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McKay SIG Grant Year 1



40051844 Grant Administration
569000 District Admin Overhead 79,254 - 76,030.51 3,223.49

Total 79,254 - 76,030.51 3,223.49

40111004 Instruction
511101 Regular Licensed Staff 78,872 32,699.16 46,147.68 25.16
512100 Licensed Substitutes - 1,077.12 - (1,077.12)
513003 Licensed Addtl Earnings 8,074 3,605.44 - 4,468.56
521000 PERS 13,042 2,627.99 - 10,414.01
521001 Fixed Charges - - 12,540.48 (12,540.48)
522000 Social Security 6,651 2,304.81 - 4,346.19
523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 1,043 421.20 40.00 581.80
524005 Employee Insruance 25,512 8,512.40 17,024.80 (25.20)
541000 Consumable Supplies 1,500 1,500.00
547000 Computer Software - - 3,701.95 (3,701.95)

Total 134,694 51,248.12 79,454.91 3,990.97

40111269 Remediation
511101 Regular Licensed Staff 40,276 16,362.16 23,073.84 840.00
511201 Regular Classified Staff 12,247 1,890.40 - 10,356.60
512100 Licensed Substitutes - 191.14 - (191.14)
513003 Licensed Addtl Earnings 34,080 13,521.00 - 20,559.00
513005 Classified Addtl Earnings 3,223 1,201.91 - 2,021.09
513006 Classified Overtime - 4,932.73 - (4,932.73)
521000 PERS 13,473 2,854.98 - 10,618.02
521001 Fixed Charges - - 6,270.24 (6,270.24)
522000 Social Security 6,871 2,609.31 - 4,261.69
523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 1,078 561.14 - 516.86
524005 Employee Insruance 19,134 5,022.80 8,512.40 5,598.80
535300 Postage - 46.85 - (46.85)
535500 Printing - 24.47 - (24.47)

Total 130,382 49,218.89 37,856.48 43,306.63

40111654 Student Activity

535300 Postage - 207.24 - (207.24)
535500 Printing & Binding - 289.71 - (289.71)
541000 Consumable Supplies 30,000 13,143.61 2,500.00 14,356.39

Total 30,000 13,640.56 2,500.00 13,859.44

40111754 Guidance Services

511101 Regular Licensed Staff 219,090 87,696.05 100,537.15 30,856.80
511201 Regular Classified Staff 120,781 53,130.71 66,280.83 1,369.46
521000 PERS 50,980 18,670.54 - 32,309.46
521001 Fixed Charges - - 43,728.65 (43,728.65)
522000 Social Security 26,000 9,254.25 - 16,745.75
523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 4,078 1,578.61 40.00 2,459.39
524005 Employee Insruance 108,426 37,617.04 59,580.54 11,228.42
534000 Travel 6,000 - - 6,000.00

Total 535,355 207,947.20 270,167.17 57,240.63

40111777 School Operations

511201 Regular Classified Staff 103,546 31,369.47 51,082.37 21,094.16
511300 Supervisory Licensed 173,242 69,360.77 88,880.72 15,000.51
521000 PERS 41,518 12,597.33 - 28,920.67
521001 Fixed Charges - - 35,226.53 (35,226.53)
522000 Social Security 21,174 6,736.47 - 14,437.53
523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 3,322 1,134.00 - 2,188.00
524005 Employee Insruance 63,780 19,978.98 34,435.35 9,365.67

Total 406,582 141,177.02 209,624.97 55,780.01

40111781 Parent Involvement

513006 Classified Overtime - 146.98 - (146.98)
521000 PERS - 22.63 - (22.63)
522000 Social Security - 11.07 - (11.07)
523000 Other Required Payroll Costs - 1.91 - (1.91)
524005 Employee Insurance 15.85 (15.85)
534000 Travel - 20.47 - (20.47)
535500 Printing and Binding 1,000 - - 1,000.00
538902 Non-Employee Compensation 2,388 - 678.31 1,709.69
541000 Consumable Supplies 3,000 1,365.00 - 1,635.00

