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VOLUME 22, No. 26 ------------ ---~----_. __. - --- - - - -

Laughter, Romance I Opinions on Dog Quarantine Enforcement I 200 Attend Forum
At Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club Anni'JIersary
Thrills in Drama I I on Dog Quarantine
"Perfect Alibi," Mystery Play, I i Township Speakers Give His-
Delights Enthusiastic I I tory and Facts About
Audience !


You missed a treat even if you had IAbout 200 persons from all parts
a "perfect alibi" for not being present of Lower Merion Township and Nar-
at the Narberth Players, for the audi- berth Tuesday evening discussed the
ence enjoyed the play with bated dog qUal'antine. The meeting called
breath and applause and voted it on by the Penn Valley Assllciation, Wal-
as high a level of attainment as any !
tel' D. Fullel', president, was held in
reached by these very capable players I
All Saints Church, Wynnewood. ' . "'1
who are rapidly making an enviable Explanations of what the authori-
name as the most prominent Main I
tics arc doing and the reasons for its
Line acting group. necessity were made by John J. Jeff-
First credit goes to the Director, cries, Jr., chairman of the special
Martha Lindsay Simpson, for al- township quarantine committee; Dr.
though actors are on the job a good R. M. Stale~', Narberth veterinarian
\ part of the time, the devoted director I in charge of the pound; Dr. Richard
p/'csidcnt, Baln-Cyn wyd-N arbert h is on the job one way or another all, Kern and Dr. George W. Grim, of the
!olOulc/' (l.1ul first IJ/'esident of the time during the play's rehearsals., Lower Merion Board of Health; Ju-
Baht_Cynwyd-Narberth Club. Club.
Indeed in the firm of Simpson and JOHN H. JEFFERIES, JR. WALTER R. FARIES lius Zieget, president of the Commis-
' Simpson (Bert Simpson being the I' chairman, Lower Mcrion Com- Bala-Cynwyd attol'1wy: "Goz'ng sioners; Dr. George A. Sloan, Nar-
at W H ars
Margarette 'CI Ilaw bto M Smg . presl'd en t 0f th e group ) an d with the
Judge Knight Talks to missioners Quarantine Commit- aftel' a dog on the owner's pI'op- berth Board of Health president; Su-

Main Line Rotarians

omen s u
"I eetmg co-operation throughout the entire 01'- tce: "Enforcement
ganization, a friendlY and delightful, utmost tact
Miss Margaret~e J. Harsha",:, Vim- atmosphere is apparent to any out-, not weigh human life mul canine
. w-ith
• but we will
perintendent of Police Charles P.
e r t y . . . usurpation of power 'Smith; Dr. Max Strul11ia, chief pa-
infringement of private thologist at Bryn Mawr Hospital; Dr.
Ardmore Club Joins Bala-Cyn- ner .of the NatJOna~ Federah~n of I sider who is looking in. I lifc with the same scales." rights." William H. Ivens, Ardmore veteri-
, MUSIC Club award m 1935, Will be The cast as they appear: George I narian.
wyd-Narberth at Latter s
I the soloist at the meeting of the Wom- WeI' n er (Jimmy Ludgrove) a gentle-I
en's Community Club of Narberth on l11an and a hero, very personable and [Hearing Reveals Committee
Tuesday afternoon to be held in the as natural as youth should be, Cecilia Fi ht and WPA Salaries:
IMerger Hearing Costs W
tor :lter D.
he n y,
Bala-Cyn',Vyd at-
the ~egal right of
Scout wing of the Community A. Link (Susan Cunningham). Here,
W' d N _. .
g' _ Argued Before Court
II tt ~~wnshIP
to go on prl.vate property
0 seize dogs. Mr. Faries was coun-
UJ mg on

That the American people should and sister !lve m Narberth, made sev- . "
m SOl' avenue,
bcrth. Miss Harshaw, whose parents
ar IS a herome for you, gay and play-
Contlnuea on Page FIve
. " .
A heanng was held before Judge
\\ Ilham F. Dannehower, Jr., at
. N' !
01- Home Rule Committee Seeks t
scI f
ion this
tl C · '
or Ie al'\\lthen fal11Jly of Mer-
week in the c e
th~ Mls~
ristown 'Vednesday on a petition to 0 .' as ,weI em a
admire the intellectual honesty of eral appearances with the Philadel- Social Security Theme have name of 1\1rs. Beatrice Mor- Recover $1,076.96 From I daughtel, Nona Carwlthen, gave
Federal judges who rule in accord- ' 0 h t t R b' H d D II P .. [UP a dog, which she had taken from
ance with the Constitution is the be- h p la rc es ra a
. h h Ph'l d I I' 0 0 m 00 e,
t' Before Narberth Forum ford " 101 Woodside avenue Narberth , etitlOners h . '
t e sheet m Cynwyd mto . her car u
also. tWIt dthe l a e. p lla pera
f tl IC removed from the ballot for Narberth FLEE on deman d of the dog catchers ' She p-
lief of President Judge Harold G.
Knight, of Montgomery County, prin- S oCle y an as sung III many 0
Philadelphia churches. This is an
Ie On Friday. night at 8 o'clock in the third district Democratic committee-
, . ,
'd $850 b f

e ore Magistrate Frank-
, d h ., LcglOn Room, Narberth Commumty \\oman. . 1m P, Kromer to obtain the do's I' -
cipal speaker Monday night before a
joint service club meeting at the Over- r II . 't d t open meetmg an t e
tt d M
pubhc IS cor-
B 'Id' D P
mg, 1', erry o .
H rlacherI of the It
alleged that George W. Argument was heard Monday m
I g e
(la .y IIlVI ~
brook Golf Club. 0 a en. r s . . . , Economics Department at Penn, will Cook 110 'Voodside avenue, unop- Norristown on just how much of the L J I .
. " ,I' ,'DavIdson Will be the hostess. " ' . ., . I f h' h " . . 0 mson, Penn Valley; Dr. Glb-
Judge Kmght, . \\ ho \\r. as the spea . ,elf I' tall'
' , on "SoclUI. Secuntv." The meet- posed for tl11rd distrIct Democratic . totath cost '0d t e eal mg JfanualY
h B 24 son Be, II Ilea d master of Montgomery
ten years ago at the ,Irst meetmg 0 ing is sponsored by the Narberth committeeman, had circulated a petl- on e plopose merger 0 t e 01'- School and l' .
the Bala-Cvnwvd-Narberth Rotary Republican Women's Council
. I 'I d II ' H Id EI . A'I 1 4 ' Forum The public is invited
tion for Mr" Effie Burn" 108 Wood- ough of Narberth with Lower Merion CI
..', T • I' h Id b b b tl
I h d hector. of. All. Samts
lUrc ,an ot ers mqUJred Just how
Club, returnee 1\ on ay to a( ( 1 e~s an ectlOn prl
~Y ~l1erger petltJO~ers, ~e~eri~sg~~nlte~
to 0 There will be two groups meeting side avenue, and committeewoman for 0\\ ns 11P .s, ou e orne y Ie far the township exp ct d t "t
anniversary celebration sh,ared Ill. ncxt Monday evening at the following' several years, and later had started . I
enforcement. Mr.
the Ardmo~'e club, and reI]) esentatJ\es Reservations for the luncheon and homes: Mr. and Mrs. McCartney, 4051 a petition for Mrs. Morford, The total bdl, $1076,96, .whlch the I that the dog catching agencies phad
of other nelgh~on~lg clubs. . annual business meeting of the Lower Woodside avenue, and Miss Justice, In questioning Cook, Attorney Den- Borough Hom? Rule Comml~tee seeks orders to withdraw from private prop-

'ns~d I~
"The ConstitutIOn of the UllIted l\lerion-N arberth Council of Republi- 1104 Montgomery avenue. nis O'Neill Norristown attorney and, to recover, mcludes servmg sub- crtv "when a dog rea he tI
States will not fit a collectivist form can 'Vomen, to be held at one o'clock 'V d e day afternoon next at the Democratic' independent, elicited the! poenas, witness fees, mimeographing tu;ry of the house " Sth
of government, It is not designed Ifor April 14 at Whitehall,'tl ~I Haverford, I e n s1\lr Vin ent 40 Narbrook information that Cook had received I charges, postage, advertising, print- T ' f i ' I l e e oor.
fascism. or.. commUJllsm,
' I
'd W1'1
't 1 I I b
tl - SF IOUr (
e 3drna 204 e WI Ch 1 I". rs.
,. d osep
h lOme 0f
Ard P aI',
s. C,
k a J a p a nese exchange student "indirect orders" from Thomas Linea- mg an .a . orney see.
I • d tt 'f
I wo speci c protests were made
one b y 1\1 Irs, H enrv Elmer Howell '
cha~~~u' 1: ~I
ten by mdlvlduals Wit 1 an I ea to Ie erguson, , , urc 1 10d, - studying at Swarthmore will discuss weaver, Haverford, New Deal leader I The ongmal petition was withdrawn Rosemont who .d' tl t d h .'
protection of freedom and opportun- more, before Apnl 11. her people's attitude on' world prob- I in Montgomery County, to arrange for! by the petitioners on account of al- forced he'r ?g catc s
ity," Judge Knight said. "If we want Officers nominated for election are: lems. the Morford petition, but Cook deni~d! leged forgeries. 12-year-old Boston IBU~I ~~:~i~~ h::
to change our form ,Of governm~nt, Mrs. Jol~n Y. HUb~r, Jr., Haver- he had received orders to switch hlsl Roland Fleer, Narberth attorney for no teeth to bite with" from the kit-
then we should change the Constltu- ford,' preSident, nommated for re- support. ,the Home Rule group in the initial chen f he' h I ' tl ' f·
tlOn aml no td >emn th e men who e.1'(ctlon,
con ' . 1\'1'IS. H . T ana t II B'lown, J'I" Challenger Tells of Flood Mr Cook a plUll1bing contractor Ii heanng ,
was their representative in rest 0 She lome r ' dune D'el St neat I ' 0 Ul- k
. t erpremg t' I't" J 0,"eP h J . Sl'el , - H aver f 01'(, I h onorary presl( . Ien;t M rs. Re Ii e f Work by Legionnaires also .testified, that at present he is'Argument I ' Court while Franklin L. at the . poupaise h' hIa ey sI nwor

Norristo~vn ,~;rYt
arc m . d th
ton introduced the speaker. W. Russell Green, Narberth, first vice- employed as a WPA foreman at $180! Wright again was coun- other III's nJ Ifg BY'., t e
TI ','
, Ie, .lUllSt. legle 1:
, ,tt e d tl f a ct that 0 • pres~, 'd ent,' 1\1• rs.. CaI,'I H f B ryn
.' Z'I:,. Frank Challenger, Narberth, D eapmonth
relIef IS commg to be looked upon ao Ma\\I, second vlce-plesldent, MIS. E. uty Commander of the Ninth District, ant at the Bryn Mawr 'VPA sewing
- ' and that his Wife . was ' I"
asslst-, sel for the merger petitioners.
I TI h " ' h Id b f . p, . wh I 'fi
nue, Bryn ,
I. Mawr,
. "es,wanted
Id b '
0 aIle
to t know

a "ubstitute for thrift, The example H Cockrill Narberth third vice- American Legion, this week an- . Ie eallng \\as e e Ole Iesl- .en leI ne wou e leturne, She
of ~the Government and the bitterness pl:esident; 11rs. Joseph' C. Ferguson, nounced some of the work accom- pr~I~~t ;:ts:1~~:~ra:~n~~der adVise-I ~ent, Ju~gecH~rold ci ~~ght\/u~ge
G saId dog catchers demanded she .give
caused bv bank losses were cited as 3d, Ardmore, fourth vice-president; plished by Legion Posts throughout t ;eo~ge h a~
olson. u ge Ilham Continued Oil Page Two
reasons for this . change ., in spirit. . Mrs. l\Iorris M. Green, Ardmore, the State in providing relief for flood men. IC'ourta,nne o:v~r, s~ttmg
s d eCIGJOn IS not en banco The
expected for A nnual Senl"or Play
In a talk conceIVed
. m a hghter . II treasurer; Mrs. . J. F. Scull, Bala-
. I vem,
John Denms Mahoney, Englis 1 m- Cynwyd, recordmg secretary; Mrs.
"Over 100 truck loads of food, cots,
IJunior CIub Show
severa I weeks. .
Given This Week-End
structor at West Philadelphia High H. G, Greenwood, Bala-Cynwyd, cor- bl~nl(ets, disinfectants,. medical sup- Dell"ghts A d" ! M~'. Fleer quoted as follows from
School, touched on many of the Sal,lIe responding secretary. phes, etc" have been dispatched from' U lence SectJ.on ~03 ~f the Ge~eral Borough
topics. With obvious reference to the the Philadelphia area alone to Johns- j Act m hIS brwf filed With the Court: "Big Hearted Herbert" to be
Hauptmann case he said: '?udges Scores as Student town, Blairsville. Indiana, Tyrone, Members Model Spring Ap-, "All eost~ and expenses incident to Presented in Lower Mer-
used, to have the last word,. Now the George Simpson Trim bl e, J 1'., of Lewistown, Williamsport and other I T
pare; reasure unH t I the proceedmgs for the annulment of I ion High School
I '
decision of the Court IS apt to be b I I f h L flood centers," he said. . I the charter or change of tItle, as
Nar ert-l, a gra( uate 0 t e ower A prl I 9
taken as the topic of an interminable III'
.' " l erlOn
H' h S h I '
Ig c 00, IS among
"Auxiliar:-' units everywhere have aforesaid, shaIl be paid bv the peti-

