Our Town September 17, 1937

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Narberth Wins Right :Smedley and Gowland Nominated lMore Raises Given iBechtel Wins Nomination By 7000,
to Battle Gladwyne I for Magistrate in Borough Contest Borough Employes; I Carries Borough.--Loses Township
for Main Line Title! _ New Post Created
With a sizable plurality, Horace T' iI POPII I ar B llrgess II TIJrce-to-Olle Majority
' Margin in Narberth 572; Wil-
Davisl11cn Bcat Paoli, 6-1 and Smedley was high man in Narberth's' Increases of $10 Monthly AI-:
son T akcs Lower Merion
3-2: Brooklinc Loscs .four-way contest Tuesday for two! lowed; Fire House to Have i
by 468
4 -2 an d 4 ->"' Republican nominations for magis-;
,trate. He also received a D e m o c r a t i c ! ·
Night Man I·

-- 'nomination, if legally allowed, when: ~~
SERIES ON TOMORROW a few voters wrote in his name on' ~',
:I·~i, --- I
With last week-end's elimination of
their ballot.
Ro,v I. Gowland was the other G.:
Paoli and Brooldine in the 1\1ain Line O. P. nominee cho~en with a scant:
~ .:-:-.-,;;
.i .~. " . ~ -'
.' 'f J"
Narberth completed its restoration·
:0 pre- epresslOn pay cu s on ay t M d
In Montgomery county's only major
Republican contest Tuesday, Earl B.
Bechtel, Pottstown borough treasurer,
League playoffs, ?\arberth will meet' "'.. I night when Borough Council approved won the nomination for prothonotary
Glarlwyne this Saturday 111 . t IIe first margin of fourteen votes over Vin-'' . ". " . ' I; : the recommendations of a wage sur-, b\.' a 1)IIII',~II'ty
" of 7,000, l'ecel'\'I'llg half
contest of a possible five-gal1le serIes . cent Cunningham, while Magistrate' ,,';',
, vey made by a special committee of tIle 42,000 \'otes cast.
..,; ......."..~
to (I nCl' de tIle chal1lJlionshill of the Howard C. Fritsch ran fourth, forty-.
Tomorrow's fray will he pbyed at
one votes behind Cunningham.
The continuous efforts of Smedley'
._.,:, ." '.'
'~i;"'/' ,~;,' I
headed by Clarence Kaeber.
InCI'eases of $10 a month were
given to Mrs. Ruth 'V. Grace, assist-
He W'IS' ' Ilierll
' ' 111all I'll "a 111aJol'I'ty
the county's ditricts, losing' in Lower
Merion by 468 votes hut winning in
. . of

the borough playfield with the g"anw and Gowland workers up to the end. " . -J.{',. ant borough secretary, and to Ed- Narberth by 572, to take the Main
. . of the day's voting no doubt won them ward Ensinger, custodian of the com-' L' b 0
on Sunday he1l1g staged at C,ladwyne.· victorie~ in this close contest. , I munity building and playground, me y 1 4.
N ar IleI' t l1 se·t(own I P. ao. r' . 11t
I In s t nil/-(" Cunninghalll, who calTI'ed the sec-
" I
: whose base salaries will become $135 Walter
b A. Wilson, former Norris-
games, 6-1 and .3-2, w I11 Ie GJJ a( Iwyllc ond district and was second in the , .~.' \'. :a month effective October 1. . town1\1' urgessb and editor, C carried Low-
a d ministere( I SI1111 . Iar (c I f B
pats to I roo (- fil',st (II·L·tl·I·Ct lost (IUt \"Il"n he I'all a
v ,Y ~
. t. .
f ' Council also approved a plan for.
I er J erlon y 468, heltcnham by
about 1,000, ran well ahead in the dis-
line, 4-2 anrl ·1-:;' bad fourth in the third district, poll- i both full-time day and night watch-' tricts hounding Norristown, but lost
In Saturday's contest Walt Masters ing' only fifty-five votes. : men. The day man will receive $135,! that borough itself by 584.
yielded eight hits to Charlie Spell- I The defeat of Fritsch, Narberth JOHN R. HALL an increase of $10 for the post, and
'I CIY'DI C T ",y E William T. Muldrew, president of
'I I t k t (I tt I 'l.~" .E •., \ . ,,0 ~ L
man s lOyS lU 'ep lem sea en'(. justice of the peace for the last eight- who I'cccil'ed the highest 11I11I1bc/' : the night man $125, each to work 12-· borough le(ulcr, whoHc candidlltc the 1\1ontg'omery County Firemen's
The Davismen onl~' garnered sewn een year~, wa~ ascribed to his failure of l'otes cast at the Republican : hour shift~. Previously the night' 101' prothonutlll"!I, Ellrl B. Bechtel, Association, ran a surprisingly good
bingles off ,Johnny Jackson but made to make any effort to win the nOlnina- PI·illUlrie.~ Tllc.~da!l in Narberth- : man's job had been part-time, pay- ~ I'ceeived 816 I'utes to (J total of 280 I third. \Vhile only receiving about one-
six runs out of them plus a wild pitch,· tion, relying on his record to carry 1,077. He /('IIS 11I1O!J!)()scd .forre- ! ing only $15 a month. I ('I'erhth of tIle countv's total \yote he
I e<lHt ill N(!I'bcrth fOl' his tll/'ce O!l- ,.,
an error and foul' wall,s. A t 1I"ee- him through. An independent "sticker": nOlllination as bnr."css.
No I'ecoillmelldatl'ons \"ere made!
I 1 R II
ponel/ts 01' t Ie CPU) iean nOIlI1-
. h' h
was Ig man 111
. AI" t
lll1g on an
d J k'
en m-
bag-gel' by Carlsten and a homer by movement to try to elect him in No-' for the borough laborers whose wages' 1wtion. town, his home district~, and in Hat-
Herb Ogden helped for Narberth. vember is said to have been started.;
Lefty Burdsall pitched a good g'al11e! Magistrate Joseph T. Magarity,: Hess Vote Snlothers
wel'e adjusted recently or for the
police force whose salarie~ conform . .
I boro.
:\rajor Romanus Fellman of N orris-
for Brookline hut was a hit wild allo\\'-· only candidate of his party on the L h 'T h - : to the standard set by the Lower Narberth Republtcan C011111l1ttee town finished a poor fourth.
ing eight passes. He wa~ also guilty. ballot, received a total of 149 votes.: ac lUan s owns tp I Mel'ion Police Department. IThanks Voters for support/ Total unofficial returns were:
of a wild pitch while his opponent, Me-; Votes by districts, first, ~econd and TAb·· I B h I 9135" \"'1 1 8 "I I
reasurer n1 thon: Garbage dispo~al bids opened re- . ec te, - , .J; IV I son, .1,11 ; 1. u -
Sorley of Gladwyne, made two lJad third, and total~ of the four Repub- I veal cd that Mrs. Martha Funston" EdItor, Our T~wn: . . drew, 5,779; Fellman, 1,368.
heaves. lican candidates arc: - - - : Conshohocken asked $1800 for a one-' The RepublIcan COIllIllIttee wlshesl While Narberth, under the leader-
On Sunday :\arberth fans saw a· Smedley-220, 233, 174; total, 627.. Lower Merion Republican Lcad- year contract' and $5400 for a three- to thank ~he voters o~ Narbert~l ~or ship of Charles V. Noel, was solidly i
beautiful pit~hers' battle bctwepn Al Gowland-141, 194, 131; total, 466. er Defcats Manufacturcr, : year term, while W. Losienski, New- ~he spleJ1(hd supp.ort .gwen the slttIl1.gj for Bechtel, giving him 816 to 244 for
Herrmann and \Vedo l\Iartini. Herr.! Cunningham-147, 250, 55; total, 5692 to 876 town Square bid $876 and $2700 for Judges for renonllnatlOn an(~ for their Wilson, 24 for Muldrew and 12 for
mann struck out seven while Martini I 452. the same p~riods. No action was ballots cast .for the committee's enol Fellman in the three borough districts,
fanned six. Each allowed but six hits. i Fritsch-141, 172, 98; total, 411.
The deciding factor for the Davismen,I Other borough nommees, al 0
. I f By a margin of six and one-half to

A I f A E W hI 11 i and jury commissioner.
i dorsed candIdates for lll'othonotary Lower :\Ierion was a stud" in con-

. fi I ~ f t I whom were unopposed and the votes one, Peter C. Hess Lower MerIOn Re- etter rom . . 0 crt, ca - .
was thpII' excellent e <'J11g pa U)"('( • ' ' i n g council's attention to the insects (Signed) Charles V. Nocl, Mrs.\ Peter~. Hess, townsh:p trea~urer,
by a onp-hand stop by Swede Carlsten I they rcc.eived arc: . i publican leader, was nominated as h' h t' th f r n th Louise V. Cockrill, John C. Batchelor, backed 'VIlson and was vice chairman
and a shoe-string catch by Fox when i Councll- (Repubhcans) Henry P., his party's candidate for township w IC arc ea lllg e 0 I~ge 0 e 1\Irs: Ethel Williams, W. D. R. Evans, I of his campaign committee. Arrayed
• I C " 1035' W It A F 1057' : evergreens on the west SIde of the
extra base hits meant runs. I all, , a er . ox, , ,treasurer for the fourth time on , . . . 1\1rs. Margaret Griswold, Narberth,' for Bechtel were Fred C. Peters, presi-
. GI d Clal'ellce Kaeber' 1034' Frallk A' grandstand on the play glOund, Vi as
In theIr final game, a wnw al1(ll " . : Tuesda ' ' Republican Committce. dent of the County Commissioners;
· I d I I't I t Schre]Jfer 1034' (Democrats) Ken-I ~. read, and the Borough Shade Tree
B roo k'Ime eac I ma e e even 11 s 1U , " ' Ei . _~ . . . was requested to eradl-: . ! \Villiam G. I'Iower, county Recorder of
t h e f Ol'mer d eIwere · d tl t ! neth L M Pray 142' Bruce I II" Icctilved 5G92 vote::. Lo ~"lJ ~Or CUlllll1lS~lUn
1C most ex ra-·
h ase . blows. \"'v a~ner was t h ' . I Breyer . 126. " " 'his . opponent, Charles Lachman, Pen- cate the pest~. It was brought out i; "A pproac I 1
t0SC h 00 I" T 0PIC' Deeds' ' , 1\laerl'stl'ate
'" Frallkl,'n P . Kro-
. h A II I I
e wmlllng
Director - (Republicans) i coyd manufacturer,
m Lower
M . ,
el'1on s that the Shade
ree Comn11sslOn .has. 0
f P• T•A • M eetlng . S
27 mer and Samuel K. McConnell of Penn
PltC er zpe t 1(' osel'. " . : . i \Vvnne.
' Mrs. H. R. Rinehart, 1036, and Dr.! only pnmary contest. i not met for three years and appears .
•• Walter Steckbeck 1037 for six-year: Although badly defeated Lachman,I Continued on Page Six Th e season ' s openmg . mee t'1 g 1 of 1 Wilson won nine districts in the d
Better- M I
erc lan d tSlng term~; Robert C." Collins, 1062, I for' may face Hess again at the 'Novem-: : 1'1
tlIe N ar ber tl1 P aren t - T eac h er Ass oc - township, seven went to Bechtel an

M ethods Discussed unexpired two-year term; (Demo- ber election since Democrats, in a: Rod and Gun Stars
crat), Harmeline Y. Rich, 141. sticker campaign, gave him 272 votes • • _
ation will be held Monday evening, one, East Bryn Mawr, was even.
September 27, at 8 o'clock, in the t •

at Business Clinic Burgess-John R. Hall, Republican, in five districts on their ballot~. Given Jubtlee Prizes I auditorium of the Narberth PUbliCI Voters May Regtster
i 1077; Anton E. W ohlert, Democrat, Hess carried every district with ' School. D . N 2W k
• • '151.
1 ease. Only in South Ardmore No.2"'
Flvc From
Lower Merton Club:
! Mr~. A.. S. Knapp the new pro-
. ' present a pro-
urlng ext ee s
Arthur Frecman, Retail Scrvlcc: Tax Collector-Edwin P. Dold, Re-: was Lachman even close. There he gram chan'man, WIll t etC th
Exccutivc, Addresses Main : publican, 1057; Mrs. Olive S. O'Sul- i received 171 votes to 191 for Hess. Receive Awards Won gram entitled "The Approach to a oun y o u r ouse
Linc Merchants !ivan, 146. I Merion gave the township leader at Souderton SchooL" W. J. Drennan, principal of
! Auditor-F. R. Gifford, Republican" his biggest vote of confidence, 567 to --- the school, will give the teacher's Registl'ation Commission Will
FIVE MORE MEETINGS I 1051. 33 for Lachman, with the margin in It paid five members of the Lower standpoint While Walton M. Wentz, I Enroll Citizens Frot11

