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Nr. Product Strategies of realisation and ways of Evaluation criteria Deadline

1. Comparative Realisation strategies: - Determination of organizations for November
study Introduction: determinig relevance research (3-5 to select) 25th
Assessment of and importance of the researched - Presentation of the product on time
ensuring of problem; determinig the goal and - Degree of the theme corresponding to
proposed human objectives; evaluation of the degree the essence of investigated material
rights categories of knowledge of the problem, key - Analysis and infomation handling
in certain words presentation - Structuring the material, analysis, data
geographical Regions for comparison: processing: giving explanations
region The region of Americas - Respecting the main stylistic
European region requirements: brevity, clarity, property,
Asia and Middle East region coherence, cohesion
- Bibliography matching
Main categories of human rights: - Correspondence with the content
- civil and political rights requirements
- economic, social and cultural rights - Compliance with the technical
- solidarity rights requirements

The research has to be focused on

the analysis of:
- presence of international
instruments in ensuring human rights
/ main international treaties and
- involvement of national institutions
and policies in human rights

Identifying similarities and

differences between investigated
regions ( within a special table)

Formulation of conclusions
Bibliographic research

Ways of presenting the task:

In a written form – in a form of table,
drawn up in groups. Requirements
for formatting of electronic version:
Word, Times New Roman, font10,
line spacing 1, 20-30 pages

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