E S <t.
I ' . students of the second rank at the worked shoulder to shoulder with Le-
gionnaires," he asserted, and added QUILT SALE N T 1"20.00: Mr. Wright, in his brief, held that
. Brief rema.rl's made by \V,II' i i\lassachusetts Institute of Technol-
ham P. LandIS, of the Ald- ogy, Cambridge, Mass., it was an- that "the emergency period is still far . ---. I the only allowable costs were $5 for The Broadway comedy success,
more club; Dr. 'Vllham A. Pearson, nounced this week. "Second rank" from ended and the American Legion The Show FashJO~ pl('s~nted I
by the filing exceptions to the merger peti- "Big Hearted Herbert," will be pre-
former district go\"Crnor; Hen~'y means that his scholarship entities will continue to ship needed supplies ~arberth JUJ1l0~' Co~mumty ?Iub last tion. Other items, he maintained, sented under the direction of Vincent
Schramm, present gov~rllor;
J?r. "'11- him to a place in the first 19.6% of to flooded districts. Donations of rhursday evenmg \\ as a gl eat were not recoverable costs. s~c-
V, Pearce at the Merion High ~ower
tl cess. The clubroom was filled With I
ller Kruscn of PhlladelphlU. and I f
• ,
IArthur White .
president of the latter I
h i T ' bl
tIe ourt veal' c ass
h: ."
rim e WI
'II I I' '11
money am supp les are stJ grea Y
style-conscious guests, w 0 eager y All S . h
School at 8.15 thlS Friday and Sat-
UI'day evenings.
club. , gra( uate t IS sprmg. watched the grace f u I nlO(IeI s t riP
' I' amts C urch Choi r This anllual senior plav . b
P. Carroll, president of the Bala- down the aisle to the accompa~liment,
Will Sing Stainel"s ,Sophie Kerr and Anna Ste~sel~icJ~~
Contilluea on rag-e Five N o ted Local Artl-sts to Exhl-bl-t of a gent.le music, pia~ist's
by the mighty :-;tral~s of the Wed~hng I ---
chma~ed I
"Crucifixion" Palm Sunday ardsoll. The cast of characters is as
follows: Nelson Bucher as Herbert
Thief Ransacks Apartment March as a f,ull bl'ldal party (mmus I "The Crucifixion" wiII be presented Kalness, a business man of 50; Joy
Mrs. John Ryan, Avon Apartments,
Narberth, reported to Lower Mcrion
At Ardmore Club April 4-7-8l the male contm~ent) ended th.e COlor-I by the choir of All Saints Church, Grubbs as Elizabeth Kalness, his
ful array .of sprmg modes: MISS Eve- Montgomery pike at Wynnewood road, pretty, patient wife; Mary Griffith as
police that on Saturday her apartment I:-'n Jelfens, who wa.s chairman of the 'Vynnewood, 5 P. M" this Sunday. Alice, the lovely daughter; Colemen
was cntered by a thief who took two An exhibition of art, both as a pro-) Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Batchelor, 1\1. show, deserves cre(ht for I~er careful Sir John Stainer's oratorio has not Tily as Herbert Kalness, Jr" a hand-
revolvers, $5 in cash, and a valuable fession and as a hobby, will be open D. Cowin and Paul Loos, all of Nar- arrangement of every detail. been sung at All Saints in recent, some high school boy; James Martin-
diamond ring. to the public at the \Voman's Club of berth; Henrietta McClure, Wayne; E. Albr.echt's furnished the flowers for years. "Olivet to Calvary" was giv-I Andrew,Goodrich, Alice's good-
Ardmore building on Ardmore avenue G. Carlisle and Helen Shand, both of the bndal party and the palms used en last Lent, a Guillmant Mass before I lool,mg boy frIend; Margaret Roser
this Saturday, Tuesday and Wednes- St. Davids; Martha Fleck Bro:vn, in decor~tion, a~d ~arberth Beauty that, and pro~rams of Rus:ian and a~ Martha, the maid; Bob Moxon as I
Donations Wanted
day, April 4, 7 and 8, from 2 to 5 Bala-Cynwyd; Norah Lynch, PhJla-1 Salons (hd the cOlffUles. modern American and Enghsh com- Jun Lawrence, the uncle; Phyllis
The Volunteer Emergency Relief of
Narberth would like donations of the
o'clock each afternoon. delphia; Evelyn Laird Menger, Ani- The announcer was Miss Ruth Hop- posers on other occasions of the year. Hammond as Amy Lawrence, the I
The exhibit was arranged by Mrs. more club member; A. S. Coollly, Bos- kins; the models were, Mrs. Dorothy "The Crucifixion," termed "A Medi-\ aunt; Leonard Warren as Mr. Havens
following articles: Baby coach, baby C. B. Turner and Mrs. H. H. Elliott, ton; Esther M. Scheirer, Allentown, Hutchinson, Mrs. Sally Laine, Mrs. tation on the Sacred Passion of the Betty Martin as Mrs. Havens, Ernest
stroller, rug and children's shoes. Call co-chairmen of the Art Committee of a sister of Mrs. Paul Keever, Ard- Sue Titus, Miss Daisy Ovalle, Miss Holy Redeemer," includes such cele- D'Ambly as Mr. Goodrich and Jane
Narberth 3883. the Woman's Club, its sponsor. more, and Minoru Aoki, Bethelehem, Evelyn Jefferis, Miss Irma Ruth brated numbers as the chorus, "Fling Elzey as Mrs. Goodrich.
Paintings will include "Pound Boat," Japanese artist. Continued on Page Five Wide the Gates"; The Majesty of the Property managers are Mary Kava-
Circle to Meet by Paul L. Gill, loaned by the Art An Executive Board meeting is Divine Humiliation-the tenor solo, naugh and Polly Sabrovitch. Eleanor
Regular monthly meeting of the Alliance, and "Suzanne," by Sue May called for today at 12.30 by the Ard- Music for Palm Sunday "King Ever Glorious"; the chorus, Challen and Helen Rountree will act
Westminster Circle of the Narberth Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Gill's studio home more Woman's Club, to be followed On Palm Sunday morning the adult "God so Loved the World"; the duet, I as prompters, while Helen Hartel will
Presbyterian Church will be held 8 is in the English Village, Wynnewood. by a business meeting at 2.15 and a choir of the Narberth Presbyterian "So Thou Liftest Thy Divine Peti- be in charge of scenery. Assisting
P. M., next Thursday in the church Also will be shown a painting by music pr?g~a~ at 3 o'clock by Mor~'is Church will sing "Alleluia, Lord tion",; the ?,horus, The Appeal of t~e Miss Hartel wiII be five girls, all
parlors. Mary Marshall, Philadelphia, aunt of Braun, vlOhmst; Thomas Elmer, VIO- God," by Palestrina, the greatest com- Cruclfied- From the Throne of HiS members of Miss Bush's art depart-
Mrs. W. L. Heisner, Ardmore club loncellist, and Clarence Fuhrman, poser of church music of the sixteenth Cross-"; and incidental recitatives, ment: Helen Walsh, Jean Harkness,
P. T. A. Study Group April 8 member, which formerly was exhibited pianist, through the courtesy of the century. solos congregational.hymns. a~d
Peggy Huston, Helen Monaghan and
"Courtesy" will be the subject at the at the London International Exhibi- George B. Newton Coal Company. The children's choir, age 6-13, will Soloslsts are John Hmkle, tenor, Caroline Casey.
meeting of the Early Childhood group, tion. Four members of the Board of Di- sing Gregor's "Hosanna," a hymn and Arthur Dewar and Thomas El-
Wednesday, at 1.30 P. M. "Courtesy" Other exhibitors will include Louis rectors are to be elected and three from the Moravian Church. There is wood, basses. Organist-choirmaster is The Epworth League of the Nar-
will be discussed both from the par- Braekvelt, Belgian painter, of Ard- members of the Library Committee a two-part chorus. In the evening James W. Ervine. The rector the, berth M. E. Church will hold a cake
ent's and child's points of view. more; Katharine McCormick and chosen. Mrs. Charles H. Stuard will the high school choir will sing the Rev. Gibson BeIl, extends a cordial sale this Saturday at 243 Haverford I'

Mrs. S. J. McCartney is leader of Clara Dotter, both of Philadelphia. be hostess at tea. beloved "Palms." invitation to the public to attend. avenue, Narberth.
this group.
Page Two OUR TOWN April 3, 1936

l1no~, ~,. 200 Attend Forum . Art Trip Easter Monday Baptist Church of the E"angel

JL \ 'W.!. ~ I on Dog Quarantme The last trip of the season of the Robert E. Keighton, Minister
I ---
A Co-o]Jcrat!vc
. C .;\,
olnlllmuty lvClVS]Ja]Jc/'
founded In 1914 by the Nw·bel·th I .
Continued trom Page One
Civic A.~sociation, and published I up fro.m the sanctual:y of her ouse
Art Department of the Montgomery
County Federation of Women's Clubs
Stanley T. Reiff, Organist
Palm Sunday: SPEC I A LIZ I ·N G . •
every Friday at Nal'bCl'th, Pa. an unlIcensed dog, whICh she later re- will be held on Easter Monday and' 9.45 A. M.-The Church School.
covered. will include the mothers and their 11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship. n
Philip Atlee L1\'It)!:"Rton. Publisher \Valter D. Fuller, presiding officer, children. Sermon, "Jesus or Christ?"
EdwIn L. Paxson. ]i;ditor
Anne 1\1ol'l;an Itnherts, Soeial EdItor said the gathering was not a "protest The trip wiII be conducted by Louis 5,00 P. I\f.-Vesper Service. ser-I
Office - 258 Haverford Ave., Narberth ing such.
meeting" and ably kept it from becom- Wilton Sipley, director of the Arts mon, "What Shall I do With Jesus?" Wa'Ves
and Science Society. All those who Preacher, Charles Leech. I
-Spiral and Croquignole.
Telephone-Narberth 2545; if nO answer, The following' facts of valuable im- wish to go are to meet at the Eagle in :.00 P. M.-Young People's Associ- I
Ardmore 3100 portance to all residents, especially Wanamaker's Store in Philadelphia. atlOn.
SUbscription rilte, $2 per year In advance owners of dogs were brought out by Dr. P. Frank Kehler, personal physi-
Experienced Operators.