Repre~entatives ---
of scores of lead-
• Did
e a y e .
General Wayne, 381 to 35. Merion Rod and Gun Club to attend: will present the parent's viewpoint.
the organization's first fall meeting:
R '
I d - -

ing Main Line firms 1\1onda" night,' LIP ffi Ncedlework GUild All-Day Wednesday night at the Legion oOln Women's Club to HoI
! 103,3 6
7 NO
W 0
heard Arthur Freeman, former exceu- i
tive with Gimbel's and 1\Iacy's New

on oca
- - -
os 0
Serving Session Wednesday berth.
of the Community Building, Nar-i
For they received these t COIOnl·al Tea Oct. 5th
awards, won last July 6 at the Sou-
I .. .
An ad(htlOnal perIOd for reglstra-
York stores, outline the aims to be! Narberth Merion Wynnewood
accomplished bv a Retail Merchants', d R' 'B 'Id'
I The first monthly all-day fall sew- derton JUbilee:
ing and business meeting of the Nar- fOAl h
tion in Montgomery county was an-
Clinic.' I an osemont UI mgs berth Branch of the Needlework Guild Ernest Jenkins, first in plug cast- Pro essor C. • t ouse I! nounced this week by Foster C. Hille-
The clinic will be held on five Mon-: Held Up 3 Years will be held ill the Community Build- ~ng (a~curacy), and first in fly cast- Address Nal·berth Members gass, chairman of the Registration
day evenings, beginning October 4,· . . ing this Wednesday, beginning at ten mg (dlstance)-$10. on "Constitution" C 1 i '0
at the Merion Cricket Club, Haver- I F'al Iure 0 f C ongress to appropriate o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex- Wayne Burnside, first in fly cast- Ollm SSI n. . Offi
ford, ~cene of ;'londay night's session.:I su ffi' lClent funds~ i.t IS . b elieve, d w~1l tended to contributors and everyonc ing (accuracy) and second in plug Th e \v17 omen 'sC ommumty . CI u b 0 f I The Court House Registration Ice
Busine~~ men from Bala-Cynwyd postpone the bUlldmg of postoffices III who is interested to meet with the casting (accuracY)-$7.50.. Narberth will hold its first meeting at Norristown will be op?n fr~m Sep-
and Narberth to Malvern were Narberth, Merion, Wynnewood and members and sew. A. Donald Amesbury, first m rifle October 5 at two o'clock in the Girl tember 20 to October 2, mcluslve.
present. i Ros~n~ont :~or three years. . The annual offering will be held on shooting-$5. .. Scout wing of the Narberth Commu- At the same time the commission an-
l\Ir. Freeman, who also ha~ headed \\ l11le $10,000,000 was asked of November 10 at the Narberth Lu- J ..Mc~overu, se~ond m nfle and nity building, with a Colonial tea to nounced that 103,376 voters have re~-
hi~ own advertising and display servo, Congre~s by the Postoffice Department, theran Church. As there is such a de- first m pIstol shootmg-$7.50. celebrate the 150th anniversary of istered in Montgomery county thiS
icc business, talked to the men rather I onl~' $23,0.0°,000 was m.ade availab~e mand for clothing the members of the . Joseph \Vhite, sec.ond in fly cast- the signing of the Constitution. summer. The figures inclu(ies 7l,06:J
than addre~~ed them. ?y the legIslators for thiS year and It Guild hope that all who possibly can mg (accuracy and dlsta~ce)-$5. Professor Calvin O. Althouse, of Republicans; 2!J,!J82 Democrats; 2,051
Outlining the meetings to come, he I~ ~nderstood the p~'ogram calIs for Iwill join with them in making prepara- .Members were entertamed by J. J. the Central High School of Philadel- Non-Partisan; 144 Socialists; 106 In-
said the fir~t part would con~ist of a ~lmI!ar amounts durmg the next two tions for their ingathering. BIgelow, of th.e Tydol Company, who phia, will speak on the "Constitution."! dependents; 22 Prohibitionists; 8 Roy-
d I~cu~sion
· of tieI pll:oven lun . d amenta Is J "ears : . . .. Bring a box luncheon. Tea and showed motion pictures of the Byrd Officel's antI 111enlber's of the club's I al Oak Part,.', and one each Commu.
of business; namely, goods, market,' It IS felt there IS a pOSSibility of coffee \"1'11 be served. Antarctic Expedition. board will meet at the home of the I nist, Indu~trial Labor, Townsend, and
advertising, distribution and financ-' Nar T berth and 1 \'
lenon, wh ich :vere on · ' Continued on Pa~e F I \ ' c preSIdent, .
Mrs. E. 'V. Heymann, 19 II Commonwea It h L an. d
ing. The second part of each se~~ion the department's "preferred list," re- • • • • Shirley road, on Tuesday, September! The reg'istration hy local districts:
will be devoted to an open forum on ceiving their buildings a little sooner
the topic~ under discussion. I than some of the other fourteen Mont-
Players RaIse CurtaIn W,th H,t. ,
21, at 10.30 A. 1\1., to disc~ss plans for I Narberth No. I-R., 628; D., 147;
the club year. Officers mclude Mrs. N. P., 25.
"H:l\'ing the right kind of goods is j!."omery County towns slated to get
the beginning and end of business," new postoffices.
5 Dramas and Cha;rmen Announcedi~eyman~, Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, first Narberth No. 2-R.,869; D., 168;
" !vIce-president; Mrs. H. F. Stevens, N.P., 27; Ind., 3.
Mr. Freeman said. He also touched The Main Line projects were to !second vice-president; Mrs. V. R. Narberth No. 3-R., 382; D., 99;
briefly on the market, "whom you can co~t $75,000 each, including building The Narberth Players held their "The Ghost Train;" February 4-5'1 Continued on Page Five N. P., 7; Ind., 5.
sell and where," advertising and fi-: and site. first meeting of the new season Tues- "Three Cornered Moon;" March 18- . Lower Merion, Upper (Gladwyne)
He was introduced by Ralph S. Art Center for Main Line
I day night at Elm Hall, Narberth. 19, "Double Doorrand;" April 29-30'1 Ch1'lst No Socialist
From the size of the audience who "Big Hearted Herbert." The first: Minister Tells Rotary
,-R., 645; D., 101; N. P., 5.
Lower Merion, Merion-R., 1166;
Dunne, one of the committee sponsor- i Organized at Bryn Mawr saw a very fine entertainment one play is on its way now with rehearsals! D., 20,1; N. P., 21; Soc" 1; Ind., 1..
ing the clinic whose other members I would feel that the coming season to start in about a week. Faithi That Jesus Christ devoted his teach- Lower Merion, Lower (General
al'e Alvin E. Shull, F. Engle Taylor, I A newh' formed art center with gave every indication of being the Farmer will direct. i~gs to the moral and spiritual con.di- Wayne)-R., 739; D., 104; N. P., 21;
Robert R. Picking, Edward T. Banes,· headquart~rs at Polo avenue and Hav- most successful in the seven years' President Bill Muller announced. hons of man, rather than the material, Townsend, 1.
F. J. McCurry and John V. Nolan. erford road, Bryn Mawr, was an- history of the players. the following appointments of commit-! was brought out Tuesday by the Rev. Lower Merion, Haverford-R., 741;
nounced this week by MaUlsby Kim- A fine program included Harry tee ehairmen-J. Bedford Wooley,l Archer E. Anderson, speaking before Continued on Page Six
New Equipment for Library ball, Jr" who will have charge of the Rose, the mechanical man, who gave Finance and Business; Faith Farmer,· the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary
Trustees of the Narberth Commu- arts program. a performance of most unusual inter- Coaching and Casting; Myrtle Hal'll- ~ Club. Six Win "Bonus" Awards
nity Library on Tuesday night author-I According to Mr. Kimball this non- cst. It was almost mystifying and den, Properties; Joseph Hongler,l Mr. Anderson, minister of the i-Jar- "Bonus" winners and awards at
ized the purchase of new shelving and profit organization is being formed by everyone was fascinated. The feature Scenery; Victor Krauskop, Lighting; I berth Presbyterian Church, discussed the Narberth Theatre Monday night
other equipment. Action was talten, a large group of socially and artisti- of the evening was Marjorie Flynn's Blanche Hongler, Costumes; Mrs. L. the issue of Socialism and Commu- were: Dot Andrew, 844 Montgomery i
on recommendation of the Adminis-· cally prominent Main Line people and Puppet Show. Her presentation of a B. Edgerton, Hospitality; Martha. nism as found in this country and in avenue, chair ottoman; Mary Keri-
tration Committee headed by Mrs.1 will open the first week in October. little four act play "The Greatest Sutherland, Fellowship; Eveline I Russia. The United States, he pointed gan, 400 Kent road, Cynwyd, waffle
Robert F. Wood. The Rev. R. E.! The executive secretary will be Mrs. Show on Earth" pleased all and one Dutton, Entertainment, and Bill out, has always debated the problem iron; Esther Clark, 207 Haverford I
Keighton, president of the board, pre- Dorothy T. Fuller while the treasurer marvels at the change of voice with- Dougherty, PUblicity. with ballots, rather than through avenue, twin lamps; George Grow,
sided. I is Bruce Hyndman. out a slip-up. A membership drive has been I force: . . , . , 635 Bowman avenue, Merion, electric
Miss Betty Mills will become the I Painting, sculpture, piano, class For the coming season the follow- started and will close by the end of SpJrltual decay WIll contlllue m thiS clock; Mrs. E. McGoldrick, 26 Well-
part-time assistant at the library,' work in music and rhythm, chorus, ing plays have been announced with October and it is hoped to build up country, he said, unless the people be- ington road, Ardmore, chest of silveri
succeeding Miss Mary Louise GleSS-j'dancin g , and pottery are included in dates of production-October 22-23, the largest membership ever with come concerned with spiritual, rather Mrs. L. 1. Rowan,' 225 Iona avenue,
ner, who is resigning. the program. "Petticoat Feveri" December 8-4, dues remaining at $2.50 a year. than material affairs. console set.
OUR TOWN September 17, 1937
Page Twu
Henry C. Biddle, Jr., Mrs. Valentine
Dietrich and Donat Star Haverford Dancing Classes
Bieg, Mrs. Jervis W. Burdick, Mrs.
OUR TOWN: In the Mailbag
A Co-operative Comlllunity NelVspape1' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - -
in Russian Film-Narberth

In "Knight Without Armor," cur-

Will Start October
Invitations will be issued soon for
30 Ralph L. Colton, Mrs. Harold Dripps,
Mrs. John Locke, Mrs. Herbert W.
Taylor, Jr., Mrs. Donald G. Torrey,
fOlluded in 1914 by the No rlJerth Editor OUR TOWN' rent feature at the Narberth, Robert the series of Haverford Saturday eve-
Mrs. John Twadell, Mrs. L. Dean
Civic A.~sociation, and published' . ning Dancing Classes to be held at the
Tyler, Mrs. Samuel B. Vrooman, Jr.,
eva!l FJ'iday at NaI'berth, Pa. I May I express my appreciation Donat and Marlene Dietrich are star-
Merion Cricket Club. The first dance
red in a romance of Russia. during and Mrs. Vincent P. Wood.
Philip Atlee Livingston, Publbher : through OUR TOWN to my friends in will be October 30. Other dates are
Edwin I,. Paxson.
Anne l\lorgan I':dltorSocial Editor :.
Hoberts, 'N al'b ell,
,tl b 0 th R ep ubI'Icans an d D emo-'' the revolution of twenty years ago. November 13 and 27; December 11
and 25; January 3, 15, 29, February Joins Well-Dressed Group
--f--d A N b rth crats, whose support enabled me to be-! Miss Dietrieh is a Russian countess
OBi cc _ 209 H aver or ve., ar ('
i come the nominee of the parties for and Donat is a young Englishman who 12-26; March 12-26; April 9; and William Furber, 205 Elm terrace,
Telephone: Narberth 4100 magistrate at the November election. May 14. Narberth, was the first to join the
becomes a revolutionary. But love
Mrs. H. Attmore erizer, Jr., of borough's well-dressed g'roup this
Ph iladcl phia Rep/'esen fa fil'Cs: Particularly I wish to thank the conquers politics and bridges social week through the Narberth Men's
Merion, is chairman and the patron-
NEVILLE & HITCHINGS, INC. ! workers who spent much time and d- chasms. esses are Mrs. Henry F. Abbott, Mrs. Shop Christmas Club.
12 South 12th Street
i fort in furthering my campaign. Monday ("Bonus" game night) and
--- - ------ - --------.-

Entered as seeon(l-class matter Octoher (S' d) Tucsday the attraction will be "Love
13, 1914, at the Post Ollie" at ;-.;'arherth, • Ig'ne
Pa.. U!Hler the Act of March 3. 187!1. ITOR "CE T SMEDLEY in a Bungalow," with Kent Taylor I
Subscription rate, $2 per ye3r In advance "1."l. m
and Nan Grey. The latter was one of I The
= Merion the "Three Smart Girls."

