ings 0 t e i Iontgomel'\' County Fe -
t' t' h' h' Id b e e Id
h Phone
dll'" OWl1rl'S ill ohsl'l'\'ill'" lht' pl'o-
, ': ' , ,.. . ,
I ra - an rune
Punishment" at Egyptian much like a tin pail and he wished In
the church bell sounded a lIttle too, N tl WI'
era lfln mel' 1lJg w IC wou
or 1 a es on
A'I 16' t d
pl'l . 1I1S ea j
Narberth 2266 r
\'ISIOI1S of lht' (10!.!'
' la\\' wIll. hl' oj
I!l'cat assislall('l' iII p!'C'\'enlll1g' t Ill'
I . tl
III linI act tlle WI11(
'1C tl' . Iow s IHI d e of Ma\'
Id' and that
Dickens' immortal story, "A Tale of had been all the way up so as to show wou l,l1eet a
t tl the
N Executl\'e
C t G 'Id
le 1 ew en ury UI
__ 0=--

S'.) 1'('11(1 of I'ahi('s. Thl' la\\' .pl'O- Two Cities," is being- shown at the th? beautiful hit of. scenery, But these oni~;:I~~:s~:~s of the afternoon was
nell's that do"'s I1I11s1 hl' 1'('sll'all1('d Eg'yptian Theatre this Friday ancl thIngs arc so ml110r they scarcely 'I J S El 'I T d <,
~ Saturday, \Vith a cast headed by II l' r". ." . I1'1C 15on, ea was sen'e .
lIt all tillll's alld thal <ln~' dog's
ftllllld rlllll1iIlU'-at·]al'u'l'.
." \\'hpthel'
. I I
Ronald Colman and IllC ue ing twent~'-
se\'en featured players, the film is
count at a .
The next meeting of the club will be
Xo finel' hit of acting- has been Cone held on March :l, when 1\Irs, 1\1 .
For Your Convenience • • •
I let'IIS('( 1 O!' 1111 I'1('CIIS('I.1 III11ZZ I('(., I already receiving critics' acclaim as h\' an\' member
',~', , .of the N". arherth" Play-. "
GUl'alell'llc j\,ICCOl'l)l!'ck,tlll'ougil
_ the
" . , el" th,lll the plesentatlOn of Bunt~ courtes\' of Gilman Inc of A.rdmore we'lI call for the prescription. corrN11r compound it. ]
lI11llIlIlIlZed 01' \'a ('l'lIlH I pd. wIll he an outstanding' one for the year. 131'g"'er" b\' :\Iarn'aret 1\IacGuffill S I 1 l ' . ' ,"" ,
. . d I T I I " " , i , ,..,' . , wIll talk on the history and romance
)\''I" I~ C G"-
SClzrd a II! I dl'l a II 1('d al 1hI' l'XPPIlSC Mon ay anc ues( ay lrings ,Jean entered into every mood that the of cl '11' a i la and return it to }'ou JUSt as quickl}' as possible. No
Harlow and Spencer Tracy to the 11 a IH g ss, • I~. _. . liS
of 1hp 0\\'11 pI', ThC'il' rt'll'asl' is Egyptian's screen in "Ritl"ratl'.'· an author. intended her to be and \.vas wold will also ,n',.,, i\'e a talk on borough extra charge, of course. Our delivery sen.·ice is prompt •
eOl1dit iOlll'd 111)011 a SI)C(~ial qll<lr<ln- amusing comedy romance, g
1' , a "')'r('IIIC'1I
, 1, 1II 1Ie ('II
' . ,
'1 pr('( l '111 10 The powerful moving dI'ama,
c. hal'ml1lg throug-h'.lut; s,o charnlI,n , housing.
In fact, and so skIllful " III malHlg'lllg . Tilere wI'll be lllUSI'C b\'. the P .- T , .....,
hel..~el f and her au(!Ience that It IS Chorus, ,\ Iuncheon will be ser\'ed
and reliable.
hy lhC' OWII('I' and hiS \·C'tl'l'l IHI 1'1 a II. "Crime and Punishment," based on no II'ondpl' -he nulled the !ltring's She .' . ~'hen the doctor (ea\'cs a prescription. just tt'lephol1l' us,
. 'Dostoiev~ky's no\'el, will he the at- ~ .. , at 12.,)0 and there wIll be a Home In- thc OW.IIC'I'S PXIWIlSP,' Dog''; ha;; a hright future witl.l the Narberth stilute conducted b~' 1\II's. George \". You can rely on Shea's.
traction on ,,,ednesday and also on _ '.
iOl1lld rlllllllllg'-al-Ial'g'(' will he dl'- Thursday, "Bank Nig'ht," at the Egyp- rIa~'ers and elsewhere If she cares to Orth, chairman. The hostess for the
lailIl'd fo!' a lilllilt'd pprioll of tilllp tian. Cast includes Edward Arnold,
alICI 'I'
, .'
I 110 1 (' I;11111('(
(IS, \1 III h(, Pllt 10 d(.lth,
I 1)\- 11'
' "
\('11' OWIl- Peter Lone and Marian Marsh.

.\11- Next Friday and Saturday, an

continue on the stag·e. Paul Brown afternoon will be Mrs. C. B. Stoudt.
is a "find." It is most difficult . 'indeed
'''' , llluetl'llg' of tIle B()al'c! of D,'l'ectol'"
L _

to get a YOUilg man of IllS age who will be held on Tuesda\,', Februar\' 25,
is intel'e;;ted in acting' and has the '
J. PAUL SHEA Narberth 2838 - 2839
-At Narberth Station

111ol'il i('s Ila\'C' 1111 (,llOi('C'. hut stl'iet amusing comedy featuring Claudette ahility, It was eas~' to see that he
Colbert and Fred :'Ilac:\Iurray, "The NOll' of Thanks ---- -----.---~._----~- __===s
rllfOl'('('IIIC'1l1 of lht' dou' 1<1\1' al likes to perform; that is one of the
, Bride Comes HOlne," is schedulC'd. upon the occasion of theil' be-
this 1iIIit' ill ol'dl'l' 10 pl'CYl'II1 111l' seCl'e'ts of hi;; success. He did a splen-
reavelllent, and in appreciation of
, . did job in a part that mig'ht easily
, )' oj " l'allI('s, 110\\' P]'('\'a!t'llt FI'fty.Foul· at Junl'ol' Ila \'(','I leC'n SPOI
,'1 e,I. 13 0 Ilbe a B lIgel' the thoughtfulness and solicitude
III 1 hIladl'lphlH ;111<1 01 hel' S('('! lOllS.

