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Full Name ____________________________ EXAM.ROOM

Grade : 11D ________
- 9 Section 4th Quarter Final Exam
Subject – English Year: 2012 E.C Name of the teacher: ________ Time allowed 2hrs

General instruction: - All your answers must be marked on the answer sheet format posted on the
How to spot fake news
Every time you‟re online, you are bombarded by pictures, articles, links and videos trying to tell their
story. Unfortunately, not all of these stories are true. Sometimes they want you to click on another story
or advertisement at their own site, other times they want to upset people for political reasons. These days
it‟s so easy to share information. These stories circulate quickly, and the result is … fake news. There is a
range of fake news: from crazy stories which people easily recognize to more subtle types of
misinformation. Experts in media studies and online psychology have been examining the fake news
phenomenon. Read these tips, and don‟t get fooled!
1. Check the source
Look at the website where the story comes from. Does it look real? Is the text well written? Are there a
variety of other stories or is it just one story? Fake news websites often use addresses that sound like real
newspapers, but don‟t have many real stories about other topics. If you aren‟t sure, click on the „About‟
page and look for a clear description of the organization.
2. Watch out for fake photos
Many fake news stories use images that are Photo shopped or taken from an unrelated site. Sometimes,
if you just look closely at an image, you can see if it has been changed. Or use a tool like Google Reverse
Image search. It will show you if the same image has been used in other contexts
3. Check the story is in other places
Look to see if the story you are reading is on other news sites that you know and trust. If you do find it
on many other sites, then it probably isn‟t fake (although there are some exceptions), as many big news
organizations try to check their sources before they publish a story.
4. Look for other signs
There are other techniques that fake news uses. These include using ALL CAPS and lots of ads that pop
up when you click on a link. Also, think about how the story makes you feel. If the news story makes you
angry, it‟s probably designed to make you angry. If you know these things about online news, and can
apply them in your everyday life, then you have the control over what to read, what to believe and most
importantly what to share. If you find a news story that you know is fake, the most important advice is:
don‟t share it!
(Source: - British Council Learn English)
Part One: Comprehension
Directions: I. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives
1. Which one is the best title for the text?
A. Experts share dangers of fake news
B. Experts share top tips for resisting fake news
C. How to create fake news: a guide
D. Tips on how to read the news online
2. Which reason is NOT given for an online fake news story?
A. To convince people of a political view
B. To make people angry or sad
C. To plant a virus in your computer
3. The text says some fake news---------------------------------
A. is easy to recognize as fake.
B. is funny.
C. comes from the political right.
4. Which of these may mean that a news site should not be trusted?
A. The text is well written.
B. The site has a variety of other stories
C. The site‟s „About‟ page does not clearly describe the organization
5. Some images on fake news------------------------------
A. are real images, but come from a different website.
B. are images that have been changed.
C. both the above
6. Fake news stories …
A. are usually only on fake news sites or social media
B. . are not on any websites, only in social media
C. are often hidden on real news sites.
7. Many fake news stories are written------------
A. without capital letters and with terrible spelling
B. in a way that makes people upset.
C. inside of advertisements that pop up on your screen.
8. What should you do with fake news?
A. Report it to the police
B. Make a note of it for reference
C. Not show it to other people online
9. What is the purpose of this article?
A. To complain
B. To inform
C. To entertain
10. What techniques do fake news use? (Give your answer based on the reading passage given above)
Part Two; Vocabulary
Directions: II. Complete the sentences with words from the box.
A. bombard B. fooled C. unrelated
D. source E. subtle
F. phenomenon G. sure