Friday, September 17, 1937

For Equal Representation

Mr. and !\Irs. 1\1. J. McCrudden, of Wednesday (Cash Award Night) I National Bank of Narberth I
Lallslcy road, returned Monda"J eve-, Toylo/' Hulll1/'N (IN Jeefer Lester I "Wings Over Honolulu," puts Wendy i
• Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •
'l'his bpillg' the :-;eS(lui-('r11tl'nllia! ning after several dav.s in Atlantic!, ill "To/Jl/ceo RoarI." coming fo the Barrie don the romantic spot. She is

Jll'\'el'slI1'\' of the CIlI'tel] :-;l"ltrs', City.
Consl it II t iOIl it is part icularl \' fit-: Mrs. Roy E. Murphy, 0 Stonew~y f
\i Edallg('/' Tlicutre. Philadelphia,
but Kentto Taylor,
Ray Milland,
wealthya Navy
and flier,
sistent, tries to win her away from
• Member of Federal Reserve System •
. ' , • i lane, returned Saturday from Pans'l _ _. • Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
tll1:.! that :-\nl'1)('l'th should ha\'e Kentucky and Indianapolis, Ind. Whilel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - him.
gone on l'ecol'll so o\'l'l'whpll11 illgl,\' I in the South, Mrs. Murphy \'isited her \ Wynnewood Next Thursday and Friday, "Sara-
ill allirlllill:.! the pl'illeip1t' that all: mother, Mrs. H. H. Hancock. Mr. Gardiner Flynn, of Medford toga," will present Clark Gable and
. M d 1\< R b B R' h I 'II I • I 1 f Ch I i the late Jean Harlow in a racetrack
the sectlO11S of :\!Ollt lr '"' Oll1rl'\'
. Count\', . , f lUr.
H an hI !l·s.t 0 crtd S . d em f art,:I roar,
ville \\1 V tcave ts lOrt th y f or h ar ottes-I
I story d ea I"mg With a wealthy girl, .
should he l'l'pl'(,sl'll1ed in l'epl'psell-. 0
• '.

tall\'r' otlIe(' holders.

i th .
eat roar, re urne • un ay rom,
f tl
ell' co age or . Ie season.
TI . ' l\l
,a., .0 en er e res man c ass, Ii . n '. I
! Cape May, N. J., where they occupied I at the Ulliversity of Virginia.

tt 1 1 F
}I I ,... ,
i 1I1a cta trou.J es, a pot to \ IctUlliZe
. a man at hettlllg, and a final romance
. r. anr ~ I':;. rancis C. Lea, Dr.: between the g-irl and a bookmaker.
'rhe a ill gin'lI toward the he!lu h- son, Mr. Rohert Rell1hart, recently re- and 1\ll's. Charles A. Service, Miss! CEMETERY
liea11 nOlllinal ion of Eal'l B. turned from a two weeks vacation in Elizabeth Lea and Mr. Francis C.' .
A place of beauty and charm. The satisfaction
, I I I' I' f' Quebec. Their other son 1\11'. Richard: Lea, .Jr., of Owen road ha\'e reo Cynwyd Club Members Wtll
1)el~ 11e. o. ottstown. or pro-, Reinhart, has returned to Franklin'I turned from a sllOrt stay at " Pecketts,' Enjoy "Moonlight Hay Ride" of lot-owners during 68 years is accentuated
tllollotal'~' h.\' 111is l'Oll1lnUllil~' was and Marshall Colleg'e to resume his Sugar Hill, N. H. by permanent carc guaranteed by trust funds of
dul' to till' et1'ol'js of ('lIndl's > • \'.:. studies. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Scott and T I1e Entertainment Committee of
$550,000. Lots vary in price from $125 upward.
[\lwl alld thl' borough hepuhllcn11. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alden Tifft, of: theil' daughter, Miss Elizabeth Scott' the Cynwyd Club, headed by Mr. and
('olllll1itll'p wit h tIlt' willillg as-' Baird road, and their family, who of Foul' Gables have returned fron~ Mrs. E. Harmon Friel, has planned a,
sistalH'1' of mall\' lo\'al wOl'krrs. spent the summer at Medford Lakps, a six weeks' stav in Honolulu and' "Moonlight Hay Ride" up the Wissa- i
\-el'o\\·~toI1e ~ ~i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i _i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ;: =-i i i i .!J
Belmont Ave. near City Line, Cynwyd
. I . ] '.. . .t 'N. J., have returned. Their son, Mr. "j'··ttl·o·llal Park hickon Saturday night. I ..
11 r l' !lI'l'St'lIt
. P l a
tog'pthel' \1'\111 all appl'l'l'11l1101l ol University
. ol'\,
. ..John . .
Tifft, left
' . where .
he is a'
freshman "
Lehigh.. .
1 R
' and
'1 11 t H
1\lrs. .
1\1. .
Ross Tavl l'
returnee I Iast• 0 week ,
of Members and guests .
Will leave
P . M .,.sharll from Manheim Ridino-
at 8
" II J"'~~:=!-!!II:=-!!!::~-~-!!!::~-~~-~!!:::!~~~~~-~~:=!-~!!!-~-~~-~-!!!::~-~-~!!!-~-~~~:::!!!!::!'~
- - - « ..
thl' i1l1pl'o\'l'1I11'1l1s tllal han.' ('01l1e, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tifft and from a trip of several weeks on the Academy and on their return will go
to :-\11I'IH'I'I11 fl'olll tht' ('olllll~- ill their family, who spent the summer at Pacific Coast and New Mexico. : to the Cynwyd Clubhouse for refresh-
till' way of 11\'11el'

. I II 1Il!' olle I Ol'a

. I l'OIl t ",.;I-a
their cottage Pi~les,
Pocono have Mr. and :\lrs. James S. \Vise, of ments. Res~rvations
. 11 . I returned to theil' home on Baird road. Freellort La are l'ecel'vI'n'" 011 'I" tu Thursday lllght. Call the Steward,
• st I'll' ~\ Mr. and Mrs. J. RenWick . Hogg, of lations upon , . ,the birth of '"a cdaughter g a - Cynwyd 68.
must be made by
1I1dl'p('Il<l('nt hghl fol' (.. O. 1" N Hio-hland h "avenue have returned·Ion A ' t"-
ugus ",,;). 1\<'lrs. \V'ISC 15. t IlC --------
mag- t l'at(,,.;-hal'<I. wOl'k. OI'~a~ll- • honl(: from an eight weeks' tr~p t~ Cali-: former
• • I .

l\1iss Catherine Wagner,', Named to Traffic Commission Old Lancaster Road and Montgomery Ave.
zation allll (',.;peclally 11 puhltelty forma,. Banff a.nd Lake LOUIse III the daughter of Mr. Samuel C. Wagner, Richard Winger, of Merion, has
sense del.illt'l] till' 1l0)\lillalion. \Vith Canadian RocklCS.
. I t
I Jr., of Montgomery avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott McFadden' Dr 'Ind Mrs WaIte' S Lu a
been named a member of a State
f traffic division to stud.v and eXlleri. BALA-CYNWYD
our " . f I'O)\l W 10111 () se- and thell'
"OOl ]')\lrll . daughter, of Valley road, re-,! \Vynnewood •• ••
road returned I. C S, 0
recently nwnt for the elimination of driving
leet . two ~lOlll1lle~'S, anll no other turned Sunday fr~m Oce~n City, N, ,L, on the Bet'enga;ia, after spending hazards on the highways, by Secre-

eOIlSld('l'atlOlls hf'lllg' apparellt. the where they occupied theil' cottage for several weeks' traveling in Europe. I tary of Hig-hways Warren Van Dyke.
citizens \'otel1 for thosl' whose ca11- the season. i Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. Raspin, of Penn i
didaeil's hall h(,l'll hrought hefore, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Wyckoff. and Penwyn roads, have returned!
'11 ]
Conyers Reads Divorccd
t I of Cah'ert road, have returned from from Booth Ba" Harbor Me where I Dr Con"ers Read professor of
Septeulber 22 - 23 - 24 - 2S
t lem 111 os t f 01'1.'1 ) .\' ant 1I1()S Dorset, Vt., where they were the I they spent the summer.
J ,"
i English history at the University of
" , . ,
favorahly. guests of Mrs. \Vyckoff's mother, Mrs. i
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer D. Wright, of Pennsylvania, was granted an un-
S. R. Lord. i Elm Lodge, Wynnewood, and their contested divorce at Reno this week
Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Mathes, of' daughter, -Miss Elizabeth L. Wright, from Mrs. Edith C. Kirk Read.
"Tobacco Road" With Excellent 1\1erbrook Bend.. returned last week entertained informally on Sunday The charge was cruelty. Property
Cast Opens Monday at Erlanger from Ocean City, Md., where they afternoon. in honor of Miss Marv rights and custody of their son, Ed- Cash Prizes Every Night
"Tobacco Road," the outstanding had a cottage for the season. Levering Duncan, daug'hter of Mrs. j, ward, 18, were settled in a sealed
stage success of the last twenty years, Mrs. Edward Fell Lukens, of O\'er- Gray Duncan Jr. of Haverford for- agreement.
will open at the Erlanger Theatre brook, is spending this week in Cape merly of Cvn~\'\'d,'
and her fianc: Mr. , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :
Monday night for a two-weeks stay. May, N. J., visiting her daug'htel:- Mrs. Josiah
There will be matinee Wednesllays and A. Giraud Foote a~d her family, of Charles J. McIlvaine, Jr., of Haver-
3d, son of 'Mrs. E. C. GRISWOLD
is now associated with GRAND PRIZE
Saturdays. Be~ch terrace, Menon, at Seascape, ford and Mr. Aubrey R. Bunting, of Fidelity Investment Ass'n
The success of this much-discussed theil' summer home. 1\1rs. Foote anri Ardmore, whose marriage will take "Fidelity Income Plan"
See Adv·t Inquirer, Sept. 19 Ford V-8-85 h. p. Tudor DeLuxe Sedan
play is attributed to the fact that it her family will return shortly to place in the Fall. 1 Chestnut Ave. Narberth 4095.J
shows a truthful section of life among Merion. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop, 6th, of (with radio)
Mr. and Mr~. \Vllham D.. Sherre~d, Love's lane, \Vynnewood, arc receiving
the penniless share-croppers of the
back-country of Georg'ia. ,Jr., of Shernlea, and t~ell' family cong'ratulations upon the birth of 11
"Tobacco Road," takes a typical i have returned from thell' summer I son, ,John LeBoutillier Bishop, on
familv of tenant farmers Ii \'ing in' caml.l at Ol~a\\'a, Me. .
. . ' MISS Julia W. Fnck daughter 0 I' I f
f I Thursday, September 2. Mrs. Bishop
1\1' D' B"
BRYN MAWR .---- - ~ co co . . au .. - - - ..........
squalor and poverty, IgllOrant of, . : ' . ',' '
evervthing but sex and religion, and: ~1J. and MIS. Ben.lamlll ~. Fr ck,
i . of I IS t le armer, ISS alSY Lc outllher,
! daug'hter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
sho\~'s the humor and the drama to h,' '275 N. Latches lane, Menon, hashrel'f-! Home LeBoutillier, of Magnet Stone, Announces a
· th
f .oun d III
e rou 1I1e 0
f th '1' dal'I\' turned from a t\\'o and one- a
e l . months' tnp . to Europe, havll1g . .' I
I and

, Thlrt~-thlee
lives. . have the leadlllg
. nine countries durin g the summer. '.. BY
Taylor Holmes Will cases were reported HOUND SHOW
role as Jeeter Lester, the middle-aged, Ion the relief rolls locally last \\'eek, JUDGE SAMUEL W. GREENE. C. S. B.
shrewd, philosophic, lazy share-crop- Annual Pow Wow, Camp Delmonti with four in Narberth and twenty- of CHICAGO. ILLINOIS
per. The annual pow Wow of the Valley nine in Lower Merion Township. I at Mem.ber of the Board M Lectureship of the Mother Church,
Forge Council of Delaware and Mont- The FIrst Church of Christ, SCientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
gomery Counties, Boy Scouts of i The New Way to Buy IN THE RADNOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM
Announce Daughter's Engagement America, will be held rain or shine, BRYN MAWR, PA. AUDUBON AVENUE, WAYNE, PENNA.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Attmore Prizer, this Saturday and Sunday at the XMAS GIFTS FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1937
Jr., of Merion, have announced the council camp, Camp Delmont, ncar Join Our Christmas Club Forty-First Annual AT 8:15 O'CLOCK (DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME)
engagement of their daug'hter, Miss Sumneytown.
Helen In'ina Prizer and Mr. William
H. Moorhouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. ~-------------- NARBERTH MEN'S SHOP Exhibition
.................... .. ..
121 N. Narberth Ave. Narb. ZT72 .... '*
William L. Moorhouse, of Wayne. G-E ........ de ~ ,+, • •

No date has been set for the wed- REFRIGERATORS Sept. 22, 23, 24 and 25
ding. and all appliances
Mr. and Mrs. Prizer returnerl on Sales Sen/ice 9.30 A. M. and 2 P. M.
Wednesday evening from a two weeks Narberth Elec. Be Radio Co.
stay at Beach Haven, N. J. NARBERTH 4182 Adults $1.00; Children 50c
w. G. Case
Librarian Gets New Post
Friday and Saturday
Miss Mary Louise Glessner, daugh- (Knight Without Armor'
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gless- . - with _.
ner, of Anthwyn road, has resigned
from the Narberth Community Li-
brary, to become the asssitant librar-
Est. 1894
ian at the Old Philadelphia Library Shute's Special Peat Moss Special Feature for Children
With Cattle Manure
in Philadelphia, beginning October 1. An unexcelled fertilizer for
Roses. Plants and Grass
100 lb. bag , .. , ,
Special Price in Bulk
·· $1.50
Monday and Tuesday SERVICE
"Love in a Bungalow"
SCHOOL DAYS Peat Moss, one bale · $2.60
100 Ibs. of pulverized COIN Manure .. 2.75
100 IbS. of pUlverized Sheep Manure. 2.75 and KENT TAYLOR
* 100 Ibs. of Bone Meal 3.00
A reliable laundry service that you can depend
A Complete Line White Pine Shavings. per bale 65 SPECIAL-Monday at 9 P. M.
A good Poultry Litter "PLAY BONUS" upon-your wash receives expert handling here
of School Supplies That Sweet Pine Odor
under the cleanest conditions known to the laundry
Protection for i'0ur investment in
* If you buy qua IIty
Horse,Dalry-Poultry Feeds
Wednesday (Awardat 9)
clothes - longer Wear - better ap-
industry-clothes are actually pasteurized!
Buy your wntmg pads, Laying Mash Guaranteed to make them
Lay-100 Ibs. . ,$2.60 "Wings Over Honolulu" pearance-they are the important
pencils, pens, rulers, lunch
boxes, composition books,
etc., at
Specialize In Choice 40 lb. Oats
In quantity ..... 54c bushel
We buy Hay and Straw
considerations when your cleaning
is done by St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
Special Prices In large Quantities
Next Thursday and Friday Adelizzi Bros. Ardmore 4400 Ardmore, Pa.