Dog Quarantine Established

High School Honored

The faculty and students of Lower

madp e\'el'yone dislike' Susie Simpson, shown by friends and neighbors, 1\Ir.
and that is after all the test of a part
such as she had. Bill Muller added
Thomas A, Elwood, husband, and
:'lit·. and Mrs. Joseph D. Maguire,
parents, of the late Edith E, Elwood,
The Truth -
in Township and BOI'ough :\Ierion Junior High School assembled another to his long- ;;('rips of successes Washington told tlze tTllth
wi;;h to expre~s their heart-felt
to ohserve the second qua rter's Honor in playing the part of the leading
thank;;. eyen wizen Ire was ashamed
Conunuerl fro III j''';re One Day last week, when recognition was eldel', Tammas Riggel'. It is really
necessary, This resolution and artic- given to all students in the school who of wlrat he had done-and •
l'l'lllal'lmhlp the way he was ahle to
les to be enforced, to be given pub- had attained during the ;;econd quar- handle the Scotch brog-ue when one the grouping of Illany people on a found it paid.
licity both by the press and the po;;t- tel' of the school year a general ave- rpcalb the excellent Mexican accent small stage so well done that you
ers to be placed about the horough rag-e of !IO per cent, with no single he had in "The Bad Man." Jim Watt lle\'er felt it to be crowded,
Well, we're proud not only to tell the truth,
explaining the quarantine and that mark below SO pel' cent. Fifty-four was timid and awkward just as the The weather 011 both nights was PL.A. but to demonstrate it in OUR OWN

such quarantine will be enforced from students received certificates and np\\, eldpr and the eng'ag-ed lover, \'ery bad, but the audiences were good, WASHING MUHOD~
February 19 until further notice." chevrons for this scholastic attain- \\'eelum Sprout, oug-ht to he, .Jane ['specially on Saturday. p1'lwing ag-ain '\ AND SANITATIDIi I PLANT. And what we say and do is
The Pennsylnl1lia 'Vomen's Society ment. "'ash did an excellent piece of work what a perlllanent place in the COlll- , CERTIFIED
II ~~IlNllnc"R[S( ARCt1
' CERTIFIED by the Pennsylvania Laun-
for the Prevention of Cruelty to ani- The school had as its guest Dr. as El'll'n Dunlop. It was especially munity the Xarbel'th Players IHl\'e \ COMMISSION
j drymen's Association. Our Sanitary Wash.
mals and the Animal Rescue League Ralph D. Owen, of Temple Uni\'ersity, difllcult fol' her because she had to created for themse!\·es. \ .
\LAUHOR-' O'hN[R<: '
ing Methods pay us and they'll pay you.
will pick up stray animals, co-operat· whose address was an interesting com·
make hel'self much older than she! ,;:=====~~~;;;;~======~
ing with local police. Unclaimed dogs parison of the life of Abraham Lin· really is, Betty McConnell's portrayal ENLARGED
will be disposed of in the Montgomery coIn and of Robert E. Lee, of Teenie Dunlop proves that she is PETE CONLOW'S
County S P. C. A.'s lethal chamber The honor students are as follows: her mother's own daughter when on SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY, Inc. •
near Conshohocken. Robert Cornish, John Miller, Noyes the stag-e, and no finer compliment 13th Year DAN C I N G
Two positive cases of rabies and Leech, Jean Engelhart, Katherine can be paid her, Cecelia Link made Children and Adult classes Pirone ARDMORE 4400 and learn tire tTlltlr about our Laundry
TAP-BALLET-ACROBATIC Seryices-tlrere's one to fit your ind;ridual or Irouselrold needs.
one believed to be rabies ha\'e been Morris, Edwin Dafter, George Ar- a good Village Gossip and had some Ballroom-J. Carlos Cresson
reported on the Main Line, The first mour, Edna Glenn, Virginia DeHart, clewr business which added to her 1711-13 Chestnut St. Rlt. 5963
was a dog owned by H, O. Wells, of Bailey N"ieder, James Snyder, Judith
119 Upland tenace, Rala, which was Post, Herbert Huffine, Boyd Brod-
~rt. Francis mt~ell
to hep himsclf in the background so
held under observation by Dr. S. B. head, Landon Baker, Betty Crea, that he made a part of the picture as
Apt, llfl l\Iontgomery avenue, Cyn- Fred Dunlap, George Grow, Edward
wyd. The dog died February :3 and Harris.
the Minister's Man oug-ht to do. Bob
Estes, as we all know, has a glorious
Our Windows L stell!
an examination of its head by the Patsy Hutchinson, Lila Labowitz, voice and certainly is in line for a offer suggeslions for •
State laboratory at Hanisburg' re- Robert Miller, Retty Schmidt, James higger part soon. It is impossible to
ported it positi\-e for rabies, Titus, Renee TriIling, Ruth Goodwin,
The second definite case was a dog' Frances Lynd, Lillian Allen, Anna
owned by James \V. McDonald, 621 Kane Laird, Joan Deal, Edna Marie
Railroad avenue. Bryn MawI'. Dr. J. Hipwell, Doris Keihn, Marjorie Lyon,
mention the kirk-goers individually,
they were all good, but one must single
out Helen \Vetherill, Nancy Simpson
"Narberth on the Air"
and little Kay McConnell.
Allyn Rogers, of fl28 Haverford road,! Zelda Ettinger, .Julia Gallagher, All in all, "Runty Pulls the Strings"
W.H.A.T. Wednesdays at 9 P. M., direct fl'om the
Bryn Mawr, diagnosed its ailment as Henry Hinze, Edward McCracken. prows once more that good coaches parties-favors, candics.
decorations. novelties
stage of the Narberth Theatre.
rabies and his findings were confirmed I John Neeson, Alister Townsend, and good material can overcome manv I
by the State lahorator~'. I
Robert Bresslow, Virginia Feather, handicaps. Natalie Fleck and Marth~! See the Amateur Auditions, at the theatre every Wednes-

