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Write some advantages of FPGA in your own words.

FPGA's or Field Programmable Gate Arrays are used in Rocket / Missile systems. it is an control
Embedded computers. It is better perfomance like calculation work at a faster rate. FPGA circuits can still
be modified, updated, and completely change any way that can perform another wok as do. it was cost
efficiency beacause of its ASIC. FPGAs can not share the costs they can be reprogrammed for next to
nothing.FPGAs are reprogrammable and reusable. This makes them the perfect choice for prototyping
purposes – especially for ASIC validation purposes.One of the most significant advantages of FPGAs is
that can allows to finish the development of  product in very short amount of time, meaning shorter time to
the market. FPGA design tools are easy to use and do not require a long learning curve.It was ideal for
real time applications can perform more processing in shorter period of time as compared to other
alternative in the market.  

Recall the 1-bit comparator circuit from your Digital Logic course. Write the Verilog HDL code for 1-bit
comparator and then 2-bit comparator using hierarchical modeling technique
// comparator1Bit.v

module comparator1Bit(
input wire x, y,
output wire eq

wire s0, s1;

assign s0 = ~x & ~y;

assign s1 = x & y;
assign eq = s0 | s1;

// comparator2Bit.v

module comparator2Bit(
input wire[1:0] a, b,
output wire eq

wire[3:0] s;

assign s[0] = ~a[1] & ~a[0] & ~b[1] & ~b[0];

assign s[1] = ~a[1] & a[0] & ~b[1] & b[0];
assign s[2] = a[1] & ~a[0] & b[1] & ~b[0];
assign s[3] = a[1] & a[0] & b[1] & b[0];

assign eq = s[0] | s[1] | s[2] | s[3];


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