Topic 1 - Transcrição

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Topic 1: Vlog 252 - Creating a supervisory communication system

Christa argues that communication is actually everything in a doctoral program programe

because is the foundation of a student professional identity.

So, what is happening is, xxx the way the research is leading us: supervisors teach
socialization into academic life through communication.

The superhero supervisors shared their expertness expertees of high education but the
students have to be open to listening to that information and also pick-up literacy, pick up
the instrumental communication skills that they also convey (or convain conevene?).
Therefore, professional communication requires preparation.

So, this is why a lot students, a lot supervisors recommend the students construct the
weekly agenda. So, this what we are talking about in this meeting, or a list of questions. So,
when you go to the weekly or the fortnightly meetings you have these questions or ideas
structured on what you are going to talk about and then - it seems self-evident, but perhaps
not - students take notes from those meetings and then, further, send follow up e-mails
asking questions about the concepts or the tropes talked about.

So, I reviewd reviewed my notes and this bit is still unclear to me, can we go once more?
That's an effective communication system. So, this means that the context of students and
supervisors, the knowledge system between students and supervisors, has a series of
structures implied, so we are sharing space, we are sharing literacy, we are sharing time and
if there are components of the conversation we don't understand - so the sender and the
receiver don't share a context -, we ask questions to bring those contexts a bit closer.

And as you can see, there is these iteratives strategies and places (or implied?) that insure
ensure context are shared.

So, the preparation for a communication moment is absolutely crucial. So, preparing for
that moment is crucial and, further, feedback at the end of it is also crucial.

So, we find strategies here to connect up the context of the student and the context of the
supervisor. So, what else we can do to enable this communication? And the answer is, of
course, listening.

So, much of our culture is based on speaking or prepare to speak again, but speaking is not
communicating. Speaking is based on listening and I tell you why. Listening is so important
because builds a conection connection, it builds a relationship and also allows you to
understand the context of the other person.

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