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Season 3: Street Fighter Errata

• Akuma: Demon Armageddon's Boost Die One Thousand Deaths! and Wrath of the
Raging Demon's Boost Instant Hell Murder (missing Continuous Boost icon +)

• Akuma: Goshoryuken's Boost Ashura Senku - should be "Add this card to your gauge
or Move 1. Then, take another action."

• Dan: Haoh Gadouken's Boost Saikyo Power (missing Continuous Boost icon +)

• Sagat: Tiger Cannon's Boost Swift Destruction (missing Continuous Boost icon +)

• Vega: Splendid Claw's Boost Mask (missing Continuous Boost icon +)

Season 2: Seventh Cross Errata

• Emogine: Emogine's Transformations specify "When you set a Wild Swing, your next
valid attack gains" instead of "When you set a Wild Swing, it gains" to clarify what
happens if her Wild Swing is invalid and must be replaced (e.g., if she reveals an Ultra
Attack she cannot afford). Note: Replacing an attack with a Wild Swing due to the
attack being invalid does not count as setting a new Wild Swing. Emogine cannot "set
a Wild Swing" more than once per Strike.

• Emogine: Emogine's Reference Card has The Hecatoncheir printed on both sides.
Her normal character ability should be as printed on her character card.

• Eugenia: Color Spray's Transformation reads "When you set a Wild Swing or EX
Attack, your next valid attack gains" instead of "when you set a Wild Swing or EX
attack, it gains", to clarify what happens if she replaces her Wild Swing or EX Attack
with an invalid Ultra Attack. See Emogine notes above.

• Galdred: Blood Frenzy reads "Hit: You may Transform a card from your hand." instead
of "Hit: You may Transform from a card from your hand." This is a typo fix with no
mechanical effect.

• Renea: Renea's Exceed side reads: "When you Exceed, flip any face-down
Continuous Boosts put into play by Renea's ability." before all other text. This is an
errata to fix an interaction where Boosts could be otherwise locked out face-down.
Resolve any Now effects on those Boosts.

• Shovel Knight: Propeller Dagger reads "Hit: You may spend 1 Gauge. If you do, return
this card to your hand when the Strike ends." instead of "Hit: You may spend 1 Gauge.
If you do, return this card to your hand." Grasp has the Continuous Boost symbol (+)
on Fierce. As-printed, it is not present.

• Umina: Dreamlands reads: "Discard any cards here before a new one is placed. You
may Strike with the card here. When you strike with the card here or a copy of that
card, you have Stun Immunity." instead of "Discard any cards here before a new one
is placed. You may Strike with this card. When you strike with this card or a copy of
this card you have Stun Immunity." This is only a clarification with no mechanical

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