:.! ·. ·:!.?:'.~ ~.,

Monday, April 6:
Entered as second-class matter Odo- the speakers: cian of the late John Wanamaker 8.00 P. M.-Meeting of the Board M anday, Tuesday, Wednesday / : ·.•i. •.
:-:-:;::::;:< . . :.....
• .,
bel' la, l!lll. at the I'o~t Ollke at :-;"ar-
berth, 1'a., under the Act uf :\I:"'eh a, In January, a dog, maddened by will talk on the large Munkacsy paint: of Trustees in t?e Church. I 2 S pedals for 85c
1879. disease, started a death trot from ings, "Christ Before Pilate" and "The Tuesday, Apl'll 7:
j Overbrook, passing through Lower Crucifixion." Afterwards the party , 10.30 A. M.-The White Cross meets 3 Specials for $1
~ Merion Township and coming to his! will go to 6th and Walnut, where 111 the church.
r Friday, April 3, 1936 Thursday, Friday, Saturday-3 Specials for $1.25
i end a week later in West Chester. The I they will meet Mr. Sibley, who will Wednesday, April 8:
I! number of dogs he bit on his fatal I conduct them to various places of in- 8.00 P. I\L-Chureh Service. "The

The Calendar
journey is unknown.
u· 11 th h d f d
i terest.
IC~allenge of the Cross," a p~geant,
• • I\ATil L~~ ~ • •
n tbe presented by the Baptist In-
I3~AUT~ Jti()VV~
On F eb l' aIY e ea 0 a og, f Ph'l d I h' Th' .
which had died in Cynwyd, was sent Township and Borough hS lUbe 0 I a e Pia.. . IS ~ervlce
. , . h II . b S I ' " as ecome an annual lIlSplratlOn for
Friday, April 3 to t e . arns urg tate aboratones Share In Liquor Fees, . h h 43 North Narberth Avenue-Narberth 4077
, h ' f
Legion Room Narbert Commumty I or examma IOn. . t' Th t d
e nex ay a pos- ourThcure d . A'I
' show by Nar b ' live
't' 300 Lev~ri:lg Mill Road-Phone: Cynwyd 927
Building-Hobby erth,' repor t 0f d ea th f rom ra b'les was Lowel' Merion Township's share of 80 ursP ay,1\1 0b prl 9: f
Ardmore Penn Wynne cub packs. I
sent to the Lower Merion Board of liquor license fees collected since Oc C . 0 " '.- ~ se~vanc~ 0 ;he Holy
Lower'Merion High School-Annual, Health. i tober will be $8 9i6 the second larges~ Soml,uumon, aun y hursday
" , I ' , ervlce.
Senior Class Pla~', Big Hearted Her- On February 17 the Board of in Montgomery County. Narberth Friday Apr'l 10'
bert." 8.15 (also given Saturday). Health "presented the Township com-II will receive $850. 800 P' M ~G d' F "d S '
. Ph'l d I l' , . . , . . . 00 II ay ervlce.
Aca demy . 0f 1M uSle- I a e' p ua miSSIOners With a dog quarantme," A service
. 0 f P asslOn . M USIC . by th e 0 1'- DIAMOND RINGS
Orchestra. 2.30. asklllg that the State ?og law be. en- 'I ganist and Quartet, including a Motet A.t J' ery Low Prices
Saturday, April 4
forced, The quar~ntl~e went mto
e~ect February 19 'unttl further no-
Church Notes "From the Cross," a composition of
Mr. Stanley T. Reiff. Regardless of price, our diamond!.
Academy of Music-Philadelphia tIce." Narberth's Board of Health material! and workmanship are superb
in qu:lIity. The two rings illustrated
Orchestra. 8.15. immediately put into effect a similar p are made of platinum. The weddini
quarantine for that borough. The resbytcrian Church Holy Trinity LutTlcran Church
ring contains 7 diamonds
Sunday, April 5
See Church Notices.
The State law provides
an officer may shoot any unli-
that Rev.
1\K t'
>ee mgs or Pl'l
E. Anderson,
A '1 5
Pastor Cletus A. Senft, Pastor
Margaret Squier, Organist
and the solilaire I large
and 6 sinaller diamonds.
$240 •
Stephen Girard Hotel-Italo-Ameri-
can Philharmonic Orchestra, Gugli-
elmo Sabatini, director, in American
premiere of Renzo Bossi's Requiem;
censed dog running-at-Iarge, may
enter any building in pursuit of
the same, may shoot any dog be-
tween sunset and sunrise that is
(\ 45 A 1\1 R'bl S I I
Th eme,:
L 'f
I e.
. ' . - l e e 100 .
00 A l\K Th M
" "Th >.-P corning
e ower 0
f A Worship.
E d
n n less
Palm Sunday, April 5, 1936:
9.45 A. I\L-Bible School.
11.00 A. I\L-The Morning Service.
Confirmation of Young People.
I J.%itut ec£W11J
The set. ...........••

Palestrina Choir of eighty voices. n ot t ' tl nd t I f 't 645 P. M.-The three C. E. Socie- Theme, "The Joy of This World." DIVIDED PAYMENT 01 AM 0 N l> MER C H "N T S
S l'lC Y u er con 1'0 0 I S ' 6.45 P. M.-The Luther League. PLAN
Nicola A. Montani, director, will as- owner or guardian. ties. Payment an Deli",,)' IE" E l E R S • S Il V E R S MIT H S
sist. 745 P. M.-Evening Worship. 7.45 P. M.-The Vesper Service. ~4.~t., 8$21lJ.a:sth~~c:'ay. I I 10 C H EST NUT ST REET

Monday, April 6 On March 18

Commissioners adopted Th~me,
the Township
a Board I
Power." "The Christian's Secret of Theme, Tuesday,"The12.30
Fall of
P. Jericho."
M.-Missionary ~~JI~~ii~~iiili~~i~i==~~=:==:==~~
- _._ ....__._-
Erlanger-Opell1ng of "Her 'Week- of Health resolution permitting Tuesday e\'ening-The Community S oelc . t yalet tl 1lOme 0f l\Kd·S. B aJ'I y, 523 , _ . - - - - - ...._-
End," a new comedy by Anne Nichols dog catching agencies to enter the Bible Class. Dudley avenue.
and Alford Van Ronkel. premises of an owner to seize a Wednesday evening, 8 o'c1ock-Ser- l Tuef:. d ay, ,.,I. 15 P • M. -B oy S couts.
dog not on a leash, not penned mon, "Suffering of the Cross in New, \" ",e d nes day,. 7 00 P . > 1\K. -J umor.
Saturday, April 11
Irvine Auditorium, Thirty-fourth
up, not exercising on a
March 23 a State dog quarantine
line. Social Ol·der."
Thursday evening-Sermon, "Slm-
I ChOll·.
Wednes?a y , 8,00 P. 1\I.-Prepara-

, After this surprising winter your car needs

and Spruce streets-All-City Interna- went into effect for 100 days in Mont- dows of the Cross." J tory SerVice,
a thorough inspection for general loose-
tional Folk Festival. 2 P. M. gomery County, with township and Friday evening _ Sermon "The: Thursday, 8.00 P. M.-The Holy
ness and perhaps broken spring leaves.
borough authorities to continue ac- Christian and the Cross." I' , COlul1unl'o
1 n. Get our reasonable estimate on work that ~n
tual enforcement of their own qua ran- On Easter the Sabbath morning ser- Friday, 2.00 P. M.-The Last Hour
is vitally necessary for safe driving. Have g~~~~~~~~~~
Garrick-"Three Men on a Horse." tines, but with the State reserving mon will be on "The Fragrance of the 011 the Cr'oss . I your radiator flushed, oil changed, and ~
Broad-"Sailor, Beware!" the right to take charge at any time. Tomb." I Friday, 8.00 P. M.-Maunder's
transmission grease changed. ~
Forrest-"Tobacco Road" (last two i Of the 279 dogs impounded in Low- Theme of sermon for Easter Sab- Cantata, "Olivet to Ca,lvar ." y
days). I er Merion-Narberth recently, 17 have bath evening, "Victory in Christ." East~r Sund~y l11or11lng, 6.00 A. M.

United Campaign This Year

i been rabid, or 6.1%. Twenty-eight A cordial invitation is given to at- -Sunl'lse Service..
: persons have been bitten since Feb- tend these services by the new pastor, . Easter Sunday morn~ng, 11.00 A. !
I Narberth Automotive
Begins With Larger Gifts: ruary 22, but not one case of death the Re\'. Archer E. Anderson. 1l\I.-The Holy Connnumon. I 100 Essex Avenue-Narberth 2259
by rabies in this section has occurred.
Sp urred on by the enthusiastic sup- . No cases, of dog rabies have been N ar bcrt II MId' ct 10 1St E piscopaI I Wh? en. - Soon.'Wh ere.? - M ontgomery II
port being given the United Cam- dlscoyered III the last twelve days. Church I pike at Woodbine avenue. I
(advt.) Auto Maintellallce itl all brallches
Rabies is positivel~ fatal o~ce the

paign on the Main Line, volunteer
workers are bending every effort to: symptoms have set III followmg an Re\'. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister I
put the 1936 objective over the top,! incubation period in humans of three Sunday, April 5, Palm Sunday:
announced Rodney K. Merrick from I weeks to six months, in dogs from 10 9.45 A. M.-Church School.
United Campaign headquarters in the' days to three months or longer. A 11.00 A. l\I.-Morning· Worship.
Times Medical Building, Ardmore,! person bitten should report to health Sermon, "The Lonely King." I
this week. : authorities at once with the dog being 6A5 P. M,-Junior Epworth League. I II

' k
Th IS wee' was mar 'e
k d b th
ceipt of several gifts which show a tlOn.
y e reo' .
i placed immediately under observa-
6.45 P. M,-Senior Epworth League.
.7.45 P. I\I.-Organ Recital and
· d InoculatIOn of dogs helps prevent, vesper Service. Sermon, "Fellow- I
genera I t en d ency t owar d mcrease , " , "
amounts. Since the total objective the spread of rablCs, b~t only part!-, ShIp. . I'

$4,688,000 exceeds by tlnity per cent ally. A proper quaran~me can e~ent-) There Will be Holy Week Services BRANCHES
the total amount raised in recent ually f:tamp out the disease entIrely: on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I 312 South 60th St. 205 City Line 5519 Baltimore Ave.
previous drives, increased gifts are as it has in England, De~~ark, Nor-I' at 8. P. l\~. The sermon theme e~eh I 36 North 52nd St.
253 South 52nd St.
1413 Diamond St.
478 Long Lane
5535 Market St.
5533 Chester Ave.

f I way, Sweden and Austratiia. evenmg wtll be "What Must I Do With
esspen I~. I bl' h d f The quarantine thus far has cost IJesus'!" 52nd and Hazel Ave. Upper Darby, Pa. 6125 Woodland Ave.
revlOus y unpu IS e names 0
. I d M T D
. "
Lower Menon Township $3,550.80, m- Thursdav, Apl'll 9:
704 South 49th St. 48 South 8th St. 6407 Woodland Ave. •
6051 Ogontz Ave. 2919 North 5th St. 19 South 40th St.

work ers me u e: rs. . uncan . , .
' S h k M' cludmg about $2,000 of capital ex- 8.00 P. I\L-Holy Thursday Com- For the Easter Parade N. W. Cor. 11th 8: Walnut St. 4141 Lancaster Ave. And Others
Wh eIen, Mrs. Ed wm c ene, ISS pem;e m . eqUlppmg '. I
t 1e M'II
I C I '
ree { munlOn Service.
R u tl1 W caver, Mrs. George S . Mu n - . . d dR' . There are new colors and gay
son, M ISS · M ary M . W'II'
1 lams, n 1 S
"'l's pumpmg
, statIOn as a og poun, . e- Fl'lday, Apl'll 10: designs in Addizzi's Spring
' M' B celpts have been $331. Dog-catchmg 12 to 3 P. I\I.-Good Friday Service, •
M argare t D oug Ias, M ISS arlan ar-
t 0,
· EI
I MISS' eanor ar 0 , s. 0 s
B t l Mr Bro k paraphernaha IS obtamed by the S. with the followmg ministers partiei-
Keffer, Jr., Mrs. Morrison Hal~ris, P. C. A. at a cost of $20 per da~ re- patmg: Re~. Henry S. N~o?, Rev.
. W It . H Th M
Alb t gardless of the number of dogs Seized. Roger S. Stimson, Rev. Wilham H.
. suitings. A perfect fit guaran-