DAVIS' All Prices subject to Change without

102 Forest Ave. Narb. 2602 "Know where your laundry goes"

224 Haverford Ave.

New Phila. Phone, CHEstnut HilI 5454
E. L. SHUTE &. CO.
Otftce. Line Lexington. Pa.
and CLARK GABLE 228 8ala Ave. Cynwyd 928
----_ .......... --- ..... us.
OUR TOWN Page Three
September 17, 1937
Mr. Bill Sherwood and Mr. Andy Miss Jane Voight, daughtel:' of Mr.!·
Simpson, of Woodside avenue, have and Mr·s. O. H. W. Voight, has re-
That ~~ Je ne sais qua" . •
Store Hours 9.30-5.30 THE .FIRESIDE returned to Amherst College to re- turned from her visit to J[avana,
For that individual, well groomed look you need only to
Cuba, where she spent the summer as rely on this better beauty service.
sume their studies.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark Sunderland, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Vicente
of Glenwood road, Merion, and their
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Kitty Thurn, of N. Narberth
Pardo and their son, Mr. Vinl:ent A. SUZANNE JORET GILL
Pardo. 216 Dudley Avenue Narberth 2324

Francis E. Sunderland of Hatboro avenue, who has been spending some
have returned from a ~eek's stay at ti.n~e. in Maine, is now in Norfolk, Va., The engagement' of Miss Voight to

tt2.2-24 CHEntfUT
the Mountain View House, in the
Great Smoky Reservation.
Mr. and Mrs. iralter A. Fox, of
vlsltmg her brother, Mr. John Timm.

wood, of Elmwood avenue, have as

Mr. Vincent A. Pardo has b~n an-
Mr. and Mrs. 'fCharles H. Breer- nouneed.
Continued on page Five

Merwyn road, Merion, have recently their guest, Mrs. Breerwood's cousin, Order
PHILADELPHIA returned from a three months trip Miss Ann Creighton Hartley, of Your
abroad. Larchmont, N. Y. Mrs. Breerwood, 40 Cubs Enjoy A's Game
I accom~anied by her brother-in-law Through arrangements mad.e by the Grand.Stand
Dr. and Mrs. 1'0. J. Snyder, of ~ and sls~er, Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Narberth Cub Paek Committee, forty Seats
Wren's Nest, who have been visiting! Sa.ngmelster, Jr., of ~enn Valley, will boys were guests at the A.lhletics-
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. sail on t~e S. S. Pal'1~, September 27'1 By Mail
and Mrs. James L. Beighle, of Nar-I for a ~IX wee.ks' trip ~broad. Dr.
berth, at Robindell, their summer i San.gmelster '':111 stu~y 1Il Germany
Boston baseball game Saturday, at
Shibe Park.
Passes were given to the cubs, who

Mail Orders FiUed
In Order R«elved
home at Nobleboro, Me., have returned.: dUl:m g that time while Mrs. Sang-
I melstel: and Mrs. Breerwood will
are sponsored by the Narbertll Parent-
Teacher Association and the Harold •
Afternoon Price.
Miss Mary Ne'~hall, daughter of' tr~vel 111 France, Italy, Germany and D. Speakman Post, American Legion, WED. 750
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Newhall, of VIenna. by Roy Mack, vice president of the A's THUR. ( $1.00
SAT. I $1.50
Old Gulph road, Penn Valley, has re- l' and a Legionnaire. Friday-50c-$1.00
turned from spending the sum111er in Miss Eleanor Briner, daug-hter of _=a_ _~_~z:::=~~=~== NIGHT REVUE - EVERY
Jamestown, R. 1., where she had as Mr. and Mrs. \\'. G. Briner, of Merion NIGHT - :lac and 60.
her guest, Miss Charlotte Pearson, a\'cnue, returned to State Col1ege on
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Pear- Tuesday. She is a sophomore. Spectacular Cattle Cavalcade-Tues.-Wed.-Thur.

son, 3d, of Rosemont.
l' '
1\11'. and Mrs. Wil1iam Levis, of

The Createst Farm, Home, Livestock and Poultry
Miss 1\lary .Jane Box111an, daughter Hampden avenue, returned last week Exhibit. in the East
of 1\11'. anI} 1\lrs. William H. Boxman,' from a motor trip to Booth Bay, Bar
of Merion avenue, entertained at a Harbor, 1\1e., and the "'hite Moun-

Meet Your Friellds-Everybody Will Be There
luncllPon, fol1owed by a shower on Sat- tains.
urday at the Bala Golf Cluh in honor l'
of Miss Kathleen Bailey, daug;hter of 1\11'. Harrison 1\1. Berry, son of Mr.
Mr. and :\Irs..Julius A. Bailey, .Jr., of and Mrs. Harrison M. Berry of Nar-
Merion and Essex avenues, whose hrook Park, is lea\'ing Saturday for
marriage to ;\11'. Wil1ia111 .T. Manslleld, Bowdoin Colleg;e, Brunswick, 1\1·e., to
Jr., son of :\11'. and :\Irs. Wil1iam .J. enter the freshman class.
:\Ianstield, of O\'erhrook, will ta!,e
plael' on Saturday, Sc'ple111lwr 25.
Suede Sweeps
to Triumphs
The guests were Mrs. Arthur A.
Bailey, 1\lrs. J. Forest Sehotf, Miss
Marguerite O'Brien, Miss Eileen
Bailey, Mrs. William Baxman and
SERVilE ,"

in this Suit l\lrs. J. A. Bailey, Jr. l'
Sudden enlergency , • ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Edgerton the hreuldng of a lllr~e
and their family, who spent the sum- water nlain during Ihe
Great Vogue for
mer at their place at Bellhaven, on ni~ht •.. tons of Willer
Suedes,-all Suede flooding the streets ..•
the eastern shore of Virginia, ha\'e
Suits! This is tailored a hurried police eall 10
returned to their home on Chestnut
by''E:-S~to'~- Cott~ri11 'avenue. Miss Emily Edgerton is leav- our headquarters fhHls
the Philadelphia Sul_llr~
in his best English Mr. and Mrs. ~. L. Bready, of ing next Tuesday for William a~d hanWaterCompany fully
manner. Note the di- 1\Ianor mal}, Penn VaIley, will retu1'll1 Ma.r y College to resume her studies awake and ready for im~
agonal stitching, the shortlv from Ocean Cit\' where the\" whIle her brother, Mr. Donald Edger-
nlediate action . . . Our
trick buttons •.• $75. oceupi'ed their cottage fo·l.' the summel:. ton, will leave on that day for Peddie
,School, Hightstown, N.•J., where he elllergencydispatchcl",on
i is a senior. duty twenty~four h._llrs
Fashion showing of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kolb, of Haver- every day in the y~ar, No WONDER children love
ford avenue, returned Friday from l'
Cotterill Suedes Tues. Dr. and Mrs. William G. Walton, orders a full repair crew Supplee Chocolate Milk. It
Ocean City where they occupied their to the Rcene. and wiLl.in
and Wed., Sept. 21 and family, of Anthwyn road, whe< has richer flavor because
cottage for the summer. a few hours service is
and 22. i occupied their summer home in Ocean

Better Suits,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Lees, of l City for the season, will return Mon-
Levering Mill road, Cynwyd, enter- day. Their son, Mr. Francis R.
completely restored to
consumers of
it's made from fine choco-
late and whole milk. There's SUPPLEE
Second Floor tained at dinner on Sunday. There Walton, who has been studying in nothing like it for cooling
were eight guests. Mrs. Lees is the Rome, Italy, is with them. He will
refreshment in the summer
;=::::::::::::::~ former Miss Jane Kolb, daughter of I shortly return to Harvard University.
I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kolb, of Haver-
ford avenue.
Mr. Parker Woolmington, son of
months. It's healthful too. It
i : Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Woolmington, of
has all the nourishing ele-
Mr. George William Watson, of An- Narbrook Park, returned Friday to ments of whole milk and is
New Deal Junk Co. I thwyn road, Merion, has left for Wheaton CoIlege, where he is a
: North Carolina State Col1ege.
junior. His sister, Miss Ruth Wool-
ming1:on, will have as her guest over
safeguarded by the latest
discoveries of dairy science. Chocolate Milk
Highest Prices Paid For
PAPER, RAGS, IRON ! Mrs. Sydney Trotter, who is oc- the week-end, Miss Dorothy J ahn, RROUGIIT TO YOUR nmlE RY
Order from your Supplee
i cupying her new home at Narberth Aldan. sa}esm~n, or call Bryn Mawr
and METALS I and Price avenues, entertained her
We will call anywhere--any time
at your convenience i club at luncheon and bridge Wednes- WATER EOmPAn'l
Wholesale· • Retail
SAM. SCHLESINGER Mr. ano Mrs. Ellsworth Clark, anll
Dally 7 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. their family, who oecupil'l} their cot-
N. W. Cor. 56th and Vine SUo
tage at Ocean City for the summer, l'
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Munger, of
AU, eghny 0132 have returned to their home on Chest-
Narberth Hall, have returned from
nut a\'enue.
spending the summer at CamJl Sus-
1\Ii~~ Louise Woodcock, daughtl'r of quehannaek at Brackney.
1\1 rs. Verna R. Woodcock, of Mont- l'
gomery a venue, will return to Hood Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Cotter, Jr.,
CoIlege on Monday to resume her of Sabine avenue, recently returned
from a several months' stay in Ham-
studies in the Junior Class.
burg, Germany, where they visited
Mrs. Woodcock entertained at din- Mrs. Cotter's relatives.
ner Saturday evening. l'
Miss .Jane Nash, daughter of Mr.
i and Mrs. Robert J. Nash, of Nar-
Miss Eileen Bailey, of Merion
avenue, entertained at a party last berth and Price a\'enues, left last
Saturday evening in honor of her week to enter Winston-Salem College,
sister, Miss Kathleen Bailey, whose Winston-Salem, N. C.
marriap;e to Mr. William F. Mans-
field, Jr., will take pbce on Saturday,
Septe111her 25. The guests included
Miss Marguerite O'Brien, Miss Ruth
Gaul, l\liss Kay 1\Iegee, Mi~s Kitty
Wright, Miss Martha McNair, Mr.
and Mrs. Forest Schoff, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Mr. John Sykes,
Mr. James McNair, Mr. Andrew Mc-
Clure, Mr. William McKinney, Mr.
Lewis Marcheal, Mr. William con-I
roy and Mr. Bernie Alexander. I


Mr. and Mrs. F. Roger Lindsay, Jr.,
and their small son, will return Octo-
ber 1 to their home on Wynnedale
road from Ocean City where they
MADE spent the summer.
EASY! Mr. Lou A. Young, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Young, of Grove place, FOR maximum efficiency
"I' ve lust
. d one a big leaves this Friday for Dartmouth with your oil burner,
day's shopping in ten use Newtol, the better
minutes - by tele- M heating oil. One order
phone. It saves a lot of Mv Summer Office Hours
V will convince you.
. at Residence Ortlce
time and trouble. Why 417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
Phon. Ardmore 2550
or Allegheny 8400 - We.1 5201
don'tYOU try shopping Monday and Friday-7 to 9 P. M.
by telephone?" Newton Supply Company
Dr. Wm. G. Walton
• Optometrist
Subsidiary of At our suI-urban storu-authorizeJ Jea/ers can .Iso make this oger
If no answer, Narberth 2570-J © G. B. N. C. Co.
,- ' ...... ~'\.. "..;' ,"_~., ,.~ j":'"'" '"'. .~. ~ ... -::: ,; t', .",f '" "'-. : \••:.- .•..:.,.,', '''',' . ·"f·......'·.-)·
··.··r" ." .."': .

