Doctoralia FI Ene 2021

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History of a startup

Dr Frederic Llordachs, MD, MBA


©2018 Doctoralia Internet S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

Our services for patients
We offer services to make healthcare more accessible to users, givng them a space to ask, review and
find the best healthcare professional according to their needs.
Services to patients are FREE OF CHARGE.

Medical Online Patients’ Ask an Expert

Directory Appointment Reviews
Booking Patients can anonymously
Platform to find healthcare It includes patients’ opinions ask simple questions about
professionals and centres.+ about their personal conditions, therapies or
Users can book an
4,4KK in 20 countries, experience after the drugs, that will be answered
appointment with a doctor
+150K registered doctors consultation. Heathcare for recognisable healthcare
or medical specialist
and medical centers professionals can improve professionals.
through our own
Appointment System their good online reputation.
A long long time ago, in a galaxy
far far away...

Project begins in January 07, but...

… we came up with the concept some time ago (2001).

The first version of Doctoralia wanted to be an online interactive

agenda, open to users, but only for healthcare providers who paid a
monthly fee.
Background: Phase I

We were a small team, composed of clearly defined and matching profiles

Technical staff: Subcontracted.

Based on the developer experience and his two partners.
Background: Phase I

Mayo 2002

Technical staff: Subcontracted.

Based on the developer experience and his two partners.
Background: Phase I
Background: Phase I

Usuarios de Internet
Número de usuarios por cada 1.000 habitantes (Fuente: OCDE/ EL PAIS, julio 1999):





40 88%


Finlandia EEUU Suecia Reino Unido Alemania Francia España Ialia

This is proven by the latest reports by the Observatorio Europeo sobre la Tecnología de la Información.
Due to the latests mergers in the telecommunications industry:
1999 63M internet users in Europe
2002 Half of the population in Europe will be internet users
Due to the mobile & wireless telecommunications industry expansion:
Personal computers won't be the only way to access the internet 40% of people will use other devices such as phones or televisions
Background: Phase I
Background: Phase II
Background: Phase II

We needed a bigger team...

An intern who had developed Galenicom and was starting eConozco...
The intern had a friend who had a website building company...
The team talks to people in the industry...
Background: Phase II

Doctoralia is developed as a B2B to manage the relationship between

national service operators and their investors

Doctoralia Medical Examinations Booking Center

Background: Phase II

The project is shared with Axa Interpartners España, and La Caixa, together
with Laboratorio Echevarne…
Background: Phase II

… and in a world in need of this product,


The entrepreneurial project is BURIED

Phase III - Doctoralia today: Background

Doctoralia is born again as a directory to attract users who are looking for
solutions to their healthcare needs on the internet.

SEO partner & CEO: Albert Armengol, graduated in

Medicine, MBA ESADE, geek, entrepreneur, (eConozco,
Festuc, Bloguzz…), business angel (Migoa. Linqia, Genoom...)

Technical partner: David Diaz Daré, graduated in Physics,

graduated in Business Administration. Technical director &
CEO at

BDM, medical issues: Frederic Llordachs, MD, MBA

ESADE, medical director for a private clinic, experience in
medical direction at insurance companies and healthcare
management since 1998
Phase III - Doctoralia today: The beginning

Doctoralia lets healthcare professionals and centres publish relevant information in an easy
Patients can search for healthcare professionals in an easy way, filtering by geographic
location, specialty or insurance company.
Location map is always shown
Phase III - Doctoralia today: Results

Doctoralia becomes a reference directory and is built from public information that was poorly
structured on the internet. Also, we start to have income.
Phase III – Doctoralia : Success?
Phase III - Doctoralia today: Success?
Datos globales 2020
Actividad en 12 países. Los más importantes son: PL, ES, TR, IT, BR, MX, CO, CL, AR
1,8 millones de profesionales de salud
3 millones de reservas de cita al mes
35 millones de usuarios únicos por mes
3 millones de opiniones de pacientes
43,000 profesionales han habilitado la consulta online
1,9 millones reservas de consulta online
DocPlanner ya cuenta con más de 1.300 empleados

Datos España
125,000 profesionales de salud
200,000 reservas de cita cada mes
4 millones de usuarios únicos por mes
300,000 opiniones de pacientes
428,000 respuestas de especialistas en “pregunta al experto”
10,000 profesionales de la salud interactúan en la sección “pregunta al experto”
+ 70 especialidades diferentes en la plataforma
5,781 profesionales de la salud que brindan el servicio online
302,700 reservas de consulta online
Top de especialidades en consultas online: Psicología, Psiquiatría, Med General, Fisioterapia,
La plataforma cuenta con 230 empleados en España.

Thank You ! ;)
Dr Frederic Llordachs

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