MIS. a er . omas, rs. er ' . " .
P G. eI 'h aI'd , ",1
n rs. Ph'I'I Ip W a II'IS, M rs. Two
Althouse, Mrs. Caspar W. B. Town- dally to the work.
. polIcemen are also aSSigned AsprJi, Rev. . James H. Bailey, Rev.
C. F. Hellenman and Rev. Archer E.
Cleaners, Dyers, Furriers, In Your Neighborhood ..
' J h C B tt Mrs Dogs that must be put to death are Anderson. Everyone is invited to this 228 Bala Ave. Cynwyd 928
sen, d 1\1 rs. osep
F recIenc
R uprec,
. k MOM
c wen,
ht Mrs. Ch ar Ies W 00,
. enne,
rs. u w
d 1\11's.
L d I'g sent to the Conshohocken S. P. C. A. service, to stay for all or part of the
lethal chamber. time.
102 Forest Ave. Narb.2602
219 Haverford Ave., Narberth, Pa. •
Lewis H. VanDusen, Jr., Mrs. Percy e
H. Clark, Miss Letitia B. Scott, Mrs. Bible Class Luncheon
Louis DeLone, Miss Marian Head- The Women's Bible Class of the
man, Miss Nell Headman, Mrs. Ro- Narberth Presbyterian Church will The Baptist Church of the Evangel Direct from the Factory
maine Hassrick, Mrs. Edward Young, hold a luncheon in the church par-
Mrs. George E. Pfahler, Mrs. Harold: lors next Tuesday at 1 o'clock, with
W. Laird, Mrs. Edward Lukens, Mrs.! Mrs. R. W. Phillips as the committee
South Narberth Avenue, Announces its Where all gannents and household goods such as Blankets, Rugs, Draperies,
and Curtains are individually handled, carefully cleaned and examined before
they are placed on a hanger and put into sanitary bags. Here there is no
Harold Ball, Mrs. J. B. VanDyke, i chairman. middle man's profit; consequently it is possible for you to get your cleaning
Mrs. Frederick A. Blount, Mrs. Har-I -------
GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE -at 8 P. M. done for less money, from the factory to you through our Branch.
man Yerkes, Mrs. G. 1\1. Smith, Mrs. i Sunrise Easter Service FOR QUALITY, Service and Lowest Prices, take your garments to the
William Stanton, Mrs. Tilghman i The sunrise Easter service to be The Quartet will sing the Motet by Stanley T. Reilf- above addresses.
Derr, Miss Drake, Miss Taber, Mrs' held at Temple Stadium will be con-
Harry Hellerman, Jr., Mrs. Spencer.l dueted by Ross Stover and will follow nFROM THE CROSS"
D. Wright, Jr., Mrs. Theodore Wieder-! the same plan as last year. Groups
seim, Miss Peggy MacCoy, Miss MU-I' from the borough who wish to attend
riel VanDusen, Mrs. Robert P. should communicate with Mrs. R. C.! \-,'!!!-~.~-~~.!!.:::-~~-!!:::-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~=-~~-~-~~-~-~!!!-~-~!!!-~-~!!!-~·!!:::"'!!' 'I . OPENING SPECIAL •
Weatherald, Miss Dorothy Massey, Kennedy, Narberth 2474-R, not later
Mrs. Harry Holler, Jr., Mrs. Arthur' than April 8.
Harding, Mrs. L. R. Gaty and Mrs.
Alfred James.
Also, Miss Lillian Laird, Mrs.
George E. Kohn, Mrs. William R. Camps will make 70 replacements'
Pressler, Mrs. William Anderson, from Bucks and Montgomery Coun-
Mrs. Walter R. Brinkman, Mrs. J. ties from now to April 15.
CCC Seeks 70 Youths
The Civilian Conservation Corp
An Easter Fashion Note from

Elizabeth McGrath .-.

Millinery Fashions may come-and Millinery
Fashions may go-but brims find their place
French Dry Cleaned and Pressed

C, Men's
Murray Kay, Miss Laura Hopper, Applicants must be from families ill smart women's wardrobes. DRESSES OVERCOATS
Miss Marie Louise Hopper, Mrs. D. B. on relief, single, between 17 and 28,
Pierson, Mrs. J. D. Andrews, Mrs. white. Boys are paid $30 a month of Hats for Suits and for Teas. Straw Sailors. Felts for Suits Pressed 25c Hats Cleaned anI Blocked 25c
William Hewson, Mrs. Robert M. which they must allot $25 to their Tailored and Dress. Trimmings with Veils, Flowers Gloves IOc Neckties 5c
Shire~', Mrs. James Ratcliff, Mrs. R. families. and Ribbons.
H. Burruss, Miss Frances Purdy, Eligible Main Line youths may ap-
Mrs. Frank A. Bedford, Jr., Mrs. ply this Friday and next Tuesday Prices rallge from $1.95 to $5 Auto Slip Covers - Blankets - Furniture Covers - Draperies - Portieres
Thomas E. Cornish, Mrs. Harley L, and Friday, 8.30 to 12 noon, at the Tapestries and Curtains immaculately French Dry Cleaned
Rankin, Mrs. Roger Driscoll, Mrs. Old Red Lion Inn across from the
Ruth Corning, Miss Katharine Harris, Autocar, Ardmore, or at the Social
• and finished at moderate cost

Mrs. Theodore Campbell, Jr., Miss Service League, Bala-Cynwyd, on 54 East Lancaster Avenue Ardmore WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT
Hazel Llewelyn and Mrs. N~les Miller. April 6 and 13, 9 to 12.

April 3, 1936 OUR TOWN Page Three
I big All-City International Folk Fes-
THE FIRESIDE Girl Scout News tival, when the ten Philadelphia dis-
I, tricts will each be I'epresented by a
---------------1 troop which won the respective con-
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Beyer, of Bryn 1 Members of the Main Line troops tests for singing and dancing, making
Mawr Court Apartments, and Dr. and i at the Red Cross headquarters in Ard- twenty big events in costume as well
Mrs. Romaine C. Hoffman, of Forest: more have helped sort and pack wear- as Fjeril Hess, who is editor of the
Newton's Sc-l0c- $1 Store
avenue, Narberth, sailed on Thursday ing apparel, food and other useful Girl Scout organization in New York EASTER HEADQUARTERS
from New York for Porto Rico, San i articles donated to flood victims. and who will bring some of her own
Juan and Santo Domingo. ! Wynnewood Troop 214 sang over folk songs of many countries to add Complete Assortment
Mrs. W. Scott McFadden, of Val- WIBG at Hotel Sylvania for the pur- to the entertainment. Obtain your
ley road, gave a luncheon on Wednes- pose of promoting an interest in the free tickets from your captain for the
day for her mother, Mrs. Linn Bow- 8th Children's Simfonietta which was festival to be held at Irvine Auditor-
man, of Iona avenue, Narberth. The held at the Bellevue on March 28th. ium, 34th and Spruce street, on Sat-
.111-2,4 CHESTNUT 5'
guests were, 1\1rs. Irving Lex, Mrs. Mrs. Carl Morken is captain of 214. urclay, April 11, at 2 P. M.
M. Z. Allen, 1\1rs. G. P. Mann, Mrs. A tree-planting ceremony at Camp Katrina Hoyt, Katherine Ridge, Ar- GREETING CARDS PHILADELPHIA
R. W. Merrill, Mrs. H. R. Rust and Indian Run has been announced fOr!lene Albrecht, Peggy Maslin were in-I
Mrs. Frank R. Bradenbaugh, the lat- Saturd.ay, April 18th, at t\~o o'clock. vested as Tenderfoot Scouts by Troop I
tel' of Rockledge, Florida, who is vis- Strong;-armed fathers of GIrl Scouts No. 125 of Narberth.
iting her niece, Mrs. McFadden. who will volunteer to do a bit of dig- Mrs. Howard Longstreth is a mem- All New - All Little Prices lOur SARNA
Mrs. McFadden is also entertaining g;ing for the tree-?lantin g will be bel' of the Main Line District 8 Girl
at a small dinner this Friday evening: treated by the Ma~l~ers to a su~per Scout Committee and is co-chairman
in honor of her daughter, Martha's at the camp, 'provldmg reservatIOns of the Badges and. Awards Committee. 213 Haverford Avenue Narberth REDINGOTE
eleventh birthday. ' :ll'e made at, GIl'1 Scout hea~quarte~'s, Mrs. Longstreth I.S very generous to
Mr. and Mrs. H. Brunt Riepe, ofl·H1 S. Jumper street, PI111adelpll1a, the scouts at all tnnes.
Narberth Hall have moved to Ger.l Pennypacker 9427 or 9428. The goal' Mrs. Henry D. Booth, Jr., of St.II·I• • •~!!~
II• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COSTUMES
, ' Iis 10,000 trees with a planting of Davids, is the chairman of the Main 11

nla I1t 0 \\ n. '

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jones, of Win- 2,000 of the tmy saplings each year. Line District Committee. ~16.75

chester road Merion have as their Mrs. Guy L. Cornman, of Ardmore, * * *

guests, Mr. ;nd Mrs. Alan Jerome, of! chairman of ~he Training and Per-
T ledo Oh'o.
0, I

sonnel CommIttee, reports marked
• hd I f '
Troop 8
Mr. Charles Noel, chief of the Nar-
MI's. R. A. Mizner, of the Baird! progr~ss m t e e~e o~lment 0 GIrl berth Fire Company, spoke to the Girl
Apartments, is in Chattanooga, Tenn"1 S~outmg on the Mam Lme. He~ com- Scouts of Narberth last Tuesday eve-
visiting relatives. lTIl.ttee, composed of the co-chalrman, ning.
Mrs. Ralph DeMott, of Wynnedale! MISS Beatrice Tees, of Wayne, Mrs. He told the girls of his exciting
road, entertained the members of her Maxwell H. Forbes, of Oakmont, a~d adventures as a fireman and of the
J)~V,"A~~~T WAVI:S

club at luncheon and bridge on Mrs. Samuel P. Huhn, Jr., of Colomal caUses and results of most fires. The CROQUIGNOLE WAVES
~ .t:a. ()
Wednesday. Those present were" Village, representing the parochial group was surprised to learn that 90
Mrs. John Haynes, Mrs. Carl Houli-j troops, have at~ended four Court.s of per cent of all fires are caused by care- RINGLET ENDS up
han, Mrs. Stewart Swartley, Mrs,' Awa~'ds and SIX ~roop Comml~tee lessness. Mr. Noel told us what we, ALSO WAVES FOR BLEACHED AND WHITE HAIR
Frank Dunn, Mrs. Richard Powell, n,teetmgs; helped WIth ~he orgamza- as scouts, could do to prevent fires ~3.50 UP
Mrs. Wesley Gordon and Miss Betty bon of new troop commIttees and the and what we can do in case of and ;--------------
Irwin. Ireorganization of those in existence during a fire.
Mr. and Mrs. DeMott will spend 1 (a ~1Cw. rUlin~ makes it .obligatory to The girls will sing at the "Scouts'
the week-end with Mrs. DeMott's par-I reg~stel a ,booP c.omn~lttee o~ th~ I Own" program to be held in Bryn
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Praet, of! san e sheet as the gIrls m.the boop) , Mawr Sunday evening, April 26. Be-
I~r~~~~~~~d. ~.O~ 1~4__B_~_I_~_~_y __ $_1---i1
Woodcrest _ on _ the _ Hudson, Theirj a,nanged a Troop .Commlttee Rou.nd cause Troop 125 won the district song
daughter, Miss Carita DeMott, willi 'I able Conference m October wInch contest and because of the other
spend next week at Woodcrest-on-the- was attended by 61 adults; started a troops' singing ability the Narberth
Hudson. Before returning home on General Training Course in the fall Troops will be the chorus at this pro-
Monday, Mr. and Mrs. DeMott will and 'planned a NatUl:e Course for the gram. 6830 MARKET STREET
also visit Mr. DeMott's parents, Mr. g month. VarIOus Troop Com- BLVD 1572 NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY
apd Mrs. William DeMott, in Jersey nllttees have taken charge of tlle s u p - ?
· I , 0 A "1 '7 1M' I .
d M' R I 1 pel'S at the monthly Leaders' .nreting'~ Where.-Montgomery pike at Woodbme
CIt~. n pl! . t 1 1. an r IS. a p 1 " h .
. o en EvcninKs 'Til 8: 15

, . avenue. When?-Soon! (advt.)
DeMott, will leave on a trip through \\ It sJgnal succ~ss.. Th~Ie al.e 24 .--------------::.-.--:..,
Mr. David Speck, fromerly of Phoe-
troops .on the Mam Lme, II1cludm~ a
111 the process of reOl:gamza-
I ....

nix, Arizona, now of \Vashington, D. tlOn and one at the Ho~e fOI Ineur-,
C., spent the week-end with his par- ab.les: all but one of whICh has a c~p­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Speck, of tam In charge, all but,seven of winch
\Voodbine avenue. have a troop commIttee, although
Mrs, Frank de Los Cannon, of ~h~~~ ~re only ,eight li~utenants o~· act- i l~10i ~",
Shirley r~ad, has returned from a two II1g helJt~nant.s. among tl,le 24, b?~ps. ,Jl;.
weeks' trIp to New Orleans. During At the tea gIVen by Aldlllole 'Iloop
her visit there she was joined by her n3 as a welcome to the neW Captain, J
brothel' and sister-in-law, Mr. and 1\1J·s.. E. E. \\':~l1ower, of Rosemont, a ':'
l\Irs. Geol'l:~e Bloom, of Santa Fe, New portIon of theIr Hostess Badges was
Mexico. They visited Avery Island, passed by Betty ~aldridge, Nancy
where they saw a thousand aigrets. and Jane Crook, Elizabeth Cornman,
Mrs. William G. Robinson of Step- Helen Hewitt and Beatrice Parker.
Complete Selection
Instructions Free
ney Place will entertain h~r bridge The girls planned the tea which in-
club next' Tuesday instead of last eluded a kitchen shower given to Miss
Tuesday as formerly announced. The Mary Cornman, who has been affili-
Eva L. Rowley
affair was postponed on account of the at.ed with th~ tr~op for sonletime and 120 Chestnut Avenue
illness of some of the members. I will be marned m .June. Narberth 3988-J you notice the napery?
Mrs. Harold A. Nonemaker and her rr==O=n=I~='=a=w=e=e=k=n=10:::r=e=to:::w=a=i:t=f=0:r=tl::le:d==============~; Iil about St. Mary's?"
daughter and son, Dorothy and Jim-\
P. L.A. Phone ARDMORE 4400 for our
mie, of Hampden avenue, spent the I The WASHING ME Hie' D ~ Routeman
week-end in Altoona, where they were \ \ AND SAI'UWIC" .
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
National Bank of Narberth CERTIFlEO :'
St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
Parker W oohnington, son of Mr.,
and Mrs. Clarence H. Woolmington, I "P(N~~:"YlV"NIA
"'H~OR'" OWN[R~,
Aubrey Avenue ARDMORE
"Know Where Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning Goes"
of Narbrook Park, who is a student I • Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •
at Wheaton College, Ill., is home for i
the Easter vacation.
Mrs. R. W. Phillips, of Essex ave-
" • Member of Federal Reserye System •
nue, entertained her bridge club Tues-I
• Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
had as Lily
her Sexton, of Shirley
guests last week, road,
Mrs. 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
• Glenn Smith and Miss Julia Young, i
of Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller,
Frankenfield Funeral Home
of Essex avenue, and her sister, Miss WM. G. FRANKENFIELD
Flora Kurzenknabe, spent the week-
Simpson Road at Athens Avenue
• end with relatives who were among
the flood victims. Telephone Ardmore 9
Mrs. Roy W. Clark, of Lodges lane, " "2646 ARDMORE, PA.