Page Four OUR. TOWN September 17, 1937

[ Church Notes
Baptist Church of the E"angel
Robert E. Keighton, Minister
9.45 A. M.-The Church School.
11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: Gifts and the Spirit.
Wednesday, 8.00 P. M.-Midweek
Meeting of the Church. Discussion:
Main Line Store Features
Christianity Faces Our World.

In Straw-bridge & Clothier's

Narberth Methodist Episcopal •
Rev. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister
9.45 A. M.-Church School.
11 A. M.-Morning worship. "The
Danger of a Little Religion."
6.45 P. M.-Epworth League.
7.45 P. M. - Evening service.
"Philip, the Evangelist."
8 P. M.-Official Board.
September Stimulation Sale
8 P. M.-Mid-week rally.
6.30 and 8 P. M.-Choir rehearsal. Knit Dresses, $3.69 Misses' Coats, $48 Satin Slips, $1.89 Rugby Suits, $8.95
Holy TTinity Luth~ran Church Two-piece All-Wool Zephyr-Knit Handsome new Box Swagger Coats New styles in lovely Cherry BIos. With one pair of self-belted shorts
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor Dresses in smart, young models. of fine fleeces in cedar rust, sand som Satin Slips. Heavy, but soft and one pair of pleated knickers;
Margaret Squier, Organist Firmly knitted and nicely finished; beige, green, Cordovan and wine and supple, serviceable in texture double breasted jackets. In boys'
9.46 A. M.-Bible School-All De-
sizes 14 to 20 in wine, green, brown, shades. Collared with beaver, wolf and extra-durable by reason of sizes 6 to 12.
partments, all Classes.
11.00 A. M.-The Morning Service. rust, and slate. or raccoon. Sizes 12 to 18 years. lock-stitched seams. Rich lace Separate school knickers, $2.29
Theme: Lutheranism in Constitutional SECOND FLOOR SECOND FLOOR trimming in Vee or straight top Wool lined suede jackets, $7.95
Times. The Nursery, in charge of styles. A tailored model with ap- Warm Tweedroy or Melton
Mrs. Tripician, is open during the
hour of worship for all pre-school
Wool Skirts, 2.69 Dresses, 9.95 plique trim, too. Sizes 32 to 44. Lumber Jackets, $4.45
Tea-rose, only. Smart Pleated Slacks, $3.95
children. Tailored Woolen Skirts in a great MAIN FLOOR THIRD FLOOR
6.45 P. M.-Luther League Devo- variety of weaves and rich dark In sizes 12 to 20. A splendid group
tional Meeting for all young people of our most successful dresses of
over 18 years of age.
fall shades. Plaited, gored, built-
faille alpaca of a fine grade, blue, Boys' Shirts, 84c
Tuesday, 8.00 P. M.-Teachers'
Meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
up waistline styles; sizes 26 to 32.
brown, black, green and wine. Satin Gowns, 2.89 Or 3 for $2.45. Every dollar shirt
Senft. Cherry Blossom Satin Night Gowns in stock marked for this sale at
Thursday, 10.30 A. M.-Ladies' Aid Sweaters, 1.79 made specially to our order as to 84c or 3 for $2.45. Every pattern,
Meeting at the home of Mrs. Briner,
316 Merion avenue. Slip-on Zephyr Sweaters with long Dresses, 8.95 design and proportions. Tailored collar model and color you could
possibly want are here-including
Friday, 8.00 P. M.-Choir Re- or lace trimmed, one with tiny
sleeves and in every bright or dark Misses', women's and little women's youths' sizes 12% to 14%, juniors'
hearsal. puffed sleeves, another that looks
color you could hope for. Square sizes, in these smart new dresses. 8 to 14 and Eton button on 4 to 10.
like an evening gown. Sizes 34 to
['he Pr~sbyUrlan Church or round collar necklines. Sizes Satin, matelasse, smooth and rough THIRD FLOOR
40 and one model 34 to 44. Tea-
Rev. Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., 34 to 40. crepes and laces. The new draped rose, dusty rose or blue.
9.45 A. M.-Bible school. I
SECOND FLOOR bodice styles, the close fitted ef· MAIN FLOOR Men's Ties, 1.19
fects, and with all the new elabo·
11 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser-
mon by the pastor.
Dresses, 6.45 rations of the season in embroid- All of fine imported silks, and all
worth much more than this sale
n A. M.-Children's nursery, un- I
der the supervision of Mrs. Gilfillan.
Misses', Women's, Little Women's eries, braids, woodbead trims and
other metallic effects. Black, Cha-
Corsets, 5.95 price. All new colors and designs.
and Extra size Dresses, one piece MAIN FLOOR
6.45 P. M.-The three Christian
and two piece. Crepes trimmed teau Margaux, green, brown and Gossard Front-lace Girdles, our
Endeavor groups. exclusive Formold one-piece gar-
7.45 P. M.-Narberth's happy Bible with nail heads or appliqued in
satin, some with Scheffley embroid.
SECOND FLOOR ments and step-ins, H. Be W. Las. Men's Hose, 29c
hour. Sermon by the Pastor.
Wednesday: ery. Also dresses of smart wool tex Girdles, and many more tre- Townsman Fancy Rayon and Lisle
mendous values at $5.95.
8 P. M.-Prayer meeting. plaids, rib knits and novelty fabrics.
Fine Dresses, 18.00 Hose, all first quality and in the
most desirable new patterns. Sizes
Neuger Joins Local Conservatory Women's Fine Dresses-tailored, 10 to 12.
Konrad Neuger, conductor of world-
wide repute, has been appointed as-
Dresses, 3.69 afternoon and evening styles. Corsets, 3.95 MAIN FLOOR
Crepes, crystelle, matalasse, beau-
sociate dean and head of the voice
department at the Bryn Mawr Con- i
Misses' and Women's new spun tifully embroidered, appliqued in Rengo Housekeepers, Formolds Snow Suits, 9.95
servatory of Music, it is announced by
rayon Dresses with flared and padded satin, trimmed with sequins. and a great variety of other favor-
plaited skirts; other smartly tail- ite makes to fit every figure and Three-piece, soft and woolly. In
Joseph E. Barone, director. Black, brown, wine and green.
Before al5iiliming his present duties ored models including the well every size. The Sale includes more a variety of color combinations.
Regular and Little Women's sizes. Sizes 3 to 8.
as opera chorus-master with the, liked rever style; green, navy blue, than forty different new fall styles!
Metropolitan Opera Company two black, wine. Sizes 14 to 20 and MAIN FLOOR
years ago, Mr. Neuger for nineteen
years was first conduetor of such or- 38 to 44. Women's Shoes, 7.45
ganizations as the Vienna Opera, the THIRD FLOOR Coats, 24.75 Girls' Undies, 3 for 90c Suede Shoes that mold the foot on
Munich Opera, and the Leipzig Opera.
He made a command appearance be-
fore the late King George of I
Housecoats, 1.79 Misses' and Women's Dress and
Sports Coats of monotone mate-
Tuck Stitch Undies in cotton or
flattering lines. Tailored Pumps
and Oxfords and formal afternoon
Misses' zipper models and women's with 12%~c of silk and wool. Vests
England. rials, others in the more varied styles. Chiefly black and brown
and misses' wrap around styles. with U-shape top. Panties with
nubby effects; all lined with silk Suede carefully detailed. A re-
Civil Scrvice Examinations Smart new large prints, black and elastic at waist and very narrow
crepe and warmly interlined. Black markable saving at $7.45.
The United States Civil Service navy backgrounds as well as bright elastic at leg. Tea-rose shade.
Commission has announced open com-
and brown. MAIN FLOOR
colors. Wrap around models in Small, medium and large sizes.
petitive examinations as follows: SECOND FLOOR
Associate medical officer, $3,200 a 'I sizes 14 to 48. Also princess coats; MAIN FLOOR
Women's Gloves
year, for general praetice and for sizes 14 to 40.
various special branches. MAIN FLOOR Jr. Miss Coats, 18.00 Novelty Kid Gloves in black and
Engineer, and senior, associate, and Warm tweeds in Scotch weaves. Childrens' Shoes brown, $1.98. Pull-on Suede Gloves
assistant engineer, $2,600 to $4,600 a
Stockings, 89c One model has raglan shoulders Foot Trainer Shoes-Sizes 8% to
in black and brown, $2.19. Pull-on
Capeskin Gloves, in black, brown,
Associate dentist, $3,200 a year, V oile de Chine Crepe Stockings, that are slightly padded to give 12 at $2.95-Sizes 12% to 3 at navy blue, green, wine, white and
Veterans' Administration, U. S. Pub-
very fine and sheer, and carefully the new wide shoulder effect. Con- $3.65. Famed for fit as well as the
lic Health Service, and Indian Field I vertible collar, deep set in pockets. gray, $1.79. Pull-on and Novelty
made to insure durability. Beau- sturdy leathers and fine making. Double-woven Gloves, 59c.
Service. Warm interlining and a lining of
Full information may be obtained tiful quality, ringless, well rein. T an Elk Oxfords with plain toes MAIN FLOOR
from the Secretary of the U. S. Civil forced in heel and sole, deep welt "Earl-Glo." Colors are gray and or shark tips; High Tan Elk
Service Board of Examiners, at the
Philadelphia postoffiee.
and afterwelt. Eight new autumn tan. Sizes 11 to 17.
Pumps, buckled, sizes 12% to 3
only; Black Patent Leather Ox-
Kitchen Sets, 1.95
shades. Sizes 81fz to 10.
MAIN FLOOR fords and Dress Pumps. The combination providing 51f2
COIlIlCCIl Quits Statc Post quart kettle, colander, double
Jr. Miss Dresses, 9.00 MAIN FLOOR
M. L. Conneen, lona and Haverford
avenues, Narberth, has resigned as Stockings, 69c One- and two.piece models III
boiler, steamer, casserole, roaster,
and pudding pan.
District 6 engineer of the State High-
way Department, it was announced
last week-end by "Tarren Van Dyke,
Granite ringless chiffon and me·
dium service weight stockings with
dressy and tailored wools. Rab·
bit's hair material and Jola fabric.

Secretary of Highways. On Septem- Garter Block, at a very low price. One-piece dresses with long and Very low sale prices on fine Percale Wool Blankets, 8.95
ver 15 Mr. Conneen wiII become presi- Chiffon stockings with all-silk picot short sleeves. Two-piece models Bed Sheets-63 x 108 at $1.49 Fine St. Marys Virgin Wool
dent of J. Jacob Shannan Co., Phila- top with Garter Block in the silk with youthful round collars and each; 72 x 108 at $1.59 each; 81 Blankets. Thick, fleecy and double-
'delphia, a construction equipment
welt; silk heel and plated sole. The leather belts in contrasting colors. x 108 at $1.75 each and 90 x 108 napped so they are very warm.
medium service weight has all lisle Excellent for business or school at $1.89 each. Pillow cases, 42 x Bound with rayon taffeta, rose,
Narberth Boy at Bucknel1 sole and welt. New autumn shades. wear. Colors are gray, rust, green 38% at 42c each and 45 x 38% blue, gold, green, peach, tan or
John A. Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sizes 8% to 10%. and black. Sizes 11 to 17. at 54c each. orchid. Sale-priced, $8.95 each.
Narberth, has been admitted to Buek-
nell University and will begin his
studies at Lewisburg this month.
Mr. Fox is a graduate of the Lower
Merion High School in the class of
1936. During the past year he at-
tended Franklin and Marshall Acad-
emy at Lancaster.
At Bucknell he will study for the
.degree of Bachelor of Arts.

