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Faculty of Business and Economics

Department of Business Administration and Marketing

Organizational behavior

“Case Study”

Prepared by:
Name: Dina Abu Jumaa Number: 1181147
Name: Lamees Awaysa Number: 11616183

Instructor: Dr. Suzan Shukukani ^_^

Section: 2

Date: 26 / 11 / 2020
1- QUISTION: What are the origins of the brand name?

As I read recently about the story of the brand name and people’s opinions about it, I will
answer, as I understood

The origins and the story behind this name based on a racial stereotype. The brand name and the
picture on the packaging perpetuated a racist stereotype (The caricature is rooted in a racist
stereotype of a friendly black woman working as a servant or a nanny for a white family.) that
dated to the days of slavery.

The picture on the brand refers to an African-American model hired to promote a corporate
trademark as "Aunt Jemima". She was a former slave.

Even After the time of slavery ends, this company documented black woman as a slave.

2- QUISTION: How did the company describe the brand positioning in the old

The company has developed a remarkable brand recognition that represents warmth, comfort and
convenience. They are position their products by making a link between the black people and
warmth and comfort.

The company descript the slang term "Aunt Jemima" as a friendly black woman who perceived
as a servile and works to protect the interests of whites.

In addition to that, PepsiCo tried to position the product by saying that the packaging descript an
old Black woman with a broad smile and a ready laugh, Aunt Jemima is a vestige of the
“Mammy” caricature designed to soften the legacy of slavery in modern times.

After they tried to improve the product and remove the mammy “nanny” scarf .Back to 1989 a
company spokesman said they “wanted a more modern-looking woman, but one who still has
traditional values”, who could retain the “goodwill and positive perceptions that already existed”
3- QUISTION: From your point of view, is it easy to change a brand name, logo,
and what should the company do to keep the brand successful?
My answer of the first part of the question:
In my point, I see that it’s too hard and not easy at all to change a brand name or logo etc.,
because when you decide to change a brand, you decide to end the because of many reasons, one
of them that all of the brands loyal customers will spread out and the company will lose the
brand position.
Even if the brand where successful when you decide to change the name its same as you decide
to start a new brand and a new effort and new customers.
We as customers always connect the brand with its name with its visual packaging so if that
changed, what will remain right?

My answer of the second part of the question:

The company should do a lot of advertisement to save its position in customer’s minds.
Moreover keep the same quality or even improve the quality to stay at the same level and keep
up with the competitors. In addition, as I learnt from the story behind this case study the
company always should take into account the community’s perceptions and values, if the
company ignores the community values its will fall down.

Thank you D. Suzan Shukukani  

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