of the Fortnightly
this Friday.
Club the
is entertaining at luncheon
members !~~~:~~~~~:~::~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~II
-- =====-
1\11'. and Mrs. A. J. Sigel, of Forest AN ARRESTING
avenue, gave a dinner on Sunday in
honor of their son, Mr. William 1 EXAMPLE OF

Sigel and his bride, whose marriage
took place on Saturday in Washing-
ton. The couple will live in Wash-
Miss Pearl Biggs Henry, of Washing- NOT A BARGAIN Fine
ton. The couple will lives in Wash-
ington. His brother, Robert Sigel,
who has been employed in Lancaster,

spent the week-end with his parents,
before going to Buffalo, N. Y., where,'
If you are leeking a worker for any 60rt
of a jOb, a maid. a butler or household
Theo. F. Siefert
he will be for some time. Among the help, remember that any newspaper can
• guests were MI'. and Mrs. John W. I!ve you quick, satisfactory results from

Aiken, of Lancaster, and their daugh-
ter, Jeanette.
Help Wanted" advertising.
Despite the hearty upswing of business 1 ailoring
1\1rs. Charles G. Frowert, of Shir-
and the rise in general of employmen~
ley road, has as her guests this week,
there are still thousands out of work.
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Penrose Scull, of New York. I
So it isn't any feat for a paper to bring
you a host of replies to your ad. Sarna Redingotes are chic
Mrs. William M. Beaney, of Forty-
Fort, Pa., returned Sunday to her You get this same efficient service from coat-and·dress costumes ex·
home after spending a week with her Record Help Wanted ad. at Ie.. cost. ID A classic suit that borrows its English smart- clusive with us. Just two
fact. your ad in ~ndays Record will save ness from the best masculine morning
sister, Mrs. James A. England, of Sa- Jou one-half the COlt of 8117 other Phila. are shown here,-the but·
bine avenue.
attire. Expertly cut of men's English fabrics
., delphia Sunday paper.
- the York coat of oxford gray worsted; toned Gibson Girl coat and
• Miss Harriet Marsh, a senior at
When .you Deed domeatic help, SAVB the Wales skirt of correct dress trousering. $55 the full-back swagger over
Beaver College, will spend her Easter MONEYI Phone WALnut 1800. Say, "1
vacation in Bermuda. She will sail 1rilIb to place a "Help Wanted" ad.
gay print frocks. Sizes 12
Light weight extra Tweed Coat to 20, $16.75.
from New York Saturday. for Spring and Summer
Subscribe to this paper and give Simple Frock Shop, Fourth Floor
your family a year's gift of com-
munity news-for $2.

.. ' . ~' .: ., ',,; .
Page Four OUR TOWN April 3, 1936

Milk Wagon Driver Turns Pugilist In the English classes of the sixth, loaned to us by 1\Irs. WalJace Board- School closes Thursday afternoon,
Eocal . .7:ilovies seventh and eighth grades the lmpils
were asked to write an essay on his
man and Mrs. William Miller. There
are about fifty dolls from various
April 9, for the Easter vacation and
sessions are resumed on Thursday,
or her favorite nobby or pastime. The
"Rose Marie" at Narberth; I pupils arc co-operating with the P.-T.
countries in native costume. The
countries of the dolJs include Austria,
April 16. MARY Lou PAUL.
"Captain Blood" is Next I
A. study group. In describing their Italy, France, Hol1and, Greece, Rus-
I Orchestra Heard in Concert
hobbies they are showing parents what sia, China, Java, West Indies, Philip-
Jeanette Macdonald and Nelson
Eddy sing Friml's glorious songs and, I children are interested in. Thel'e is
I to be a hobby show on Wednesday,
pines, India, Virgin Islands, Straits
Settlement, Northern Africa, Brazil,
An enthusiastic audience warmly
applauded the Main Line Orchestra,
Miss Macdonald also appears in "Ro-I I A!1ril 1, in the Legion room. Mr. Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Madeira and Adolph Vogel, Narberth, conductor, in
meo and Juliet" and "La Tosca," in I i,Drennen has charge of arranging the United States. its third concert of the season at Bryn
"Rose Marie," now showing at the
I them. Our operetta, "Chonita," was very Mawr College last Friday.
Narberth Theatre. Beautiful scenery
and good direction help make the pro-!
i Both sessions of the kindergarten succeRsful. The net proceeds of the Virg-inia 1\IacWatters, soprano so-
I are g-oing in on \Vednesday and
duction notable entertainment. I ' ThurRday of this week to the Frank·
operetta were about $85. The money loist, sang two numbers.
will go towards stage equipment and The next concert will be given May
Added Saturday at the 1 P. M. I lin Institute to study the various lighting 50 that future plays will have 29 in Goodhart Hal1.
Junior M.atinee is the Columbia "Hap-,I ! methods of transportation. better lig-hting and equipment with-
py Hour" of specially chosen short
I The exhibit in the school museum out going to so much trouble and ex-
i is on forcign dolls. The dolls were pense. Watch for the opening-Tidewater Oil
Company's service station. (advt.)
Coming Monday and Tuesday is I
"Captain Blood," Rafael Sabatini's ! I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:il
exciting story of romantic adventure, I
with splcnrlid acting by Errol Flynn,
Olivia de Havilland, Lionel Atwill,
Basil Rathbone, Ross Alexander and
Guy Kibbee.
Wednesday's feature will be "Red
'Soak the Rich,' Lousy?
Salute," starring Barbara Stanwyck Here's a brand new picture that we haven't seen advertised in any
Harold Lloyd, cagerly awaitinrJ strll·ting {fOllY for battlc of the-well, theatre in Philadelphia. And except for Walter Connolly, you prob-
and Robert Young. for the ')({ttlc. That shollidais Adolphe M('njoll'.~-his IIwlIuger. "The ably don't know any of the stars. Not having seen it ourselves, we
The rest of the week, Narberth will Milky Way" is now playillg at the E{jYJltiun. refer you to the fol1owing criticisms:
present Leslie Howard and Bette!
Davis in "The Petrified Forest." -----------------.---------------- Hecht & MacArthur-not satisfied to write and produce "Soak the

C 00 S h 1 N otes In order to create a greater inter-

est in good pictures in the home and
Rich," the punks even play parts in it. What a show!
"Milky Way" Best Lloyd
school and develop a finer appreciation
Film, Says Joseph Conway Because of the need for money and of thc pictures around us, plans were "Soak the Rich," a film dealing with the lJroblems of a millionaire
during these days of social unrest, is improbable entertainment. Don't
clothing for the flood relief, the school fail to miss it.
made for a circulating picture library.
The best comedy Harold Lloyd has established a Red Cross unit for this -HECHT & MACARTHUR
Each teacher selected two pupils to
ever made, is Showman Conway's ap- purpose. Jane King;, Anita Goodrich,
praisal of "The Milky Way," now Louise Johnston, Joe Loos and Alfred
choose t \1'0 pic~ures every six :\'eeks. i Worst film I ever pla.yed in.
The pic! ures wJ11 first be hung 111 the i WALTER CONNOLLY
showing at the Egyptian. It's a hi- Gres acted as officials and \l'ent
art room for everybody to sec them i
lariously funny comedy in the modern around to each room with a jar re-
manner, and in addition to Lloyd it questing each pupil to contribute to
and then the pupils select theil' pic- i If you don't like the so-called "comedy" concocted bll Ben Hecht &
Chas. lI1acAJ·thw·, why waste time seeing their latest-"Soak the Rich."
tun's and a card is placed on them' -POLICE BLOTTER
stars Adolphe Menjou, Verree Teas- the Red Cross for the flood relief. A
dale, William Gargan, Helen Mack, large amount of clothing and canned
saying- "R:~s('r\'crl." The boys that i
will hang' and take down the pictures: Don't see "Soak the Rich"-if pokes fun a,t evcrything-the rich, the
George Barbier and Agnes, the horse goods were also given. They received conservative, the young, the radical.,;, even love.
:l1'l' Hc)\\,:\n! Kai rcr, Boh Timot hy, AI-I
that pulls the milk wagon that Lloyd $30 from the rooms. This will he -CORONERS' GAZETTE
!Jc'rf C'\'itello and Frank Spinelli.
abandons when he ducks his way into turned over to the local Red Cross.
fistic fame. On the same program, This is the order in which the mone y ,_ I til'e of sath·e. I itch at "Soa/.;; the Rich." Really, 'taint entertainment.
is Disney's cartoon, "Pluto's Judg-[ was received: Kindergarten, $1.~5; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NEWS-HERALD-POST-JOURNAL
ment Day," starring Donald the Duck,! Miss Miesen, $1.72; Miss McAulIff,
Mickey the Mouse, and, of coursc'j $1.62; Miss B.iShO P , $1.62; Mis.s Stock, No one ever '-
Pluto. The film will be shown to- $2.Hl; Miss Worst, $2.08; MISS Cul-
night and tomorrow and at the 2.15 ley, $2.21; Miss Wunderlich, $lA!J; CA.UGHT COLD HOWEVER···"SOAK THE RICH" is at the
Saturday matinee. I Miss Ho~:l" - - ; Miss Dale, $1.30;
At Saturday's 10.15 Junior Matinee, Miss Miller, - - ; Miss ~ell, $2.28;
I going to town Egyptian Theatre next Wednesday and Thursday
the feature will be "Smoky," thrilling, t Mrs. Brenner, 42 cents; MISS Taylor,
We Warned You
instructive story of the life of a wild I $2.50; Mr. Knoll, $2.62; Miss Hoover, I