11. If you someone with messages or information, you give them so much that
it is difficult to deal with at all.
12. A is a rare or important fact or event.
13. If something is , it is not obvious and it is difficult to notice.
14. If you are , you are tricked into believing something that is not true.
15. If you are about something, you are confident that it is true or correct.
16. If something is to something else, the two things have nothing to do with
each other.
17. A is a thing, person or place that provides information
Part Three; Grammar
Directions: III. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives
18. A: Did you meet _____ at the party?
B: Yes, I met _____ who knows you!
A) someone / anyone
B) anything / nobody
C) anybody / somebody
D) everybody / nothing
19. This morning _____ bus was late.
A) a B) * C) an D) the
20. Why aren‟t there _____ magazines?
A) little B) much C) a little D) many
21. _______________ fast food is bad for us, many people enjoy it.
A) Despite B) Despite the fact that C) since D) in spite of
22. .Barbara hopes _____ a lawyer.
A) become B) to become C) of becoming D) becoming
23. The Red Lion is the pub _____ we met for a drink.
A) which B) that C) where D) when
24. David can go to bed now. He _____ his homework .
A) finish B) has finished C) finishes D) finished
25. We‟ve known Paul _____ two years. Have you _____ met him?
A) since / for B) since / ever C) for / ever D) never / ever
26.. You _____ come with me if you don‟t want to. I‟ll go on my own.
A) don‟t have to B) must C) should D)must
27. Young people are thought to be lazy. _______ most young people I know are extremely hard-working.
A) Another important point is that C) moreover
B) On the contrary, D) besides
28. We _____ a complaint to the manager because our meal was so bad.
A) made B) said C) gave D) told
29. The thieves _____ by anyone.
A) saw B) have been seen C) weren‟t seen D) didn‟t seen
30. How long _____ in Paris?
A) do you live B) are you living C) have you been living D) you live
31. After they _____ their work, they ___ home.
A) had finished / went C) had finished / had gone
B) finished / went D) finished / had gone
32. _____ I was in Paris, I made a lot of friends.
A) While B) During C) For D) In
33. I was in hospital _____ three weeks.
A) while B) during C) for D) in
34. _____ my stay in hospital, the nurses looked after me very well.
A) While B) During C) For D) In
35. _______________ there is a lot of traffic in city centers, pollution is a problem.
A) Since B) Because of C) Even though D) Although
36._______________ I can see their point, I still believe that they are wrong
A) Although B) Despite C) in case D) in spite of
37. Where are the scissors _____ I bought yesterday?
A) Which B) Whose C) Who D) Where
38. Since divorce became easier to obtain in Europe, the divorce rate has gone up ______.
A) dramatic B) dramatically C) dramatics D) to be dramatic
39. “Whom did you see at the concert last night?” She asked us whom _______ the other night.
A) I‟d seen B) we‟d seen C) we saw D) I saw
40.______ the future, people will be living on pills.
A) In B) On C) By D) A
41.___ he would have signed his name in the corner.
A) If he would have painted the picture C) If he painted the picture
B) If he paints the picture D) If he had painted the picture
42. I wasn‟t at school when I heard the news.
A) So did I. B) Yes, I was. C) Did you? D) Neither were they.
Part Four; Dialogue Completion
Directions: IV. Complete the following dialogues with the correct answer.
43. Jane: Help yourselves to the cake. What sort of it would you like?
Nick: Strawberry, please.
Jane: Would you like some more cake?
Nike: _____.
A) Yes, ice cream please. C) Thank you for a nice party
B) No, I've already caught it. D) Thanks, I haven't eaten my first piece yet.
44. I was told an interesting story yesterday. _____.
A) Neither was he. B) Were they? C) Didn't you? D) So were we.
45. How many times have you been in South Africa? - _____.
A) I went last year. B) Once. C) 2 years ago. D) Yes, I've.
46. Will you cook macaroni this year? _____.
A) Just a moment. B) Sorry, I couldn't. C) Yes, he will. D) Yes, of course.
47. Who is the best reader in your class? - _____.
A) Pete is. C) Oh, it is very difficult to get a good book these
B) We take books from the school library. D) We never read books at math lessons.

Part Five;
Directions: V. Choose the appropriate word to complete the passage
Bad news
The mass media nowadays are our main source of information about what‟s happening in the world and the
impression one __(48)__ from them about human __(49)__ is pretty depressing. My blood __(50)__ rises
every time I switch the television on. Apart from gossip about __(51)__ personalities, the picture they paint of
human __(52)__ is that they are violent and bloodthirsty. They just report crimes, violations of human rights
and the way we are destroying our natural.
48. A) takes B) collects C) gets D) draws
49. A) Biology B) character C) species D) persons
50. A) level B) impression C) pressure D) temperature
51. A) film affairs B) film business C) show star D) show business
52. A) beings B) characters C) personalities D) people

Part Six; Writing

Directions: VI. Match each supporting sentence with the corresponding topic sentence by writing the
correct topic sentence letter/ A or B/ on the line beside the supporting sentences
Topic sentences
A. Low-fat diets are an excellent way to stay healthy and trim.
B. High-protein diets are favored by athletes and competitors.
Supporting sentences
53. These foods help build muscles and increase energy. (fact)
54. They are preferred by the general public because they help with weight
reduction. (reason)
55. Low-fat diets are recommended by most physicians. (fact)
56. Many athletes eat high-protein foods, such as meat, beans, and nuts. (example)
57. Low-fat foods include fruits, vegetables, and pasta. (example)
58. Because they are easy to find in stores, low-fat foods are convenient. (reason)
59. Athletes generally eat high-protein diets to give them more energy. (reason)
60. Crispy steamed vegetables and grilled fish and chicken are all tasty parts of a
low-fat, heart-friendly diet. (Description)

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