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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

APARICI, Joenetha Ann P. November 12, 2020

BSCE- 301

1. Define Sports and Games.

 People often take games and sport to be the same one. However, games and sport are
entirely different. A game involves more than one person and a sport pertains to only an
individual’s skills and performance.

A physical activity, Sport is carried out under an agreed set of rules. Sport is related to
recreational purposes, either for self-enjoyment or competition or for both. A game is also
for recreational activities and it involves one or more players. Played based on a set of
rules, a game is defined as a goal that the players try to achieve. Like sport, the game is
also played for enjoyment.

Sport is an activity or activities where the material capabilities of the sportsperson are
looked upon. In a sport, it is the sportsperson or the individual who determines the
outcome. Well, an individual’s talent does not determine a game. It is the entire
performance of the players that determines the winner in a game. An individual’s skill or
performance, though has much significance, does not count much in a game; it is only the
coordination and team spirit that leads the game.

A person participating in a sport is called an athlete or a sports person. A person who

participates in a game is known as a player.

2. Why man engage in sports?

 Sports аnd gаmеѕ hаvе bееn раrt of humаn ѕосіеtу fоr thоuѕаndѕ of уеаrѕ. Thе
importance of these things ѕhоuld not be undеrеѕtіmаtеd.

Sports and games are a vital part of human physiology. Men engage in sports and games
since it strengthens us, entertain us, fulfill our competitive nature as well as aiding our
physical and mental health. Also, sports and games frequently will maintain a man’s’ good
health. They can develop a muscular body. Games teach us the spirit of patience and
courage. Discipline is incredibly essential not just for the progress of an individual,
however, conjointly for the progress of the nation as a whole. Sports and games also help
in building self-esteem, mental alertness, honesty, and teamwork. While playing sport and
games, people spent time together and improve a healthy social life too. For students,
sports are a source of entertainment, which helps in breaking the monotony of academic
studies. So, sport and games are important.
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

APARICI, Joenetha Ann P. November 12, 2020

BSCE- 301
3. What are the Physiological health benefits we get from sports? Give at least 15.
 Sport improves your mood
 Sport improves your Concentration
 Sport reduces stress and depression
 Sport improves sleep habits
 Sport helps you maintain a healthy weight
 Sport boosts your self-confidence
 Sport has been linked to leadership traits
 Sharper memory and thinking
 It provides higher self-esteem
 Sports teaches you how to deal with setbacks
 It helps value of teamwork
 Provide stronger resilience
 Increase in critical thinking and judgment skills
 It improves cognitive function
 It reduces levels of overall tension

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