Total 6,388 1,583.91 678.31 4,125.78

40111796 Campus Monitor
511201 Regular Classified Staff 46,388 18,859.48 26,578.89 949.63
521000 PERS 6,958 1,244.91 - 5,713.09
521001 Fixed Charges - - 7,196.27 (7,196.27)
522000 Social Security 3,549 1,141.22 - 2,407.78
523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 557 894.59 - (337.59)
524005 Employee Insruance 25,512 4,719.28 9,438.56 11,354.16

Total 82,964 26,859.48 43,213.72 12,890.80

40111804 ODE Administrative Overhead

538000 Non-Instruction Prof & Tech Services 98,500 - - 98,500.00

Total 98,500 - - 98,500.00

40111833 Staff Development

511101 Regular Licensed Staff 61,831 25,653.95 36,177.01 0.04
512100 Licensed Substitutes 5,512 - - 5,512.00
513003 Licensed Addtl Earnings 162,696 102,059.91 - 60,636.09
513005 Classified Addtl Earnings 7,267 16,071.61 - (8,804.61)
521000 PERS 34,770 20,686.25 - 14,083.75
521001 Fixed Charges - - 9,830.99 (9,830.99)
522000 Social Security 18,155 10,369.46 - 7,785.54
523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 2,847 1,745.10 - 1,101.90
524005 Employee Insruance 12,756 4,256.20 8,512.40 (12.60)
532400 Rentals - 1,915.00 - (1,915.00)
534000 Travel - 5,404.25 - (5,404.25)
535500 Printing - 97.72 - (97.72)
538902 Non-Employee Compensation 29,250 19,097.04 - 10,152.96
541000 Consumable Supplies - 13,706.58 - (13,706.58)

Total 335,084 221,063.07 54,520.40 59,500.53

40111835 Staff Development Improvement

513003 Licensed Addtl Earnings 7,074 - - 7,074.00
513005 Classified Addtl Earnings 1,000 - - 1,000.00
521000 PERS 1,211 - - 1,211.00
522000 Social Security 618 - - 618.00
523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 97 - - 97.00
538902 Non-Employee Compensation 10,000 - - 10,000.00
541000 Consumable Supplies 10,000 18,356.13 - (8,356.13)
Total 30,000 18,356.13 - 11,643.87

Grand Total 1,869,203 731,094.38 774,046.47 364,062.15


1.0 FTE Instructional Coach
1.50 Counselor
3.0 Behavior Specialists
1.0 Assistant Principal
1.0 Project Manager
1.0 Data Specialist
1.0 Campus Monitor
4.0 Mentor
1.0 Budget Manager
1.0 Math Teacher
1.0 English Teacher
1.0 Twilight Teacher
.75 School Office Specialist

Student incentives
Extra instructional hours for licensed and classified staff
Professional development consultants
Staff development extra hours - August Academy
Mileage reimbursement to required state meeting
Staff incentives
Staff development books and supplies
Supplies and food for parent involvement meetings
Books for literacy
Title IA SIG - McKay
Project G11RM
ARRA Funds - Year 1
Special Revenue Fund 240 Contract Award No.: 19764
District Budget for 7/1/10 - 8/31/11 Contract Dates: 7/1/10 - 8/31/11
Project Administrator: Steve Larson Contract Amount: $ 1,869,203
Project Coordinator: Ken Parshall
Estimated Revenue

40051000 445000 Contract Award Amount $ 1,869,203

Estimated Expenditures
Long account line 240-111-1131-004-050
40111004 511101 Regular Licensed Staff 78,872
40111004 513003 Licensed Additional Earnings 8,074
40111004 521000 PERS 13,042
40111004 522000 Social Security 6,651
40111004 523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 1,043
40111004 524005 Employee Insurance 25,512
40111004 541000 Consumable Supplies 1,500
$ 134,694

Extended Learning
Long account line 240-111-1271-269-050
40111269 511101 Regular Licensed Staff 40,276
40111269 511201 Regular Classified Staff 12,247
40111269 513003 Licensed Additional Earnings 34,080
40111269 513005 Classified Additional Earnings 3,223
40111269 521000 PERS 13,473
40111269 522000 Social Security 6,871
40111269 523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 1,078
40111269 524005 Employee Insurance 19,134
$ 130,382