horse.. The ;,oll~win~. Saturday's fea-I $1.05, and 1\11'. Harkness, $3.13.
~~~: \;~~c~~" 1\1Is. \\ Iggs of the Cab-I • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Next Monday and Tuesday, the ! WARNER BROS.
Eg~Ptian wil,l present "Her. Master's!
VOIce," amusll1g screen versIOn of the I
gay stage show, starring Edward' THE A T R E
Fverett Horton Pegg" Conl'lin and Matinee Dally at 2.30 P. M.
" ,~, Evening Cantlnuoua, 7 tD 11 P. M.
Laura Hope Crews.
Wednesday and (Bank Night)
Thursday, comes \Valter Connolly in I
"'Soak the Rich," smart and riotously·
funny comedy produced and written The star of "Monte Cristo" In
by Ben Hecht and Charles Mar- "Thc Ghost Goes West"
with Jean Parker, Eugene pallett~
Arthur. The cast includes John How-
ard and Mary Taylor. Saturday, April 4th
"Anything Goes," the end of next JOSEPH CALLEIA
week, is the musical comedy starring RIN TIN TIN JUNIOR
Bing Crosby, Ethel Merman and In
Charles Ruggles. "TOUGH GUY"
with Jean Hersholt
Mon. and Tues., April 6 and 7
Narberth Players Will Hold
Gala Night 011 April 14 Ann Harding YOU CAN STAY HOME WHEN
Herbert Marshall THE WEATHER'S BAD
A gala night has been planned for In

the next meeting of the Narbcrth "THE LADY CONSENTS"
Players by the chairman of the En-
with Margaret L~~y_ _ DO THE FOOTWORK
Wed. and Thurs., April 8 and 9
tertaiml1ent Committee, Mrs. P. A. You can hafJ6 a tele-
Gcorgc Raft, Rosalind Russell
Pitcher. The date is April 14 and it phone in your home for
wilJ be held as usual in the auditorium
Ie.. than a dime a day

of the Narberth Public School. Mr. fflt Had to Happen"
with Leo Carrillo, Arline Judge THE BELL TELEPHONE
William H. Muller will prcsent two
plays, "Pride of the Claghornes," a • • • • • • • • • • • • • i
comedy review which was very suc- •
cessful in New York, and a dramatic }\fter~inter . . . .
one-act play, entitled "The Under
Current, which has the record of over
After those harsh cold winds, a facial for
your type of skin should now be con"idrred RIDES WITH YOU! .
1000 performances in vaudeville.
There will also be a tap-dancing spe- SUZANNE JORET GILL
cialty by Grace Werner and her part- '-;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;~2~1~6~D~u~d;le~~A~v;e;n;ue-~~N~a~'~.h~(.r~t~h~2~'~'
.'~'.t;:;~~~~;:;;;~;, BEFORE you can read tltis warning and mail American Mutual is sound and safe
n~ I: the coupon helow, somebody will he eitller
American \\IuJUal Liability Insurance Company, the •
I lit, ~

killed or injured in an automohile accident! first of its kind, is unsurpasse(l in stabilil)', in pro-
Today death rides on wheels. tection extended and in service rendered. Its whole •
I rock-ribbed structure is designed to give the in-
7fl«clJ..!!'o!..(1. Before You Put Away Your

Drive carefully, practice safety
in every possible way
dividual most for the least money.

This Thursda'y, Practice economy, too, in the purcl13se of OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ONE.FIFTH
for the summer, let us wash thcm and
Fri. and Saturday I make them look fluffy and like ncw. I your liability insurance - since the earli- OF YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE.
Their Greatest I I est days of the automobile, American Mutual
Sillgillg Romallce
policies have year after year saved their
holders at least 20% of the usual cost. That's


washed, stretched or ironed I
last much longer and look lots better
right - 20% in hard, cold cash. A convenient budget plan of payment is available
i •
~~Rose Marie" Beforc putting 011 your
If you are not insured in American Allied American Mutual Has Alwa;rs Saved Policy-
Mutual, clleck the cost of your liability in- holders 30% ort Fire and Theft Insurance
Added Saturday 1 P. M.-
Columbia "Happy Hour" FURNITURE COVERS I surance. Do it right now. Then write us
Ask us today to tell you about the advantage to
-- II let us make them look right. We wash, (the coupon is for your convenience) and you of being insured in Ameriean Mutual. Re- a
Next Monday and Tuesday I starch and iron them, ready for use. I let us show you tile p08sible savings in member, this coupon may mean a lot 01 ca.1a
money - and the greater protectionl to you.
RUGS Worlmren's Compensation, Flde'ity, Bonds, £'e"alor. P'ate G'ass and all forms 0'
liability 'nsurance are written by
American Mutua', !Fire 'naurance by our associate Allied American Mutual Fire Insurance Company
done up like new

Blood" I
I 20
pieces of
Flat Work

Admitted A•••to, '23,809,545.82 L1.bllltl... '19,424,978.69 Publlo Lcdt!er Bldg., 6th & Ch••tnut s.... Phlladelpbl., Po.
Prices are reasonable.-Call NARBERtH 2266
BARBARA STANWYCK I I 8urpt... to PoU",-botderol ''''884,566.68
(A. Ill.d With tho New York In.uren•• g.partnlont u at PI.,a.e send me your (ree booklet on uRow'd you like to

and ROBERT YOUNG in I SAVE 20% r" Abo /lpn. and p ... lbl" oevln8. OD
I I De.."'ber 31. 1935)

~~Red Salute" i
Narberth Hand Laundry I Philadelphia. Pa•• Public Ledger Bldg.
Phone: Lombard 9175
Male. and mod.1 car' _ _ No. c,-I,._

Wed. at 9 P. M.-$$$ 107 N. Narberth Avenue-We Call and Deliver II " Iflr...",. 011-o, 1........ irI.,. s-. ae-, __
6 Clty _

t iW ~ I OS... I.. aD Pl'lIloltPIlI CtlI..OftI.", &Polll " ..til 9 'f"•••
'r,. a
:Il~.,.;"!''',,,, .• :......

April 3, 1936 OUR TOWN Page Five

Judge Knight Addresses Book Club Hears New Junior Club Show Mrs. James D. Moore, of Dudley 1• • •IIIIIII!!~!!!!11!!!!!!II!I
avenue, attended last Wednesday's
Main Line Rotarians Local Author Tell How Delights Audience
meeting of the Forum group discus-
Continued from Page One I The Book Club of the Narberth Continued from Page One :-;ing psychology under the leadership
Cynwyd-Narberth Club, presided, with ,Junior Community Club met last Minnick, Miss Emily Schlipf, Mrs,: of Dr. Jack Hart, arranged by the
honors shared by the meeting's chair- \ Monday evening at the home of Miss Eleanor Barclay Mrs. Joseph H. Mil-' Women's Activities Committee of the
man, Alvin E. Shull, founder, first Gladys Grovel', Merion, with Mrs. ler and Miss Jean Staples. Penn A. C. I
Ill'e5ident and moving spirit in the Robert I. Fretz as co-hostess. The bridal gown was worn by Mrs. Luncheon at the club followed.
club for a decade. A novel feat~re Guest speaker was Mrs. Robert Barclay, Mrs. Laine showed the ma- ~rs. Moore was the ~uest of her cou-
of the evening was a demonstratIOn Young Ardmore whose first book has tron of honor's dress and Misses Min- 5111, Mrs. Nelson SmIth, of German- EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT
7:30 P. M.
of "cold light," a chemical phe- just b~en pUbli~hed by the Alliance nick and Jefferis modeled the brides- town. Every make and model. from cheap
nomenon displayed. by Mr.. S~ull's son, Press of Philadelphia. Mrs. Young maids' costumes, The other models in, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • useful ones to the very latest.
Fragrance Adds Charm Chevrolet, '35 1V2 T. Truck, dual
Kenneth, and a fnend, \Vllham Bave. writes under the pen name of "Jane attractive formal attire, were wed- i Wheels, long wheelbase--$400.00.
to Garden Picture Private Sales Dally
Chambers." In the two months since ding guests. The groom, alas! did not Cars Always On Hand
. d 's a charm Laughter, Romance I its publication, "Gun-Smoke From the appear. Building Save $5 to $10 per mile driVing here
We Finance Them Trades Accepted
F ragranee m gar ens I - Thrills in Drama' Sag'e-Brush," has brought a very The patchwork quilt which was' We will sell YOllr ear for YOII
ing attribute we often talk about, but I --- I
promising return to its author in pop- made by the grandmother of Mrs.· Lot
too seldom find. Just why this should
I Contlnucd from Page One

current fashion which is hard to ex- for criminal detecting on a head whIch leI's.
ular acclaim. Two later bool,s have
be true is one Of, those mysteries of ful, and courageous too, with a bU~p [likewise been accepted by the publish-
Beatrice Tabor, a Junior Clubwoman,'
was chanced off, bringing over $20,
to be used for further welfare work.

plain. Wc find thc modern gardener !ShC uscs, and can she catch crooks.? Mrs. Ellsworth Clark, chairman of Miss Alice Francis, club president,; Slightly more than one-half acre
(100 x 220 feet) in Magee Estate
h a frcnzied effort to create the per- My word! She does! And the hys~erl-Ithe Club, was responsible for secur- announced a Treasure Hunt to be held section of Penn Valley. Highly
fect color setting and in his haste, cal twist at the end of t~c. play Is.a in~ Mrs. Young as a speaker, and on Thursday evening, April 9th, for' restricted, "A" residential zone,
forgetting to in~lude those sweet_!realistic touch of the femmme and IS \ recommended hcr book as most inter- the benefit of the Braille Fund for secluded yet very close to Mont.
scented subjects which give such a de-I a good laugh, too. I csting rcading to the group. the blind. Members and friends are gomery Avenue. Owncr will build
a.iJ~ue. 1"tl... I.:~e. raar. '?um. CDer
on adjacent lot in near future. riea Crabapplu Gra'Pe. Raspberriea
lightful perfume to summer evenings. "Adams," the perfect butler, oh! I Several club members contributed invited, to bring male escorts and: Inquiries invited. 31aekoerrie. 9UllwberrlU Currant,:
Somc of thIS . neglect may be due t o 1\11'· William H . Muller what would! 1 .
! Items of book news to the meetmg.
. cars, meeting at the clubroom at 8.15.' Full Un. lL Itook
U,tin, Illrietle, FREE
30-Pa... CatalDI

the homely dress of some of the old- you charge to help along our \o~r: Mrs. Clark commented on current The committee will layout a course EASTER PLANTS
fashioned 'fragrant flowers. For ex- of ease. The s~amp of approva IS' bcst sellers, among them, Rebecca for the hunt and a cash prize will UOWNER" A flDe aIlOrtrr.ent, llea.lonabl;p pncea
OJlo' SAI..E A.PRIL 8th TO 11th
ample, the evening-scented stocks on you for buttlmg. West's "The Thinking Reed"; George greet the winner at the trail's end, i Box 7273 Ardmore, Pa. I.N.Simon & Son~:t:'ptfi~ i:•.
(Matthiola bicornis), which give such The Major, I rather think. Elm~r Santayana's "The Last Puritan"; and which must be reached in a prescribed
an abundance of perfume they may Hackman did his best work m thIS "Valiant is the Word for Carrie."
well be grown for that alone. But part, certainly so, if the applause of I\1rs. Spencer Smith gave her personal
at thelimit.
end ofThe
the "hunters"
evening atwill meet:
a mem-I ·~=;=::===~~~::==~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~I
r, - ---- --
many fragrant flowers have been high- the audience meant anythin.g . Then rcactions to "Europa" and "I Write ber's home, to be designated before
ly developed by modern plant breed- the two high-toned EnglIshwomen As I Please," two of this year's club the race begins. The cost of entering:
ing and may be planted for color and I played by Helen Weatherall a~d J?e~- list. Mrs. ,James Moore read a com- the hunt is 25 cents per person. Mrs.!
beauty as well. Mignonette (reseda gie Bailey were true to .theIr artl-j mentary from the "Herald 'Tribune" Nelda Williams is chairman of the I
odorata) is one of these, and has no flces and Miss Bailey partlcularl.y de- in which dramatic critic James Mur- committee-in-charge. To complete an ensemble, have you considered Rustic
superior for its delicate scent. It, lighted in the last scene by her mane dock compared favorably (to his ownI J. G. M. Cedar as a background. It has long life and ages beau-
makes excellent cutting material to I and ingenuous nonsense. ,surprise), the movie version "These tifully.
combine with other flowers. Mr. Phil A. Pitcher made the lUur- Three" with the original stage pro-I 32 at Card Party
There are many fragrant blooms del' of MI'. Ludgrove seem most ine~- duction of "The Children's Hour." I The last of the series of six card:
that can be grown from spring-sown cusable, we la~e~ted the end of 11ls I
Refreshments were served by the parties given by the members of the:
seeds. The ten-wcC'k stocks are a de- able charactenzatIon. b l ' W 11 hostesses. I Mulieres of the Narberth Fire Com-'
lightfu] rilep of gal'(j(>ll "ubjPcl s which Then, crooks and con,st~ eS
en i J, G. M. I pany for the benefit of raising funds
cam.: in a IOllg color run!!:,'. N ico- done, the foul' of you. , ~sse! for the annual firemen's banquet, to
tiana, the sweet-scented tobacco Green,., Arthur. Cooke, ~o~ert ;t:s'j' Miss Marscher Engaged I he held on Thursday, April 16, was
plants, should have a place in every FrancIS V. ~lItch~ll. 0 bertd s es 1\' . d Mr J 11n C Marscher of held Wednesday at the home of the
. 1 fI I'eally won 1115 strIpes (or a ge one Id. an s. o . , . d 1
garden. TheIr long tubu ar owers M n t d' ng , H f rd a enue Narberth an presIdent, Mrs. Eberhar t Mue ler, on
close in midday, but open as evening should say) as Sergeant a e , olA ; aver 0 th v ngag'. ment of' thel'r-\ Essex: avenue. There were thirty-two
approaches and give forth a nch per- <
. a COI1VI'11cI'ng piece 0 f wor. k s nounce
crooks, congratulations to Mr. Green daughter, MISS Hazel Mane Marsch.,r,
e e . 'e
• " I I
. . .
fume. . ' and Mr. Cooke! They were not so ter- and Mr. Henry Edward Bowes, son A meet1l1g ?f the ~nt~rtammC'nt ar.d ,
The sweet sultans and s\\eet scabl- rifying for the comedy plays heavily of Mrs. Henry J. Bowes, of MerChant-I Menu ComnlIttee WIll l)C held at the
osas have a soft fragr~nce and add into the lines in the last act and A. A. ville, N. J, end of tl~is we.ek. The Mulieres' :egu-
beauty to .th~. garden pIcture.• They Milne was squeezing every bit of fun Miss Marscher is a graduate of liar me?tm g \:111 be Monday, AprIl 13,
are fast glo\\mg annuals. SO\\ seeds out of the dialogue, but they com- Friends Central School and attended at 2 0 clock Il1 Elm Hall.
of the sweet sultan (centaurea) broad- mited the murder in a really finished Harcum College.
cast where they are to grow. The Dr. McDonald Reveals Zoo Plans White Seats, Fences, Arbors or Arches may be the right
sort of way! Mr. Bowes is a graduate of Valley
datul'a (angel's trumpet) is another The entire cast was well heard and Forge Military Academy and attended A combined playground and educa- ones to harmonize with your surroundings. If we do
fragrant annual which is bep.utiful. well liked and through a slow moving, the United States Naval Academy. tional institution similar to the Chi-
It must be started early in the house, I chatty English play such as A. A. nese zoo of 4000 years ago, which waR i not have in stock the items best adapted to your particu-
or a hotbed. I
Milne writes, they managed to wrap ,
The evening primrose is noted for the audience out of itself with an un-
known as the "Park of Intelligence,",
is the ambition of Dr. Roderick Mac-:
lar arrangement, don't give up the plans. Let us build
to order, just the thing you want. The season for en-
its heavy scent, given off during the derstanding interpretation, playing on Classified donald, director of the Philadelphia i
joyment of these things will be long, but don't charge all
evening hours. Its yellow and white the surprises in this d.el'Ig IIt f U 1 ~1YS-
blooms, attractive during the daytime, tery of crooks and ladles. Here s to
Advertisements 'I Zoo. Dr. Macdonald, who lives at 320
Bowman avenue, Merion, spoke at the
the expense against this year's improvement. You will
seem to reflect the moon at night. , the Narberth Pla)'ers. May they have
-wlJl be charged only to residents
meeting of the Oakmont Parent·
have many years of pleasure.
The heliotrope is another universal j many more plays and prosper! Teacher Association Thursday.
whose names appear In the tele-
Gardeners who will take the time to
D. A. S.
An OutsideI'.
p'1one directory or to subscribers
"The Philadelphia Zoo is the oldest.
zoo in the United States, and until:
Shull Lumber Company
search the seed catalogs will be able TOWN, or the NEWS OF BALA- Tire Link Between Forest and Home
CYNWYD. recently had the most animals," said,
to find numerous fragrgant subjects
to fit into their summer picture. I Blodgett-Hunt
Dr. Macdonald. "Weare very proud: 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 662
20c a line of our record of longevity. The zoo's:
The marriage of Miss Dorothy Jane,
Hunt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bid- i
for All Three New,paper. greatest achievement along thi s li ne i 1~~~~~~i!!~~~ __~~~~iIo!·'!ii-!i!!i~Ii!!~~~~~-~iii_~_iii!!~~~!!!~.1
Garden Expert to S kp c a '
die Newbold Hunt, of Levering Mill,
Garden lovers will be wise to take road Cynwyd, to Mr. William I1:enry i'
I Count five words to line l
was keeping alive for thirty years a ~~~~~~~!,!-!!!!!~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!-·!!S~!!!!!~~~~~t
-will be accepted up to Wedne.- mammal which ordinarily would die'
advantage of the invitation extended Blodgett, , . son of Mr. and M rs. J 0 h n ' day, Ii o'clock, for Frlday's Issues. at the age of two months when in i
by 1. N. Simon & Son, 529 Market Hall Blodgett, of Alden Park Manor, ~ !
street, Philadelphia, to attend a free Germantown, took place at noon Sat-'
lecture on "Flowering Shrubs" on I urday at the home of the bri d e ' spar-· Phone ARDMORE 3100 I

Motorists!-Don't miss it-the new!

Your Lawn
Tuesday, April 7, 2.30 P. M., in their ents in the presence of only the im- Help Wanted I Tydol servicc station. (advt.): I is no better than its
lecture room on the second floor of
their establishment.
mediate families.
Dr. George Emerson Barnes, pas-
l\I1~N \V ANT"'D for Itawlci/.(h HoutcH of
800 families. IteJiahle hUHtlcr should 0 omenlC . k 0 eN ata1e
The lecture, which will be fully tor of the Overbrook Presbyterian rapidly. stal't e,nnill/.( $~[, weel(ly allil incl'easc '
illustrated, will be given by Mr. W.
O. Hird, long experienced and emi-
nently successful in all phases of gar-
Church, officiated.
There were no attendants.
MI'. Blodgett and his bride will re-
l'ND-Ia-S. ChCHlcl'. I'a.

Situations Wanted
Hawl"i"", Dept.
Let me take
care of your

and Pruning
All work guaranteed
l1A Y'S "·OnK-Cle:.lIIillg-laundlT. Anl- 173 Simpson Road, Ardmore i
dening. side at the Baird Apartments in Nar- 1l101',, l!181. (16) A superior grass seed, In three different
Mr. Hird will cover such subjects berth. I-IOI\1h; ",t,;Cn"''1'AHY assist writing, tYP-1
Ardmore 2011
as the selection of shrubs, as to their IlIg, party preparations. etc. Phone '~:;;;;~~;;;;;;~;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;~
blends, mixed and distributed at Ollr
placing in the garden for both utili- Nal'berth 3988-\". Ti nurserIes.
GOOD experienced stenographer. whO
• tarian and decorative purposes. -SPORTLETS- understands bookkeeping. desire. posl.
tlon full or part time. Phone Narberth
Antonio DiRocco
2112-R, If
"MAIN LINER"-You can buy no better
Penn Valley Exhibits
• Lower Merion High's annual inter-
A number of fine exhibits in Easter class track meet will be held on Mon-
Specializing in
"LOWER MERION"-A .fine standard grade
At Your Sery;ce GARDEN
table arrangements were presented day and Wednesday, with the first CLI'lANING WINIlOWS·- Lawn worl'-'
• by members at the meeting of the varsity meet against North Catholic olld johs, 1'llIJlln Shl'I'wol)(1 8\1[,:1. (H) I
NURSERY WORK "SHADY SPOT"-Ideal for the purpose
Penn Valley Garden Club Monday at Ardmore on April 11. lUlI.IALlLle CAltI'l'lNTI·;(t~iTeratiolls, Foundries--Pools
e will(Iow screening'. Got tJieh Jt:SSIiIlg'Cl',
morning. Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith re- * * * 122 Conway a'·enue. Call Narh"rth :lH8-lt, Flagstonc and Rockery work-any These seeds are just right for Main Line
ceived the largest number of votes Haverford College's schedule in- lHtAPIO:HUeS, Slip Covers, Venetian design. Also Paving lawns, and cost no more than the poor
• for the best exhibit; second, Mrs. E. eludes a baseball game at Drexel Mon- blind., Awnings, FUl'nlture. Upholster-
Burke Wilford, and third, Mrs. Lester day, with St. John's nine coming to ..nd Inc, B.ddlngs, Hugs clealled, repaired HILLTOP 1238 blends umall)' sold.
stored. Challenger, 281 Montgome\7
Collier. Haverford next Friday. . . . "Sturge" ..nnu., Cynwyd, Phone, Cynwyd 16. 130 Columbus Ave" Manoa Park
e ; l"orm.rly with John Wanamaker. ltt)
The next meeting will be Monday,

• ,G. Wagner, Righter's Mill road, Penn

Poorman, of Narberth, and a mcmber, rTPE\WI1'EHS Sold, rented and re-
April 13, at the home of Mrs. Earl of Lower Merion's 1933 State cham-l p..lrlld. Ribbons and Carbon Pap "I',
Established 42 Years John Albrecht's Nurseries
pions, will captain the Haverford Col-: ~~c~;~::~ve~Yr~d~~~t:~ml~~l.C_~;.rt. 3~3~:
Haver-' 'bu. 01'1,,11111.1 TOM rlAUIUSON Used 50 ~Peat1IIAM~
Valley. Mrs. J. H. Gardner will Montgomery Aycnlte at Mecting House Lane
lege quintet next year. . . Bales. $1.50 bale; 25 Bales, $1.65 bale
speak on Japanese flower arrange- ford's golfers will be host to Johns Jl'urnlture 8xchange now located at 31S 10 Bales, $1.75 bale; 1 Bale, $2.50
ment. Bone Meal. Cow or Sheep Manure: NARBERTH 4020
Hopkins Thursday and to Fordham w. Lancaster ave.. Ardmore. Ard. 38\. 10 Bags, $2.00 bag; 1 Bag, $2.50
. I I UP~OLSTmHING allll rep. Sprln~. 01
next FrIday. . . . On t 1e same (ates I-piece .ult.e repalr'ed, $10: Chair fI' Po uItry Moss, $1.50 ba le-1 0 Sa Ie Lots! ~~iiii5!iii!il!l!!ii!~iiii5iiii5~!iii!iiiii5iii!!!!!!!!!!~iii!!!!iii!!!!e;;;o;~iii!!!!l!l!!ii!~iiii5iiii5~~-~!!eii!iiiii!!!!l!l!!ii!~~iilI
Nabbed in Canada the tennis team will play the visiting covlI'ell, $6. Go anywhere. Call Lewl. Line Lexington, E. L. SHUTE Be CO.
Pa. Lexington 210
Joscph Santarelli, 37, said to have teams from William a~d Mary and: 217 E. LAnCAster live. ':~~~~ __ Phlla. Phone: Chestnut HIli 5454
• formerly lived in Narberth, has been 1\1 u II 1 ell berg, respec t'lve 1~', t ac kl'll1g t1e:
arrested in St. Johns, Quebec, on Navy at Annapolis April 11.
l' Rooms for Rent
: AIU)~10IU';, l'A,-··Allral'li"" ",,,II flll'll.
,charges of fraudulcnt conversion of
$9,000. Ill' had bpen sougoht for foul' .Johnn
* " *
Brennan Narberth and A~I~I~ ]f,[,-w.,
I I'OOl1l. Conv. 10 tl'allSI', [,:l Llallfail' I'nad. -Offering is DoubllJ Guaranteed bV
',B;\I.A-Lal'~". 21111 "Iorv fl'O II I I'onm,
Lawn Seed Dealers

years for a shorlage in his aecoun!.s I y , a dependable, courteous, in·
Mickey Gavin and Joey Burns, of: \\',,11 furlliHI",,!. Ut'nll,,;n,", 1'I't'fl'l'I·t'I!.
at Philadelphia';; Columbu~ Title & Bryn 1\1'\\vr last year's Main Line' COIIV, 10 1!'OII"y allil "Ialinn. ltd. WI'III' telligent service. ':
. I. • This trademark on a package of Iswnseed is your
[ I . I I .
II < ,
'I' rus·t Company, 0 w IIC 1 Ie was a slars, this week are workmg out as • ''oM, (; .... Ilox !I, llala,C"llwv<l,
29 years' experience . , ,guarantee-plus the fact that all OLD ENGLISH
• teller. 1'""ldc: with t I ' h mond team of:
1C RIC W tinted Electrical contracting and job.
bing on the Main Line since

. :.
REG. u,s. PAT. OFF.
dealers stand behind this product 1000/0. Before
you purchase lawnseed be guided by these facts.
t he Piedmont League. I BlJHJ<;AU or chest of <11':1\\''',.I'H., I'rlh. Iiv-
Sun Cleaners in Narberth lng-room chail'll. 11001' l'll,·",.ill~ alll! 1918.
I 1. Cheap leed cannot produce good lawns I
. , " " I piny pen ",allted hy fa.nili"H k"n"," to Main Line's first radio store,
Theil' 231'(1 store has bl'lm 0pPlwd I I' Irst honors 111 Lower Menon s an- M. L. Fed. of Churches. Dono.' l1Ia~' (lhollc 1921. 2. Good seed cannot be purchased for 20¢ per Ibl
in Narberth, at 21!J Haverford :lVC- nllal school stamp exhibit this week, Bryn Mawr 2180. (15) 3. OLD ENGLISH guarantees quality lawnseedl