One clinically positive case has also Betty Grace, Constance Haskell, Jane Simpson deserve much credit. This I day.
been reported from Bryn Mawr, al- Schwartz, Claire Barton, Franklin play is not easy to produce. The I
·············1 •••••••••••••
though an examination of the dog's West, Betty Zipf, Muriel Culbertson, Scotch dialect was well handled and
head by the State laboratory was Robert Siman, Achille Vallorani, John Spo7lSorcd by sel'cral local b"sitlCss
negative. I
DuBois, Jane Whitehead, Maxine Cal- 224 Haverford Avenue firms iucludiug thc followiug:
I vin, Mamie Falconi. WARNER BROS.
To the Editor of 0/(1' TaWil: I -
A stream cannot rise above itSj' Do you need household help? Try
source, but I had hoped that men a classified advertisement in the col-
Adelizzi Bros.
102 Forest Avenue
could. After seeing the vile out pour- umns of this paper. Matln•• Cally at 2.30 P. M.
Ev.nlng C.ntlnuou•• 7 t. 11 P. M. ~ T ailors-Clcaucrs-Furriers
ings from the ready pen of Narberth's I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
new Patron Saint, I realize that some
~ Davis'
FIRST MAIN UNa SHOWINGS HOW 224 Haverford Avenue
men are like streams.
. . . . . . . . ,+,., ...... ~= ... " 7\V:f!ct..fl!:t..f!. ,
This Thurs.-Fri.·Sat.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
February 20, 21, 22

Evcrythitlg for yOUtlg and old

Narberth Electric & Radio

"A Tale of Two Cities" Maitl Litle's first radio service


ttThe Littlest Rebel"
I with
and 27 Featured Players

109 N. Narberth Avenue

Narberth Jewelers

NOW Next Mon. and Tues.

Elizabeth Allan Edna May Oliver
236 Haverford Avenue
Certified Watch aud Clock Repairitlg

"The Big Broadcast Mon. &. Tues,. Feb. 24 &. 25
Charles Dickens' of 1936"
Narberth Printing Co. ~
JEAN HARLOW Harry H. Hollar

Tale of
Tues. at 9
Beautiful Gifts plus $$
In Her First Production
Since "China Seas"
Shabby? Trousers
frayed? Bring it
to us for a com-
109 Forest Avenue

Narberth Theatre
Narb. 2618

Next Wed. and Thurs. with Spencer Tracy, Una Merkel

plete going over.
Two Cities" Bette Davis, Franchot Tone
Wed. &. Thurs., Feb. 26 &. 27
National Bank of Narberth

RONALD COLMAN "DANGEROUS" wIth 228 Bala Ave.-Cyn. 928 J. P. White Motors, Inc.
Wed. at 9 102 Forrest Ave.-Narb. 2602 104 Essex Avenue Narb. 2930-Gre. 8448
Joe Penner Jack Oakie
ELIZABETH ALLEN Frances Langford Betty Grable TAILORS-CLEANERS Plymouth-De Soto Sales atld Service

.... .. .. .. ......
Radio Broadcast Auditions I DYEnS-FURRIERS
• • • • • • • • • • • • • j • • • • • • • • • • • • • J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
Page Three
February 21, 1936
Narberth Bridge Club
Wednesday, February 12, Mixed
I Tournament, Section 1; top score,
THE FIRESIDE Girl Scout News
I Anthony Arnold and Waldo Kurtz;
I tie for second place between Paul Mrs. C. Graham Reid, of Glen-,
I The three Gil"! Scout Troops of
! Seidler and Allen Shubert with Mrs. wood road, Merion, gave a tea and II Narberth al'e combining efforts to
; Stewart Anderson and Mrs. John E, shower last Saturday afternoon in Ilrorluce a progmm at the Narberth
in Wetzell. Section 2; top score, Mrs. honor of Miss Dorothy Gimbel', of Public School on Friday, March 6th,
Permanent i D. J. Hicks and Mrs. B. Taylor; sec- Cynwyd, and Mrs. John McGowin, during the assembly period, in eele-
i and place, J. H. Bakel' and Mrs. H. of Ardmore. The guests were Mrs. bration of the Girl Scout Anniver-
Wa'Yes 8'1
-Spiral and Croquignole.
Experienced Operators.
I. McConnell.