Student Incentives
Long account line 240-111-1132-654-000
40111654 541000 Consumable Supplies 30,000
$ 30,000
Improvement of Instruction
Long account line 240-111-2210-835-000
40111835 513003 Licensed Additional Earnings 7,074
40111835 513005 Classified Additional Earnings 1,000
40111835 521000 PERS 1,211
40111835 522000 Social Security 618
40111835 523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 97
40111835 538902 Non-employee compensation 10,000
40111835 541000 Consumable Supplies 10,000
$ 30,000
School Administration
Long account line 240-111-2490-777-000
40111777 511201 Regular Classified Staff 103,546
40111777 511300 Supervisory Licensed Staff 173,242
40111777 521000 PERS 41,518
40111777 522000 Social Security 21,174
40111777 523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 3,322
40111777 524005 Employee Insurance 63,780
$ 406,582

Guidance Services
Long account line 240-111-2120-754-0000
40111754 511101 Regular Licensed Staff 219,090
40111754 511201 Regular Classified Staff 120,781
40111754 521000 PERS 50,980
40111754 522000 Social Security 26,000
40111754 523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 4,078
40111754 524005 Employee Insurance 108,426
40111754 534000 Travel 6,000

Parent Involvement
Long account line 240-111-3390-781-000
40111781 535500 Printing 1,000
40111781 538902 Non-employee Compensation 2,388
40111781 541000 Consumable Supplies 3,000
Instructional Staff Development
Long account line 240-111-2240-833-000
40111833 511101 Regular Licensed Staff 61,831
40111833 512100 Licensed Substitutes 5,512
40111833 513003 Licensed Additional Earnings 162,696
40111833 513005 Classified Additional Earnings 7,267
40111833 521000 PERS 34,770
40111833 522000 Social Security 18,155
40111833 523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 2,847
40111833 524005 Employee Insurance 12,756
40111833 538902 Non-employee Compensation 29,250

Security (check funding accounts)

Long account line 240-111-2115-796-000
40111796 511201 Regular Classified Staff 46,388
40111796 521000 PERS 6,958
40111796 522000 Social Security 3,549
40111796 523000 Other Required Payroll Costs 557
40111796 524005 Employee Insurance 25,512

ODE Required Elements

Direction: Planning (ODE Administration Overhead)
Long account line 240-111-2621-804-000
40111804 538000 Participation in State System of Support 50,000
Technical Assistance Meetings 12,000
Reporting Requirements 4,000
Complete School Review 15,000
Training 17,500

40051844 569000 Indirect Admin Costs 79,254

$ 79,254

Total Estimated Expenditures $ 1,869,203 $ 1,869,203

Instructional $ 295,076
Support ###
Community $ 6,388
Overhead $ 79,254
Total ###
English teacher - Jason Zellick
math teacher - James Weber
Lang Acd Staffing $10,000
Lang academy supplies

Twilight teacher - Larkin Smith

After school tutoring-$31,199
Twilight IA - cancel
Sat Academy - $15,000

Student incentives

Staff incentives - $10,000

Schoolwide achievement - $20,000
Asst Prin - Sara LeRoy
Proj Manager - Matt B
data assess - Jeanne S
budget manager - Cheri B
SOS - Debra .75

Beh Spec Kevin Turner

Beh Spec - Brian Armstrong
Beh Spec - Jason Weeks
college visitation $4,000
college mentor travel - $2,000
Mentor - Ronnie B, Patty R,
George S, Cristina C
Counselor - L Silva-Deines
Counselor - Merri B

Inst Coach - Tami Badinger

Sch Diagnostic tool - planning $40,000
Eric Jensen fee
Aug Academy lic
Aug Academy class
prof dev $36,500
2 Campus monitors

Required Elements
School District 24J
Marion County, Oregon

Title IA SIG - McKay

Project G11RM
ARRA Funds - Year 1
Special Revenue Fund 240 Contract Awa 19764
District Budget for 7/1/10 - 8/31/11 Contract Dates1/10 - 8/31/11
Project Administrator: Steve Larson Contract Amo $1,869,203
Project Coordinator: Ken Parshall