- - - -_·~-----------~----------------~ IIIIIIIIieoo " "_ _" " " '_ _" _ _" ' "' "
September 17, 1937 OUR TOWN Page Five

Dr. Rush Chapter Plans Joins Music School Chief Show Trophies Engaged Firemen's Fair Opens Infantile Paralysis Case
and Typhoid in Cynwyd
1-wo Events This Fall Given Local Growers Wed. Night in Cynwyd
A case of infantile paralysis and
Mrs. W. D. Funer and Mrs. R. one of typhoid fever were reported in
Ie ~L; :l11iversary Observance I Ford Sedan and Cash Prizes
Cynwyd last week by Health Officer
C ;~. 1; Reciprocity Lunch- I T. Dooner Win Cups at Wil1 be Given to Those Marvin E. Reynolds of Lower Merion.
e.m November 15 . Penn Valley Exhibit Who Attend Three-year-old James Sharp of 118
Penarth road, is the paralysis patient
The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter of Ml's. Walter D. Fuller, of Penn Val- Active members of the Union Fire while Dorothy West of 328 Pembroke
N. S. D. A. R. will celebrate its six- I ley, won the president's cup at the Association of Bala-Cynwyd will spon- road has typhoid fever.
teenth birthday with a luncheon mcet- . annual Penn Valley Garden Club
sor a Firemen's Fair which will open Other cases reported in the town-
ing at Cameo Cotta/!;e, on City Line,; Flower Show Tuesday evening at the
Wednesday night to continue through ship were mUmps, two; tuberculosis,
on Monday, October 11, at 1 P. M. I Montgomery Day School gymnasium
Saturday night. two; chicken pox, one.
On Monday, November 15, the in Wynnewood.
chapter will give its Reciprocity: The treasurer's cup was awarded The Fair, which promises to exceed
Luncheon in the American Legion 1 to Mrs. Richard Dooner, of Merion. Still timc to join -"'ur
any previous affairs of its kind in this
Rooms of the Community Building on i These two cups are given annualIy. vicinity, will be held at the junction of CHRISTMAS
. Windsor avenue, Narberth. The I III the j lIvenile classes the silver
Olel Lancaster road and Montgomery
guest speaker will be Mrs. Harper D. ,
Sheppard, of Hanover, the State Re- I
cups went to Gordon 'Vagner and
avenue, Cynwyd.
Marv LOll Wagner, of Penn Valley.
gent. There will be a number of A' total of 232 entries made the A number of amusements for the NARBERTH MEN'S SHOP
other notable out-of-town guests. gymnasium a most attractive scene. children as well as many that will in- 121 N. Narberth Ave. Narb. 2772
Reservations for both should be made Great interest was shown in all terest the grown-ups, is expected to
early with Mrs. Verna R. Woodcock, KONRAD NEUGER the arrangement classes, particularlY MISS MURIEL WALES draw record crowds each night. VOICE INSTRUCTION
Narberth 2551. Metropolitan Ollera Chorus- Mas- in the miniature Colonial House and whose engagement to MI'. Han'Y A Grand Prize of a Ford V-8 Tudor KONRAD NEUGER
Members of the Chapter who will tel' who ha.< 111'1'1/. appointed asso- Garden displayed by Frank C. Stie- E. Bennett, son of Mr. Robert DeLuxe Sedan complete with radio, 1>1 etropoll tan Opera. Chor-
ciate dean and hend of the l'oicr us-1>Iaster; formerly con·
go to the forty-first annual State fel, of Narberth. G. Bennett, of the Lakeview will be given away in addition to many ductor of Vienna. Leip-
• ?oig-, and Munich Operas;
Conference to be held at the Penn I De!lal'tment (It HI'un M(lwr Con- Judges of the show were Mrs. Jay Apartm.ents, NarllCl'th, has been cash prizes. Each night, someone "on Gl'.1I!uate of \"iellfla Universily and
Harris Hotel in Harrisburg, October i se1"'aloI'U of .llllsic. V. Hare, Trevose; Mrs. Henry Parry, (ll/nolll/ced Ily her 1m/'euts, MI'. the ground" wiII be awarded prizes of ('onH~r\"atory: teacher of many
19 to 22, inclusive, will be Mrs. Frank- i _ :llell'Opolltan and 1'~\lrOllcan oper-
Langhorne; Miss Rena Middleton, alld Mrs. P. A. Wales, of 101 $10 and $5. n~ie star~.
lin R. Lindsay, the regent, who is the 1
delegate; Mrs. H. C. Fenno, the vice- THE FIRESIDE 1\ol'l'istown; Mrs. William Kurtz
Myers, Mel'ion, president of the Gar-
Windsor aVCnlte, Narberth. The committees' in charge include I Write for free catalogue
WilIiam Gregory, Albert Ammon and Dr, Emil K Foig-mann, Dean
regent, alternate delegate; Mrs. Verna de'n Club of Bala-Cynwyd; Mrs. J. Edward Dulap, Awards; Bill Titlow 700 Montgomery Ave. B. M. 1022
R. Woodcock, Mrs. John C. Nash, ("nntilluerl trom Pal:e Three Hunter Lloyd, Upper Darby, and Rod and Gun Stars and George Fox, Grounds; William L. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~_;;; __;;;_~~_;;;;_;;;~~~;;;~
Mrs. Stewart Anderson, Mrs. Eugene l\Ji~s Nancy ,Tane Mackenzie. daugh- 1\1 rs. Henry Reinhardt, Haverford. Given Jubilee Prizes Hornung, Publicity and Refreshments.
B. Hoskins, Mrs. Robert J. Dothard,· tel' of 1\11'. and :\lrs. J anws B. Mac- The Philadelphia
Mrs. Hugh Glenn Martin, Mrs. J. H.; kenzie. of Narhrook Park, has re- A LLEN-CARPENJ'ER ContinUed rrom Page One
Baker, Mrs. Joseph H. Miller, Mrs.: turned f!"Om a week's stay at the Ag- The marriage of Miss Lucilc Car-
In recognition of complaints re-. Conservatory of Music
Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. John L. Miller: IJPS Irwin School Hockey Camp in the ceived, members of the club will not! Clrartered by tire Comrnonwealtlr
penter, daughter of Mrs. Calvin C.
and Mrs. Samuel McAdams. Poconos. Miss Mackenzie will p:o to participate in the shooting of star- of Pe'JrIsy!>'ania
Carpenter, of Seattle, \Vashington, lings in Narberth. ,
The chapter is actively partid-! the Ag'nes Irwin School on Monday. and the late Mr. Carpenter, to Mr. . ! Mrs. D. Hcndrik E7.crman
pating in the celebration of Consti- i Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie went to HomeI' Edgar Allen, son of Mr. and An aw~rd of a free hunting lice~se ManaginR Director
CO'lrses Leading to Degrees
tution Week and Mrs. Lindsay, the I New York on Thursday to meet l\lr~. Mrs. Frank B. Allen, of Allenore, wiII be gIven to the member t~rnIng' Exceptional Training of Children
regent, attended the reception at the, Mackenzie's brother and sister-in-law, Penn Valley, took place on Saturday, in the. most crow's. feet to \\allace, THE Facllltll Hmded by
Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia on! Mr. and 1\lrs. George Reichbach, who cvening in the Church of the Epiph- i GoodWIn, field captalll, before the De- i Dr. Olga Samaroff
Tuesday and The Sons of the Ameri- arp arriving from Panama where they 'lny SC'lttle The Reverend George· cembcr meeting. I 216 S. 20th St. Loc. 18i7
can Revolution and the Bar Associa-' ha\'l~ heen living' for several years. :-\." \Viel~nd, ·officiated. I
Trapshooting match:s will be held ! SCHOOL
Branch: The Rittenhouse, Ardmore
tion program at the Academy of Mi~s Dorothy Ogden, daughter of The bride who was given in mar- every Saturday startlllg October 2 . for Little Children
Music on Thursday evening as well 1\11'. and Mrs. Benjamin V. Ogden, of I'iage by h~r mother, wore a heavy at Nash's Farm. A Pre.School Educationa I Program
for Children from Two to Six,
as the 150th Anniversary Ceremonies Chestnut avenue, will leave next lustrous gown, a Schiaparelli model, -------- Emphasizing Mental and Physical MARGIE HOFFMAN
to be held at Independence Hall on week for Williamsburg, Va., to enter made on princess lines, with an ex- Mrs. Carrie Z. Ri1l'y Development.
Friday. From there Mrs. Lindsay tlw freshman class at William and tremely long train. It had a low Mrs. Carrie Zollinger Riley, sixty- 19 E. Wynnewood Road
Wynnewood will reopen Sat., Sept. 25, for· its
will go to Mount Pleasant for the Mary College. V neck and shirred bodice. Her long five, formerly of 374 Baird road, Mer· For information call Ardmore 4871 FIFTH SCHOOL YEAR
formal dedication .of.Constitution . 1\1. rs. E . C . G' flSWO Id an d h er d aug- h sleeves had shirring at the wrists. I ion, died on August 26 in Karlstad, ~~~~~;;~~~~;:;;~~~~~ with
avenue and ConstItutIOn HIlI. The t er 1M'ISs E umce . G' ld a n d M rs. She wore an heirloom brooch of pearls Sweden, it was learned this week. Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
" rIS\\'O, and Women's Classes
chapter presented The Story of the G: ld' . t ~·1 Joh S Mo . strung- on horsehair. Her long veil I Mrs. Riley had been on a vaca.tion
.. I b P bl' rl'lf'WO S SIS er, " rs. n. TIl- BALLET-TOE-CHARACTER
ConstItutIOn" to tIe Nar erth u IC I h b d' th of bridal illusion was caught in a· tour with her husband, Charles Riley, TAP
Librar. y Each of the members of gan, w 10 ave een spen Ing e sum- coronet of braided tulle. She carried a prominent caterer.
I . d mer at Margate, have returned. Mrs. Littlefield Method Taught
the c h apter a so receIVe a copy.
M V R \V d k h'
.. d'
MOIllgan IS spen lI1g some Ime WI
t' 'th a sheaf of miniature calla Iilies. i
Recently she. had sold h~r home, one For information call
rs. erna . 00 coc , c al~man them before returning to her home Miss SalIy Ann Barnes was the, of the oldest III the Menon develop- Hilltop 771·W
of the Ways . and Means CommIttee,.m PI'1 d I h'
11 a e pIa.
maid of honor and Miss Barbara: ment, and had purchased a residence 37 N. Narberth Ave.. Narberth, Pa.
held a meetmg at her home on Tues- 1\1 r. and Mrs. Griswold had as their Weeks and Miss Josephine Wing, the' in Philadelphia.
. afternoon
t to plan for these com- g-ues t s over th e wee k -ell(, I 1\1 1'S. Fr1'- d bridesmaids, while Miss Mary Blythe i She was a director of the Overbrook
mg even s. . erick P. Van Auken, Miss Marga- AlIen, sister of the bridegroom, was ~ Chapter of the Needlework Guild of STENOTYPY
At present the chapter IS sponsor- rett'! Rum'on and Mr. Jack Van the junior bridesmaid. They all worl) America. TRA YER'S BUSINESS SCHOOL
ing a scholarship for Andrew . J ack-
h A'u k''en, 0 f" B'os t on. !II r. J ac k V a n frocks of taffeta with very fulI skirts, l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I You've been thinking for S
hu been ~i",ing inJ'truction iu
Stenotypy for !leveral years. Steno-
son Patton, a South C arohna boy, w 0 r\. U k en 'IS en rou t e t 0 th e U' nlve l' Sl'ty close-fittillg bodice, with notched col- typy i!l the Hhi~h .peed" method of
• . . . •
IS recelvmg hIS educatIOn at t~e of Arizona. lars and elbow length sleeves, shaded Classified some time about refinishing "takin~ down" letter3, .peeches, etc.,
at 150 to 250 word~ per minute.
Tamassee, the D. A. R. Mountain l\1' G' ld I h d he gu t from a rose to a deep Tuscan red. On your floors. Our "Clarke We have 170 Stenotype Machines
School. ISS rlswo a so a as . l'
over the week-end, her COUSlI1, MISS
their heads they wore becoming halos Advertisements Sander" has been doing a
and a iarr.f' ntunoer of Stenotypy
studenU at both da)-· and ni~ht IU.
sion.'l. Come in and ask us about
1\1 ildred Helfrich, of Pleasantville, N. of the same material with veils the Stenotypy: or write for paf'ficulars.
same shade as their gowns. -will be charged only to residents good job for others. Why
VINT-STRATTON ,J. 1\liss Griswold will leave Sunday
Their bouquets were made of stiff
whose names appear In the tele-
phone directory 01' to subscribers don't you try it? It's For
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth to I"esume her studies at Tuffts College to OUR TOWN or the NEWS OF BUSINESS SCHOOL
Stratton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. where she is a sophomore. dahlias, surrounded by pompon BALA-CYN"'YD. 807 Chestnut St. LOM. 0854
dahlias, all in deep wine shades and
Rent by the day. After
William Stratton, of Merion avenue, Mr. Samuel McCartney, Jr., of I 5c a line Philadelphla- _
Narberth, to Mr. David John Vint, Jr., I Woodside avenue, has left for Dickin- tied with matching taffeta ribbon.
for Both Newspapers
that, you'l1 want to finish
son of Mr. and Mrs. David John Vint. I son ColIeg-e. Mr. Robert Dieckeroff, of Oakland, with Murphy Varnish.
Count live words to line
of Rutledge, N. J., took place at four I Mrs. Arthur A. Bailey, of Grayling California, acted as best man.
o'clock on Saturday afternoon, in thp. avenue, gave a bridal shower in honor
Wynnefield Presbyterian Church. The. of her sister-in-law, Miss Kathleen
Reverend Hugh Newlands, pastor of i Bailey, Tuesday evening. The guests
A reception folIowed at the Rainier
Upon their return from a wedding
-will be accepted up to Wednes-
day. 5 o'clock, for Friday'. Issue•.
When you want Oil Paint- MUSIC
Phone: NARBERTH 4100 ings, Watcr Colors, Pastels
the church officiated. :were Mrs. Forest Schoff, Mrs. Robert
The bride, who was given in mar- Nelms, Mrs. Alan Macool, Mrs. Rob-
riage by her father, wore a white lacl' ert T. Gowland, Mrs. Fmnklin Max-
trip to California, Mr. AlIen and his
bI' ide wi II be at home inA11 enore, J,!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J
Penn Valley, after October 1. They
Help Want~d
or Photographs framed,
Try Us.
redingote gown and a tulIe veil well, Mrs. Thomas Pool, Mrs. Charles will reside temporarily with Mr. Al- IIOI:SE\\·OHK-:'-o"l'al. dean. white g-ir!.
fastened to her head with bands of· Kaeschaesser, Mrs. Anne Jones, Mrs. len's parents until the completion in :n:.! BrYn :\lawr avt'. Phone Cyn. 1~76.
satin and a spray of orange blossoms J. A. Bailey, Jr., and the Misses
in the back. Her bouquet was of. Mary Jane Boxman, Ruth Gaul, Mary
December of their new house in Penn
YOU;\;G GUlL or woman. \'icinity Main
Line. to watch children daY or evening';
( 4H)
Shull Lumber Company Private or Class Lessons
The Link Between Forest 01 Horne All ages from 4 years up
whit~ dahlias and gardenias. : McNichol, K'ay Mcgee, Betty Mala- hourly baRis. <Jive ltg-c, ref.. phone. \Vrite
"A." Box H7. ;\;"I'benh. (:'0)
MISs Jean Staples, who was the I testa, Bede McKinney, Marie Quinn, Narbcrth Bridge Club 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd
maid of honor, wore a gown of hya- Martha McNair, Ruth Anne Egmore, September 9, top score, Mrs. T. W. At Your Ser'l'ice
cinth blue chiffon and a Juliet cap.. Dotty Lehmann, Eileen Bailey. Blake and Mrs. Arthur Cooney; sec- In;I,IABLJ~CARPI;;NTER. alterations & CYNWYD 662
Her bouquet was of yellow dahlias. I ond place, Mrs. Frank McEnanem and johhillg-, Gottlieh I':ssllng-er. I~~ Con-
way ,,,·enue. Call ;\;al'berlh 3748-R. (to
Miss Emily Titus and Miss Virginia I Women's Club Will Hold Mrs. C. A. Hammer. Studio: 305 Grayling Ave.
OkAPERTES, Slip Covers, Veneflan UNTIL 3 P. M.
Brien of Dayton, Ohio, who were the
. .
I C 0 Ioma . IT eaO cto b er 5 t h September 11, top score, Mrs. T. W. blind., Awnings. Furniture, Upholst.r-
Narberth 4109-1
brIdesmaids, wore gowns of raspberry I _ Blake and Arthur Cooney; second lng, Beddings, Rugs cleaned, repaired I~,;::;o;;o;:;;p:;::;;;;~;::;o;;;:;:;;;;;:::;~;::;o;;:;:;;p::;i)
chiffon and carried bou~uets of dahlias: Continued trom Page On" place, C. A. Hammer and C. J. Good- and stored. Challenger, 281 Montgomery IA,
aVenue. Cynwyd. l'hone. cynwYd 1i·1.
of the same t?ne of theIr gowns. TheY'i Woodcock, recording secretary; Mrs. year. Formerly with John 'Vanamaker. (tr) Thorough individual instruction in
too, wore .J~het c~ps. : W. H. l\lulIer, corresponding secre- September 13, top score, Dr. Mark UPHOLSTBRING and rep. Springs or
~-piece sui II''' rl'paireil. $10; Chair re- PIANO and VOICE
Mr. Wilham VlI1t, brother of the, tary, and Mrs. William Levis, treas- E. 1\1orl('an and Howard Simpson; cover'ed, $:', Go "nywhere. Call Lewis. How beginners in plano play with
bridegroom, acted as best man and the, urer. The members of the Board of second place, J. H. Baker and William ~27 E. La-neast"I' h V
Wayne 1406.
good tone, good position, rhythm and fluency
Voice placement, development and interpretation
ushers included Mr. W.illiam Stratto~, Directors are, Mrs. J. E. Burrell, Mrs. H. Thompson. CARPENTER - BU7LDER - Estimates
cheerrul1y rurnlshed. Jobbing promptly
Jr., b~other of t~e brIde; Mr. Da\:ld: C. J. Goodyear, Mrs. G. W. Orth, Mrs. The annual election of the club was attended to. Leander Wickman, 305 Con- 523 Dudley Avenue Narberth 3723.J
JefferIeS, of MedIa; Mr. Howard Llv- i R. C. Heath, Mrs. J. S. Erichson, and held Thursday evening. way ave. Narberth 3888. (tt)
ingston and Mr. Clayton Wicks, both' Mrs. J. H. Speck. Mrs. E. C. Batche-
of Rutledge, ~. J. '101', parliamentarian, advises the mem- Rooms for Rent
tertained her committee Tuesday af- ilOOM and bath for rent. Near transpor-
A small reception followed the cere- bel'S. tel"llOon at tea at her home, and dates tation. Phone Cyn. 3274. (49)
mony at the. Merion Tribute House.. I Mrs. Heymann urges alI club mem- were set for the bridge parties to be Seek Experienced Advice
Upon theIr return from a weddmg bers to attend the annual conference given during the year. Mrs. Wells Warlted If you have a boyar qirl to educate. you may wish to
trip, Mr. Vint and his bride will reside. of the Southeastern District of Penn- S:'\L\LL hOll~t) or hung-a}nw havilll..:: thn~C' confer with those experienced in student guidance. At
will hold the first one on October 22. b"dl'l)"I1l.". Write ":II." Bllx 417, :-:'(1'-
in Drexel Hill. They will be at homp sylvania Women to be held at Ursinus The New Membership Committee hl-1 th, g-ivillg" all f1artit'ular~. Friends· Cenlral you will lind counsel and advice based