Friday afternoon, February 14th,

'Yomen's Division Tournament: top
James H. Stevenson, Jr., Mrs. James
Beighle and Miss Helga Wohlert, of
Narberth; Mrs. M arce I P ec I-, 0 f
Bala; Miss I{ itty Morris an d M'ISS
sary. Marian Whiting, of Troop
is in charge of the. exhibit which
will be displayed in the auditorium.
,Jane Nulty and Barbara Smedley,
score, Ml's. J. H. Baker and Mrs. Peggy Morris, of Bryn Mawr; M rs. of Troop 125, are making arrange-
Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday : John E. Wetzell; second place, Mrs. Henry Steubner, of Ardmore, :ll111 mcnts to place this same exhibit at PHILADELPHIA
2 Specials for 85e •\ Allen Doty and Mrs. Malin C. Hine- Miss Evelyn Patterson and Mrs. WiI- strategical points during the coming
II baugh. liam N. Mead, of Cynwyd. month.
I Saturday evening, February 15th;
: top score, E. C. Griswold and Mrs. Miss Gimbel', accompanied by her The first meeting to make arrange-
Whipple; J. H. Baker and \Yalter mother, Mrs. Ethel Gimbel', and her ments was held at Captain Christine!
Our 78th
Harris tied Frederick Moyer and brother, Mr. Bert Gimbel', have gone Mahl's home on February 15 A sec-
•• I\ATIlL~~~ • • Mrs. Allen Shubert for second place. to California, where they will reside. ond meeting will be held at the Anniversary
:I\ Monday evening, February 17th; Mrs. McGowin is the former Miss school auditorium for a rehearsal at
I3~AUT"" JIl()()V~ top score, Thomas Crossan and Wal- ,Janet Hayes, of Riverside, R, 1., ten o'clock Saturday, February 22d'
tel' Harris; second place, Walter J.! formerly of Wynnewood. Troop 125
43 North Narberth Avenue-Narberth 4077 Scott and Allen Shubert. Dr. and Mrs. Reid attended a din- Troop 125 is very fortunate to
300 Lev<p.rbg Mill Road-Phone: Cynwyd 927 ncr at the Ritz-Carlton last Thurs- have secured Miss Betty Seasholtz, through Feb. 29th
day. of Narberth, as their new lieutenant,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Bailey, She has just completed a training
their daughter, Miss Doris course at the ~hiladelphia Hea~-I Charge your anniversary
BaIley, have left for an extended quarters under MISS Gold, Camp Dl-
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ardmore, Pa. trip through the South and will rector. Betty comes to the troop
announces a
spend some time at Miami Beach, "chuck full" of new ideas and the
sale purchases and pay,-
FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE i Florida. scouts are looking forward to an
Entitled-CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: The Science of Good Government lassified Mr. and Mrs, George B. Suplee, even busier season. one-third March 10th
by FRANCIS LYSTER JANDRON, C. S. B. C Jr., of Washington, ~. C., were the Seven girls - Barbara Smedley, I
of Detroit, Michigan
Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church
I Advertisements guests of MI'. Suplee s parents, Mr' l Sonia Anderson, Betty Beaver,
and Mrs. George B. Suplee, of Wood-· .Jane Nulty, Claire Robinson, Louise
one-third April 10th
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
IN THE RADNOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM I -wIll be charged only to residents
side avenue, last week-end.
.Johnston and Helen Doty-are going
Mrs. 01'10 E. Cook, of Narbrook to take a first aid course at Bryn
one-third May 10th
(Audubon Avenue, Wayne, Pa.)
at 8.15 o'Clock-Thursday Evening, February 27, 1936
II whose names apPEar
p'lOne directory or to InsubscrIbers
the tele- PI' 1 t
I ar -, entertame( a a sma
11 I unc h eon 1\1awr Hospital under Miss Hamilton,
to THE MAIN LINEH. OUH and bridge party on 'Yednesday in a tl'ained lIurse.
... TOWN, or the NEWS
CYNWYD. BALA- o~· honor
ling, ofof West her sister,
Haven,Mrs. Conn.PaulAmong
Ster- interesting'
The scoutand troop is going trip
informative on an on
, ZOe a line the guests were Mrs. William Levis, Saturday. Miss Ruth Sheehan,
for All Three New~paperl and Mrs. Maude Mathay, of Phila- scout le~der of the air, has invited
Count five words to line delphia. the gi rls to come to radio station
Mr. and Mrs. Cook also entertained W HAT to watch the Girl Scout
I -will be accepted up to 'Vednes-
dllY, 6 o'c1ock, tor FrIday's Issues. at dinner last Saturday in honor of progTam which can be heard o\'er
lIIr. and Mrs. William .J. MeE\'oy that station on Saturday at 2 P. M.
Phone ARDMORE 3100
I1,-================I and their daughter, Miss Yvonne l\Ic- After the broadcast, the girls will
E\·oy. g'o through the Ledger Building and
1 Situations Wanted
PIC\t ~TICAI.J ~tlr~t..-' dl'sin's ('aHL'~ of all\"
Mr. E. A. Engelhart, who has been' watch the paper come out, If tinw
in northern Ontario, Canada, for permits, they will also go through
h d to 1·
1\S h ome Independence Hall.
24.Hour Metered Service
I Idll<l .,xcepl lllatel'llil~'. ('alI CYllwyd se\'eral mont s, !'eturne

From Ardmore Bulk Plant
., I :W7:'-\\'. (S) on Maple a\'enue last Sunday eve- News of Troop S
r NIGHTS, SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS-Call BARING 4400 GOOD experienced stenographer, who ning. . ' 1"he "'iris (If Tl'ool' 8 on Fehruan.·
¢=='. _ ~'~~~~~~--~~~-~~~-~--~-~~~~~~~~~ I tlon full or part
understands time, Phone
bookkeeping. Narberth
desires po"l- l\1r~. R
tt \\'a~ the guest
usse i l l 1'\'111, 0 f P Sb ur~~,.
I 11 proceeded ,..,
of 1\1 rs, \, erna h..t,the\' spent the e\'elllng'
to ~ urbrook Pal'k, wlwre
' Oil
2U2 -R. .
1 Ilpartmellt.~ ior Relit IWoodcock, of Montgomery avenue" th(;' horseshoe, Se\'eral ll',ell1bers :our-
BI~RNOLA APARTlIIENTS last week. .,' . ! prisell e\"eQ"one by turning' out to hI'
Koser Bros., Renlal Agents, "At Ardmore i\1r . and. 1\1rs, . C, II.. .\\ oolmmgton : excee(I'llIg' IY g'OO(1 SOleI'S. I" ."-\f tel' a I lOU t
A SERVICE . . . Station," Greenwood 0680-Ardmore 680. and theil' daughter, Mlss Ruth .Wool-: an hour of sport they returnell to the
Wtlnted mington, of Na,rbrook P~H'k, Will at-, SC'lut house, when' the Ilw('ting' \\'a5
i.~IUH. :\faltrf'ssf'S of all sizes wa.lltt~d hy tend the Waslllng:on Blr.thda y ban~ closed with a r'?!Hlst of hot dogs and

