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Test 8 Module 8
A. Match the two columns.

1. mountain a. city
2. petrol b. language
3. flat c. aid
4. life d. range
5. first e. belt
6. official f. station
7. capital g. jacket
8. seat h. tyre

B. Circle the correct words.

1. The ship was near the west coast / border of Ireland.
2. Chris is an unforgettable / experienced camper. He has been camping five times before.
3. My car broke down / ran out on my way to work.
4. Our scuba diving leader / instructor was really helpful.
5. White-water rafting is a(n) extreme / professional sport.
6. I don’t know this word; I should show it up / look it up in a dictionary.
7. I had a(n) nightmare / emergency last night and I woke up.
8. It is always useful / suitable to know first aid.

Complete the dialogue with a suitable phrase from the box.

a. tell me about it d. how unlucky

b. what a daredevil e. live your life to the full
c. it’s a long story

A: Hey Mike! What happened to you? How did you break your leg?
B: Oh, (1)
A: Tell me.
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B: Well, you know that I’ve always believed that you have to (2) .
So, I decided to go rock climbing.
A: (3) !
B: Anyway, I had a accident. SCORE 5
A: (4) !
B: (5) !
A. Expand the following notes into sentences using the Present Perfect Simple.
1. Kate / never / climb / a mountain

2. you / ever / explore / a cave / ?

3. Kevin / always / want / be / a doctor

4. They / not visit / a volcano / before


B. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: Where is Pauline?
B: She (go) to the supermarket.
2. A: you (visit) this island before?
B: Yes, I (come) here three years ago.
3. I (see) this adventure film before. It’s really exciting.
4. They (never / be) up in the mountains on holiday.
5. Harry (always / be) adventurous. Last month
he (try) bungee jumping. SCORE 7

C. Rewrite the following sentences using Reported Speech.

1. ‘Give me some water, please’ Jill said to me.

Jill asked me .
2. ‘Don’t hang up,’ Stephen told Carla.
Stephen told Carla .
3. ‘Don’t turn left,’ said my brother.
My brother told me .
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4. ‘Pay attention to the lesson,’ said the teacher.

The teacher told the students .


Listen to a conversation between two friends and tick the things Jason has already

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.
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Read the postcard and complete the sentences 1-3.
Hi Alan

Just a quick postcard from Powerfun Adventure Camp.

It’s my last day today and I have had so much fun here.
On the first day, I woke up at five in the morning and
went sailing all day. We were really lucky because the
weather was perfect. The next day we went hiking in the
mountains. I was in this forest with a friend called John
and we got lost. We didn’t have a compass and it was
a nightmare. Luckily, we found our way back to camp
before it got dark. I haven’t done many water sports
but I went bungee-jumping. That was amazing! Today,
we’re going to try hang-gliding. I’m a bit scared but I
think it’s going to be brilliant. One week isn’t enough, I
can tell you. I want to stay another.

See you soon,


1. Billy on his first day at the adventure camp.

2. Billy and got lost because they didn’t have
a .
3. Billy wants to stay at the adventure camp. SCORE 8

Write a paragraph describing a country, town, island, etc. that you have been to. Include the
following information:

where it is
what its population is
what its geographical features are
what sights it has
what someone can do there
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