Estimated Revenue

40051000 445000 Contract Award Amount $1,869,203

Estimated Expenditures

Long account line 240-111-1131-004-050
40111004 511101 Regular Licen 78,872 English teacher - Jason Zellick
40111004 513003 Licensed Addi 8,074 math teacher - James Weber
40111004 521000 PERS 13,042 Lang Acd Staffing $10,000
40111004 522000 Social Securit 6,651 Lang academy supplies
40111004 523000 Other Require 1,043
40111004 524005 Employee Ins 25,512
40111004 541000 Consumable S 1,500
$ 134,694

Extended Learning
Long account line 240-111-1271-269-050
40111269 511101 Regular Licen 40,276 Twilight teacher - Larkin Smith
40111269 511201 Regular Classi 12,247 After school tutoring-$31,199
40111269 513003 Licensed Addi 34,080 Twilight IA
40111269 513005 Classified Add 3,223 Sat Academy - $15,000
40111269 521000 PERS 13,473
40111269 522000 Social Securit 6,871
40111269 523000 Other Require 1,078
40111269 524005 Employee Ins 19,134
$ 130,382

Student Incentives
Long account line 240-111-1132-654-000 Student incentives
40111654 541000 Consumable S 30,000
$ 30,000
Improvement of Instruction
Long account line 240-111-2210-835-000
40111835 513003 Licensed Addi 7,074 Staff incentives - $10,000
40111835 513005 Classified Add 1,000 Schoolwide achievement - $20,000
40111835 521000 PERS 1,211
40111835 522000 Social Securit 618
40111835 523000 Other Require 97
40111835 538902 Non-employee 10,000
40111835 541000 Consumable S 10,000
$ 30,000
School Administration
Long account line 240-111-2490-777-000
40111777 511201 Regular Classi 103,546 Asst Prin - Sara LeRoy
40111777 511300 Supervisory L 173,242 Proj Manager - Matt B
40111777 521000 PERS 41,518 data assess - Jeanne S
40111777 522000 Social Securit 21,174 budget manager - Cheri B
40111777 523000 Other Require 3,322 SOS - Debra .75
40111777 524005 Employee Ins 63,780
$ 406,582

Guidance Services
Long account line 240-111-2120-754-0000
40111754 511101 Regular Licen 219,090 Beh Spec Kevin Turner
40111754 511201 Regular Classi 120,781 Beh Spec - Brian Armstrong
40111754 521000 PERS 50,980 Beh Spec - Jason Weeks
40111754 522000 Social Securit 26,000 college visitation $4,000
40111754 523000 Other Require 4,078 college mentor travel - $2,000
40111754 524005 Employee Ins 108,426 Mentor - Ronnie B, Patty R,
40111754 534000 Travel 6,000 George S, Cristina C
535,355 Counselor - L Silva-Deines
Counselor - Merri B
Parent Involvement
Long account line 240-111-3390-781-000
40111781 535500 Printing 1,000
40111781 538902 Non-employe 2,388
40111781 541000 Consumable S 3,000
Instructional Staff Development
Long account line 240-111-2240-833-000
40111833 511101 Regular Licen 61,831 Inst Coach - Tami Badinger
40111833 512100 Licensed Subs 5,512 Sch Diagnostic tool - planning $40,000
40111833 513003 Licensed Addi 162,696 Eric Jensen fee
40111833 513005 Classified Add 7,267 Aug Academy lic
40111833 521000 PERS 34,770 Aug Academy class
40111833 522000 Social Securit 18,155 prof dev $36,500
40111833 523000 Other Require 2,847
40111833 524005 Employee Ins 12,756
40111833 538902 Non-employe 29,250

Security (check funding accounts)

Long account line 240-111-2115-796-000 2 Campus monitors
40111796 511201 Regular Classi 46,388
40111796 521000 PERS 6,958
40111796 522000 Social Securit 3,549
40111796 523000 Other Require 557
40111796 524005 Employee Ins 25,512

ODE Required Elements

Direction: Planning (ODE Administration Overhead)
Long account line 240-111-2621-804-000
40111804 538000 Participation 50,000 Required Elements
Technical Ass 12,000
Reporting Re 4,000
Complete Sch 15,000
Training 17,500

40051844 569000 Indirect Admi 79,254

$ 79,254

Total Estimat $1,869,203 $ 1,869,203

Instructional $ 295,076
Support $1,488,485
Community $ 6,388
Overhead $ 79,254
Total $1,869,203

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