NO"r A BARGAIN (aillilil':-; known to :\lain Line ll~ed. oo(

Chul'clu:s. lJtHIUI~ IWlY phone Bryn l\lawr
quet of the Phtladelplua AlumnL 1l1Ll 1'S.1
(11) Chapter ~f Wheaton College on Mon-
1 111~' 11.- 1)\\·:;.
At the ),1t,eti;,!!, of February 1S
.:\ L.\H.CjE hri.!.dlt rOorll for IlHlkill.g' LOg· day evemn~.. Cappie toLl about the prof.!:ram f"r
tunH~~ I"rolll :\Ial'('h I to :\Iay 1. ~Iu:-it
bt~ hf"atr·d. I'holll' Cynwycl 8:!. (8)
Mrs. Wtlham Baily . I Goodall,
. tlof March G, 'fI,,· J'l: I;par"a I s are gOing .
If you are seeking a worker for any sort \V ANTED Small aPt.-about $26. Nar-
Dudlev • avenue , WII , entertam Ie .
Club at splendldlv, w;:h ulmost all tlw glrb .
, of a job, a maid, a butler or household berth 2207- W.
--- members of the Fortl1lghtly of the thrt:e . tree,:'s turnillg' out e\'l'ry
t help, remember that any newspaper can luncheon at her hOllle on Friday, Saturd:l\". The )'l'xt I'e I1earsa I WI'11
give you quick, satisfactory results from Business Opportullities
.\!'·l'Ol\IOBII,E Itppai,· Shop for ""Ilt, February 28th. " be held 'F,.. l';·~l'\l v :2::! in I he ;\arbcrth
"Help Wanted" advertising. wOIHlt'rful location OIl :\lolltg-onll:'I'Y aVe. Mrs. M. C. Hmebaugh, J.r., lor school auditorium at 10 o'clock sharp.
l·;sl. Business. Uood upportunity for all- Windsor avenue, will entertam tIe E I It'
Despite the hearty upswing of business, :l.r"outld ('OrtllH'tL'nt rnechanit'. Apply members of her club at luncheon and 'very )Ol y OU • .
and the rise in general of employment, I L\"SELL BHOS., ~I~" ;\Iolltg. a ,"C'" "ar- The scouts spent purt of the e\'nlllg'
I ...'rlh.
there are stilI thousands out of work.
(S) bJ'idge next Tuesday.
. . I I b . .
IJI'actlcll1g the sonf.!:S t I1ey are to Sill/!.' .
Mr H C Kelm w 10 las een on . . , .
So it isn't any feat for a paper to bring At Your Ser"ice '. . " ' R:r . t d at the Song' Contest Satunlay, Fehru-
you a host of replies to your ad. RELIABLE CARPENTER, alterations, a busllless trl]l to ea( mg, Ie urne at'\' 20 at 2 P. l\1. in the Bryn :\Iawl'
weather-stripping. Gottlieb Esslinger, to his home on Dudley avenue on p' I ' CI I .
You get this same efficient service from 122 Conway avenue. Call Narberth Wednesday. res lytel'an 1U:'C 1.
Record Help Wanted ads at less cost. In 1748-R. . of A sUllper meetmg' to be held Tues-
fact, your ad in eo.mday's Record will save DRAPER1ES. Slip Covers, Venetian New Mr. and Mrs, John A. Hall, I . 1\1 I 'j -t e I
York were the guests of 1\1I·s. (ay evenlllg: r arC1 . , was sugges , .
you one-half the cost of any other Phila- blind", Awnings, Furniture, Upholster- , . I d' t "1' The plans WIll be completed next week.
delphia Sunday paper. In&" BeddIng", Rugs cleaned, repaIred Hall's brother-m- aw an SIS el', J.' r.
,. When you need domestic help, SAVE
..nd stored. Challenger, 281 Montgomery
..venue, Cynwyd. Phone, Cynwyd 85, and Mrs. Joseph R. Clausen, of Meet-
The marriage of Miss PearHon to
( MONEY! Phone WALnut 2300. Say, "I Formerly wIth John "'anamaker. (tt) ing' I-louse lane, over last week-end.
wish to place a "Help Wanted" ad. TYPE\VHITERS - Sold, rented and re- MI'. and Mrs. Clausen entertained at Dr. Herbert Fischer, of Wayne, will
paIred, Ribbons and Carbon Paper, take place at four o'clock in the
SUBURBAN TYPEWHITEH CO., 33 E. dinner on Saturday night in honor
Lancaster ave.. Ardmore, Ph, Ard, 1378. of MI'. and Mrs. Hall. Overbrook Prcsbyterian Church on
The OrlKlnal TOM HARHISON Used Mrs. Clarence Parks Fowler, who Saturday, Feuruary 29th.
Furniture gxchange now located at 3U Mr, and Mrs, Ralph DeMott anll
\V. Lancaster ave.. Ardmore. At·d. 381. has been the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
UPHOLS'1'l,;HII"(] and rep. Springs 01 H. A. Jacobs, returned on Monday their daughter, Miss Carita Dl'l\!Ott,
8-plece sulles repaIred, $10; Chair 1'." Lo her home in Evanston, Ill. Mrs. will spend the week-end at lkar
oovel'e,l, $5. Go anywhere. Call Lewis
117 E. Lancllster ave. \Vayne 1498. Fowlel' was a former resident of Mountain Inn, New York. On Mon-
Narberth and was the second presi- day they will go to Scranton, for
Lost a"d FOllnd dent of the \Yomen's Community several day,;,
LOST-Jalluary ];)th, <lianlOlHl lllatiliuln I'll'. H. C. Fenno, of Essex avenue,
hal· pin, lh·wal'd. HelU1'1I to Thl" :\fain Club of Narberth. Mrs. Jacobs gave
LriJh'r, 11 ~'Hation road, AI~(ItIlOrf>. (S) a tea on \Vednesday in honor of Mrs. ,;pent la,;t Sunday in Plainfield, N,
,J., whel'e he visited his father and
Rooms for Rent Fowler.
Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, of Essex aunt, 1\11'. Robert F" Fenno and
BAL.-\-1~7 BrYIi :\lawl' a\·l·IlUt'-Ian·~-l·
~PC'Ol1tl tlr. frollt I't)Ol1l adjoiniug- hath. avenue, entertained at a luncheon l\l iss Gertrude Fenno.
Ilout-'l'kl·('piII~ faeilitit"H. }'I"i\'ate houu). Miss Virginia Eyre, of Norris-
"It is 1l10I·e than ju:-;t a rOlHl)''' (S) last Friday fOl' Mrs. Fowler.
Mr. and' Mrs. H. A. Nonemaker, Lown, N, J., is recuperating from
ESTATE NOTICE and their daughter and son, Dorothy her recent illness at the home of
ESTATE OF HOBERT J. J\[cCLAI:\'. and Jimmie spent last week-end in her sister, Mrs. Robert L. Russell,
lale of the Borough of Narberth, Mont- Altoona, Pa., where they were the 126 Chestnut a venue, Narberth.
gomel'y CounlY, deceased,
Letters testamentary on the above es- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geb- and I\1rs. Harold M. Griest, of Mer-
Dickie Griest, the small son of Mr. Sugar and spice
late having been "ranted to the under- hardt.
Higned, all perHOIlS indebted to said es- Mrs. Carl S. Vogel and her sister, ion, is recovering from a recent
THB WAR GOBS ON • • • tate are requested to rnalie inullc<liate
lla~'ment, and those having legal claims, Miss Betty Holfman, daughter of serious illness.
Miss Claire Sehoeni, of Cynwyd,
and everything nice
lO llreHent the same without delay to Dr. and Mrs. Romaine C. Hoffman,
l\IIIUAM McCLAiN WESTO:\' had as her guest last week-end, Miss
There is the thunder of winter's heavy artillery 16 ""oodslde Avenue of Forest avenue, are spending sev-
over town and country... blast of snow and sleet, Narberth, Pa, eral weeks at Miami Beach. MU\'garet Baker, of Ridgewood, N. J., that's what this frock is
biting wind, penetrating chill .. "and the ageless
,01' hel' Attorney:
HOLAND PLEER Miss Virginia Steinford, daughter forlllerly of Merion.
NOl'ristown, Pa, of Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Steinford, eo - - - - - - - - - - - ~ made of! A combination of
battle between man and the elements is renewed. (0-3-6) of Stepney Place, is spending the silk and wool,-very adapt-
Today that ancient warfare in many respects
is between Utility Service and nature. A defensive
army - mobile, trained, well equipped and sup-
Proposals will he reeeivcl1 at the ot~
month of Februal'y at Coral Gables,
where she is visiting her uncle and
lice o[ the Boroug-h of ;';arberlh, Forest aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Good-
Egyptian able fabric. Slick two-piece
frock with stitched pockets
!I Avenue, !';'al'berth, Pennsylvania. until sell. Miss Steinford was the guest
ported by swiftly functioning staff work-is ready ~l'v"n-thirty (7::10) 1'. M .. l\l11llday, March
I :1, 1!):HL at whieh tiuh..\ and plaet.~ they
of honor at a dinner at the Miami- NOW
for the emergency. At first call it swings into will he puhlicly opl'IIl',1 anll !"l'ad for fur- Biltmore given by her uncle and and plenty of buttons. Red,
action, to stay there until peace with complete nishillg- one (1) two anll olle-half ton aunt last week.
C~ollventional type dunlp hod)" Autoear
Mr. and Mrs. Percival Roberts, Jr.,
Charles Dickens' light blue, rose tan, pale
truck, fully e1luiplled wilh plow and ac-
victory is achieved.
cessol'ieH, I
In all seasons Utility Service
fights your battles!
Bidding- fornu;;, ~peeitil'ation~ and re-
of Pennshurst Farms, Penn Valley,
IluirernentH for' till'" abo\'e rllay he ob- have left for Charleston, S. C., where
tained at the olliee of the Supel'intendellt they will spend the remainder of
of l'ulJlle \Vol'I<s,
I ~~A Tale of green.
Sizes 12-18. Very
111 our Anniversary,
Bids to be sealed anti alldresHl'd to the winter. I
PHILADBLPHIA "Chah'nulll, Hlgh\\'uy Cumrnittee," Bor- Miss Betty Pearson, daughter of i
augh Office, Narberth, l'ellnSYI. vania, and Dr. and Mrs. William A. Pearson, I
idelltilled as bid for "(I'ucks,"
Two Cities" $14.78, a $16.95 value!
The Boroug-h Council reserves the rl~ht of A von road, Merion, will entertain I[
l to ,"ejecl any or all bldH or Imrts ot bids at a luncheon at the Union League
as deemed to the best int"rest of the
Borough. followed by a theatre party this \ ELIZABETH ALLEN
Sport Shop-Third Floor
Elecmcit'y is Cheal' in the Philadell'hia Area ('HARLI~S Y. N01~L, Saturday. The guests will be the
Cieri, of Council.
member~ of the bridal party. I ~.iii= _r;;;_;;r=o_-=_;;::;:=-:;;-;;::;;;;;-~.;;r=o-;r.".~'l
.. ====================
Page Four OUR TOWN February 21,1936
Salvation Army Campaign If I,meditation. We join with others inla bouquet of white roser.; and lilies I
r;t II Church Notes ,this observation of the Day of of the valley with a purple orchid in
N ets 1"20,647 Loca y to Date
A total of $20,647.50 was collected
_ _ _ I Prayer.I

