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Building Controls VII

Energy University Course Transcript

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Welcome to Building Controls Part VII: Interactive Illustration of PID Response. This is seventh course in the building
controls series. If you have not already done so, please participate in Building Controls one through six, prior to
taking this course.

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For best viewing results, we recommend that you maximize your browser window now. The screen controls allow you
to navigate through the eLearning experience. Using your browser controls may disrupt the normal play of the course.
Click the Notes tab to read a transcript of the narration.

Slide 3
At the completion of this course, you will be able to:
 See how proportional control may oscillate and stabilize at a point above the setpoint
 Show how an integral term helps a control loop to achieve a result closer to the setpoint, and you will be
able to
 Illustrate how a derivative term helps to prevent overshoots

Slide 4
In the previous classes, we have explored the definition of each of the terms in a P I D controller. P for proportional
control, to deliver more or less response according to the stimulus. I for integral control, to adjust the response
depending on how long the actual has been away from the setpoint . And D for derivative control, to adjust the
response depending on the rate of change, to help to avoid overshooting the setpoint.

Now we’ll walk through an example and use an interactive simulation to see how these terms combine in a control

Slide 5
Let’s see why proportional control achieves stability with an offset. Imagine a room, where the temperature has
stabilized, and it is the same as the setpoint. The controller is providing 800 units of air per minute. Keeping in mind,
that for the purposes of this example, it doesn’t matter what the units are.

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Slide 6
Now a group of people enter and start having a meeting. The temperature in the room climbs, so the controller
implements its proportional rule, as shown here, in this equation:

Output = ([degrees from setpoint] * [amount of air])

We can now change the language we use in this rule to use the terms we learned in previous classes, as shown here,
in this equation:

Output = error * gain

As the temperature climbs the error, or offset, also goes up, and the gain setting will cause more air to enter the room.
Let's say the temperature climbs by 2 degrees and amount of air supplied is now 1050 units per minute.

Slide 7
If this increased air supply is enough to stop the temperature increasing any more, the system will now stabilize at
this point, even though it is offset by 2 degrees above the setpoint. The controller will go on providing 1050 units per
minute, and that will only change when some people leave the room or more people come in. If the offset of 2
degrees is acceptable, this system is adequately tuned. But if 2 degrees is not tolerable, this system will not meet
requirements in its current setup.

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Slide 8
Let’s go back to the point where the people first enter the room. What if we had set the gain differently, so that the 2
degree temperature increase made the controller supply 1200 units per minute? Then the additional air might be
enough to reduce the temperature in the room. When the temperature drops, the supply will also drop, according to
the tuning of the system.

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Since the air output has been reduced, the temperature may go up again, and cause another increase in the output.

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The output may go up and down for a while, as the temperature in the room is changed by the output, and is fed back
to the system to create a new output level. But as long as the gain is not set too high, it will find stability – although
probably at a point which is not the room setpoint. This oscillation is a typical shape for a proportional response over

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Slide 11
How does the shape differ when we add integral and derivative terms?

These three curves illustrate the different responses from P, PI and PID control.

The red line shows a proportional response. After 30 minutes, this system is stable. However it has stabilized at an
offset of 2 degrees from the setpoint. You can see the effect of adding the integral term on the blue line. Adding the
integral term allows the system to ―notice‖ that for 5 minutes the room has been above the setpoint temperature.
The integral term is added to the proportional response and pushes it closer to the setpoint. The oscillation still takes
place, with the amount of airflow changing each time there is a new measurement. You can see on the blue line that
this brings the room back down to its setpoint – although this takes about 40 minutes due to the oscillations caused
by the output changing during that period. Adding the derivative term allows the system to ―notice‖ when the
temperature is falling quickly and ―back off‖ the output. This makes each of the oscillations smaller. The orange line
shows the setpoint is achieved in around 20 minutes.

Slide 12
In this interactive example, we simulate a conference room that has its temperature sampled for the control system
response every two minutes. We only simulate the two minutes so you don’t have to sit and watch it forever. We
have reduced it down to 10 seconds. So. every second that passes, presents 12 seconds that have elapsed.

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Slide 13
Now let's go through each feature of the example, then we'll go back and allow you to experiment with the interactive
feature. On the Zone Temperature Reading table, you can see the real time temperature in the room. The control
system only pulls the temperature reading every 10 seconds, or simulated 2 minutes, which you will see registered
on the graph.