after October 15. College in Collegeville, Thursday, Sep- on wide experience in dealing with youth. You may
includes; Mrs. Hoskins, chairman;

rIJ (j /jh I
find here the solution to the problem you are facing.
Mrs. Stratton wore a gown of copen- I tember 2:3, at 10.:30 A. M., Eastern ,
Mrs. R. A. Mizner, Mrs. F. R. Lind- Siruations Wanted Telephone for an appointment. Catalogue on request.
hagen blue flat crepe fashioned with a Daylight Saving Time. Those wish- sey, Mrs. V. R. Woodcock, Mrs. John L;~"I,:~)lIU-;SS-I';XP, Iler. $:1 <I"y. B;~~. Elt
bolero jacket and a matching hat of i ing transportation are to call Mrs. Nash, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. J. D. . , II
blue velvet. Her corsage was of talis-, Heymann.
man roses.
: The chairmen of the various com-
Mrs. Vint wore a gown of thistle, mittees of the Women's Community
:I~~h~'~:~~. ~.r~a~;.arIes McCurdy SI1>:GLE C~I~r~~t~~~!~:V'~~~l~
:!10 E:..i.~';PX aVenUe. Phone !'\arb.
for rent.
1845 rlen ~ -en,ra CJ OfJ
The committee on Literature and (50) Barclay t. Jones. Ph.D.. Headmaster. 68th Street and City Line Avenue
georgette and a large hat. Her cor-: Club of Narberth are calling their
Inkrnatioo~~latiOM~cl~9M~lr ll~~~~~~~~~T~e~~~p~h~0~n~e~~~~~o~r~e~13~B~4~~~~O~v~e~~~r~0~0~~~P~~~n~s~y~~~~~~~~
sage was of orchids. I committees together to outline their Gurbarg, chairman; Mrs. C. E. Starr, II
Mr. and Mrs. Stratton entertained; work for the year. as~oeiate chairman in charge of In- M aster Watch
at a buffet supper on Friday evening i Mrs. E. B. Hoskins, chairman of
for the members of the bridal party' New Membership, is entertaining her
and a few additional guests following group this afternoon at two o'clock at
tel'national Relations; Mrs. E. A.
Jamison, Mrs. E. C. Batchelor, Mrs.
& Clock Repair Co.
Expert Craftsmen on All
Swim and Play Tennis
J. H. MostelIer, Mrs. J. S. Erichson, Makes of Watches 5: Clocks
the rehearsal for the wedding. her home at 504 South Narberth
Mrs. S. C. Campbell, Mrs. J. F. Sher-
Complete Rcpair
Fully Guaranteed.... •
$1 50 up Pool Open Evenings Till 11 P. M.
Will Aid Transit Probe Mrs. Joseph Gurbarg, chairman of The FeIlowship Committee is com- Fine Jewelry & Optical
Patrick J. Friel, of Upland road, Literature and International Rela- Repairing
Merion, has been named by Attorney tions, will entertain her committtee
posed of Mrs. J. D. Anderson, chair-
man; :Mrs. WeIls, associate; Mrs. H. 69TH STREET P. R. T.
General Charles J. Margiotti as legal at luncheon Tuesday, September 21, F. Dever, Mrs. M. E. Davis, Mrs. W. TERMINAL Available for Dinrlers, Outings and Banquets
aide to Joseph C. Ominsky in the in- at one o'clock, at her home. H. Muller, Mrs. Harry Middleton, Jr., (in waiting room)
vestigation of the Philadelphia Rapid Mrs. C. L. Wells, associate chair- 1\1 rs. V. R. Woodcock, Mrs. J. S. BRANCH OF 21 S. 18th ST. Mill Road, Brookline, Pa. Phone: Hilltop 1600
Transit Co. man of the Fellowship Committee, en- Davidi!on and Mrs. F. N. Floyd. Establltrhed in 1904
Page Six OUR TOWN September 17, 1937

properties Ironting on Narberth Avenue,

ments thereon erected, Situate in the Bar· &c., and for Montgomery County in Deed
Voters May Register 10 It. in width on each side thereol extend·
ough 01 Narberth in the County of Mont. Book No. 431, page 500. &c.• and bounded
Ing from land now or late 01 Helen B.
gomery, and State of Pennsylvania. bounded and described according to said plan as
During Next 2 Wecks
COlltlnue<l from Pace One
Caldwell to the Haverlord Road, In common
and described according to B certain au roO
with the owners and occupiers of other
vey thereol made by Milton R. Yerkes,
land. abutting thereon at all times there-
C. E., September 4, 1920, as lollows, to
lollows, to wit:

BEGINNING at a point on the Northweat

Good Milk and
alter lorever. UNDER AND SUBJECT to side 01 Rockland Avenue, a corner 01 thla
D., 148; N. P., 17.
Lower Merion, Rosemont-R" 556;

BEGINNING at a point in the middle 01

certnin conditions and building restrictions
therein mentioned.
and lot No. 260 at the dl.tance 01 125 ft.
Northeastwardly from the junction of the
Northwest .ide 01 Rockland Avenue with
Cream Depends
D" 77,' N. P., 11; Soc" 2; Ind., 4. Homewood Avenue (50 leet wide) at the