I 11Sunday, March 1:
the center.
Miss Cathcrine Robh;on, sister of
by thc Main Linc division of thc Sal-
'file Presbyterian C/lllrch .
00 A M L t C m
. . - en cn
mUllion thc bride who was the maid of honor
0 They may be made of silk with dainty stitches and
Meetings for F.ebruary 23rd: I Servicc. . wore a g'own of shcer pink net witl~
vation Army campaign up to noon on
Tuesday, it was rcported. 9.45 A. l'L-~lble School. T~mpcr-I 7.45 P. M.-The Question of Au- large frilled slecves and a full skirt.
attractively outlined with braid, or they may be window
The Main Line quota for thc drive cncc. Sund~y ~vll1 be obscrved III thc thority. I Thc neeklinc was high and was shades, but what we want to talk about refers to Shades
is $30,000. It is hoped to end the opelll~g e~erclses of the school under I finished with a dcep pointed rose col- of paint.
the (lJrectlOn of the W. T .. C. U. Holy Trinity LlltTlCran Church lar. Shc wore a .1·uliet cap of the nct
campaign by March 1 or early in the ~ Th M W Do you know in our supply of Artists' Material we have
month. ~ 1.00 A. ",1.- e ornmg or-I Cletus A. Scnft, Pastor of thc same shade as hcr gown and I
oullts contributcd in various shIp. Scrmon by Rev. A. W. Black-I S' O' carried a bouquct of spring. flowers 1'1 Schmincke Oils and Water Colors.
Am wood, D.D., Professor of Homiletics
margarct qUler, rgamst ., . . . I
Main Line communitics arc as fol- Princeton Seminary. Theme "The I
Sunday, Fcbruary 23, 1936: MISS AllCc FranCIS and 1\~rs. N.. 1\1. In Enamels and Outside Paints we have Murphy Varnish
lows: Power of God in the Lives of Men." 9.45 A. M.-Bible School. McClurc, who werc the. bndesmUlds, Company's products.
Bala-Cynwyd, $660; W~'nnewood, 11.00 A. M.-The Junior Church, 11.00 A. M.-The Morning Service. ~vore n~o~els of turquOIse net :ash-
$558; Overbrook, $679; Narberth, conductcd by Mrs. A. S. Digby and Themc: "God Defined by Mercy." I IOncd ,sIl11lIar. to. t~at of the maId of When you want to "DO OVER" a piece of furniture or
$192.86; Merion, $1677; Haverford, Mrs. G. V. ·Woodrow. I 6,45 P. M.-The Luther Leagues. honor~. Theil' .1ullct caps wcre of the Redecorate, CALL US.
$1167; Ardmore, $1477.75; Br\,n l\' Mce t'mgs a f th e three I Alice Stecle, Missionary Secretary of
('J. 45 P • 11.- turquOIse net and thcy
. also cal'l'ied I