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The small graphs off to the right show you graphically the linear proportional and the summation integral responses.
Based upon the temperature, on a linear basis, the air flow will increase proportionally.

For every temperature registered, the integral component is added to a build-up graph showing you the net integral
value, because the integral is a summation of all the previous errors.

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On the lower Proportional Control Response Loop table, for space and clarity reasons, we are only listing ―cubic feet
per minute‖ calculations.

The actual response of the system can be seen in the device reading next to the VAV damper in cubic feet per
minute and in cubic meters per hour.

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Slide 16
You can see at the start that the system is tuned to a baseline of 800 cubic feet per minute (CFM).

Proportionally, for every temperature step up or down, 125 cubic feet per minute of air is added or subtracted to
adjust the temperature accordingly, causing heat to be more quickly or slowly carried out of the room to decrease or
increase the temperature. For the purposes of this exercise, it really doesn't matter if you think in cubic feet per
minute, or cubic metres per hour.

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Here, you can control the type of response that is used. At the beginning of the simulation, the system is stable, but
we’ll see what happens when we introduce change.

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So, 800 CFM is the baseline

The second line is the proportional response

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
and the third line is the integral response, which at present is disabled.

We'll talk about gain in a moment.

Slide 19
The heat elements on this side can be dragged into the conference room during the simulation. They represent heat
sources such as people, lamps, computers and so on. You can see how this affects the temperature and airflow.

Let’s run this simulation with a proportional response and see what happens.

Slide 20
Let’s begin by dragging two heat elements into the room.

Now, notice the temperature reading increases,

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
and the system responds by providing more air.

As you can see, now the system has stabilized at 74.4 F, 23.5 C.

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
The temperature line will stay flat. The system is tuned to provide enough air that the room won’t get any hotter, but it
won’t get colder either.

Now, let wait until there are six or so temperature readings showing.

This chart is showing you how much integral response has ―built up‖. It indicates how long the system has been away
from the baseline value.

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
It shows you how much correction the integral would have made if it was included.

Now, let’s select the integral box.

(Demonstration is time elapsed and approximate.)

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Slide 21
The shaded yellow area is the length of time the system has been away from setpoint.

The system will now start to respond to this, and the integral response will now be added to the proportional
response. It turns green in the table to show that it is included. The total response of the system is shown here.

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Watch and see what happens.

You can experiment with restarting the simulation, and putting in different numbers of heat sources, or having the
integral component included from the start.

The gain adds a percentage on to how much the proportional—and integral if selected—responds. The way we
have set up gain to work in this simulation is the baseline which is 800 (in this case), plus the proportional response,
and the integral response—if selected—all multiplied times the gain.

(Demonstration is time elapsed and approximate.)

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Slide 22
You can adjust the gain on the graph, and then that gain will be used for the next calculation when the control system
processes what the response should be.

If the system stabilizes or stays around a certain value with only proportional control, try increasing the gain.

Note that this system has a maximum response. In theory, we would keep on spinning the fan faster and faster and
faster to deliver more and more cold air if the heating load became too great. However, we capped the maximum fan
speed of 2500 CFM, so the VAV can deliver no more than that.

(Demonstration is time elapsed and approximate.)

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(To restart the animation, click on "Interactive simulation" from the Outline tab on the left of your screen.)

Feel free to experiment with different settings. When you are ready, press the forward icon to continue with the rest of
the course.

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Study of the description of the PID control, together with the example and the interactive simulation, should allow you
to master the PID concept.
To tune such a system in real-life would require a detailed understanding of the system behavior.

Slide 25
Let's summarize some of the information that we have learned in this course.

We saw that proportional control may oscillate and stabilize at a point above the setpoint.

We saw how an integral term will ―notice‖ that a control loop is oscillating above the setpoint, and will add to or
subtract from the response. This helps a control loop to achieve a result closer to the setpoint.

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
And finally, also we saw how a derivative term helps to adjust the response when the actual value is changing rapidly,
and help achieve setpoint more quickly.

In the next course we will look at different types of controllers and controlled devices. You can also learn about
some strategies for implementing energy efficiency with building controls in our classes on Energy Efficiency with
Building Automation.

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Thank you for participating in this course.

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.

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