nue, by the Sun Clcane!'f; and Dyl'I's, went to the Cynwyd School, which was: 4. OLD ENGLISH can be purchased for less than 40¢ per Ib I
whose 22 o!.hcr f\tOl'CS are through- awarded the Gcorge Reed Memorial: , For Sale Narberth
') I I
ou t Ph I a( e phia and the suburbs. In Cup at the Junior High School.
BAB'\' Indoor swill/.(-Il!ay pen-raccoon
cOllt, Ard. 31!1-R. (14) Electric & Radio
business for ten years, Sun Cleaners Sponsored by the Junior High WAlt[)ROBI~ THUNK. Victol·tlln Sofn.
and Dyers opel'Ute a modern establish- School Stamp Club, of which Richard; GOOll condition. Phone Narberth 4086-111. Shop H. RICKLIN
ment and run their own cleaning Tifft, Merion, is president, grammar: (14)
Walter G. Case
109 North Narberth Avenue HARDWARE
plant. The store is located in what schools from Bryn Mawr, Wynnewood, i Real Estate for Rent
was for years known as White's Sweet Cynwyd Narberth, Gladwynne, Mer- HOUSE & Apt. rentals all along the
.'Sh op. Ion and 'P enn W ynne'xh'b' elIte d. I
"Main Line."
Greenwood Koser Bros.
0690-Ardmore 680. Healtors .

"I \
, ..... ,... '.


April 3, 1936
They Played in "Chonita" .at the Narberth School Recently
First Three Days of Week
- For limited time only -
WAVE for only $2.50
Includes Shampoo and Finger Wave
Also Nestle and Frederic Machine Waves
Zotos and Jamel Waves ~
No Machine - No Electricity

Narberth 4177


Schellenberger's Eggs-chocolated covered cocoa·
nut cream. Nothing better. IOc up to $3. Please
place your order EARLY-
.. ."~.)~ (~:,,.

ShowlI nbm'e arc tllc C(I.~t of the [lypS1J ope/·etta, "Choni/a," whieh made a hit at the Na1'berth School 111areh 20-21. The cha1'(/eters and
chorus wcre all recruitcd from tIle school's sixth, seventh and eighth g1'(/c{es.

Coaches Drumm and Hutton wiII Five Conunittee Contests John was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
get the track and field men under way
on the 11th of April, when they meet Listed for Narberth Robert E. Newcomb, Levering Mill
road, Bala-Cynwyd, and is survived
one of the Catholic high schools of
Philadelphia On Pennypacker Field.
One contest is scheduled in Repub- also by two brothers, Robert E., Jr., I NAMES PUT ON FREE
lican ranks and four among the Demo- and Edward J. Newcomb. Funeral
TIM The track team should be more for-
midable this season than last and may
crats in Narberth for places on the services will be held this Friday af-
County Committee, according to the ternoon at 4.30 from the Bala-Cynwyd
Solid chocolate rabbits and chickens.
'tf!Ih- TOMMY MACKLIN be particularly strong in field events.
list of candidates who filed petitions M. E. Church. Filled Easter baskets, 23c to $1.50.
with the Montgomery County Com- Bunnies, ducks, etc., in a large assortment, IOc to
William E. Fendall missioners. Win Simfonietta Honors
I am glad to see that Roger Hanger $2.50.
William Eaches Fendall, 79, former In the only Republican committee Marion Miller, ll-year-old Merion
has been elected co-captain of Penn-
judge at Alexandria, Va., was buried contest, W. D. R. Evans is opposing goirl, won a silver cup and an honor- Schellenberger's, Schratft's and Whitman's fancy
sylvania's 1937 basketball team, shar-
this weel, in St. Paul's Cemetery, that the incumbent, Herbert A. Barton, in able mention at the eighth annual chil- chocolates, in Easter wrappings.
ing the honor with Franny Murray,
city, following funeral services last the Third District. dren's concert of the Philadelphia
who was captain this past season. Dennison's party favors, etc., for Easter-tide.
Saturda y at the home of his sister-in- Mrs. Margaret Griswold is unop- Chamber String Simfonietta at the
Roger will make an excellent leader
law, Mrs. George Farr Oberge, Buck posed for Republican committeewoman Bellevue last week. Dolly Madison's Old·Fashioned Egg-Nogg Ice
and his senior veal' should see him as
lane, Haverford. in the Third District. Cream.
one of the outstanding players in the
Intercollegiate League. JIll'. Fendall was the husband of the G. O. P. candidates in the other
former Ratherine Atterbury, niece of districts are as follows: OLD AGE PENSIONS

The committees of the world have
the latc Pennsylvania Railroad presi- First District-Charles V. Noel and $50 to $60 monthly-not $200
a difficult assi~,'llment when they have Tune in WIBG
dent, General W. W. Atterbury. Mrs. Louise V. Cockrill. Saturday, April 4, at 6:15 P. M.
to choose recipients of various awards.
Second District-John C. Batchelor
It is impossible to please the many Gardner for Congress
who nurse their own private opin- Henry G. Pearce and Mrs. Sabina Tyson. Harvey J. 224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035

ions as to who should be honored. The funeral of Henry G. Pearce,
berth Councilman and Penn coach, did
Often those of us who criticize a choice 49, of Haverford, was held yesterday Harman, present comlnitteeman,
not file papers.
would make a real botch of the job if morning at All Saints' Church,
we had anything to do with it. I Wynnewood, with interment i~ Wood-
have no particular award in mind at' lawn Cel1letery, New York CIty.
the present, nor do I disagree with :'III'. Pearce .was a membe~ ~f th~
Democratic candidates for commit-
tee posts are:
First District-Katherine O'Bricn,
SHEA'S ee 2/ r
any that have been made in recent firm of Carstall's Brothers, distillers, Frank O'Brien and Joseph T. Ma- '
f 1
UIl.C]"Cl,.ecl ( .~/eclJ;llg CJlal;olle'''.1J
garity. -at the
weeks, but I do want to take time out a direc(<Jr of Bank and Insurance
to pay a small tribute to one of the Shares, Inc., and a member of the Second District-'Villiam J. Laforc, Narberth Station White or ivory paper of quality. single or double fold
finest athletes and men that e\'er l\Ierion Cricket and Ra~quet C!ubs. Jr., Jesse Hause, Elizabeth Kelley and I- sheets with inside and outside envelopes; price include.
graced the halls of Pennsylvania. Formerlv an AI1-A~enca~ crIcket Olivc S. O'Sullivan. Prompt Deli'ller'Y
I'ngraved copper plate. SCMI" or Shaded
Solid lettering lettering
That lad is James Bradford, fondly 1]la~'cr a Ild a champIon sW1111mer. at Third District-Beatric Morford, 6 styles 6 styles
called Jim bv the hundreds who know Penn, ;\Il'. Pearce served as a first heu- Mrs. Effic M. Burns and George W. J. 100 announcements, 7 lines $14.00 $19.00
him well. I 'watched the Penn basket- tenaJ1t ill the Engineers' Corps. in ~he Cook. 100 invitations. 10 lines , 15.50 22.00
ball team flounder along to mid-season World 'Val' under the late Bngadlcr Prescnt Democratic committee mem- Additional 100's ... ,........ 6.50 6.50
and then blossom into a formidable General ,V. W. Atterbury. 100 Reception
At Home,cards,
Church or

:ddS':'K'iNri·; S·O NS :00

bel'S are Mrs. O'Brien and Magarity 4 lines..... 6.50 8.50
competitor. If I know anything about He is survh'ed by his widow, Mrs.
the game at all, I say with convic- Lcita Wheeler Nelson Pearce. ~a~~~ ~~r:~t~:t:~~~~~::.~~~~:e~u~.~~I~iiiiiiiiiiiiiFiiioiriisiiaileiiiiiiiiiiii~l!
;,::;:;;~~;;;;F~:ily ~~¥;:~ =JI~~D~I~"~"'O~N~D~1~;~:~ ~c~ ~, ~ ~ ~s~s·~T ~ E~ ~\~L~E~ ~ST~·R~ ;I~ VT~E~R~S~M~'~T~H~S~ ~"~IL~. ,:=s
tion that it was the work of Jim
Bradford that brought the team from Margaret Parsons
mediocrity to a place in the collegiate Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret
sun. He was a star both on offense McElhany Pal'sons, 69, who died on Hu" I
and defense and he took the rough March 2.5, were held last Saturday
going like a true sportsman, taking at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Harrison Newcomb, 14, who STATES I~ ~

was crushed beneath the wheels of a

a real beating in game after game, Ernest Boulay, Iona avenue, Narberth.
and continued to play the game ac- Interment was in St. Paul's Lutheran Lower Merion school bus in front of
cording to the rules. No unfair ad- Cemetery, Ardmore.
vantage or intentional fouling was
the Junior High building Tuesday
Mrs. Parsons and her husband, evening, died early Wednesday at
ever committed by the hal'd-working Mahlon Parsons, who survives, cele- Bryn Mawr Hospital, where he was
I IT'S HERE • • •
-Come in and see it •.•
pivot man to my knowledge and in brated tl)cir golden wedding anniver- taken by Principal Edward H. Snow. Nearly 1000 varieties in National
almost every game he outplayed his sary last June. She had lived in Album. Containing all Air Mails
complete in superb mint condition; •
opponent. Thc same was truc in foot- Cynwyd ior more than fifty years,
ball. Jim's work at end was of the moving to Lenola, N. J., about fifteen
same high class. Always giving his ycars ago.
801:Ii' all commemorative stamps of the
20th century mint and a good lot
of 19th; many general issues mint
to $5.00 value, and pages of other
best, Jim was what Harvey Harman She is survived by six daughters:
calls a "Coach's Athlete." I wish I Mrs. Boulay, Mrs. H. L. Dasher, Mrs. fine items. Foundation of a prize-
-thcre wcre some sort of cup or mug I Sabie Ccnsore, all of Narberth; Mrs.
winner. Price $300.00. For full •
details, write,
or kettle, or something that a com- Robert Lindsa:y, Cynwyd; Mrs. Mar-
mittee from Penn could givc to Jim shall Atkins and Mrs. Harry Ruther- ~~COLLECTOR" •
Bradford. There are a lot of boys ford, botl) of Lenola, N. J., and a son, Box 447 Narberth, Pa.
there who deserve one, but it seems Gcorgc G. Parsons, Lenola; a brother, •
to me that Jim just tops the list. Joscph JI[cElhany, Philadelphia, and
* * '" a half-brother, Joseph G. Mittel1, of •
Lower Merion opened thc diamond Detroit.
season with an easy victory over Epis-
copal Academy at the latter's field This Ilapcr \velcomes communica- •
Tuesday aftel'lloon. The scorc for tions on timely subjects.
seven innings read 13 to 2 for the Get it here!
Maroon. Dick \Vhitney, one of thc Opening soon-Walter G. Case's new
"upper" of the uppcr class, used all Tydol service station. (advt.)
of his six feet two inches in hurling
the ball past opposing batters. He MAUSOLEUMS
SHEA'S The New Seal-Kap

held the Churchmen to six hits and
two runs-a hit for each foot of his
SEA FOOD and the

height and a run for each additional Edw. A. Carroll Co. Wines and Liquors
Golden Guernsey
inch. I don't think he had that in Incorporated Trade Mark
mind at the time, but if he did, he H ‫ן‬- 242 Haverford Avenue Only SPARTON offers AU Practical Features
managed just right. Harvey Cook, E
0 Exclusive Antifrost Economy Clock • • • The Baskadrawer
leading catcher in the Suburban A CEMETERY
League, had two hits, sharing honors D MEMORIALS N SAFE ECONOMICAL The Vegabin ••• Silent Fast-Freezing Unit ••• The Baskador ••• •
with his battery mate, who also
S Telepllone: MAN.runlc 0166 u First Mortgages Five Year VVarranty Plan ••• Electric Lights and many others that
slashed out two singles.
It is still too early to predict ac- T ,. M
on the make for convenience and economy
curately as to the team's chances in 0 139 MONTH PLAN Add Convenience
the league this season. I have a feel- N
••Imont Avenue and OTHER PLANS TO SUIT and Guarantee to
ing that the boys will be pretty close E Levorlng Mill T Two years to pay for the $119.50 model, with 8.7 square
to the top when the schedule is fin- S J>
S Brookmead feet of shelf area.-only $11.95 down and 17c a day!
ished. There is every reason to be- Lower Merion B.&L. Ass'n Guernsey Milk See the deLuxe model in our window.
lieve that they won't lose as many MEIIIOl'llALa ERECTED 2 E. Lancaster Ave.
games as the Philadelphia Athletics IN ANY LOCALITY Now 16c per quart Narberth Electric &. Radio Co. •
will, so with that consolation I await L. A. Eppinger Phone VVayne 1121
Narberth 4182 Walter G. Case
developments. CLEANING The Flne.t Milk In
the !!Iaa: :Saokalle, at 109 N. Narberth Avenue, near the theatre
tho ft'aht ~rlH

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