Mawr, $1292.50; Roscmont, $528; C. E. Socicties. I
thc Scction C of the Philadelphia
bouqucts of sprmg flowers. Shull Lumber Company
Gladwync, Penn Valley and Pcnn 74- P 1\' E' W h' District, will bc the speakcr. Mr. Charles M. Daub, of NOl'I'is-
• t> • ". - venmg
Wynne, $173.95; Villanov~, $248(~75; Scrmon by Dr. Blackwood. "How to
ors Ip.
7.45 P. M.-Alfred Gaul's Sacrcd town.. acted as best man, and t~e ush-
I The Link Between FOTest and Home
Radnor, $1781; St. Davids,. $2IG7; Have an Ideal Church." Cantata, "The Holy City." (See no- crs mcluded Mr. Ronald Irwm and I
Ithan, $202; Dcvon, $152~; Strafford, Next Tuesday evening-Commun- tiec elsewhcre.) 1'11'. N. M. McClure. I 29 Bala A venue, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.
Malver~, J\lr~.
$141; $70; Paoh, $146; Ber- ity Bible Class.
wyn, $135; nllscellaneous, S2388.J!l. Next Wednesday evening-Prayer
Tucsday, 7.15 P. M.-Boy Scouts.
Tuesday, 8.00 P. M.-"Thc Village
Clctus ,Scnft sang scveral
selcctlOns b?fore the ccrcmony. f1;~~~~~Ei~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·1~~i~~~~~~
J\IN,tinj!.· Choir" a dramatic take-off on last Mrs. Robison wore a gown of black
Beauty Show at Bellevue gencration's music circles. Refresh- pleated chiffon, a small black turban
to Have Narberth Entrant I Narberth Methodist Episcopal
Wednesday, 7.00 P. M.-Junior
and a corsage of g'ardcnias. Mrs.
Beddall wore a gown of sapphirc vel-I
Treat Yourself
A cosmcticians' and hairdressing- I

Choir Rehearsal. vet and hat of decp bluc vclvet. Her to the
show will bc givcn at the Bl']]evue- Rev. \\. Vernon MIddleton, Minister Wednesday, 8.00 P. M.-Lenten corsagc was of gardenias also.
Stratford Monday Tuesdav and
Wednesday of next 'week, both in the
Sunday, February 23rd:
9.45 A. M.-Church Sehool-Tern- Petcr."
Service. Theme: "Lentcn Charactcr: Upon thcir return from a wcdding
trip MI'. Bcddall and his bl'ide will
daytime and in thc evening. A hail' perance Sunday.. . Thursday, 7.00 P. M.-Confirma- rcside at 1019 Swede street, Norris-
stylist from New York will tell about 11.00 A. M.-Mornmg WorshIp. tion Class. town. They will be at homc after
th'e latest method of hairdressing, and ;erJ~n~:'The Nation; A Substitute Friday, 7.45 P. M.-Senior Choir. March 15.
there will be two lectures on plastic or 4 o( p'
' t
surgery an d many 0 th er meres t'1Ilg- 6. 5 . M. Junior Epworth Miss Julia Robison Wed to Girls' Club Tonight
. th League.
events. On T ues(jay evenmg crc 45 P William S. BeddalJ Saturday Thc Narberth Girls' Club will
will be a banquet and cabaret show, L 6. . M. Senior Epworth mect this Friday evening at eight in
the talent for which will be outstand- cague. Thc marriagc of Miss Julia E. Robi- the Lcgion Room of the Community
. 7.45 P. M.-Organ recital and Building. A basketball game, Nar-
mg. y S· Th El' b th B son, daughter of MI'. and Mrs. G. 1\1.
The Suzanne Bcaut\.' Salon, of Nar- N',?sPler Ccrhvlcc.
t 473e 0 IzaE eS ..
11 Robison, of Dudley avenue, Narberth, berth vs. Christ Lutheran team, will
bcrth will feature two Narberth chi!- • ICO son ap er - . . . WI d "I ,,' be played on Monday evcning away.
, . worship with us. Sermon _ "The an "' r. 'h Illiam S. Bcddall, son of
dren, Joan Barbara PIerson an<1 .Jane 1\1 sage f Ruth" Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bcddall, of '''~.~~.~_~!!.~_~_~~_~_~.~~_~.~_~
Holt, in its demonstration, and Mrs. C;; d 0 F ' h Norristown, took place at 4 o'clock
Suzanne Joret Gill will g-ive a talk ~es ;y, eb~'uary 25t: Class last Saturday in the Holy Trinity
and demonstration on hail' tinting.
The show will be opcn 11 A. M.
M d
on ay.
1\1 8.? . M.- unshine Bible
e\Vetmjg. d F b
e( nes ay, e ruary 26th:
Lutheran Church, Narberth. The
Rcv. Clctus A. Senft, Jlastor of the
8.00 P. M. _ Ash Wednesday church, officiatcd.
Egyptian as

State Takes Over

Friendly Hour.
Thursday, February 27th:
The bride, who was givcn in mar-
riag-e by her father, worc a gown of
NOW Mrse Gorman's Personal
Counties Title B. &. L. G.30 P. J\1.-Junior Choir Rehearsal. white satin fashioncd on long slender

The Counties Titlc Building and

8,00 P. M.-Choir Rehearsal. lines with a high ncckline finished in
8.00 P. 1\L-}leeting of the Board thc front with seed pearls and an
Charles Dickens' Laundress Service
Loan Association, of Ardmore, operat-
ing undcr restrictions since June 13,
of Trustees. Elizabethan collar at the back. Her
Frida~', February 28th-National full slecves were fastened at the wrist ~~A Tale of The Best-It Costs No MOTe!
Phone: Narberth 2940

1934, was taken over by the Statc Day of Prayer. in a tight cuff. Tiny satin buttons
Banking Departmcnt last Friday.
Walter M. Burkhardt, of Bryn
Mawr, director of the Division of
7.30 P. l\1.-Boy Scouts. decorated the gown in thc back. Her
8.00 P. 1\1.-The Young People will veil of tulle had a frilled effect across
present "Here Comes Cbarlie." This the front and was fastened to her
Two Cities"
Closed Building and Loan Associa-
tions, wiII bc thc receiver for the de-
play is being repeated by requcst. head by sprays of orange blossoms.
Tichts ;~5c for adults, 20c for chil- It fell in g'raceful folds over the
RONALD COLMAN Final Clearance ofthe Season
funct association. dn'n. I slight train, which was formed by
Eyery Fur Coat 'I'