P I" I d 2
distance 01 162.1 feet North 20 deg •. 26
Lower Merion, East Bryn Mawr- min •. We.t lrom the Inter.ection 01 the 2-story
.aid middle line 01 Homewood Avenue with
The improvements thereon are 8
store and dwelllng 16 feet front
by 20 leet deep, with 2 room' on fir.t floor,
the Northeast .ide 01 Wood.ide Avenue:
thence Irom .aid polat of beginning along
the rear line. 01 lot. Ironting on Woodside
~ca~ TJJeMl11t
«- on Good COW.5 •••
R" 730; D., 190; N . ., -; n " . the middle line 01 Sabine Avenue (50 feet 4 rooms aDd bath on second Aoor. cellar. Avenue North 20 deg., 50 min. We.t 125 Brookmead Golden Guernsey Milk and Cream comes to you from
gas, electric, Springfield water, heatin~ It.; thence by lot No. 266 North 69 deg., 10
Lower Merion, \Vest Bryn Mawr- wide) thence South 69 deg •. 34 min •. We.t system. Pure Bred, Registered Cows-many of them Prize Winners and
87.09 leet to land nOw or late 01 Laura M. min. East 75 It.; thence by lot No. 264 I
R" 554; D" 227; N. P., 16. Watkin, thence along said land North 22 South 20 deg .. 50 min. East 125 It.; and Record Holders-and is Guaranteed by the American Guernsey
Seized and tnken in execution os the thence along the Northwe.t line 01 Rockland
Lower Merion, North Ardmore No. deg. 8 min •. We.t, 37.5 leet to a point, property 01 Nicholas Compa.s and Peter Cattle Club.
thence North 69 deg •. 34 min •. Ea.t, 118.2 ,\venue South 69 deg., 10 min. We.t 75 It.
1-R" 628; D., 80; N. P., 14; Ind., 1. leet to the middle 01 said Homewood Ave. Compnss, !\lortgagors. and The Merion to the pia ce of beginning.
VOTE FOR Nearby Farms. Local Employment, and Main Line
Title and Trust Company 01 Ardmore,
Lower Merion, North Ardmore No. nue and thence along the some South 20 Luther A. Barr. Secretary 01 Banking 01
Prosperity by REGISTERING your Order with Brookmead, rather
2- R • , 410'JD 4r.· N. P. 12. I dell" 26 mins: East, 37.S leet to the first
! mcntioned pomt and plnce of beglnnlnK. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. in
The improvements thereon nre a
2! ~ -story stone nnd plastered house 32 feet
" t)" than for more Tank Cars and Tank Trucks from distant points.
Lower Merion, South Ardmore N 0,1 The Southcasterly line thereol running charge and S. W. Sargent & Company, Real Iront by 30 leet deep with 2.story plastered
1-R. 444; D., 113; N. P., 7; Ind., 3. 1along the middle of the partition wall .epa· Owners, and to be sold by addition 10 feet by 8 feet with I •• tory
Golden Guernsey Pasteurized Milk . 15c per quart
, .1 . I N rating these from premlscs to the South- pla.tered "ddition 20 leet by 6 leet, with
Lower Merion, Sout 1 A1"( more 0, cast. EDWIN H. BELLIS, Sheriff.
4 rooms on first Aoor. 4 rooms lind bath on
2-R., 57!); D., 244; N, P., 8; Ind., 1;: l'Iccond floor. cellar. gas. electric. Spring. GoldeJ;1 Guernsey Inspected Raw Milk. 17c per quart
Roval Oak, 1.
I The improvements thereon are a
N : Z·story frnmc nnd plastered housc, 14 feel
ALL THOSE CERTAIN piece or parcel. field water, heating system, porch front.
of land with the buildings and improve- 2·car plastered garage 161eet by 16 leet.
Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, ~~Iced Cream"
Lower l\lerion, South Ardmore 0., front by 36 feet deep, with 3 room' on Iirst ments thereon erected, SITUATE in the
3-R., 605; D., 116; N. P., 5. i floor . .) rooJns nnd bath on second floor. Dai!y Deliyeries to All Parts of the Main Line
N i cellar, gas. el('clric lighls, Springfield wnter,
Lower Merion, Sout I1 Ar(I more D. hcatinl~ system, porch lront.
Boroullh 01 Narberth. County 01 Montgom· Seized and taken in execution as the
ery, nnd State of Pennsylvania, and desig~ pro!",erty 01 Charles Coulter Benkert and i
nated and known as lots numbered 261, Eloise 13. Benkert and to be sold by
4-R., 667; D., 118; N, P., 21; Soc,,!.
Lower l\1erion, \Vest Ardmore-R., Seized nnd takcn in execution 05 the
262, nnd 263 on n certain plan of lots called
":-.1arberth Grove" surveyed lor Wood, Har· EDWIN H. I3ELLlS, Sheriff.
I Brookmead Guernsey Dairies
676: D" 118: N. P" 21; Soc,,!.
property 01 William T. Harris. Mortgagor.
Jamcs Eaton. Real Owner, nnd to be sold
mon and Company. by S. M. Garrigues. Down Money $200.00 on each sale
Civil Engineer. which plan is duly filed 01 Sheriff's Office. Norristown, Po. I WAYNE, PA. 'Phone WAYNE 1121
Lower :\1erion, East Lower (Pen- by record in the office for Recording of Deed, ..\Ul:ust 31, 1937
coyd)-R., 637; D., 2M; N. P., 16: EDWIN B. BELLIS, Sheriff.
Soc., 2.
Lower Merion, Bala-R., 691; D" ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece 01
110; N, P" 35; Ind., 3. ground with the buildings and improve-
Lower :Merion, Cynwyd-R., 10·15: ough ments thereon erected, Situnte in the Bor~
of i\'arberth in the County of Mont·
D., 167; N. P., 7; Soc., I: Ind., 4. gomery and Stn te of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described according to a certain 8ur-
vey thereof made by Milton R. Yerke., C. E.,
MOI'c Raiscs Givcn September 4. 1920. as lollow., to wit: I3E·
GI~NI:'-1G at a point in the middle of Home-
Borough Employes wood /h'cnue (50 (to wide) at the di!tance
01 125 ft. i"orth 20 deg., 26 min. West Irom
Continued trorn Jlng-(· (JIlP tht' intt'rsection of the said middle line of
Ilomewood Avenue with the middle line of:
to be rather remiss in looking" out for Snbine "venue (50 flo wide) thence ex·
the borough trees. tending South 69 deg. 34 min. West 66.23
Robert F. Wood, chairman of the ft. to lanrl now or late 01 Laura M. Watkin,
tlll'ncc along said land the two follOWing
Hig-hway and Sewer Committee, re- courscs and distances North 21 deg., 22
ported that county-aid work on min. \Vest, 19.1 It. to an old .tone and
~orth 22 dell·. 6 min. We.t 16 It. to a'
Berkeley avenue probably would point, thence North 69 deg., 34 min. East:
start next week. During August an 87.09 It. to a point in the middle 01 .aid'
8-inch sewer main was laid in this SiiOll' South Avenue
Homewood and thence along the i
20 deg., 26 min. Ea.t 37.1 It. I
Joseph 1\1. O'Collnor, Inc., develop- to the first mentioned point and place of I
ment. lwginning. the Northwesterly line thereof
.. running olons the middle of the partition:
He also reported that Lanl\\ ~ Il Willi diViding the.e Irom premises to the:


lanc had becn resurfaced by til(' bol'-, t'orthwl'st, i
ough at about :;;:WO expen"e to thl' I
The improvcmC"nts thereen 11 re a
private street's residents. 2.5tory frame find pla.tered house 14 leet
Eugcne n, Davi~. of tJ1(· I3l1ildill.~· front by 36 Icet deep, with 3 room' on first,
noor. 3 rooms nnd bath on second floor.!
Committee, reported "'\'l'll J11'rIl1l1 cellar, gas, electric, Springfield water, heat·
were taken out ill August for eon- ing system, porch Iront.
struction estimated to cost $1538 and Seized and taken in execution n~ the
that Building Inspector George 13. property of \Villinm T. Ha.rris, mortgagor,
Suplee had made fifty-fiw inspections James En ton, real owner, and to be sold by ;
with seven completed.
William H. Durbin, chairman or
the Public Safety COmll1ittl'l', repllrtl'd
EDWI:-.1 H. I3ELLlS, Sheriff.

.·\LL TII . \T CERTAIN lot 01 land with,

tl-ll' buildings Dnd impro,-'ements thereon:
Today's low prices
that the 20-milc ~pecd limit si~ll~ Oil " .. ected. situate in the 130rough of Nar.
Narberth and Haverford ave)lt)e~ had berth. ~lontgomery County, Pennsylvania,
been removed.
Council authorized the siJ.!,'ninj.!,' of
a fuel oil contract with the !':arlJ<'l'th
<Inri bounded and described as foHows, to
. wit:
13CGIN:-.1I:-:G at a point on the Westerly
subject to change
side of Dudley Avenue at the distance of
Coal Company for heatinJ.!,' the CUIl)- ,o0 leet North 12 degs. II min •. We.t
Illunity building.
Kilcullen Na'l1l'J C.":01:i:l
from the point of intersection of the said
side 01 Dudley Avenue with the Northerly
side 01 Windsor Avenue (both 50 leet
"'ide); thence Sou th 77 deg.. 49 min •.
without notice!
''Vcst 125 feet to n point, n corner; thence
Earl J. Kilcullen, BI'.. okhurst :1\' North 12 degs. 11 min •. We.t 38.63 lect to
nUe, Lower :\1erioll township, h:ls Ill'l" a point, 0 corner; thence North 70 degs. 10
THE BIGGEST bargain in motor MANY PRICES ALREADY amazingly low. Chrysler quality
appointed an examincr for the Pl'lll! mins. 30 seconds Ea.t 126.12 feet to the
said side of Dudley Avenue; and thence
car history is staring you right RAISED! YOU'VE SEEN most car means few repairs and longer life.
sylvania Public Utility Cllo:llll:S<' ,11. i along the ."me South 12 deg.. II mins. in the face! It's the big, roomy
East 55.6 f(>ct to the first mentioned point prices jump in the last few weeks.
was learllell this week. Thl' 1'''·-, 1':1 .... and
$2400 a year.
place 01 beginning. I3EING No. 226
Chrysler Royal . . . with which But we can still deliver a big, beau-
Dudley Avenue ..
The improvements thereon are a
Chrysler has invaded the low- new car, why not save money by
2·story plastered house, 16 leet Iront by tiful Chrysler Royal at its original
Mrs, Ella V. Supplee ~6 feet deep, \vith 3 roomS on first floor,
buying it now? Trade trouble and
priced field. low price. You may never see such
Funeral services \\'l're held 011 3 rooms ond bath on second floor, cellar,
gas. electric lights. Springfield water, heat~
expense for saving and satisfaction.
Thursday afternoon for :\1rs. Ella Y. inj: systcm. porch front. a buy again . . . and next week
But do it now! We can't guarantee
Supplee, wife of the late William D. I'car metal garage 10 leet by 12 leet.
COSTS ARE RISING! may be too late!
Supplee, from her late rcsidellce, 111 Seized and taken in execution as the:
PRICES against higher prices a single day
\Voodside avenue. Interment was at property of Janet E. Traver. since inter-: of everything are rising. Manu- You save on purchase prices if ahead.
West Laurel Hill Cemetcry. married and now kno\\'n as Janet E. 510-:
!n('n&ki, Mortgagor and Real Owner. and
1\1rs. Supplee, who died on Tllcstla~· to be sold by
facturing costs are soaring. vVe you buy now. . but that's only Come in today and drive a
after a short illness, is sUI'\'ived by cannot say exactly what the factory part of the story. This wonder of Chrysler Royal. Don't put it off
two sons, William D. Supplee', of In- will do. But it stands to reason that Chrysler engineering saves you another minute!
dianapolis, Ind., and \\"arner R. Sup- . \ LL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of· money every day you drive it.
pIce, of Narberth, and one grandson., I:round with the buildinll' and improve. selling prices must be advanced to
ments thereon erected. situate in the Bor·: TUNE IN ON MAJOR BOWES, COLUMBIA
~~==~===========~~'ough of Narberth, County of Montgomery,' meet rising costs ••• and it may Owners report 18 to 24 miles NETWORK, E~ERY THURSDAY, 9 TO
und Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded and.
SHERIFF'S SALE rl.{'scribcd according to a survey and plan happen any day! per gallon. OJ consumption is 10:00 P. M., E. D. S. T.
thereol made as lollow., to wit: BEGIN·'
By virtue of various writs. issued out or ~I:-:G at a point on the Northeast .ide 01'
the Court of Common Plens of Mentgom. ~arberth Avenue (50 It. wide) at the dis·
cry County, Penna., to me directed, will be tance 01 56.82 It. North 12 deg., 11 min.
sold at Public Sale on \\'t'st from the junction of the Northeast
: sic.Jt" line of Narberth Avenue with ths
\\·EDNESDAY. SEPTDIBER 29, 1937 :'\orth\\'("st side line of Haverford Road;

thence from said point of beginninR along'
at 1.00 o'c1ock, P. :\'1.. Eastern Standard the ~orthcn5t side line of Narberth A,,'e. i
Time, in Court Room ".t\,oo at the Court nuc ~orth 12 dcg .• II min. \Vest 20 ft.;
I-touse, in tht~ Borough of Norristo...... n. said tlwnc(" ~orth iO d("g., 49 min. East passing
County, the following de~cribed Real Eso throul.:h the middle of the partition wnll.
tate: separating the building on the premises
hl'rt>l>\' t::rnnted from the building adjoining
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece 01 on th·e :--:orthwest 70 It. to a point in the:
ground with the building:s and improve- middlt> of a 20 ft. wide alley; thence along
ments thereon erected. Situate in the Bor- the middle line of suid oBey South 12 deg.,
ough 01 Narberth, County 01 Montllomery,: II min. East 20 It.; and thence South 77 I
and State of Pennsylvanin. bounded and deg .. 4Q min. \Vest passing through the!
described Dccording to a survey and plan middle of the partition wall 8epnrating the' NEW (HRYSLERS AND PLYMOUTH ON DISPLAY AT
thereQf mnde. as follows, to ""it: 1building on the premises herehy granted
from the building adjoining on the South-
BEGINNING at a point in the Northea.t. cast iO It. to the place 01 beginning.
erly side of CrnylinR A'venue. at the dis-·
tance 01 182.52 leet South 6 deg •. 15 min.. TOGETHER WITH and reserving the

East from the point of intersection of said free rig:ht, Use, liberty and privileges of an
.ide 01 Grayling Avenue with the South. alley 20 It. in width along the rear line 01
easterly side of Price Avenue; thence ex- i the above described premises and other
tending North 60 deg.. 16 min.. East,'
The present Chrysler price IS about ~100 more
123.95 leet to a point; thence South 9 deg"1 ~------------------"1
44 mlns. Ea.t, 41.98 feet to a point: thence
South 80 dell" 16 mins. We.t, 125.04 leet I
to tne .ide 01 Grnylinll Avenue; and thence' than any one of the three lowest priced cars.
along the .ame i"orth 8 deg •. 15 min •. We.t
42 leet to the place 01 beginning.

UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain reo

strictions. nnd also to the payment of n
certain Mortgage Debt 01 $4,000.00, with

The improvements thereon 8 re a

2 % ·story pla.tered hou.e, 24 leet Iront by
26 leet deep, with I·.tory Irame addition 8
leet by 10 leet. with 4 room. on first floor.
3 rooms and ba th on second floor. 2 rooms
on third floor, cellar, gas, electric light •.
Springfield water, heating system, porch
front. EDW. A. CARReLL co.
Seized nnd taken in execution as the Incorporated
and Real
of All M. Carlsrud and Lydia
A. Carl.rud, his wife, Mortgagors
Owners, and to be .old by
Selmont Ave, cI. Levering MIll Rd. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH SALES and SERVICE

ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece 01

grouad with the buildings and Improve.'
Telephone MANayun./c 0166
'.I••••••••••••••••• 237 Montgomery Avenue Cynwyd 16

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