---- .. --
Chartered September 22, 1927, the the skirt of the g-own. She cal'l'ied
Counties Title Building- and Loan had
aSi'cts on December 9, HJ35, whose
Baptist Church of the E'JIangel
I{obert E. Keighton-Minister SPECIAL THIS WEEK
~~~~ In Groups. @$lOO
book value amounted to $81,364. The "Arco" Red Flash Square Boller
1930 assets wcre $72,5!HJ. Stanley T. Reiff-Organist 9 Sectlons-3000 feet capacity
Used 6 months-and Sold "TOO-TIRED In Groups. @$145 •

According to a statement issued by Sunday, February 23: with a guarantee
In Groups. @$195
Jv'1:.I~K $175
Dr. Hal'!', thc aSi'ets include the fol-
low bool; value items: Real estate,
g.45 A. l\L-The Church School.
1] .00 A. lVL-Morning Worship.
Sermon: God';; GarriRon. Thoughts on Other Special Values
MARY" In Groups. @$245 ...
$16,571, subject to prior liens of $37,- Starting at $16.00
a Train Ride to Jerusalem.
782; mortgage loans, $33,500. subject
7.00 P. M.-Charles Leech leads GEO. A. KLINGES co.
In Groups. @$295
to Jlrior liens of $153,300. 33rd and Fairmount Ave. \
The association owcs shareholders tIll' young people in their discussion Philadelphia, Pa. ITS ONLY" O'CLOCK In Groups. @$345
$62,508; active, $43,628; eancelleu,
of the place and purpose of the ~iii.iiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~
$18,81'0. Chureh in the world today.
7.45 P. :'II.-Evening Worship. ser-I
In Groups. @ $445
The mel'ting place for thl' associ- If You're STUCKI
mon: Conversations Abroad. 4-Thc
ation was 57 East Lancastl'r an'llue,
A rdlllore. lIotel:'lI:lI1ager in Damascus. S~Tian I
I'll pull you out Special Group Discontinued Samples
politics and Arab Christianity. I
to start motors $35 to $75
Tuesday, February 25:
To Give Opera Scene
:-:.00 P. l'L-The Men's Association I
gctting in and out drivcways 1,
On 110n<1ay, Februan' 2,1. at 4.1;' from Snowdrifts-Road Ruts
P. AI. a s{'ril's of tableaux from tIll'
~lJe(',ts at the Church for important I In ollr new daylight store

opera "Lolll'ngTin," with musical mo-

dU~lnl'~:-:. ! CHAS. H. SMITH
\\'edlll'sday, February 26: I 2.J-Hollr Ton'iug Service
tives and l'xcerplS, will be gin'n by
:-:.00 P. l\I.-Ash Wednesday Serv-
youn.gcl· pupils of the :'Ilain LiJH' iCl'. Sermon: A Religion of Disci- PHONE
School of IIlusic at the school, 107 plilll'. The first of our Lenten Serv- Narh. 2675-8 A. M.-4.30 P. M.
A1'llmore an'nul', Al'<ll11ore. Thr('l' Narh. 2699-4.30 P. M.-8 A. M. 4 O'CLOCK
boys who have IJl'cn studying' the trulll- ices. OUI' theme for Lent this year ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND ,'M STILL
will be "Questions of the Last Week." e GOING STRONG
J1et with :\11'. Bogarde will play the
Friday, February 28: THAT 'ENER- G"
trul1lpet calls. The tahleaux are
tI.OO A. l\f.-Our Church will be
undcr the direction of Sara Knoll, LIVER SAUSAGE 1714 VVALNUT ST.
director of dramatics at the A I'd 1110I'l' open all dny for private praY=11 IS WONDERFUL!
Jn~blic school.

Mccke Sells House

Piano Instruction
Modern study for beginners
Advanced Pupils
J. Howard Meeke, Jr., has sold to
Miss Hannah F. Shaw the new Colo-
Singing Lessons
nial cottage typc residence just ercct- MILDRED W. BAILY I
ed at 610 Old Gulph road, Penn Val- 523 Dudley Ave.-Narb. 3723·J
ley, Lower Merion Township. The
sale price was $!l800. SUNDAY CHATS Vo~t's "Encr-G" Liver
= By Telephone Sallsa~e gives you ~
'The allllual nll.'t,ting' of tilt' Xarh('t"th 8tren~th and ener~y,
B. & L . .A~:-:ul'iatioll fm" till' l'1et'tiOJl of NOW COST IlHlkcs rich, red blood,
olIie~'rH :lI1(1 C.lirt'l'loI"S to :-:t'r\'l~ for till'
€IlHuillg' year will hl~ ht'lt.1 '('lllu':-:da\,.
1\1al'('11 5, ]~.:Hi. at .:1 I'. .:\1 .• ill Hlll'OUg'j} j LESS THAN EVERI hccause there are over
Miss Martha Ross Temple
Hall. 1200 Units of Vi tarn in G and all good cooks use
'1'1108. {', TI:OT'I'EI{ • .JH ..
There are new Bargain Rates in cn'ry pound. Vo~t's .
on out-of-town calls ALL DAY
and the
SUNDAY-the same low
rates that start at 7 P. M.
is the only Lh'cr Sau-
8a~e by the spe-
Golden Guernsey cial Vo~l Process, which ,
Edw. A. Carroll Co.
Trade Mark
every night. .-
Take advantage of the re- retains the heal th-~iv­ SPICES AND EXTRACTS
duced rates to call up the in~ Vilamin, so to ~et
H ~
E M folks back home ••• your boy results, be sure you ~et They know that these finer.
0 away at college ••• brothers the real thing. Begin
A CEMETERY and sisters you rarely see ••• richer s pic e s and extracts
D MEMORIALS N friends in other towns. A ealin~ il tonlorrow and make all the foods they pre-
S Telephone: MANayunk 0166
U "Voice Visit" by telephone see ti,e difference it pare taste better. Follow the
M is next best to seeing them! makes. advice of good cooks. Accept
E Add Convenience Bargain Rates apply every no substitutes. Ask for Me-
DALA·CYNWYD, PA. N and Guarantee to nigot and on Sunday on both
N l!elmont Avenue and T VOGTI'G Connick's Bee Brand Spices

E ner-
Person to Person and Station
E Levering Mill Road Brookmead to Station calls.
and Extracts by name.
S l-
S Guernsey Milk
Call "Long Distance Operator"lor
MEMORIALS ERECTED Now 16c per quart ratu not shown in the Directory.
Phone VVayne 1121
The Flneet Milk In
CLEANING the Beat Package, at
the Right Price
Also "Liver & Bacon Sausage"

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